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Hey Shadowdra, you mind if I linger in the memorial hall a while? Just being polite, because I'm gonna!;) ************************************* "Ba-GAH! Isn't it my striped brother Mihiramon?" Makuramon shouted. "i thought I saw you back at the battlefield, but I wasn't sure! Hey, and old Grumpiramon, too!" "Just shut up, doctor Monkey Face!", the rat-deva replied. "I thought i never had to see your creepy eyes again! Ugh, though luck!" "Makuramon, how many are we?" Mihiramon asked. The monkey-deva glanced around. "Well, Majiramon is there -surely you can't miss him!- and Pajiramon and Chatsuramon were with me a while ago...Oh yeah, and our treacherous sister is there with her [i]human[/i]friends." "What about the rest? Sandiramon? Shinduramon? Vikaralamon? Indramon? Vajramon? They can't all be..." Mihiramon demanded. "They...Ba-GAH! Look, over there!" the money bounced towards few holograms projected to the wall of the shrine. Pajiramon and Chatsuramon were already there. As Makuramon, Mihiramon and Kumbhiramon approached the holograms, Majiramons enormous figure landed near them. In the hologram, were Shiduramon and Indramon, as noble as ever. "W-where is my Vajramon?" Pajiramon asked, tears filling her goatly eyes. "Apparently, he is not dead", Majiramon thundered above them. "Neither are Sandiramon or Vikaralamon." "Just six of us left here, then", Chatsuramon added. All the devas bowed their heads in a respectful gesture for their brothers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Further away, Lopmon noticed the six devas gathering. She was no longer a part of them. She was a digimonpartner now, not a deva. though she missed her siblings sometimes, she still remembered the hatred that grew inside of the devas -hatred against humans- and she missed no longer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chibimon sensed something familiar somewhere near him. Like...something you had used to having around. Chibimon thought he was a newborn baby, but still... Then he saw him: a tiny white figure with ballears and blushy cheaks. His friend. "Bo-bo-boo!" SnowBotamon greeted. "Chi-chi-chibi!" Chibimon replied. It was like they had known for ages! Yet either of them knew that they had infact been the overlords of the digital world together. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Alice! Wake up, will you!" Kenta shouted, a bit frustated. Not because of the girl, but because of himself. He was no good at anything! How could a girl like Alice love someone like him? Maybe it was just his imagination -maybe Alice didn't feel anything for him! Maybe... "Keeeentaaaa?" That voice! It sounded like... "MarineAngemon?! Oh boy, it's REALLY you, isn't it?" The pink digimon floated to his arms. It was such a long time... Then MarineAngemon retreated from him. "What is it?" Kenta asked in puzzlement. "Waaait...Peeeeaaarlll... boobla bubdli bah!" MarineAngemon's wife floated to them from her healingworks. "Is this your new frined?" Kenta asked, with a lump groing to his throat. He did NOT like the direction this was going. "Myyyy....Wiiiiffeee", MarineAngemon answered with an uncertain smile. "O-oh, I...see. Does this mean..." Kenta swallowed his tears. "We're not partners anymore? I mean, surely you want to spend your time with Pearl here." "Keeentaaa?" "No, no, don't mind me! I've been doing well, too. Got new friends and all. Actually, I don't need you! Just go and be happy with your girl! GO!" Kenta couldn't hold his tears anymore, and he ran to a far away corner to cry. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey, Kenta? Why are you crying like a baby? We need to get..." "Beat it, Kazu! Just beat it!" Kenta shouted. He really needed time to be alone. "O-okay. Just catch us when you're done. But don't be too long, because we'll be faaar from here by then!" After his frined was gone, Kenta whispered to himself: "Maybe that would be better."
That was very good stuff you wrote, Shadowdra! I had to go offline to read it all without spending too much money! There were FEW minor mix-ups: first, Azulongmon is no longer Mikemon, but a Chibimon (Veemon's fresh). Now all of the four sovereigns are babies: Azulongmon>Chibimon, he's where-ever the MarineAngemon's are. Zhuqiaomon>Pururumon, in Parallelmon's alternative dimension. Baihumon>SnowBotamon, he was with Jeri, but assumabely he fell into the abyss as well. Ebonwumon>Tanemon, with Mojyamon and J-Mojyamon in the north. second, Tally's Devidramon digivolved into Gigadramon, but supposedly Megidramon is Gigadramon's next form. We musn't forget Masahiko and Bastetmon, nor the fifth digimental, which is supposed to be the ultimate weapon to defeat Milleniummon (and also his way of becoming an overlord). I've thought that Justimon will become the fifth sovereign -the sovereign of Power/Truth/Justice or whatever you want to call him. But that is still open, so let's see where things are headed. And the devas? I think we should collect them in one place. Sandiramon was with Gallantmon, Vajramon in the alternative dimension, and Kumbhiramon and Mihiramon, Pajiramon, Makuramon, Chatsuramon and Majiramon in the abyss. Indramon and Shinduramon are dead. Antylamon is with Suzie, and Vikaralamon STILL swimming in the sea (one water-loving pig, eh). All the tamers are in the abyss, except Takato in the ocean, Jeri with Luce/Calu, and Ryo... in the other dimension? Oh, and that Masahiko-dude. Where's he? Villains: Milleniummon is still in his lair, ordering his minions, which are Pharaohmon, Machinedramon and Asuramon, since Puppetmon and Ghoulmon are planning to betray him. Then there is Parallelmon, who is wandering around in what's left of Digiworld. I assume Ebemon was killed by MegaGargomon, and the out-of-nowhere Devimon died as well as ArcaDaemon, right? Finally, the supporting digimon-characters: LadyDevimon, Pabumon, Pearl, Piximon, and RedShinduramon are in the abyss also. The first Lucemon is dead. Are we updated now, or did I forget someone/-thing? It REALLY good that you decided to join us Shadowdra. Now we might be able to carry this story to an end, which would be ultima-cool! Oh, I feel so happy!:D
I noticed that there is so many threads about USA, it's culture, customs, politics etc. that the others are getting very ignored. (no offence to our American members ;) ) So, this thread is for people to tell about what's going on in their countries, because it interests me, for one, and many others too, I think. [B]Okay, I live in Finland, so let me tell some news from here.[/B] The parliamental elections are approaching, and the present opposition (green party and "countryside"-party) is very likely to make it to the government, because the present government has screwn up few times too many. The economical situation of the capital-area is very concerning: there are several fancy buildings rising to the central Helsinki, but at the same time people are getting fired in hundreds from healthcare. and education-sections. Really tough! Unemployment is rather high here, especially in the south, and nobody does anything to it! You can say that the poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer. Fall is falling after a looong hot summer, which is very awful, since I'm a summerchild.;) Can you believe that less than a month ago we had almost 25 degrees celcius, and now it's barely 10! Well, there has to be winter so summer can come again. That's concludes the quick newsflash from Finland. I'd love to hear what's new in YOUR country, so do post!:D
What IS it with all this "appropriate" forums issue anymore? I thought this was settled between the mods already: this is THE ONLY fanfic-story (if you can say this that) that is allowed to stay here, where people can use it the most easily. Isn't it more important to serve the users of this boards, than the perfect order? How come this one thread causes so much opposing among the staff -it's just a harmless "dynamicstory"! This really is the only one of it's kind, and -as Ginny said- it's really been losing interest. So let it wither away respectfully, PLEASE!:bawl: (obviously you can see this story means a lot to me...;) )
Uh-oh...Apparently I've managed to miss all the episodes including Jeri's family... Heck, I wouldn't even know that her mother died if it wasn't for this forum! Well, luckily I haven't miss anything extremely important considering this story, so I guess I'll continue it now. ******************** The time seemed to stop. There was the grouning group of Numemons, Nanimons, Gekomons, Otamamons, Sukamons and even a few Digitamamon. Above all stood the malicious Vademon, smirking satisfied of the situation. Then there was the amazed Henry, with Terriermon and Pabumon standing behind him. MarineAngemon and Pearl floated nearby. Suddenly a shadow appeared behind the crowd. A fiery, four-armed digimon with three faces approached the counselor Vademon. Henry glanced at his D-power. "Asuramon, ultimate wizard digimon, type vaccine." Then everything started moving again. "Well? Wat are ye waiting for? Exzecute dem!" Vademon demanded with his face turning pale as he saw the approaching figure. Two Nanimons lead by a BomberNanimon approached Henry and his friends. "LEAVE THEM BE!!!" a mighty voice roared from the main corridor. Then a gigantic blue figure filled the room. The lesser digimons fleed in panic, leaving the astouned Vademon and his employer on the throne-stand. Henry and his companions retreated to a corner, within a respectful distance from the shape. "THIS IS HIGHLY IMPORTANT, OTHERWISE I WOULDN'T HAVE REVEALED MYSELF AGAIN. TAMER HENRY, THAT DECEITFUL VADEMON HAS THE KEY TO OUR SALVATION. YOU MUST POSSESS IT!" Henry had seen the dragon king Azulongmon before, but everytime he was as ashtonished from his size and majesticity. Only the sovereigns front-portion could fit in the cave -the rest of him wriggled along the neverending tunnels. Vademon writhed in terror, but Asuramons eyes burned as he saw his masters worst enemy. "IT ALL COMES TO HIERARCHY, WARRIOR ASURAMON", the sovereing said, looking strainght at the black mage. "YOU DO UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR MASTERS PRINCIPLES ARE SELFISH, AND YOU'RE A MERE GAMEPIECE IN HIS PLANS, DON'T YOU?" "Hah! You can talk as much as you want, ex-tyrant! I will be highly rewarded when I hand the Ultimate Digimental to master Milleniummon! And your reign will be over for good! You brought us nothing but misery and slavery! You shall be defeated!" "YOU'RE...MISLEADED...CHILD...ONLY...SORROW...WILL...REMAIN..." Azulongmon tried to talk, but his powers were diminishing with great speed. "Henry, he's becoming transparent! We must help him!" Terriermon squueked. "TAMER...TAKE...MY...POWER!" The dragon-sovereign exploded to a rain of blue stars. The rain landed on Henry and Terriermon, giving them the secret power of DIGIVOLUTION. "Henry/Terriermon BIOMERGE to... MegaGargomon!" MegaGargomons head crushed to the ceiling. Vademon had also cought some of the evolving rain, and he had become the weird invader Ebemon. "Letz zee whoze better NOW, humanzcum!" Ebemon hissed. "So shall it be! [I]Twin Rockets[/I]!" Two smileyfaced missiles crashed into the throne-stand, breaking the whole backwall. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The two MarineAngemons found a small Chibomon on the floor. "Buba bobla boo?" Pearl asked shyly. "Bob bobla bub", MarineAngemon replied. "Buu...", Pearl smiled happily. They had just adopted a child together! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Asuramon had found the Digimental-stoneplate behind the throne, and escaped the hall. He ran through the endless corridors and plumbing systems. Finally he saw daylight infront of him. But the tunnel ended inside a great canyon, with hundreds of feets drop to a small river running beneath him. "Oh crap!" Asuramon poundered what to do next. Suddenly a voice shouted behind him. "Hey! That's my bloody treasure!" the general Nanimon had woken up just to find out his precious stone had been stolen. Nanimon rushed against Asuramon, making them both slip from the tunnel into the abyss. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Bukamon was enjoying the refreshing water of the canyon, when two figures splashed into the water. Bukamon saw a stoneplate sinking to the bottom of the river, while the figures went along the rough stream. "Hey! This would make a perfect dinnertable for mom! Oh boy is she going to be pleased when she gets a table THIS fancy!" The Bukamon started to poke the plate towards his home.
Oooh, another subplot! And what an amount of digis!:eek: Is that Masahiko-guy a fictional char? Not that it would matter much, but just curious if the rest of the Tamers know him... But I think we should try to stick to the old characters more, because they're quite stranded now that Yamaki&co have appeared. ...oh no, where were we?! Who was with who and stuff!? Well, guess I have to check back...:( ****************************** Okay, now I'll continue the court-plotting I started a [I]month[/I] ago. So, to the Dump i go... ****************************** Henry rolled in his "bed", having nightmares about backstabbing Takato, Rika as the digimon empress, and having a Numemon as a wife! Suddenly he was tossed from the stack of hay he used as a bed. He opened his eyes, and found himself staring in the wetty eyes of a Numemon. "GEEEH!!!" he shouted, but then he realized he was awake -and the Numemon was pointing a roughly shaped spear at his face. "Com wit me, ye scum!" the Numemon mumbled. "Wh-what? Why?" Henry yawned, obviously not taking the slimy mon seriously. "Follo me, murdera!" Henry decided to do as said. Terriermon, Pabumon and the MarineAngemons followed him to the moldy corridor. Numemon-soldiers forgot to check the room properly, so Mikemon was left sleeping solemnly at one of the dark corners. "What is it?" Henry asked, when he was faced with a hall-full of angrily groaning dumphabitants. At the throne stood Vademon with a faint smirk on his tiny mouth. "Zo? You dezided to murder our King in de firzt day of your vizit, eh?" counselor asked. "WHAT? NO WAY?" "How do ye exzplain diz den?" he said, lifting a green d-power in his hand. "Hey, that's my..." Henry shut up ashtonished. Then he went furious. "Where did you get that?" "It layed nexzt to our beloved king ZhogunGekomon! You confez your evil deed, [I]human[/I]?" "N-no! We were at our room -if you can call it so- the whole night!" "Or were you?" one of the Numemon asked suspiciousy. "Hey, you guarded us!" Henry replied. "Did I?" then he realized what he had said"...Eh, I was a-away only a moment, Vademon-sir!" Numemon trembled. "O zut up! De Tamer did it! Murderers have been caught! I'm de KING...eh, ofcourse, we vote for it later, BUT now! Off wit deir headz!(I've always wanted to zay that)" "Henry! What do we do now?" Terriermon asked, squuezing Pabumon in a similar way he was squeezed by Suzie before. "That slimy Vademon is obviously the one behind this... but how to prove it?" ********************** [Okay, please leave this part to me, because I can't continue it right now, and I've already fuigured out the "ending" of this situation! But there's several other subplots to continue, so please work on them. Pleeease!]
Well, first of all, I've really enjoyed doing this story, but I can see I'm ALMOST the only one. People are getting tired of this, i see, but i still want to ask anyone who visits this thread: SHAll WE GO ON? I think this should be made clear; I don't want to write here alone! If this thread still gets writers and/or readers, i think we can continue, but there's no use doing this with only a one answer per week, like the situation was before the great shutdown. Shaun, Mina, Devi, Cera and anybody else who visits here: what do we do?:confused:
Well, i joined a Finnish digimon-boards 8probably the only one there is), and introduced myself to finnish digifans. But now i'm back HOME, so I don't think i'll hang around there that often anymore. On the other hand, my time spend on the net decreased quite a bit, leaving me with a smaller bill, but that doesn't concern me anymore because I can be online on school -for free! Well, I'm off to see how my digifellas are doing in the digisection! :D
Of course they're martyrs: that's why they did it! In islam religion, dying for your god is one of the most "heroic" things you can do. The problem is, that in this era, those beliefs are quite barbaric, and with all the technology invented it might (and has done) some serious destruction. If we would still fight with swords in battlefields, the "holy war" could still work as an ideal, but in this situation it's only manic. On the other hand, one of the main reason the taleban attack the west IS the increase of technology: they fear that their culture will be destroyed by it, like every conservatist is(I'm not talking about the political party, but the idealism). My opinion is that people must go on, follow their time or be tumbled by masses. It's truly an impossible task to survive as an individual in this world...:rolleyes:
Me, me!!! Me like Stargåte!!! (The "å" is a little inside joke here in Finland... ;) ) I saw the movie, and I really liked it, and when they released the show, I was thrilled! And I can honestly say that they haven't spoiled the movie, like so many series based on a movie have. Somehow Richard "MacGyver" Dean Anderson always makes me laugh with his sarcasm and silly comments -oh, and the facial moves too!:D And Teal'c (dang, I can't remember his true name!), he's just hilarious with his rock-face!*remembers Teal'c's "jaffa-joke" and starts to giggle by himself* I don't know how far ahead you are in America -or in other countries- but a big con on the show is that the main plot goes forward soooo slooooow! And when it goes forward, all happens at once (like where we are now *spoiler* [color=limegreen]Daniel's wife died, Skara was saved, Apophis made another comeback, Sokar was overthroned, and the Harsiesis was just found! All this happened within ten episodes or so![/color] *end spoiler*) Anyhow, a major pro in the series is that they have really put effort on the settings and gadgets and stuff. Nobody can say that Stargate is a B-level scifi-series, right?
Idaho, huh? Didn't get it... THE most hardest english word for me is SUGGESTION. It tends to come out as "sutchetchion" or something like that, and it REally annoys me, since I think I'm pretty good at pronouncing foreign languages. To mock at english-speaking people a little ;) , I just HATE the way they pronounce "é". It's not "ei"("ay")! So no Renei (Renée), Soirei (soirée) or anything else like that! But to be equal, we Finns are approximately HORRIBLE at pronouncing things! It's because our language is so hard-sounded, that it's hard for us to make things "smooth", like the "th"-sound or the english "r". But these things aren't meant to be taken seriously: we must just be humorous about the way we pronounce other languages, not to be offended, if somebody notes about it!:D
"What iz de meaning of diz?" a sudden voice said behind the furious Nanimon. The soldiers vanished quickly, leaving the general blushing infront of the Advisor Vademon. "Dzeneral Nanimon, what are you doing?" Vademon demanded. "Uhh, ohh, ehh, nuthing, o praised Advisor! I bring you some prisoners that have intruded our territory!" Vademon looked at Henry and the others. "You ignorant FOOL! Zat is a Tamer!!!" Vademon gave the drunken general a stunning zap from his gun. Then he turned to the visitors. "You are mozt welcome to de Dump, de gloriouz zity of ZogunGeckomon!" Vademon pronounced. "Um, thank you, sir", Henry answered and bowed. "I zall ezcort you to de King'z Dzamber." *********************** The soldiers dragged General Nanimon to his room. He slept solemnly before the door to his room was opened. "Agh, who is it...I need sleep..." "You dzust continue zleeping. I'm not bodering you. Zleep, Dzeneral, zleep." "Okay, mum...But don't wake me too early..." "I won't...eh, zon." **************************** "Did you find it?" "Yes, mazter! I have it now!" "Good. Give it to me. I will take it to the Lord." "Firzt my reward! I want to be de King!" "You'll get what you want eventually, servant. But now it's essential that you give me the treasure!" "No! Not before I'm de King of de Dump! I have hid de treazure to a safe plaze. If you kill me, you and your lord will never have it!" "FINE! Have it your way! King ShogunGeckomon will die this night." "Um, could you make it to look like de Tamer did it?" "Easy. But I want that stone!" "Tomorrow, mazter. Tomorrow."
Mmm, big problem...Just remember that whatever our religion is, we're still people, and individuals, and it is really absurd to think that a single religion makes people to think likely. Just think about the situation in Ireland, or the suicide-cults, or the new-nazis: they all think they're doing it for a greater purpose, but all they do is kill people. Okay, these might be a bit harsh samples, but basically they show that the end DOESN'T justify the means. So believing in bible or God doesn't make ANYBODY a more better person than somebody who doesn't. That's what your parents should learn too, Panny. And I'm really sorry to hear about their reactions...:( I wish all my best to you that your situation will be solved. I believe that your parents have nothing to say what you can believe in -nobody does. Oh boy, world is a hard place to live in...
Now now...I know it hurts, but if your dad has been a bad one, then your mother made the right choice -for all of you! Nothing's more horrible than living with a person you hate, trust me, I've been there! I cried too when I left home, but I got over it because I knew everything was going to be okay after that. It's important to have real people around you at a time like that. And i'm sure you and your family will get over it and live a more happy life. Of course it's awful to lose a parent, but you still have your mother and sisters. Everything's going to be alright! Just cheer up, and think positive!:)
Umm...*akward diminishing* [size=1]could somebody finally tell me what do "lol" and "rofl" mean, because I'm a self-learned net-addict, and it's been bothering me forever... And if somebody would want to explain "the home keys", since I don't live in an english-speaking country, and they don't teach you that stuff on school or tv...thanks.[/size]:blush:
Somebody said it was because of the server, but yes, it's beginning to get reeeally annoying: I couldn't come here yesterday because of "technical problems in this site", and I have to push the refresh-button almost everytime i change a page here, because the loading stops before it's supposed to, leaving only half the page, if you get what i'm trying to say... But for now, we just have to cope with that...
"T'is mine, I found it first!" "No you didn't! Daddy, Mako's teasing me!" "Shut up, tell-tale! D'you think we could keep this if daddy finds out?" "Um, I guess not...but it's [I]pink[/I], and you hate pink!" "So? I wanna play with it too!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Former Zhuqiaomon opened his eyes. His beak felt funny...there was something in it. "Yich!" A dummy made a nice flight across the room. "Ai, Ai! Look! It moves!!!" "EEEK! Throw it from the window!!!" Pururumon felt him being grabbed, and tossed to a fresh air. He spread his tiny wings, and flew high to watch where he was. "Outrageous! Simply outr...What in the name of Me?! Is this...the human world?" He saw skycrapers reaching the clouds, roads blocked with metal vehicles, tiny people walking on pavements, flashing signs...A whole new world. "This can't be..." Then he remembered the assault of the strange digimon. "Cursed!!! Oh well, there has to be a way back to avenge that creature...Yes...I sence something...my servants? Here?" He flew towards the presence of the devas in puzzlement. He arrived to an impressively big house. From the window he saw two boys discussing. He knew the boys -both of them since they were the same person. "[I]Two[/I] Ryo Akiyama's...?" **************************************** Queen Plesiomon looked at the group of the ReefFolk. "Your lords have been defeated. The wavemakers now have the whole area under their control. You have no other options but to join us -or be deleted." Henry leaned to Takato standing next to him. "Isn't she being a little too hard?" "Can't really say, Henry. The ReefLords were the enemies..." "Wait! What makes them the enemies? If we'd "shpwrecked" on their territory, we had probably helped them in this battle..." "Maybe, but they took Calumon..." "You can't denie the little guy isn't useful..." "You know, I'm fed up talking to you! If you don't want to be on Plesiomon's side, you can just get lost if you want to! I think her tribe deserved our help!" "Fine, I'll just be on my merry way, then!" Henry turned to leave. "Good! And don't forget to take your plagued digimon with you!" Henry's hand squeezed into a fist, but he swallowed his anger, and left the place. "That idiot...Terriermon, we're leaving!" "W-why? What happened?" "Takato happened! He's being a total jerk, and I won't tolerate it anymore!" "Oh, Henry, [I]momentai[/I]! He's your friend..." "And what a friend he is! Let's go to find MarineAngemon to blow us out of here." "Okay...but what about him?" Terriermon lifted a tiny fresh-digimon. "Who is that?" "Err, this is Okuwamon." "Oh, geez..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MarineAngemon was dancing with his new-found girlfriend. He called her "Pearl", for she had a pearl-collar instead of the golden one MarineAngemons had. "Boo bub bub?" Pearl asked shyly. "Bub boblo buub", he replied. "Bo bubi blub???" she asked worried. "Bubblo bi bob, bubi bub", he consoled. "Boob..." she sighed, and snuggled him. MarineAngemon felt very happy. "Hey, MarineAngemon! Would you care to give us some help?" "Heeenry?" "Umm, me and Terriermon want to get ashore to find the others. Can you help? You can even come with us to seek Kenta." "Keeenta?" MarineAngemon had forgotten Kenta! He glanced at the confused Pearl. How can he leave Pearl? Then he had an idea. "Bubi bob bob booble?" "BOOOH!" Pearl glided to him happily. She accepted to join him! "Umm, shall we go then?" Henry asked akwardly. "Yeees!" "Don't dare to leave without me!" They turned to face Mikemon."I need to get out of here! My fur is getting all sticky!" ******************************************** [to sum up, the leavers are: Henry, Terriermon, Okuwamon's fresh form (which is...?), the two MarineAngemons and Mikemon/Azulongmon. The stayers are: Takato, Guilmon and Sandiramon. Did I forget someone?]
What does your sig/avator/user name mean?
Sandy replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in General Discussion
Me too!!!:D [B]user name:[/B] Sage is the first internet-nicky I came up; the second one was Stash, and they're all there is...:smirk: In case somebody doesn't know, sage is one kind of a shaman , or wiseman...and yes, a herb to...:rolleyes: [B]avatar:[/B] Te hee, I've been bugging others (especially Pyrophobic) by constantly changing my ava eversince I became a member. I remember my first newbie-avatar being Vincent Valentine from ff7...aw, the memories! Since then it has been Cloud, some blue woman, Calumon, crying Impmon, and a whirled spectrum, just to mention a few. Right now it's a signature I did in my drawing-programs. Now it looks cool, but I'll probably get bored in it soon and change it... [B]signature:[/B] For the first time, I managed to create something deep! Before it said just "Digimon forever!" or "Psychedelia!" or something as dull...But now it says what I think of religion. I'll probably change the thought -as soon as I have another one!:cross: Okay, this ends my analyzing post. Hope it revealed something new about me...yeah right! I'll just go away... -
Actually, earlier this very week, I went and resigned from the lutheric church. It was my decision, and I'm proud I finally did it. It was really uncomfortable to belong to a religion you don't believe...So now I'm officially atheist! But Panny, why are you thinking of CHANGING religion immediately? I think it would be good for you to be "religionless" for a while, and study the different religions, if you need one. Personally I think a person can cope just fine without any religions (I'm a living proof of that!:D), but if you want to be a part of one, you should be careful when choosing. If I may take an example, the movement called "scientology" cheated millions of dollars from people with their "salvation-courses". People tend to get somewhat gullible when they're in deep emotional problems. So if you join a religion, make sure it doesn't start to demand you money or something worse! Besides books and info, you should seek the "thruth" in yourself -that's what I did! I'm not saying my way of thinking suits everybody, but to me it's perfect. So take your time, the religions don't disappear anywhere even if you did some self-researching first!:)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]Seriosuly, comets and meteors have been hitting earth for a millenia, the world goes on. One meteor 200m in diameter (tiny compared to the ones floating around earth) would flash fire the earth into cinders, the ash would be thrown into the sky, creating pernament winter. Ultimately destroying all life. None of this 'one continant' stuff. Also, another thing, scientists have known for quite a while now about a comet that is heading for earth. SV17, something like that, it may hit earth or it will miss it by 30 million miles. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey dude, I'm only repeating what I heard on the news, I'm no astronome! And BTW. I'm a HE, not SHE...:blush: Or am I...?:naughty:
Yesterday the news said that the British scientists have discovered that an asteroid is approaching our planet and that it MIGHT hit it with destructive consequences in 2019. (Before any of you panic, I want to add that it's veeeery uncertain if it's gonna even go near us, since the calculations aren't finished yet.) But anyway, I began to think about how it would affect the life here, if everybody knew they are going to possibly die within 17 years. (possibly, because the asteroid is only few kilometres long, so it would only destroy a continent and cause worldwide climatic changes...what a relief!:smirk: ). How would the goverments react? And the masses of people? Would the Earth become a paradise or a hell? And most of all, what would you do? Would you make children to a doomed world, or would you live the fullest, or perhaps do everything that the law forbids? I would be 35 then (old enough to die!:D), and I WISH I would have lived a happy life, experiencing stuff, for i think this is the best it gets (meaning I don't believe in life after life). [note]This isn't meant to be a religious debate anyhow, because this hasn't got anything to do with religion.[/note] So, lets do a little mind-playing!
Oh poor Tamers!!! We just bomb them with invincible villains! Who have we missed? MaloMyo? Maybe ChaosPiedmon leading Chaos Masters? Or maybe MoonM. and ZeedM. should come to help their bro?:rolleyes: This is getting too HUGE... Well, maybe something can still be done. ************************************* Majiramon pulled himself together. "One thing is for sure: we must get out of here -now! Hop on my back!" Kazu, HiAndromon, Kenta, Kuzuhamon, Lucemon and Zilla climbed to the long black back. "Hey, where's Yoshi?" Zilla asked. "I left him to a cave nearby; we'll fetch him now", the dragon answered, as he lept to the sky, leaving Parallelmon to observe their escape in unnatural calmness. Suddenly Kuzuhamon gasped in pain. "Aah! N-no...This can't be...happening again!" "Uh-oh!" Kenta said frightened. "I-I think she's turning into that vampira again!" "Shucks! H-hey, Alice, c-can't you hold it a bit longer?" "I'M TRYING!!! AAARRRGGH!!!" Then a light bursted from her, and she dimished. Kenta's eyes widened as he noticed he was holding a naked girl. "Uuuuh!!!" ******************************* The Gatomons had watched the events from a bush. "Dang, they left us behind!" BlackGatomon said. "Yup, with that freak over there!" white Gatomon replied. "How the heck can we get away from here!" "Dunno. Maybe there's a datastream nearby." "Yeah, let's go!" ******************************** ******************************** Ai/Beelzemon floated in the colorful waves. [I]When's this gonna stop![/I] Ai complained. "Argh, neva'! We'll just have to do sumthin' 'bout it!" Beelzemon replied. He/they began to swim forward, because he/they didn't know what was up and what was down. "Just hang in there, missy!" Then he/they saw it: a faint light! The surface, maybe? Ai/Beelzemon swam as fast as he was able, and suddenly...they fell! When he/they had the courage to look down, he/they saw a flaming pit approaching. "Gotta fly, gal!" Then Beelzemon widened his raven wings and glided in the dark sky. [I]Where did the light go?[/I] Ai asked. "Th'is Digiworld, missy: anything can happen! Like that freaking ArchDaemon below us!!!" [I]Wha'? Arcademon?[/I] Beelzemon sighed. But at the moment, he felt his powers giving up. With purple light, the Beelzemon split into a little girl and a grumpy rookie. "Way to go, Impy! Whose gonna do the flying now?" "Whoopsie!" ***********************************' "Hey, gang, what are you looking at? Come near me!" the Piximon said. "What? What kind of pervert are you?" Yamaki asked. "Hey, partner, chill out! Piximon is an old frined o'mine!" Gazimon said. "He'll lead us to his village in his bubble!" "Oh, in THAT case...NO!" Suzie's eyes got wet suddenly. "W-wiza'dmon? NOOOO!" Antylamon crouched to console her. "Now, now. Don't cry! Wizardmon was possessed, and Piximon didn't know he was our friend. Hush now, we must get away from here." "Tally? Is it really you? Answer me!" Riley looked at the stone-figure desperately. But before his eyes, the stone began to melt. Soon, both Tally and the black dragon were back to normal. "Tally! Are you okay?" Riley asked squeezing her frined. "Ugh, I...think so..." She released herself from Riley's grip and turned to her partner. "Devidramon...thank you." "Don't mention it, Tamer. I was only doing my job." "Yeah sure! You fly around petrifying people all the day, right?" "Eh, no...Wait!" The gigantic dragon looked up with his four eyes, and spread his wings. "Where are you going? Devidramon!" ***************************** [I]Now you've done it, Impmon! You got yourself wasted -and your Tamer too! Nice job![/I], Impmon thought dramarically. The fiery pit -along with the horrid ArchDaemon- approached very rapidly. "Impmoooon...Ouch!" Ai bumped into something black. Impmon fell onto it too. "Wha'...? Hey, where are ya takin' us, yez overgrown bugga'?" "No need to thank me, tiny Impmon. Just doing my job." "Huh?" ************************************ Calamaramon stopped when she realized that FlaWizardmon wasn't infront of her anymore. "What..? Oh, well, now that the minions are gone, I'll get to serious action!" She looked at ArchDaemon floating above te pit. Mihiramon and Kumbhiramon were fighting hard, but they were no match for the almighty devil. Riley noticed that her partner was approaching the hot pit. "No, Calamaramon, NO!" She wasn't excited at all that her partner rushed to face a villain many times more powerful than herself. "Oh, let her go, Riley. She's a digimon -protecting is kinda in their data!" Tally said. Riley poundered her friend's words, but somehow they felt...wrong. *************************************** *************************************** [!edited from this point!] "Hey, Majiramon, what is that?" HiAndromon asked, as they flew onward. They had visited the cave where Yoshi was resting, but he was too weak for traveling, so Zilla had left behind to take care of his friend. Now Majiramon, Lucemon, Kazu, Kenta, Alice and HiAndromon were seeking the others. "That seems to be a crack in the ground...and there's a battle! Shall we approach?" "Umm, perhaps there are other Tamers there...they might need a hand or two", Kenta suggested. He was thrilled to say for the first time what to do. He realized that he had changed during his adventures in Digiworld. Before this, he had always let others decide for him, but now... "Err, that isn't such a good idea, pal. Let's not go get our butts burned, okay?" Kazu said nervously. "N-no." "Excuse me?" "NO! We must help the others! Besides, we'll never find them if we just keep hiding!" Kenta found him self screaming at his oldest friend. [I]Actually, that felt...kinda good[/I], he thought. Now they were near enough to see who was battling who. Kazu looked at his digivice. "That big one above the lava-pit is...ArchDaemon? Wow, he must be someone BIG!" "He sure is", Lucemon muttered. "H-hey, there's Antylamon! And Suzie!" Kenta shouted. "And my brothers Mihiramon and Kumbhiramon!" Majiramon said. "Wait! Is that...Yamaki over there?" Kazu said astouned. ************************************* "Look, Suzie, that's Majiramon, my brother!" Antylamon said, lifting herself up. "You mean a diwa?" Suzie asked, whiping her tears. "Yes, a deva. And aren't those Takato's friends, Kazu and Kenta?" "YAY!" Suzie bursted, with no memory of the sadness she had been possessed by just few seconds ago. ************************************** Devidramon landed near the newcomers. A dragon,a young angel, two boys, a naked girl and a tall, black android, he notified. Ai and Impmon glided from his back, and surprised the others with their coming. Tally and Riley ran to the devilish dragon. Yamaki, Gazimon and Piximon approached the others too. [I]Is there a circus in town or something?[/I] Yamaki thought to himself. Mihiramon, Kumbhiramon and Calamaramon were keeping the villain busy, but still they noticed the sudden gathering of forces. "Shall we kick some demonic arse?" Majiramon asked, letting his eyes wander in the crowd. "YEAH!" The dragon released his catalyst-powers. Kumbhiramon noticed this, and added his stream of power to his brother's. "DIGIMODIFY! MATRIX EVOLUTION, ACTIVATE!" "Devidramon digivolves to...GIGADRAMON!" "Gazimon digivolves to...STARMON!"[remember, he can evolve to almost any champ he likes!] "Lucemon digivolves to...ANGEMON!" "Suzie/Antylamon BIOMERGE to...KERPYMON!" ******************************************* Kenta glanced at Alice, who had wrapped herself to his jacket. "You shouldn't let the reaper to possess you again...maybe you should skip this battle?" he suggested. "Very well...I don't think I even have power to do it yet..." she answered, still shaking. "Don't worry, I'll look out for you!" Kenta said smiling. "Thank you...Kenta", the blue-eyed girl answered, with a thin smile on her lips. ********************************* Impmon fell to the ground in exhaustion. Ai turned to him. "What is it, Impy?" "I think we'll have to pass this one, kiddo..." "It's okay. I hate fighting anyway." "I know ya do, gal. I know ya do..." ********************************* ArchDaemon noticed that he had been outnumbered. His devilish minions had disappeared to their burning lairs, and now he was faced by a tiger, rat, squid-woman, two dragons, two angels from which the other one was a mega, a star, a pixie and an android. "CURSED BE ALL OF YOU! I WILL RETURN!" with these words, he vanished in a cloud of thick smoke. ********************************** [okay, maybe I'll let somebody else to continue from here...]
I just don't get people who are willing to believe in a god that wants to destroy life...Something must be very wrong in their heads!:nope: Why are some people waiting for the end of the world so eagerly?:therock: I myself want to spent as much time here as I can, for this is the best it gets, if you ask me! But yes, I agree on the fact that humankind is digging it's own grave, which is sad for the generations to come...well, there's always hope, so let's not get too gloomy, but let's enjoy the summer -or winter, for you Australians!;)
Okay, it's best if we settle this quickly: as this was started by Cera, she'll judges if we accept Masterdramon's idea or not. I personally think that "out-of-nowhere-heroes-who-save-the-day" aren't good for the story at all. And I'm sorry if I've been a bit confusing, when I wrote ArchDaemon into the story, but it was like this: Daemon took Mihiramon's catalyst-power to evolve himself AND Wizardmon, who was captured by his minions, to a higher level. I didn't mean to make ArchDaemon a ultrastrong villain, that couldn't be defeated even by all the Tamers together. As he is a devil-type digimon, he's weak for angel-type digimon's attacks (and vice versa). Maybe that will be the solution...? Anyhow, I'll continue the story a bit: ************************************* A frrezing blizzard howled in the canyon where a small, green figure was struggling for it's life. "P-pajiramon...hope you were able to get the message to my brothers...for I have failed...the Ultimate Digimental...was not there...how can this be?...All I can hope is that...it isn't in the claws of any of our enemies...Without it...how can the fifth sovereign come?...how can the world be saved?...I have no answers...for I have failed..." the small figure collapsed to the snow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Urgh, look, wife! Look!" "Argh, it seems to be...a Tanemon, husband! It's all cold! We should take him to our cave!" "Alright, wife. But how could it be here? There are no vegetation-digimons in the Glacier!" "Ergh, I don't know, husband, but we must go now!"~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He felt bizarre...as if he was...in a different body? Then he remembered: all the struggling, the pain, the despair... He had lost his powers for good now! He had become a mere Tanemon! He, who once was a mighty Sovereign...Ebonwumon! But how did he still lived? "Urgh, look, wife! It's waking!" Tanemon opened his eyes and saw a white Mojyamon staring at him. Then a brown J-Mojyamon appeared too, carrying a bowl of hot soup. "Here, little one! Take this!" the female J-Mojyamon said. Tanemon slurped the soup quickly. He hadn't eaten in ages! "Thank you", Tanemon said quietly. He was alive for now, but what he could do now? The Ultimate Digimental had disappeared from it's hidden Temple. Who could have taken it? Who could have known about it? A tear of despair ran down from Tanemon's brown eye. The Digiworld was doomed! *************************************** "Lookie what I found! Isn't it beautiful???" "Hey, it was me who found it!" "Shut up! How could you have found it, when you can't even carry it by yourself?" "Quiet, both of you! This treasure must be taken to our Emperor's cave, where all the other treasures are!" "Aww, can't I keep it, General Nanimon?" "No! King ShogunGekomon would be furious if he'd find out that you have such a treasure, Soldier Gekomon! And same goes for you, Soldier Otamamon!" "Aw nuts!" "You must do your duties as the soldiers of [B]the Dump[/B]!" After soldiers had left, General Nanimon looked at the piece of stone: there was a complex carving on it that glowed faintly. "This must be something precious...Well, King ShogunGekomon doesn't need this! This goes perfectly with my new sofa!" Then he vanished in the bog of the underground city.
OH OH!!! Books of Magic!!! I love them! Best comics I've EVER read (along with Boneheads)! It's like Harry Potter for grown-ups! Too bad that I've only got a chance to read but a few of them (it's the lowsy library's fault again!). And for Harlequin, it is Fjodor in the Finnish translation, so... Some of the fantasy-luvers have critizised me for reading only translated books, but I prefer them because it makes the reading of a book with 200-1000 pages A LOT easier! I've read Ende's "Neverending Story", few Pratchett's and "Starship Titanic" in English, but that's all. Maybe when I run out of reading, I'll read those tiny paperback-books from unknown authors (there sure is plenty of them!)...