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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. [quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi']There is definately hope, and I can't be that far wrong when I too am a nerd and am currently blessed with a GF, I believe I mentioned it already in another thread. Though I don't see why you would mention the virginity deal in a thread like this, when picking out a GF that should be the last thing on your mind.[/QUOTE] Man, you're in dual denial. [I]First[/I] you claim that girls lust after nerdy boys, but they are just too blind to see it. In the words of the Great DB: WRONG! Girls - especially the better-looking ones (or the ones who think they look better when they dress up like hoes) - usually have this distaste towards anything that's smelly, sweaty, pimply and dresses like a clown (ie nerdy guys). [I]Secondly[/I], you say that sex is the last thing guys should have in mind when they're searching for a partner. Again, WRONG! Sex is the very first motive of countless straight guys to do pretty much anything with a girl - even if they know they can't have it immediately, it's always patting the path for the future. This might sound degrading, but that's just how it is for us guys. Emotional bond with the partner comes later than the thought "I want to have sex with that person", but when it does come, it can every bit as strong as women have. ;D Few exceptions don't make a rule. ;P
  2. I was going to post to add in my two cents [spoiler](or rather, 17 centimeters)[/spoiler], but now that Kathy posted, I'm suddenly blushing all over. XP STOP READING THIS THREAD, KATHY! It's not suitable for your kind of woman! Anyway, to summarize this thread, [B]Metalcore[/B]'s parents are hypocrites, [B]DB[/B] spends way too much time alone in his basement, [B]James[/B] is really enjoying this thread, [B]Shy[/B] will apparently need viagra for the rest of his life, and a lot of puppies are born as little kittens die at the same. And there's a cat staring each and everyone of us from the ceiling. XP
  3. Yay, whining! My second favorite activity after sex! ;D I have to make a comment about this: [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom'][LIST][*]A negative attitude towards imperfect grammar and spelling, even just simple mistakes. [*]A negative attitude towards repeat threads even though they aren't a repeat for the newer members, and failing to realize that even your own views may have changed since the last thread. [*]Idolizing the past and going on as if it's better, whether it's true or not. [*]Harsh criticism towards other members and a lack of tact in one's responses. [*]Whining about problems (oh the irony) instead of finding solutions. [*]Expecting to be entertained instead of doing so yourself. [*]Complaining because the rules are too strict and then turning around and complaining that they aren't strict enough. As if that would somehow make things better. [*]Behaving as if being here longer somehow makes you better than other members. [/LIST][/QUOTE] This list is totally true, but ask almost anyone and they deny they have ever said things that even imply the above. I can admit that I have done things from that list in the past, but realizing the habit is the key to changing it, right? ;D Anyway, I want to whine about the fact that I've heard claims that some people find me intimidating. Me?! Scary? I mean, just look at me! [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/999243Shrek-2-Puss-N-Boots-Posters.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] So if someone really is scared of me, please stop that [I]or else[/I]... >;P
  4. [COLOR="Green"]Yes, [B]Salene_Uchiha[/B], when deciding on what RPGs to join, please choose from threads where the last reply was posted less than few weeks ago. No point in writing a whole sign-up sheet for a game that isn't going to happen, or has [I]already[/I] happened. You'll just end up wasting the effort. - Sandy, Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator[/COLOR]
  5. So Cristopher was saved before I even had time to put the Poison Card next to his image in the profiles. ;P Anyway, over the course of the last few posts, some more actions were used up, and here they are: - [B]Telling the truth about own past aloud[/B] (1 Life Point) by Shy, Shy, Rachmaninoff - [B]Choking someone[/B] (3 Death Points) by Aaryanna, Rachmaninoff, Rachmaninoff - [B]Comforting someone[/B] (1 Life Point) by Aaryanna_Mom, Shy, SunfallE So now you can for example choke people all you want, but you wont get any points from it. ;P Meanwhile, the death toll is still at four, so care to try and do something about that?
  6. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Anyway, about all this inside joke nonesense, it can be annoying at times. I [i]do not[/i] like to be called Rat Boy for instance, in fact I take offense to it when anyone other than indifference uses it. She gets to because she is a personal friend who even asked permission to call me that, so really it should only be an 'inside joke' between the two of us - it's not as inside as I'd like it to be right now ^^;;[/color][/quote] Aww, sorry if I've offended you, since I'm also one of those who have called you a Rat Boy, but I find it kind of endearing. It makes you like... a mascot of OB, or something. ;D Besides, inside jokes are something you can't really control. Once someone "gets it", they're on the inside. Currently, and pardon my exaggeration, half of OB's memberbase are inside that one joke, so it's not much of an inside joke anymore, just a friendly pun. Just like the voodoo doll image of myself to which so many people want to stick pins at. ;P [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Anyway, I don't know why I'm complaining, I don't have the time for OB to be active these days, even if I do more than my part yo help make it that way (without reward!)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] You say you don't have the time, but I still see you here everyday. ;P But hey, I'm the same! XD
  7. [COLOR="Green"]I will now kindly ask you to stop the flame war before it really erupts. [B]Tetra of sound[/B], Neuvoxraiha can do whatever she wants with her game if it's not against the rules, and [B]D'Ann[/B], put those claws away, you should be the older, more mature counterpart here. Thanks in advance. - Sandy[/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Just so you know Sandy... I'm not quitting, but I am recovering from catching a nasty bug. Until the medicine the doctor gave me really has a chance to work... I'm afraid I'm just staring at the screen and going blank as far as ideas go. :animesigh Just thought you'd like to know since I probably won't post for at least another day or two. All I want to do is sleep, I'm just tired all the time since I started feeling bad on Friday. >_
  9. [quote name='Whoa, Mann'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]You know...I was thinking the exact same thing. The only thing is that... I really don't have any "good ol' days".. In fact, I'm not so sure that anyone knows who the heck I am.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] You don't fool me, Nomura. ;P Your old user names are located at your profile, if you didn't know that. And as to who you are, you're of course DB's comic-relief sidekick. ;D Hmm, now I want a sidekick as well... :/ My "good ol' days" are mostly related to being part of the Digipeeps. I know I irritated some people when I was Sage, but I reckon I've caused much more havoc and controversy as Sandy - all because of my brutal honesty and nagging style of speech. ;P Aaanyway, most of the good memories have to do with the projects and games I've been involved with during my [I]five and a half friggin' years[/I] in OB. I don't even remember all of them off the bat, but I know I've gotten many friends from them. Things have changed from the Digimon -forum days (heck, I don't think there's even more than five ex-Digipeeps left coming to the boards nowadays), but I'm fortunate to have found another home from the Adventure Square. Honestly, I've searched the internet over the years, but I have not found any place that would have as varied, creative and qualified selection of message board RPGs. We should all be very proud of the place as it is now (and of course this whole message board in general), and not long back to old times so urgently. After all, it was we, the active members of old and new, who have changed the place, not anybody else. ;D
  10. Youth violence is a serious issue, and blaming the teachers or the school system doesn't help. These sort of problems stem in most cases from home, how the youth have been raised and with what attitudes. If they are taught that it's okay to punch someone if they did something to you, then of course that becomes their defense mechanism. Violence just seems to be the answer to everything nowadays. :/ *thinks about the people of Burma who are being slaughtered by their government for wanting democracy* [quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi']Also, I would like to point out Scotland, they banned guns and are now the most violent country in the world- because many a would be thief or rapist in other countries is deterred by the fact that his victim might just shoot back.[/quote] You're so full of it. First of all, Scotland isn't even a country, it's part of United Kingdoms. And it most definitely is far from the most violent places in the world. Most European countries don't have civilians walking with guns, since no one's allowed to carry them in public. So it's not the fear of getting shot that's preventing thieves and rapists, it's the general atmosphere of safety. I'm not saying that nothing bad ever happens over this side of the Atlantic, but you better go check on some statistics before you throw that kind of crap around. [quote]Most criminals aren't going to bother legally obtaining a gun to use in a crime, but banning them would eliminate any chance of honest and law abiding citizens to defend themselves.[/QUOTE] Shooting someone isn't a legal way of self-defense, at least not in my part of the world. And you make it worse by saying it's the only way of self-defence. We use mainly words, cellphones, portable alarms, pepper sprays and our fists to protect ourselves here. Sure, they won't help you in a gunfight, but they prevent you from going to jail for overprotection instead of the assailant.
  11. Good to see the game in full speed. ;D There are some actions that have been used up, including the first positive actions: - [B]Going a separate way from others[/B] (2 Death Points) by indifference, Rachmaninoff, Rachmaninoff - [B]Kissing someone tenderly[/B] (2 Life Points) by Darren, Shy, Shy - [B]Helping up someone who has fallen down[/B] (1 Life Point) by Darren, SunfallE, Aaryanna_Mom Good going, people! ;D I'm loving this!
  12. Indifference is on a roll. Three actions were used up in her post: - [B]Lusting after someone[/B] (2 Death Points) by indifference, Rachmaninoff, indifference - [B]Kicking something or someone[/B] (1 Death Point) by Aaryanna, Rachmaninoff, indifference - [B]Tripping someone[/B] (1 Death Point) by SunfallE, Shy, indifference Mind you that I use a broad perspective when defining the actions, that's why any sort of "knocking someone down" was considered tripping. This goes for some other type of actions too. ;D
  13. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']I'll admit, I don't really care for the idea that the points cancel each other out. If only because it forces a player to only be negative or only be positive in a post and thus in a small way limits the manner in which we can write. However, At the same time I haven't done this long enough to know if it's going to be a problem or not. So I guess I'll wait and see how things go.[/QUOTE] But you can change strategies as soon as you get a card, Kathy. It doesn't mean you have to choose a style of play and stick with it for the whole game. Besides, like I said before, getting 7 of either points doesn't necessarily merit you with a Death/Life Card. I've got a few surprises thrown into the mix. ;D
  14. [quote name='Darren']If it stays this hard to get any kind of points, this game will drag on forever![/QUOTE] It's not hard at all, you just need to be consistent. I can reveal that you got some more Life Points, but then you did things that merited Death Points, cancelling them out. Oh, and I can assure you that I have dealt out plenty of cards already. ;D
  15. I'm glad to announce that [B]Aaryanna_Mom[/B] has taken BKstyles' place as Raone, the God of Light and Truth. Kathy, you may begin playing as soon as you want. ;D Now I'm off to count some more points... [B]Edit:[/B] Two more actions have been used up. - [B]Calling someone names[/B] (2 Death Point) by Rachmaninoff, indifference, Aaryanna - [B]Shouting angrily at someone[/B] (1 Death Point) by Shy, Shy, Aaryanna No longer will those actions merit any points. I've added a few new ones on the lists, though.
  16. Sandy

    The Ragnarok

    [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]The God of Death was glad to see that the competing deities have started to put their Power Cards into the play. He hadn't asked them to create those for nothing... Paraxis felt it was time to encourage the others to lay out their cards as well, so he pulled out a true ace from his sleeve.[/COLOR] [CENTER]~~~~~ [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-joe.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-marta.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Joe Gossett was starting to get upset. His forehead wrinkled with worry. [B]"Mama, where are you?"[/B] he shouted yet again, but his voice only echoed from the stone pillars around him. He didn't understand how he had ended up to this place. He had just stepped through his front door like always... The landscape around him was really peculiar. Countless spires of stone twice Joe's height stood a little apart from each other, forming what looked like a petrified forest. The ground below was smooth but cracked. The sky was dusking, but Joe hadn't seen the sun. [B]"Oh golly shucks, this is for nuffin'..."[/B] Joe sighed and sat down against one of the pillars. Suddenly he heard steps approaching where he was sitting. Accompanying the steps was sobs and sniffs. [B]"Mama?"[/B] he called, hoping to see his beloved wife. He stood up and walked towards the noise. A slash of a knife tore his shirt, barely avoiding skin. The woman wielding it cried out in despair. [B]"Whatta..?"[/B] Joe exclaimed, stumbling backwards in shock. [B]"Oh God be merciful, what has happened to you?!"[/B] Marta Kramer's eyes filled with tears when she saw the first living person in this god-forsaken place. But she still couldn't get the image of the monstrosity that had appeared to her from her mind. The young pale boy had had no eyes, but had still wept blood. Marta had never been so afraid, not even when she had... [B]"I'm... sorry"[/B], Marta stammered, lowering the knife. [B]"I thought... I was in Hell!"[/B] Joe Gossett gulped. As he observed the middle-aged woman whose flesh was beginning to rot, he wasn't all that sure that the woman had been wrong. [CENTER] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-soul-marta.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-undeadcard-1.png[/IMG][/CENTER]
  17. Okay, I'm sorry to see you go BKstyles, but hopefully the other players are dedicated to this. I'll leave BK's god and characters hanging for a while just in case some replacement from him would show up. Could you guys ask around, if someone would be interested to take over Raone? (Kathy, perhaps?) If no one shows up, I will have the god banished and the characters will then be free game. Hopefully this arrangement fits everyone. Now, despite these drawbacks, you guys are doing great in the game, so let's continue on the same path. ;D
  18. [quote name='Matt']Uh, Sandy, we only have to pay $60 for 360 and PS3 games...[/QUOTE] Well, you don't live here. :P Lucky bastards... The difference in price is ridiculous, I know. And it's not just the games, it's the consoles as well. It's the law of supply and demand and greed, you know? ;P He's not stupid who asks, he's stupid who pays, as the saying goes...
  19. I own a PS2 and a GBA, and also the first PlayStation but it's at my friend's house now (has been for about three years now). Next I'm planning on buying a Nintendo DS and Xbox 360, but only when my anticipated games (Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey, FF XII: Revenant Wings, FF Tactics A2 etc.) are released here. I'll probably get the Xbox 360 from my sister's husband with a much reduced price, since he also has a Wii and a PS3, and he's been planning to sell the console anyway. Buying PS3 is my long-term plan, since I'd really want to play games like Soul Calibur IV and FF XIII with it. I really resent the high price of both the consoles and the games, though. I mean, I'd never ever pay 70€ (99$) for a four hour game such as the Heavenly Sword!
  20. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"] Sorry guys, I'll catch it on the next run. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well, you could've said that earlier, instead of just being passive. :/ Sad to see you go, you would've brought a whole new level of twistedness to this game... Anyways, I'm glad to announce that I have a replacement for DB. [B]Aaryanna[/B] will take over Treisleilai and her two mortal souls, starting immediately. Welcome aboard, Bethany! ;D [B]EDIT:[/B] The first cards have been dealt, so let the killing commence! Also, a second action has been used up: - [B]Hitting someone on purpose[/B] (2 Death Points) by indifference, Shy, Shy No longer hitting or slapping will merit any points. Some other means of violence do, however... *hint hint*
  21. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]While the real goal of the game here is to earn points, the last thing I want to see is all of the characters acting crazy for no other reason than to earn said points.[/size][/QUOTE] Even though there weren't any points dealt in the previous parts, all the characters were still acting crazy in them. ;P It's just the nature of this game: total isolation and deadly traps makes people go insane. X) Good going, guys! Three of you have 5 Death Points, and one has 4 Life Points. BK and DB, you really need to step up to the plate if you want to open your scoreboard. Oh, and don't you ever relate political correctness to this game. There's absolutely nothing PC about this, and that's the way it should be. ;D
  22. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"] Hmmm... And to make this not spam? Beats me... I just wish I could figure out how to get the points![/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I've said it before, but in order to get points efficiently, one needs to be consistent in the posts. That means one shouldn't be both naughty and nice in one post. Also, remember that different actions merit different amount of points. The more sinful/virtuous the action, the more points it will give. ;D
  23. I've done some edits to the first post of the game thread. First of all, all the cards used at the characters will be visible next to their profile picture from now on (it includes Power Cards, Death Cards, Life Cards, etc.). Also, and this might make you a bit happier, I've decided to lower [B]the amount of points required to get a card[/B] from ten to [B]seven[/B]. Think of it as doing "seven sins" or "seven virtues". ;D
  24. Beth, I [I]could[/I] post the list of used actions to the first post, but I feel it's pretty cramped up as it is... I'll do it later if the need still exists, since I have the lists on a Word-file. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]I guess I'm just a little confused as to why these characters would try to kill one another when in the Ragnarok unless they were at least somewhat aware of the game.[/size][/QUOTE] Oh, you're badly mistaken! The [I]characters[/I] aren't trying to kill each other themselves (well, some insane cases from the earlier games excluded) - the gods are trying to kill off the other gods' souls. They can do it by any means necessary, although the series tradition has been [I]traps[/I]. Cruel, sadistic, gut-ripping and mind-blowing traps, each more grueling than the previous. >;D If those are too disgusting for you, you can always go with the less gory drownings, heart failures, pitfalls etc... [B]Edit:[/B] It seems Beth beat me to it, but I think Josh at least got the picture now. ;P
  25. [quote name='Shy'][size=1]So once all of the characters will be introduced I assume we will be given further instructions, yes? I suppose I'll write up the final introduction post now so we can get this show on the road... -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] Further instructions? I'm sorry, but there are none. The goal of this game is to protect your own characters as far as you can, and make the others die in the most imaginable ways you can think of. I will interfere occasionally to input some plot twists if the going gets too stale, but I know many from this bunch of players like to make their own twists without the gamemaster's control. ;D Well, if you're at loss to what to do next, you should start forming groups from the mortal souls. Their interaction open up a way to do many type of actions that give points.
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