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Maybe Calumon doesn't digivolve...it's up to us. Remember that Leomon, Guardromon or MarineAngemon didn't evolve either. And one of Cera's rules sure was that no fic-characters shouldn't be added, so I think you should change your post, Materdramon. There are about 450 real digimons, and I think you'll find appropriate one out of them. Okay, it may sound unfair, for I made up Beelzemon Gemini Mode, but he was just a mode, and he didn't come out of nowhere. That's why it's kinda different. What do the others say? (meaning Ginny, Mina and Cera, because that's everybody we have.)
Fydor? You must mean Fjodor, Harlequin! And I don't think Fjodor is a weird name at all, a typical viking name just like Björn, Hrolf, Ulf and the others. When I first read the back cover of the "Daughter of the Drow", I almost laughed at the name "Liriel", because it's almost like a finnish onomatopoetic word for peeing.:D Okay, let's not get childish!:rolleyes: And I have heard so much about Anne Rice, but to this day I haven't found any of her books from the library, where I get all my reading (books are too expensive to buy here!). Okay, I have LOTR at home, but it was kind of a gift, so it doesn't count.
Yeah, fantasy-literature isn't that highly-respected in Finland neither. When I brought a fantasybook to school so that i could read it during the breaks, some people said "Oh, you're reading that! I read those when I was in second class!" It's pretty irritating, as I didn't even read any books when i was in second class (just comics...). But roleplaying is very popular in Finland, and most of the LARPers read fantasybooks, so there's no worry that it wouldn't succeed here, it's just quite underrated. Pity.:( And of course people must read other stuff also (the classics and all), but since I'm a student, I get pretty fet up with the classics in the school, so I want to use my spare time reading fantasy. Right now, i'm reading three books at the same time: Elaine Cunninghams "Tangled Webs" (a sequal to "Daughter of the Drow"); Terry Pratchett's "Strata"; and R.A. Salvatore's "Demon Spirit", which is awful, but I just have to read it! I know, me all weirdo!:cross:
[I]Caluuuu!!![/I] Calumon bounced around his cage. The cage was rolling down a hill, where the data wave had left it. "Uch! Ouch! Ungh!" another voice complained. Calumon opened his eyes and saw a little boy hanging behind the cage. Then the bouncing stopped, as they reached the bottom of the hill. "Calu? Are you okay, Mako?" "Ungh, I think so...but what happened to Impy and my sis? Weren't we biomerged a while ago?" "The big wave separated you, calu. It wasn't supposed to happen..." Calumons ears diminished. "Oh don't be sad, little dude! Well find them, I promise! But first we have to find out where we are..." It was raining, and the water kept Mako from seeing very far. He saw that there were mountains surrounding them, and everything seemed kind of..sad and gloomy. The trees, the clouds, the rocks, the ghosts...everything. "GHOSTS?!" Mako shouted ashtonished. A Phantomon approached them. [I]Haaargh, you have violated the peace of the Valley of Death! You must join us...wait, you aren't a digimon![/I] "No I'm not, thanks for noticing! Look, I'm a Tamer, and I'll whack your gloomy butt if you touch me or Calumon!" [I]Haaarrr, I'm truly sorry, your Tamerness! I'll escort you to the Oracle. She awaits you![/I] "HAH! You'll escort me to nowhere! This Oracle might as well be a freaking LadyDevimon, if she's anything like this place supposes!" [I]Ahah, child, you have no idea how close you are. But you'll come with me, you wanted or not! FATHER TIME!!![/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ah, we have more guests! Just wait", LadyDevimon said to Jeri, Rika and the others. At the moment they were at a huge black mansion, just the like you'd see in old horrorfilms, with bats, cobwebs, skeletons and all. Rika looked at the foaming teacup. "Ugh, I think I'll pass this one!" "Me too!" Jeri replied. Suddenly her eyes widened. "W-what...? I'm feeling something...!" The big frontdoors opened dramatically just when a lightning flashed. A Phantomon floated inside, carrying an unconsious boy holding a small cage. "Oh honey, please don't bring water inside!" LadyDevimon sighed. [I]Sorry, honeypuff![/I], Phantomon said ashamed. "Now, place the poor child to that sofa." "Jeri, look! It's Mako!" Rika gasped. "And...CALUMON!!!" Jeri shouted, running to the cage, opening it. "Oh Calumon, I've waited for you! Now I know that were meant to be together!" "C-calu...?" Calumon asked, raising his eyelid carefully. "JERI!!! WHEE!!!" Calumon rushed out from his prison and leapt in Jeri's arms. Then a bright lightball appeared above them. The light diminshed, until it was just a size of a... "Digivice?" Jeri gasped, her eyes tearing with joy. A clear-white D-power descented to her hand. "I'm a tamer again...I'm Calumon's Tamer!"
*sigh* Though I've read so many f-series, there's still many to go, eg LeGuin's "Earthsea" and P. Pullman's series. I started my fantasy reading quite late, at the age of 13, I guess. It started with "the Hobbit" and moved to Eddings and then there was no turning back. Let me say my opinion about some writers. First, [B]Tolkien:[/B] I love his imagination, and I've practically eaten the books that many others say there boring or too complex, meaning "Silmarillion" and the one with unfinished tales (don't know it's English name). Lord of the Rings wasn't as good because it was written to schoolboys -lots of fighting, high morale, everybody was either totally good or rotten bad, no proper female-characters...ESPECIALLY the lack of females! But I was a mere schoolboy when I first read it, so it touched me too. [B]Eddings:[/B] I adored these books five years ago, but I read the latest of his books, "Althalus", half an year ago...and I hated it! It was torture to read it (but I never quit from a book)! Okay, the main idea and the beginning were good, but then it becomes just...horrible! All the villains are crushed like bugs, and *spoiler if anybody cares* Althalus makes his beloved goddess BREGNANT at the end! Gosh... [B]Weis&Hickman:[/B] Ahh, they are something! Dragonlance-saga works perfectly, and it doesn't bother me that it still goes on! And Deathgate Cycle then...just amazing! And not too long, either. And it's world...something revolutionally well made. I've started to read the new "Blacksword"-series too, but I've only read the first book, so I can't say much about it, except the idea's quite interesting (the hierarchy among mages; well, read and you'll find out..) [B]Salvatore:[/B] I'm actually quite disappointed about this guy, for his first trilogies to Forgotten Realms were awesome, but now his level is getting veeery low, especially this new "Demon"-trilogy (not Forgotten Realms): it's really unimaginative! The baddies are lambmeat (or how do you say it?), and the main characters just boring. Not good... Luckily, this Elaine Cunningham, who writes "Daughter of the Drow"-series, has been able to save Forgotten Realms; her books are great, and I think that female f-writers are really underrated. [B]Jordan:[/B] well, I commented him already, but I'm not nearly finished with his "Wheel of Time", and I'm thrilled to see what lies ahead... [B]Hobb:[/B] Robin Hobb is the writer of the "Seer"-trilogy, if anybody remembers? I must say that he went the easy way, like so many other f-writers: let's take a boy who's really a son of king/great magician, let's stuck him with a beautiful girl, let the two wander around a fantasyworld gaining frineds and enemies, and then make them a royal couple at the end. This pattern has been followed such names as Eddings (Belgariad), Salvatore (Demon), Tad Williams (Thorn, Sorrow&Memory), Jordan (Wheel of Time), Feist (Serpentwar), and many others. And Hobb was especially a disappointment, for the first book of "Seer" was really good, but like the others, the end was a total flop(?). [B]Pratchett&Gaiman:[/B] the most funniest f-writers I know! Just read Discworld-series, Good Omens or Stardust, and you'll see why! [B]Orson Scott Card:[/B] the "Alvin"-series is really something different! I'm not american, but still the "what-if"-style works on me. Big emotions and lot to think about, not to mention the personal characters. Do read! Okay, then there's the three fantasy-detective books: "Murder in Tarsis", "Murder in Halruaa" and "Murder in Cormyr", all from different authors. The first one is based on Dragonlance, and the other two on Forgotten Realms, but none of them has nothing to do with the stories Weis&Salvatore have written. It's what makes them so good; characters you'll hear about only this once, and great surprises at the end, kinda like Agatha Christie-type of ending. Good entertainment, if you've read all your Poirots and Marples already. Okay, I think this will do this time. I haven't yet mentioned properly "Fionavar", "Deverry", "Serpentwar", Holdstock, McCaffrey or Terry Brooks´, but they'll have their momet, I promise!;)
Yeah, I at least think I've read all the old dragonlances, surely everything that has been translated, so yes, Chronicles, Legends, New Generation, Fifth Age(not by Weis, I know)... Hmm, I can't really say a specific book that was my favorite, but everything where there's Tasslehoff or other kents, or gnomes, those rock! Just hilarious...But somehow, Tasslehoff isn't as funny as he used to be in this new series..might be the translation, but I don't think so...well, he's the best character in the series. Okay, it's almost midnight here, so maybe I'll hit the sack now! Goodnight!
I've read only the two first parts of the newest Dragonlance-trilogy (War of the Souls?), and I think Vanished Moon is the third part, that hasn't been published here yet, so DO NOT tell me spoilers!!!:smirk: And Jordan...I see his books as the "Bold&Beautiful" of fantasy; I mean, the plotting is ashtonishing! The characters switch partners in every book (one English book has been translated to two Finnish books, btw), and the supproting characters change constantly -not to mention the enemies! Crazy man, that Robert Jordan-guy! But entertaining anyhow!;)
Yup, because the real Shinduramon died in the claws of Alice/Youkomon -and he wasn't red.;) But do ask if something is troubling you, Mina (or anyone else)! Wouldn't want to confuse this story anymore than it is!:D (But I think we have handled the misunderstandings pretty well thusfar.) Folks, keep Tamers alive!:D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyjin Beijita [/i] [B] In Greek literature, there is a character with the name Goliath, who is a titan. [/B][/QUOTE] Tsk, tsk, SB! Goliath isn't from Greek mythology at ALL, he's known from a more famous tradition. He's a character in the great book of fairy tales called Biblia, aka The Bible!:smirk: (Okay, don't get mad anyone, I'm just a pitiful atheist!:D)
Hiya, everybody!:D Since I'm a complex person with many different interests, I'd like to discuss about this with you too, because I haven't done it yet! Okay, topic is FANTASY NOVELS. Do you adore them, like moi, or perhaps think they're for kids under 15, and shouldn't be taken seriously? If I boast a little, I've read...*checks his list(YES, I DO have a list!)* about 150 different fantasy books (mostly in Finnish, but few in English too). What i think is best fantasy are the Dragonlance- , Deathgate Cycle- and Forgotten Realms-sagas with all the elves, dwarfs and creepy-crawlers. But of course the "different" type of fantasy is great too, just in a different way, eg Alvin- and Discworld-series (Terry Pratchett is just HILARIOUS!). And what about "the grandmaster" then? Err, I'm probably the first fantasy-lover to say this, but I actually liked the movie better.*runs from the torches, axes and swords* I'm of course talking about Tolkien and his masterpiece. But I wouldn't have read Lord of the Rings twice, if I hadn't liked it, but somehow the movie was more...touching, perhaps? So, please, do tell what type of fantasy you prefer, if you prefer fantasy? (And I'm trying REALLY hard not to make this a favorite-thread, so please give it a chance!) I'm waiting forward of hearing your opinion!:excited:
:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: Why-oh-why doesn't Finland have such rides??? The biggest themepark we have (in the capital) has only one 50 years old wooden roller coaster, one that goes indoors of a round building (and lasts about half minute), and couple that gets you wet! *looks at the roller coaster pics dreaming* I want to ride one of those too!!!(At the age of 18 I'm still a huge themepark-fan) Okay, I've visited the Eurodisneyland(or whattaheck you call it), but their rides were piggy-trains compared to THOSE! Man, you're so lucky...:(
[*Looks around the stickied thread*How...??? Well, miracles happen!:D Ungh, sorry about Panjyamon...eh, let's say he had his quiet moment already...time twist, okay?*sweatdrop*] ************************************ Green moors glimmered in the sunshine. Two girls sat on top of a flat rock. "This looks like Ireland, don't you think?" "Well, sort of...I've only seen pictures, so it's kinda hard to say..." "Hey, Rika, what do you think the others are doing at this moment; I mean Takato and Henry and the others? We haven't seen them since we got separated in the mist. I'm worried..." "Don't be, Jeri. I'm sure they are doing just fine. But it would help to know WHERE they are doing fine!" "Bo-bo-BO!" a little voice said behind them. "Heey, Snowie!" Jeri said smiling, grabbing SnowBotamon to her arms. "[I]Snowie?![/I] You call him Snowie? Jeri, he's a freaking Sovereign!" "So? Now he's cute, and that's all that matters!" Suddenly a shadow covered the sunshines. The girls looked up frightened. "RENAMON! Don't do that!" The vixen-digimon had done her "shimmering" trick again, appearing right behind their backs. "Sorry to interrupt your chattering, but there's a datastream approaching us." "WHAT???" In the same instance they were forced to a purple pillar of light, which carried them to another part of the digiworld. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Rika, Rika! Where are we?" Jeri asked, still holding SnowBotamon tightly. Rika looked around the gloomy landscape. Darkgrey sky, crooked trees, twisted vegetation. She saw Renamon, the three devas (Pajiramon, Makuramon and Chatsuramon) and RedShinduramon, but then she noticed other figures floating around them too. She took out her digivice. "Bakemon, champion ghost digimon." "Bwahahaa, you've intruded our territory!" one Bakemon said "Huahahaa, you shouldn't be here!" another continued. "Grahahaa, the Oracle's going to get mad!" yet another warned. "Tehehee, welcome to the valley of the Ghastly Gang, the group of elite ghost-digimons!" a fourth introduced. "Bwahah, Huahah, Grahah, Teheh [names of the Bakemon]!" a shriek voice shouted from the shadows. "Let our guests be!" "Your Oracliness!!!" the four Bakemon shouted in unison. From the shadows stepped a tall, cloaked figure. "Don't be intimidated by my minions, dear guests. They're just doing what they do best: scare intruders! Indeed, welcome to the Valley of the Dead Digimon. I'm the leader here. I'm known as "the Oracle", but I can as well show you my true form." The black cloak swinged and disappeared, leaving the deathly courgeous appereance of LadyDevimon. *********************************** [HINT=]Not all darkness is evil!!![/HINT]
Panjyamon and Renamon ran after the kidnapped Jeri. As animal-digimon they blended in the army perfectly. "She's been taken towards the throne", Renamon whispered. "We follow!" Panjyamon growled. Leomon reached the Anubismon and Pharaohmon. "I brought you the girl! Here!" Leomon said proudly. Anubismon glanced at shivering Jeri. "You FOOL!!! This isn't the same one!" With these words Anubismon stroke the Leomon dead. Mammalian troops howled in excitement. Finally some action! "This is what happens to idiots who dare to intrude me with nonsense! I am your queen, and you don't mess up with me!!!" "No, Anubismon, you're no longer the queen, for I have come to take my rightful place in the throne!" Panjyamon shouted. Renamon looked at the white lion-digimon ashtonished. "Once you were my queen and partner, but then you surrendered to that Pharaohmon and you rejected the way of the Sovereigns! You thought you and your new loved one killed me, but I'm far from dead, as you can see! You'll no longer have power here, for these digimons will follow their original ruler: King Panjyamon!" "AS IF! My loyal people, tear that traitor into pieces! Didn't me and Pharaohmon show you the right way to live? Didn't we promised you the power over all other digimon-species?" Anubismon shouted desperately. The mass of fur and claws hesitated. "Promises! They're worth nothing! Just lies to get what those two want! I can restore the old days, remember those? When there was no tribal wars, no dying or suffering! For the name of Sovereigns, destroy the traitors!" Panjyamon ordered. And the animal-people obeyed. "Noooo...." Anubismon's shout was silenced by a horde of angry beasts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]You cursed lowlife being! You destroyed my plan! How do I explain this to master Milleniummon?[/I] Pharaohmon thought as he vanished to avoid the ripping claws and teeth of the fiery beasts. [I]If I find that girl again, maybe then....[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "P-Panjyamon...Is it true? Are you really...a king?" Jeri asked, when things were settled down. "Yes, girl. My quest ends here, but you must go with the devas and find the others. Only then you can restore the powers of the Sovereigns." "What happened to master Baihumon?" Pajiramon asked. "Yeah, where is the old fur-back?" Makuramon repeated. "My troops searched the area, but couldn't find anything -except this", King Panjaymon said, taking a SnowBotamon from the hands of one of his servants. "I'm afraid..." "BWAHAHAA!!!" Makuramon bursted. "Is this little fella REALLY the great Sovereign?" "Snap it, Makuramon!" Pajiramon said furiously. "He's still our master, and don't think he forgets your insults when he regains his powers!" The SnowBotamon gave Makuramon a mad face. "Gulp!" Then Jeri began to laugh cheerily, and the others joined her. "RENAMON!!!" The vixen-digimon turned, and saw her partner running towards the throne-platform were they were standing. "Rika!" ****************************** [Aww, a happy ending to one of the sublots! Only dozens of more to go!;)]
Hey, Mina! That was good, don't feel ashamed! Of course you should continue writing, especially here, because we definately need more writers: there are only four of us who write here frequently: me, Ginny, Devidradude and Shaun, so do join us!:D **************************** "Growlmon, you must digivolve!" Takato shouted through the airbubble. The battle was on it's climax: MarineDevimon, Dragomon and Hookmon ("the Reeflords") and their troops were putting a hard opposition to their attacks. Growlmon digivolved to WarGrowlmon, and made the water bubble with his missiles. Plesiomon and her army fought well in their own element, but the best of all were the two MarineAngemons; Kenta's partner and it's new soulmate. "Have you seen Calumon yet?" Henry asked Takato. Since Terriermon had stayed in the Wavemakers' castle, Henry had nothing else to do but to look for the little catalyst. Plesiomon was sure that a spy-Crabmon had taken him, and the tamers couldn't really argue with that. "No, ask the brats there!" Takato replied in a frenzy-like status: the heat of the battle had taken his whole concentration. Ai and Mako were psyching Impmon in an other bubble. Henry swam to it. "C'mon, Impy, you can do it!" Ai said encouragingly. "Yeah, go and beat the grap out of those crabs!" Mako grinned. "Ur, I dunno, kidz...I kinda hate water...and it's been a while since I evolved...ya know?" "Oh c'mon, Impy!" the twins sighed together. "Hey, twins, have you seen Calumon out there?" Henry asked. "Nope!" "Na-ah!" "Oh...Well, I'll be off then." [I]Ugh, I wish Terriermon was here too...[/I], Henry thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sandiramon wriggled to the bubble where Ai and Mako and Impmon were. "Are you ready to digivolve, twinsssss?" the snake-deva hissed. "Yeah WE would be but that stupid Impy won't do it!" "Yah that's So unfair!" "Now now...What would you sssay if I'd give you the power to watch over Impmon...let's say in ssssome sssssort of merged form?" Sandiramon asked. "YAY!!! D'ya hear that Impy?" the twins joyed. "A BIOMERGE!!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The big bubble blew from the power of the digivolution. When the bubblerain settled, a dark, two headed figure stepped out. A new mode was born: [I]BEELZEMON GEMINI MODE![/I] ********************************** [Would somebody like to skecth BGM, when they have time? I'd love to see him/her/them...oh well, you got the point]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B] Also, to any of our esteemed Mods: is there a way to sticky this thread so I won't have to keep searching for it all the time? Please? [/B][/QUOTE] :nervous: Eh, Ginny...isn't that a bit too risky to ask? Afterall, our beloved mods moved this thread,and you brought it back...well, behind their backs, and now your asking them to STICKY this? I think we should be happy with what we have here...right? But of course, if Cera, D_M or Shyguy WANTS to please their digi-herd (;)), they will sticky this, and we all would be very happy!:D
Te hee! The Digiworld is getting crowded if we keep making Tamers out of everyone...;) BTW, Ginny, are you going to edit the sum-up you posted on the fifth page? Just curious, you don't HAVE to do it if you don't wanna; it would just ease things... *************************************** Kerpymon divided back to Antylamon and Suzie. The little girl grabbed her partners enormous paw and looked at where the house had been a few minutes ago. "Wiza'dmon...He's gone to bye-bye-land, hasn't he, Antennamon?" she asked. "Yes, Suzie, he's gone now. But we must be brave, and carry on. We musn't let ourselves get sad," Antylamon explained. Yamaki and Riley watched the scene from a respective distant. "Aren't they cute, Yamaki? That's real friendship..." Riley sighed. "Yeah, sure...Cuddly, must say..." he acted cool. Riley took his hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him blush. Ranamon and Gazimon were nursing the injured Mihiramon. "Argh, leave me alone! I'm lost!" the deva groaned. "No, we won't. You're just fine, if you'd stop whining like a lowsy Patamon!" Ranamon snapped. "You don't understand! My powers are drained...I don't have catalyst powers anymore! I'm afraid that...the certain somebody has them!" "Who?" Gazimon asked. Suddenly the lava-pit bursted again. The sky went cloudy and dark. Something was going on...Something EVIL! A fireball shot out from the pit and made a big curve on the sky, landing in front of Antylamon and Suzie. "Aaaghhh!!! I'm burning!!! Go away from me! I...can't...control...my...self..." "W-wiza'dmon?" Suzie whispered. "NO! I'm FlaWizardmon now!!! Much stronger than the old weakling! I'm a magical phoenix, rebirth from the flames of ArchDaemon's inferno!!!" ArchDaemon rose from the pit, eyes burning with eternal hatred. "I HAVE THE POWER OF THE SOVEREIGNS NOW!!! NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW!!!" "Oh, ya think, you big fireball!" a chirpy voice said suddenly. "You've taken just a piece of it, and you've used almost all of it already! Not feeling so powerful anymore?" Kumbhiramon grinned. "Antennamon, hewp!" Suzie cried. "Stay with Yamaki and Riley!" the rabbit-deva shouted, as she bounced high in the air. "Yamaki, we must do something!" Riley screamed, hugging the scared Suzie. "We're tamers too now!" "But...what can we do...?" Yamaki was chicken-sh*t in front of the mighty ArchDaemon. "Fine! If your not doing a squat, then we will handle this with Ranamon!" "I'm ready, my tamer!" the water-nymph digimon shouted. Kumbhiramon released his power to Riley's red digivice. "Ranamon, matrix digivolution to...Calamaramon!!!" The half woman, half squid digimon faced the possessed FlaWizardmon. Gazimon looked at Yamaki. "Me too! I want to beat the crap outta that overgrown cnadlehead!" he hissed. "Well go ahead, if you want to!" Yamaki said. He ahdn't quite learned what it meant to be a tamer. "Umm...can you help me, Yamaki?" "How? You're going to digivolve to a lowsy champion, and face that hyper-super-mega digimon then? Your out of your mind!" "Oh...I guess I'll pass then..." Kumbhiramon hopped to the lying tiger-deva. "Yo bro! Are you going to get up and help us? Or are you staying here and mourn your weakness, is that it, huh? Feeling...coward?" Mihiramon's eyes flashed. "NEVER!" The two devas dashed to face the horrid villain side by side.
I turned 18 just half months ago, but all it really means to me, is that I can FINALLY leave the church (for philosophical reasons)!!! I'm really a "boring" person, I don't drink or smoke, but somehow the idea of BEING ABLE TO warms me!:D I feel a lot more "free", eventhough nothings really changed: I still live with my granny. But small things, like having a mobile-phone connection to your own name and stuff, they make the feeling. It's the small things, is my advice. When you turn to 18, you will not be an adult, just your duties grow. It won't actually "rock your world", but everyone should try to enjoy it in their own way.
(Parise) "EEEEEEEKKKKK!!!!" I screamed. Another of those hideous monsters! I ran at the end of the corridor and down the stairs. But when I got to the first floor, a buzzing giant-bee approached me. "BZZZZZ!!!! Flymon needz food!!!" I had had it! First they're treathening to chop my HEAd off, and now they're EATING me!!! I grabbed a chair that was there by coincident, and began to whack the giant bee. "Go to hell!!! Nobody's gonna eat me!!!" Somehow it worked. The insect-monster flew away. "I need to get away from this hellhole!" I said to my self, and went to the main entrance. Then a classfull of smaller pupils almost ran over me. "Now-now! In order, children...Take hands...and...EEEK!!!" their teacher suddenly screamed when a monster who looked like a snowman with cat-ears attacked her, throwing a snowball on her. The herd of rugrats paniced -and nothing good comes out of when kids panic! The front doors, which were made of glass, shattered to billions of pieces. Now's my chance to get out! But then I heard a familiar voice screaming -John, the boy I had a crush on! I turned to see what happened to him, and I saw the snow-monster whacking him. "Stop that!!! You son of a...WHOA!!!" a snowball flew over me. What could I do? I couldn't just watch the boy of my dreams get killed!!!
We have our independence day in Finland at 8th of December, but no blowing up is allowed. And most of the people just sit in their homes watching the "presidential ball" from the tv, meaning Tarja Halonen shaking the hands of the finnish celebrities, politicians and others for a five hours or so; after that, they all dance, chatter and drink; and the rest five million of us are at our houses watching them...how sad...:( It's not allowed to use fireworks here except on new year's eve. Then things REALLY blow! (And several people get injured, if not killed...) That's how we celebrate here in the distant Finland...:(*gets depressed...*
Rika stood still when the scores of beasts approached her growling. [I]Now you're in SERIOUS trouble, girl! Nobody's going to come and save you![/I], she thought. Suddenly lightnings bursted from where Baihumon was, and all the gleaming eyes turned to look that way. [I]Now's my change![/I], Rika though, and sprinted to a wild run over the furry digimons. She ducked under a growling Garurumon and jumped over a Sheepmon. Suddenly she saw something she last wanted in front of her: the dog-deva Chatsuramon! [I]Oh ****![/I] she thought. "Jump to my back! I can save you! Trust me!" Chatsuramon said quickly. "As if! You can jump to your OWN back before i trust YOU!!!" Rika shouted. Suddenly the deva ran towards her and lifted her to his back. "Let me down!!!" But then she saw how Chatsuramon toasted a few Doggymons, and she began to doupt... "Why did you kill your allies??? You're trying to fool me?" she asked when Chatsuramon ran off the camp, several mammal-digimons running after them. "You can't be THAT thick-headed, tamer! I'm send here by sovereigns!" "Oh THAT's a relief!!!" she murmured sarcastic. "Just shut up! I feel that some of my siblings are near here." "GREAT! How can things get ANY better than THIS??? AAAARRGGGHH!!!" she screamed frustrated.
Hiya, rokas! I meant to post here yesterday, but my computer had one of it's "problems" again...:rolleyes: Anyway...hmm, this sounds interesting...maybe I'll play a girl, so I can scream very loud to the monsters!;) Okay, "my" name is Parise Trenton, my class is 8b, and I'm a boyish girl who REALLY hates school! [I]"EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!!!" I shouted. Me and my two friends, May and Lucy, were walking down a corridor when suddenly a huge troll-like monster jumped in front of us. "What is THAT???" I shouted. "Oh my...I think it's Ogremon, from Digimon...But how can it be?", May gasped. I turned to her amazed. "What? You watch Digimon? Now I totally lost my hope for you, girl!" Then the troll banged his club to the floor. My two "friends" ran away screaming. I couldn't, I was too frightened. "You tell me how to find home, or I'll EAT you!" the troll growled.[/I]
[To Ginny: Oh...I was sorta thinking of Phoenixmon and Gryphonmon, but Gazi and Rana are good too...there's just a tiny problem with Ranamon: what level she is now??? She can't be hybrid, so could she be champion? And Calamaramon would be ultimate? Okay, it's settled then!:D] ************************************ "That looks like our first mission, Ranamon!" Riley shouted thgough the wind. The four of them were gliding on a small cloud. Now Riley had spotted a holocaust far below them. "I think that's Antylamon down there. And those others REALLY don't look nice! Let's go! Whopee!!!" "Oh, neat..." Yamaki muttered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Suzie, grab my hand!" Antylamon shouted from the roof. "Quick!" "B-but Mihiwamon! And Wizza'dmon! They will get huwt!!!" "You can't help them! Maybe I can jump over that pit from the roof..." "WHAT ARE YOU TRYING, YOU MISERABLE RABBIT-ROAST???" Daemon blazed. "YOU CAN'T ESCAPE FROM MY INFERNAL WARRIORS!!! YOUR SOUL IS [B]MINE[/B]!!! BOGEYMONS, PHELESMONS -GET HER!!!" "Antennamon!!!" Suzie cried, still unsure of her partners real name. "HEWP!!!" A pink light descented from the heavens: it was the light of innosence; the light of truth; and the light of hope. It surrounded Antylamon and Suzie, who was hanging in her long arm. The light filled them....and bursted out! "BIOMERGE!!! Antylamon/Shuichon evolves to...KERPYMON!!!" [no-one said Kerpymon couldn't be a biomerged mega...;)] The pink angel banished Bogeymons and Phelesmons back to the lava-pit. Daemon howled in ashtonishment. "THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING...AN ANGEL-DIGIMON??? AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!" Daemon returned to his underground domain exclaiming a horrible roar. [I]What...is this...Antennamon...I'm scared....[/I] [I]Don't be, Shuichon...nothings wrong...we're united now...[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey, Yamaki! Seems like we missed the action! Damn!" Gazimon was very disappointed. "Oh, boohoo...my life is ruined now for sure..." Yamaki said bored. "What is that?" Riley asked in amazement. She took out her new, shining red digivice the Sovereign had given her. Yamaki had received a grey one. "Kerpymon...a mega-level angel digimon! Whoa, that's something!" "Riley, look! That house is falling to the lava-pit!" Ranamon gasped. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]Uh-oh!!! This house is kaboom soon, Antennamon!"[/I] [I]We have to save Mihiramon and Wizardmon! Don't be frightened![/I] Kerpymon took the roof off, and found Mihiramon lying unconscious from one of the rooms. "Where is Wizardmon?" Kerpymon asked. "T-they got him...the devils...I fought them...and used my catalyst-power on you...I'm too weak...leave me...Save yourselves!!!" "Nonsence! Your coming with me!" Kerpymon said and lifted the tiger-deva with her arm. "Now, let's do some hopping! WHAHUUUU!!!!" shouted Kerpymon, since she was half Suzie. Kerpymon landed far away from the falling house. Then a cloud approached her. It carried two adult humans and two digimon. "Kerpymon! We're friends!!! Don't...blast us off or anything...we're tamers too! You remember us, little Shuichon?" Riley shouted desperately, not knowing what the angel-digimon would do to them. "Heh! People! FUN!!!" Kerpymon exclaimed. ***************************************** [PS. this is Calamaramon, in case somebody is wondering.]
To Devidramon: I only wanted to make that hint coz I want to see Impmons other forms too; I already know the Andromon line, so I have no interest in it!;) Generally: These villains are sure popping from every possible hole! Maybe it's time to bring some back ups...:smirk: ****************************************** Meanwhile, in a place far away but yet so near from Digiworld, two figures were sitting in a coffeehouse. "How do you suppose the kids are doing in there?" Riley asked worried. "Let's not worry about them now. We're on a date, remember?" Yamaki asked grinning. "Yes, but only because I had the courage to ask you to ask me", Riley smirked. "I would've asked you soon, anyway!" Yamaki said blushing. "Sure you would, Yamaki. Sure you would!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "So, my place or yours?" Yamaki asked at the end of the evening. "Umm, perhaps it would be best if I'D go to MY place and YOu'D go to YOURS, right?" "Ouch, Riley! You're so harsh on me! At least let me escort you. I promise I won't try anything...well, not much, that is", the man grinned. "Okay then. It's just a few blocks." They walked down the gloomy road side by side. Yamaki felt like a teenager again. But this time the girl was actually good-looking. "Wait, Yamaki! I dropped my glove. Wait here, I'll go and fetch it." "Okay, sugar!" He turned to watch to a window of some souvenir-shop, when suddenly... "AAAH!!!" "Riley!?!" Yamaki turned to look at where the woman had went to. Nothing there -not even Riley! Yamaki was totally confused: there was no side-alleys where she could've dissappeared... "AAAAAGGGHHH!!!" he shouted as he felt dropping into something. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Riley...? Are you okay?" Yamaki shook the lying woman. "Umm, i think so..." "Look, I found your glove..." "Yamaki where are we? W-what happened?" Riley looked around. They were on...a cloud? Rainbows crossed the sky. Somewhere far above there was a moon-sort of thing with pink beams shooting from it. "No no no no NO!!! This can't be..." "Heh, I think it is...Riley, welcome to the Digiworld!" "NOOOOOOOOOOOO---" Riley's shout suddenly stopped as she noticed a flaming giant bird staring at her. "HAVE YOU DONE WITH YOUR SCREAMING, TAMER RILEY?" Zhuqiaomon asked. "BECAUSE IF YOU ARE, I COULD TELL YOU WHY YOU TWO ARE HERE." ************************************* [this is going to be SO exciting!!! YAY!!!]
If you could be eneyone on Otaku Boards, who would you be?
Sandy replied to anime goddess's topic in General Discussion
Please, I'd give ANYTHING to be anybody who has a SCANNER, so I could send my piccies here and not just watch others showing theirs...I really believe in my drawing-talents, and this is driving me CRAZY!!!:bawl: Oh, well...perhaps i'd like to be Ginny...she sure is something...and now i sound a teenage boy helplessly in love with Marilyn!!!:bawl: Could my life be any worse?!?!? ....okay it could, so never mind!:blush: (PS. I'm not REALLY in love with Ginny, so no probs, okay?:smirk: ) -
You DID it, Ginny!!!:excited: Thankyouthankyouthankyou!!! And thank YOU, Transtic Nerve, where ever you might be!!! Now I can have some other peeps to write this story too!!!:smirk: :shifty:Let's just hope our beloved administrator doesn't interfere... Well, doesn't matter: day is saved now!:D