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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. A new soul has stepped onto the stage, and I think she's seen the Kill Bill -movies one time too many. ;P Just for the record, although Paraxis wasn't pleased, I as the gamemaster am not really annoyed by the twist that Shy put into the game at all. I think it's marvelous addition to the plot, and makes this whole shebang that much interesting. Thanks, Josh! ;D
  2. Sandy

    The Ragnarok

    [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Paraxis was irritated, but he didn't let it show. The cunning Illyria was trying to meddle with [I]his[/I] game. But since it was his game, he was the one who made the rules.[/COLOR] [CENTER]~~~~~ [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-marta.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-ash.png[/IMG][/CENTER] Marta Kramer sat quietly on the floor, holding Ash Brendan who was resting his head on her lap. The young man had fallen asleep to his tears. Marta Kramer was unable to sleep, she had been ever since her flesh had started to die. It was an unnatural state to be in, and even in the dim light of the house Marta avoided to look at her hands. Some of her fingers had only bare bones left. [B]"Was my crime really this bad?"[/B] she talked to herself. Ash was breathing heavily. [B]"It wasn't if that son-of-a-bitch Karl didn't deserve it... I... I'm not a bad person..."[/B] Suddenly the door of the room swung open. Standing in a brilliant light at the doorway was the same monster who had cursed her! [B]"No! Go away! You cannot take him too! Spare Ash, please! He has suffered enough..."[/B] [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][I]"Be quiet, Marta Kramer. I will make a deal with you. Soon a certain soul will arrive to this room. You must promise to help her in whatever she wants to do, and I will remove my deathly power from upon you."[/I][/COLOR] Marta stared at the empty eyes of the creature. It was most likely a trick to get her to do what the monster wished, but she had no other options. She would do anything to get rid of the curse. Even if it meant killing Ash. [B]"I promise"[/B], Marta tried to say, but it came out as a mere whisper. The light flashed, blinding Marta for a second. When she was able to see again, she instantly noticed that her skin was back to normal again. Her hands were those of a healthy middleaged woman, not a walking corpse. The light had dimmed out, but Marta saw that another figure was standing at the door. The woman was wearing a long, luxurious white dress with some dark stains in it. Her face was covered by a bridal veil. [B]"Who are you?"[/B] Marta asked cautiously, trying to carefully wake up Ash by shaking his shoulders. She gasped as the strange bride stepped forward, for the stains in her otherwise pure white dress were sparkling red. She was holding a smoking pistol. Behind the veil she was crying. [B]"Can you help me?"[/b], the bride sobbed. [b]"I need to find the baby. I need to [I]kill[/I] the baby."[/B] [CENTER]~~~~~ [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-jeanne.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-creationcard.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] [size=5]Jeanne[/size] Rawlings [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 30 [B]Origins:[/B] Quebec, Canada 1985 [B]Occupation:[/B] Wedding Consultant[/FONT]
  3. [quote name='Vicky'][SIZE=1]Buildings are spelt the same, at least in Britain, you can even have a look on all the theatre listing sites. The only difference is probably the American-based Movie Theatre companies. Though I'm not sure why I'm defending it. Just a quick question, will the Ratings ever be back or are they gone for good? I kinda liked them as well XD[/size][/QUOTE] This whole Theater-Theatre debate is kind of absurd and pointless: the form [I]theater[/I] is American-English, while the form [I]theatre[/I] is British-English - there's nothing else to it. It's just like [I]meter-metre[/I]. And the ratings will not come back, since they proved to be inefficient and uninformative. Honestly, most of the games with the [M-VLS] rating had it just for a precausion, and didn't include much mature content at all. I'm guilty of using that rating for the same purpose as well, mind you.
  4. The best way to stop a meteor is to kill a pretty girl you know and hope that she carried the Holy Materia. Also, those options suck. Having sex with [I]someone from the office[/I]?! What office? It's not like every person in the world works in an office. ;P If it were so, the world would be so scary that it would deserve to be abolished by a meteor. XP
  5. [quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]*pokes Sandy* You forgot to put a death card next to Charles. :p After all, I did kill him off in my last post! I want credit for my kill! Mwahahahahaha! >_> Though if the image link is merely not working at the moment I'm going to feel silly later. lol[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Actually, I just put the image next to Charlotte by mistake. Damn those similar names! XP Anyway, Charlie-boy is dead, Madame Charlotte isn't. Thanks for the notice, Bethany. And yes, OB's back up and running, so let's see some action after this break, guys! ;D
  6. Sorry, it took me a while but I've now calculated the points from the last few posts. I think the pace of the game is about to change very soon, thanks to the mysterious twist I put in. ;D Anyhow, another action has been used up: - [B]Getting excited[/B] (1 Life Point) by Shy, SunfallE, Rachmaninoff And in case anyone wonders, I didn't remove the Life Card next to Ira's picture in the first post of the game thread because I want to keep track of how many times each character is revived and killed again.
  7. Darren, his deity Telumas and his Power Card have been drawn out of the game. For your information, both of his characters were killed, and though he would still have had a chance to make it back to the game he decided to withdraw himself. But with one god out of the game, the real competition has just started. I promised you a twist, and I have already made it, but it might not be as evident to some of you as it is to others. ;D
  8. Sandy

    The Ragnarok

    [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Paraxis observed the competing gods and goddesses. Jachym seemed to start losing his patience already, while Raone contemplated his every move carefully. Celesta and Treisleilai tried to one-up each other constantly. Bellanna was apparently enjoying the game just for the sake of playing. Illyria stood at the side, as enigmatic as ever. One was missing from the group. Paraxis left his place from around the pool. He found Telumas from under the starry sky. "[B]Your time is up, you do know that, don't you?[/B]" Paraxis said with his hoarse voice. "[B]All too well...[/B]" the lunar goddess sighed. "[B]Very well, you had your way, brother. I will leave this world and merely gaze down upon it from my heavenly abode, which will be but a shadow of it's former glory.[/B]" Telumas raised her hand and drew a circle to the sky. The pale surface of the Moon appeared inside the circle. The goddess turned to give Paraxis one final look. "[B]Give my regards to my twin brother. Out of all the deities in there, I think the humankind will be best off if he wins.[/B]" Paraxis nodded elegantly, and watched as Telumas, the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt, dispersed into a moonbeam. [/COLOR] [CENTER]~~~~~ [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-charles.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Charles Jefferson tried his best to keep up with Naomi, who despite her injury made quick progress along the narrow paths. Suddenly a stinging sensation filled his chest. It felt like someone was clutching his heart and trying to pull it out. To his amazement, when he looked down Charles saw a silvery arrow coming out of his chest. As soon as it was fully out, it vanished. The pain stopped immediately. Something made him look up, and he saw the Moon as a pale, small sphere in the bright blue sky. The heavenly body felt distantly familiar, and an uncanny homesickness filled Charles' heart. But then he realized that he had lost sight of Naomi, so he rushed forward.[/FONT]
  9. [B]Breaking news: Dumbledore was gay![/B] And that's for real. J.K. Rowling revealed this intriguing fact about the famed Hogwart's Headmaster's private life yesterday in an interview. She said that the scriptwriters of the next Harry Potter movie had tried to put a reference to a lady friend of Dumbledore's to the script, but Rowling had denied that, saying frankly that Dumbledore is a homosexual. Having read the Deathly Hallows it should've been obvious to me [spoiler](Rowling said that Grindelwald was the love of his life)[/spoiler], but for some reason my gaydar failed me on this. :/ I reckon it was because [spoiler]I saw Dumbledore as a bearded old man even in the flashbacks of his youth[/spoiler]. XP
  10. Whoa, where does this sudden burst of ingenuity come from? Why didn't you make things like this when you were an Event Master? Here's my character: [COLOR="DarkGreen"][B]Name[/B]: Rhuin "Raven" Llheannan [B]Age[/B]: 45 years [B]Gender[/B]: Male [B]Occupation[/B]: Druid [B]Appearance[/B]: [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/race_elf_druid.jpg[/IMG] [size=1](You can ignore the elven ears if you wish.)[/size] [B]The reason why the Castle chose him[/B]: Raven is a nature-loving man, and he rather spends his time with animals than humans. Despite being musclebound and harsh-looking, he has a kind and caring heart. But he is saddened by the greed of his kin, for humans cut down and burn forests and meadows to make way to their houses, fields and roads. They hunt beasts and birds with unfair measures, slaying even the bearing mothers and their younglings. Raven sees that the humankind has lost it's respect towards the nature that gave birth to them. Then he hears of an enchanted castle in Nordark. The castle is said to make the wishes of anyone who passes it's trials come true. Raven sees his chance to salvage the nature and it's inhabitants, and sets out towards the castle to enter the trials waiting inside.[/COLOR]
  11. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']Also... I hope you pm'd the person who needs to do something since I can tell you right now, if it's me... I haven't a clue what you are talking about. lol[/QUOTE] No. If it were you, trust me, you'd know. ;P
  12. [quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi']That doesn't change the fact that last I checked it was socially unacceptable, and those who do enjoy it usually do not discuss it publically- at best you'll see a bunch of guys talking dirty in a locker room (which is where my earlier statement about bragging because they wish they could meet their claims holds true, it is commonly known as locker room talk) or partially drunken at a college party.[/QUOTE] Ah, this comes down to the same issue as with the discussion about nerdy guys and girls: you live in a very restricted community, it seems. In my country, masturbation is totally acceptable, especially among younger people. There's even a saying that goes: "98% of men say that they masturbate. The remaining 2% are lying." ;P And that's just the male point-of-view. It might shock you, but girls do it too. They might not be as outspoken about it, but it's just as accepted and normal habit as men's masturbation. I might be jumping to conclusions here, but you seem to bear an awful lot of shame and guilt relating to the issue at hand (maybe coming from the way you were raised or from what you were taught?), so you're assuming that everybody else feels the same way about it. Am I on the right tracks? Like Jamesy said, let go of the shame and just do it if you feel like it without feeling guilty afterwards. ;D
  13. [quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi']It most certanly is something that you just plain don't talk about if you really do [i]that[/i] I never could get a clear definition of lust, I had always assumed the strictest possible form of it- which will surely send me to hell because I like the feeling of my GF's curves when we are hugging. But in any case, this is definatey lust, the deadly sin punishible by being thrown into brimstone. If you do it don't tell anybody about it since it is highly shameful if it goes into public knowledge and just hope that whatever diety if any controls the afterlife has the same tastes as you and lets you off the hook- or that when humans die there is nothing at all.[/QUOTE] Ooh, look who decided to drop by from the Middle Ages! How nice! ;D You can leave your brimstones out of the conversation next time, [I]oh thou who shall not judge others[/I]. Is that alright with you? Masturbation is a healthy, safe and [I]completely[/I] normal way of getting to know your body. It's evident that you haven't done it enough. ;D
  14. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]According to the article you're supposed to explain why I'm on this "naughty chair"...[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Pfft, I'm not that kind of a nanny (or rather, [I]manny[/I]). [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]...which as Rev correctly pointed out definitely sounds like something out of a fetish sex shop. :animeswea[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Now I [I]could[/I] be that kind of a nanny. >;D But anyway, let's not deviate this thread with the advices of Jo Frost anymore. Uh, don't even remember what sparked this conversation! XP
  15. I hear you guys, and while I'm not going to change the point system right in the middle of things, there's some relief coming your way soon. ;D And about posts not earning points: Why are they a problem? You guys post to RPGs all the time without getting [I]anything[/I] back, but you don't whine about that! ;P In this game, the more you post, the more chances you have for gaining points. So cease the whining for a moment and just post away! ;D But as said, except something to happen in the near future. There's just one person who needs to get his/her things sorted out before that can happen, though. *glances at him/her expectingly*
  16. So Ira was revived as well, but it cost her a paralyzation of her legs. I want to stress that these handicaps set to revived characters [B]cannot[/B] be reversed or healed by anyone or anything. Here's a long list of actions that have been used up in the course of the previous days: - [B]Threatening someone[/B] (2 Death Points) by Rachmaninoff, Aaryanna, indifference - [B]Getting depressed[/B] (1 Death Point) by Rachmaninoff, SunfallE, Rachmaninoff - [B]Praying to higher powers[/B] (1 Life Point) by BKstyles, Darren, Shy - [B]Finding food[/B] (2 Life Points) by indifference, Aaryanna_Mom, Shy - [B]Saying “Thank you” with intention[/B] (1 Life Points) by Shy, Darren, Shy - [B]Rescuing someone from a trap[/B] (3 Life Points) by Aaryanna_Mom, SunfallE, Shy - [B]Wanting to stick together[/B] (1 Life Point) by Darren, Aaryanna_Mom, SunfallE - [B]Accusing someone falsely[/B] (2 Death Points) by Darren, Rachmaninoff, indifference I can tell you that the remaining actions will need you to expand your imaginations quite a lot. Simple aggression and spurs of violence just won't cut it anymore. So, with two deaths undone there are still [B]twelve characters[/B] in play. That's still eleven too many, don't you think? ;P
  17. Sandy

    The Ragnarok

    [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Paraxis had not enjoyed what he had done to the old man, but someone had to pay the price for breaking the laws of life's cycle. The thought made Paraxis chuckle inside. [B]"As if the laws of the cycle hadn't been broken when we drew eight souls back from the Afterlife. A true paradox, life is..."[/B] Another sparkle in the pool told that yet another soul was to be revived. Paraxis resisted the urge to sigh heavily, for he didn't want to show his true thoughts to his brothers and sisters, all constantly glaring at each other as if driven to paranoia.[/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-ira.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-lifecard.png[/IMG] [/CENTER] For the second time Ira Petrov had felt the excruciating death that followed from getting all of one's bones and organs crushed at the same time by something heavy. The pain lasted only a split second, but it still lingered on Ira's body. Ira couldn't understand how she could still have an intact body. She was hovering in midair, surrounded by vast space and twinkling stars. Somehow she was still breathing, her open eyes gazing around. Then one of the stars started to grow in size as she was looking at it. The star approached quickly, and filled the space with it's scorching light. At the center of the light was something that reminded Ira of the suffering Messiah - grotesque, but somehow comforting. The figure spoke in a booming voice that echoed throughout the space. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][I]"Your legs have carried you through two lives, but they shall not carry you no more!"[/I][/COLOR] All of a sudden Ira felt the sensation of dropping down. She let out a scream and closed her eyes tightly. The next thing she knew she was lying on something soft. She opened her eyes, and saw that she was lying on a bed in a hospital ward, void of people. She was still wearing the same clothes as she wore when she had died the first time, but they were all intact, as were her flesh and bones. She hoisted herself to a sitting position. [B]"This can't be... Is this a miracle?"[/B] Ira wondered by herself. [B]"Hello? Is anybody here? A doctor? A nurse? Please?"[/B] But when she tried to get out of the bed, she rolled over to the ground. To her shock she realized that she couldn't feel her legs anymore. They just weren't moving![/FONT]
  18. [quote name='The Blue Jihad']Says the gay man. Listen to him, the thread should. Wise, he is. Puzzled, I am. Believed him to be a douche, I did. [CENTER][URL="http://www.blueharvest.net/images/closeups/yoda.jpg"][U]Yoda[/U][/URL] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] Ha! Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I live in another world where there are no girls but only leather-clad big men with moustaches dancing under rainbows. :P So yeah, I do know something about the mindset of women, since I've been both a nerdy guy lusting after girls (way back when I was still confused as heck) as well as many girls' best gay friend (much later). Trust me, guys, when you want advice about girls but you're too afraid to approach one, the next best solution is a gay guy. ;D
  19. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]The what now ? :animeswea[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [U][URL="http://www2.oprah.com/relationships/relationships_content.jhtml?contentId=con_20050121_naughtystool.xml§ion=Family&subsection="]The Naughty Stool[/URL][/U], duh! You need to sit there quietly for as many minutes as you have years in your age. So for you, what, forty-five minutes? X)
  20. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]So you're like the Super Nanny of OB ? :animesmil[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Yes. Jo Frost is my idol. ;P For that: [I]Gavin, go to the Naughty Bench. Now.[/I]
  21. [quote name='gabrielzero']Also I would like to suggest more ideas if that is ok. :)[/QUOTE] Of course you can make suggestions and give feedback to us. I'm trying to become a more... [I]pleasant[/I] in my moderation, but since I'm also a professional upbringer in real-life, I can be quite stern and decided. It's just that you wouldn't be the first person whose thread I have locked that has taken it as a personal insult, so my words sprung up from experience. Sorry that I made that assumption in your case. I'm sure you'll make a great addition to our roster of roleplayers once you get the hang of things. ;D
  22. Joe Gossett was brought back into the game by the power of a Life Card. As a surprise twist, Joe's eyes were torn out by Paraxis. Similar handicaps (though not necessarily physical) will be placed upon all those who will be revived. However, what wounds the souls have gained prior or upon their death will be gone, and they will be in the condition that they started the game, plus the handicap. Hope you like this new twist. ;D [spoiler]I do, even though I didn't plan for it beforehand, heh...[/spoiler]
  23. Sandy

    The Ragnarok

    [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][COLOR="DarkOrchid"]The gods and goddesses gazed to the well intensely. This new twist had gained all of their focus. Then a glimmer of light told Paraxis that a new card had been played. [B] "Ah, our first resurrection of a soul is taking place,"[/B] he revealed to his brethren, causing them to throw shifty glances at each other. [B]"Let us see who it is..."[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-joe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-lifecard.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]"Mama?"[/B] was Joe Gossett's first word as he woke up. His vision was still blurry, but he could make out a white figure basking in light in front of him. [B]"Are you... an angel?"[/B] Joe whispered. But as he regained his sight, he saw that it was no angel he was facing. Standing in front of him was a pale, skinny youngster with empty eye sockets and a crown of thorns that scraped his skull and made trails of blood stream down his face. Only a white, blood-stained sheet covered the monstrosity's lower body. [B]"Ah! Y-you! You're the one Marta spoke about!"[/B] Joe Gossett shouted in terror, covering his eyes. The abomination raised his hand and pointed two fingers at Joe. [COLOR="DarkOrchid"][I]"Thou have seen Death, thus thou shall see no more."[/I][/COLOR] Suddenly Joe couldn't control his body anymore, and his eyes flung open. The pale figure had turned all red, as had the light that surrounded them. To his horror Joe realized that the redness was caused by blood gushing from his eyes, and then the red was replaced by total darkness. All that was left was pain. The pained flared up hatred in Joe's heart. Not hatred towards the monster that had blinded him, but towards the woman who had caused this. [I]Marta Kramer[/I].[/FONT]
  24. [quote name='gabrielzero']Maybe give role-players a chance to fix there OOC thread before it's locked ? I know every member should read the rules before they post , but locking threads doesn't help members get there act together. IT just makes them feel like they don't belong and gives them a reason to join a more easy going community. Perhaps give them the choice to either fix there mistake or they will have the thread locked. That in my mind sounds a lot more fair. What do you think ?[/QUOTE] But you can copy and paste your old text to a new thread, and then make the changes there. It's not much harder than merely editing your old post. And you [I]do[/I] have every chance to fix your mistake, just not in that same thread. There are several reasons why I personally lock threads that have too many things lacking in them: 1. There are some edits that only a moderator can do, such as editing the thread title. 2. It prevents other members from joining an RPG that doesn't quite meet the requirements. 3. It ensures that the one who created it notices that his or her thread was lacking, and helps him or her to remember to avoid making the same mistakes the next time. You seem to take it as a personal insult that I locked your thread, but you shouldn't. I'm not expecting you to know all the rules by heart after such a short stay, but my job is to introduce you to the rules and make sure you learn them. You're every bit as welcome to the Adventure Square as any other member of the boards, you just have to learn the way things work there first. I really hope to see an improved version of your RPG at the Inn, because the game sure was promising despite it's lacks. - Sandy
  25. [COLOR="Green"]Hey, [B]gabrielzero[/B]! This is a nice effort for an RPG, but it shows that you haven't read our requirements for games that can be found neatly packed in one thread called the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44317]Adventure Square Basics[/url]. The minimum requirements that you seem to lack are a proper [B]rating[/B] and at least [B]three[/B] decent [B]paragraphs of background story[/B], just so people would know what they were signing into. It isn't asking too much now, is it? ;D When you make these changes you're free to repost the game, but I will have to lock this thread so people won't sign up to it in vain. Cheers! - Sandy, Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator[/COLOR]
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