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Everything posted by Sandy
[quote name='sakurasuka'][font="arial"][size="1"]Sex is a very emotional thing, no matter who you are. It isn't something that you just do. You shouldn't just learn to simply [I]appreciate[/I] it, that is distorting the very most intimate physical detail of a relationship, when it should be one of the most special and emotional parts.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you're apparently in denial of some cold, hard facts. There are people - lots of people, young and old, single and married - who'd do anything for sex with almost anybody. Some people have [I]hundreds[/I] of sex partners (most of which they only spend one night with), and they see nothing wrong with that. There's a multibillion dollar business on prostitution of both women and men stretching into every corner of the world. To some people sex is just getting the pleasure out of it, and they want to keep emotions away from it. To some it's not even about pleasure, but making a living. I'm not saying I think everyone should act like this, nor that it is the right way, just that it happens, and it happens a lot. You can live in your teenage fantasy world all you want, but when you grow up a bit, you'll learn that there's a serious lack of Prince Charmings ready to wait until you two get married in the world. And [B]Miss Anonymous[/B], trusting your mother to tell you the truth about sex is just silly, when seemingly all she wants to do is to protect you from it.
[quote name='Miss Anonymous']Is sex really the best way to express your love towards someone? It's not a simple thing, despite what some people say. Sex is a very emotional thing, it's not something to be toyed around with.[/QUOTE] I have to butt in and ask how do you know that? You say you never had sex, so how can you tell if it's simple or not, emotional or not? Truth to be told, sex is as simple and emotional as you make of it. If you stress and panic about, it'll end up being stressful and panic-inducing, and if you take it casually, it may not be any different from any other relief of an urge. Like in so many things, the best solution lies in the middle: you should learn to appreciate sex, not take it as granted nor shun it away as something sinful and impure. To address some other CHW's questions in the first post of this thread, I'm actually not sure when my first time was. It has everything to do with me being homosexual, so the act itself is not as clearly defined as the traditional straight intercourse. My first sexual experiences with another person were one-sided (meaning he didn't get anything out of it because he didn't want to), but I'd count that my first [I]real[/I] sex was with my boyfriend, because we both "got something out of it". ;D And boy did we enjoy it! Sharing that sensation with another person is just something so worthwhile... I can barely understand abstinence, but I [I]really[/I] don't understand selibacy, heh. XD
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I'm glad to say that I've found the joy of drawing again, after several of years of casual sketching. I intend to use this thread to portray my lil' pieces of art in the future, as well. Today I suddenly got inspired by the videogame series Soul Calibur to create a fighter of my own. I came up with a dancer guy whirling two chakrams on his feet. When the actual drawing was done, I decided to finally learn how to color it with the Photoshop-program. The lineart can be seen attached below, but the final work has been posted to my deviantART page, [URL="http://sandyledandy.deviantart.com/art/Battledancer-65145753"][color=darkorange]located here[/color][/URL]. So that's my first coloring with the program (I learned the tricks by googling "coloring with Photoshop"), and I hope to become better and better with time. Hmm, wonder where my next inspiration will spur out from...? [CENTER]~~~~~~~[/CENTER] Well, I decided to have a little more fun with my newly gained coloring skills, and colored an older piece from me (which some of you may have seen over at theOtaku). You can see it in full glory [url=http://sandyledandy.deviantart.com/art/Modern-Lamia-65229691][COLOR=darkorange]here[/COLOR][/url]. It's a modern lamia! The original lineart is again attached below. [CENTER]~~~~~~~[/CENTER] Third time's the charm, as it seems I'm having some sort of a streak of creativity. I decided to have another take on the battledancer of the first picture. Perhaps [url=http://sandyledandy.deviantart.com/art/Battledancer-2P-65297724][COLOR="DarkOrange"]this[/COLOR][/url] could be his secondary outfit, if he was a fighting game character? I went a little over the top with the colors and the details, but it was a good test of what I can do with Photoshop. (Also, I know the leafs look cheesy, but they're there just for the background.) [B]Any more tips you could give me to further improve my coloring?[/B] [/FONT]
[quote name='Nerdsy'][color=deeppink]To those who say that sex is an essential part of a romantic relationship, I have to ask: do you believe that that relationships are impossible for those who cannot have sex? I'm specifically thinking of, say, paraplegics, although there are certainly others. Is love out of their reach, and can they only befriend? And what of the case of those in a successful, romantic relationship that become paralyzed? Does the relationship automatically go back to a "caring friendship," or is sex only important in the intial stages?[/color][/QUOTE] Mind you, I said "sex and physical contact", because I'm aware that not everybody are capable of the actual intercourse. This is another matter of people seeing the term "sex" strictly as penis-into-vagina-and-out-and-in etc., when in fact it's so much more. I'd imagine even the young couples swearing in the name of abstinence hug and kiss (and may even fondle each other). That's the intimate interaction that separates romantic relationships from loving friendships. If you want to go into semantics, I don't believe someone who's for example completely paralyzed can have a fulfilling relationship, since they lack the capability of sexual interaction. But I also believe that a person in that state doesn't even need anything beyond love, caring and nurturing.
[quote name='Zidargh']By all means, prove me wrong Sandy as I'd like to really enjoy the game. Anyway. to get the focus of this post on topic, I say Suikoden II is much better than V.[/QUOTE] I can't say which one is better, since Suikoden V is the only game in that series I've played. I can only compare it to other series, and I think it really stands out - not graphically, but otherwise. I'd imagine it's not that different from the prequels (based on what I've read about them), but I've also read that people who liked Suikoden I and II have really liked V as well, saying it brings the series back to it's roots. Well, I'm a sucker for intriguing plots, and no Final Fantasy offers as many plot-twists, zany characters and epic events in a single package as Suikoden V. On the other hand, this is one of those quality over quantity issues as well, because I still prefer Final Fantasies. ;D
Other than Final Fantasies, I would highly suggest trying out [B]Suikoden V[/B] and [B]Shadow Hearts Covenant[/B]. They're both amazing RPGs with countless hours of content, tons of stuff to do and a battle system that doesn't grow old. At this moment I have my eyes on [B]Persona 3[/B], [B]Lost Odyssey[/B] and [B]Eternal Sonata[/B], but it will be a long time (if ever) before they reach where I live. :/
[font=Century Gothic]The Final Council thread is now up, and I will close down this thread. Thanks again to all of you who've played and watched, it's been awesome![/font]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/OB%20Survivor/4-logo.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Century Gothic"]The time to decide the winner of OtakuBoards Survivor 4 is here! After nine long months, nineteen tough adversaries and eleven grueling challenges, only two contestants remain. They are... [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Aaryanna[/SIZE]and [SIZE="5"]Rachmaninoff[/SIZE][/CENTER] Both of them have done a superb job in outwitting, outplaying and outlasting all the others. They have ventured into every corner of OtakuBoards and proved themselves of being capable of facing whatever the message board throws at their way. There can only be one winner, however. The winner will be chosen by seven votes: six coming from the Jury, formed from evicted players, and the last one coming from the vast public - that's you, reading this thread. [u]The Jury[/u] will vote by sending me a [i]private message[/i] with the name of the person who they want to win. The Jury consists of [B]8bit[/B], [B]Aaryanna_Mom[/B], [B]BKstyles[/B], [B]Ezekiel[/B], [B]Shy[/B] and [B]SunfallE[/B]. The public will vote with the [I]poll[/I] located above. The person with more votes will win this whole game along with the title of the Survivor of OtakuBoards, and the honor of joining Rain, GinnyLyn and Raiyuu in the list of OB Survivor winners. While the votes come in, I'd like if people (the members of the Jury, other evicted players, anyone else) would ask questions from the two finalists. That might help you to make up your mind, if you're having trouble deciding. Now, however, for one final time, [B]it's time to vote[/B].[/FONT]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-logounderground.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Brother Gods and Sister Goddesses, the God of Death welcomes you to Valhalla, the Great Hall where you will participate in a deadly game known as [I]the Ragnarok[/I], or "the Fate of Gods". Here you can discuss about everything related to the game, give feedback and ask questions. Below is a list of accepted players in the game, as well as their power cards: [SIZE="5"]Sandy[/SIZE] as [B]Paraxis[/B], the God of Death [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-undeadcard-1.png[/IMG]Makes the mortal soul carrying it immune to all cards, including Death Card, but also make it’s flesh start to rot. [SIZE="5"]Aaryanna[/SIZE] as [B]Treisleilai[/B], the Goddess of Sin [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-bloodlustcard.png[/IMG]Magnifies the mortal soul’s sense of desire to the point that they ignore reason in favor of lust and greed. [SIZE="5"]Rachmaninoff[/SIZE] as [B]Celesta[/B], the Goddess of Life [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-healcard.png[/IMG]Grants the user the ability to heal all but the most mortal of wounds. However, it also exacts a toll proportionate to the level of healing done. [SIZE="5"]SunfallE[/SIZE] as [B]Bellanna[/B], the Goddess of Love and Beauty [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-passioncard.png[/IMG]Makes the mortal soul so beautiful and desirable that none can resist them, even if pursuing them results in their own destruction. The one given this power has control over whether or not it’s active as well as whom the power is being used on. [SIZE="5"]Aaryanna_Mom[/SIZE] as [B]Raone[/B], the God of Light and Truth [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-lightofaxiomcard.png[/IMG]The mortal soul granted this power will have the ability to see the undeniable truth. This also allows the mortal to detect the truth in the atmosphere and realize when they are in precarious areas. In exchange, the mortal soul will progressively give up his or her memories until they are no longer in possession of the Light of Axiom. [SIZE="5"]indifference[/SIZE] as [B]Jachym[/B], the God of the Sea [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-tsunamicard.png[/IMG]Gives the soul the ability to control water, from keeping the water away from one’s self to prevent drowning to creating a powerful Tsunami. However doing so will exhaust them both mentally and physically. [SIZE="5"]Shy [/SIZE]as [B]Illyria[/B], the God of Madness [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-madnesscard.png[/IMG]The wielder gains the power to control others' perceptions and manipulate them at will. This card also manipulates the perceptions of the wielder, wearing away at their sense of reality until they are truly insane. [SIZE="5"]Darren[/SIZE] as [B]Telumas[/B], the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-sureshotcard.png[/IMG]Whichever mortal soul possesses this card, has a sure shot death in their pocket. Once a Death Card is attained, they may use it on whomever they wish, without fear of protection from any type shielding card, should they be introduced. [I]There Shall Be Only One God[/I][/FONT]
I think it's my job as an European to remind you guys that the whole abstinence movement is quite an American thing. Sure we have individuals who decide to wait until marriage (usually girls), but they don't walk around sniffing at those who don't, nor do they have any "rings of promise" or whatever they're called. I respect that choice, but thinking it's the only right way to go for everybody is just delusional. Sex and physical contact are wonderful things, and I think they're every bit as important as the emotional side in a relationship. Without them, I don't think the relationship can go much further than a caring friendship. But that's just my opinion.
[quote name='Shy'][size=1]Well how about you just tell us which cards you feel are overpowered, and then those players can try and modify them? -Shy[/size][/QUOTE] Because I already did that, heh. ;D The problem seems to be that some people's Power Cards affect storytelling, while others' affect the gameplay. I however see no reason why there can't be both in play. It's not likely that the people with cards affecting the gameplay would win automatically, since their characters are every bit as vulnerable as the others'.
[quote name='Darren']P.S. If only certain characters are given the cards, wouldn't that give away which characters belong to someone??? Like if I gave "Brian" the card, and he happened to be mine, as he started to change into a wolf, or even when he used the card, it would be pretty obvious he belongs to me... Or is it all stategic? Can we give it to other characters that aren't ours?[/QUOTE] Of course the power cards can (and should) be used on characters that don't belong to yourself. That's because the powers are both a blessing and a curse, and they can be taken from them at a whim. These gods sure are capricious... ;D As for the power cards affecting gameplay, I don't see any reason they shouldn't do that, but of course they shouldn't be overpowered, or else they take the fun out of the game. Darren's card is really at the borderline, and my card is way over it (but I'm a neutral judge so it should be okay). You are free to modify your cards' powers for now, but I might have to change them then in order to keep the game balanced.
Darren, there's a techical issue with your Power Card (although I love the sign-up otherwise). The Death Cards aren't dealt to the mortals, but used by the gods, so the effect of the power card can only apply to deaths caused [I]directly[/I] by the one carrying it. Hope you understand what I'm saying. An example: "Brian" has the Sure Shot Power Card. "Laura" has a protection against Death Cards. Now if the goddess you're playing (Telumas) wants to kill off Laura, she would have to make Brian do it himself in order to make his power effective. Any other means to kill Laura would fail (because only Brian has the power to pierce through the Death Cards). Is this okay, or do you want to change the description in your Power Card? I also think your card might be a bit overpowered, but so seems to be the case in all of the cards, heh. XP You should probably add in a harmful side effect (something like the person carrying the card growing horns or whatever).
Yes, it's better now. ;D I do hold the right to rephrase each of your card's descriptions for the game's purposes, but I promise not to change their effects. So far we have seven gods, so if more still emerges, I'm going to have to cut the number of souls from three to two, to avoid crowding the game. More on how to create the souls will come when I close the sign-ups.
[font=Century Gothic]So be it: [B]Rachmaninoff[/B] and [B]Aaryanna[/B] will be facing the Final Team Council within a few days time. Meanwhile, I want both of you to recount something about your experience with this game to this thread, maybe remember the early stages and people who've been voted off during these nine months. As for [B]Aaryanna_Mom[/B], you will be joining the ex-Aces in the Jury. I just want to thank you, you've truly been an awesome contestant through and through. You can now say your goodbyes to this game.[/font]
[FONT="Century Gothic"]The answers to the eleventh challenge are in! Let's find out how the top three did... Note that my comments are in [I]italics[/I]. [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Task from the Past[/SIZE][/CENTER] [I]You had to remember the names for the ten past challenges.[/I] [U]Aaryanna:[/U] First Challenge: Teaming Up Second Challenge: Seek the eSSence Third Challenge: Otakuwood Studios Proudly Present Fourth Challenge: Controversy Fifth Challenge: Smells Like Team Spirit Sixth Challenge: SurviWars Seventh Challenge: Teaming Up Again! Eighth Challenge: Duel or Die Ninth Challenge: Animania Tenth Challenge Otakupedagogy [I]All correct – thanks to your smarts in using caches! [B]20/20 Points[/B][/I] [U]Rachmaninoff:[/U] 1 - Teaming up 2 - [can't remember] 3 - OtakuBoards Proudly Present 4 - [can't remember] 5 - Team Spirit 6 - SurvivalWars 7 - Teaming up again 8 - Duel or Die 9 - [can't remember] 10 – Otakupedogy [I]Some were exactly right, some were almost there. [B]10/20 Points[/B][/I] [U]Aaryanna_Mom:[/U] First – Teaming Up Second – Seek the SS’s Third – Otaku Studios Proudly Presents Fourth – This one I don’t remember at all. Fifth – I don’t remember this one either. Sixth – Survival Wars Seven – Teaming Up Again! Eight – Duel! Ninth – Anime Tenth – Otakupediagy [I]So many were so close. [B]10/20 Points[/B][/I] [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Task from the Present[/SIZE][/CENTER] [I]You had to create something - anything - out of the theme "Victory".[/I] [U]Aaryanna:[/U] For this part I have made a video. A totally silly bit on advising other dogs on how to avoid being bathed by their owners. Tips to make them victorious over their vicious owners who would bathe them! XP All of the graphics were done by me including filming my dog and getting the video clips onto my computer. So I present to you, my video: Victory [CENTER][url]http://youtube.com/watch?v=c23ZLJtp7mw[/url][/CENTER] [I]Your dog is adorable, and the video certainly fits the theme, but you should’ve expanded beyond the cuteness of your beloved pet a bit more. A fun video, but it didn’t quite catch the depth of the other two entries. [B]5/20 Points[/B][/I] [U]Rachmaninoff:[/U] Poetry may not be my forte, but still, I had to do this since it was the first thing I thought of when I read the challenge. :) [B][CENTER]Hallowed Victory[/CENTER][/B] [CENTER][SIZE="1"]A blinding light, far greater than the brilliant sun tore through my eyes As I stood speechless with deepening awe among a forest that was so tall Indifferent to my utter surprise as well as my startled frightened cries With pleading hands I reached out, in hope of acceptance as I recall Through streaming tears and trembling hands I tried eagerly to see Where strong and powerful ones had gathered, ready for a grand quest I caught a glimpse of greatness and glory through the beautiful trees A contest, a rival, a test, which would showcase the utmost best Twenty strong how could it be? It was easy to see how they dwarfed all I was so tiny, so small. Why am I here? How can I even compete? I struggled, I fought and still I did fail and I wondered as I took a fall Why did I try? I could not meet the demand and I knew that I was beat When all was lost and I had left, they called to me and I raised my head An outstretched hand, an encouraging simile, don’t give up, you have done well With renewed courage and determination I picked myself up and stifled the dread I can’t give up this quest, nor walk away; it’s too soon to give my last farewell Strengthened by virtue of being within their kind and gentle midst, we rose With ringing tones of victory our names striking fear wherever we went From known to mysterious lands we conquered all in places where anything goes A glorious cause, a golden goal, with our firm stance taking on a victorious bent But Victory’s path is often unkind, not caring as I traveled where my feet would go Time and time again our goal was now thwarted, cast aside in every way Undaunted we fought though we toiled in vain, mercilessly crushed by the flow Compassion was not shown as we were thrust down both night and day After all that we had done, the downward slopes were unforgiving and cruel Harsh and remorseless we fell, landing hard through dark and deep a ravine With iron determination and a will that would not die we struggled to regain our rule But victory eluded our grasp and would not be had determined to not be seen At last in the final hours when darkness descended and radiance seemed to be lost The light was finally seen, brilliant and beautiful though winds and blinding showers With a glad cry and tears of joy, we rose as one once more to fight the cost With laughter and shouts of delight to finally break the cold despairing hours By friendship and courage and a will far stronger than what bell may toll Or trials past undaunted, unfazed our gaze not stopped by what may not be As we look forward having passed the test, we’ll take whatever fate may roll We came as one, doing our best to earn at last a hard fought for, cherished Victory[/SIZE][/CENTER] [I]Your match with White certainly seems to have paid off, since this is quite a masterpiece. You recount your experiences with this game wonderfully, the language is rich and symbolic, and the theme is evident from it. [B]20/20 Points[/B][/I] [U]Aaryanna_Mom:[/U] My entry for this is about what I see as a victory from being a part of this RPG. I am sure you have heard the phrase “[U]Friends are the flowers in the garden of life.[/U]” Well in my opinion, that is my victory, all the friends I have made. So I made a little cross-stitch of flowers, each one a team color. It’s the sort of thing you then either put on a bookmark or use as a decoration in a page for scrap booking. [CENTER][IMG]http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/8473/victoryflowersmi7.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [I]This is certainly pretty, and I hugely appreciate good ol’ handcraft, mainly because I feel it’s a dying skill at least in western countries. The symbolism is very nice, and although the theme didn’t quite open up to me from it at first, I find it respectable that you have taken a different approach to “victory”. [B]10/20 Points[/B][/I] [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Task from the Future[/SIZE][/CENTER] [I]You had to give reasons why the other two contestants should win this game over you.[/I] [U]Aaryanna:[/U] "There are so many reasons why both Rach and my Mom deserve to win. Both of them are hard working and always gave 100% in every single challenge that I got to work with them on. I think both of them have put in so much more effort than I ever did. Rach never gave up, even after getting booted out once, or when his own personal schedule was hectic. No matter what, you always knew you could depend on him. My Mom has far more patience and a better understanding of all the contestants. Even though the objective is to win, she’s always tried to play in a fair and evenhanded manner. Never once being harsh or too critical towards others and often tossed in a word or two of advise for everyone. Both of them deserve to win for their dedication and tireless devotion to the teams they were a part of throughout this challenge." [U]Rachmaninoff:[/U] "It's easy to see why Kathy and Bethany deserve to win the competition. Kathy was in so many ways more of a mother as she always set a good example that there was more to the game than a win. She was always playing fair, handing out advice and following through on her suggestions that though inspired by the game were essentially separate. Her work in the OtakuBoards Newspaper is proof that for her it's about more than winning and that makes her the most deserving. Bethany is creative, dedicated and has also put so much into the game. She has constantly put so much into each competition and supported her teammates. She clearly has a firm grasp on teamwork and doing one's best since she has effortlessly shown that winning is about having fun as well. Most notably with her diorama with the eggs. In the end the main reason they deserve to win is because they inspired me to continue. In all honesty the game at times frustrated me to the point that I wanted to just walk away, but seeing how those two worked so hard I could not. So I know that without those two I would have never made it this far. They both deserve to win far more than I do." [U]Aaryanna_Mom:[/U] "I think that the other two contestants deserve to win for many reasons. My daughter Aaryanna has consistently shown her creative and determined side throughout this challenge, even surprising me at times with her insight and ability. In truth, she’s put far more effort into this game than I ever have. Rachmaninoff deserves to win for his perseverance. No matter how hard the challenges were, he never gave up, even when he wanted to. Showing that in the end, he is a true survivor. He put so much work and time into hunting through the threads for the Otakupedia article. Without him, we never would have gotten it done. Both of them have consistently done far more in terms of effort and outright determination to do one’s best. As much as I’ve enjoyed this, I cannot say that I was equally as dedicated. I know I wouldn’t have made it here without their diligent work and effort." [I]I'm just glad that the points didn't tie up, since it would've been extremely for me to decide the winner from these. Beautiful words, everybody.[/I] [CENTER][i]Total Points:[/i] Aaryanna: 25/40 Rachmaninoff: 30/40 Aaryanna_Mom: 20/40[/CENTER] This means that [B]Rachmaninoff[/B] has won the challenge by five points! Congratulations, you've guaranteed yourself a spot in the grande finale! Alas, you have to make the difficult decision of choosing either Aaryanna or Aaryanna_Mom to join you in the Final Team Council. You can just voice out your decision to this thread. The one you don't choose will move into the Jury to help decide the winner. The mother or the daughter, which one shall it be?[/FONT]
You're truly being good sports, Darren, because someone else might've ripped my head off for cutting in the line... So I apologize again if I offended you with this, but I also hope you join The Ragnarok as well. Let's say that you have a guaranteed spot in it if you decide to join, just to make up for this. ;D
Great stuff over night, people! [B]DB[/B] got one thing right that I forgot to mention: the actual gender of the deity isn't dependent on it's earthly manifestations. So for example[B] Beth[/B] [I]could've[/I] had a male god of love who had appeared as Aphrodite, Venus etc. Also remember that there are lots of other mythologies besides the ones in classic antiquity. [B]Kam[/B], for instance has a nice collection of names. ;D One problem with your [B]Power Card[/B], Kam: your power [I]musn't be able to kill anyone immediately[/I]. That effect is only granted by the Death Card. It can injure and even lead to a possible death, but one would need a Death Card in order for that to happen. Also, I did the graphics on Paint (can't you tell, heh). It's not hard: just take a piece of a picture and slab some text and borders to it. ;D Anyway, keep them sign-ups coming, since I'm open to all types of deities at this stage. ;D
[center][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-logo.png[/IMG] {M-VLS}[/center] [font=Palatino Linotype][i]Since the dawn of civilization in the planet Earth, there have been gods and goddesses who have used humankind as pawns in their disputes. Taking countless forms, the deities have always found a way to enter the hearts of humans and persuade them to do their bidding. This has caused endless misery, wrath and pain to the mortals, yet they fear too much to doubt the almighty forces of the universe. One god has remained neutral through this all, observing the actions of his brothers and sisters with his empty eyes. One day he decides that he has seen enough. Summoning the warring gods and goddesses, he organizes a fateful game of cards he calls The Ragnarok, or the Fate of Gods. The stakes are high, as the one deity who wins will rule over the mortal world. The others must succumb to him or her and leave the Earth. The other gods and goddesses agree to participate in their brother’s game. He tells them that they must choose three souls, dead or alive, to represent them in the multidimensional gameboard. One by one, the deities must get rid of the souls representing their rivals, and try to save their own champions. They can do those things through the Cards of Fate, dealt to them by their brother, the God of Death. He will make sure that there is only one god left in the world when the game ends.[/i] [center]~~~~~ [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-deathcard.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-lifecard.png[/IMG] ~~~~~[/center] Welcome to the fourth installment in the so called Death Card -series of RPG. The Ragnarok is preceded by [b]The Labyrinth[/b], [b]The Maze[/b] and [b]The Panopticon[/b], and will be quite different from them. In this game, you will play the role of both the gods and the souls they choose to represent themselves. For those of you unfamiliar to the Death Card –series, here are the very basic rules: [list][*] Each player creates several characters (in this case, souls) who are controlled by everyone participating in the game. [*] Only the player and the gamemaster know which characters belong to him or her, and it’s essential that the secret is kept for as long as possible. [*] The players try to kill off each other’s characters with [b]Death Cards[/b], and revive their own dead characters with [b]Life Cards[/b]. Additionally, there have been many other cards that affect the flow of the game during the series. They include (but are not limited to) [b]Creation Card[/b] where the player can add a new character to his or her roster, and [b]Teleport Card[/b], with which the player can instantly move one character from one location to another. [*] Cards are dealt by the gamemaster in secrecy, and it’s up to the players to choose when to use the card given to them. [*] The winner is the player whose character (or several characters) is the last one alive.[/list] The previous installments have had chapters in them, and each player has usually had one Death Card to use per chapter. The Ragnarok does away with that system, and implements [b]Death Points[/b] and [b]Life Points[/b]. Here’s a rundown on how they work: [list][*] I have a long, secret list of possible [B]actions[/B] that the gods can make the souls do. Doing those things in the post will award either Death or Life Points. Each player’s amount of points is visible at the start of the game thread. [*] In general, doing [B]negative[/B] actions merits Death Points while performing [B]positive[/B] actions gives the player Life Points. Some actions are [B]neutral[/B], and can merit either type of points. However, Death Points [B]cancel[/B] Life Points and the other way around, forcing the players to consider their game strategy. [*] However, when an action from the list has been [B]done three times[/B], it will be [B]removed[/B] from the list for the remainder of the game and doing it again won’t give any points. [*] When a player reaches [B]10[/B] Death Points, he or she gains a Death Card (or some other negative card) to use, while with [B]10[/B] Life Points he or she gains a Life Card (or another positive card). So the players won’t have any Death or Life Cards at their disposal at the beginning of the game. [*]When a card is acquired, the player's points drop back to [B]zero[/B].[/list] As mentioned earlier, the players will play both as gods and as mortal souls chosen by the gods to represent them. While the souls (or characters) can be controlled by any player, the gods are player-specific, and they of course won’t be affected by any cards. They act merely as your avatars in this game. Each god will also have one unique [b]Power Card[/b] that they can use on the souls to give them special powers. Here’s the rules specific to this card: [list][*]The Power Card must relate to the god's own power, but using it shouldn't be deadly to the characters on it's own. [*]The power can help the soul to survive, or send it to an early grave. For example, the power of flying can be used to allow the soul to escape a dire situation, or to make it suddenly plummet to it’s death (by using a Death Card on the character). [*]When the soul with the Power Card “equipped” is killed, the card will be [B]returned[/B] to the god to be used on a different character. The god may also opt to suddenly [B]remove[/B] the Power Card from the soul and give it to someone else. [*]One character may have [B]several[/B] Power Cards invested to it, but there is only one Power Card per deity, so one power cannot be shared.[/list] To be able to join this game, you will have to create a god or a goddess for yourself. I will choose which players make it in to the game according to them. After the player has been approved in, they will send me the [B]three souls of their choice by a private message[/B], but I’ll get back on them when the time comes. Just to make things clear, the actual RPG takes place in contemporary time, but in an imaginary place created by the God of Death for the game’s purposes. Now, here’s the sign-up sheet for the gods: [INDENT][b]Immortal Name:[/b] the name the deity is known in the godly realm (must be fictional) [b]Mortal Names:[/b] the names the deity is known in different mythologies down at the Earth [b]Area of Godhood:[/b] the specification of the deity (note that there can be only one of a kind, for example one God of Death, one God/dess of War, one God/dess of Sea etc.) [b]Manifestations:[/b] the physical forms the deity prefers to take (no pictures, please) [b]Power Card:[/b] the unique power that the deity possesses (see the rules on Power Cards above); also include a 100x100 pixels large image for the card[/INDENT] To give you insight on what I’m looking for, here is my god, the judge of the game: [INDENT][b]Immortal Name:[/b] Paraxis [b]Mortal Names:[/b] Thanatos, Mors, Shinigami, Grim Reaper, Baron Samedi, etc. [b]Area of Godhood:[/b] God of Death [b]Manifestations:[/b] To his brethren he appears as the Pale Prince, a beautiful youngster with empty eyesockets wearing white robes and a crown of red thorns. His most popular form on Earth is a skeleton in a black robe wielding a large scythe. [b]Power Card:[/b] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Ragnarok/ragnarok-undeadcard-1.png[/IMG] Makes the mortal soul carrying it immune to all cards, including Death Card, but also make it’s flesh start to rot.[/INDENT][/font]
I'm sorry, Darren, I couldn't help myself. I suddenly got inspired, so I'm about to launch [B]The Ragnarok[/B], the fourth installment to the series right about now. This doesn't mean you can't post the Abyss as well, but if you're really as busy as you say, I think you should postpone it. And who knows, my game may not succeed at all, as I've changed the concept quite drastically. XP If that happens, the field is all yours. Hope you don't take this the wrong way, Darren, I'm not trying to steal your spotlight. It's just that I, too, have been contemplating on a new Death Card-game ever since Panopticon. And since I got inspired now, I see no reason to delay it. So yeah, I'm posting The Ragnarok now. Check it out at the Adventure Inn.
I'm actually interested hosting a [B]Death Card[/B]-game myself, since I didn't actually get to finish the first one. My mind has been contemplating on several different ways to alter or improve the game, to give a proper background story and setting to it. I'm not sure, Darren, since you say you're so busy, that you should force yourself to create a game that takes quite much effort from the maker. You don't want to end up in a situation where you find yourself unable to continue, and have to face the wrath of the disappointed players, do you? So if you want, you can postpone Abyss and allow me make the next installment to the series. It wouldn't follow the storyline of the previous games, though, so you can keep whatever story you have planned out. What say you?
Does it really have to be an animal? I mean, the symbol of the party? I know you Americans have your donkeys and elephants for some reason, but parties in European countries tend to use more abstract symbols in their logos. Stylished flowers are popular, but so are globes, people and mere letters as well. So... does it matter if the symbol isn't an animal?
[quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Are we looking at Otaku Idol 3 being held at some stage in the near future ?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I can tell you his answer to that: [quote name='James']:blulaugh:[/quote]
I also suggested this type of thread during the Otaku Idol 2 -contest, but it didn't gain much support then (although I think [I]nothing[/I] I said got much support at that time, heh). So I'm only glad that it's been brought up after that by several other people as well, as the community seems to have warmed up to the idea (not saying that it's my original idea, either, it's just that several people have come to the same conclusion on their own). So yes, I support this type of thread 100%. Maybe it can be launched even before the appointment of the new Event Master, since it could help you admins to find a suitable person for the position among those who contribute to the thread. Yes, kind of like the preface of Otaku Idol 2, but without all the drama that ensued after it. ;P
[quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I'm totally curious to see what the final challenge will be. :catgirl: [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT="Century Gothic"]I'm sorry, but as I stated in the main thread, [I]this[/I] is the final actual challenge. After this one, all that is left is the Final Team Council, where the Jury and the public will vote who will win this whole contest. Now it's a matter of which two of you three will make it there. ;D[/FONT]