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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. It says "off-topic"? That's odd, since the discussions at the Lounge are usually very much on topic...
  2. The last time I got a premonition, I was on my way to my nephew's christening ceremony last spring. I of course thought what the name could be, and out of a sudden I got this strong sense that it would be "Lassi". Turns out that his first name [I]was[/I] Lassi. I was a bit baffled after I heard it. On the other hand, I think my sister said that she liked the name years ago when we were teens. So maybe it was just good memory, after all. ;P
  3. It could be a paranoid personality disorder, or just jealousy, or just the fact that she's a *****. You really don't have to be friends with a person of her ilk. I know I wouldn't be, even though I love to have some extra drama in my life. On the long run, it would just get intolerable.
  4. [COLOR="Green"][B]Tetra of sound[/B], as much as I hate to intimidate you by not approving your first attempt for an RPG, I don't think I have a choice. You're just lacking too many things. First of all, please read through the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318][U]Adventure Arena[/U][/url] Basics. You can find everything you need to create a proper RPG. They include: [indent]- a [B]rating[/B] to the title ([E] for everybody, [PG] for "parental guidance" or [M] for mature, as well as [L], [S] or [V] for any language, sexual or violent themes) - [I]at least[/I] three good paragraphs (longer than two sentences) of [B]background information[/B] (story, guidelines etc.) - a [B]sign-up sheet[/B] to indicate what type of characters you want[/indent] You are lacking in all three of these things, really. Please look at the other threads in this section for an example of what's acceptable and what's not. You don't have to make this into some grandiose epic, just put more effort to it. Flesh it out, write more background story for it, expand the sign-up sheet etc. Once you have all the pieces together, you can recreate this RPG, but I will have to close this one down. I trust you'll get it right the next time. ;D - Sandy [B]*Thread closed*[/B][/COLOR]
  5. [font=Century Gothic]Since this is the last actual challenge, I see no point in rushing. You three usually get your things done in a moderate amount of time, so I trust you to do that this time as well. So no deadlines for now.[/font]
  6. [quote name='Blayze'][SIZE=1]I'm assuming that if I'm doing this story that Raiha suggested on Lindsey Lohan and Bigfoot then we'd be heading to Hollywood? Or does anybody else know where Lindsey Lohan actually lives?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Pfft, Lindsay Lohan has a house in Hollywood just like all the other overpaid crackheads they call "star celebrities". XP
  7. [font=Century Gothic]It is due time to enter the exciting, exhilarating and exquisite extravaganza known as the [B]semifinal[/B]. Only three out of the twenty-one contestants remain to fight for the spot in the final two, and here they are: [INDENT][I][B]Aaryanna/Bethany[/B], who has truly been the life of this party. She's perky, spunky and unafraid to say what she thinks. Yet she also shows an incredible amount of maturity for a person her age. She's remembered for stepping up to be the captain of the Mercenaries after indifference's eviction in the second challenge. Who could also forget her cuddly and funny diorama that combined eggs and nails in a most painful way? [B]Aaryanna_Mom/Kathy[/B], who is the mother figure of this competition, as well as this whole message board. She's been true to her beliefs of justice and fair play throughout the game, and has shared her wisdom and advice with her teams as well as the judge on countless occasions. She was the captain in every team she was in, starting from Team Argo, jumping to the Mercenaries and ending up into the merged team of the Sunflowers. In fact, this is her first time in the game when she isn't a captain. [B]Rachmaninoff/Darren[/B], who is without a doubt between a rock and a hard place with the two strong women. He was actually voted out after the third challenge by the Laugh Out Louds, but chosen to join the Mercenaries after the very next challenge. He's been a laid-back yet very active contestant all through the game. He is remembered for valianty facing White in a gruesome rap battle - and almost beating him. Now he must show his real teeth if he wants to beat the women.[/I][/INDENT] Bethany, Kathy, Darren... I think we can all agree that you three have earned your place in the top three. But now it's time for you to face your destiny in... [CENTER][SIZE="5"]Eleventh Challenge: Triple Trouble[/SIZE][/CENTER] In this last of the challenges, you have to complete three tasks that are very different from each other. You will face the [B]Past[/B], the [B]Present[/B] and the [B]Future[/B]. Hope you're ready for that... [indent] [CENTER][B]Task from the Past:[/B][/CENTER] Remember those [B]funky titles[/B] I came up for the challenges? Well, they've been erased from this thread now, and you will have to list as many of them as you can remember. Remembering a title exactly right will give you [B]2 points[/B], while getting somewhat close merits you with [B]1 point[/B]. I'm only asking the names of the earlier ten challenges, though, so a maximum of 20 points can be gained. [CENTER][B]Task from the Present:[/B][/CENTER] You have done all sorts of things during this competition, from song lyrics to dioramas to movie scripts. Now it's time to put those skills in use again. Choose [B]any method[/B] to create something with the [B]theme "Victory"[/B]. It can really be anything: a song, a story, a poem, a piece of art, a sculpture, a video - whatever you feel like doing. It doesn't even have to be something you've done in this game. The best outcome will receive [B]20 points[/B], the second best [B]10 points[/B], and the third place is awarded with [B]5 points[/B]. [CENTER][B]Task from the Future:[/B][/CENTER] Respect towards others are always good qualities in a contestant. So please [B]tell me why the other two contestants deserve to win this game over you[/B]. Answering this question will not give you any points, but it can affect the outcome (for example in the need of a tie-breaker).[/indent] There's no other rules for the challenge really, except that you have to send the answers/outcome of these three task to me through a [B]private message[/B]. I repeat, do [B]not[/B] send them into this thread yourself. You wouldn't want your rivals to find out your answers and abuse them, would you? When all the results are in, I will judge and calculate the points (the absolute maximum is 40 points), and then post everybody's answers here. The [B]winner[/B] will then choose who they want to join them in the final two. The third player will move into the last place in the Jury, and help to decide the outcome of this whole shebang. As always, all questions regarding this challenge as well as the final events of the game can be send to this thread to be answered. Good luck, and have fun with this last challenge. [B]Go Survivors, Go Go Go![/B][/font]
  8. I don't know if I'm being too hasty, but I got the feeling the editor-in-chief gave my character an order to get rolling, so I did. Just tell me if my character needs to stay in the building for a longer while, Josh. Also, my post brought up the question of the location of the World Weekly News office. I was assuming it'd be somewhere in the hot California (in which case it would be possible to drive to Arizona by a car in a moderate amount of time), but please correct me if you want the location to be something else. That's all for now, I guess.
  9. Sandy

    Weekly World News

    Eowyn just smiled at the youngster doing his lasso stunts. Jack Jones reminded her of Bilbo Morndew, her youngest son. Always showing off and trying to be the center of attention. [B]"Now Jack, we will head to Arizona, where a mysterious trailer has been sighted to drive along the highway in the middle of the desert without anyone on it. I need to catch photos of it, and you get to assist me"[/B], Eowyn explained. [B]"Really? Cool! It feels great to get straight into the action, Mrs. Rivendell!"[/B] [B]"Please, just call me Moongold. It's the name Mother Nature gave to me. Of course the pot might have had something to do it as well..."[/b] Eowyn seemed to get lost into her memories for a while. [b]"Ah, but that's ancient history now. I'm afraid you won't be seeing much of action in this trip, though. It's mostly waiting on the side of the road for something that may not never come."[/b] Eowyn lowered her voice and stepped closer to Jack, staring straight to his eyes over her round sunglasses. [b]"You should know, Jack, - and this is sort of a secret of this house - that sometimes the clues we get turn out to be fake."[/B] Jack Jones stared at the elderly woman blankly for a moment, then answered with a big grin. [B]"No kiddin'."[/B] [B]"Let us go now, dear. It's a long drive to Arizona." [/B] Eowyn waved the intern to follow her.
  10. D'Ann, my character is a photographer, not a reporter, so hopefully you weren't thinking that she'd make the article with Jack Jones... Just checking. ;P
  11. In my post, the two photographers discussed about an article about crops circles in Kansas and another about a ghost van in Arizona. These ideas can of course be scrapped or postponed in the upcoming meeting.
  12. Sandy

    Weekly World News

    [size=1][B]OoC:[/B] Hope you don't mind me borrowing your character, Blayze![/size] ~~~~~ [B]"Aye, Moongold! Come here!"[/B] Eowyn Rivendell walked her slow pace towards Alex Mason, the Head Photographer of WWN, who was sitting back casually in his chair with his feet propper on his desk. [B]"Yes, Alexander?"[/B] she inquired, knowing all too well how he felt about people refusing to call him by his nickname. [B]"Listen, before we head to the Bullpen, I want to inform that I'll take the Kansas crops circle shoot if they decide to make the article"[/B], Alex said, clicking his pen. He stared at the woman over thirty years older than him defiantly, like a preteen at the mother ordering him to bed early. [B]"Oh, Alexander... It's your call, so go ahead. Helicopters and I have never been in good terms with each other"[/B], Eowyn said with a gentle, understanding smile. The article was big, and getting good pictures was essential, but Eowyn wanted to show trust to her superior. She just felt that Alex Mason needed to be reminded every now and then that he wouldn't be sitting on that chair had Eowyn not refused the position many times during the ten years she had been in the paper. [B]"I'll take the Arizona ghost trailer, it'll feel good to get back to action after a while."[/B] Yes, it had been over an year since she last had the chance to capture ghosts on film. Her previous case had been an interesting one: three brothers who had all shot each other simultaneously over a century ago in the Wild West, and were now chasing each other eternally as ghosts, unable to get revenge. It had been exiting to go after three running ghosts in the chill of a nightly desert. [B]"It's settled, then"[/B], Alex said with a wink of an eye. [B]"Let's head to the boardroom before 'Miss Large' comes to get us."[/B] [B]"Hah, just worry for yourself, dear boy"[/B] Eowyn said with a coarse giggle.
  13. [font=Century Gothic]Actually, I'm going to leave this thread open for any discussions you might have between the three of you. Just because you play individually now, doesn't mean you have to give up being The Sunflowers. ;D[/font]
  14. [FONT="Century Gothic"]I want to say that I'm so glad both teams finished before the deadline, since it saved me from some very ugly decisions. At least now everything's fair and square, since both teams have contributed. This was a very decisive challenge, since the other team will be cut out of the game and sent into the Jury in it's entirety. Nevertheless, I don't feel the decision I'm about to make is especially difficult this time. I'll explain why in a while. But first, I want to comment about the three stages of this challenge. [indent]First, [B]choosing a topic[/B]. I have to say that, at least to me, neither topic seemed particalry challenging or even that interesting. You really had a chance to affect the outcome of this challenge in this early stage, but both of the teams apparently chose to be nice rather than competitive. And on the other hand, I respect that, it just isn't a very clever strategy in a contest. As a side note, I wasn't impressed with The Aces' stalling with their topic to The Sunflowers. Secondly, the [B]articles[/B]. Great differences here. [COLOR="Gold"]The Sunflowers[/COLOR] made a long article with lots of quotes, and it showed a lot of effort was put into it, but that lacked a proper focus. Honestly, like The Aces wrote in their review, the article was repetitive and overly long with so little real susbtance. As for [COLOR="Red"]The Aces[/COLOR], their article was much shorter but had more information in it. It was a neat, tight package. However, from what I've gathered, it wasn't really a team effort. It seems that Shy made the article all by himself, without much support from his team. The [B]reviews[/B], on the other hand, were both excellent and fair, and they really helped me to evaluate the articles. It's also great that Ezekiel took the responsibility to make it.[/indent] It all boils down to this: if The Aces were a proper team and had put a combined effort to this challenge, they probably would've won. But compared to The Sunflowers, who have [I]shown[/I] to try their best in each challenge despite constantly losing, they lack the team spirit and will to win. So how could I cut out the one [I]true[/I] team over a bunch of talented but largely passive individuals? Yes, [B][COLOR="Gold"]The Sunflowers[/COLOR][/B] - Kathy, Bethany, Darren - you [B]win[/B]! Congratulations, for the three of you will now move onto the individual stage of the game, and soon one of you will be awarded with the title of the [B]Survivor of OtakuBoards[/B]! As for [B][COLOR="Red"]The Aces[/COLOR][/B], your team ceases to be, and your team thread will consecutively be closed. But your part in the game isn't over yet, for I'd be extremely honored to have you five - Tiana, Josh, Matt, Jamie and Stephen - to form the majority of the Jury. One of the Sunflowers will join you after the next challenge, after which the six of you along with the vast public of OB will vote who will win this whole shebang. If you wish to decline this favor, please PM me to let me know so I won't be expecting your final vote in vain. Thousand thanks to all of you for playing, you really are talented people, each one of you! You are free to post your goodbyes to this thread, if you so wish. [B]Aaryanna, Aaryanna_Mom, Rachmaninoff[/B]... In a matter of days, you three will face each other in a penultimate match that tests what you have learned during the course of this game. [i]Be prepared for anything.[/i][/FONT]
  15. It's finally up, yay for that! Here's what I have to offer: [CENTER][B]*Name*[/B] Eowyn "Moongold" Rivendell [B]*Age*[/B] 59 years [B]*Profession*[/B] Photographer [B]*Areas of Expertise*[/B] Strange Weather Phenomenons, Ghosts, Occultism [B]*Physical Description*[/B] She still dresses up like she did in her youth as a devoted hippie: her long grey hair is suspended by a headband, her skirts and blouses come in all imaginable colors, and she always wears round purple sunglasses. Her face is wrinkled, but she says it's from all the laughter she has done in her life. She's still quite tall, lean and agile for a woman of her age. [B]*Brief History and Personality Description*[/B] She was born as Allyson Johnston to a middle-class family in the small town of Beauville after WWII. At young age she got interested in fantasy literature and supernatural phenomena. Her parents didn't approve, so when she was fifteen she left home on a van filled with carefree hippies, starting a life filled with adventures. She changed her name into Eowyn Rivendale after her favorite book series, fell in love with three fellow hippies and had seven beautiful children. Later in life she found the art of photography and started capturing strange events into film. She gathered a whole collection of pictures of ghosts, wanting to prove that they do exist. She didn't meet either of her parents until her father's funeral, where she appeared in a ceremonial procession with her three lovers, seven children and other friends. Needless to say, their attendance didn't last long, and the only thing her elderly mother said to her was: "How dare you?" Years passed, and Eowyn suddenly found herself left all alone for the first time. Her lovers had either deceased or disappeared, her children had left home and gotten proper jobs, and all her hippie friends had settled down and gotten married. She needed to do something to sustain herself, so she marched to the Chief Editor of the World Weekly News with her photos of ghosts, and got hired in an instant. In ten years she has grown to be the grandmother figure of the whole newsroom. And despite her age, she doesn't even dream of retiring.[/CENTER]
  16. [font=Century Gothic]Alright, both articles are up now. Let's see if you can whip up the [B]reviews[/B] in mere five days. Mind you that they don't need to be long, you just need to tell how you think the opposing team handled the topic you gave them. After the reviews are up, I will make my decision and send one team packing (or rather, into the Jury). After that, we head for the semifinal challenges. [B]Go, teams, go![/B][/font]
  17. [COLOR="Green"][B]Knuckles' Girl[/B] & [B]Knuckles[/B], when you make url-links here, please don't use extensively long addresses as links, since it distorts the page width and looks really ugly. Instead, do it like I edited into your post: [COLOR="Black"][ url=extensively long address ]Some word indicating that there's a link here[ / url ][/COLOR]. Trust me, it'll look neater and more appealing. ;D Cheers! - Sandy[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]As Dragon Warrior said, the sign-ups are now closed, and there's no point in questioning the game creator's choices. The only thing you might want to consider is how to improve your OWN sign-ups, so that the next time you will be chosen as well. I'll close this thread anyway now. If you want to debate the reasons why some people get chosen to the games and others don't, please create a separate thread about it to the Adventure Underground, thanks! - Sandy[/COLOR]
  19. I don't find hermaphrodites/ladyboys gross... A bit funny, perhaps, but it's not that they can help themselves. ;P Hmm, if you sign up as one, Josh, this RPG would [I]really[/I] break the roof. ;D
  20. [font=Century Gothic]So finally both teams have their assignments. [COLOR="Gold"]The Sunflowers[/COLOR] are to write about the [B]Yu Yu Hakusho Forum[/B], while [COLOR="Red"]The Aces[/COLOR] will make an article about the [B]Mario Forum[/B]. With such similar topics, in order to win the article must be more creative, informative, extensive and most of all [I]interesting[/I] than it's rival. Remember to post the articles into the Otakupedia thread, not here. And do not forget the reviews afterwards! Your team's future in the game is dependent on this! [B]Go go go[/B]! [B]Update:[/B] about ten days to go until the deadline, and neither article is posted yet. You better get the hustle on if you want to make the reviews on time. ;D[/font]
  21. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Sex is the base of civilisation ?[/SIZE][/QUOTE] That actually fits as well (since it's true). ;D
  22. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I believe the exression is 'you fed the troll' :p[/COLOR][/QUOTE] No, I didn't feed the troll. That comes [I]before[/I] the troll posts. I got myself provoked by the troll, so I ate what he offered. And [B]Ikillion[/B], I'm glad that I'm [I]not[/I] in America. ;P To return to the topic at hand, I think it's no wonder that many of the extremist churches don't want sex education at schools - it would make them lose some of the hold they have on people when the youth would learn that sex is actually okay if you do it safely and when both sides are ready for it (at least that's how it's taught in my country). I don't oppose total abstinence until marriage, but it's not like it's the sole option everyone should choose. I guess the main point everyone should realize is that teaching things about sexuality doesn't mean "go and do it now". The same goes for teaching about different sexual orientations. Education is the base of civilization, and that goes for sex as well.
  23. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Wait, are we taking the alchemist seriously? I would never believe anything that comes out of that guy's mouth. I doubt a real god's man would even be here surounding himself by liberal freaks and gay rights activists. Sorry, there's just no way I can take this seriously.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Ouch... You're right... I ate what the troll offered. XP But that doesn't make the thought of "gay rehabilitation" any less repulsive and despicable to me. I mean, one can disagree on things, but no one has the right to [I]force[/I] people to change their thinking.
  24. [quote name='Tyler Koregaten'] Also, Sandy, that alchemist thing was a JOKE. Good Lord, do you think I actually meant that?[/quote] Yes, I believed you. You were so convincing. *rolls eyes* [quote=Tyler Koregaten]I DO know about it, because my cousin, Geof, was homosexual. However, with the Lord's help, my pastor and I, as well as other great Christian leaders, were able to show him the huge sin he'd gotten himself into. Using the Bible and examples from it, we were able to rehabilitate him and he is now happily married to his wife Clarissa and they have an five-month-old daughter. They are now a happy Christian family and Geof says he is so glad to know that his past his behind him and that he can live in peace with God. Helping Geof through this, I learned a great deal about his struggles and I now help with the Way Back homosexual rehabilitation program at my church.[/quote] This proves that you don't know anything about homosexuality - you don't [I]understand[/I] it - you only know about bashing people in the head with the bible. What you did to your cousin is one of the most horrible things that a human being can do to another in my opinion - brainwashing. It seems you and your good pastor forced him to deny the way he was born. I don't know, your cousin could've been happily involved with this process, since he was raised to believe homosexuality was something detestful and horrible - just like you are. But that doesn't make the program any less barbaric and brutal. But let's face it: homosexuality is no longer categorized neither a crime nor a sickness in civilized societies. Gay relationships hurt or abuse absolutely no one (except those little-minded people who can't stand seeing others' happiness). It's people like you and your twisted, hypocritical faith that has made millions of gay men, lesbians and transgendered people suffer over the course of centuries. You really need to grow up into the real world and not live in the "heavenly cloud castle" you've built yourself. We gay people deserve our place in this world - we've suffered enough thanks to the likes of you.
  25. [quote name='Flagg'][B][SIZE="1"]If they want to hate then they will hate if not then they wont. That isnt just for homosexuals that goes for pretty much anything and there is nothing to "teach" to these hate proned people.[/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE] You seem to have a rather cynical view of the world, apparently. So you're saying nothing will stop homophobic people hate homosexuals, so no one should even try? How do you know that? In my experience ignorance is the greatest reason for homophobia. Like it's said in other posts, people tend to fear what they don't know. I can totally understand how two guys in an intimate relationship with each other might be repulsive to a person who hasn't encountered it before in his/her life - let alone if that person's own child/relative turning out to be gay/lesbian. But to say the person can [I]never[/I] learn to accept homosexuals is downright silly - it would be the same to say that a racist can never learn to accept other races. When it all boils down, we're all just human beings each with our own quirks. As an example, I could sense my relatives were quite shocked when I came out (although they didn't say anything aloud), but after a while they got used to me having a boyfriend, and now it isn't a big or even small deal anymore. After all, homosexuality is so much more than what happens in the bedroom. That's also the reason why kids need to be taught about different walks of life - so that they could grow up to be balanced, unprejudiced adults who can make their own decisions.
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