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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. A familiarly sinister voice speaks from the speakers:[B]My beloved speciments! The game is on, and the game is fast. It's time for your THIRD trial![/b] All ten Survivor-candidates vanish from their current places, and reappear on a football field. To their surprise, at the other end there are two white elephants, with ropes hanging from them. The lunatic host stands near them in an Indian outfit. Sage:[b]Now, the Indigoth Tribe has received the electricity AND running water, while LimeTime's Mall is still without them. However, in this contest, there are THREE possible choices: water&electricity, two weeks supply of food, or... A MYSTERY PRIZE.This game is about them, and the winner can choose from these three, while the LOOSER will confront the Tribal Council. The game is called: "ELEPHANT MELEE!" Both Tribes will have their own elephant to push/pull/drag it from the starting point to the goal. The distance of these two is two hundred feet. BUT, because Limey's are two members short, two of the Indigoths CAN'T participate on this contest. The two have been randomly selected, and they are: SETH and RABID. However, they can support their Tribe -and harass the other- by shouting, cheering, applauses, booing, mocking... whatever they want.;) Are the rules clear? Okay, to your starting places! Survivors, GO![/B]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][SIZE=1] And as long as there's an open topic, I might as well add that there have been a few mentions of the need/nicety of having another Digimod. [Even from the members of the anti-Shy club.][/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] You must mean my mentionings, C-gal.;) But just to let you know, there is no "Anti-Shy club" anymore, and even if there is, I'm no longer a part of it. I think Shy is a great mod, he just got a bit carried away in the summer... erhm, by-gones!:D But digimon-section STILL needs new mods. One mod isn't enough AT ALL, because D_M can't possibly read ALL the posts people send there. After all, Digimon-section IS one of the most popular sections at the boards. I'm not saying it's absolutely obligatory to have one, because the section is pretty clean nowadays, but just in case... Spammers aren't going to stop coming to this boards ever, so we can well be prepared if a new "menace" rises.:naughty: Oh well, I can't believe I'M saying this, but James, would you consider giving us another digimod? Pweeease....:blush:
  3. Sandy

    Tamers: v2

    [Back on the devas] **************************** "Boy, [I]that[/I] was freaky!" Kumbhiramon said to his siblings as they left the Golden Gate behind them. "Like I would [I]ever[/I] want Vajramons horns or Shinduramons antennas!" The other five just rolled their eyes The six Devas, LadyDevimon, Piximon, Pabumon RedShinduramon and SnowBotamon were walking on clouds, because the Golden door had led them to there. "Fields of Time. It sure has been a while since I visited this place", LadyDevimon said witha touch of bitterness in her voice. "I wonder..." "Why isn't it Lay-Dee?" a voice said behind them. The group turned, and saw a smirking Clockmon. "My old friend!" LadyDevimon said, and ran to give the clock digimon a hug. "I was wondering I would see you here. Oh, it's so good to see you... And in such dark times friends really come in need." "So very true, my friend. Say, do you still hang out with that Phantomon-guy? What is it? Did I say something wrong?" Clockmon put his hand on the sobbing LadyDevimon's shoulder. Piximon flew to them. "Phantomon died just earlier today", he said quietly. "Oh I'm SO sorry! I had no idea..." "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault... It's all MINE!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The group of Devas looked at the reunion at little distance. "That wo-MON sure has been around!" Makuramon said. "Indeed. But I'm not comfortable for us lingering in a place such as this. The data-frame is weaker here, and it is uncertain if this place will hold up for very long", Majiramon said. "So, what you're BASICALLY saying, is that we should get the heck out of here, before this place goes KABOOM?" Pajiramon asked. "Quite right", Majiramon agreed. "Then WHATTAHELLAREWEWAITINGFOR?" Makuramon shouted in panic. "Umm, I don't think we are going anywhere very soon..." Chatsuramon said weakly, and nodded his head to the direction behind the others. Galacticmon had arrived. **************************** [Sorry guys, I searched for half an hour to find a picture of Galactic, but with no success. Luckily I got the name of his attack at least. I'll just have to go blind on this.:( ] ***************************** Everybody gathered on Majiramon's back. "What the %&#¤! is THAT?" LadyDevimon shrieked. "I honestly don't know, but we are leaving this place IMMEDIATELY!" the mighty dragon answered. He circled away from the huge monstrosity absorbing the Fields of Time. "One can easily guess where THAT came from", Pajiramon muttered. "How so?" Clockmon asked. "A data-eating program doesn't ring a bell? The HUMANS did this!" the sheep said icily. "Oh BA-GAH!" Makuramon shouted, and pointed to the ground."Check that out, bros! It's Vajramon!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vajramon had unfortunately materialized right in front of Galacticmon. He looked at the monster, first in disbelief, then frustrated. "Well, isn't this GREAT! I barely make it from the claws of a oversized lunatic, and end up facing a world-eating creep! Why don't just every abominations just run to me and let me DIE!" [I]Vajramon! Brother![/I] "What?" Vajramon glanced around. Did he just hear his brothers shouting him? "Hey! Up here!" The ox-deva looked up, and saw his family come to rescue. But also Galacticmon was approaching him with great speed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Well, brothers -and sister-, I think it's time for some SERIOUS catalysting!" Chatsuramon announced. The six Devas unleashed their powers. "Pabumon digivolves to... Motimon... Tentomon... Kuwagamon... Okuwamon... GrandKuwagamon!" "RedShinduramon digivolves to... Eaglemon!" "Piximon digivolves to... Magnadramon!" "Clockmon digivolves to... Bulbmon!" The six Devas, LadyDevimon and SnowBotamon watched as their companions rushed to save their brother. But their attacks seemed to bounce from Galacticmon like superballs. "It's really strong!" Magnadramon shouted. "We cannot quit!" Eaglemon shouted back. "Again, friends! For the sake of Digital World!" It was desperate, and totally in vain. Nobody even suspected that three non-Tamer megas and an ultimate could do any damage to the new menace. But they did their best to get Vajramon into safety. Galacticmon didn't even seem to notice them, until the four opponents shot him at the face similarily. It roared, and unleashed his attack. "RAGNAROK CANNON!" They all got wiped out. Vajramon, who had succeeded to flee far away from the monster, got knocked to a pile of clouds. The light of the attack could be seen from all over the Digital World. LadyDevimon looked at the sight horrified. "No... All of them...gone?!" The will inside her grew... the will to fight! She handed SnowBotamon to Makuramon, and looked at the group of astonsihed Devas. "Give me your strenght! GIVE IT TO ME!!!" The Devas couldn't do anything but obey the dark queen, so demanding was the look in her eyes. LadyDevimon felt the light of transformation surrounding her. She had the power... "LadyDevimon digivolves to... [B]Lilithmon!!![/B]" The black angel spread her multiple wings, and dashed towards the humongous creature. "YOU... SHALL... PAY! PHANTOM PAIN!!!" As the stream of pure pain hit Galacticmon, it let out a big roar that shook the skies, then flickered, and finally vanished. But Lilithmon's rage wasn't tamed yet. She saw enemies everywhere -enemies killing her friends and loved ones- and she felt nothing but will to avenge. The devas decided to leave her be for a while, and they started to look for their once-again-lost brother. ******************************** [There, that ought to do my part for a while. Few notes: Galacticmon did NOT die (don't think he was THAT easy). It just switched place. I think that the humans on the material world are controlling it, and as they saw too much resitance on one area, they just changed the spot. "The Digital world must come down!". And I REALLY, REALLY want a picture of Galacticmon! And though Piximon digivolved to Magnadramon as did Bastemon, he shouldn't be worried about, because...well, he's DEAD now. So are RedShinduramon, Pabumon and Clockmon. Sorry about the harvesting.:bluesweat: Soon, seven Devas will be reunited, then we'll have three more to go (plus the dead ones).]
  4. Back at the Tribal Council. Sage:[B]The decision has been made: for the sake of the other Tribe-members of LimeTime, I shall cast a SPECIAL vote to Ryan Schezar. He QUIT, so let him go in a quitter's way. Behold the WHEEL OF MISFORTUNE![/B]*reveals a giant wheel with flashy lights* [B]This shall confront ANYBODY who messes with [i]moi[/i] and my rules! Ryan, take a spin.[/B] :devil: Ryan: Err...duh?*spins the wheel* The Wheel of Misfortune spins, and the four other Limeys stare at the event horrified. Ryan obviously just stands there without realising his upcoming destiny... The Wheel stops. The arrow points at KITTY. Sage: [B]Congratulations, Ryan! For your crime of QUITTING, you shall confront my favorite pet: Kitty the Humongous Sabertooth.[/B] A huge sabertoothed tiger with a pink collar jumps out of nowhere, gorges Ryan, and afterwards purrs softly. Sage:[B]Ryan, the Tribe -and Kitty- have spoken. :smirk: Now EVERYBODY's happy...well, except Ryan, of course, but what can he do about it anymore?:laugh: LimeTime-Tribe, or what's left of it, you are dismissed - and better to shapen things up, or at the merge we have six Indigoths and zero Limeys. :therock:[/B] ******************************** [I received three votes, each one of them voting for Ryan (DarkOrderKnight), and also because he wanted it, he got evicted. I think everybody agree to my decision. The game continues. Expect a new contest on Wednesday.]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B] How could you accuse Bush of being anything close to a dictator. He had the chance to be a dictator and still has the chance yet he isn't. AFter 9-11 congress passes a bill that allowed Bush to basically do whatever he wanted, and he wouldn't have to confront anyone about it. Yet he hasn't taken full power. Instead he even talked to the legislation and congress about attacking Iraq. He could've just ordered an attack. He is acting more responsible then most presidents of the United States, so I don't see how he is even considered close to a Dictator. If you don't know they still haven't removed the bill. [/B][/QUOTE] What do you mean?! Bush has totally ignored United Nations, and is planning to attack to Iraq no matter what they do! Saddam hasn't blown up any skycrapers, but STILL he irritates Bush so much he is willing to START A WAR. War is NEVER an answer to anything; it only causes misery and pain! Why don't you Americans see that? Are you too blinded by bloodlust? Gosh, and you still ahve the nerve to say that ANY god is blessing your actions! :rolleyes: Sorry, I'm heating up again!:blush: I didn't mean to get personal, but I just had to get this out of my chest: it isn't like I could just go and yell directly to the Bush-man...
  6. The Indigoth Tribe are trying their best to keep their boat together, using EVERYTHING they have: rope, glue, Benjo... They managed to get past the central whirlpool, but so did the sharks -and these sharks REALLY like sweets!:toothy: Just as the indigoths think they are going to get eaten, trumpets blast, and serpentine-rain falls on them, sticking to their wet clothes. The river had ended and they had WON! Sage: [B]Congratulations, Indigoth Tribe! Seems like Fortuna is on your side... well, not exactly, because the LimeTime Tribe had to give up the contest, because they hit a horde of piranhas. So, you have won the immunity-idol for the SECOND time in a row. Here you go![/b] *throws a pink, rotten ballfish to the tribe* [B]Enjoy your victory, I'm off to meet the LimeTime Tribe at THE TRIBAL COUNCIL![/B] *throws a smoke-bomb and disappears* *********************************** At the Central Point, the wet and the miserable-looking LimeTime Tribe awaits for their judgement. Sage:[B]Welcome, everybody! This is your SECOND tribal council. Tough luck, aye? So, Athena, Geroshi, Ryan, Kevin and Karina, how has it been since Igor left you?[/B] Ryan: Duh... Huh? Kevin: What the heck are we gibbering about? Let's just get this over with! The girls: YEAH! Sage:[B]As you wish. It's time to VOTE![/B] ***************************************** [I know, I was early, but I just wanted this game to move on before more people get bored in it. Sorry!:blush: Limeys, this time there is a specific reason that you lost: YOU DIDN'T POST!:therock: That's no way to win the match! Well, your loss, it's time to vote, so I KINDLY ask you to PM me your vote. Five left, only four can stay! Vote well. And I ask you, LimeTime, NOT to post to this thread before my next post, because you are at the Tribal Council.Agreed? Okay. Indigoths, you may post onward.]
  7. I don't think Europe has any "loonies" trying to get to power, but in [i]the western continent[/i] has a pretty good candidate right now. :smirk: Cough, sorry... I REALLY don't like what the first writer (sorry, your name is WAY too difficult!) said about "is the u.s. doing anything", beacuse that automatically assumes that USA is the GOOD guy, who will save us Europeans from any madman trying to take over. Sorry, but I highly doupt that European countries will EVER let U.S to become their "big brother". One country CANNOT rule/guard the entire world, because THAT'S dictatorship. To MY opinion, Tony Blair is just a big suck-*** for Bush, and all the once-so-powerful countries of Europe are trembling under Bush's guarding eye. How can this be? I'm really troubled by this...:( So, let's all just think about the dictators of the present day before we try to prophetize the coming ones, right? (Okay, Bush isn't really a dictator -yet, but if things keep going the direction HE wants too much, then the rest of the world will have some SERIOUS problems...)
  8. [B]My children of lime and indigo! The time has come again to get your butts to the Central Point, and get a contest started![/B] *All the members from both tribes vanish from their current positions, and reappear at the Central Point.* [B]Welcome to the second competition, both tribes! Are you feeling [i]thirsty[/i]? :naughty: Let me tell you something about this playground o' mine: there are three rivers streaming from tunnels of the Central Points. Below this square we are standing is a whirlpool where the three rivers stream from. Your task is to sail in your vessels of sugar upstream of one river, make it through the whirlpool at the crossing point, and then sail another river upstream to the goal -doing all this faster than the other tribe, of course. The tribes will leave from different rivers, and use the third river as the final stage. Understood? Your boats are waiting for you at your starting points. The first tribe to manage with their MELTING boats across the goal-line will get RUNNING WATER to their lodging place. Now, off you go! Let the sharks living at the water be full! BWAHAHAA![/B] :laugh: **********************************' [I will come back monday to announce the winner. REMEMBER, the tribe with better posts/funnier jokes/freakier action will win, so please don't claim that I'm taking sides, because I'm not. Good luck!]
  9. [b]Attention both tribes! The next competition is to be held in a matter of days. You better get yourselves prepared for some WET action. Both tribes, your task is to make you a FLOATING vessel... from SUGAR! BWAHAHAAAAAA!!!! The rest will clear up to you at the contest site. Be there or... BE A TRIANGLE! Bwahahaa!!! Erhm... yes, you have a couple of days time to make your self a sugar-boat, okay. SO GET ON WITH IT![/b]:devil:
  10. Wise words, Mnemo. (Whatever James will say ;) ) James, you do understand that we have people from such big age-differences, that not everything a twelve-years old writes can possibly be "mature" or "sophisticatedly witty"? C'mon, don't you remember what it was like being a kid? Not worrying about things too much, letting loose from time to time? Why can't it happen online also? On this very board? If there is just [i]one[/i] place, just [i]one lowsy place[/i] to post free to, to introduce oneself in as many words as one wants, or to discuss about "your favorite things", then would it be such a nuisance that anybody couldn't bare it? To my belief, the majority of the spammers are under 15, and if the rules to the behaving on the REST of the sections is made VERY clear, then why don't we dedicate a "playground" to them? Okay, this is JUST a suggestion, and this doesn't have to go as far as I wrote above, but CONSIDER it, please! I know I'M not going to post in a section/thread as THAT, but there are so many frustrated younglings out there (and here), who NEED to let out steams from time to time. I have spoken.
  11. [b]I'm now counting the FOUR votes I got. Ryan and Athena did not vote, so that left them in a veeery akward position. :therock: First vote: Igor Second vote: Kevin Third vote: Ryan Final vote: . . . Igor Igor, your Tribe has spoken. It's time for you to go. Goodbye. The rest of you, head back to your dwelling.[/B] Igor leaves depressed, but swearing revenge... ******************** [Iggy, unfortunately, you cannot post in this thread anymore. The LimeTime tribe can post now. Thank you.]
  12. Sandy

    Tamers: v2

    Of course! We have Rana/Calamari too, remember? So Velgmon can be mega-level now, okay? I'll put in a little Vajramon here: ************************' "My...Sovereign..." the ox-deva gasped. He lifted his eyelids, and saw a scroched scenery in front of him. He stood up to his four feet, and glanced around. The sky was full of black clouds, and smoke rose from the dusty earth. Everything was black and grey, and miserable looking. "What?... I know not of this kind of place in the Digiworld. Where am I...?" Then he remembered. Parallelmon! "This can't be!" [b]"I SENSE ENERGY!"[/b] a sudden voice thundered. The clouds above him moved aside, and an enormous figure descended from the heavens. "M-Milleniummon!" Vajramon gasped. [i]This can't be...[/i] [b]"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I HAVE DESTROYED EVERYTHING A LONG TIME AGO!"[/b] Milleniumon said puzzled. "Everything? All of the Digiworld?" [b]"AND DIGIMONS TOO"[/b], the monstrosity replied, with a touch of bitterness in his voice.[b]"I AM THE FIFTH SOVEREIGN NOW... NO, NOT THE FIFTH... THE [I]ONLY[/i] SOVEREIGN! I WAS BLINDED BY THE POWER I RECEIVED, AND I... DESTROYED EVERYTHING. THE MATERIAL WORLD AS WELL AS THE DIGITAL. NOW... I REGRET. I GET NO PLEASURE OF RULING AN EMPTY WORLD OF NOTHINGNESS. BUT STILL, HERE I AM FACED WITH ONE OF THE THINGS I SMASHED, AND ALL I CAN ASK IS: WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"[/b] Milleniummon looked at the deva akwardly. "Parallelmon..." [b]"OF COURSE! PARALLELMON; THE ONLY ONE I COULDN'T DESTROY. METAMORMON AND GALACTIMON COULD DO NOTHING AGAINST HIM, NOT TO MENTION THE PITYFUL TAMERS OR THE WEAKLING-SOVEREIGNS! FINALLY HE FELL ONTO HIS OWN TRAP, BUT AT THAT POINT, I HAD ALREADY DESTROYED EVERYTHING HE HADN'T. NOW I AM ALONE. BUT NOW THAT YOU ARE HERE...MAYBE...YOU COULD STOP ME? NOT HERE AND NOW, OF COURSE -NOW IS TOO LATE. BUT AT YOUR [I]OWN[/i]DIMENSION. TAKE THIS AND PLANT IT ON ME THERE. IT IS MY WEAK SPOT... MY SOUL."[/b] A shining ball of light separated from Milleniumon, and landed on Vajramons hands. "But how will I get back?" Vajramon asked, amazed with the task he was given. [b]"PARALLELMON IS NOW INSIDE ME. IT'S A LONG STORY, BUT I HAVE NOW THE POWER TO SEND OTHERS TO DIFFERENT DIMENSION. SADLY, THERE IS NO-ONE TO SEND ANYWHERE, SO I AM STUCK HERE ALONE, POSSIBLY FOR AN ETERNITY. WELL, MAYBE SOME OTHER DIMENSION-TRAVELLER WILL COME, AND LET ME OUT OF MY MISERY. NOW GO, MY MESSENGER, AND STOP ME BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE -AGAIN!"[/b] Light surrounded Vajramon with the spore he held, and he vanished from the burned world, and returned to his own.
  13. The hyperactive Mask floated through the slimy tunnels followed by the indigoth tribe. Finally they reached a sealed door. Rabid:*grinning* Goodie! More things to blow up...:naughty: Yami: This MUST be it! :devil: YES! I'M the WINNER! ME! I shall be The Queen Of The Entire Wo... Indigoths: :therock: Yami: :blush: Benjo: Whattare we waitin' fo'? Seth: Umm, in case you haven't noticed, theres about three tons of steel in front of us. Benjo: Okay, let the dame do the job. Rabid: Yesh!:toothy: *KABOOM* After the dust had settled the indigoth tribe saw a hurring generator from the remains of the door. At the top was a holcer for a flag. Rabid: Frankie, get the flag up there. Frankie: Yesma'am. As soon as Frankie had put the flag on the holder, the room disappeared, and the indigoth tribe was in fresh air, the Sage of Wackopolis and the depressed looking LimeTime tribe in front of them. Sage:[B]Congratulations, Indigoth tribe! You are the winner of "O Light of Life, Where Art Thou?", and you shall be rewarded the immunity idol.[/b] *picks up a dead rat with a tie, and hands it to the winning tribe* Indigoths: Yew!:drunk: Sage: *turns to face the losing tribe*[B]LimeTime tribe, we will see at the Tribal Council... now![/B] The scenery and the Indigoth tribe disappear, and LimeTime members find themself sitting around a burning trashcan. Sage:[B]Welcome to the first Tribal Council, LimeTime-tribe. Let me say that the competition was really tight, but still... YOU LOST! :laugh: Erhm, anyway, you shall all give your vote now (PM ME!), and as you all know, the decision is final and blah blah...Let's vote![/B] ***********************************' [Sorry LimeTime, Indigoths had a LITTLE better posts than you, but better luck next time! (or LIMEtime!:laugh) Now, the members of the lime-tribe CANNOT post ANYTHING to this thread until ALL of them have voted. If some won't vote, they shall be PUNISHED!...Okay, no, but it will be very sad, because somebody might be dropped out although everybody haven't voted. I will announce the leaver as soon as I get your votes (you can also give reasons for your decision, but it isn't necessary). Thank you!]
  14. My translated name is kinda funny... In english, I'm Sam John Sandy, because my REAL name is Sami Juhani Hietanen. :D Yeah, Sam Sandy, yay... ...Oh no! :eek: What did I do! Now [i]they[/i] know where I'm hiding, and they're gonna fetch me! Somebody hide me QUICK! ...Okay, that was lame...:rolleyes: I just wanted to bring out that some people's panicing about revealing their name on the net is kinda funny. I mean, who would have interest in some "Neil Normal"? Stasi? Gestapo? FBI? KGB? CIA? Tell me! :shrug:
  15. I don't really think this thread will linger... the mods have certain SOMETHING against these kind of threads. But to answer the question, I don't think very many people think of me one way or the other - I'm just one of the mass, I guess. And if I get noticed, it's always because my annoyance-meter has gone too far...:blush: But sure, there are some people who really ARE adored, as the "rolemodel"-thread (which turned into "all my friends here"-thread) pointed out.
  16. [I]Listen up, my guinea-pigs! As you have noticed, your logding places DO NOT have electricity or running water... yet. However, light shall fall upon the winning team of THE FIRST CONTEST![/I] Here's the deal: The first contests is named "O Light of Life, Where Art Thou?" Both tribes will enter the city's sewer system, and they have to walk through PITCH BLACK tunnels filled with FILTH. Ain't pretty, I'll tell you. :naughty: The catch is that you will have to follow the poems of Victorian era-type to find the main generator. Which tribe gets their flag first on top of the generator, will win the ELECTRICITY and IMMUNITY. The losin tribe will face the Tribal Council at the Central Point. This is the time to send some suggestive PM:s to some possible allies. The game gets started SERIOUSLY now.:demon: BAD luck, and play Unfair, my Little Tribes!:laugh: [Practically this will work this way: ANY ONE of you may write about the progress of the contest from the point of view of YOUR tribe. I will come here either on Sunday or Monday to announce the winner (HINT: it is the tribe that has better/funnier/freakier posts). Then the members of the losing tribe will private mail me the name of their nominative for the one getting evicted. All clear?]
  17. Hey, why didn't you tell what were the scores the three of them had from the other housemates? Not that it would affect my decision, but I'm just too curious a person to know...:D And I think the "outsider discussion" thread somebody suggested in the first eviction-thread was a good idea. I'm sure many of us would like to get to analyze who will be the next to go, whose their favorite so far, who will eventually win... Okay, maybe it should go to the sparring section...;)
  18. [I]Calling both Tribes!You have now entered my playground: [B]Wackopolis[/B]! Welcome!:devil: Now rush to your dwelling places, my playtoys, and enjoy your first night here. There are no other living creatures here besides you, STILL I warn you NOT to go out at dark, because your game will most likely end sooner than expected in that case... *evil grin* Anyway, I hope you will ENJOY your time here - how long or short it may be - with me and SURVIVOR: ThE fReaKShoW! *maniac laughter* [/I]:devil:
  19. [I]An empty city... ruled by a total looney... twelve have been summoned... six males and six females... to join in the game of life and death... only one can be the winner... and become THE FREAKIEST SURVIVOR OF THE UNIVERSE![/I] [u]The teams:[/u] [COLOR=limegreen]LimeTime Tribe[/COLOR]: (You will put your chara's name somewhere in your signature in [I]limegreen[/I]) Kevin, 18 years old magnetic superhero (Circéus) Igor, 15 years old alien surgeon (Iggy) Ryan Schezar, 37 years old retarted mechanic (DarkOrderKnight) Karina, 16 years old student (starlight) Geroshi, 500 years old pervert shop keeper (calumon luver) Athena/Daisy, 20 years old schizophrenic moonchild (Rain) [COLOR=indigo]Indigoth Tribe[/COLOR]: (You will put your chara's name somewhere in your siggy in [I]indigo[/I]) Candy, a sugar fairy of unknown age (Faris) Rabid, 22 years old former commando (Digital_Monster) Yami, 15 years old vampire queen (Darkmoon) Seth, immortal superhero with the looks of 22 years old (Arikel) Franky, 1000 years old monster (G/S/B master) Benjo, 17 years old DragonBall-wannabe (GotenksSSJ343) Gather your troops, and head to your headquarters. LimeTime Tribe, you will live at [B]The Shopper's Nightmare-Mall[/B] southwest from this central point we are currently in. Indigoths, your dwelling is [B]The Haunted Hotel[/B] northeast from here. Before every contest, the site of the game is sent to your mailboxes. The contests will occur about twice a week (except this week), and the losing tribe will vote of one of their own. The Tribes will merge when there are six people/beings left. You will get NOTHING with you, so make sure you snatch something to eat from the abandoned grosery stores on your way to your new home. Survivors, GO! ********************* The SPECIAL rules of this game: 1)this is purely RPG, you are playing characters, so if your chara gets kicked out 5 to 1, it means your CHARACTER is disliked, not you. If anybody get's truly personal, the game is over for him/her. 2)No killing sprees. Only I and the person him/herself can kill hi/her own character, understood? This doesn't mean you couldn't do some serious damage, though... :devil: 3)No rebelling against ME! I am the game leader! Bwahaahaaa!!! 4)You can write other's sayings (just like in the Otaku Big Bro), as well as the progress of the contests, except that I will be the one judging how the contests will end. 5)Most of all, this is SUPPOSED to get chaotic, so if your mixed up, it doeasn't matter because I will probably be too... :toothy: I'm doing this just for the pleasure of irrational action, so HAVE FUN! Game starts at the situation that the two tribes are heading towards their new homes. If you have ANY questions, send me a PRIVATE MESSAGE. This thread is purely for the game! ENJOY!:devil:
  20. Darkmoon, you're the twelveth contestant. LET THE GAME BEGIN! (Meaning, get your butts to the Adventure arena!)
  21. Okay... nothing's really happened since yesterday... but let's just wait for tomorrow: THEN the game will start, promise! Twelve is actually a good number; that way we have two teams of six, and the game wouldn't last that long... Okay, we will wait for the twelveth (spelling?) contestant, and if we don't have one by tomorrow, I'll have to kick somebody out... So now's your change to join the most chaotic game on this boards!
  22. I got Cera too... that's funny, because my answers were OPTIMISTIC ;). Teh, just kidding, it's kind of a honor to be connected to C-gal!:p But it was weird that when I took the test the second time, putting all "i'm stupid as butt" and "I'm no good"-answers as a joke, I was... Ravenstorture?:eek: I would also like to know who all can one be in that test of yours, Mnemo. (No, I DO NOT believe I'm in it -I'm not such a famous person! ;) )
  23. Let's see: we have 11 contestants now. Circéus as [b]Kevin "the magneto-man" Lefebvre[/b] Faris as [b]Sugar "the sugar fairy" Candy[/b] Iggy as [B]Igor "the alien surgeon"[/B] D_M as [B]Suzanne "the mutant commando" Delaney, aka Rabid[/B] Arikel as [B]Seth "the immortal superhero" Demos[/B] starlight as [B]Karina "the studentess"[/B] caluver as [B]Geroshi "the pervert ancient hag"[/B] G/S/B master as [B]Franky "the monstrous buttler" Frankenstein[/B] Gotenks-something-something as [B]Benjo "the DB-man" Kakarzotto[/B] DarkOrderKnight as [b]Ryan "the vegetable-brain" Schezar[/b] Rain as [B]Athena "the schitzofrenic moonchild"[/B] Nice freakshow we got here... I've decided to take about twenty contestants to this RPG. Remember folks, this isn't a REAL competition, nobody's goins to win any prizes (except the taste of winning), and if you get evicted from the "show", you should only be glad, because it's REALLY going to be LUDICROUS! :excited: Juu, you asked about the setting, right? Well, as I said, the "playground" is going to be an empty city, a total "concrete jungle", and it will be armed with the Sage's mechanic thingies keeping an eye on the teams 24-7!!! Bwhahahaaa!!! ...err, okay. This will probably get started at the beginning of next week, and then I shall announce the contestants (how many of them there might be), the rules®ulations, the teams and how to win. Do ask anytime, if anything is irritatingly unclear, but I'm gonna explain all in few days. Your insane-yet-brilliant host: ~Sage~ :demon:
  24. Okay, I don't know if this is going to work, but let's give it a shot... So, I got this idea yesterday night (note: NIGHT!), and I thought it would be perfect for all of us who have to just watch the progress of Otaku Big Bro (though the housemates are also welcome to join this ;) ). Basically, this is a Survivor-parody, but the special feature in this is that you (as a contestant) can be ANYTHING from a schitzofrenic to the worlds fattest lady, from a vampirelord to a freaking martian. Of course, some "Neil Normals" add some interesting conflicts to the game. Okay, the Unofficial Otakuboards Survivor: The Freakshow takes place in an imaginary desecrated city with scyscrapers, parks, subwaytunnels and whatnot. [I]I[/I], Sage, shall be the sagacious-yet-sadistic host of the Survivor: The Freakshow, and I shall add some chaotic features to the game which the original does not (and will never) have.:devil: But remember, this will only succeed if you participate. I'm not sure how many contestants I will take, but it will be in the order of participating, so BE FAST. Also, if I have less than six participants, this will most likely NOT going to happen... So, let's have some WACKY time with Survivor: The Freakshow! ***************************************** Send in this thread: your characters name (two or more names, and mark the name in which to call you) your age (anything from half year to six billions) your race/kind/type/whatever (eg. werewolf, shemale, fallen angel...) your occupation (eg. multimillionaire, housewife, assassin...) your origin (eg. Texas, Siberia, Mars...) your bio NOTE: be creative and original, so we can have many laughs! ******************************************** PS. I'll post more rules & regulations when/if I get few participants, but don't hesitate to ask! ~Sage~
  25. Sandy

    Tamers: v2

    [I feel like posting now, so I'm gonna! It's been a while, but I think I'll continue with the party of six devas, LadyDevimon, Phantomon,Piximon, RedShinduramon, Pabumon and SnowBotamon, plus a bunch of Bakemons that survived from the battle against Devimon. NOTE: Remember all, that Vajramon got sucked into one of the Parallelmons dimension too.Hope I got all the supportings along... So, to the abyss!] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It had been a while since the Tamers with their partners disappeared among them, LadyDevimon could do anything but to continue forward. "Are you absolutely, positively sure we can get out of this hell-hole this way?" Kumbhiramon asked, bouncing at the demonette's side. The gloomy lady was obviously irritated, and she tightened her arms around SnowBotamon she was petting. "Look, I DO NOT KNOW! This IS the way, but I don't know if it is..." She stopped as she saw that the tunnel in front o0f them was covered by large boulders of rock. "...blocked", she concluded. "Well isn't this just GREAT? What do we do now?" the rat deva asked with an annoying voice. LadyDevimon grabbed him, and threw him towards the rocks. "Why don't YOU figure it out?!" she screamed. [i]Do calm down, dear. I will go trough the obstacle, and find out how much of the tunnel has collapsed[/i], Phantomon offered. Isn't he a Hell's send?, LadyDevimon thought with a smile. But for some reason, Phantomon did not return. LadyDevimon send her loyal Bakemons to see what had happened, but they did not return either. Finally, LadyDevimon was alone with the six devas, RedShinduramon, Piximon and Pabumon -not to forget the SnowBotamon on her shoulder. The red bird digimon tried his electric shots, but it didn't do much damage. The devas decided to attack the rocks, and soon all five of them (Majiramon did not involve, for he barely fitted to the corridor) were hammering the wall. They progressed greatly,, but the amount of rocks seemed endless. Finally they all stepped behind the dragon deva, and he blew his mighty shot. After the dust had settled, they saw a golden gate in front of them. "Oh! My beloved husband and servants must've floated through that gate!" LadyDevimon cried. "Umm...so?" Makuramon asked. "You foolish monkey! That is the doorway to The Core,a shrine of digital life, and no one shall enter uninvited!" The dark digimonette sensed the remains of datapartickles in the air, and a bloody tear slid from her red eye. "Err, you DO know we haven't receive invitations either?" the monkey deva asked cautiously. LadyDevimon turned to face him with flashing eyes "YES! That is why we KNOCK ON THE DAMN DOOR!" Then she stormed to the gate, and knocked on it with her normal hand. [I]Do Come In, Visitors![/i] a voice through the door said. "That's all?" Pajiramon asked quietly from Chatsuramon. The Core was an enormous hall, walls covered with the sketchs of digital monsters. At the center of the hall was a ball of whirling light, floating above the floor. "What's that?" Pajiramon asked as quietly as she could, but still the question echoed from the empty walls. "That is The Digital Oracle, the keeper of the Core", LadyDevimon answered. Then she turned to the devas. "Listen carefully, you all. What you see now is one of the most guarded secrets of the Digital World, and only those who are destined will find the door. This is the shrine of all digimons, and the model of each species can be found here. Also, every new digimon's sketch will appear to these walls, as a mark that it exists. And when a species of digimon extincts, the sketch will disappear from here. Look at the ceiling." The devas looked, and saw the four Sovereigns, each approaching the center of the roof from their directions, Ebonwumon opposite to Zhuqiaomon, Azulongmon opposite to Baihumon. And at the center was a blurry figure, trying to make out a shape, but still it was unrecognizeable. [i]The fifth Sovereign[/i], a voice as quiet as an echo said. The devas also noticed, that between each Sovereign, was a ominous figure of one of the four menaces facing the digital world at this moment: Milleniummon, Parallelmon, Metamormon and Galacticmon. Though the last one had yet to appear, somehow they knew it was going to happen soon. The devas couldn't explain it -they just knew. "How do you know of this, LadyDevimon?" Mihiramon asked sceptically. "Let's just say this isn't my first time here", she answered quietly. After wondering about the miraclous hall for a while, they all approached the center where the Oracle was waiting. [I]You Have Finally Arrived, Oh Mighty Devas. I Have Been Awaiting. Your Path Has lead You Here, And Here Your Destiny Shall Be Fulfilled[/i], The glowing ball hummed. Then some of the images on the wall started to glow a ghastly light. There were twelve of them. The devas noticed that it was them! [I]Your Destiny Is To Help The Ultimate Sovereign... In One Form.[/I] The twelve images separated from the wall, and gathered above the Oracle. With a flash of light, they all had disappeared, and the spectators were looking at a model of a grand digimon, with pieces from each of the devas. [i]Meet Devamon; Your Destiny![/i], the Oracle declared. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [Okay, I hope we all can bend the rules this much: Devamon is a digimon consisting of parts from each Deva, thus it's a mega-level composition-digimon. I don't know from which parts it will consist from, but ALL the twelve will be included -Antylamon and the dead devas as well. This is my thought of how to make the devas useful, add little drama, and get Suzie to a bigger role: I think she is a good tamer for Devamon, right? The Devamon will appear as soon as all the living devas will gather, so no rush yet. I hope you will approve this idea, and feel free to use the Core in your parts of stories as well! Remember, it is accesible to all that are meant to get there,and it can be entered by knocking on a Golden Gate. Thank you!]
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