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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. And so a second player has left the game. Many thanks to [B]Aaryanna[/B], you were a real lifesaver when you took over Treisleilai after DB quit. And you were a great player as well. You just ran out of luck, it seems. But the Ragnarok continues, with five contestants and five souls!
  2. Sandy

    The Ragnarok

    [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Treisleilai kept giggling as the Gods watched the dead Kaijin. Paraxis knew that the creature had threatened his game, but to find that it had acted on it's own accord was confusing. Paraxis glanced at Illyria, but the strange deity's face didn't reveal a thing. Then Paraxis walked to the Child Goddess of Sin. The giggling had faded to a crooked smile on the dark girl's lips. [B]"Oh, I know, brother! You're such a spoil sport!"[/B] Paraxis nodded, and to the other gods' surprise Treisleilai vanished to a burst of flame. Celesta and Raone seemed relieved that sin would not ever rule the Earth. Bellanna and Jachym seemed to think that their chances just improved. Illyria remained as mysterious as ever. Now there were only five gods competing in the Ragnarok.[/COLOR] [CENTER]~~~~~ [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-jeanne.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It took hours, some broken fingers and a lot of dirt filling her gaping wounds, but finally Jeanne Rawlings managed to get to the surface. The wedding planner was a hideous sight to behold: her white dress all ragged and dusty, her long dark hair mostly fallen off and her formerly smooth mahogany skin all grey and scarred. She was missing an arm, and her legs had deep wounds where Patrick's sword had cut. Yet her mind was clear as ice. She only thought about one thing: revenge. She did not care for the baby anymore; now she yearned to kill [I]everybody[/I] for what they did to her![/FONT]
  3. I know that a certain someone will not like this at all... XP But well played indeed, both of you. We are now down to a measly five souls, and with six gods (not counting Paraxis) still in the game, at least one of them will fall very soon, unless they manage to gain one of those lifesaving cards. We shall see...
  4. There are still plenty of Life Points to be earned, but I will remove them from the game when enough players have been defeated. That time can be soon, or it can still be ways ahead, can't be sure at this point. It all depends on you guys. ;D
  5. The Shield Card's effect is permanent, BUT it only protects from Death Cards. So there are a few ways around it. One of the ways was Darren's Sure Shot Card, but he's out of the game already so it can't be done. But some other cards might work, perhaps... ;D Yes, I'm being evil again. XP Here are the latest actions used up: - [B]Attacking someone with a weapon[/B] (3 Death Points) by Aaryanna, Rachmaninoff, Aaryanna - [B]Encouraging someone[/B] (1 Life Point) by Aaryanna_Mom, Aaryanna_Mom, Aaryanna_Mom - [B]Trying to stop or prevent a fight[/B] (2 Life Points) by Shy, Rachmaninoff, Shy - [B]Hugging someone[/B] (1 Life Point) by SunfallE, SunfallE, Shy - [B]Knocking someone out[/B] (2 Death Points) by Shy, indifference, Shy
  6. Sandy

    The Ragnarok

    [font=Palatino Linotype][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Paraxis had a problem in the form of the Kaijin. That ungodly creature could well destroy his precious game and ruin his noble intentions. The Pale Prince was not pleased that Illyria had summoned a being from the Otherworld to meddle in the affairs between the deities and the mortals. Paraxis knew he had to be careful.[/COLOR] [CENTER]~~~~~ [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-jeanne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-undeadcard-1.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Jeanne Rawlings abandoned Naomi Gallo to the pool of blood she was lying in. She did not stay long enough to see how Naomi's wounds began to heal by themselves. Instead, Jeanne continued forward in the labyrinth of rooms. Finally she came to hall that reminded her of an old castle. There was a pair of great wooden gates in front of her, just down a flight of wide stone stairs. Light filtered in streaks through the narrow stainglass windows, giving the hall an eerie, almost sacred feel to it. But all that wondrosity was meaningless to Jeanne. She was blinded by her thirst for blood. The blood of a newborn baby. But also the blood of the treacherous Marta Kramer, who was supposed to help her but had betrayed her instead by escaping. Her mind was filled with the darkest thoughts. However, as Jeanne walked down the stairs, her ragged wedding dress scraping the stone surface, she felt the bloodlust and the anger fade. She felt someone behind her, but was in too much of a shock to turn around. "[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I apologize what I have done to you, Jeanne Rawlings [/COLOR]", an ancient, dry voice said, echoing through the walls. "[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]I have made you my weapon in this war. Marta Kramer was meant to be your aide, but she betrayed both you and me. For that, she shall suffer. But you mustn't give up hope. I shall grant you my horrifying power, which will protect you for as long as I deem it necessary. That power also reversed the curse put into you by my sister. I will no longer torment you with waves of burning desire for blood. From now on, your mission will be crystal clear to you: you must kill Charlotte's baby before it's too late. Before the Ragnarok is altered by other hands than mine.[/COLOR]" Jeanne closed her eyes as she felt the presence approaching her. She felt lips on her neck, and they gave her a kiss that felt both freezing and scorching at the same time, both dry and wet, both passionate and spiteful. It was the Kiss of Death. Then the being left the hall. As Jeanne lifted her hand to touch her neck, she saw that the skin on it had turned pallid and wrinkly. [CENTER]~~~~~[/CENTER] [SIZE="1"][B]OoC[/B]: The Undead Card caused the removal of the Bloodlust Card, and no other cards can be used on Jeanne for as long as she's undead.[/SIZE][/font]
  7. [quote name='Gunslinger'][COLOR="77656"]There was also a fact that 'to die' used to be slang for having an orgasm.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] An orgasm is still called "[I]petit mort[/I]" (small death) as a nickname in French-speaking countries.
  8. First of all, it's not acceptable to beat up [I]anyone[/I], regardless of the gender. Self-defence is of course a different thing, but you can come out of most situations unharmed if you just choose your words carefully. But onto your problem, DB: do you really think that calling that girl a whore and all that behind her back really helps? You know what she probably wants from you? Some [I]positive attention[/I]. If she hangs around your group of friends, and only aims her spite towards you and not the others, then there must be some fault in you as well. Why don't you start with making an honest positive comment to her, something in the lines of: "Those are cool shoes. Where'd you buy them?". If you do it right, you'll eventually break the ice and you two can actually start enjoying each others' company. I don't know if it will succeed, but it could be worth a shot, am I right?
  9. That sounds awful lot like our old rules that were just changed. This text is thorough, gives you examples and a lot of rules to remember, but one has to ask whether all of that is necessary? The thing is, if the rules are too long and complicated, the people who would need to be reading them will skip them altogether, and just post whatever. We are now trying a much more lenient approach here in OB's RPG area: we want to restrict people as little as possible, so that their creativity and enjoyment won't be trampled upon (like it admittedly was in some earlier cases). So far there hasn't been problems with the short rules, but if that starts to happen, the staff will surely discuss about revising the rules once again. But thanks for your input, Odin! It's nice to hear about how RPGs are handled in other corners of the internet as well. ;D
  10. The baby does not belong to anyone, so he is an NPC, but only so far. [I]Anyone[/I] can claim him by using a Creation Card, which will make him a toy of the Gods as well. ;D But until/unless that happens, he's free to be killed off. Doing that will ruin the Kaijin's/Illyria's plot (not sure which one is the mastermind anymore), but letting him live could seriously alter the Ragnarok and it's outcome (maybe even to the extent of letting several gods win the game, which would mean that the misery in the mortal world would continue). The ball is thrown to you guys now. ;D
  11. I'm not going to change the cancellation effect, because the Life Points are soon done for anyway. Very soon, I might add. ;P After that happens, if you don't already have a Life/Creation Card in stock when you lose all of your characters, you will be out of the game instantly.
  12. I'm sorry for accusing you of an attitude problem, but I just don't see how you [I]can't[/I] ignore the points. The fact is that one can theoretically win this game without ever acquiring a single card - it's all about protecting your own characters and make them appealing to the other players, and let them kill of each others characters instead of your own. But if what you say is true - that the point system (or rather, the cancellation effect) is really preventing you from enjoying the game - then what do you suggest? It's not too late to change the point system, or get rid of it altogether, but that would result in that the players can no longer affect the type of cards they get themselves. Are people willing to give that up for a straightforward killing spree where luck dictates who will win? I'm up to either choice.
  13. But this is quite absurd - it's not as if you haven't gotten any cards during the course of the game. Also, the game hasn't dragged on no longer than the other Death Card games, it's just your feeling when you see that you only get one point from your post. If there weren't any points to be dealt, you wouldn't be complaining about "posting in vain", really. So it's all about [I]your[/I] attitude and how [I]you[/I] see it, and I'm a bit offended that you're blaming me for your [I]own[/I] feelings. I tried to incorporate something new to OB RPGs, and although I admit it has proven to be less pleasant for players than intended, it has managed to keep players posting because they have something to post [I]for[/I]. I went as far as to give everyone a free Death Card (passing it as a faux lottery), and I've thought about other twists to the system (like doubling the points given from negative actions and removing Life Points altogether) when the soul count has reached certain level, but when everybody are just complaining and whining, it doesn't really make me want to bother. Just listen to yourself, Beth! This is a game meant for a fun pass-of-time, and you're making this sound like I'm deliberately stealing your time and effort - just because there are some rather insignificant points that you have chosen to hate with guts. There's nothing in the point system that prevents you to enjoy the game just like any other RPG, but only if you change your attitude about it. And now that I have vented what I have to say, it's your turn to respond. Just remember that nothing I say here doesn't change my high respect for you, it's just your attitude towards this game that irks me. Anyway, if most of the players want it, we can remove the points altogether and move to a "everybody gets a death card, souls get killed, then the survivors get another batch of death cards, rinse and repeat", but I thought that was done to death already in the previous parts. But please, if you'd rather have that system, then do say so.
  14. Heh, sorry Beth but you simply cannot "abandon" the point system - it's automatic. ;P You can surely ignore it, and you have every right to do so. This game is meant to be played for the fun of it, not so much for victory, so people shouldn't take too much pressure from the points. Which I've said about a million times already. XP But in any case, it's your choice.
  15. Well, I think Shy's idea was that if the Ragnarok can bend space, it can just as well bend time. ;D Which I concur.
  16. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]I figure it will be an extension of Charlotte, so killing one will kill the other.[/size][/QUOTE] Sorry, but I will have to say no. Now that the baby is born, it is separate from Charlotte, and can be killed without any harm to her (and vice versa). But that doesn't take away the fact that the baby has the power to reverse the Ragnarok. Just not yet. ;P
  17. Huh? I thought your War of the Spirits [I]is[/I] based on that card game... If not else, it's at least heavily influenced by it, it seems. You use names and races and setting from that mythology, at least.
  18. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']Also... Please tell me that you're adding more things for earning points, if I'm left only to stuff that starts with s and ends with an x. I won't be earning a single point here since nice or not, there won't be any of that in my posts period. Even if that means I lose the game.[/QUOTE] Don't worry, there are still plenty of other things you can get points from, it's just that making the characters have sex will give one a lot of points, so it's beneficial for those players who are ready to cross that border. By all means it's not required to participate, or even win, this game.
  19. Yes, now that the finger-pointing is over, we can all just laugh about the incident and move on. ;P
  20. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]But will that earn us death or life points? I need to know![/size][/QUOTE] You can use your own logical skills in determing what kind of sex gives you Death Points and what kind of sex will earn you Life Points. Simple as that. ;P
  21. Magnificent, Crystia! You managed to put everything back to their tracks and even save Bethany for the trouble of having to edit her post at the same. ;D Just remember in the future, everyone, even the smallest details can count a whole lot. ;D This plot twist is very intriguing to me, and I hope it is the same to you, since it shows how the other gods are turning against Paraxis and his game. We'll just see how this all ends... Here's a few more actions that have been used up. - [B]Asking for forgiveness[/B] (2 Life Points) by indifference, Darren, SunfallE - [B]Wishing someone’s death[/B] (3 Death Points) by Darren, Aaryanna, Rachmaninoff - [B]Sharing valuable information[/B] (2 Life Points) by SunfallE, SunfallE, indifference The list of used actions is getting quite long, so you have to start using your imagination to get points from now on... I'll give you a hint, though: it begins with an "s" and ends with an "x", and has one vowel in between. ;P
  22. Bethany, please calm down. The Kill Bill reference I made was just a joke and had absolutely [I]nothing[/I] to do with this game. It was just the fact that the main character in those movies was shot in her wedding, and after waking up from a coma she went on a vengeance rampage. Shy's post talked about Charlotte's baby being the key to reverse Paraxis' game, and I said clearly that Paraxis wasn't going to let that happen, so he made Jeanne want to kill the baby (and got Marta to agree to help her on that). Sorry that I was so vague about it, it wasn't intentional (it was clear in my head, so I couldn't see that it wasn't clear in the post). But this plot twist is just so major that I simply can't let it be brushed off. I'm sorry for causing you trouble, but you still need to edit that part out of your post. Just to offer a compromise, maybe you could have Jeanne snap out of the lust for baby-killing for the moment, and wonder what she's doing there?
  23. Sorry, Bethany, but that's not the plot of Kill Bill. :/ Also, "killing the baby" is referring to Charlotte, just read what the Kaijin said in Shy's post. Paraxis intervened it through Jeanne, and you just nullified everything that Paraxis said in my post. So although your post was lovely and fun, I have to ask you to edit it, please.
  24. Prestigious medical science versus the superstitions of a minority... Hmm, hard to choose whose right... ;P Honestly, if humankind would have stuck to their medieval beliefs of how sicknesses were treated (eg. headache would go away when one would drill a hole in your head to release the evil spirits), we would have gone extinct a long time ago.
  25. You're in luck, Kaimaster, for we already have a section for all types of written fanfiction. It's called [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=87"][U]the Anthology[/U][/URL], and you can post other stories, poems and even song lyrics there as well.
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