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Everything posted by Sandy
[quote name='Rachmaninoff']Anyway, I love how easily Sandy is turning into the villain here, a role he seems to be destined to play. :p[/QUOTE] I prefer to stay as the causer of excessive drama, thank you. XP ;D Just wondering why my frilly apron was on backwards...?
Eh? Shy and Raiha, do our posts go together? I'm a bit confused, since they all take quite a different approach on the same scene. :/ I'm just wondering whether they were written at the same time, that's all. What's your take on the scene?
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gadgetavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/fauntleroy-chronicle.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [FONT="Georgia"]It was all over so quickly that Gadget felt like the incident never happened. He had no idea how Mr Achard had just stumbled on him but not see him lying there. Nor had he no idea who the man coming from Macey's room was, or how he had suddenly woken up in the basement. But he sure was glad it was over now. The headache was gone, and so was the pain from the injection. The only thing that remained was the faint glow underneath his skin. Gadget thought it was peculiar, but didn't really mind. Macey left to get them some food, after all they had missed breakfast [I]and[/I] lunch, but Gadget heard her running into someone at the hall. He got up to get a peak from behind the door. Macey was talking to his brother, the one with the weird name that was hard to pronounce. [B]"Is your assistant giving you trouble, Ella?"[/B] the man asked, but Macey waved his hands to deny it. [B]"Most certainly not! Gadget has just been... overwhelmed by the accident. He has been absolutely invaluable for me ever since what happened yesterday. He is a true treasure, and a real asset in my studies."[/B] [B]"Yes, speaking of which... I think I need your expertise on something. Could you run a few alchemical tests on this photograph I took? If you look at it, you'll find it quite interesting."[/B] Gadget saw the man handing Macey the photograph, and she gasped audibly. [B]"But Fonty... It's Father!" [/B] [B]"Yes, Ella, I believe so too. I took this with mother's old camera, and I think it has some magitechnological properties in it. I'm sure your tests will find out more. Will you do it, then?"[/B] [B]"Oh, of course. I will... I mean, me and Gadget will get right onto it."[/B] [B]"Thank you, dear sister. Just try not to damage it, it will be worth a fortune if it ever makes it into the pages of the Chronicle."[/B] Macey's brother gave her a wink and turned on his heels. Macey returned to the room staring at the photograph flabbergasted. [B]"What about the food?"[/B] Gadget asked whining. Then he realized he didn't only look fourteen, he started to sound like one, too. This fancy upkeep was proving to be really harmful on the long run.[/FONT]
[quote name='Neuvoxraiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]We discussed this in vague terms earlier Sandy, I'm surprised you forgot. But that's alright, I forgive you your lapse if you'll never use smilies again.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I'm sorry, but I really don't have any memory of talking with you about anything like that. Guess you just have to be less vague with me in the future. ;D
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Anyway, I was just wondering, seeing as the Almagests are supposedly the most powerful clan of alchemists, exactly what level of power should we be able to display ?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Well, since it's a science that has to be studied, I guess it depends on which member we're talking about. I guess Daedalus, with right materials at hand, could very well create powerful explosions and change substances of things etc., while someone like Victoria would only know most basic things taught at school. The Almagest bloodline only gives the family member the potential to be great alchemists, it's each to their own how they use it. ;D
People, let's revise what we agreed upon before the actual game even happened. [QUOTE=myself]Shy answered to your question, D'Ann, but I just want to add that you shouldn't expect to be able to just clap your hands to do miracles and call that achemy, a la Fullmetal Alchemist. In this game alchemy really is a science, for which you may have an inherited potency, but which you still need to study long and hard. That's why none of the commoners are alchemists, really (since they don't get to go to science schools).[/QUOTE] We should all know by our age (especially if we've watched Fullmetal Alchemist, but otherwise as well) that the power of alchemy is tied to matter: you cannot create anything without taking something away. Sure there's magic involved, but it's not all that and circus tricks. Fire can be created with alchemy by combining flammable things with just the right amount of gasses, for example, not by merely snapping fingers. If you're wondering about Gadget's powers, or perhaps are envious of them and want to ask why [I]your[/I] character doesn't have them, it's because Gadget is a special experiment. These powers aren't coming from him, it's because of the injections he has been given, although his inheritance does make him a suitable target for the stuff Macey has been injecting him. Anyway, his powers are strictly related to the main story, and are an important part of it. Now if all characters suddenly start having superhuman powers out of nowhere, the purpose of this main story will be quite frankly watered down. This is not a superhero RPG, it was never meant to be that way. Gadget will not become a superhero who will save the day, in fact he greatly suffers from what has been done to him. So if you want your character to have magical abilities, please tie the powers to some object or materials (like in Alecia's case, her potions). I sincerely hope we can all agree to this, and continue with the game. ;D
Heh, Aaryanna, you [I]do[/I] know what's the Victorian punishment for children disobeying school faculty like Victoria and Harrison did? XD They won't get away with mere detention for that... But it goes without saying that the children of aristocracy sure know how to look down on people. ;D Great post!
Discuss A Fantasy RPG Concept, with a Christian Twist
Sandy replied to Aberinkula's topic in Theater
[COLOR="Green"]I deleted all the posts that were more about religious debate than this new idea for an RPG. Please, if you want to debate on Christianity, use the Lounge instead of this place. Thanks![/COLOR] -
So it was a misinterpretation on my part, and I apologize. Also, I couldn't have possibly known that Shy had already given his okay for the post, that's why I asked the players in general to notify both of us when possible. Naturally AIM-conversations don't count. ;D
You're irritating for taking everything I say as a personal insult towards you or Beth. ;D I don't know, maybe it's because I don't speak English as my native language that I interpret things differently. This is what struck my eyes the most in Beth's post: [quote][COLOR="Blue"][B]“Oh my… all of them are missing?” [/B]Just the thought was starting to make her feel sick. The Director nodded sadly and sat back down. [B]“Yes, each and everyone of them, including our head researcher in potionism, Dr. Victor Rawlings, your mentor.”[/B][/COLOR][/quote] I'm sorry if it's just another misinterpretation, but this sounded to me like all the leading potionists have gone missing. :/ Whatever the case is, me and Shy are trying to help everyone get into the complex main story without spoiling too much before things happen. That's why we [I]both[/I] need to give some directions occasionally, even though it can be irritating at times. But really, it's not just me. Shy maybe doing things differently, but we're both in charge of this game and it's flow, and of making it enjoyable to everyone. Which I hope it has been. ;D Having two gamemasters brings it's own complications, but it would [I]really[/I] help if people would contact me along with Shy, so I would know these things too. Shy isn't exactly forwarding me his every PM, you know? So if you want to clear something up privately, just enter both our names in the recipient field, okay? ;D Saves us all from great deal of trouble and misinterpretations in the future.
Beth, I have to butt in and explain that the guys with the doghead logo don't kidnap [I]every[/I] alchemist in Czenovia, just very special ones that are involved with something specific (which will be revealed to all of you due time). So saying that every potionist has gone missing is a bit too much... I'm not blaming you for anything, you couldn't have known our plans for the main story. It's totally alright for Alecia to get promoted, but if you could just downscale the amount of kidnappings, it would help to keep the game consistent. ;D After all, if hundreds of people would have been kidnapped, there would have been plenty of eyewitnesses by now, wouldn't there? But as it is, the note with the doghead logo is the Police Guard's biggest clue now.
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Sandy replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='MistressRoxie'][color=#9933ff]Hmm, so what colour is your hair now? =P[/color][/QUOTE] Like this: [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/omakuva27.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/omakuva28.png[/IMG] But I'm getting a haircut next week. XP -
The family tree and the avatars have now been updated with the image of Harriet.
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gadgetavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/vincentavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Georgia"]Gadget woke up at the break of dawn to a smashing headache. He had gotten used to early mornings in his job as a factory mechanic, and apparently even the weeks he had spent in captivity couldn't affect that. He found a morning gown hanging on the door of the private bathroom of his living quarters, and pulled it on. The headache was getting worse, so he decided to find Macey. Maybe she could help him. He left the room and crossed the corridor to the door of Macey's quarters. He knocked it gently, but there was no reply. He dared to try the handle, only to find the door locked. Then he was hit by a powerful seizure that swept his legs from under him. He fell flat on the long mat covering the corridor. He was sweating and cold all over. [B]"M-Macey... Help..."[/B] he whispered in agony. Suddenly there was a dark figure over him. The figure's foot hit him on the side, and it tripped on top of him. Gadget saw that it was the comely man from yesterday, Vincent Achard. Macey's former husband... But how was it that he couldn't see Gadget? Vincent looked around in confusion, and stared right at the spot where Gadget was lying, shivering. Then the man stood up, shrugged his shoulders, straightened his uniform and rushed forward. When Vincent was gone, the door to Macey's room suddenly opened, and Macey peaked out, dressed in a long black velvet gown. Her dark hair were flowing open. She looked left and right, and then down, and for some reason she knew that Gadget was there. [B]"My treasure? By the Dynasty, what have I done?!"[/B] Macey shrieked and glutched Gadget to an embrace. [B]"We have to get you injected, and fast. You're still too weak to resist the effects by yourself."[/B] [B]"M-Macey... Can... you see me?"[/B] Gadget asked weakly. She blinked for a while, hesitantly. [B]"I can, now. I'll explain everything once we get you treated, alright treasure? Wait here, I need help to carry you to the basement."[/B] Macey went back into her room, and came out with a man who was still pulling up his pants, his shirt unbuttoned. Just as Gadget lost consciousness, he felt the man scooping him into his arms.[/FONT]
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Sandy replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
Oh, [I]that[/I] Mana... 8( But I'm not a drag queen. XP I'd say Darren would beat me in hotness contest any day with that picture of his. ;D *has a soft spot for rocker boys* -
[quote name='Sakura'][size=1][COLOR="Navy"] So it's confirmed that Leonhart's dead, is it? Or still just missing? Just wondering because of Shy's last post ending with something along the lines of [I]"Father's dead"[/I][/COLOR][/size][/QUOTE] Like I said in my nutshell-post, Leonhart is [I]presumed[/I] dead. But he is simply missing. You'll find out more about that once the plot moves on again. I have to apologize for my recent lack of posting, as well. I'm on my Christmas break, but I've spent most of it at work. But now I finally have time to get back on track with this. ;D I do have to say, that if there's any particular way any of you would like to take the main story of the game, please speak up in this thread so me and Shy can take your opinions into account.
Leave it to Raiha to pour fuel into the fire. XD Great stuff! I'm sure several of our members are blushing at the hotsprings scene right now... ;D
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
Sandy replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='songsofsorrow']I know i'm gonna sound gay for this but sandy does look really good for a guy, he should become the next mana.[/QUOTE] Yes, my Gay Beam finally works! Mwahah, soon you boys shall all be gays! XD Ahem, thanks for the compliment, but what do you mean by "the next mana"? Just curious... -
[quote name='songsofsorrow']if this post is still open here i go[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Green"]Hey [B]songsofsorrow[/B]! This game was played during the summer and it has ended by now, so unfortunately you are too late to participate. In the future you can avoid unnecessary sign-ups like this by only looking at the games on the [B]first page[/B] of the Auditions. Also pay attention to the date when the last post was sent in, that'll give you a clue whether the thread is still open for new sign-ups or not. Cheers! ;D [I]- Sandy[/I][/COLOR]
[B]Sakura[/B]: there was an explosion at the Prometheo Laboratories (but the whole building collapsed), and Leonhart and Callisto Prometheo went missing. They are just presumed dead. Macey brought my character, Gadget, to safety from the laboratory. There was also a riot outside the complex where the laboratory was situated, and another, smaller explosion on another building, but those things happening at the same time was no coincidence. Eva and Fauntleroy happened to be on the site when it happened, but they are back at Rosengard now. Hope this helps! ;D
It's family dinner time next, so I hope everyone will attend to that. I'm thinking the mood will be really tense and gloomy. You can each reflect on how your character feels about the situation. Leonhart is gone, Daedalus is namely in charge, and there's a total stranger in the house. You can expect more information about the attacks to the Prometheo Laboratories sometime in the next few weeks. I'm thinking it could start with the RPG discovering some newly-dug tunnels leading out of the ruins of the laboratories... ;D
[center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gadgetavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/IMG][/center] [FONT="Georgia"]Gadget was pacing his new room nervously. Meeting the Almagest family had been stressful, and Macey's seizure on top of that... There was a quick knock on the door, and Dame Grimalkin entered the room. She closed the door behind her. Now it was just the two of them. [B]"The dinner is served in ten minutes, Mr. Gadget"[/B], the housekeeper announced, staring him straight in the eyes. Gadget couldn't do anything else but nod. Then Dame Grimalkin advanced a few steps towards him. It reminded Gadget about the dreadful night with the dark-clad figures. [B]"I must inquire your full name, Mr. Gadget. I don't think I've ever heard of such family."[/B] Those eyes... Gadget knew that he couldn't lie to them. [B]"It's Knotting, missus. Gerrault Knotting. I just go by Gadget, really"[/B], he explained in haste. [B]"I see..."[/B] Dame Grimalkin nodded approvingly and turned her back to him. [B]"I knew a Knotting once, down at the Wailing Quarters in New Czenoble. She grew up in the Charcoal Orphanage. Old Mrs Charcoal had a habit of naming all the children with unknown origins as 'Knotting'. I believe her daughter runs the place nowadays."[/B] Gadget gulped. He had been exposed! Dame Grimalkin looked at him over her shoulder. Her eyes were flaring now. [B]"I don't know your story, [I]Gadget[/I]. But I swear, if you do anything to hurt this family - or Miss Macey - I will throw you down Mount Grail myself. Make no mistake about that."[/B] Then she walked out of the room. Just before the door closed behind her, she quipped: [B]"Dinner in five minutes."[/B] Gadget sat down on his bed. How could he tell this to Macey?![/FONT]
I don't hate you, dragoonreaper. ;D You're just taking my directions and guidelines way too personal. If I ask you to change or add something in your thread, I'm not doing it to give you a hard time, I'm doing it to help you get your games going. You can't blame anyone else for your failed RPGs than yourself. People here are accustomed to seeing posts with at least 3-4 paragraphs, so if your posts are shorter than that (in addition to being riddled with grammar issues and typoes), people will think that you are either too lazy or too immature for their taste. I admit that this board is demanding, and it's not the easiest place to get into, but that's exactly why the older members keep hanging around here - they find this place their exclusive online home. Anyway, I'm sure you'll find plenty of games to join in the RPG section, even if your own creations have failed. There are several Naruto-games going on right this moment, for example. Just keep your mind and your eyes open! ;D Cheers! - Sandy
I just want to say that every single idea on that list has been done before - except the Vikings. Me and Shy are currently running a Steampunk/Victorian RPG, and I can't even count how many RPGs here feature demons, angels, vampires AND lycanthropes (usually hybrids of these four). Anime-based RPGs are also quite frequent, for the obvious reasons. So if you want to do something fresh and original, go for the Vikings. ;D
The third "chapter" along with a new landmark is up. People can again choose whether or not their character will follow the main storyline, or do their own stuff. I think that once the dust settles, people will start to notice Gadget and wonder why he's there. And to answer [B]Gavin[/B]'s question, yes, you're in charge of the Magitech Corporation and the Almagest Family for now. ;D