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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. I think it works well, if you keep the examples up for a while, and when they are getting away from the first page, delete them then. Of course, it would be pointless then, but it would please either opinions, ne? Gosh, when did I become a mediator?:rolleyes:
  2. Okay, this is one of those interview threads, but I'd really like to know What languages you have studied, or speak, or have anything to do with? Well, as a Finnish person, my mother's tongue is Finnish, but I've studied English nine years, since third grade, like most of the kids in my country, and Swedish as an OBLIGATORY subject five years (from seventh grade), which sucks, because [I]I[/I] suck at it. Well, it IS our second official language, so I guess it has to be learnt...Feh! Besides those, I studied French for some years, but left it behind an year back, mainly because it was mixing my studies in Spanish, which I still continue. Y me gusta español!:D Es muy facil y muy interesante... aunque no lo hablo muy fluentamente...:( Sí, that was that. What about you guys? Are you gurus at some foreign language? Has your education system any "recommendable" languages to be taught, or are they all optional? Tell me! Dígame!:D
  3. Hey, Lauren, I recall that Minnesota is very popular among Finnish immigrants. Does it show? I asked it because I'm from Finland, and to be more accurate, from Helsinki, the capital of the country. Hmm, Finland is a very good place to live in: we're mostly tolerant, we have progressed much in equal rights to men and women -we were the second country IN THE WORLD to give voting rights to females, plus we have a female president, and we have good economical situation here... well, not as good as it COULD be, but most people manage just fine. I don't think Finland -or especially Helsinki- is a dull place. On the contrary, Helsinki is JUST the right size for me, not a megapolis, yet not a Dopeyville. As a sad news, we just had a teenager making a suicide bomb-strike into one of our largest shopping centres, and six people died with him, and fifty got injured.:( Some of you MAY have even heard about it... I know it's nothing compared to last years September, but sad it was anyway, and it touched us Finns greatly. It's interesting to have these kind of threads (I started the previous one), just to hear how things work where you are from.
  4. I have few guarded secrets, and one that I don't even confess to my self... it's about finding my true self in this crazy world...:blush: nuff said! Yeah, childhood, the time you did all the embarassing stuff without hesitation... My worst thing was, that I often played with GIRL'S toys, you know, my little ponies, and such.:blush: But I think of it more of roleplaying, because I also liked lego-dudes&dudettes and actionfigures. The weirdest thing was that there had to be at least ONE female character in my playings, otherwise I felt that agreat injustice was being made to the other sex. Supporting equal rights from early age, I guess... So there, got THAT off my chest...:D
  5. Do you mean the actual [i]starting[/i] of a rpg, or pariticipating in one? Well, both ways, it's a matter of "magic of the moment", when things feel SO exciting and SO new, that you just can't miss them. I had a similar experience with the Big Bro-thingy. I thought I really wanted to be on it, but when I think of it now, I enjoy more reading about their suffering with demonic plushies and chainsaws...:devil: (That's what "reality"-shows were meant - to be watched). And of course there's always the aspect of things getting BORING. And because we're on the net, people don't have to take much of responsibilities here. If a rpg withers away, then it does - as simple as that!
  6. *Giggles uncotrolably* Those battles are so FUNNY! You use smileys ina very clever way, Neffie! :D Do make some more!;) Kyubimon vs. Ninetails would be BRILLIANT, and Patamon vs. Pikachu (which one is cuter?). Me wanna read more!!!
  7. Sandy

    Tamers: v2

    Actually, it was me who wrote the Jeri&Angels part, but it's really good people took my call. Now, let's beat some unbeatable buttock!:devil:
  8. Sandy

    Tamers: v2

    Jeri looked at her new, white d-power. "Seraphimon, a mega-level angel digimon. Is said to be the strongest mega-digimon on Digital World. Can this be?" Lucemon stepped forward."What do you want from us, calu?...err, I mean..." "BE NOT AFRAID, TAMER JERI, AND LITTLE LUCEMON. I HAVE COME TO YOU TO GIVE YOU A MISSION", the gigantic angel thundered. "STEP INTO THE LIGHT." A beam of light descended from the heavens, and Jeri and her partner stepped into it. But just before doing that, she looked back to the plain where Devimon's abyss had appeared and swallowed her friends. Was she the only one left...? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before them opened a city of golden domes, slender minaretes and columns of marble -everything shining in pure sunlight. "Is this...Heaven?" Jeri gasped, screwing up her eyes. "WELCOME TO THE GOLDEN CITY OF HARMONY, WHERE PEACE LINGERS AND EVIL DOES NOT EXIST", Seraphimon said. "Whoa, this is SO cool!" Lucemon screamed, sprinting in flight. "LET ME ESCORT YOU TO THE PALACE OF ULTIMATE JUSTICE", the reigning angel offered. Jeri and Lucemon started to walk by his side. The Golden City of Harmony was inhabited by angelic and mythical digimon. By a fountain an Angewomon was petting a Pegasumon, while a group of MangaAngemons chatted in the shadow of a huge crystal obelisk. The Palace of Ultimate Justice was one of three enormous castles. On it's right side was the Palace of Ultimate Salvation, and on it's right the Palace of Ultimate Truth. Hundreds of stairs rose to great golden doors of the palace. Lucemon carried Jeri above the stairs, which would have taken too much time and effort to climb by one's own feet. In front of the doors waited three figures as gigantic as Seraphimon. Jeri looked at her d-power again, and it told her that she was looking at Ophanimon, Mangadramon and Goldramon, all megas. "WELCOME TO OUR HOME, TAMER JERI", Ophanimon welcomed. "LET US HEAD INSIDE, SO THAT OUR MATTERS WOULD NOT BE HEARD BY OUTSIDERS." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The glory of the heavenly city soon went into oblivion as Jeri was confronted with the greatest menaces that threated the worlds both digital and material. Milleniummon, Parallelmon, Metamormon and Galacticmon - four bringers of Chaos. "Wh-what can [i]I[/i] do? I'm just a mere human being..." Jeri asked nearly weeping. "NO, YOU ARE NOT. YOU HAVE GREAT POWERS, AND NOT THE LEAST OF THEM IS YOUR POWER TO BRING EVERYBODY BACK TOGETHER IN HARMONY, TO MAKE PEOPLE JOIN FOR GREATER CAUSE -AND THIS IS THE GREATEST CAUSE THERE IS." Ophanimon explained with an emphatic smile. "YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THAT THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF LIFE DEPENDS ON HOW THIS ALL ENDS. WE [I]MUST NOT[/I] LOSE!" Goldramon shouted in despair. "CALM DOWN, BROTHER", Seraphimon demanded. "LISTEN, TAMER JERI. WE STILL HAVE ONE HOPE, AND THAT IS THE COMING OF THE SAVIOR, THE FIFTH LIGHTBRINGER..." A dramatic pause. "THE ULTIMATE SOVEREIGN!" "Yes, L-ladyDevimon told me something about him...But what has it got to do with me?" "AS EVERYTHING IN LIFE GOES, THERE IS SEVERAL OPTIONS OF WHO WILL BECOME THE FIFTH DIGITAL GOD. BUT FROM THOSE OPTIONS, THERE ARE ONLY FEW WHICH ARE MOST LIKELY TO BECOME FULFILLED. ONE OF THE OPTIONS IS THAT THE SAVIOUR WILL BE THE LEGENDARY TAMER RYO, OTHER IS THAT THE POWER WILL BE ENSLAVED BY MILLENIUMMON, BUT THERE IS ANOTHER OPTION, THAT SAYS THE FIFTH SOVEREIGN WILL BE..." "No..." Jeri whispered. "YES", Ophanimon concluded WITH THE POWER OF LOVE AND COMPASSION, WORLD CAN BE SAVED. ONLY THE TIME WILL TELL."
  9. Sandy

    Tamers: v2

    I've summoned Cera, Gin, Shaun and Mina via PM to join us to get this old geezer to it's end. I really think it would be great if all the awesome writers of this story would gather to complete this. *sobs from the beauty of the thought* BTW, you have great imagination, Shadowdra! We were really lucky to have you here!:D
  10. Sandy

    Tamers: v2

    Oooh! Deeeeep... Niiice....Okay, I'll just stop speaking like this now. :rolleyes: Hmmm, wonder what [i]I[/i] could continue on... Not very much options, though, since we have most of the gang in the Memorial Hall, Henry and Tally somewhere on the abyss, Masahiko STILL at the factory-place, and the other two subplots were "taken", right?
  11. Vegitto: heh, I thought it was a vagabonding penguin...;) ke thampi: What? "if it real face and eye(s) will glitter..."? Then what? A vampire?:therock:
  12. Vegitto: North is on the opposite side where the penguin comes, because penguins only live in Antarktis (in the south) -or in the zoo, but it would be impossible to determine the direction then, so... Genkai-yyh: I think the woman choked from the lack of air in the car, and the stranger was the Grim Reaper or an angel or something as bogey...:rolleyes:
  13. No! I would've known some of those! Dang, I'm late! Well, that's what you get living in a different time than others (eastern european). For Juuthena's box-riddle, I'd guess it has nothing to do with an ACTUAL box, just some symbolism, maybe... And for Mathguy's word-riddle, I'd say...uh, I don't know, something ending -ious. Carecious? No that's not a word. Anyways, it would have to be Brittish-English if it ends with -ious...(in America, it would be just -ios, AS you all should know...) Well, I'll throw in some more of those "stupidity tests", as we call them here: 1.What color was Napoleon's white horse? 2.A murder had occurred, and suspects were a priest, a christmaself, a sandman and a toothfairy. Who did it?
  14. Ever heard of Nokia, Jamesy? Or Linux? Yes, those and many other gadgets come from the land of thousand lakes: Finland!:D (Sorry, just had to add...please, continue, anyone. :blush: )
  15. What's a palm pilot? I mean, I come from Finland, which is one of the world leaders in HiTech, and I've never heard of it! I've heard of Gameboys, palmtops and such, but never of palm pilot... But I guess you can talk about your thingies in one of the gaming forums, or at the lounge...the mods will transfer it if it's in the wrong place, so do go ahead! (Heh, like I was the one with an authority to give permissions...:rolleyes: )
  16. W-why log out? I mean, what's the point? Using cookies is way more simpler, than constantly logging to and fro, ne ne? And Mnemolth, do not think were THAT smart! (At least I'm not);)
  17. I hope Flash does check out as many entries he can, because I pm'd him few days ago, and I'm really not sure if I was among the first or the last ones! And I hope he picks people from various post account levels, not just above 500. But the chances being so small, I most of all hope he has noticed me being *one of the few people outside the english-speaking countries*. (Should I highline this?...Well, I guess not.) Thumbs up, everyone!:D
  18. Whoa, this is SUPERBE! We have ALL the most popular discussions in one single thread (religion, politics, the opposite sex, family, USA...) -and, from all possible topics, love-thread!:D Oh, I just love the way you do it, guys!:p
  19. Appatrently things are getting tight ALREADY! Yeah, this is exciting, people are shaking nervously, sweating, yelling each other a bit... Geez, wonder what's going to be like INSIDE the "house"!;) And Flashy, I wouldn't want to be you, man! I guess your PM-box has been filled a few dozen times by now. And after the election, you'll have all this psychoes you DIDN'T choose chasing you...I'm so sorry for you, man!:p
  20. AHEM! The romantic love concerns also homosexuals, not just straight people. This is not a question of opinion, because it concerns only those people who are homosexual.:therock: And I agree totally: the most important person in individual's life is s/he her/himself. If you say otherwise, it's quite sad, because then you'd be living this life to please others, neglecting your own needs. But I think few people are THAT saintly... [b]Love for your country[/b]...nope, don't got it. Hey, I'm going to civil service instead of army (going either one of them is obligatory in my country). I don't believe civilized countries will take over each others anymore -we've passed worldwars a long time ago. [b]Love for your friend.[/b] Well, that is important, but in my life, friends and acquintances come and go as they wish. I've got no control on that situation. But friends -and social relationships in general- are things keeping you going, so it's better to have shallow relationships than no relationships at all, right? [b]Love for your family.[/b] I want to say, that honouring your parents isn't a must. My mother does not deserve my respect, for his a maniac, childbeating alcholholic, and I'm ever grateful for getting rid of her. My father...he's cool, but he isn't that active part in my life. My sisters and brothers...well, I love them, but I don't see them that much. My column of life is my grandmother, who I live with, but she's getting old, and we're arguing about lifestyles and opinions and needless stuff. I'm highly considering moving to a student-appartment. [b]Romantic love.[/b] Haven't had much of it, and it REALLY bothers me . Eh, although I defended gay-rights in the beginning of my post, I'd like to add that I personally prefer girls over guys, just because I don't get along with my gender that well (I'm a guy, if somebody's mixed). I HAVE a girl in target, but there are some issues she needs to seddle. But maybe it'll work out...at least I hope it! To conclude, yes, I consider myself the love of my life, but maybe things change when I can experience TRUE LOVE, if ever. PS. there's also [b]love for your NET-friends[/b], and that is quite a complex thing, ne?;)
  21. Yes, I started a thread about the asteroid closing on Earth (thus endangering our lives) in the summer. I think it isn't very far away, so perhaps moderators could fuse this into it, or something...
  22. Sandy

    Tamers: v2

    Nitpicking back: Ungh, I THOUGHT Strikedramon was an ultimate, and Cyberdramon a champion...that's what it says everywhere on the net... And I added Doumon there, because I couldn't remember if Alice had transformed to her some time. But notice the flashes between Alice's form -for the others, I've used arrows. Actually, Lopmon is Lopmon this very moment, so... and in Tamers, Guardromon was Kazu's partner for the whole time, so basically it's his basic form -like it would really matter, they're the same digimon in any case! And for Vikaralamon, haven't you guys been reading my "witty" comments about the swimming swine? He's STILL swimming somewhere in the surface of the ocean! Zilla and Yoshi are together in a cave located somewhere between the Village and the Valley of Death. The time...I can't really say. With all the resting and travelling, it's almost impossible to count days, but I would think that at least two weeks have passed since the story began. Finally: NEARLY 200 PAGES??? Boy, have we been busy! This shows that this isn't any common fanfic...
  23. Sandy


    Oh great, just create more playthingies for MODS and STAFFMEMBERS! What about us "common users"? You don't get that all that "luring" with cooler avatars and titles only causes more spamming, more poor post quality and more useless threads -aren't these the things you are trying to fight, James? :therock: By the way, sorry if i act like a freaking rebel, James, but you yourself said that if one wanted things to change, one would have to be constructive and initiative, rather than just keep whining. Well, here I am being CONSTRUCTIVE!
  24. Gah, do people really need THAT many examples? I don't think so... Me, too, think that deleting would be the best way. You can't even delete the thread you started and that was closed yourself. Why? Remember kids, that we do not live in the Middle Ages anymore, we do not need shame-punishments. And if it's the space that is the problem, wouldn't deleting be just the right answer? What would be a good change would be that moderators would unsharpen up their stingy tongues and actually close threads in NICE WORDS. Nobody want's rude and/or ignorant replies, no matter how crappy their attempt for a thread would be. (This also concerns you, James :therock: ) All I want to say, that being a mod doesn't mean one has to be a *****.
  25. Sandy

    Tamers: v2

    Okay, just don't forget to add our swimming swine Vikaralamon there -the poor guy must be freezing his hairy butt!:( Oh, I just looked back a few pages, and i noticed that Zilla and Yoshi -Devidra's creations- were left on a cave of some sort, so they're not in the Abyss, unlike so many others. Well, if somebody wants to write them back in, it's fine to me. Just for a summary, let's repeat the partnerships and evolution lines again, shall we: [u]Takato[/u]-GigimonGrowlmon>WarGrowlmon>Gallantmon>Gallantmon Crimson Mode [u]Rika[/u]-ViximonKyuubimon>Taomon>Sakuyamon [u]Henry[/u]-GummymonGargomon>Rapidmon>MegaGargomon [u]Ryo[/u]-HopmonJustimon [u]Suzie[/u]-KokomonTuruiemon>Antylamon>Kerpymon [u]Ai/Mako[/u]-YaamonBoogeymon>Phelesmon>Beelzemon>Beelzemon Gemini Mode [u]Kazu[/u]-KapurimonHiAndromon [u]Kenta[/u]-[B]MarineAngemon[/B] [u]Jeri[/u]-[B]Calumon[/B]>Lucemon [u]Yamaki[/u]-[B]Gazimon[/B]>any champion [u]Riley[/u]-[B]Ranamon[/B]>Calamaramon [u]Tally[/u]-[B]Devidramon[/B]>Gigadramon>Megidramon [u]Masahiko[/u]-Gatomon/BlackGatomonYoukomon/Doumon/Kuzuhamon As you see, I've bolden the main digimon of each Tamer (except Alice, who is half-digimon herself). And also, there a quite many forms still unrevealed. Hope this is useful...
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