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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. Sandy

    The Almagest Legacy

    [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gadgetavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/alexanderedward-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/alecialeanna-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/IMG][/center] [FONT="Georgia"] [RIGHT][B]Missing You[/B][/RIGHT] Looking himself in the mirror, Gadget hardly recognized who was staring back at him. never had he worn such fancy clothes. His jacket was dark green velvet, and his shirt pure white linen. He also had dark brown trousers and a white scarf that he left hanging on the chair where the servants had left his new clothes, because he had no idea how to tie it properly. He combed back his damp hair, and stepped out of the guest room that was directly opposite of Macey's - per her request. Or to better say it, demand. Gadget walked down the hall until he came to the grand staircase. He stopped to gawk at the mural painted on the wall. It presented an old oak. There were dozens of portraits hanged on top of the mural, and it took Gadget a while to realize that he was looking at a Family Tree. After searching for a while, he could spot Macey from among the portraits, and her older sister that he had met earlier. [B]"You are looking at my mighty family"[/B], Macey's voice suddenly said behind him. Gadget swung around. He instantly noticed that Macey had changed her dress - to another black one, but still - and wore her hair differently. She was quite an astonishing sight to behold. [B]"Don't worry, you probably won't meet even half of those people on the wall. Did you like your room?"[/B] she inquired. [B]"My ex-husband used to sleep there when we were still engaged. He of course snuck into my room every night... Oh, excuse me. I still don't remember that you just met me. I've grown accustomed to your face over this past month."[/B] Macey gave him a weird look that Gadget didn't recognize. Then she motioned downstairs. [B]"Shall we go, then?"[/B] She took him to the dining hall that had a long and sturdy table with dozens of seats around it. Several of them were occupied with who must've been Macey's family members. Gadget saw Dame Grimalkin standing near the opposite wall, next to a seated elderly woman in pink. The woman stood up as soon as she saw them, and rushed to embrace Macey. [B]"Oh, my Macey! I'm so relieved you're alright!"[/B] the woman sobbed against her shoulder. [B]"Yes, Aunt Catherine. Me and my assistant here managed to escape through a secret tunnel."[/B] An expecting silence fell to the room. Macey shook her head. [B]"No, I don't know what happened to Father."[/B] The silence broke, and people's eyes were starting to gather on Gadget. To his relief, a young man wearing the Police Guard's dark uniform stepped into the room. [B]"Alexander!"[/B] a young blonde woman, not much older than Gadget, stood up and rushed by the man's side. [B]"Did you find anything out?"[/B] [B]"Not much, my love, I'm afraid. The report says that they couldn't find Sir Almagest's body in the ruins"[/B], the guard said. [B]"But that means we still have hope, right?"[/B] the older woman called Catherine asked. The look in her eyes was almost begging. [B]"I don't know how to say this... But we have reason to believe that this incident is linked to the recent kidnappings of prominent alchemists. Professor Prometheo has gone missing, too."[/B] [center][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/almagest-andmark.png[/IMG] Landmark 03[/center][/FONT]
  2. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]OK, I'll try and work out something with James then. Just so I have some idea about what to write, is Leonhart going to come out of this alive or dead ? Daedalus won't leave until he has that answer.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Leonhart is going to go missing, and stay that way until me or Shy say so. The same goes for Callisto Prometheo. ;D The next landmark (that's going to elaborate what I said above) is coming up as soon as I find the time to post it.
  3. Sandy

    The Almagest Legacy

    [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gadgetavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [FONT="Georgia"]Gadget felt that his mouth had been gaping open ever since he saw the sunbathing High Czenoble from the window of the airship. He had never seen such beauty and such luxury. Yet he knew that by scraping the surface a bit he could see the rotten core of it all. Rosengard was no different: awestriking from the outside, but he had only spent a few minutes there when he saw the disarray within. Gadget watched as Macey paced the floor thinking what to do next when the door of Macey's quarters was suddenly opened. [B]"Lady Macey, I heard... And who might this gentleman be?"[/B] Gadget was face-to-face with a stern-looking elderly woman with piercing eyes. She reminded him of Mrs. Charcoal, the strict mistress of the orphanage he had grown in. He quickly glanced at Macey to solve the situation. [B]"Dame Grimalkin!"[/B] Macey exclaimed, and rushed to embrace the older woman. [B]"It was so horrible! There were explosions, and I lost sight of father, and..."[/B] To Gadget's amazement Macey burst into tears. She hadn't reacted like this with her sister, so Gadget suspected she was trying to divert this woman's attention. But Dame Grimalkin wasn't easily fooled. She didn't take her dark eyes away from Gadget, who must've looked highly suspicious with his pale visage and oversized scientist's uniform. [B]"This... This is Gadget, my assistant at the laboratory"[/B], Macey explained, wiping her crocodile tears. [B]"He saved me, and took me back here. We'd do well to show him our hospitality, Dame Grimalkin."[/B] [B]"Of course. Mr Gadget, I shall find a room for you as well as some proper clothes. I will have a hot bath prepared for both of you. When you're finished, come downstairs. We'll talk more then."[/B] Gadget was truly intimidated by the old woman. It felt as if she had to deal with this sort of disasters every day. When she was gone, Macey walked to him. [B]"Steer away from that woman, Gadget. She can make you blabber everything to her with just one look. I need you to be close to me for now, so don't risk it."[/B] Gadget's mouth went agape again. Just what kind of a household had he entered in?[/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Thank you, Bio! Your tips and hints are worth their weight of gold. ;D Here's a couple of newer pieces: [url=http://sandyledandy.deviantart.com/art/Different-Soulcalibur-67323071][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Aboriginal warrior woman[/COLOR][/url] She is a continuation to the battle-dancers, as I tried to imagine some type of character that isn't featured in any fighting game. The result was a slighty overweight aboriginal woman wielding a boomerang. Original enough? [url=http://sandyledandy.deviantart.com/art/Harry-Potter-Xmas-Special-70876338][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Harry Potter Christmas Special[/COLOR][/url] This one I did for my boyfriend's website's Christmas Calendar per his request. It features the most prominent Harry Potter characters in a collage of sorts. I tried to get a more comic-y look into it, steering away from the manga/anime style (which still shows in the picture, though). I didn't use much shadowing at all, either, just a few highlights. What's most noteworthy is that I didn't ink the picture at all, but colored it directly on the pencil lines, which resulted in a not-so-clean, but a more artsy look. [url=http://sandyledandy.deviantart.com/art/The-Ragnarok-72071610][COLOR="DarkOrange"]The Ragnarok[/COLOR][/url] My latest piece, it features the gods from my OB RPG, The Ragnarok, which just reached it's conclusion. This was also a reward for Rachmaninoff, who won it. I was aiming to make the characters look a bit like statues, hence the weird eyes and poses and the strong shadows. This wasn't inked either. So there![/FONT]
  5. Congratulations again, Rachmaninoff. [url=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok.png][U]Here[/U][/url] is your prize. Hope you all like it and recognize your deities from the picture (even though I took some artistic liberties - especially in the case of Illyria). ;D
  6. Sandy

    The Almagest Legacy

    [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gadgetavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Georgia"]Their escape had been a blur to Gadget. Macey led her through a series of tunnels and secret rooms. Somewhere along the way she had found a white uniform to cover his naked body. Gadget's legs still felt a bit wobbly, but he could already walk on his own. Macey carried a magitech torch to light their way. Gadget could see that she was trying to keep her calms for his sake. [B]"You... you don't have to do that"[/B], Gadget said, coming to a sudden stop. Macey turned around. [B]"Do what?"[/B] [B]"Act so brave. Not for my sake. You lost your father... I get it."[/B] [B]"We really don't have time for nonsense, treasure... Excuse me, I don't even know your name."[/B] If it weren't so dark, Gadget could've seen the blush rising to her cheeks. [B]"Gerr... Just call me Gadget. I know your name. It's Macey, right?"[/B] [B]"Yes. Now please follow me. This tunnel should lead to a place few blocks away from the aerodrome. I need to get you out of this hellhole-of-a-city."[/B] Then Macey pointed the torch away from him and continued on. Soon they reached a rusty metal ladder. [B]"We need to go up from here. I'll take you to my family's private airship."[/B] [B]"Where are we going, then?"[/B] Gadget wondered. He was still amazed about what this woman was ready to do for his sake. [B]"To High Czenoble, to my family's home. I'm sure I can pass you as my personal assistant. Besides, when they find about what happened back there, they will be too worried about my father to even notice."[/B] [B]"Oh..."[/B] The thought of going to the City Above was quite infathomable to Gadget. [B]"Okay. But what if your father is alright and he comes home and finds me there?"[/b] [B]"We'll worry about that when the time comes. Now, you climb ahead."[/B] Gadget climbed up the ladder and found himself in a dusty warehouse filled with abandoned laboratory equipment. Sunlight was trickling through the wooden door. It made his eyes sore, since it had been so long since he had last seen natural light. But as they stepped out, Gadget found that his eyes adjusted quickly. Then he could see that the whole city was in the verge of chaos. Pillars of black smoke from the fire at the laboratory was covering the sky, and the streets were filled with people. Steamcars were stuck in the crowd, and a few Police Guards tried to control the situation in vain. Macey clutched Gadget's hand and started to push through the crowd. [B]"This way. I can see the dome of the aerodrome already!" [/B] After a long struggle Gadget finally found himself inside the deserted aerodrome. Macey lead him to the airship hall. A pilot standing next to a luxurious red-and-golden airship bowed to her. The man had a concerned expression on his face. [B]"Lady Almagest, may I inquire where your father is?"[/B] the pilot asked. [B]"There has been a great disaster, Bastian. I need you to take me and my assistant to the safety of Rosengard - immediately."[/B] Her tone of voice left no questions. Gadget followed Macey inside the vessel, but his mind was frozen. Did he hear correctly? [I]Almagest[/I]? Did Macey - she who called him her treasure - really belong to the family who maintained the enslavement and poverty of thousands?[/FONT]
  7. So much hatred towards the Ragnarok... :'( *sniff* Well, y'all loved it at least partially, I know that. ;P I concur, [B]Darren[/B], that it could be too early to jump the gun to a new game (especially since technically the last game hasn't closed yet), but this you already knew. I'm sorry if you still feel that I stole your game way back then, but you yourself said you didn't really have time to do it then anyway (which was prooved by you dropping out of my game). I'm glad that you now have the time and the enthusiasm to carry on with this game, because those two qualities you will need for the whole duration of the game. ;D Also, [B]Deus Ex[/B], [I]live-action[/I] characters?! Are you kidding me?
  8. Sandy

    The Almagest Legacy

    [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gadgetavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Georgia"]Gadget listened with his eyes tightly shut as the people who had entered the room walked to his bedside [B]"This is him, Leonhart"[/B], a voice of a mature woman said. But it wasn't [I]her[/I]. [B]"Yes, I can tell. His blood has started to glow faintly. Are you telling me that it hasn't affected his bodily functions?"[/B] and old man, apparently called Leonhart, asked. [B]"It really is a miracle, as your daughter says"[/B], the woman replied. "Whereas the rest of the specimens have perished, 071 has been in a stabile condition during these three weeks. It must have a very special heritage, and if we could only pin-point it, then we could seek out other suitable candidates for the project. But I think Macey could do better with explaining this." [B]"Thank you, Professor Prometheo"[/B], a much younger woman said. This was her! Gadget finally knew her name! [I]Macey[/I]... [B]"Father, I think it has become time for Project Alchimaera to enter the second phase. We only have this one case where the treatment has been proven to be effective, but one is enough. We should wake him up, discuss with him and ask about his background..."[/B] [B]"The time is not ripe, Macey"[/B], the other woman intervened with a chilly tone that Gadget was all too familiar with - after all, his supervisors at the factory had all spoken to him with that same voice. [B]"Specimen 071 was taken from a filthy slum in New Czenoble where most of the inhabitants are orphans, and even if it happened to have living parents, they couldn't possibly be substantial to the project."[/B] [B]"But professor, I cannot think anything else that could separate this [I]boy[/I] from the others..."[/B] [B]"[I]It[/I] is a [I]specimen[/I], Macey. No need to get your emotions mixed up with it. I do apologize, Leonhart, but the project is simply not far enough for us to be able to move to the second phase yet."[/B] There was a brief silence, and then the old man spoke. [B]"I understand, Callisto. The Magitech Corporation will continue funding the project, but I suggest you go find more specimens. Unless you find another "miracle" like this one, you have little to give to the Dynast King. Nevertheless, just the idea that thousands of people could do what you've enabled this specimen to do... It is too exciting to simply pass up."[/B] Gadget was utterly confused. This was the first time he had heard a full conversation in this place, but it seemed to have given him more questions than answers. [B]"Now, I would like to see the failed experiments. To my understanding you couldn't get anyone else's blood to glow."[/B] [B]"That is correct, unfortunately"[/B], the woman named Callisto said. [B]"Right this way, Leonhart."[/B] Gadget heard the three people turn around and walk to the door. He dared himself to take a peek, and managed to get a glimpse of dark hair and a dark dress under a white coat. That was [I]her[/I]. Macey, who considered him as her treasure. [CENTER]~*~*~*~*~*~[/CENTER] Gadget tried long and hard to wriggle out of his ties, but all his attempts were futile. He cursed and heaved, until he was simply too exhausted to try anymore. There was a constant risk that someone would enter through the door, or that Macey and the older people would return. Out of a sudden he heard a mighty explosion, and the whole room shook. The belts were the only thing stopping him from falling to the floor. And just as he came to realize something had happened, there was another explosion further away. He heard his heart start to race, and the machine behind him beeped louder, until suddenly it fell silent, and the single light bulb in the ceiling went out. He was alone in a dark room for the longest while, trying to listen to the noise coming outside the door. Finally, the metal door swung open, and Macey rushed in followed by pillows of smoke. [B]"My treasure, are you alright?"[/B][/FONT]
  9. Sandy

    The Ragnarok

    [font=Palatino Linotype][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]The shocked silence lingered in Valhalla for a while. Then Jachym slammed his huge fist to the edge of the pool, Raone closed his eyes and turned his back, Bellanna made a frustrated sound with her pursed lips, Illyria hissed and glared at Celesta, who on her behalf made a sigh of relief. Paraxis just nodded to her. [B]"The Ragnarok has reached it's conclusion. As you all agreed when you began this game, only one of you will remain here to rule over the New Earth. What becomes of it is now in the hands of our sister Celesta, she who governs all creation."[/B] Then the empty-eyed God of Death turned to the losing gods. [B]"The rest of you must depart from this place for good, and never try to return or you'll face your destiny. There are plenty of worlds for you to play with, but Earth belongs to Celesta. Now go."[/B] One by one they left Valhalla. Raone smiled benevolently to Celesta and turned into a ray of sun. Bellanna didn't succeed in trying to hide her disappointment, but nevertheless gave her sister a hug and transformed into a flock of turtledoves who flew away. Jachym didn't even give Celesta and glance, but left in a waterspout accompanied by a crack of thunder. Illyria, being as enigmatic as ever, ripped open the lower portion of her face, forming a mock mouth. Then she started to laugh, and swallowed her own body. Then there were just the two of them left: Life and Death. [B]"I trust you do not forget your champion, sister. If you so decide, she can return to my realm to be with her newly-gained son, or she could become a Demigoddess Queen ruling Earth in your name. I leave the fate of both her and the entire humankind in your hands now. See you at the End of Time."[/B] Paraxis bowed to the stoic goddess, and transformed into a shadow that quickly faded away. Valhalla collapsed into ruins, and the dawn of a new age illuminated the sovereign.[/COLOR][/font]
  10. Rachmaninoff, congratulations upon winning the Ragnarok! I've made my final post to the game thread, you can wrap it up now. I'm personally eager to find out what happens to poor Charlotte... I'm sure you guys are more interested in finding out just which soul belonged to which god. ;D Here's the list: [B]Sandy: [/B] - Ash - Faram [B]Aaryanna:[/B] - Jamie (created by Deus Ex Machina) - Nagi (created by Deus Ex Machina) [B]Rachmaninoff: [/B] - Charles - Charlotte (created by Shy) [B]SunfallE:[/B] - Christopher - Ira - Jeanne [B]Aaryanna_Mom:[/B] - Kenneth Jr. - Marta (created by Rachmaninoff) - Naomi (created by BKstyles) [B]indifference:[/B] - Cho Hee - Patrick [B]Shy:[/B] - Enora - Ian (created by BKstyles) - Joe [B]Darren:[/B] - Kenneth - Reiko And here's the list of the rest of the actions which weren't used up: - Bawling excessively (1 Death Point) by SunfallE, Aaryanna_Mom - Craving for sweets (1 Death Point) - Crying false tears (1 Death Point) - Directing to a wrong direction on purpose (1 Death Point) by SunfallE - Drinking alcohol excessively (2 Death Points) - Eating excessive amount of food (1 Death Point) - Farting in the company of others (1 Death Point) - Gathering valuable things to oneself (1 Death Point) by indifference - Getting disoriented (1 Death Point) by Shy, Aaryanna_Mom - Giving oral sex (2 Death Points) - Having anal sex (2 Death Points) - Having group sex (3 Death Points) - Having sex with an underage person (3 Death Points) by indifference - Kissing someone by force (2 Death Points) by Shy, Rachmaninoff - Lying about what’s happened (2 Death Points) by Aaryanna_Mom - Lying about one’s own past (1 Death Point) - Masturbating (2 Death Points) by indifference - Raping someone (3 Death Points) by indifference, indifference - Ridiculing someone aloud (1 Death Point) by Rachmaninoff - Rising against the Gods (3 Death Points) by Rachmaninoff - Saying “I hate you” (2 Death Points) by Shy - Sleeping excessively (1 Death Point) - Smoking a cigarette (1 Death Point) - Urinating/defecating in the company of others (2 Death Points) - Whining aloud (1 Death Point) Remember that some actions were added later than others, so despite you doing something earlier your name might not show in this list. Anyway, thanks to everyone for this great game! It definitely had some ups and downs and twists and turns, but I hope that I have expanded the possibilities of the Death Card-games, so that people would be interested in continuing it sometime in the future. ;D And [B]Rach[/B], expect to get your victory prize soon. ;D
  11. I think your request is alright, Gavin, given the fact that she has already been referred to several times. I'll remove her year of death from the Family Tree when I update it the next time, but until then everyone can consider her alive. I would just like that everyone would focus on interacting with player characters instead of making more NPCs. We have such a large cast already that finding companions in this game shouldn't be a problem. ;D
  12. So it ends... Charlotte is the last soul standing, so there's nothing no one can do about it anymore. Alas, I'll be gone in a meeting for the rest of the day, so I don't have time to wrap this up tonight, but tomorrow instead. Until then I'll leave you with the suspense of who won... ;D
  13. Sandy

    The Almagest Legacy

    [CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gadgetavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Georgia"]When Gadget came to, he didn't know if it was day or night. He still wasn't sure where the dark people had taken him and the other boys, but from what he had gathered during the fleeting moments of clarity, they were being experimented on. [I]Specimen 071[/I]... Was it him? Gadget tried to move his limbs, but soon realized that he had been bound to the bed he laid in. He slowly lifted his eyelids, but a light as bright as the sun made him quickly close them again. After a few attempts, he grew accustomed to the light, and saw that it was nothing but a simple lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. He could hear beeping and humming sounds coming from behind him, but he couldn't turn his head to see what they were because of the restrictive belt around his neck. He managed to lift his head so that he saw his bare body, and the dozens of thin metal pipes stuck under his skin, each of them leading to the machine behind him. He could also see the small room he was in: dark stone walls, no windows, only one metal door leading out of it. No furniture besides the bed he was in and a small table on the opposite wall with several vials of strange glowing substance and a few injection needles. Gadget realized what had caused the pain and the bright flashes in his mind: during his stay there he had been injected with whatever was in those vials. But he didn't understand how he had been allowed to wake up. How come no one had come in and given him another injection? Whatever the reason was, Gadget knew that this could be his only chance of escape. He had to save the others too, although something in the back of his head told him that it would be too late for them. And what about [I]her[/I]? What about the female voice who kept calling him her "treasure"? She must've been the one who had injected him. But she had been so kind to him! Nothing made sense to him anymore. Suddenly he could hear steps coming from the other side of the door. He knew that he probably should not have been awake, so he quickly put his head back down and closed his eyes. The door creaked open, and several people entered the small room.[/FONT]
  14. Yes, only three souls remain. I have now updated the points, and I'll have to say that this will be a close match. We could even get this over by the weekend, if you guys post actively. ;D A few directions to the situation when there's only one soul remaining: Let me post directly after that, depicting the banishment of the other gods besides the winner, and after that the winner can post one more time about the world he or she will create. It would be great to also mention what happened to the soul that survived the Ragnarok. Hope this arrangement is okay with everyone. ;D
  15. Sorry, Rach, it really was my bad. X) I read what you posted the wrong way, although the sentence [I]is[/I] quite open to different interpretations. But I see what you meant now, and I encourage you and Beth to follow your plans. ;D Just don't expect [I]Leonhart[/I] to have heart for the poor citizens of New Czenoble... He seems to care only for his family's wealth and honor, although he does have a soft spot for young ladies. ;P
  16. [quote name='Cyriel'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Is Augustus physically or mentally disabled - or both? Also, I was wondering how Mideus Prosperous runs his kingdom exactly. Is he advised by a board or council of any sort, or is Agron Deacon his only close advisor? And do the three heirs play any role at the moment in running Czenovia?[/FONT][/QUOTE] Augustus' state isn't defined, if anyone wants to explore it be my guest. ;D His disability should be visible on the outside, however. The Dynast King is a monarch, and rules as monarchs do with sovereignity, but of course he has a large amount of advisors and councelors who tip him off about what he should do - Agron Deacon being the closest one of them. But he alone makes the final decisions. Like the Chronicle states, only the oldest of the three heirs, Primas, is involved in politics (perhaps too much for his own good), the other two could not care less, they just want power. They do attend important meetings, however, as you can read from the first post of the audition thread. Hope you got your answers! ;D [B][strike]SunfallE[/strike]Rachmaninoff:[/B] I believe that in your latest post you meant the health care of [i]New[/i] Czenoble, since I'm sure the wealthy families of High Czenoble get the best possible treatment. ;D I want to emphasize that even though these two cities are very near to each other in distance, they are totally different. The aristocrats of High Czenoble basically rule New Czenoble, since their factories employ most of the citizens there.
  17. I posted to the game thread with the inclusion of [B]Kenneth Jouet[/B] as a mortal soul competing for the gods. He is no longer a baby, but a six-years old boy, preserved in a cave of twisted time by a mysterious crystal. And thus there are still five characters fighting for five gods. I can guarantee that from now on there will be no more characters created. These five souls will fight to survive till the end. ;D Additionally, here's some actions that have been used up in the last few weeks: - [B]Ignoring someone[/B] (1 Death Point) by indifference, indifference, SunfallE - [B]Stealing something from someone[/B] (2 Death Points) by indifference, SunfallE, SunfallE - [B]Taking pride in oneself[/B] (1 Death Point) by indifference, Shy, Aaryanna_Mom - [B]Envying someone[/B] (1 Death Point) by Rachmaninoff, SunfallE, Aaryanna_Mom - [B]Breaking something on purpose[/B] (1 Death Point) by Aaryanna, Shy, Shy Not that many actions are left, but enough to carry us to the end, I believe.
  18. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]Ohh, I assumed he'd be at the party...[/font][/QUOTE] Nah, I don't believe factory workers get invitations to a high-end banquet such as this one. ;D Besides, as my post hinted, Gadget is a bit [I]tied up[/I] with something at the moment... But the next Landmark will give especially Vincent plenty of things to do, you'll see. [B]Blayze:[/B] there's a wee bit problem with your post. Daedalus's wife Harriet has been dead for five years now. We decided to kill off most of the NPCs to avoid overcrowding the game with them. Sorry...
  19. Sandy

    The Ragnarok

    [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][B]"Ah, finally!"[/B] Paraxis exclaimed with his raspy voice as he saw the next card being played. He had waited for this to happen a long time. This would bring an end to Illyria's schemes. The game of the Death God would reach it's conclusion, and only one god would rule over the Earth. Paraxis didn't have anything to lose with the game, since there was nothing as inevitable in the world as death. He might lose his grip to the mortal realm, but he would remain the sole ruler of the Beyond nevertheless.[/COLOR] [CENTER]~~~~~ [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-jeanne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-enora.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Jeanne pushed forward despite the roaring blizzard around them. Her simple white petticoat was nowhere enough to protect her from the shearing coldness. The bald lady calling herself Enora followed her, squeezing baby Kenneth against herself. Jeanne wasn't quite sure how they had ended up into the chilling environment, but there was no turning back. The snowstorm was getting so dense that Jeanne couldn't see around her anymore. She turned around to look for Enora, but she had vanished as well. Jeanne turned back, and finally stumbled upon the strange woman who was on her knees on the snowbank digging it. [B]"I... I'm sorry!"[/B] Enora shouted through the blizzard, looking up at Jeanne with teary eyes. [B]"I tripped, and I lost him! I lost the baby, Jeanne!"[/B] [CENTER]~~~~~ [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-charlotte.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-patrick.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] Charlotte felt cautious with Patrick. The young man was obviously mad about her - and just mad period. She would need to be careful not to cross with him, or she would find herself out of this twisted game fast. And who would take care of Little Kenneth, then? [B]"Oh, look!"[/B] she gasped in awe as they entered through a thick stone door. They had arrived to a cave filled with glistening crystals. [B] "What a blessed sight!"[/B] Patrick echoed her thoughts, but soon his bewildered eyes shifted back to Charlotte. [B]"But these jewels pale in comparison to your eyes, my beloved one."[/B] Charlotte held back a sigh of frustration and disgust. [B]"Oh, you flatter me too much, Patrick..."[/B] [B]"But I mean every word of it!"[/B] Patrick shouted suddenly, his voice booming throughout the cavern. The sound made even the crystals tinkle. [B]"What is that there in the depths, dear?"[/B] Charlotte quickly said, trying to divert her explosive companion's attention to the strange crystal formation in the far end of the cave. They walked to it, and to their amazement saw a naked little boy, not more than six years old, sealed within a huge glittering crystal. [B]"What a wonder..."[/B] Charlotte sighed, and approached the monument bedazzled by it. The boy looked so familiar, and a strange warmth was emanating from the crystal. But as Charlotte touched it, the crystal suddenly shattered into billions of bits and pieces, too small to even cause marks to her skin. The little boy fell limp to the midst of the crystal dust. Charlotte rushed to him and embraced him. [B]"Mother?"[/B] the boy asked out of a sudden. Charlotte's eyes widened. This boy was Kenneth, his baby Kenneth! [CENTER]~~~~~ [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-kennethjunior.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-creationcard.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Kenneth Jouet [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 6 [B]Origins:[/B] The Ragnarok 2007 [B]Occupation:[/B] Child[/FONT]
  20. [B]Sakura:[/B] it worked for me when I refreshed the image, but you should probably do as Rachmaninoff advised. ;D [B]James:[/B] You'll have to wait until my character is introduced to the [I]game[/I], first. ;D It will happen the next day after the party. And to general public, lo and behold! The fifth issue of [B]the Chronicle[/B] is up, recounting the details about the mighty Dynasty. The [B]Dramatis Personae[/B] has also been updated with the most important NPCs.
  21. [B]Note to all:[/B] I edited the family tree a bit by adding the family crest (a lion and a rose) and the pictures of a few more NPCs into it, as well as clarifying some of the lines between the characters. The edited picture can be viewed from the first page of the game thread, or directly [url=http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/almagest-familytree.png][U]here[/U][/url].
  22. [B]Darren[/B]: the use of telephones and telegraphs are okay, but be sure to use their old models, no cellphones or anything like that. ;P I'm definitely loving to read what you guys have written in thus far, and I hope each player gets their chance to get a post in before the banquet's over. Keep it on! ;D
  23. The13thMan apparently has a successful career as a drug dealer. "Just try it once, you'll like it. It's not as dangerous as they claim..." That's what they all say. ;P I have to add that when something is illegal, it's not that simple to just go and try it. Well, maybe not in my country, luckily... You'd have to mess with a ruthless business to get it here, which in my opinion is only positive in that it keeps most kids away from the stuff. Even if the gate theory wouldn't work in reality, there's always a good chance that the guy who sells you the stuff will start urging you to try some harder drugs. And that's really not the path anyone wants to walk...
  24. There's actually a Chronicle about the Dynasty coming up, but I don't think you need the information right away, Chikara Kokoro, what with the party coming up and all. ;D
  25. Sandy

    The Almagest Legacy

    [FONT="Georgia"][I]"...Specimen 071, status still stable..." "...We lost 124... 045 and..." "...Increase the dosage..."[/I] He heard the voices through his restless slumber. Mostly he didn't grasp what they were saying, sometimes he just didn't understand the gibberish they spoke, but there were times when he heard full words and bits of sentences. There was one voice in particular that he heard clearly often. [I]"...This will hurt a bit, treasure, but I'm sure... accustomed to that by now..."[/I] But when that voice spoke, a bright flash of pain sheared through his body and mind, and he fell back to darkness. But the voice always came back. Although he had no idea where he was or how long he had been there, the voice had become comforting and familiar to him. [I] "...You're a miracle, my treasure.... Six more were... but you still keep on going..." "...Callisto... be proud... Father... "[/I] Between the black-outs, he dreamt of that night of terror. It had happened quickly, but the dark figures suddenly appearing to the attic he shared with the other young men had shocked him. He had seen in the moonlight as the figures had violently seized the others, but then one had finally caught him, and he had fallen into sleep, only to wake up in this place full of strange voices, unable to move his body or even open his eyes. Amidst all that chaos, there was the voice that called him a "treasure". The voice belonged to a woman, for that he was sure. She spoke to him so softly... [I]"...Treasure, I have to go... tonight there is a banquet... My father will... We will come... you tomorrow... Make me proud, my treasure..."[/I] Then another jolt of colorful pain hit him, and the voice was gone.[/FONT]
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