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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. I'd so love to see the leading man himself, [B]Balthier[/B] from Final Fantasy XII. And if I'm going to appear in it like Beth suggested, make me be all over him. ;P [B]Turtles[/B] should also make a comic appearance (if this is a parody, anyway), and [B]Garfield[/B] with his witty comments. To add a bit of anime to the mix, it would be great if the [B]Catbus[/B] from My Neighbor Totoro would appear as a vehicle at some point. And some people must do the [B]Caramelldansen[/B]. XP
  2. Whoa, what an ending! Despite the roller-coaster ride this game was, it will surely go down in OB-history as one of the most epic games ever played in here. I'm so honored to have been able to co-create something like this. It's really something to see all the characters and locations and situations you've thought out come to life in other people's hands, as anyone who's created games here would know. Oh, and Shy, you forgot to bring the fireworks and the champagne. ;P But thank you anyway for bringing this to an end! And thanks to all the players as well, you are all genius writers.
  3. I'm a cat person, through and through. But for some odd reason, me and my thinking of getting bunnies instead of cats when we move together. We'll see how that works out, though... I'd like to get both, but I don't want to come home some day to find a massacre. :/
  4. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"] Oh yes, and Sandy? The opinion still won't take effect for another 26 days and it may very well be stuck down by the voters in November. So this celebration may be a bit premature.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [I]Semantics[/I]! *drowns Raiha in her words* I don't know if I'd want to get married with my boyfriend, even if it was possible here. It would probably make me feel too... normal, I guess. ;P Well, now we have the option to "register our relationship" in my country. Yep, kinda sounds like breeding dogs, doesn't it?
  5. I'm going to just say "Go California!" and let you all drown in your semantics.
  6. [quote name='Matt']I read all of the books, and as far as I can fathom, I don't recall Harry been transported to another realm. Well, I suppose him first entering that magic alley place (Diagon Alley? The name escapes me) could draw comparisons to the more standard form of the plot device.[/QUOTE] That's exactly what I was talking about. Harry was brought up in our Earth, but he discovered that there's a "parallel" world of magic surrounding us. Although he didn't travel to another planet or time or anything of that sort, the "muggle world" and the "magic world" are enough apart to be called separate worlds, in my opinion. It certainly uses the same plot device to give that feeling of assimiliation to a young reader. You haven't heard of Artemis Fowl, or Pullman's Golden Compass (a movie of which came out last year), honestly? Well, I guess not everyone's into fantasy as much as I, but I now realize that we're derailing Stephen's story. So please, post more of it!
  7. [quote name='Matt']Sure, the "Earth Person transported to another World" is an overused plot device, but if Final Fantasy X could salvage it (for the most part :animesigh), then I am more than certain that you will be able to as well.[/QUOTE] Except, and this is the FF-fanatic inside me talking, Tidus wasn't from Earth, but from a dreamworld. ;P If you want examples of that plot device, I can list numerous fantasy books where it happens: K.A. Applegates' [I]Everworld[/I], [I]Artemis Fowl[/I], [I]The Neverending Story[/I], Guy Gavriel Kay's [I]Fionavar[/I], Philip Pullman's [I]His Dark Materials[/I]-trilogy... oh, and of course [I]Harry Potter[/I]. But like you said, and I said earlier, it's the matter of [I]how[/I] 8bit uses the plot device that defines if it was a smart choice or not.
  8. I'm bothered by why young girls feel the need to act like that to get accepted by boys. It isn't a new phenomenon, though. In my early youth some girls transformed from teachers' pets to little sluts when they went through puberty. Seriously, each week with a different guy, and the way they dressed even though they were just 14 or 15... *shakes his head* I'm not saying there's no fault in the boys, because there surely is. I've seen decreasing respect towards women in general among young men, and some honestly seem to think of girls as playthings. But everybody has emotions, and this is a matter of learning to take other people's emotions into consideration as well. Or that's at least what I think.
  9. I just love how nonsensical the story is. Vampires and Wiis and hamburgers? Reading this made me go both "WTF?!" and "LOL!!!". I'm not sure how my doppelganger fits there, but perhaps I'll soon find out.
  10. [FONT="Courier New"]~[B]Crew Member Name:[/B] Brunhilde "Hilda" Metzger ~[B]Age:[/B] 39 ~[B]Identification:[/B] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/vonbraun2.png[/IMG] ~[B]Occupation & Background:[/B] Hilda is the Senior Hostess on the hotel ship Von Braun. She is in charge of all the flight hostesses and tour guides on board, and she herself is summoned whenever the most important guests need guidance and care. She is one of the few persons who knows the locations of every restaurant, bar, attraction and service desk on the ship. Naturally, even she has no business to the restricted areas. But Hilda has been raised not to ask questions. From a small child she had learned that certain subjects were not to be talked about, and she had grown up to become an obedient and flexible adult. That's also why she started working as a customer servant. Her distinct professionality and constant will to please were not left unnoticed, for she got a job offer from Von Braun she just couldn't refuse. However, Hilda is bothered by the fact that most of them are half her age. With her fortieth birthday approaching, Hilda has a feeling that she won't be on the job for long. Although her customers see an ever-smiling woman who can always work things out the right way, Hilda doesn't approve any nonsense from those working for her. She expects total obedience and eagerness to help passengers from the girls, but she isn't asking anything more from them than what she is willing to do herself. That doesn't prevent the girls calling her the "Smiling Nazi" behind her back, though.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="1"]Thanks, Stephen! Just so you know, a similar picture of Kang and his avatars is on it's way. The coloring just kills me, though. XP Getting back on track, here's two more chapters to the story.[/SIZE] [CENTER][U]EPISODE EIGHT[/U] TOGETHER AND APART[/CENTER] The four humans down on the plateau heard the echo of their companion?s shout, and instantly knew that he had found his avatar. Eirica was truly happy for her new friend. She felt that they had truly become friends during these two days of journeying in the Digital World ?Should we go to him?? she asked the other. ?Apparently we don?t have to, Ricky?, Rocco said, peering at the clear blue sky. ?Look, there he comes!? He pointed at a figure approaching them with great speed. Somnumon flew a circle above their heads to show off his new form. ?I?m beginning to like that guy more and more?, Laissana purred, receiving a disgusted glare from Eirica. Suddenly, all four of them had an urge to change their forms too. They took out their D.A.D.s ? golden, purple, red and green ? and put their avatars? link into them, shouting the words that initiated the transformation. ?[I]The Power of Sun is my Assurance![/I]? ?[I]The Power of Chaos is my Passion![/I]? ?[I]The Power of Moon is my Deliverance![/I]? ?[I]The Power of Earth is my Protection![/I]? Somnumon joined his companions, and for the first time, they all felt a strong mutual bond. They were the Digidestined Avatars of the Ancient Digimons ruling this world, and together they were unstoppable! ?I was hoping you?d learn to get along soon?, am old, croaking voice commented. The five avatars turned to face a familiar feline digimon, who was followed by a rat carrying an oversized book. ?[I]You![/I]? Nemesimon exclaimed, obviously not pleased. ?Yes, it is a pleasure to meet you again, Miss Rosier?, Sagemon greeted. ?What a shame you decided to flee from us before we got a chance to explain ourselves.? ?Um, mastah, it was ye who sneaked up on ?er while she was bathing?, Chapmon corrected. ?I ?ad nutting to do with it, ?onest!? ?Old pervert!? Nemesimon murmured. Somnumon approached the elder digimon. ?It is great you decided to come to us at this point, Master Sagemon. We have no idea what to do next! I mean, how can we fight the Nothingness? If we were to approach it, it would just suck us into oblivion!? ?Yes, that would be the most likely scenario, I agree, but... but... Eh, Boy, come here with that book of mine!? ?If its yer book, why don?t ye carry it yerself?? the rat muttered by himself, but did as he was told ? as always. Sagemon leaned over the book, flipped the pages few times, and finally found what he was looking for. ?Yes, here it is! The Ancient Scriptures of Ammon mention a similar occurrence. You have to go to the source of the holes. Some twisted lifeform must have caused this instability, and you need to find it. But!? He paused, raising his finger in a lecturing manner. ?The road ahead is full of dangers, and you must exceed your limits in order to make it! Most importantly, you must stick together no matter what. Have you understood?? ?Yes!? the digimon avatars said in unison. Then Sagemon?s eyes went glassy and he stared blankly at the avatars, who just stared back expectantly. ?What? What do you mean by saying yes? Don?t say yes if you don?t mean anything by it!? Sagemon exploded. Chapmon rolled his eyes. ?It looks like the old geezer has lost it again?, Wardenmon said under his breath. ?Eh, ye ?eard what mastah said! So do it!? Chapmon said determinedly, and started to escort Sagemon away from the group while dragging the book behind him. And suddenly, just like the last time, the pair disappeared into a data stream. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] High above them a small Patamon had observed the gathering. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Digimon/patamon.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ?Oh boy, this is good! The Princess will love this!? he giggled. Then he flew back to his base, where his mistress was waiting for a report. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] ?Shucks! It would have helped much if the senile cat had even told us which way to go!? Rocco said frustrated, when they all we?re back to their original forms. ?Maybe we can figure out that by ourselves?, Ari pondered, and looked at his blue amplifier. The upper right corner of the round screen was lightly darker than the rest of it. ?I knew it! That darker area must mean something!? ?Yeah, it could very well mean one of those pits of inexistence!? Laissana opposed nervously. ?They are something so creepy, that not even [I]I[/I], the chosen princess of the Lord of Chaos, want to go anywhere near them!? The others were a bit surprised. This was the first time the girl had shown any sign of fear towards this weird realm. But it was understandable, since the areas absorbed everything around them, opposing the whole concept of existence. ?But [I]what if[/I]...? Kang started. The others looked at him astounded, since the Chinese boy seldom even opened his mouth. Now he looked like he had something important to say, though. ?What if the holes do [I]not[/I] destroy everything that they suck in? What if we just don?t see behind them? What do we really know about them?? ?Then why don?t you go ahead and find out?? Ari snapped. Then he tried a more conciliating approach. ?Look, we don?t know much [I]anything[/I], so wouldn?t it be best if we wouldn?t take any unnecessary risks? We only live once, you know?? The blonde boy looked at his almost perfect opposite. They seemed to have nothing in common, save their gender. Kang stepped in front of Ari, with a threatening look of concealed rage in his eyes. ?You hide behind your smarts, because you really don?t know anything. You have no clue what to do next in this strange world, and it scares you, doesn?t it, Ari?? ?Stop it, both of you!? Eirica shouted, and tried to go between them. ?Don?t bother, redhead. I?m out of here?, Kang said, giving the Finnish boy a final spiteful glance. Then he turned his back and walking away from the others. The air rippled as he vanished into a data stream. ?Wait... What? Why?? Eirica was puzzled. Ari put his hand on her shoulder and shook his head in disbelief. ?That ignorant fool! Didn?t Sagemon just say we must stay together?? Rocco let out a deep sigh, Laissana smiled at the comedy of the situation, and Eirica just stared at the direction one of her companions had disappeared. After a moment of silence, they left to the opposite direction than their loner partner, towards the dark area shown in the D.A.D. [CENTER][U]EPISODE NINE[/U] ENTER THE DAEMON[/CENTER] The small Patamon bowed the best it could with it?s stumpy feet in front of its mistress. ?O Princess! I found the humans! They were at Switch Plateau, talking to that senile cat.? ?Sagemon...? a soft, drawling voice said thoughtfully. ?He was able to resist the upgrade, unlike everything else. He?s a tough one, indeed. There must be more to him than what meets the eye...? ?Excuse me, Princess... What about the reward you promised me?? Patamon asked hopefully. ?You promised to bring my friend Tsukaimon back.? ?Yes, my little servant. You shall be rewarded greatly. [I]Ominous Light[/I]!? his mistress said, conjuring a fierce red beam of light. As it struck Patamon, he went into an digivolutionary phase, and soon in the place of the cute flying rodent there was a dreadful grinning Vilemon. ?That?s better now, more [I]demonic[/I] to my taste. Now, Vilemon, capture those filthy humans and bring them to my tower!? ?Yes, Princess!? Vilemon flapped its bat-like wings a few time, and flew out of the tower the same way the Patamon had come in. ?I?ll be here waiting...? the mistress of the tower said to herself, tapping her chin with a monstrous claw. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] ?Are you sure we?re ready for this, Ari?? Eirica asked, uncertain of what was to come. The blonde boy gave her an encouraging smile. ?It?s now or never, Eirica, and you know it.? ?But without Kang...? ?Well do just fine, trust me!? Ari replied quickly. He just wanted to get the group?s morale back up as soon as possible, and forgetting the Chinese thug was the best way to do it. ?Now, let?s see if we?ve made any progress.? He looked at his blue-and-white device, and notified the others that they had come to the border of the dark area in the screen. As they stepped forward, the grassy hills changed into an intimidating marsh. The sky was filled with black storm clouds that poured giant raindrops on the travelers. The scarce trees in the area were crooked and bare of leaves. The mossy ground was diluted and sinking. Looming in the horizon, they saw a high tower made of pure white marble. It made a huge contrast to the sinister landscape. All in all, the marshlands were hardly a place any creature of good nature wanted to live in, and that made the tower very alluring. ?What a disgusting stench!? Rocco gasped, pinching his nose. ?Oh, Tiny, that?s only you!? Laissana said and stuck out her tongue. Rocco gave her a bored glance. The mean girl wasn?t that interesting anymore. ?Something bothers me in this place?, Ari pondered. ?This doesn?t seem like a right place for someone who hates life. This would suit someone evil perfectly, but not to any being of inexistence.? ?What? I totally missed your point!? Rocco said in confusion. ?You?re saying we came to a wrong place? Dude, if you?re looking for villains, this is definitely the right place!? ?I have to say I agree?, Eirica said cautiously. ?This is no place any God-fearing being would live in.? ?Oh please, we?re in the Digital World!? Laissana snapped in frustration. ?There are no God-fearing creatures here, except you!? ?I?m sorry, Devil?s favorite daughter, but I do believe in God, and because He is omnipotent and omnipresent, He affects here also!? ?Omni-what?? Rocco asked puzzled. ?Oh sure, that?s why there are so many churches and priests around here! One would think that seeing a place like the Digital World would take away all medieval thoughts, but apparently one was wrong!? Laissana was screaming through the rain now, and her eyes were flashing. Eirica didn?t want to come second, so she poked the purple-haired girl. ?You narrow-minded witch!? she swore through her teeth. ?Hah! You childish airhead!? Laissana replied, and pushed Eirica. ?Gee, women are really scary!? Rocco said as he and Ari watched the quarrel. ?I consent, but I think we have bigger problems now.? Ari said, pointing at the dark figure approaching them from the tower with great speed and gleaming teeth. Ari was reaching for Digipediamon he had carried, but noticed it wasn?t where it should?ve been. ?I got it!? Rocco grinned, and pointed the apparatus digimon towards the black creep. ?Vilemon, a champion-level demonic digimon. He has a nasty way of replicating itself?, the digimon?s robotic voice said. [CENTER][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/Digimon/Vilemon.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] And as soon as Digipediamon had finished saying that, there truly were two vicious creatures instead of one. Then there were four, then eight, and in no time, the Digidestined were confronted by a small army of Vilemons. The two arguing girls had also stopped their pushing and shoving, and now looked at the mass of digimons in shock instead. "[I]Demon Darts![/I]", the leader of the Vilemon pack shouted. The four humans dodged the red laser darts only barely. ?That does it! This will be our first real battle here!? Rocco said with determination, and lifted his data amplifier high in the air, putting the emerald green link statue on the slot in it. ?[I]Power of Earth is my Protection![/I]? he shouted, and transformed into Wardenmon again. The others followed, and then there were three winged avatars joining the hybrid beast in the battle against the horde of wicked digimons. ?Let?s play, boys!? Nemesimon giggled, and brought out a sizzling stream of power. ?[I]Vengeance Blitz![/I]? At least half a dozen images of Vilemons exploded in one slash of the energy whip. ?[I]Guardian Spirit![/I]? Wardenmon said, and bound several ugly monsters with the power of the green spiritual dragon. But the images just disappeared, and the original one kept replicating himself. ?[I]Sphere of Destiny![/I]? Somnumon stroke. He somehow knew what his attack would do. It was all about the object of the attack. Those with benevolent intentions, the sphere would heal and protect, but malignant creatures it would destroy. Thus another batch of Vilemons faced the same faith as the other erased images. ?We must find the real one!? Somnumon shouted to the others through the intensifying rain. ?Minervamon?? The angelic avatar just hovered in midair, doing nothing but watching the holograms vanishing. Somnumon glided to her. ?Minervamon, they?re only images.? ?But one of them is the original one! I can?t risk killing him!? Minervamon said in despair. Eirica?s pacifism was still strong in the avatar. ?Oh come on!? Wardenmon shouted from the ground, and rammed into a few Vilemons, making them disperse. ?He attacked us first! He deserves to get beaten up!? ?But you don?t understand! My whole life... I mean the life of the one inside me, Eirica... Her whole life she has done her all to prevent killing and fighting! If she lacks faith now...? ?I have an idea?, Somnumon interrupted. ?Doesn?t a benevolent creature like you have an ability that could make all the fake ones disappear? Then we could find the real one and capture him for interrogation.? ?I... think so. But he mustn?t be killed! Promise me, all of you!? ?Of course I promise?, Somnumon said sincerely. ?Fine, I can manage without slaying the bugger!? Wardenmon said, busy shaking off the evil digimons trying to bring him down. Minervamon looked at her rival last. Nemesimon let out a chiming laughter. ?You can?t be serious!? she said. ?I?m dead serious!? Minervamon replied. Nemesimon looked astounded, and stared at Minervamon for a good while. The she turned her back. ?Oh okay, I promise Your Holiness not to harm your ugly pet!? Nemesimon said over her shoulder. ?It?s settled then?, Minervamon said, making a mighty shield materialize. She held it high up in the air with both hands. Suddenly, the black clouds scattered above her, and a beam of sunlight descended from the clear blue sky onto the shield, making it shine bright as the sun itself. ?Truth will be uncovered! [I]Celestial Sunstorm![/I]? Minervamon yelled. The shield bombarded the army of Vilemons with rays of pure light, forcing them vanish one after another, until only the original one remained. He shivered, afraid of the mighty avatars. Minervamon felt sympathy for him. She somehow sensed that he wasn?t really evil, but corrupted. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] ?That miserable creature!? the mistress of the tower shouted, shattering the mirror that she had used to observe the battle. ?I shall go get them myself, then!? [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] ?There is something wrong with that Vilemon?, Minervamon said to the others. ?That is not his true form.? ?Indeed it isn?t.? A tall, red-skinned digimon with metallic wings, an eccentric golden armor and flaming hair had appeared above the shaking Vilemon. She took the creature on her right hand, which was mutated into a talon of a bird of prey, looking completely different from her other hand. Without the oddities the digimon could have looked beautiful, but now she looked merely grotesque. The Vilemon de-digivolved into a minuscule Patamon in the clawed hand. Without a warning, the female digimon clutched the hand into a fist, crushing the poor digimon. Particles of data dripped from between the claws. ?Why did you do that for? Who are you?? Minervamon asked enraged. ?Oh, let me introduce myself! I am the avatar of Sun, Coronamon!? the digimon said and twirled in the air.[/FONT]
  12. A (real) question: would it be okay for me to play as a tour guide of sorts? Or perhaps one of the "ship hostesses", who'd be part of the crew but in charge of introducing the passengers to all the things the ship has to offer? Would that role demand something special from me? It would at least give my character a motive to familiarize herself with any character necessary.
  13. [quote name='James'][font=franklin gothic medium]Please feel free to direct all network related questions here - including stuff related to theOtaku. There's actually quite a bit of crossover between the two sites, as far as staff go.[/font][/QUOTE] Shouldn't those positions be listed somewhere here, then? I for one had almost no idea who of us work for theOtaku as well, since I don't visit that site. I just think that if we cater as a information center for theOtaku-related stuff, people should know those things. ;D
  14. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']I'd choose the ladder.[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c323/SamSandy/3-1.png[/IMG]
  15. You can subscribe to threads by clicking the [B]Thread Tools[/B] panel on top of each thread and choosing "Subscribe to this thread". As for theOtaku, most of us at OtakuBoards staff have little to nothing to do with the site. You will probably have to ask your other question from theOtaku staff. Hope that helped!
  16. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"] Wait? what? No one said that others don?t appreciate the books, where did that assumption come from? Matt, Allamorph and I expressed dissatisfaction with the series in general; we never once said others don?t appreciate it. Nor are we incapable of seeing that others are different. You?re taking our input about the series a bit too personally if you ask me.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Ahem. If I may point out to you a few quotes: [quote name='Matt']All of it is just so mundane, you can only wonder why it is such a success.[/quote] [quote name='Matt']To adult readers, it is just really insulting.[/quote] [quote name='Matt']Its a book for little kids, and that's all it ever will be. In ten years, twenty years, no one is going to care about those HP books.[/quote] And Dagger was also correct with her statement: [quote name='Matt']To find the stuff that is actually good stuff, you have to find things that no one has ever heard of.[/quote] And as for the acclaimed target audience, Beth, I know you must be aware that Harry Potter & co. grow up in the books all the way to the year they turn 18. Guess what? The target audience gets older at the same rate. Sure, the first few books were very childish, because they were from the p-o-v of a 11 to 13 year old. After that, the series got progressively mature, and in the last book, there's hardly any trace of the magical candy cotton world of the first books. And Harry Potter has enhanced other reading in Finland as well, especially for boys. And that is never a bad thing. For Matt's consolence I have to say that most of the kids (and adults) who've started reading Harry Potter have moved on to other books as well.
  17. [quote name='Matt']HP doesn't challenge you, it doesn't make you think, it doesn't present new ideas. To adult readers, it is just really insulting. It holds your hand all the way through. It does not let go of your hand. Its a book for little kids, and that's all it ever will be. In ten years, twenty years, no one is going to care about those HP books.[/QUOTE] Those sentences show that you haven't really read the books. They also show how ignorant you are of the millions of fans the books have gathered from all over the world. Not just ten-year-olds, mind you, but adults and even old people who're still connected to the child within them. Since I'm in a relationship with the admin of Finland's largest HP-fansite, I've met hundreds of those people and seen with my own eyes that the fandom isn't going to just fade away in a matter of years. Again, just because you don't appreciate something, doesn't mean nobody else does either. You can consider yourself an intellectual for reading "grown-up books" (and that goes to you, Allamorph, as well), but until you realize that people are different, you're really not one. Or if you're just one of those people who assume that everything that is popular must automatically be "uncool", then it's your loss. Anyway, to get back on topic, the other book I'm currently reading is actually my old Spanish textbook from high school (or the Finnish equivalent of it, lukio). I need to prep my Español because we're spending most of June in Spain. Can't wait! ;D
  18. Hmm... So this is how it works, it's a classic "Earth-people transported into a fantasy world to save it" -setting. Well, I'm not going to judge a book by it's cover, you can very well still surprise me with this. ;D As for your question, I'm not sure what to answer... In the prologue it said that Shadow had visited the shrine before to break the tablet, but after that it had somehow broke off into an island. But, as the Shadow is apparently a very potent person capable of holding an entire world in his clutch, I'd say [B]he will find the island[/B].
  19. Matt, you know if the Harry Potter series was as horrible as you said, it would not have succeeded. It certainly had little chance to become a hit in the first place, being written by a poor single mother who nobody had ever heard of. So even though you might not see it, there's definitely some magic in the books. Sure, they're naïve and some characters are one-sided (although for example Draco manages to surprise in the last book), but the world is so rich and detailed and each new book brought so much new things to it to easily make up for the minor flaws. And I wouldn't call reading the books "mind emptying", but more like returning to the childhood. And if you can't do [I]that[/I], you're pretty much lost to the boredom of adulthood forever. ;D I know I sound like a raving fanboy who cannot tolerate criticism towards something he likes here, but I do respect your differing opinion. People can't be expected to like the same things in any subject.
  20. I also played this one only recently, having found it in a discount bin. The game world is immense, and clearly has it's own features unique to the series. I loved the humor in it, it never took itself very seriously (although at the times it tried [spoiler](like in the deaths of the Sages' heirs)[/spoiler], I just couldn't feel myself very touched by them. It was probably because of the cartoony theme. The characters were also very intriguing, and Angelo became my avatar during the game after he joined my party. I liked the battle system and the different weapons for each character, but it got repetitive quite soon. The encounter rate was way too high for a world where you have to do so much traveling. The story itself started nicely, but there were so many twists and turns in it that I felt like I was playing three or four sequels to the game in a row. At one point the story seemed to lose it's focus because of all the sidequests, but it wrapped up nicely anyway. The story was at no point overwhelming, so "nice" is a good word to describe it. I enjoy long games, but this game certainly almost broke even my limits. I can see why the Japanese are crazy over this series, though, which it's simple gameplay and all the wacky hijinks. But I think I'll stick with my Final Fantasies.
  21. Actually, James, that information is sent by a PM, because it's vital to the game that the players don't know which characters belong to whom. That's the essence of Death Card-series, the thing that separates it most from other games. But of course you couldn't've known it, since you haven't participated in any of them yourself.
  22. No problem, Executive Housekeeper is such a great title for her. ;D I'm really glad to see this end, too. Not because of the bad times, but for the good times. I consider it a great honor for an OB RPG to reach it's conclusion, and not die out midway like most of them do. It shows that the game has had dedicated players who have given their all to the game. So yeah, kudos to all of you guys!
  23. Your pointers are always welcome, Al. I love your brutal honesty. The text could've very well been longer, though. Now it's mostly just dialogue. I could've gone into details about how the Digital World smells, how the trees look and how the sky has a peculiar teal tint in it... But fortunately that's not my style. And fresh from Photoshop, I present you [url=http://sandyledandy.deviantart.com/art/Digimon-Avatars-Eirica-85022763][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Eirica and her Avatar forms[/COLOR][/url], via DeviantArt.
  24. Sorry, I got carried away! I just wanted the first, introductory story arch out of the way, and didn't realize how long it made the post for the readers... So I'll post them in smaller bunches from now on, although if someone wants to skip ahead on what's to come, they can always go read the old version. XP Oh, and trust me, Chaos has it's place among the Ancient Digimons. I'm trying to bend the whole "darkness bad, light good"-stereotype. But yeah, more episodes are on the way.
  25. *Wipes off the dust* Inspired by [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59006][U]Aceburner's fanfic on the Anthology[/U][/url] (all props to him), I'd like to suggest an [B]OtakuBoards Trial[/B], where, like in the fic, different members would play out different parts (victims, suspects, attorneys, prosecutors, judges, investigators etc). There would be several cases, and the catch would be that members would have to collect clues about them, eventually finding out which suspect was guilty. The cases don't all have to be about murder, though. This would make a great little event to this place, in my opinion. It's been awfully quiet here for a long time, after all... :/
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