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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. Sheesh, Beth and Crystia, what's with all the objections? All I said was my own opinion, I'm not forcing anybody to be what they don't want to be... It's fine by me if Gavin plays your father, Crystia, really. At this point of the sign-ups, the best way to guarantee that you get into the game is to make your character stand out from the crowd. It would be really hard for me and Shy to choose who is in from all of you, but if there's too many similar characters, we might have to do that, unfortunately. :/ I would also like to add to [B]Muse[/B] that I personally don't see Dame Grimalkin marrying anyone since she's so dedicated to Leonhart and the Rosengard, so if you want to play as her child, you should be an illegitimate son/daughter of her and Leonhart Almagest. That would be the most suitable solution. ;D And to [B]Darren[/B], your character's romance with Lady Artemis is totally okay, but we should make Elizabeth the daughter of Zelgadis (and sister to Alecia). Angelina could be his wife, but I resent the name since we already have an Evangeline in the family. So if you don't mind, me and Shy would fit you in the family tree that way. ;D
  2. It's great that you decided to sign in as a "brat", Crystia, but isn't you character a bit too young to be a son of Daedalus? I would see him as his [I]grand[/I]son, rather, if that's alright with you (and Gavin, of course). Just trying to be consistent with the ages here, since it's not very believable that Daedalus would've become a father in the age of 53... ;D
  3. I'm sorry, Mary, but apparently Raiha has snatched the much-coveted position of the youngest child of Leonhart and Patrice. It has been nearly thirty years since Patrice died, apparently. We were planning that Lady Bavaria is childless - barren, even - and that is why she feels so disconnected from the rest of the family. If you want that changed, we can probably arrange that... Just remember that you can also play as a grandchild or a niece of Leonhart's. I'm just saying that people shouldn't be afraid of playing as someone who is over 30 years old, or under 15. I'm not forcing anyone, just encouraging. ;D
  4. I will now give you my character, who is not directly related to the Almagests, but will become attached to them [I]very[/I] soon after the game starts. He is meant to bring an outsider's view on the family's life. [font=Georgia][B]Your name:[/B] Gerrault “Gadget” Knotting [B]Your age:[/B] 19 years [B]Your position inside the Almagest family:[/B] employee in Magitech Corps [B]Your portrait:[/B] [center][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/almagest-gadget.png[/IMG][/center] [B]Your occupation:[/B] factory mechanic [B]Your story:[/B] [indent]My story’s the usual: I grew up in an orphanage down at the Wailing Quarters. They said my parents died in a gas explosion at the blimp factory. They did not even know my name, so they named me Knotting, [i]Gerrault[/i] Knotting. Blimey how I hate that name! Every time I hear it, it reminds me of Mrs. Charcoal yelling it with her croaking voice. I got out of the orphanage when I was fourteen, and went working to a Magitech factory straight away. I barely knew how to read or write, but I had always been quite handy with them machinery. That’s how I got my nickname, “Gadget”. Beats [i]Gerrault[/i] every time of the day, it does. I can’t say my work at the factory was a pleasant one, though. Long hours, no vacations, strict order… At least I got to move around the place fixing things, unlike those unlucky bastards who worked at the conveyors. And don’t even get me started on what they served us for food! I think that crap was meant to keep us in poor health, so we wouldn’t gang up on the supervisors. I also blame the lousy food for making me stay as short and skinny as I am. Despite being nineteen already, I’m still often mistaken as a child. I of course know how to use that for my advantage. I’ve become quite the sneaky devil in getting the sympathy of my neighbors at the Gearloose Street, where my “penthouse apartment” lies. It’s just a dusty corner of an attic I share with ten other youngsters and three times as many rats, but it’s something to come back home to after a rough day at work. Yes, looking like a twelve-year old has it’s benefits, like not having to pay any rent… Speaking of Gearloose Street, there’s something funny going on here. Just yesterday night, I could’ve sworn that I saw some men from the Royal Police Guard with a fancy woman clad in white stop by our building. What business could a party like that have here?[/indent][/font]
  5. [quote name='The Boss'][color=darkred][size=1] Would it be allowed to have a character who is a career athlete in a combat-sport style arena? I was thinking of creating a character who is a champion savate-boxer and wrestler, maybe as an Almagest family star-athlete. Since there is that whole monster-battle arena, would it be alright to have a venue for human fighters also (not to the death)? I was thinking it'd be interesting to have a David Beckham-style super star athelete in the Almagest family to play a type of celebrity.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Actually, it's a monster race circuit, there's no battling (besides some ferocious tackling). ;P But yeah, as long as the sport isn't some brutal SmackDown-type of show wrestling but sophisticated and fit for the aristocracy, I see no reason why your character couldn't do that. ;D And this is a cue for everyone else to get themselves to the Auditions as well, since the recruitment thread is up.
  6. [indent][right][size=4][font=Garamond][b]Prologue[/b][/size][/right] [size=3]His steps echoed through the long halls of the Mirror Palace, followed by the rhythmic clank of his cane. He was surrounded by a thousand reflections of himself: an elderly gentleman in a top hat and a suit, with a stern impression on his face focused on the double doors he was approaching. Two guards opened the doors for him, and he entered the Chamber of the Crystalline Throne. On that sparkling siege sat the Dynast King, Mideus Prosperous. He descended to one knee and bowed his head. “[b]My liege.[/b]” “[b]Rise, my friend,[/b]” the king said benevolently. “[b]We have to discuss matters too urgent for cumbersome formalities.[/b]” The gentleman stood back up, and saw that there were other people in the room. Next to the majestic throne were three much smaller seats where the three heirs of the Dynasty sat – like vultures waiting eagerly for their chance to invade their father’s place. There was also a woman nearly his age, who he knew well. He walked next to her and nodded his head. “[b]Callisto.[/b]” “[b]Leonhart[/b]”, the woman replied with the thinnest of smiles. Her luxurious pure white dress and the silvery headpiece holding her black hair to the back did not show it, but Callisto Prometheo was the leading scientist in the whole kingdom of Czenovia. But even she couldn’t hope to match the genius of Leonhart’s grandfather, Dr. Celsius Almagest, the inventor of Magitechnology and the one who Czenovia owed thanks for it’s wealth. Callisto Prometheo was also the only employee of Leonhart Almagest who was allowed to call him by his first name. They both turned their attention to the Dynast King. “[b]I understand you are going to check the progress of Project Alchimaera tomorrow, Leonhart? Professor Prometheo hasn’t given us very convincing news yet.[/b]” “[b]Your Majesty, although most of the specimens have deceased in the process, there is still hope. There is this one b… excuse me, [i]specimen[/i]…[/b]” the woman explained in haste. Unlike Leonhart, Callisto wasn’t used to being in front of the Dynast King. “[b]One? How will one suffice when Czenovia needs an army?[/b]” Mideus asked, frowning his forehead. The tension in the chamber rose quickly. “[b]I need results, Professor![/b]” “[b]One is a start, my liege,[/b]” Leonhart said with a mediating tone. “[b]Once we find out how this one specimen has managed to survive, you will have your army. I will come back tomorrow to give you my report, my liege.[/b]” “[b]Very well.[/b]” the Dynast King nodded. Then his face suddenly lit up with realization. “[b]Ah, I almost forgot! Today is your special day, isn’t it, Leonhart?[/b]” “[b]Yes, it is my sixty-fifth birthday tonight, my liege. I wouldn’t care for it myself, but my family insists on throwing me another one of their tedious banquets,[/b]” Leonhart explained with a bit of awkwardness. Callisto Prometheo was almost gaping for breath for witnessing the Dynast King chatting idly about someone’s birthday. “[b]My friend, you should be grateful for such a loving family,[/b]” the Dynast King said seriously. His children moved uneasily in their chairs. “[b]Go to your own, and rejoice the years you have been able to spend in their presence. You are excused.[/b]” Leonhart Almagest bowed deeply and backtracked out of the room, followed by Professor Prometheo. Leonhart smiled at the king’s remark; “loving” wasn’t the first word he would have used from the Almagest family.[/size][/font][/indent][center][img]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/almagest-banner4.png[/img][/center] [indent][size=1]Welcome to the auditions of [b]The Almagest Legacy[/b], a revolutionary new Steampunk RPG from the minds of [b]Sandy[/b] and [b]Shy[/b]! In this game, all players will be related to the Almagests, an aristocratic family living in [b]Czenovia[/b], a kingdom of steampower, alchemy and a deep divide of the population. The Almagests are lucky to be one of the most influential and wealthy families in the whole country, thanks to their ancestor, Celsius Almagest, who discovered the miraculous [b]Magitechnology[/b]. This science combines machines and magic with [B]alchemy[/B], and gives power to all Czenovia. But that power comes with a steep price, for when one part of the nation collects the fruits, the rest of them have to do the labor. And that work is done with sweat, blood and tears. Nothing can stop the rising rebellion, and eventually even the Almagests get involved in it. What is the legacy that the family will leave for the coming generations? More information about the world of the game as well as the history of the Almagests can be found from the backstage thread, accessible [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58301][u]here[/u][/url].[/size][/indent][font="garamond"][size=4][right][b]Sign-Ups[/b][/right][/size] [size=3]In order to join the family, please fill in the following sign-up sheet. Shy and I will help you with any problems you might have with creating a fitting character. [B]Your name:[/B] [INDENT]Note that there’s a law in Czenovia stating that married couples will both get the name of the more influential family regardless of gender – and there are but a few families more influential than the Almagests.[/INDENT] [B]Your age:[/B] [INDENT]There are no real limitations to your character’s age, but keep in mind that the family’s patriarch is 65 years old, so your character’s age should reflect that.[/INDENT] [B]Your position inside the Almagest family:[/B] [INDENT]The easiest way for you to define this is to tell how your character relates to the patriarch of the family, Leonhart Almagest. Your character can be his direct descendant, one of his siblings or their descendants, a spouse or a fiancé of someone in the family, or even a very close family friend.[/INDENT] [B]Your portrait:[/B] [INDENT]The picture of your character should be a realistic drawing or painting of a human, not a photograph or too cartoony. Anime or manga characters are fine just as long they don’t have super deformed features.[/indent] [B]Your occupation:[/B] [INDENT]Besides the family, your character should also be tied to the world of the game. Here is a list of potential places where your character can work at. If your character works with alchemy, please specify his or her specialty, as well. [U]Magitech Corporation:[/U] a company founded by the House of Almagest. It owns several massive Magitechnology factories in the New Czenoble as well as most of the mines in Brigit Town. The president of the company is Leonhart Almagest. [U]Prometheo Laboratories:[/U] a secretive research center funded by the Magitech Corp, it focuses on testing how to combine alchemy with living organisms. The process is highly lethal, but the researchers have decided to move on to test it on humans nevertheless. The Laboratories are lead by Professor Callisto Prometheo. [U]Artemis Air Transports:[/U] an enterprise responsible with the manufacturing and running airships powered by Magitechnology. They are also in charge of the Aerodromes, airship stations located in all of the largest cities in Czenovia. Needless to say, they cooperate closely with Magitech Corporation. Meredyne Artemis is it’s president, having inherited it from her father. [U]Czenoble High Academy of Sciences (CHAOS):[/U] the most prestigious school in all Czenovia, the youth of almost every aristocratic family in the kingdom go there after they turn fifteen. The head master is a renown historian, Lector Moebius. [U]Royal Police Guard:[/U] the militia responsible for keeping the law and order in both Czenobles. They guard the gates and factories and aerodromes, patrol the streets and maintain the prison. In New Czenoble they are feared because of their brutal and merciless attitude towards the workers. Their leader is Police Commander Gaul Rosier. [U]Chimaera Circuit:[/U] a racing track in High Czenoble, where monstrous creatures constructed from different animal species with alchemy fiercely compete against each other to amuse the aristocracy. It’s also a popular hobby of reckless young aristocrats to become Chimaera Jockeys. The latest fashion is to combine machines to the beasts with the aid of Magitechnology. The Chimaera Circuit is kept up by the cunning Thames Dreadnaught. Note that this list doesn’t prevent you from creating a job for your character yourself, but it should also fit with the theme of the game. And since we’re playing as aristocrats, it’s not out-of-place if some of the characters don’t have a job at all.[/INDENT] [B]Your story:[/B] [INDENT]Please write a short history and description of your character. The story should reflect your character’s personality, position in the family and in the case of characters outside the bloodline, his or her background.[/size][/INDENT][/font][indent][size=1]Any additional questions, comments or concerns about Auditions can be asked within this thread. Other more generalized questions about the world itself should be asked in the Backstage thread.[/size][/indent]
  7. [quote name='Venge']Anything other than hugging (kisses on the cheek would be acceptable if they can prove they've been friends for a long time) is borderline cheating.[/QUOTE] I just have to butt in here and ask you if you aware that in several European countries (not mine, though, we're too reserved for that) kissing on cheeks is a gesture equal to a hand-shake? Of course, the ways of doing that vary from country to country (meaning the amount of kisses, the genders of the kissers, who to kiss and who not etc.), but the habit has absolutely nothing to do with cheating with, or even liking the other person. I'm just saying, if you ever encounter this gesture, you shouldn't freak out. ;P
  8. I also need to say this one thing about the ending: [B]When there's only one mortal soul left, the game comes to a full stop.[/B] After the second to last character has been killed, no more cards can be used anymore, and no one can post unless I give a permission to. So you better use every card you've got before that happens. This is only to prevent the game going on forever. Once there's only one soul left, the winner is clear and the game ends (with a few ending posts from myself and the winner, of course). Hope everyone's okay with this.
  9. Great posts, lately! ;D And Charlotte has gotten quite a colorful collection of cards to her person. XP Anyway, since it seems people are having trouble in getting Death Points, I'll give you another hint about the actions that merit them: Besides actions relating to different forms of sex, you can get Death Points from actions relating to the [B]Seven Deadly Sins[/B]. Some of those have already been used up (like Wrath), but there are still quite many left. ;D
  10. Good news, everybody: Shy and I have been working so hard that it seems we will get the auditions thread up by tomorrow the earliest. Don't miss your spot in the big happy family of the Almagests! ;D Also stay tuned for the next Chronicle-feature, which should be up tonight.
  11. Since when have I become responsible for Shy's decisions, Crystia? Honestly... I said we can discuss about the plot twist, but I did not consent to it because of my own plans for how this game would end. But there's a few other reasons, too... Shy, you cannot seriously say that it was only "implied" that the losing gods are banished from the world - it specifically says so in the introduction, the rules [I]and[/I] the posts where the gods lose. You brought Treisleilai back against my instructions, so of course I'm not very pleased with that... And it's only sensical that the cards (not just power cards but all cards) only work in the Ragnarok and not the real world, since they're created for that purpose only - imagine if higher powers would really use cards to decide everything they do! XD My biggest gripe with your twist was that you didn't ask me about it first - it's certainly such a major turn for the game that you must've known I would've had something to say about it. But I'm glad that you edited your post, so we can move on. Honestly, it would've been quite difficult to continue from where you left the game earlier. After everything said and done, I appreciate and admire your dedication to this game and your creativity in making it more appealing, Josh. Wouldn't want you to ever lose those. ;D
  12. Soul Calibur series is definitely my favorite of the fighting games I've played. I own SC 2 and 3, and I'm craving for the fourth like no other. ;D The fighting just feels so smooth and flowing, and the different weapons each character have really separate them from each other. Both of these points are a total opposite of Tekken 5, which I also own, but which feels awkward and frustrating to play and has forty barehanded characters whose only difference seems to be their looks. :P One thing that's also great about Soul Calibur games is that they at least [I]attempt[/I] to tell a story. Sure, it doesn't show very much in the games itself, but if you read the background stories of the characters from their profiles, you will start to see connections. There's two upcoming Soul Calibur games: a sequel [B]Soul Calibur 4[/B] for XBOX360 and PS3, and [B]Soul Calibur Legends[/B] for the Wii which is set in a time between the games Soul Blade and Soul Calibur 1. SC 4 is a must-get at least for me, but Legends isn't even a fighting game but an action title. If I had Wii I'd probably buy it as well, but for now I don't think it's worth my money.
  13. I'm sorry, Shy, but I don't consent with your plot twist. At least you could've asked me about it first, since this is my RPG, and I have plans for the finale of my own... There are several problems with your post: First of all, Treisleilai was banished from the world, she cannot just make a comeback like that. She's not even your character, so to take control of her is a bit unfair. Secondly, sending the souls into Earth means the end of the Ragnarok, since there aren't anyone left in the game. The Cards won't work in the mortal realm, or else the Ragnarok wouldn't have been created. Sure, Paraxis can summon the souls back into the game, but that also means this whole twist is pointless. We can of course discuss this further, and I'd want to hear other player's opinions too, but right now I'm thinking that you went a bit too far with this twist. Yes, I'm a sort of a control freak, sorry... *blush*
  14. [COLOR="Green"][B]MySmilingDeath[/B], welcome to the Theater! When searching for RPGs to play in, please stick to the first page because it contains the most recent games. As you can see, this thread was made in 2002, and none of the people who posted in this don't even visit here anymore. So posting in a thread like this is useless. I hope you have already read our Forum Rules (located at the left-hand blue bar) and the Theater Guidelines that can be found on top of the thread list. Reading them will help you to get started in this place, and if you're ever confused about anything, don't hesitate to contact one of us moderators with a private message. Cheers! - Sandy, Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator[/COLOR]
  15. [quote name='Deus ex Machina'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Sorry not convinced. You would have gotten me with Peter Patrelli... THAT IS if he hadn't started sucking so goddamn bad in season 2. I think that signified the definitive end of hot guys for me -_-[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Hah, you should've seen Milo Ventimiglia (the actor of Peter Petrelli) in his younger years in Gilmore Girls - what brooding, rebellious hotness!
  16. [quote name='Deus ex Machina'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Men are ugly.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Yes, so very ugly... [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ian_Somerhalder_1.jpg[/IMG] *Sigh*
  17. Okay, Jeanne is back to normal now, and isn't a murderous maniac anymore - at least for a while. ;P It seems like the final chapter of Ragnarok's story has begun. For the rest of the game, I would like if the mortal souls would finally realize just exactly where they are and what for (only Naomi is aware of that, for now). Upon discovering this, they would start to turn against the gods, and maybe even trick fate... What do you think?
  18. Sandy

    The Ragnarok

    [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Paraxis saw that Bellanna grew frustrated to the game. When she noticed that the Death God was staring at her, Bellanna narrowed her eyes. [B]"What are you looking at?! You're only making this game harder with your unfair powers!"[/B] the beauteous goddess snapped. [B]"My game, my rules"[/B], Paraxis muttered. [B]"But you are right; with so few souls left in the sstruggle, my power does give an unfair advantage to the one who summoned Jeanne..."[/B] With a crooked smile, Paraxis withdrew his Power Card from the Ragnarok.[/COLOR] [CENTER]~~~~~ [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-jeanne.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] She couldn't get the baby to shut up. It only cried and bawled and wriggled in her rottening arms. With most of her fingers broken, it was hard to even hold the infant. [B]"You're such a pain in the ass, aren't you?"[/B] Jeanne groaned mockingly. [B]"Just shut up or I'll split your head to the wall, you hear me?!"[/B] Jeanne felt disgusted. She didn't know which one she despised more: the baby or herself. She was grateful that there were no mirrors on sight - she wouldn't have been able to even look at her own reflection. The baby kept on crying, and it made Jeanne burst into tears as well. [B]"What am I doing?!"[/B] she sobbed. She sat down to the floor with the baby, her back against the stone wall of the corridor they were in. For a while she just wept, until she realized that the baby had gone silent. She opened her eyes, and saw the baby boy staring at her with it's big glistening blue eyes. It was sucking it's hand. Jeanne stroked the baby's silky hair. It was at that moment that she realized she had fingers again. Her flesh was intact, and all her wounds had disappeared. The curse had been lifted. Jeanne, who still couldn't believe her eyes, took off her torn wedding gown and her veil. She was now wearing only a simple white cotton petticoat. She dried her eyes, took the baby back into her arms and smiled at him. [B]"I'm sorry, little one. I'm okay now. Let's find your mummy and get out of here." [/B][/FONT]
  19. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]This looks awesome, Sandy. I've read through it already and it really fleshes the universe out quite a bit. I only have two questions at this stage. First, what is the currency in the game? (It may seem trivial, but I'm curious lol). And second, will you at some point post a general world map? It wouldn't have to be very detailed, but it could just show the general locations of cities and continents. [/font][/QUOTE] We have to discuss about the currency with Shy, but I can answer the question about the world map straight away: there most probably won't be one, since the game takes place within the twin cities of Czenoble, and I'd hate to limit the freedom of the players to invent and name other cities and countries themselves. One thing is for sure: this world is purely fictional, only taking impressions from the Victorian era of our world. So Czenovia isn't just a made-up kingdom on Earth, it's part of another planet entirely. There won't likely be any other intelligent races besides humans, though, so don't try to mix in any elves or dwarves or anything like that. ;P But thanks for the questions, Jamesy! More Chronicles will be added in the near future, so keep an eye for them. Oh, and I don't want to take all the credit for the Chronicles, since it was Shy who worked the majority of the text and the images and coding into what is seen in the first page from our mutual planning. Most of the names and locations come from me, but Shy's been awesome in bringing them to a much deeper level. ;D
  20. Chronicles I and II are now up! Read them from the first page to learn more about the life in Czenovia and the art of Magitechnology. Any questions that rise from the articles, considering your characters in this game for example, can be asked here.
  21. Shy answered to your question, D'Ann, but I just want to add that you shouldn't expect to be able to just clap your hands to do miracles and call that achemy, a la Fullmetal Alchemist. In this game alchemy really is a science, for which you may have an inherited potency, but which you still need to study long and hard. That's why none of the commoners are alchemists, really (since they don't get to go to science schools). But you don't need to worry about that, since you're not going to play as a commoner. ;D Like Shy said, more will be revealed when we get the Chronicles-section up.
  22. Okay, the time has come to remove the Life Points, since everyone are collecting Death Points currently. So from this point on, no actions merit Life Points anymore. It's now a race towards the finish line. But if you're worrying about automatically losing after all of your characters are dead, you should know that there are some special card not yet put into play that can be used to get you back into the game. ;D Anyway, here are some used up actions: - [B]Forcing someone else to do against their will[/B] (2 Death Points) by Rachmaninoff, indifference, Aaryanna_Mom - [B]Hiding something useful from others[/B] (1 Death Point) by indifference, Aaryanna_Mom, Rachmaninoff - [B]Distrusting everyone[/B] (1 Death Point) by Rachmaninoff, Rachmaninoff, indifference And to satisfy your curiosity, here are the rest of the "positive actions" that weren't used up: - [B]Finding drinking water[/B] (1 Life Points) by SunfallE, SunfallE - [B]Giving someone own clothes[/B] (2 Life Point) by Shy - [B]Having consensual sex[/B] (3 Life Points) by Shy, Aaryanna_Mom - [B]Keeping a promise[/B] (2 Life Points) by Aaryanna, Aaryanna - [B]Lighting a camp fire[/B] (1 Life Point) by Aaryanna_Mom, Shy - [B]Saying “I love you”[/B] (3 Life Points) by Shy, Shy - [B]Slaying a monster[/B] (3 Life Points) by Aaryanna, Aaryanna - [B]Telling a joke aloud[/B] (1 Life Point) by SunfallE - [B]Tying someone’s wound[/B] (2 Life Points) by Shy, Aaryanna_Mom So there. After I remove the Undead Card from Jeanne, it's everybody's game.
  23. I really can't define a rating at this point, I need to talk about it with my partner-in-game Shy and see how the sign-ups turn out. But on my behalf there can be swearing, yes. Just remember that part of Steampunk is maintaining Victorian manners and sophistication (we're playing a family of aristocrats, on top of that), so it should be more like "cor blimey!" than "fucking anal slut!". ;P [B]Crystia[/B]: yes, I got Rach and Beth hooked up on this already, so [I]of course[/I] you have to join as well! ;D
  24. [quote name='Shy'][size=1][b]Edit:[/b] Sandy, I have a question. Since Paraxis does not earn points one way or the other, will Paraxis be eliminated when he has lost all of his characters? Will his Undead Card be removed right away as well?[/size][/QUOTE] No, Paraxis isn't a contestant, he's a judge. The characters he put into the game don't represent him, he just put them there as a diversion. But I will remove my Undead Card soon to give everybody a fair chance to win. As a host, why on earth would I delete [I]myself[/I] from the game, anyway? XD
  25. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/almagest-banner4.png[/IMG] [FONT="Century"][I]At a time of turmoil and misery, one family stands up against the tyranny. The name of the family will ring throughout history as a beacon of hope: The Almagest.[/I][/CENTER] Welcome to [b]The Almagest Legacy[/b], a revolutionary new Steampunk RPG from the minds of [b]Sandy[/b] and [b]Shy[/b]! The proud nation of [b]Czenovia[/b] is a country of divided population: The ruling class are brilliant scholars, politicians and nobles, while most of the denizens are humble workers spending their entire lives to support both the delicate class structure and the mysterious [b]Magitechnology[/b] which powers Czenovia. The masters of this strange and fantastical science are [b]the Alchemists[/b], whose powers are drawn from an ancient civilization. This is a world of airships and old lace, neither of which come cheap. However, the seed of revolution has spread throughout the lower class, prompted by the recent kidnappings of several prominent alchemists. The motivations behind these crimes remain uncertain, but the entire nation, from the mines of [b]Brigit Town[/b] to the twin cities of [b]Czenoble[/b] are on high alert for this new and mysterious threat. You are an [b]Almagest[/b], a member of [b]High Czenoble's[/b] most beloved and prestigious family. With your wealth, skill and influence you can hope to reverse the fortune of your once-thriving nation, or perhaps facilitate the revolution. One thing is certain, history waits for no one. What will your legacy be? [CENTER]~*~*~*~*~*~ [size=5]~The Encyclopaedia~[/size] [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steampunk"]What is Steampunk?[/URL] [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alchemy"]What is Alchemy?[/URL] [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=796993&postcount=7"]What is the Landmark System?[/URL] ~*~*~*~*~*~[/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][CENTER]~The Dramatis Personae~[/CENTER][/SIZE] [B]Celsius Almagest[/B], the inventor of Magitechnology who lived a century ago [B]Leanne Almagest[/B], the wife of Celsius whose pride was the rose garden surrounding their mansion [B]Marette Silva Almagest[/B], the only daughter of Celsius and mother to Leonhart and his siblings [B]Reuben Almagest[/B], the strict father of Leonhart who was killed in the Mine War [B]Leonhart Almagest[/B], the patriarch of the Almagest family and a veteran of the Mine War [B]Patrice Almagest[/B], Leonhart?s first wife who passed away over two decades ago [B]Bavaria Almagest[/B], the second wife to Leonhart who is an ambassador of the New Globe [B]Dame Anna Grimalkin[/B], the housekeeper of Rosengard who fought alongside Leonhart in the war [B]Harriet Almagest[/B], the wife of Daedalus and the mother of his four children [B]Beatriste Elyse Almagest[/B], the oldest child of Leonhart and the mother of Elizabeth, Alecia and Victoria [B]Erick Almagest[/B], the deceased husband of Beatriste [B]Elizabeth Brea Almagest[/B], the oldest daughter of Beatriste who passed away tragically [B]Bertram & Pearl Almagest[/B], the two children of Elizabeth and Charles who are now taken care of by their grandmother Beatriste [B]Dynast King Mideus Prosperous[/B], the current ruler of Czenovia who has three potential heirs to his throne [B]Primas Generous[/B], the oldest heir of the Dynast King who is actively involved in politics [B]Augustine Beauteous[/B], the heiress of the Dynast King known for her vanity [B]Juvenus Courageous[/B], the youngest heir of the Dynast King who frequents the Chimaera Circuit [B]Agron Deacon[/B], the advisor of the Dynast King [B]Belmonda Deacon[/B], the first wife of Agron and the mother of Bavaria and Jack [B]Odilie Markham[/B], the second wife of Agron and Morphia?s mother who hails from an influential family [B]Olivier Achard[/B], a renown businessman from Anova and the father of Vincent [B]Evangeline Achard[/B], the wife of Olivier and the mother of Vincent [B]Gustave Achard[/B], the cousin of Vincent and a celebrity in his own country [B]Callisto Prometheo[/B], the professor in charge of the Prometheo Laboratories [B]Meredyne Artemis[/B], the president of Artemis Air Transports [B]Lector Moebius[/B], the head master of CHAOS and a renown historian [B]Gaul Rosier[/B], the commander of the Royal Police Guard [B]Thames Dreadnaught[/B], the keeper of the Chimaera Circuit who has dubious origins [B]Donner & Blair Stark[/B], the married leading couple of the rebellious Underdogs [center]~*~*~*~*~*~[/CENTER] [SIZE="5"][CENTER]~The Chronicles~[/CENTER][/SIZE] [right][size=4][font=garamond][b]I Key Cities of Czenovia[/b][/font][/size][/right][left] [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/highczenoble-chronicle-1.jpg[/IMG] [i][size=1]The thick stone walls guarding High Czenovia have protected it for centuries.[/size][/i][/center] Czenovia is one of the largest and most powerful nations in the [b]New Globe[/b]. For centuries it has led the way in terms of industry, science and the arts, creating a kingdom the like of which the world has never seen before. As long as there has been Czenovia it has been run by [b]The Dynasty[/b], a bloodline of warrior kings and queens who have ruled the nation with a firm grip. Its' current monarch is the great [b]Dynast King Mideus Prosperous[/b], who earned valor and the love of his people during the [b]Mine War[/b] almost fifty years ago. Full of spirit, sadly King Mideus draws ever closer to the end of his life. Although he has yet to choose a successor, his three potential heirs eagerly await their chance to inherit the [b]Crystalline Throne[/b]. King Mideus resides in his palace in [b]High Czenoble[/b], the capital city of Czenovia. High Czenoble was carved into the side of [b]Mount Grail[/b] centuries ago, and it is home to the nation?s most powerful and influential families. It is a heavily secluded place, and during times of war its? thick stone walls can be used for defense. While security in Czenovia is relatively sparse, High Czenoble is constantly being monitored by the [b]Royal Police Guard[/b]. At the base of Mount Grail is [b]New Czenoble[/b], the nation?s largest city. It is home to several of Czenovia?s most important businesses, including the [b]Magitech Corporation[/b], [b]Prometheo Labs[/b], and [b]Artemis Air Transports[/b]. A far cry from decadent High Czenoble, New Czenoble is populated with poor factory workers and immigrants. Pollution, crime and poverty run rampant, breeding hostility and planting the seeds of rebellion among the lower class. Another important city in Czenovia is [b]Brigit Town[/b], whose mining operations fuel the growing developments in [b]Magitechnology[/b]. Brigit Town was forcefully annexed during the Mine War, and although older citizens still resent Czenovia, the current generation sees economic value in King Mideus? rule. With its? valuable resources and shrewd businessmen, many have joked that Brigit Town is truly the capital of Czenovia.[/left] [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/celciusimage.jpg[/IMG] [size=1][i]Celcius Almagest, the father of Magitechnology.[/size][/i] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/machineman-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][size=1] [i]A Clockwork Man given life through the power of Magitechnology.[/i][/size][/center] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[right][size=4][font=garamond][b]II Magitechnology[/b][/font][/size][/right] It was over a century ago that [b]Celcius Almagest[/b] first combined alchemical science and magic to create the foundations of [b]Magitechnology[/b]. Celsius was hoping to find a clean, renewable energy source as an alternative to steam and coal, what he found instead was a revolution. This process has become Czenovia's most priced secret that is not to be shared with other nations. Magitechnology supplements existing technology by helping to bend - and often times breaking - the laws of physics. The masters of this science are the [b]Alchemists[/b], brilliant scientists, magicians and engineers who have an inherent potency to access the power of Magitechnology. Alchemists excel in a particular field, often focusing obsessively on it. This innate gift is nearly impossible to detect, but is usually found within certain bloodlines. Many children in [b]Czenovia[/b] are often ostracized for being eccentric, totally unaware that their unique quirks signal an unparalleled ability to create. Some of the most common applications of Magitechnology include: [b]Weaponsmithing[/b], [b]Potionism[/b], [b]Gadgetry[/b], [b]Transports[/b] and [b]Chimaera Creation[/b]. Every year new uses for Magitechnology are discovered; and its? limits have yet to be fully explored. One of the first, and most important of Celsius? inventions was the [b]airship[/b], a flying machine that defies the laws of gravity to help passengers travel the skies. It can carry much heavier loads than the more old-fashioned blimps. Today?s airships are vehicles of luxury, reserved exclusively for the elite and those who can afford them. [b]Artemis Air Transports[/b] builds Czenovia?s airships, and also runs the nation?s extremely profitable public transportation system. Aside from the dangerous roads and tunnels through [b]Mount Grail[/b], airship is the only method of travel between [b]High Czenoble[/b] and [b]New Czenoble[/b]. Transportation inside New Czenoble and between it and other cities is done by train, the most modern type of which runs with Magitechnology and has dozens of cars with multiple floors. Unfortunately the marvels of Magitechnology do not come without a price. Following Celcius Almagest?s discovery Mount Grail was nearly hollowed out by [b]Gem Hunters[/b], eager to find the precious metals and stones that power Magitechnology. It is this reliance on stones and gems which spawned the [b]Mine War[/b], and countless other military campaigns. Not only does the mining process tear mountains apart, but the pollution that Magitechnology generates far exceeds that of coal or steam power. As a result, a thick cloud of smoke sits above New Czenoble a grim reminder of the high cost of progress. Only the citizens of High Czenoble are fortunate enough to enjoy fresh mountain air above the smog. [right][size=4][font=Garamond][b]III The Loves of Leonhart Almagest[/b][/font][/size][/right] [b]Leonhart Almagest[/b], grandson of [B]Celsius Almagest[/B], is President of the [b]Magitech Corporation[/b], and one of the most important public figures in all of [b]Czenovia[/b]. A shrewd businessman as well as a distinguished war veteran, Leonhart has brought his family and all of Czenovia into the Modern Age. It was almost fifty years ago that a young Leonhart fought alongside [b]Dynast King Mideus Prosperous[/b] in the [b]Mine War[/b], It was his involvement in this war that allowed Leonhart to take a controlling interest in [b]Brigit Town?s[/b] mines, something which transformed his family?s struggling [b]Magitech Corporation[/b] into one of the premier businesses in Czenovia. During his time as President of Magitech Corporation the science behind alchemy has been heavily researched and redefined, leading to several important technological breakthroughs, It was this service to the people of Czenovia that earned him the [b]Wreath of Valor[/b], an honor bestowed only to the nation?s most beloved citizens by King Mideus Prosperous himself. Leonhart is also patriarch of the large and prominent [b]Almagest Family[/b]. This bloodline has been blessed with several great alchemists over the years, and Leonhart?s children have gone on to earn fame and fortune for themselves. Unfortunately, Leonhart?s busy schedule has kept him from forming close bonds with most of them. Leonhart?s first wife, and the mother of his children was [b]Lady Patrice Almagest[/b], née [B]Midorah[/B], heiress to the vast [b]Mysticeen[/b] fortune. They had med prior to Leonhart?s service in the Mine War, and married at an extremely young age. When he returned from the war she gave birth to several children before dying suddenly from illness. She was Leonhart?s first love, and her name is considered sacred within the walls of the posh Almagest family estate, [b]Rosengard[/b], located in [B]High Czenoble[/B]. His second (and current) wife is the famous diplomat [b]Lady Bavaria Almagest[/b], daughter to one of King Mideus Prosperous? key political advisors, [b]Agron Deacon[/b]. While Lady Bavaria is easily Leonhart?s intellectual equal the beautiful young woman is almost twenty years his junior. This fact has created much tension between Leonhart?s children and Lady Bavaria, so much so that Lady Bavaria volunteered to leave Czenovia to serve as its? official Ambassador to nations of the [b]Old Globe[/b]. Though she visits her husband and Rosengard on occasion, she has never felt comfortable interacting with the large, extended Almagest family. Leonhart Almagest?s best friend is the House Matron of Rosengard, [b]Dame Anna Grimalkin[/b], hailing from a family of workers. Loyal and brave, Dame Grimalkin fought alongside Leonhart during the Mine War. When the war was over Dame Grimalkin took on several minor roles within the Magitech Corporation before ultimately taking a position within Rosengard following Lady Patrice?s unexpected death. In addition to keeping watch over the large estate and its? dozens of servants, Dame Grimalkin is Leonhart?s primary advisor. To Leonhart?s younger children she is a surrogate mother of sorts, but to her fellow servants she is a force to be reckoned with. She runs Rosengard with the utmost care and attention to detail, and takes great pride in the large hedge mazes that surround the complex. Although many have speculated about the nature of their friendship, Dame Grimalkin and Leonhart treat one another with a great degree of professionalism while in public. Lady Bavaria is extremely jealous of the relationship that the two share, but has been unsuccessful so far in her attempts to remove Dame Grimalkin from Rosengard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhart-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [size=1][i]Leonhart Almagest, President of the Magitech Corporation.[/i][/size] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/bavaria-chronicle2.jpg[/IMG] [i][size=1]Lady Bavaria, Leonhart's current wife and Ambassador to the Old Globe.[/i][/size] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/rosengard-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [size=1][i]Rosengard, the Almagest family estate[/i][/size] [right][size=4][font=garamond][b]IV The Almagest Family[/b][/font][/size][/right][left] [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/daedalus-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhart-chronicle2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesara-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [size=1][i]Marette Almagest's three children: Daedalus, Leonhart and Catherine Sara.[/i][/size][/center] With vast resources and political connections the Almagest family is one of the most prominent in all of Czenovia. This is in no small part due to the creativity and brilliance of [b]Celcius Almagest[/b], and that of his entire bloodline. It?s current patriarch is the middle child of [b]Marette and Reuben Almagest?s[/b] three offspring, the wealthy businessman and war veteran [b]Leonhart Almagest[/b]. As President of his family?s [b]Magitech Corporation[/b] Leonhart oversees day-to-day operations of the prominent business and research laboratory. Aside from his grandfather, Leonhart is considered to be the greatest scientific mind Czenovia has ever known. [Center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/beatrist-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/fauntleroy-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/marieevangeline-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [size=1][i]Beatriste Elyse, Fauntleroy and the twins Macey Ellen and Marie Evangeline "Eva."[/i][/size] Leonhart has been married twice. The first wife was [b]Lady Patrice Midorah[/b], heiress to the Midorah Fortune, and Mother to Leonhart?s four children: [b]Beatriste Elyse[/b], [b]Fauntleroy[/b], and the twins [b]Macey Ellen[/b] and [b]Marie Evangeline[/b] (?Eva?). Beatriste, the eldest, lives in the Almagest?s family estate, [b]Rosengard[/b]. She has given birth to three daughters, but her oldest, [b]Elizabeth Brea[/b], recently passed away, leaving behind the girl?s husband [b]Charles Cornwall[/b] as well as their two young children, [b]Bertram[/b] and [b]Pearl[/b]. Beatriste has taken on the responsibilities of caring for Bertram and Pearl in addition to keeping a watchful eye over her two children, [b]Victoria Ann[/b] and [b]Alecia Leanna[/b]. Charles visits his children regularly, but finds that their presence brings back too many painful memories of his late wife. [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/elizabeth-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/alecialeanna-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/alexanderedward-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [size=1][I]Beatriste?s daughters: Elizabeth Brea, Alecia Leanne with husband Alexander and Victoria Ann[/I][/size][/center] Alecia is Beatriste?s oldest living child, and has recently married [b]Alexander Edward Madison[/b]. The young couple lives near Rosengard in their own small home in [b]High Czenoble[/b]. Alexander provides for he and his wife by serving as a member of the [b]Royal Police Guard[/b]; Alecia currently studies [b]Potionism[/b] as an apprentice in one of High Czenoble?s medical centers. Young Victoria Ann attends the [b]CHAOS Academy[/b] where she hopes to one day pursue an interest in [b]airships[/b]. Leonhart?s second eldest child, Fauntleroy, has taken on a variety of odd jobs over the years, but currently works at [b]The Chronicle[/b] as a photographer. His two younger sisters, Macey Ellen and Eva are gifted scientists who work in [b]Prometheo Labs[/b] (A division of Magitech Corporation,) where they specialize in Potionism and [b]Chimaera Creation[/b], respectively. Macey Ellen is currently the subject of public scrutiny following her much publicized divorce with [b]Vincent Achard[/b]. As a result she has withdrawn from public life, becoming a recluse to even her closest friends and family. Eva is much more social, although finding a husband her father would approve of seems to be impossible. [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/charlesgarnett-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/vincentachard-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/henry-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [size=1][i]Assorted members of the Almagest clan: Elizabeth's husband Charles, Macey Ellen's former husband Vincent Achard, and Henry Grimalkin, son of Anna Grimalkin.[/size][/i][/center] Leonhart Almagest?s two siblings have no trouble living in the shadows of their brother. Both take great pride in Leonhart?s numerous achievements, and have found their own unique ways to contribute to Czenovian society over the years. [b]Catherine Sara[/b] is the youngest of Marette Almagest?s three children, but may very well be the brightest. Although she has no children of her own, she has enriched the lives of literally thousands of children by teaching various fields of Magitechnology as a professor at the CHAOS Academy. [b]Daedalus[/b] is Leonhart?s older brother, and works with him at Magitech Corporation. A Mine War veteran like his brother, Daedalus has devoted his life to advancements in Czenovian weaponry and defense. Only a few of his most dangerous creations have seen the light of day, yet many more sit within [b]Mount Grail[/b] waiting to be used. [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jacobmason-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/dawlish-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/helen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/harrison-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [size=1][i]Daedalus' four children: Jacob Mason, Dawlish, Helen "Nellie" and Harrison[/i][/size][/center] Daedalus has been married for over fifty years to his wife, [b]Harriet Nord[/b], daughter to Czenovia?s legendary [b]Airship General Rockwell Nord[/b]. Together they have three sons and one daughter: [b]Dawlish[/b], [b]Jacob Mason[/b], [b]Harrison[/b] and [b]Helen[/b] "Nellie." Dawlish is the oldest of Daedalus? children, and works for Magitech Corporation overseeing research and production in several fields. He was severely injured in an accident years ago, resulting in the loss of both his right leg and his gentle nature. Jacob Mason is a popular reporter writing for The Chronicle, and during his free time shares his father?s affinity for Weaponsmithing. Nellie serves as an elite member of the Royal Police Guard, and is personally charged with the protection of [b]Dynast Princess Augustine Beauteous[/b]. It wasn?t until two decades later that Daedalus had a fourth child, Harrison, the most headstrong and rebellious of the bunch. He attends CHAOS Academy but has yet to choose a specific field of study. Lady Patrice passed away decades ago, and only recently has Leonhart found a new love in [b]Lady Bavaria Deacon[/b]. Several years Leonhart?s junior, Lady Patrice is a cunning diplomat and serves as an Ambassador to nations of the [b]Old Globe[/b]. She is the daughter of [b]Agron Deacon[/b], who serves as [b]Dynast King Mideus Prosperous?[/b] personal advisor. [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/bavaria-chronicle4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackdeacon-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/morphia-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [size=1][i]Lady Bavaria and her two siblings: Jack and Morphia[/i][/size][/center] Agron Deacon has several children, each of whom have strong political aspirations. The sole exception to this is [b]Jonathan ?Jack? Deacon[/b], the infamous airship pirate and smuggler. Others have taken on more predictable roles in high society, with many more waiting in the wings. One such example is the Chimaera Jockey [b]Morphia Celios Markham[/b], Lady Bavaria?s half-sister. The young girl is eager to marry her way into even more power and priviledge, and sees the powerful Almagest clan as an excellent means to do so. Others have intertwined themselves with the Almagests without marriage. [b]Dame Anna Grimalkin[/b] is Leonhart's closest friend and House Matron of [b]Rosengard[/b]. She lives on the compound with her son [b]Henry[/b], who is a popular Chimaera Jockey. Although the identity of Henry's father remains a mystery, many suspect that he is yet another member of the enormous Almagest family tree.[/left] [right][size=4][font=garamond][b]V The Dynasty[/b][/font][/size][/right][left] [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/mideusprosperous2-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [i][size=1]Dynast King Mideus Prosperous is the 21st ruler of the Dynasty bloodline.[/size][/i][/center] The calendar of [b]Czenovia[/b] is counted by [B]Years of Dynasty[/B] (or YOD for short), the current year marking the 709th year under the rule of the mighty royal family known simply as the [b]Dynasty[/b]. The ancestors of that one family united Czenovia under one banner and enabled it to become the mighty nation it is today. The Dynasty built the city of [b]High Czenoble[/b] to the side of [b]Mount Grail[/b] ? seemingly an impossible task for the technology of the time ? and erected the [B]Mirror Palace[/B] to the center of the city as their haven. The contemporary [b]Dynast King[/b], [B]Mideus Prosperous[/B], is the 21st ruler from the bloodline. The centuries before his time were filled with treachery, assassinations, secret romances and siblings fighting on who will be the next to rise to the [B]Crystalline Throne[/B], a sparkling siege made completely out of precious jewels mined deep within Mount Grail. The constitutional law of Czenovia states that the current ruler must choose an heir from among their offspring before their death, the position cannot be inherited any other way. [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/thedynastheirs-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [size=1][i]The three eligible heirs: Augustine Beauteous, Primas Generous, and Juvenus Courageous.[/i][/size][/center] Mideus has produced seven children, three of which are still eligible heirs. The oldest of the three is [B]Primas Generous[/B], a master tactician and a cunning politician who has won the favor of many aristocrats of High Czenoble. Unfortunately for him, his father does not think so highly of him, due to an incident where Primas was suspected for ordering the death of his elder sister [B]Julienne[/B], the Dynast King?s favorite. Primas succeeded on placing the blame on his younger brother [B]Janus[/B], who was subsequently executed. The second heir is [B]Augustine Beauteous[/B], who is deeply admired by the social circles for her grace and sense of style. But evil tongues tattle about her vanity and uptightness, and she is famous of changing her maids-of-honor like dresses. Augustine?s twin brother [B]Augustus[/B] was born disabled, and thus he has never been seen in public. Augustine was also responsible for revealing her younger sister [B]Florence[/B]?s relationship with a servant, resulting in the couple?s banishment from the whole country. The last of the three potential heirs is [B]Juvenus Courageous[/B]. A playboy, Juvenus spends all of his time on the [b]Chimaera Circuit[/b] or in one of the city?s luxurious casinos, placing careless bets with his family?s treasures. He doesn?t care about the fame or the fortune of his royal lineage, but prefers to live his life to the fullest. It is joked that if he is chosen as the heir, the whole Czenovia will go bankrupt. It is no wonder why the Dynast King hasn?t made his choice yet. Unfortunately old age has caught up with the proud man, and time is running out. Rumors from the Mirror Palace tell that Mideus Prosperous has been quite anxious about something lately, but whether it is because he has to deal with his unworthy children or something else, no one can say.[/left] [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/eviestark-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [size=1][i]Blair Stark (above) and Donner Stark (below), married leaders of The Underdogs.[/i][/size] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/donnorstark-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/center] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[right][size=4][font=garamond][b]VI The Underdogs[/b][/font][/size][/right] Standing in defiance against [b]The Dynasty[/b] are various factions and groups within Czenovia. Some have taken this fight to the public, using politics to overturn outdated laws and ideas, while others make use of more deadly means to get their point across. One of the most secretive and powerful of these organizations are [b]The Underdogs[/b], who have fought against the tyranny of the Dynast government for nearly a decade. The Underdogs strongly object to Czenovia?s class system, and use extreme force to underline this fact. While they were originally considered an urban legend, the power and influence of The Underdogs has spread throughout the entire nation. Even high-ranking members of [b]The Tribune[/b] are rumored to sympathize with the group, secretly conspiring to overturn the monarchy. [b]King Mideus Prosperous[/b] has long been aware of the threat that The Underdogs pose to his rule. However, he has been reluctant to take any formal action, afraid that doing so would only draw more attention to the revolutionaries. In fact, even the symbol of the group, a howling wolf, has been forcibly removed from publications in order to keep the revolution a secret. Mideus Prosperous has charged his son, [b]Primas Generous[/b] with the important task of weeding out conspirators. Few so far have been apprehended for their connections with The Underdogs. However, a number of leads have presented themselves in connection to the recent bombings in New Czenoble. Time will tell whether or not the investigation reveals anything, since many believe that the influence of The Underdogs extends to even the inner workings of the [b]Royal Police Guard[/b]. The only two people ever arrested for their connections to The Underdogs are its? rumored leaders, [b]Donner [/b] and [b]Blair Stark[/b]. Years ago they were arrested in connection to setting a small fire outside of the [b]Celcius Complex[/b], only to mysteriously escape custody hours later. While they are rarely mentioned in public forums, the two remain Czenovia?s most wanted criminals. It is unknown where and if The Underdogs have created a base of operations. Some speculate that Donner and Blair Stark have taken up residence within [b]Brigit Town[/b], while others believe that they have fled to the sympathetic nation of [b]Anova[/b]. Regardless of where they are, Donner and Blair Stark continue to pose a threat to all of Czenovia and its? citizens. [right][size=4][font=garamond][b]VII Anova Republic[/b][/font][/size][/right][left] [b]Anova[/b] is a small country on the western coast of the [b]North Continent[/b]. It takes up a relatively modest area; the rest of the continent is occupied by its much larger neighbour, [b]Czenovia[/b]. The western province of Anova was first settled in 19 YOD ([b]Year of Dynast[/b]), exactly nineteen years after the famous Czenovian [b]Dynasty[/b] established power. Historical records from this period are sketchy, but it is known that the Anovans were ethnically and linguistically different from their eastern neighbours; Dynasty forces conquered and settled the territory with little resistance. As local villages and towns were ill-equipped to fight their larger and more powerful foe, they quickly succumbed to Czenovian rule. Anova Province was ruled without incident for another two hundred years. In 220 YOD, Anovan workers stood up to local Dynasty authorities, protesting the fact that their high taxes mostly went directly to High Czenoble. The Royal Family and ruling classes were considered to be a cancer on society and finally, the entire province was plunged into a [b]Civil War[/b] (sometimes called "[b]The Purge of 220[/b]"). The war lasted until approximately 226, when the ruling Dynast King at the time struck an agreement with Anovan leaders: Czenovia would relinquish control of the province to its people, on the condition that it be given access to Anova's extensive silver deposits. By 230 YOD, Anova elected its first Prime Minister, [b]Jacques Villette[/b]. In the same year, Czenovia established two large silver mines in the country's northern region and built an eastern airship corridor to transport the material back to New Czenoble for processing in its expansive factories. Both countries also built extensive fortifications along their mutual borders; many of these fortifications have since been removed, but ruins still remain to this day. Anova's capitol city is called [b]Le Monde[/b]. It is the oldest city in Anova and, prior to Czenovian occupation, it was the largest village in the region. Its name means "The World"; when the city was founded, its residents believed that the globe did not extend beyond what is now known as [b]Mount Grail[/b]. Legends and myths spoke of horrible creatures in and around the eastern mountain, which no ancient Anovan dared to pass. As mentioned, Anova is culturally different from Czenovia. While many citizens now speak the language of the [b]New Globe[/b], some still speak traditional Anovanique. As a result, many Anovans have strong accents and are easily identified when they enter Czenovia. Anova has a generally cooler climate than Czenovia and its buildings are often lower to the ground and designed with a different style. Unlike its neighbour, Anova does not have serious class distinctions. Its population has a far better living standard per capita, but this is largely because Anova does not contain any industrial cities (like New Czenoble). And, while it does have small concentrations of wealth, Anova has a far smaller aristocracy than Czenovia. Also, Anova produces far less products than Czenovia. It is known, however, for certain high-quality, hand-made goods (such as jewellery and products that incorporate Anovan Silver). [/left] [right][size=4][font=garamond][b]Through the Looking Glass: Le Monde[/b][/font][/size][/right][left] [b]Le Monde[/b] is Anova's capital. It sits near the center of the country, just beyond [b]Mount Grail[/b] (which lies just beyond the eastern border with Czenovia). [center][URL=http://img264.imageshack.us/my.php?image=lemondeck5.jpg][IMG]http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/9930/lemondeck5.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [i]Click the map to enlarge.[/i][/center] [b]I: City of Le Monde[/b] The inner city is bordered with short, ornate walls and large iron gates. It has multiple access points from all directions of the country ("all roads lead to Le Monde"). The center-south portion of the city contains [b]Town Square[/b], which is a popular meeting place for the public. It is also used for festivals and performances of all kinds. The south west corner is home to the [b]Royal Dynast Gardens[/b]; the old [b]Provincial Palace[/b] still stands, but is now home to the [b]Prime Minister[/b]. As you can see from the map, Le Monde contains many lush parks and gardens. [b]II: Bourgade[/b] Bourgade is almost a second city, although it is still considered to be part of the Le Monde region. It is the center of Anova's rich and powerful and inhabits its own island near the city center. The Achard family owns a large estate in Bourgade, called [b]Achard Hall[/b]. Bourgade houses a small [b]Aerodrome[/b], which is only used by the local residents. [b]III: Aerodrome[/b] Le Monde has only one large public Aerodrome to the north west; it is the largest Aerodrome in Anova. It is kept away from the city so as to avoid too much noise or pollution in the skies directly above. Roads lead around nearby hills into the city or, alternatively, airship patrons can catch a steam ferry to the [b]Western Wharf[/b]. While some Anovans travel regularly to Czenovia via airship, many citizens prefer to fly to other continents. [b]IV: Fort Blanc[/b] Fort Blanc (also known as "The White Fort") was built after the [b]Civil War[/b]. It occupies a strategic position on the [b]Levant River[/b]; Anovans chose this position so that enemy ships travelling down the country's main waterway could be intercepted if an invasion occurred. Today, Fort Blanc is the home of the [b]Special Security Force[/b] (SSF), Anova's national military and policing organization. [b]V: Levant River[/b] The Levant River begins at Mount Grail and runs west, then north west through Anova. It ends in the far north western corner, at [b]Cobalt Bay[/b]. Many small towns and villages exist along the banks of the river; it is the lifeblood for many communities, who rely on it for fishing, transport and recreation. It is often affectionately referred to by locals as "Heaven's Path", because it led early explorers to massive silver deposits in the north. [/left] [right][size=4][font=garamond][b]VIII CHAOS[/b][/font][/size][/right] [center][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/chaoschronicle.jpg[/IMG] [i][size=1]CHAOS Academy stands as Czenovia's premier educational institution.[/size][/i][/center] [b]The Czenoble High Academy of Sciences'[/b] (CHAOS) origins can be traced back to well over a century ago when [b]Celcius Almagest[/b] started the quest to discover the secrets of [b]Magitechnology[/b]. In the effort to further this technology the[b] Crystalline Throne[/b] ordered the construction of the Academy in order to facilitate the education of it?s more privileged citizens in the alchemical arts of [b]Weaponsmithing, Potionism, Transports, Gadgetry[/b] and [b]Chimaera Creation[/b] to better serve [b]The Dynasty[/b]. Only students documented to have a standard proficiency in [b]alchemy[/b] are chosen for these advanced courses, but many ?normal? students are enrolled in classes as well. With the capacity to teach as many as 1,000 students at a time it has a long tradition of literally enriching thousands of bright children. Built of the finest materials with specially imported sandstone and wood and a roof made of metal shingles, a product of magitechnology, the school consists of two main floors a basement and an attic, as well as ballrooms, a study hall, gymnasium, extensive library and assembly halls. Like many historical buildings in [b]High Czenoble[/b], CHAOS rests above an elaborate series of tunnels and passageways. Student use of the tunnels is strictly forbidden, although many CHAOS alumni have been known to break this rule on occasion. It?s first Head Master, [b]Franklin S. Harris[/b], was a talented [b]Alchemist[/b] under the tutelage of none other than Celcius Almagest and worked diligently to raise the school to the highest levels of excellence in teaching. It was a tradition that was continued through the years as each Head Master was chosen based on their knowledge and understanding of the various courses taught at the Academy as well as first hand experience in one of the fields or in teaching. It?s newest Head Master [b]Lector Moebius[/b], though a renowned historian, is the first person in it's long and distinguished history who is not a teacher or experienced in one of the many sciences there to ever hold the position of Head Master. ~*~*~*~*~*~[/CENTER] This thread is for all comments, questions and feedback related to the upcoming [I]The Almagest Legacy[/I]-RPG. The auditions will go up soon, and this thread will get updated as the game progresses. Before that, we hope to gather some interest towards the world of the game here.[/FONT]
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