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[CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/almagest-landmark2.png[/IMG] [FONT="Georgia"]Landmark 05[/CENTER] Three days later the entire Almagest Family, the Deacons and the Markhams, the Nords and the Midorahs, the Cornwalls and the Wellingtons, the Board of Magitech Corporation with their families, and even the servants of Rosengard were all gathered to the Falgabird Cemetery to honor the memory of the most influential man in contemporary Czenovia, Leonhart Almagest. Gadget felt very uncomfortable in the crowd. He stood behind Macey's and Evangeline's chairs in what he considered a ridiculous cerulean outfit with light grey downs in the collar. He couldn't help but to wonder the customs of the aristocracy: each and every one of the people attending the memorial service were dressed in sky blue and bird feathers. Macey had explained that the clothes represented the liberation of the dead person's soul into the sky as a free-roaming bird. In front of the row of chairs for the grieving relatives and the crowd standing behind them was a large marble monument with the silhouette of Leonhart's head carved into it along with a large bird. There were statues of a woman and four children representing Leonhart's immediate family placed around the headstone. An ancient man wearing a white cassock, blue feather-trimmed mantle and an elaborative headpiece made from peacock feathers mumbled words to the monument, supported by two younger men in much simpler outfits. Gadget had been told that this was the Archpater of the Czenovian Church of the Holy Bird. The Church's only function was to send the souls of the deceased on their way to their celestial abode. Such ceremonies were unheard of in New Czenoble though, where the Dynasty were considered deities and even worshipped in some homes. The bodies of the dead were transported to the buried in mass graves, since they were no longer useful to the production cycle. What happened to the soul after the death, no one could tell. But it was all different here. Everywhere in the cemetery were decorative monuments much alike Leonhart's. The grandest of all, standing uphill above the rest of the cemetery, was the Dynastial Mausoleum, the final resting place of the bodies of the twenty Dynast Kings and Queens that had ruled before Mideus Prosperous. The mausoleum was shaped as an enormous phoenix, it's wings spread and it's beak open to sing the Holy Requiem. The memorial service lasted what felt like hours. After the Archpater had finished, the guests had a chance to pay their respects in front of the monument. Lady Bavaria gave a formal speech expressing her eternal love and loyalty to her late husband. Sir Daedalus muttered a few touching words, while Lady Catherine could speak through her tears. When the speaches were over, the ceremony was concluded by releasing sixty-five birds of varying species and size to the sky, representing the amount of years that Leonhart Almagest had spent on earth. [CENTER]~*~*~*~*~*~ [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gadgetgerrault2avatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/ladybavariaavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/henryavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/vincentavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Gadget followed Macey and Eva out of the Falgabird Cemetery to the steamcars and wagons waiting the guests at the gates. Bavaria was standing at the gate with her sister Morphia and Lady Catherine, thanking the guests for arriving. Gadget left the twins to wait for Vincent to come out, lingering near the gate. Thus he witnessed what happened when Dame Grimalkin stepped out of the gate with her son Henry. The matron had been crying throughout the whole ceremony, which was very unbecoming of her - and a great contrast to the widow Bavaria, who hadn't shed a tear. Catherine tried to console Dame Grimalkin. [B]"Oh, Anna! I know Leonhart was very dear to you, you had such a long history together. You have been a great friend to him, so you will always have home in Ros..."[/B] [B]"Well, [I]actually[/I]"[/B], Bavaria interrupted suddenly. [B]"I have deep respect towards my late husband, but I do not want to deal with his camp whore and bastard son anymore. Anna Grimalkin, I want you and your son to get your belongings and leave Rosengard by the time I get back. And if I ever have to lay my eyes on you again, I will have you locked up for adultery and seduction of a honorable man."[/B] Dame Grimalkin's tears ceased immediately, as she tried to gather what was left of her dignity after the public humiliation. Henry was rigid and quivering with anger, but his mother pulled him away. Catherine gasped in disbelief. [B]"But Bavaria, you cannot!"[/B] Catherine uttered in despair, clutching Bavaria's arm. [B]"This is not a negotiable issue, dear sister-in-law. I must retain my honor"[/B], Bavaria explained calmly. Then her piercing blue eyes noticed Gadget, who was staring her from a short distance. Gadget gulped, but he was saved from a possible confrontation by a familiar voice. [B]"What's going on here?"[/B] Vincent asked. Light blue didn't match his dark features at all, which made Gadget smile. Quickly he grasped Vincent's hand and started to lead him away from the now crowded gate. [B]"I'll explain if you just get me away from here"[/B], Gadget said, not daring to take another glance at Lady Bavaria anymore.[/FONT]
[quote name='Anomaly'][FONT="Georgia"]Ahh, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada... Home to a really big mall. I forget if it's biggest in North America or just in Canada.. but it's pretty damn big, regardless, lol. It has 2 theatres, an amusement park, a full size pirate ship and some flamingoes, an aquarium, a seal show, a skating rink, driving range on the roof and a waterpark.[/FONT][/QUOTE] So those didn't leave any room for any shops, then? ;D
I said I was [I]unsure[/I] if anyone was going to write a post, I didn't say you'd have to do it right away, heh. XD But I thought that it would make a fine drama scene for the memorial service, the thing between Bavaria and Anna, so if you don't mind, I'm writing it there. So I guess I'm next!
[quote name='Darren']However, if you have a ninety year-old woman, don’t be surprised if she dies first[/quote] I'll have the Society of Ninety-Year Old Women upon you for that. We'll see who dies first then. ;P *coughagistcough*
Look, I'm sorry if anybody's feelings got hurt, that certainly wasn't my intention. I just want everyone to really enjoy the game, so hearing people say the opposite is a bit tough for me. :/ Anyway, I believe that the next landmark is coming up soon, and with the leap in time I'm sure all the players can continue the game without confusion to who's with who at what time. Now I'm just unsure if anyone will write about the dinner with the Dynasts. Malkav? Muse? Shy?
Lahti, Finland has a reputation of being "Finland's Chicago", due to a couple of criminal gangs that ruled the streets here few decades ago. It has all calmed down now, though. Currently Lahti is more known for these ski jump towers, familiar to anyone who watches winter sports frequently (which I don't, btw): [IMG]http://www.paijat-hame.fi/maka/selvitykset/MARY/ph/kuvat/398/105358.jpg[/IMG] Also, said to be one of the best concert houses in the world for it's acoustics, the Sibelius Hall (named after the renown Finnish composer) is also situated in Lahti. [IMG]http://juva.mercuriusonline.com/ezfiles/750/45/O_Sibeliustalo1.JPG[/IMG] As a bonus, the house I live in is the one below the tall chimney in the above picture. ;D Feel free to pop in for a visit if you ever get lost in this corner of the world!
You have to realize that even though me and Shy are the creators of this game, we really don't want to control and come up with [I]everything[/I] that goes on in this game. This game is just as much in the hands of all the players as it's in ours. Now some players have contributed - a lot - and are obviously enjoying the game. Some players on the other hand haven't posted much at all, whatever their reason is, and I don't think any miracle can get them back into the game anymore. But no-one can put blame in any one person's shoulders on the slow pace of the game: with so many players in the mix, things are bound to take a while to advance. I personally have advanced the plot and developed my character in each of my post, and in my opinion so have all the others. So my main gripe probably is that I don't understand what's so boring and tedious about that? So what if it's just been two and a half days? A lot of things have happened during that short timeframe. Think about the tv-show, "24", and how much stuff happens in it in such a limited time. Who can define how many days have to be included in a hundred post, for example? Anyway, the "problem" is as said being addressed, and the game will take a leap forward in time, though if that really matters something is debatable. Whether the pace will speed up from there, I cannot say - as I don't really have much power over it. When it all boils down, I'm just another player of this game.
[quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]So don't shove the blame back on them, that's kind of rude really.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] It's responsibility I'm shoving here, not blame. If something is boring you, then make it interesting, that's what I'm saying here. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Think about it, would you rather people simply quit posting or speak up when they feel a little frustrated? I know I'd want to hear from someone if they felt that way. ^_~[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Yes, but I'd also like to hear positive comments for a change as well. You just gave some, so I thank you for them. ;D [I]I[/I] just feel frustrated when all I get to read is threats that people are losing their interest and getting bored. There are other ways to express that something needs to be done aside of negation, you know? ;D So instead of "I'm getting bored, why doesn't this game move forward?" try "I'm having so much fun that I want to move on with the plot!". Even if it's pretentious, it'll make one Sandy very happy. XD
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]I doubt many will have seen alchemy directly, so it's mostly stories handed down from parents to children.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] That's where you're mistaken, since everything runs with Magitechnology, and many of the citizens of New Czenoble work in Magitech Corps factories. Sure, they might not know how to do alchemy themselves, but it's all around them. ;D
I'd actually like to write about the memorial service itself (not funeral since there isn't an actual body to bury). It would give a good chance to delve into what kind of a religion there is in Czenovia (something at least I haven't thought of). Any suggestions for the religion, btw? Or do Czenovias only believe in progress and machines? Maybe they're "technotheists". ;D Oh, and I really don't want to hear any more about this game being "boring" or "tedious" (got enough of that during Ragnarok anyway). If you guys really feel that way, it must be only because you haven't done anything about it. I'm having fun developing [I]my[/I] character, why don't you have fun with yours as well? What's holding you back? I mean, c'mon! There's a whole fantasy world created for you to explore! ;D If it's just the slow pace that's bothering you, then the issue is already being addressed.
I was actually thinking about the pace as well, when I realized that Gadget has only been two days in Rosengard. The problem is that with so many individual plot-lines, it's hard to drastically move the time forward without stepping on someone's toes - which has already happened a few times nevertheless (for example in Gavin's and Chikara Kokoro's cases). But I guess we can work in a time jump somewhere in the flow of the game. Maybe after the royal dinner is over, we can move forward a week into Leonhart's memorial service? You can post what has happened to your character during that "missing" week then, if you feel the need for it. Is this alright with all of you? [B]EDIT:[/B] I have just posted the seventh Chronicle which gives us information about Anova and it's capital, written by our very own Jamesy. ;D (Sorry, James, I felt it was necessary to combine the two you sent instead of posting them one after the other.) Check it out at the first page!
I've been a member here for almost six years now, and I've never had a long time hiatus. Shows what a no-life [I]I[/I] am. XP
So Macey has spilled the beans about Project Alchimaera to Gadget, Vincent and Eva. Feel free to post your characters' thoughts about the revelation. Anyway, I thought Macey and Eva could start to work together to find a way to reverse what the injections have done to Gadget. Whether they will succeed or not is up to you. ;D
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gadgetgerrault2avatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/marieevangeline-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/vincentavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Georgia"]This time Gadget managed to stay conscious as Macey took him to the basement laboratory. The surroundings were still a blur, and Macey's voice sounded like a distant echo. Somewhere along the way they ran into another young woman, who had something of a short argument with Macey, but eventually helped Macey support him. Then there was the familiar pain caused by the injection, but Gadget noticed that it didn't hurt as much as it had used to. When he finally came to senses, he saw Macey talking with the other woman in a low voice. He realized that she was Marie Evangeline, Macey's twin sister he had met briefly at the dinner last evening. [B]"Listen, Eva, I'll tell everything if you just go get Vincent here. I don't want him to bring the RPG to meddle with this, it would put everything I've achieved in risk!"[/B] [B]"Fine, then! Your 'assistant' is staring us, by the way"[/B], Eva remarked before she left the small laboratory. Macey walked to Gadget with a neutral smile on her face. [B]"Treasure... How are you feeling?"[/B] [B]"I'm alright, I guess... It's not as painful anymore."[/B] Gadget looked at his own hand, which was visible again. The bloodveins were still glowing weakly, though. [B]"I know. I have altered the substance a little. And your body is adjusting to these treatments as well. It's a really good sign."[/B] Gadget turned his face away. [B]"Good? I don't know what you've been doing to me, and I haven't asked about it, but whatever it is, it's done nothing good for me this far."[/B] Macey remained silent. Then the door opened, and Eva returned with Vincent on her heels. The man walked to Gadget's bedside. Gadget looked him in the eyes and gave a wide smile. But Vincent wasn't smiling. [B]"I need an explanation, Ella. Now."[/B] Macey stood up. Everybody turned their eyes on her. She was evidently nervous. [B]"What I'm about to tell you three will shock you. It's shocked me at first as well, but I'm a rational scientist, so I knew it had to be done. But you musn't tell this forward, it's highly important. Only a carefully selected group of people know about this."[/B] She took a deep breath. [B]"Project Alchimaera started half a year ago, when the Dynast King himself assigned the Prometheo Laboratories to research on how Magitechnology could be combined with human beings. Our father was informed, and he agreed to fund the project on the condition that I would hired into it. I really don't know why he wanted that, but I agreed with pleasure."[/B] [B]"The outcome of the first tests were catastrophical, and we lost all our volunteers. In desperation we decided to get specimens by force. So about a month ago, after getting a permission from the Dynast King, we retrieved one hundred and fifty young people from the slums at Gearloose Street in New Czenoble. And Gadget here was the only one of them who survived in our hands."[/B] Gadget felt his eyes fill with tears. He had already known this, but hearing Macey say it aloud made it real finally. All of the boys he had lived with, and so many others... sacrificed in the Altar of Science. [B]"But... why?!"[/B] Eva asked. Her eyes were aflame with fury. Vincent looked ominously brooding as well. [B]"Project Alchimaera aimed to create an army for the Dynast King. An army consisting of men and women enhanced with Magitechnology to become invincible. As you've both seen, the injections turned Gadget's skin invisible, but what's less evident is that in that form his skin is also impenetrable. And the effects on his mind... I'm sorry, treasure, but the injection is also making you lose your own will."[/B] Gadget couldn't look at Macey anymore. Vincent finally spoke. [B]"Then you must stop this madness at once! The Prometheo Laboratories have been destroyed, so there's no point in going on!"[/B] For the first time Gadget saw Vincent enfuriated, but he still wasn't scary. He was defending him, and it was comforting. [B]"But I can't! You've seen what will happen to Gadget if he doesn't get the injections! His body has already adjusted to them, it's too late to stop now. But I've done some alterations to the formula..."[/B] Macey was scrambling to explain her motives. But it was hopeless, for she knew she had done wrong herself. Vincent gave a final look at Gadget, and it was full of despair. Then he stormed off the room. But Eva didn't follow him. [B]"Sister... I may know a way to reverse the effect."[/B] [B]"What?"[/B] Macey asked amazed. [B]"How could you possibly?"[/B] [B]"I've done similar tests with the chimaeras. I've tried attaching metal parts to them with Magitechnology. It's similar to growing organic parts together when creating chimaeras, but not quite. But during my research I found out a way to remove the metal as well. Maybe we could apply the same method to Gadget as well?"[/B] Macey pondered it. She looked at Gadget, who was wiping his tears. Gadget didn't know if he could trust the woman anymore, but he was at her mercy. [B]"I think I can look at your method"[/B], Macey said, giving in. Then she smiled at her sister, who had given her hope again. [B]"We haven't worked together for ages, anyway."[/B][/FONT]
The sixth Chronicle is up, giving some details about the rebel organization called [B]the Underdogs[/B], as well as it's two leaders, [B]Blair and Donner Stark[/B], who were also added to the Dramatis Personae. So hurry to the first post of this thread to get something new to read. ;D
That's exactly why I'm going to do the post. Just to avoid misunderstandings about what exactly Project Alchimaera is. But after that post, it should be clear to everyone - including myself. XP
I know Gadget's seizures are getting repetitive, but I thought this time Macey could explain everything about Project Alchimaera to him, and perhaps Vincent and Eva too. I can post that bit, if each of you agree.
[CENTER][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gadgetgerrault2avatar.jpg[/img][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/vincentavatar.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [FONT="Georgia"]Gadget didn't need to wait long for Vincent to arrive. He had his long uniform jacket on, but for a Police Guard, he didn't seem too intimidating. More like... secure. [B]"So, you're all set?"[/B] Vincent asked as he pulled his white gloves on, preparing for the chilly evening wind. [B]"My my, look at that sunset!"[/B] The view from Mt Grail was truly aweinspiring, and now the landscape was gleaming in the fierce red light of the setting sun. Vincent lead Gadget down the stairs and into the rose garden surrounding the mansion. They dove under a delicate arch with wildwines growing on it, and they were in the hedge maze. [B]"I hope you know your way around here, Mr. Achard"[/B], Gadget laughed nervously. Not that he didn't trust this man, but the sensation filling him was something completely new. [B]"Do not worry, young man. I've walked in here a thousand times alone - and with Macey. I find the maze very intriguing, you see. Did you know that this was planned and constructed by Leanna, the wife of Celsius Almagest? Oh, of course you didn't, how could've you? Forgive me my silliness..."[/B] Gadget wanted to chuckle. Vincent was babbling! A full-grown man, experienced in both life and love, was nervous in his presence. He, a juvenile mechanic with no parents and no home, had this sort of an effect to one of the most powerful men in Czenovia! Gadget couldn't believe it. In fact, he still hadn't quite grasped what had happened to him. But he didn't mind. He was happy being where he was, among these rich strangers who were so interested in him. He asked Vincent about Anova, the country he was from that Gadget had never heard of before. And Vincent told him everything. Too much for Gadget to take in. But Gadget just listened, nodded, and smiled. It was dark already when Gadget realized they were sitting on a bench in front of a bubbling marble fountain with a statue of a half-naked man pouring water into the pool. [B]"He looks beautiful"[/B], Gadget said suddenly. [B]"That boy in the fountain."[/B] He glanced at Vincent, and saw that the man was just staring at him, smiling mysteriously. Gadget felt himself blush. [B]"Did I say something funny?"[/B] [B]"No, there's nothing funny about what you said. I just think that the statue cannot compare to the beauty I see in front of me."[/B] Vincent's voice was thick and raspy, and he almost sounded drunk even though Gadget knew he hadn't drank a drop. Gadget felt his heart swelling. Was this a dream? He couldn't reply, just stare at the much older man. Gadget didn't know anything about love, but there was certainly something reflecting from those deep, dark eyes. A light, an eerie green light... The expression in Vincent's face turned confused, and then shocked. He stood up and took a step backwards. [B]"W-what is happening to you?"[/B] he whispered, obviously frightened. Gadget looked at himself, not realizing what was happening. Then he removed his leather gloves, and saw that his skin was glowing again, only this time it was much stronger. As he stared at his hand, he saw it vanish. Then the headache returned, and he fell into the ground in pain. [B]"Gadget?!"[/B] Vincent screamed. The man couldn't see but Gadget's clothes wriggling in the ground. Not again! Not now! Thoughts ran wild in Gadget's head, but he knew that there was only one solution. [B]"Get... Macey..."[/B] Vincent spun around and ran into the darkness, leaving the invisible Gadget by the fountain.[/FONT]
I know that, Crystia, but I was speaking in a general sense of [I]who[/I] was chosen. So like it or not, Bush was the Americans' choice. :/ James, I'd [I]like[/I] to think I give intellectual criticism towards other political parties - after all, I'm something of a political activist myself - but I know that more often than not I'm just lashing my tongue. I know the left-right axis doesn't equal good-evil axis, but nevertheless I like to stay in the middle, just like the Green Party I belong to. Or rather, as our saying goes, "not left or right, but ahead". ;D
I'm sorry for making the mistake of not doing research on the muslim-thing, but assuming based on what I've heard. So Obama has a muslim father. It's still something the opposite sides might want to use as a weapon against him. And James, I knew it was a generalization, that's why I said it was. XP Besides, in my country communism isn't considered such a bad thing - we live next to Russia, after all. The Communist Party is very small and not even in our parliament, but there are other parties that have evolved from communist activists of the '70s, like the Socialdemocrats. But enough about Finland again, all in all I'm excited to see how this election turns out. The best side of it is, and sorry if this offends anyone, that it's nigh impossible for the Americans to make a poorer choice than at the last few times. XP
It's [I]Barack Obama[/I]. It's not [I]that[/I] exotic for a name... ;D Well, it's not an election in which I could vote, but to say it wouldn't have any effect on my country would be an understatement. I of course want a Democrat president, because quite frankly speaking all the Republicans seem ignorant, prejudiced and hypocritical. I know it's a huge generalization, but the things the party represents - moral conservatism but economic liberalism - it just doesn't get into my head how people can think that way about the society. It's taking from the poor and giving to the rich. :/ I find the Democratic top candidates very intriguing, as well. A black man with a muslim background against a former first lady... If either one of them is ultimately elected as a president, the USA has shown the rest of the world that we as a humankind really can get past our prejudices. And for what it's worth, even if both of them were white males, I'd still think they'd be great candidates for the things they campaign for. ;D
[quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]Oh and did I mention that Gadget's transformation is rather amusing? Must have been some amazing chemicals pumped into him for that.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] It's wondrous what a change of costume can do to a person. ;D In all honesty, the previous picture just didn't fit what Gadget became in this game. I was aiming him to look underaged despite being 19 to get some sympathy for him from Macey, but at this point it didn't just seem necessary anymore. But really, if you look at the faces of the old picture and the new one, they're quite alike, don't you think?
They weren't "live-action" character any more than the characters in any other OB RPG. They were just faces of real people, which I demanded to get the feeling that the characters were real human beings (since their faces were on the screen constantly) - and to perhaps make killing them off brutally a bit more tougher (?). I just feel like using the word "live-action" in this context mocks all those real live-action roleplayers who are putting much more effort to their rpgs than we here. Yes, I know a few LARPers myself, and greatly admire their hobby, that's why I feel so strongly about it... XP As for the Abyss, I won't be joining this round, but I'm sure you'll get plenty of players if you posted it now, Darren. You [I]could[/I] get more if you waited, but it's up to you. ;D
[quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]You're the [I]prince[/I].[/FONT][/QUOTE] Gasp! You insolent peasant! How dare you question my queendom?! *smacks him with a scepter* ... Okay, this is taking it too far. XP
[quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]One: Vengeance for forgetting about the Almagest and Macey fiasco...[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] So now it's a "fiasco"? XP You're a tough cookie to compete against for the title of "OB's Dramaqueen", you know?