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Everything posted by Sandy
Whoa, what a save! Good job, Gin! Well, let's try to concentrate on the other Tamers besides Ai&Mako -they're all in the digiworld now, right? ******************** "Guilmon?! Is it you?!" takato asked astouned. "Err, kinda. I'm in my in-training form, but I don't have a name yet. Would you create me one, Takato?" "O-okay, let's see...hmm...Guilmon...guil...gil...gi...Gimmemon? Eh, no...Gi...Gi...HEY, THAT'S IT! Gigimon!" "Yay, I'm Gigimon!!!" the in-training Guilmon rejoiced. "Yay, you're DEAD!!!" a gloomy voice said from a nearby tree. Then three Bakemon's came down. "Bwahahaa!!! Let's have some ghostly FUN, bros!!!" ********************* "Renamon? How did you scare that Goblimon away in your in-training form?" Rika asked. "I didn't. It was him." Renamon pointed at a figure hiding in the shadows behind her. The figure stepped forward. "LEOMON?" Jeri shouted, her heart filling with disbelief. "It can't be...you're dead...right?" Her voice diminshed to a whisper. "What are you talking about? I'm no pityful Leomon! My name is Panjyamon." Rika looked at her D-power. "Yep, Panjyamon, an ultimate digimon. Sorry, Jeri." Renamon's in-training form hopped at Panjyamon's shoulder. "Panjyamon found me when I was separated from Calumon and the others, and he has helped me ever since. Listen Rika, it bothers me to have no name. Would you...?" "Sure. You're...hmm...Viximon, from vixen", Rika desided. "Did you two come by yourself?" Viximon asked. "N-no...Hey, where's everybody?!" Rika was surprised. A thin mist had surrounded the four of them, and there was no sign of Calumon, Takato, Henry or the other Tamers. "Calumon...?" Jeri whispered, trying to swallow her tears. She had almost had Leomon back...almost. "Calumon..."
AGAIN?!?! Sorry...me and Coolie posted at the same time...again! Hope the story wasn't harmed... _________________________ Meanwhile the rest of the Tamers were in deep trouble: They had separated in a sudden storm, and were now wandering around a misty bog. "JERI? HENRY? RIKA? ANYBODY???" Takato shouted with all his powers. No reply. "What now...?" he got frustrated and sat on a stump. He began kicking the nearby mushrooms. "Ouch!!!" one of the mushrooms yelled suddenly. It was a big, red one. Takato was amazed by the answer he had had. "T-takato?" the mushroom whispered. Their eyes met: the same eyes, but in a different body. "GUILMON???"
"Um, I don't think I'll trust [I]you[/I]", Ai replied. Infermon grinned, and it's eyes glowed. "You sssshhhouldn't, girl!" a sudden, hissing voice said behind her and MarineAngemon. Ai turned, and faced a gigantic snake. "Let me handle thissss, girl!" then the snake attacked Infermon and destroyed it. "W-who are y-you?" Ai asked terrified. "Now now, who wouldn't know the ever-famousss deva Ssssandiramon?" the snake replied cunningly. "Um...never heard." "AI! AI!" somebody shouted. Ai turned and saw Mako running down the dune. "Watch out for that snake!!!" "I saw it already, you dork! He's harmless...I think." "You are correct, girl. I bring you a messssage from the ssssovereigns!" "Huh?" Mako had reached his sister by now, and was staring the deva prepared. "Oh, I'm wasssting my time on you matter-creaturessss!!! Isn't there a digimon I could talk to?" "You mean me? Whadda ya want?" It was the little Yaamon on the Behemoth. "Yaamon?!" Ai and Mako shouted simultaneously. "Leave those kids alone, you overgrown earthworm!!!" "No, no! You all have missssunderstood! I come in peace! The ssssovereignsss have resssurrected the devasss, and given them the power of catalysing. In their namesssssh we're trying to make peace among the fighting digimon-tribessssh. I'll prove it to you, watch!" Then a light circled the astonished Yaamon, and he began to grow. "YAAMON evolves to....IMPMON!!!" "Impy!!!" the twins shouted amazed.
While Calumon was enjoying his fifith creampuff, the Tamers were getting very impatient. "Okay, are you finished now, Calumon? Can we go?" Takato asked quite irritated. "Just one more, Jeri....please, calu?" "Sorry, I'm out, little one. We'll just have to go now." "Okay then, follow me, calu!" And suddenly there was a ellipse-gate in the air. So Takato, Rika, Jeri, Henry, Kenta, Kazu and Ryo followed the little catalyst to the unknown. _______________________________ "What now, Cocomon? Who is it? I'm scared, I want mommy!!!" Suzie cried. "Hush! It feels somewhat familiar...it's a catalyst....but not Calumon..." And then he entered the forestglade. Wizardmon and the villager-digimons all turned to look at him. "Good villagers! I'm the messenger of the sovereigns, and i bring you a message of peace!" "That can't be! It's Mihiramon!!! As a catalyst!!!" Cocomon whispered horrified
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by calumon_luver [/i] [B]I guess Tamers hasn't totally left us, Tamers in our hearts... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, you can tell that from the amount of Tamers-fanfics that have just appeared:smirk: . But let's see what happens next... _____________________________ "Impy, is it REALLY you?" Ai repeated. "[I]Buh-please, what do you think I am, a BAKEMON? Now, listen up, kids, you come here, so you can save me from this hellhole![/I]" "Why? What's happened?"Mako asked. "[I]Oh, nothing, I'm just getting EATEN, that's all! Geez, would you pleeease come here and give me a hand?[/I] " "Sure, but how are we supposed to get there?" "[I]Easy! Just step forward![/I] " The twins did that, and suddenly they were infront of a very hungry looking Blossomon, trying to eat Impmon's in-training form.
Okay, I'm TRULY sorry to do this, but I just had to post a spammie, coz this topic was 'bout to go to the "forgotten thread's page"(which is page 2; p. 3 is the "dead thread's page"), and I want the story to go on!!! That way Tamers will never end(besides, it has the best possible scriptwriters now: US:D!!!)
Yeah, and Calumon was supposed to be in HUMAN'S WORLD now, because the sovereigns sent him there...well, these things happen:rolleyes:... ON WITH THE STORY:D !!! ______________________________ "Calu, find this and find that! Me no want to find anymore...No, must find Takto and Rika and Henry...and Jeri...Jeri...calu..." Calumon sunk in a dream where he would be Jeri's partner, and then he would digivolve... "[I]That all could be real, little digimon.[/I]" A sudden voice said. "Calu?! Who spoke?!" Calumon was amazed. "[I]Calumon, it's me, Azulongmon, your creator. If you help to restore our powers, I'll promise to fulfill your dream.[/I]" "Calu, really???" But there was no answer. Anyhow, little catalyst was thrilled. He could be a real digimon -with Jeri. _______________________________ "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! You stwupid wizard, let me down!!!" "Suzie!" Cocomon cried. They were standing in a glade with Darktyrannomon and Greymon, Chamelemon still holding Suzie. But suddenly... "[I]Magical Game!!![/I] " Wizardmon cried, destroying Chamelemon. "See, [I]that's[/I] a Wizard!" Cocomon taught her Tamer. "Oh, I see." "Come now, run! To the camp! Those overgrown Gekkomon's can't follow us there!" Wizardmon shouted. ****** Later: "Suzie, I sence a catalyst!" Cocomon whispered. "What? Is it Calumon? He's SO cute! I whis it was Calumon!!!" "No, it's something else...something...strange." ___________________________________ "DAMN! This should have worked!" Yamaki shouted. "Now there's a horde of brats in my backdoor waiting to get to their dreamworld! I...hey, what's this???" Yamaki put his lighter in his pocket. A light was wandering in the huge screen. "Well well, isn't it our little catalyst friend..." "What? Is it Calumon?" Takato shouted at the door. "Hey, how did you get in?" Yamaki asked. "You were supposed to have a plan." Rika said. "Yeah, I HAD a plan. Didn't work." "How are we gonna get to Digiworld now?" Kenta said desperately. "There's our answer" Henry pointed at the lightdot bouncing in the screen. "Calumon..." Jeri whispered. ______________________________________ "Calu calu calu..." Calumon hummed. "No here...no here either...oh, creampuffs! NO, Me musn't! Have to find Tamers...oh there they are! Hey, Tamers!" Jeri looked up and pointed. "There he is! Hey, Calumon!" "Wheeeee!!! Me found you, calu! Me happy..." the little digimon's eyes got wet, when he hugged Jeri. "Jeri..." "Calumon, can you take us to the Digiworld?" Henry asked. Calumon looked at the group of children. Takato...Kazu...Kenta...Rika...Henry...Ryo...and Jeri. "Me try, calu! Me try [I]hard[/I] !" "Ummm...isn't something missing?" Takato said worried. "It's awfully quiet...OH NO! WE FORGOT AI AND MAKO!" ___________________________________________ "I KNEW IT!!! I told you they wouldn't take us with them" Mako said furiosly as he and Ai were walking down the street. "Yeah, they're SO stupid! Wish Impy would come and kick their HUGE BUTTS!" Ai was as annoyed as her brother. "[I]Ai...Mako...Can you hear me...?[/I] " "Impy?! Is it you?"
Digiworld's sky was getting darker. An Aurumon was sitting on a branch, enjoying the silence. Infront of him opened a sad view: acres of distroyed land, with no vegetation, just burned, scorched dirt. The Aurumon wasn't sad at all, because he knew that the land would repair itself -sooner or later. Now he wanted to go to sleep (at evening unlike normal owls, but Aurumon is far from normal owl), but suddenly something [I]very annoying[/I] bothered his sleep: a shrill voice repeating same, one word:calu, calu... "Oh shut up out there!!!" Aurumon shrieked. "Calu? What's wrong, Calu? Me bothering you, Calu?" "YES YOU ARE, thank you very much!!!" "Sorry, Calu, but you seen any itty-pitty digimons running this way?" "No, I haven't! Would you now leave, please?" "Oh" Calumon sighed his years diminshing. "Me lost them for good, Calu. Takato and Henry and Rika not like this, Calu." Then he started to sob piteously. Aurumon felt bad for shouting at this little digimon. "Er, now now, don't cry. You'll find your...eh, itty-pitty friends for sure. Just fly forward, they can't be too far. Go on now!" "Really, Calu? Aw thank you, birdiemon! Me look more!" Then he flew forward and Aurumon continued his sleep. _____________________________ "Calu Calu Calu" Calumon glided happily. He had lost sight of all the in-training digimons since the day they were separated from their Tamers. First left Impmon's in-training form,then Lopmon's, then Renamon's and Cyberdramon's, then Terriermon's and just few days ago the rest three. But now Calumon had got new hope and was determined to find the little runaways and bring them back to their Tamers. As flying through the dusky sky, Calumon shutted his eyes for a while. But when he opened them...he was back on humans' world!
One could ask how [I]any[/I] of the DD's or Tamers get to digiworld...(Remember the starting of s#1? It just happened!) Okay, let's not get away from the story, it's getting exciting:toothy:!
Jeri, Suzie, Ai and Mako were walking down the street. "Where could they be?" Suzie wondered. "They weren't at our home..." "Maybe they are at Takato's. It's just around the corner", Jeri suggested. The foursome turned to Takato's homestreet. After walking a while Jeri noticed that somebody was missing. When she looked back... "SUZIE!!!" she shouted. Ai and Mako turned also to look. There she was, ten feet away, standing in the street with a horrified look on her face...,[I]shimmering![/I] "What's...happ...ning...to....me...?" Suzie whispered, and then... she was GONE! ____________________________________ At the digiworld, a brown in-training digimon was wandering in that same strange desert she had met her Tamer. "Suzie..." she whispered. At the same time, a loud scream came from the sky. The in-training digimon looked up, and her eyes grew with ashtonishment. "SUZIE!!!" ______________________________________ [B]Okay, this is "offline" : could somebody send the names of the in-training forms. I'll give you a piccie to help. [/B]
Whoopsie! Coolmon and I posted at the same time... well, luckily our stories didn't harm each other...hopefully...
Elsewhere the three "little ones" were also disgussing about their digimons. "*sob sob* I miss Lopmon!!!" Suzie cried."And Terriermon and Calumon and Lopmon and Terriermon..." "Shut up! You're repeating your sayings!" Mako said annoyed. "But I miss Impmon too..."Aki whispered. "We must be brave, Aki! Impmon wouldn't want us to act like babies! You too, Suzie, we must do something! Follow me!" Mako said determinately. "Shouldn't we go get Henry and others...?" Suzie suggested. "NO! They would say we'd only be in their way! Besides, I have an idea...we still have our D-powers, right?" The girls notted. "You remember what they did on the show? With the computers?" "But Mako, don't be silly! That was a cartoon!" "Hey, what are you up to?" said a new voice. "JERI!"all three shouted at the same time. "Er...were going to find our digimon from the Digiworld!" Suzie told. "Oh...that's...nice..." Jeri looked down and then again to the kids. "Could I come with you?"
HEEEEYYYYY!!!! Since everybody is so excited to be on a RPG, why won't you look at the bottom of my siggy? I REALLY,REALLY need players (hint:you should scroll few pages forward in my thread, coz the beginning is just talking about a fic-story -the thread makes a transformation in certain point). PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAASEEEEEEEEEEE JOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, those ARE hard, Hype! 1) could be Piedmon, only he didn't appear on s#2... 2) Jagamon IS a potatoe, but I dunno...maybe he likes himself...?
Clowmet: third could be Frigimon (or Mojyamon) fourth is Unimon (stole Gatomon's ring...)
Well, HyperShadows riddles are very hard, but I think i guess your's, rokas-buddy. 1)Terriermon (or Lopmon) 2)Salamon 3)Elecmon so they are pretty easy(try something harder next time, okay;) )
What??? NO, THERE WAS NO PANJYAMON IN THE SHOW! What are you saying? When Leomon got stuffed with black gears, he just turned nasty, he didn't digivolve! (you should really get your dig-facts in order...:smirk: ) Okay, sorry from getting out from the topic...
ROKAS: Flymon HYPERSHADOW: 1=Pixiemon 2=? 3=Sukamon, Raremon, Garbagemon, Roachmon...(there's lots of things coming out from OUR toilet:smirk: )
*pushes the button*BLIM!!! host:And it's Sages turn to answer. Sage:WIZARDMON!:D *the audience bursts into massive aplauds*
Eh, not quite right, Devidradude: ULTIMATE-digimon is in search, so it's *****Leomon(you guess now?)
Oops, been messing round here...:blush: I meant number 3 is Gazimon, and number 2 isn't solved yet, so it's not Kokuwamon, Dinobeemon, or BlueMeramon, it's...??? The riddle was: they skipped this digimon in the show, but they showed it's champ-form (at least)twice, and it's mega once. Remember: SKIPPED(champ-SKIP-mega) :smirk: (It's not so hard...)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]dunno but i have some riddles. 1)pothead/jughead 2)dark towers ROCK! 3)the fancy dressed dude is from egypt [/B][/QUOTE] 1)Garbagemon???? 2)Arukenimon 3)Pharaohmon, Anubismon or Mummymon(depends what you think is fancy dressing;) ) AND WHAT GOES FOR MY RIDDLES: 1)Kabukimon and 2)Gazimon are RIGHT, but "numero dos" isn't. Think again, it's really easy when you get it:D
Are these all digimon? 2:might be Devimon or Piedmon 3:sounds like Etemon or MetalEtemon This isn't fair coz I haven't seen any english episodes:bawl: While peeps are trying to solve Devidramons riddle:impossible(tm)*hih* i want to stick to the traditional riddling: uno) My name comes from a type of theatre, but somehow I'm a plant... dos) They &%ยค@# skipped me in the show!!! They had TWO of my champ forms, and once I was a mega, but nooo, they couldn't stuff ME in the seasons tres) I'm all grey and my boss is cool(yet he carries a teddy...)!!!
I think it's Nefertimon(only armor-light form, so...)
Now now, Darkmoonie, where's the names:smirk:??? ME WANT NAMES!!!*whoopsie*:blush: