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Baihumon followed the old digimons dazed. He couldn't think clearly. [I]What happened...I was fighting along with Zhuqiaomon...suddenly there was a light...then I was alone...surrounded by ferocious beasts...lusting my data...Pharaohmon...I thought I banished you eras ago...you captured me, but now i'm free...how? HOW???[/I] Pharaohmons spell broke off, and Baihumon realized that he was still in shackles. There was no Babamon and Jijimon, just amazed Anubismon and even more amazed Pharaohmon. "STOP THIS AT ONCE!!!" the sovereign thundered, lightning-bolts spinning as he spoke. "THIS HAS GONE TOO FAR!!! YOU CAN'T DEFEAT ME, PHARAOHMON!!!" "Oh you really think so? I'm free now, thanks to my loved Anubismon, and I will destroy you for what you did to me back then!" Pharaohmon growled, his eyes flashing red from rage. "YOU BETRAYED ME!!! I WAS YOUR MASTER AND YOU ALMOST LET THE DOOM TO CONQUER THE DIGITAL WORLD!!!" "Doom? That's what you call my TRUE master? Master didn't want anything but to rule, just like you. You're no better than Master Milleniumon!" ************************************ Henry was worried. How could they find the others if they had to stay and fight an undersea battle -a battle that had nothing to do with them! Takato and Guilmon were of course excited to get into the heat of a battle again. "Maybe we can biomerge to Gallantmon again, Guilmon! Wouldn't that be so cool?!" Takato joyed. Terriermon was meeting Okuwamon, who was way too big to fit in the resting rooms they were lodged. Ai and Mako were with Impmon searching for Calumon, but Henry guessed that the little fellow was far away from the Wavemakers' underwater castle. MarineAngemon was making new friends among the Wavemakers.(He had caught his eye on an especially attractive female MarineAngemon -the two were like meant to each other!) And of course there was Mikemon. Who could EVER guessed that the annoying excuse for a cat was really a sovereign??? Mikemon was accomodated to the biggest room of the castle -which was queen Plesiomon's, of course! Deva Sandiramon slept in a roll in the corner. He would have hard day tomorrow, if he was to evolve Guilmon, Terriermon AND maybe Impmon to the battle. Henry sure wasn't thrilled to see Beelzemon again, but maybe Impmon really WAS changed...[HINT]besides, Sandiramons powers shouldn't be enough to evolve a rookie STRAIGHT to a mega [/HINT]. Oh well, Henry thought, we'll see what tomorrow brings... ******************************************* "You see anything, Majiramon?" Ryo shouted through the wind. The dragon deva was sure loaded at this moment, carrying Ryo, Hopmon, Kenta, Kazu AND shivering Alice. "There seems to be a battle of some sort down there", deva said. "Let's take a look!" Trees were shaking as attacks flew from side to side. Suddenly there was a huge light, and the battle stopped. "Whoa! What happened down there?!" Kazu shouted at Ryo's ear. "Dunno! But I'm right here, you don't have to yell!" "SORRY!" Kazu yelled. The dragon landed to the glade. In the glade stood two dinosaur digimons, a fierce ox-digimon and a black android. "Brother Majiramon! What have you brought with you?" Vajramon asked. "Just a few tamers and a looney Digimon Reaver, that's all", Majiramon replied sarcastic. "Who the heck is THAT?" Kazu asked when he saw the android. "What? Don't you reckognize me, your own partner?" HiAndromon asked a bit ashtonished. "Guardromon! Gee, you've grown since I last saw you! You've eaten your porridge then?" Kazu said grinning. Kenta slided from Majiramon's back. Ryo had found his partner, and now Kazu too...Where was MarineAngemon?
"Um...Viximon...what happened...?" Jeri mumbled. The yellow in-training was poking her. "Wake up! That...[I]thing[/I] got Rika! We must go and find her!" "I told you, they are long gone now, Viximon", Panjyamon said from the corner, where he was sitting. "It's a big world out there: we'll never find them!" "Oh look who's feeling optimistic today! We will find her!!!" Viximon screamed. "STOP THAT!!! Ugh, my head hurts...I think what we should do is to get out of here. That mummy can return at any time!" "Okay, let's go then", Panjyamon muttered and stood up. Viximon hopped on Jeri's shoulder, and the three of them left the castle, each hoping to find someone they've lost... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Thank you, brother!" Pajiramon shouted. "For a moment i thought the message would be lost!" "Don't thank too soon! The fight isn't over yet!" Indramon replied. Two Meramon's attacked the horse-deva, while a SkullMeramon was dueling with Pajiramon. Boltmon looked at this very pleased. "Good job, my fiery servants! Burn those traitors to ashes! Sovereigns will never rule the Digital World again! Candlemons, go and give them a hand!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Look, there's a battle!" Jeri said pointing to the valley. They stood on a high hill, and misty moors continued to the horizont. "There are lots of battles here these days, miss," Panjyamon said. "The tribes are just fighting, thats all. Nothing to be concerned. Lets move on." "Why don't you belong to any tribe, Panjyamon?" "Um...Why don't we get down there and look what that battle is about!" Panjyamon said ill at ease. The three of them sneaked down the hill. "Look! There are devas there!" Viximon hissed."I though we got rid of them already! Those Meramons are in deep trouble!" **************************************** "Don't worry, master Baihumon! We're here to save you!" Jijimon said smiling friendly. "We'll help you, don't you worry!" Babamon grinned. "W-what...what is this...few moments ago you were trying to slaughter me...what the Devimon...?" Baihumon muttered still dazzled. "Yes, you just follow us. We will lead you to master Azulongmon," Babamon said. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chatsuramon couldn't do anything but watch as Anubimon and Pharaohmon lured his master to follow them. But then he noticed the girl...she was one of the Tamers! [I]If I could just get closer...[/I] , the dog-deva thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]My master...I have no desires but to serve you...that is what I have always wanted....my dark master...my only desire....NO!!!![/I] Rika blinked. Where was she? Hordes of beasts surrounded her, drooling as they watched something. Rika turned his head to see... "Oh no! That's one of the Sovereigns!!!" she shouted out loud before she could think the consequences. Hundreds of glowing eyes turned to look at her. ***************************************** ((PS. Sorry to meddle with your idea, Masterdramon, but that was just TOO impossible...it would've been impossible to continue from what you left it...sorry!:( ))
Yes, this is a thread for discussing about that maybe awfully misunderstood, but surely mysterious and strange religion. First, I want to tell why this came to my mind: here in Finland (it's a country between Russia and Sweden...yes, there's a country there!) the wicca-movement has over hundred supporters, but when it applied for becoming a registrated religion, it was denied, and the same has been done only to spiritualists, who lure people to join their religion and then take their fortune. Are these two really compared? I feel that a great injustice has happened, so I want your opinion. Then, some facts I know about this religion: *Wicca-movement consists from both men and women, and there's no age-limit; it's like a big family. *they worship two gods: the Goddess and the God, who both are protectors of nature. *so basically, it's a natural religion. *they have their own sacred days, and yes, sometimes they celebrate by dancing naked on a moonlit field. *there are no blood-sacrifices, so no cats or babies get killed during their ceremonies. *they don't believe in Satan or Jesus, because they're not a christian religion.(Remember, Satan's worshippers DO believe in God; there can't be one without the other, as the old saying goes.) *They use herbs, gems, runes and candles, or all those stuff a witch could be said to use. *It started from USA (surprise...), and spread to Europe in the late 20th century. Wicca-movements "holy place" is Salem in USA, since of what happened there during the witch-hunt in middle ages). So there, these are pure facts (at least what I know: do correct me if i'm wrong). I'm sending a poll, so the result of this future-debate could be seen more clearly. Basically, I'm asking: what do you think about the wicca-movement as a religion?
[color=limegreen]Hehee, I'm really good at making enemies here, I see... But no, I won't shut up, coz everybody is entitled to say what they think, Justin. Me as much as you. And please don't call me stupid, coz when I say stuff, I con't [I]really[/I] want to hurt anybody's feelings. This whole anti-american attitude o' mine comes purely from the fact, that they have most stupid laws like DEATH PENALTY in some states, and yet they think they're the greatest nation on earth. (whole "God is on our side, even though we rush in Afganistan and kill few thousand innocent civilians at the same"-attitude...) But please don't you mind, Justin, you can invent something against us finns, if you like!:toothy: [/color]
Americans are CRAZY, I tell you! Which other contry would argue on this kinda issue: should the church and the state be separated? OF COURSE!!! You have far many people in your country that aren't christians. Democracy is to give equal rights and duties to everyone, without looking at gender or color. But most of all i'm pissed of this whole "ruler of the world" attitude that so many of you Americans have -I could name many from this board too! Hello, there are other nations in th Earth too! Well, now that I've done my evil deeds here, i can return to the digimon-section to wait while things cool down...:devil:
I'd say that though I've never heard of "soap shoes" before this, I think they sound pretty dangerous...:nervous: I mean, if they slide much, it would be a serious falling-hazard! And coz we have winter here in finland about 11 months from 12, they would do some serious damage...and our pet-polarbears would also be in danger as playful as they are...and if you'd slide into one of our igloos, it would break and the peep living there wouldn't have a home anymore... Okay, perhaps I should stop telling the truth and lie for a change...:toothy: But anyways, me no likey thosa shoeys! :cross: :p :whoops:
Oh,:eek: Gryphonmon's place is called [I]Sky City[/I] ,not [I]Guardian of forever[/I] ! (Where did I get that from...) Well, good that's settled now... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "My humble servant, bring me a 'marquerita'! Yes, I'm talking to you, loppy-ears!" Terriermon stared at the sun-bathing Mikemon. Poor guy was totally messed up. Maybe shape-shifting does that... "And you, red-scales, where's the fan! I'm hot! Hurry!" Mikemon had taken Henry's sunglasses and was now ordering the digimon's around. "I tell ya, if he bosses me around, i'll kick some serious Mikemon butt, no matter how sovereign he'd be!" Impmon murmured. "Listen, Mikemon..." Takato started. "It's your lordship to you, human! Where's the sun-lotion?" "THAT DOES IT!!! YOUR NOT ANY LORD, WE'RE NOT ON A CRUISE, AND NOBODY IS GONNA GIVE YOU ANY SUN-LOYION!!!" Takato bursted. Mikemon turned to stare at him. "Servants, take that looney out of my sight! Toss him to the sea!" "If somebody's going to be tossed..." the goggleboy growled. "Stop it, Takato! It's no use!" Henry said. "Now, my servants, i'd like to hear some music..." "BAAAARGGGHH!!!!!" a horrible shout interrupted the arrogant cat. MegaSeadramon was back. "Vikaralamon, sssspeed up!" Sandiramon said to his colleague. But the swimming boar was no match for a sea serpent. The whole posse was tossed from it's back by a huge wave. ********bubbles bubbles bubbles*********** "W-where am I..." Takato shook his head. He felt like floating... Somebody complained next to him. It was Mikemon. [I]Oh great! Just the company I wanted...[/I] He looked around, and he noticed that they were in a pink bubble. Several others were floating nearby. [I]Bubbles...?[/I] Then he realized: they were underwater! And sinking even deeper. He tried to see who were on the other bubbles. But then something blocked his view. A Whamon... He saw several Coelamons and Scubamons, few Gesomons, Octomons and Seadramons and a Pukumon. They were certainly underwater. [I]So many water-digimons...[/I] Then he looked down to his feet and saw a yellow light glimmering below. The bubbles were heading towards it. "Uuh, where am I? Where did the ship go? Servants...!" "They're not here, sorry", Takato said sarcastic. "What? I'll have their throats cut off!!! But why am I with [I]you[/I] ?! Has there been some sort of mutiny? My soldiers will..." "Lord Mikemon, could you just SHUT UP!!!" Mikemon shut up, but stared Takato with a frightened look on his face. The bubble kept sinking towards the light. *************************************** They landed on a platform made of corals and amber. Then the bubble bursted. Takato paniced for a moment, but then he noticed that he could breath. They were in some sort of a bigger airbubble. The other bubbles landed also, bringing Guilmon, Henry, Terriermon, Impmon, Calumon, the twins and Sandiramon. Takato ran to them. "What happened? How did we end up here?" he asked. "I think your friend MarineAngemon could answer that", a solemn voice replied. A beautiful Plesiomon floated closer, the tiny MarineAngemon by her side. "I'm Plesiomon, the queen of [I]the Wavemakers[/I], marinal digimons' tribe. I sent MegaSeadramon to retrieve you, but something went wrong..." "Yeah it went: he attacked my friend, Okuwamon!" Terriermon shouted. "I'm deeply sorry; it was a plain misunderstanding. Your friend Okuwamon is safe with us. The accident that caused the big tidal wave was made by my rivals, [I]the Reeflords[/I], who are led by MarineDevimon, Dragomon and Hookmon {one of the new digi's, a pirate-champion}. They don't want the Sovereigns to meddle at their businesses any more, so they decided to...eh, drown you." "How do [I]you[/I] know that?" Henry asked suspicious. Terriermon was still upset to what happened to Okuwamon, and when Terriermon was upset, Henry was upset too. "Well, I have my spies among them, as they probably have spies among my tribe. I've summoned you here to stop this war: it had lasted for too long!" Plesiomon looked worried. "B-but, how can we stop the Beeflords?" Mako asked. "The Reeflords, stupid!" Ai whispered. "Now now, if you defeated the D-reaper, the Reeflords should be a piece of cake to you!" Plesiomon replied. Takato and Henry looked at each other. They weren't so sure of it! *****and a little Calumon-scene to the end********* "Calu calu calu!" Calumon singed happily when he wandered away from the others to one of his trips. "Lotsa fishies here, calu! Fishies are funny, hehe! Come here, fishy fishy fishy!" He tried to lure a Dolphmon, who just looked at him veeeery puzzled, and swam forward. "Heey, where are you going, fishy? Me wanna play, calu!" Calumon ran after the Dolphmon, and it was easily predicted how [I]that[/I] would end. Suddenly Calumon felt how the platform had disappeared under his tiny feet, and he was falling. "Whoopsie! Me drop now, caluuuuuuu!!!!" Few seconds later he landed on a very angry Crabmon. "HEY?! Whaddayathinkyouredoing...." the furious crustacean's voice died out, as he saw who had landed on him. The tiny catalyst was well-known among all the digimons, including those who spent most of their times underwater. "Well, well...you're a sorta present my lords will be extreamly happy about!" The Crabmon grinned, and took the unconscious Calumon to his real masters dwelling on a far-away reef...
Phew! It's great to see that this thread still lives! Okay, on we go... *************************************** Azulongmon looked at the Tamers and the digimons. "I'll try to be fast, I'll have to change form soon. Yes, the situation has grown [I]that[/I] bad: the four Sovereigns have scattered all over digiworld. I've been forced to live as a minor digimon; Baihumon has been captured by some unknown force; Zhuqiaomon got hurt very seriously and is now recovering at the Guardian of Forever, taken care of Gryphonmon's and Phoenixmon's [I]Pinion Guards[/I]; and Ebonwumon is in the north, trying to find the solution by seeking the Ultimate Digimental, which would reveal the fifth Sovereign -the Sovereign of Power. The reason why you're here is that we found out that the fifth ruler would be among your troops. And of course, we need the defeaters of the D-reaper to help us to restore the peace. And Devas...we resurrected them to help us -and you. We can only trust them not to cause more chaos to this situation." The dragon-Sovereign galnced at Sandiramon, who kind of blushed. "Err, if i may interrupt with a question", Henry said. "Why couldn't you tell us all this in Keramon's form?" "It's because I loose my personality when in other forms, Jenrya Lee. That is also my protection: I can't remember anything but a little tickle that everythings not right, when I'm Keramon or anyone else. But, what i want you to do now is to reunite with the other Tamers..." "Jeri!" Calumon shouted. "Err, yes, her too. But when your together again, you'll have to send a message of the coming of the fifth Sovereign -oh, and you'll have to find out who he is, of course. But now, the time has ended, and I have to..." Then the huge dragon transformed to a statue of light, and dimished to... "What? What are you looking at? Can't a modest cat even lick himself?" Takato, Guilmon, Henry, Terriermon, MarineAngemon, Ai, Mako, Impmon and Sandiramon were staring at Mikemon, a striped cat-digimon having a bath. "So, will this furry boat ever leave? I've been waiting to see the Canary Isles!" Mikemon said poshily. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ryo gave his shirt to the shaking girl. "Ryo, is she...okay?" Kazu asked, peeping behing the stalagmite where he and Kenta were hiding. "I guess so...Hopmon, what is it?" The in-training digimon stared at the back of the cave. "Knightmon..." The gallant digimon was slowly scattering to data. "Hopmon, trustee friend o' mine! I shall be gone now...But thy shant worry...I died a brave death...ancestors bless thee, my Hopmon..." Then Knightmon was gone. "The catalyst powers burned his powers...it almost happened to me too..." shivering voice said. It was Majiramon. "Shinduramon gave his powers to Knightmon, so that you could biomerge...Now Shinduramon's gone for good...Sacrifices must be made...You heard what Zhuqiaomon said to you at the Guardian of Forever." The boys nodded. Hopmon looked at his Tamer surprised. "You spoke to the Sovereign of fire?" "Briefly, yes. But then Shinduramon summoned us here. Now, let's leave this hell hole", Ryo said and helped Alice up. "I'm.. so...so sorry..." she sniffed. "It's alright now. Your yourself now." "No...I can never be myself..not without..Dobermon!" Alice said depressed and bursted into tears. Ryo couldn't do anything but hold her.
G/S/B, just a wild guess: Tsukaimon, the black Patamon? And who is this mod who keeps moving threads?! This is an entertainment thread, not RPG!!! Gee, and no explanation! Maybe I should send some PM'S...:mad:
Yich, Youkomon's just NASTY! Let's see what I can do... ********************************** ********************************** Shinduramon's personality was whirling in a place beyond Digital World, beyond the Earth, beyond everything. [I]How did this happen?...where's my data?...where's everything?...I'm a deva...this can't be happening to me!...I have to contact the others...it was that Youkomon...she's not what she seems to be...the Digiworld is in grave danger!...got to warn the others...[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She looked at her victim with Youkomon's eyes. Little Hopmon... She had to change her form to drain her victim in a way that no other creature could do....she had to transform back to herself...to a languished girl once known as...Alice. It had happened only shortly after Dobermon had left her...it was something peculiar that a lost of a digimonpartner could do to a person...especially if you weren't just a tamer, but a twin...Yes, Dobermon had been her digimontwin, her datahalf...because of her fathers experiments to unite matter and data...the result had been her and Dobermon, two who were one...but now the other was gone...and Alice changed...to a Digital Reaver, a halfbeing who could only live by draining the very flesh from digimons. A siren, a harpy, a succubus...she was all those to digimons...Digital Reaver Alice... Before her very eyes was Cyberdramon -or his in-training, but it didn't matter. Cyberdramon had something that a Digital Reaver lusted, a hidden force, which would determine the digimons destiny as the ultimate protector...a new sovereign! "I want it...I need it..." Youkomon whispered, slowly changing her form to a blonde humangirl, whose face didn't show any kind of humanity. "I URGE IT! I WILL HAVE IT!!!" "In your dreams, you digibitch!" a sudden voice screamed from the cave's mouth. Knightmon and Hopmon woke up, seeing a horrible caricature of a once beautiful young girl. Then Hopmon looked to where the voice had come from. "RYO!!!" Indeed, there was Ryo standing with Kazu, Kenta and a black dragon, who Hopmon recognized to Majiramon the Deva. "W-who is that girl???" Kenta asked terrified of the cave full of skeletons. Digital Reaver stared at the human boys with indifference. "Do you really think you can defeat me? I WILL BE THE NEXT RULER OF ALL THE DIMENSIONS!!!" she screamed. Then she changed her form again. She didn't want to play with those little pests, she wanted to destroy -to kill! So she didn't go back to Youkomon, oh no! She went straight to...Kuzuhamon! "Whoa! That's Sakuyamon!" Kazu gasped. But Ryo looked at his digivice. "No, that's called Kuzuhamon. It's Sakuyamon's corrupted form. Hopmon, Majiramon will help you to evolve!" "I don't think that will be enough", Majiramon said. "Shinduramon, who called me, still has his catalyst-power hiding somewhere in this cave. Together, it would be possible..." Knightmon, who had watched the events from a distance, suddenly felt something whispering. [I]Knightmon...you have to help them...I'll give you my power, if you help Hopmon to biomerge...[/I] "I shall help with all I can give thee!" Knightmon swore. [I]Good...here, do your best...[/I] Hopmon faced the Kuzuhamon growling. Kuzuhamon just grinned to in-training digimon's pathetic attemps. But then Hopmon felt a stream of energy...no, [I]two[/I] streams of energy filling him. A light brighter than sun circled him. Then he felt how he was lifted from the ground by warm hands. "Ryo..." "Hopmon...let's do it!" Then they experienced it again, like they had experienced it so long ago...a biomerge! Their figure's melted, creating a powerful entirety, JUSTIMON! Kuzuhamon didn't grin anymore. "Now you'll have what you deserve, you spawn of evil!" Justimon boasted. "I'll teach you what Justice feels like!!!" ******************************* A huge explosion was seen on Digiworld's sky. Azulongmon interrupted his explanation. Baihumon's torturers stopped their evil deeds for a moment. Suziemon grabbed Antylamon's neck even harder. The dark aura loosened from Rika and Jeri, only to reappear even stronger. The whole Digiworld stopped for a heartbeat. Then the light faded. ******************************** "Hopmon...did we make it?" Ryo whispered. "It seems so...are you alright?" the in-training digimon replied. "I guess...where's..." "The Reaver is gone, but..." Ryo stood up. His clothes were torn and they hunged on him. He had bruises, but he didn't even notice them. All he noticed was a naked girl lying in the middle of the destroyed cave. "A-Alice?" the girl looked at him. Her face was back to normal...but full of sorrow and agony. "I'm...sorry..."
Probably the armor-form, coz you mentioned the movie. So the golden Rapidmon is the answer. Your's are pretty easy, G/S/B, why won't you try something harder: were not stupid here or anything!:smirk:
:eek: Whoa, this is baaaad, very baaad!!! Are you people REALLY saying, that USA's the ultimate good, and all the countries who critizise it, are evil terrorists? Yes, I know that you American's have been attacked in a horrible way, but this cyckle of revenge HAS to stop! USA isn't any world's guardian, who has the right to bomb any country it likes in a "name of peace"! Attacking won't do any good! And don't come telling that "they started it!" And even people here! You're attacking each other as soon as someone dares to critizise Bush! A leader that his people didn't even CHOOSE! That's what i call dictatorship! Okay, let's get this straight: you can't hate an entire nation just for what their leaders represent, that's just WRONG! For example, we finns have real problem with accepting the russians for "what they did to us during the wars", and I just can't tolerate that kind of prejudice! And in the case of "black tuesday", which the day is now called thanks to american's obsession to put the whole world to mourn with it, the ones responsible were -and still are- a small group of terrorists, and what did Bush do? He sent his machines to destroy to the whole Afganistan! All those civilians, who died "by accident", had to suffer because the manic will to revenge! This is so wrong! I'm not a preacher of any type, and I'm not telling you to pray for any god, but this "we're good, they're bad"-way of thinking HAS TO STOP, if we want ANY kind of peace to this world! AM I RIGHT???
Gee, fly-t, you sound like Eminem!!! And one should really be careful when s/he has been warned here...or have you read the rules? So no need to freak out when somebody critizises you, just take it calm and invent something cleverly sarcastic to throw at the person...that works in most cases!:devil:
Nice sum-up, Gin. REALLY needed it!:D Let's go forward despite this temporary (hopefully) location: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "THUNDER JAVELIN!!!" MegaSeadramon shouted. But the strike failed because a brown mountain appeared suddenly and bumped MegaSeadramon. The seaserpent scattered to a rain of data. "Whoa! T-that's...Vikaralamon!" Takato gasped. [I]Hehee, just in time! Are we a team or wha'?[/I], a hollow voice said. It came from Vikaralamon, but sounded nothing like it. It sounded like... "Impy?!" Ai asked. [I]Whee, and me too, calu! We inside tummy! Smells bad, calu![/I] , another voice said. Everybody recognized THAT voice easily. "Impmon, Calumon, what are you doing there?" Henry asked, still hanging in Sandiramon's back. Vikaralamon opened his mouth, and out came -with a cloud of bad breath- wet and miserable Impmon and wet and chirpy Calumon. "Whee, that was fun, calu! Again!" "Oh, shut it, ya perky little scourge!" Impmon snapped. "Oh, Takato and Guilmon and Henry and Terriermon, you're here!!! Me so happy, calu!!!" Then Calumon floated to them and gave them all a big hug. All of them climbed to Vikaralamon's wide, hairy back -even Sandiramon. "But...where the others?" MarineAngemon asked with a singing tone. "Kenta?" "Dunno. Have any of you seen them? I mean Kazu, Kenta, Rika, Ryo or Jeri? Or their in-training digimons?" Takato asked. "Err, I think I saw two little digi's before I ran into Impmon here", Keramon told."One was like a fish of some sort, and the other was a fox with a metal mask. But they could've been just some lost little ones from a nearby camp. There are plenty of camps nowadays. Everybodys divided, mostly to their own kinds -like the fishies are together, and the lizards, and the birdies- but there are some exceptions. But maybe the little ones have already found their Tamers: the D-powers draws their attention, right?" "How do you know so much, Keramon?" Henry asked doupting. "Heh, you see, I'm no Keramon at all! I know a lot of stuff that an ordinary Keramon wouldn't know. You're a bright one ,Henry, that's why you saw through my disguise." "Then who are you?!" Takato shouted standing up. "Tell us!" Then, in front of Takato, Henry, Ai, Mako, Impmon, Terriermon, Guilmon, Calumon, MarineAngemon, Sandiramon and Vikaralamon, Keramon revealed his true form, rising to heights. "AZULONGMON?!" everybody shouted. "Massster Azzzulongmon!" Sandiramon hissed. "If I'd known..." "THERE'S NO NEED TO EXPLAIN, MY LOYAL SERVANT! I CAN'T BE AT THIS FORM FOR LONG, BUT I'M HERE TO GIVE YOU INSTRUCTIONS, SO THAT THE FOUR SOVEREIGNS COULD RETURN!"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B] Lol, and sage, work on your spelling. It's 'percentages', not 'prosentages'. :p [/B][/QUOTE] Well, that happens when you come from a non-english country, where the words are spelled differently aka. wrong.:toothy: Okay, seriously, it was nice to notice that at least somebody had read my post!:p
Yeah, this is SO lame!!! Shyguy, was it you?:therock: Or Digi_Mon?:therock: Or...Cera???:eek: Well, who ever did this WITHOUT telling why, this NEEDS to stay on the digimon section!!! It BELONGS there!!! And for Ginny, I definately vote FOR. It would be SO cool to see this among theOtakus fanfics!!! (And I doupt anybody has anything against it...)
I was wondering...since there are quite many "banned" people in the members-section, are they still among the 3000+? And I seen the phenomenon, that somebody just abandons his/hers old member-name and starts as a newbie (dunno why, but it happens...). So if all of these were erased, among with the names who have never posted since the day they registered, I think the 3000+ would decrease A LOT! (As you have already said, but I wanted to put these kinda "members" to the discussion too). I myself think I'm kinda addicted to this site... even one day away from here gives me symptoms...sad but true...:( So no worry that I'LL leave this forum for a while.;)
Whoa, that's a though one!!! All I have ever managed to do with girls is to become their friend, who you can always trust and blah blah blah...! Kinda like those gay-guys in the movies... But I'm not saying that I don't like being just a friend, it's just I could be so much more...:bawl: Okay, I don't think anybody can answer your question, GothMog. Love just...happens! If you have enough courage to make the first move, the road will be wide open... to LUV:love:! (Yich, I'm beginning to disguss even myself!:p)
I've read all of them that have been translated to my language, meaning the seven first ones. But one thing that bothered me about them were the villains: they were the same in every book!!! Always the rats, foxes, snakes, martens, and [I]cats[/I]! Cats aren't THAT bad!:bawl: (you see I'm a catperson?:smirk: ) Well, anyways, although the books are meant to someone little younger than me (I'm 18, btw), I loved them, coz the world wasn't that bad after reading them...*awww*
Whoa, I got 58.sumthing! And I REALLY ain't "experienced" (with others except myself, that is...:smirk: ) But this discussion about is it good to be pure or not is really needless, coz we all know, that we're not "pure" at all! We all have "those kinda" thoughts, and it's completely natural. So basically, what I'm saying is that there really isn't that kinda term as "pure" in the issue of sex, it's aaaall natural!(whatever you "real believers" might say ;)...) That test only measured how experienced you are, and we don't need any prosentages to tell us THAT...
Masterdramon: Who has Excalibur?! I don't know such a digimon! Shucks!
Sorry about mixing Saberdramon's type: he's black, so I thought virus... But Birdramon's data in the battlecards, and vaccine in the show, so... But anyways, on with the story! ***************************** "Takato, Guilmon, here! Look up!!!" a familiar voice shouted from above. Takato and Guilmon looked, and saw a huge Okuwamon landing, and Henry and something looking like Terriermon's head on it's back. Takato ran to them. "Heeeey, Henry!!! Good to see you! But where are the others?" "I don't know. They got lost in the mist too. But here's Gummimon, Terriermon's in-training form." "Yeah, I kinda figured that out too", Takato replied. "But hey, you never guess who I bumped into just a while ago: the rat deva Kumbhiramon!" "Wha? How's that possible???" Takato explained it to Henry ((I don't wanna write the same thing for the tenth time!)). "O-okay, I think that could be possible", Henry said when Takato had explained. "But what now? How are we going to restore their powers? Whoa re we going to fight against this time?" "Umm, I think it's more like peacemaking, what we should do. It looks like the Digiworld is in civilwar or something." Then Okuwamon suddenly howled a warning. "What is it, Oku?" Gummimon asked. The Okuwamon pointed at the nearby beach. The sea was raging. "Uh-oh, somethings coming... Henry!" Gummimon shouted. "What? OH!" Suddenly a column of water rose from the sea. Inside the column came MegaSeadramon! "RAAAGH!!!" it screamed and attacked the Okuwamon. Takato looked around for any possible catalyst-devas. "Oh, where are they when you really need them?!" But then he heard a very familiar, shrill voice singing: "Calu calu calu!!! Oh, what's this? A fight? How naughty! Oh Guilmon and Takato and Henry and Terriermon's head!!! There you are! Me looked everywhere, calu!" Calumon shouted and flew to them. "Who's the bad guy, calu? The red worm or the white beetle?" Calumon asked. "Um, not sure... but most apparently the worm", Takato replied. "Okay, you go and stop them, calu!" Then Calumon's forehead's triangle started to glow. "GUMMIMON EVOLVES TO... TERRIERMON!" "GUILMON EVOLVES TO... GROWLMON!!!" Terriermon and Growlmon dashed to the beach where the two giants were fighting. "Hey, Takato, got any good cards?" Henry asked, holding his D-power ready. "Um... I have this Gallantmon-card. Dunno how I got it but..." "That'll do fine. Digimodify! Gallantmon's Shield, activate!" Then the little Terriermon was carrying a huge, round shield. "Oh Henry, why do you always give me such big weapons? Isn't there anything for MY size???" Terriermon complained. "Hey, I'll use this", Takato decided, choosing the fly-card. "Digimodify! Fly, activate!" Then Growlmon had wings, and it flew above the Okuwamon and MegaSeadramon's heads. "Stop it, you two!!!" Growlmon commanded. But the only reply he got was MegaSeadramon's tail slapping him down. "Growlmon!" Takato shouted. "We can't stop those two. Eventually the other will win..." "[I]Thunder Javelin![/I] " MegaSeadramon shouted, attacking the Okuwamon with a blazing thunderbolt. "[I]Beetle Horn Attack![/I] " Okuwamon replied. But they were equally strong. The fight seemed to go on forever, but then...the sea blew up! "Whoa!!!" Henry shouted. A tidal wave formed, and started to roam to the beach. "Run!!!" Okuwamon and MegaSeadramon got swallowed to the wave, so did Terriermon and Growlmon. "No!!!" Takato shouted, tears bursting from his eyes. "Takato, run! You'll have to...No!!! Henry realized it was too late to run. The tidal wave cought them too. Calumon, who was flying high above the roaming water, couldn't do anything but watch...
"Ugh, how stupid ARE you?!" Kumbhiramon sighed. "I'm here to HELP you. H-E-L-P, you understand???" "O-oh..." Takato said confused. "Then prove it!" "*Sigh* Okay then. As a catalyst, I'll give your digimon power to grow without those weird cards of yours. Here!" "Uh-oh, Takato...somethings happening... GIGIMON EVOLVES TO...GUILMON!!!" Suddenly all the Kodogukumons retreated down the tree. "Hahaa, there you go you stupid little spidies!!!" Guilmon yelled excited. Takato looked Kumbhiramon still with the confused face. "You see now? Okay, now that I've helped you, you should do a favor for me...or actually to the all-mighty Sovereigns. Order from upstairs, you see?" "Okay, what do they want me to do?" "Oh, just something small...like save their sorry asses! HAH! They're losing their powers, and they resurrected us -meaning the Devas- to help them! Are they stupid or what? Okay, okay, despite of my personal will of conquering the Digiworld, i'm forced under their authority, and all i can do is to spread some yuckie "message of peace"! Buh-please!!!" Takato and Guilmon looked each other veeery puzzled. "Okay, got to go now! Smell ya soon!" Then Kumbhiramon disappeared to the treetop. ********************************* "How come I'm stuck with you two? Where did Rika go? She'd be A LOT better company, if I may say so!" Ryo said frustrated. From all the Tamers he had stucked with the annoying Kazu and whining Kenta. They had been separated from the others in the mist. The three of them had found their way out of it quite fast. Thanks to me, Ryo thought. Somehow he just couldn't stop thinking Rika. There's my kind of gal, he thought. If I could just talk with her a few minutes... Suddenly his thought were disturbed by a scream. It was the Idiotic Two. "What now?" he asked turning to them, only to see them in the claws of a black bird-digimon. Ryo loaded the digimon's statistics from her D-power. "Saberdramon, champion, bird, virus... Okay, Cyberdramon, atta... Oh yes..." He had these moments when he forgot that Cyberdramon wasn't with him anymore. "Hey, Ryo, DO SOMETHING!!!" Kazu shouted. The Saberdramon was now dozens of feets above the ground. "Sorry, gyus, can't do...WHOA!!!" A red bird had grabbed him too. "Hey, lemme down!!! Who are you anyway?" He looked at his D-power again. "Birdramon, champion, bird, data... You're related, huh?" he asked the bird sarcastically. The two birds carried them to a "nearby" mountains peak (how near can mountain peaks be, anyway?) . There they we're dropped infront of a huge, blazing bird. "Welcome, visitors! My name is Phoenixmon, and you have entered the Pinion Guards's territory."
"We're in deep trouble!" Gigimon complained. "Oh, how nice of you to notice that!" Takato said sarcastic. "Now, can you evolve, Gigi?" "Um, I don't think I have the strenght..." So all the two of them could do is just sit in the tree and waĆt for the little Kodokugumons to rip them to pieces. "Oh geez, I hope Jeri and the others are okay!" Takato said to himself, trying to be concerned about the others at a moment like this. "If I just could..." Gigimon mumbled. "Well, now you can!" a shrill voice said above them. "Special offer from the Deva inc.: evolve your digimon! First time free!" Takato looked up. "Kumbhiramon?! Watch out, Gigimon!" Gigimon looked down. "Err, I don't think I can move at all. NOW we're in trouble!" "Buh-please!" Kumbhiramon sighed. "I'm here to SAVE you, not to toss you to those Kodokugumons! I'm a catalyst now, like all the other devas too, believe or not!" "THE OTHER DEVAS?! Are they alive again? Aw nuts!"
Masterdramon: ...Knightmon???....KingEtemon??? (can't really pick up on anything else than the last hint...)