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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. offgame: Please, DJ, put a little more effort to your posts. A two line post is... not a good thing. Describe the environmetn or something if you can't give lenght to your post otherwise. And since nobody else joined me and Aiko to meet the Prime Council, I'll go on then. ****** I entered the Central Administration Building with the woman I met in the street. I bought her a new piece of clothing, so that we blended to the people inside the building. Everybody were looking awfully busy and important, but I knew it was just a cover I saw. Within these people I sensed fear, anxiety, greed, lust and all the emotions of human nature. We walked to the reception desk. Receptionist: "Can I help you?" Me: "Yes, you can. My name is Torean Trifle, and this is my partner Aiko. We are here to meet Mr. Gojo." Receptionist: "Please go to the 111th floor, and intorduce yourselves to the secretary." Me: "Thank you. We'll do that." I noticed people cramming to the little moving room called elevator. Me: "That should take us up." Aiko: "I do not like it. It can fall down." Me: "Would you prefer walking upstairs 111 floors?" Aiko: "Elevator it is!" Ten minutes later we entered the expensive looking office, and introduced ourselves to the secretary. Secretary: "Yes, Council Gojo is expecting you, Mr. Trifle. Please go in." At the room was Council Gojo sitting behind his desk, a large window behind him. But there was also another being in the room: a tall man dressed completely in white, with white hair and pale skin. As he looked at us, I saw that his eyes were red. Aiko let out a little growl. That man was an Ancient Force!
  2. Sandy

    Enter the Matrix

    offgame note: people please! It's PHOENIX, not Pheonix or Phenoix or anything else! P-H-O-E-N-I-X! Got it? Good. :smirk: ***** Phoenix followed her team-mates out of the store, leaving Clash behind to fight the female agent. Phoenix knew he was a goner for doing that - for saving their asses - , and in her mind she promised to charice his memory forever. But now she had to focus on the task in hands. The SWAT-teams and the agents musn't get to know their new hide-out's location, and Phoenix was doing her damnest to help that. The three ran to a lighted street. GT: [i]"There is a SWAT team at the north-end of the street."[/i] Doom: "Got it! That's where we're headed." As they ran down the street they passed an old woman digging a carbage-can. Suddenly Phoenix sensed something wrong, and she looked back at the woman. The woman was placed by Agent Monroe. Monroe: "You cannot escape from me, humans. It's best if you surrender now." Phoenix: "Clash..." Monroe: "Don't worry, Miss O'Brien, your friend is in our custody - as will you be soon." Cold rage filled Phoenix's mind. She signaled Kinetic and Doom to make a run for it. Then she pulled her rapier from her belt. She had rehearsed with it hundreds of times in the training programs, but this was the first time she was using it for real. Monroe: "Hmm... I love challenges. It's a duel then!" Phoenix watched as a rapier-sword appeared in the agent's hand out of nowhere. Then she prepared herself in position. Phoenix: "En garde, b*tch!" ****** offgame: Sorry, Schrat, for intervening in your duel, but [i]I[/i] wanted to fight Monroe. Anyways, as you read, you are now held hostage by the agents, but I'm sure you'll find a way to escape. ;)
  3. His first weapon, Dagger (or was it Dirk? No, it was Dagger. Heh..) I can't figure out a question either. I will pass my turn to somebody else. :(
  4. Sandy

    Enter the Matrix

    Okay, I'll just post the list of players here to remind me (and everybody) of who is who: Captain: Frost (Yoda) Mechanic: Blade (Gohan) , Priest (Outcast) Pilot: Clash (Schrat) , Phoenix (Sage) Gunner: Pyro (Quicksilver) , Doom (GunMetal) Electrician: Kinetic (Braidless Baka) Operator: GT (JJRiddler) So, let's see where I am... ************ Doom was leading Phoenix and Kinetic in a dark ally. They had just eliminated two guards with moderate ease. Still, Phoenix felt adrenaline flooding to her blood. This was the most biggest mission she has ever been in. Sure, she had gone through all the needed training programs, but this was [i]real[/i]! But then she got to thinking: no, this is [i]not[/i] real! This is the Matrix! As she knew the truth, she could exceed the limits of possible. Kinetic: "Hey girl, focus! We aren't in a picnic here!" Phoenix: "S-sorry... Wait! Did you hear that?" Doom: "What is it?" Slowly Phoenix looked up. Full moon was shining in the nightly sky, and she saw a figure against the pale circle, standing in the edge of the roof. Phoenix: "Up there..." Doom: "Sh**! We must keep quiet." Kinetic: "No kidding..." Doom: "This way, we must use these shadows to get the hell out of this mousetrap." Voice: "Halt!" Phoenix: "Oh sh**!" A patrol had come to the end of the alley. Three men were pointing rifles at them. Phoenix thought that soon the guard on the roof would notice them. They were really trapped... Doom: "Run!" And they ran. The SWAP-team opened fire. Phoenix, being the fastest runner, took the lead. She experienced everything in slow-mo: rain of bullets passing her as she run, partly on the ground, partly on the wall, dodging and evating. From the corner of her eye she saw her mates doing the same. Suddenly there was a door ahead of them. Phoenix literally dived through it, followed by Kinetic and Doom. Doom: "Get ready! GT, what's the situation?" GT: [i]"You have come to the back room of a department store. The SWAT team is just outside. And there is an agent approaching - fast. But we got bigger problems than that so I have to check back on you."[/i] Kinetic: "Bigger porblems?! What can be a bigger porblem than us being slaughtered?!" Doom: "Shut the f*** up and prepare to fight for your life, man!" The three of them went deeper into the pitch-black room. Phoenix found a door which lead to inside the store. Moonlight shone from the big windows. A loud noise from the back told that the SWAT-team had entered the department store. The three of them went behind the shelves, holding their weapons in pose. The door was slammed open, and an immense crossfire started. Two of the SWAT-team fell almost instantly, but the third managed to retreat. Doom: "Let's go teach that guy what it means to harrass us!" Voice: "There is no need to do that, human." The owner of the voice stepped out from the back room. But it was near from the armored SWAT-team member. The figure was a woman in a black suit costume, blonde hair tied tightly to a bun. A female agent! Agent: "Let me introduce myself: I am Agent Monroe, and you are really pissing me off." Phoenix felt a lump forming to her throat. They were doomed.
  5. Okay, rawl28, it must be FF3 then, because all after FF4 have summon-monsters in them. :therock: And for my question: No, Krillen, no! :smirk: I meant the MAIN CHARACTERS!!! Of course there a lot of mums and dads around, but there is always a certain group you steer trough the game. Also, I asked BLOOD-relations, not who was raised with whom. And I didn't mean there's one in every game, I meant there are THREE pairs in three separate games between FF4-FF10. Okay? But you got ONE out of three right, which is Yuna and Rikku (cousins). ;) Also Garnet and Eiko are supposed relatives, but the game doesn't tell HOW close relatives they are (they come from the same race, so go figure...)
  6. Umm, Yodie? Where art thou? I'm anxious to start this, as I went to see Matrix Reloaded yesterday, thus I have a Matrix Mode on. ;) Yooooooddddiiiiieeee?
  7. In Final Fantasy 4. This was asked many pages ago, so I know for sure. ;) Okay then, time for a great question that popped to my mind the other day: Q: In FF games from 4-10, there are at least three pairs of MAIN characters (those you play with most of the time) that are BLOOD-relatives. [u]Name those three, and tell what relation they are to each other.[/u] (There might be more, like distant relatives, but these three are the most obvious and nearest.) Tehee, this is a good one... :toothy:
  8. offgame: Not at all, Ohkami! I was actually waiting for somebody to join me. ************ ongame: Torean looked at Fenrir. What a big change from a giant moon-howling wolf to this dashing wizardess. Torean: "You know what, Aiko? I was just on my way to the Central Administration Building, you know, the supposed base of evil, and I was wondering if you would like to pretend to be my assistant." Aiko: "Assistant? You mean as in... work for you?" The tone in her voice scared me a little. Torean: "OR let's just say a partner." Aiko: "Now that's better. What are we doing there?" Torean: "Oh, just some undercover business with the Prime Council Gojo. You remember him, the one who digs up mythril for weapons of mass-distruction from beneath the Crescent Mountains?" Aiko: "Yes, so?" Torean: "Well, I was thinking we could invest in those mines." Aiko: "What?! And keep them going? Ripping of the blood of the Great Earth?! Ramuh, are you out of your mind?!" Torean: "Please don't call me that here in the middle of the street. But think of this as a chance to gain access to the mines and cause some mass-destruction of our own." Aiko: "Mmm... I've got to admit I like the sound of that..." Torean: "Good! Let's go before this cursed sun boils me to this spot." With my new partner-in-sabotage I continued my way towards the tallest of the buildings: a giant skycraper literally scraping the sky. I hoped we might bumb into some other of our kind...
  9. The morning sun warmed me as I walked along the shopping boulevard. Oddly, most of the shops looked like they had never been closed - which probably was the case. In a city like The Core, half of the population lived by day, and half of it by night. Unfortunately the night-livers were mostly criminals, prostitutes, crooks, drunks and addicts. The whole city - well, at least this part of it - seemed to go through a transformation when the morning came. All the passed out people were carried away by the City Patrol, bars changed into cafeterias, and gangs were placed by smiling families. Once again I though of how odd people were... Finally I saw what I was looking for: a shopping mall called "Shoppers Paradise". It had portiers on the door, and wealthy looking people entered and exited it. That was a place for me to spend my never-ending money resources. It was funny that most of the other Ancient Forces hadn't thought about taking the artifact Bottomless Purse with them - apparently they didn't realize that money was everything in this city. Both of the portiers looked at me suspiciously, but luckily they let me in. I wasn't as lucky in the shop I entered. Immediately a strickt looking lady almost jumped onto me. Sales lady: "Well, I think your kind has no business here. Would you mind leaving?" Me: "Actually, yes I would. I'm here to buy a suit and a pair of shoes. What do you got?" Sales lady: "The question is, do you have money? Because I think you look like one that hasn't. This mall is also known as "Shoplifter's Hell", you know?" Me: "How fascinating. But rest your eyes on these." I literally poured money from the Bottomless Purse to the floor. Immediately the woman's eyes widened. Sales lady: "Anna! Selma! Come here, we have a customer!!! Hello, sir, my name is Beatrix, the owner of this shop. How can I help you?" An hour later I exited the "Shopper's Paradise" in a fancy business suit and shiny new black shoes. The portiers didn't even recognize me. I headed towards the Central Administration Building, as it was almost afternoon. The sun was shining so brightly that despite my shades I hardly saw where I was going. Suddenly I bumbed into another person, and fell to the ground. I lifted my eyes to look at the one I hit, and I gasped from surprise. It was another Ancient Force!
  10. Oh, I noticed something odd about Faris too! Just go to [url]http://www.ffonline.com/ff5[/url] and look at the CHARACTER-info. In it it says Faris is a man (referred as 'he'). But if you go to the list of JOBS, and scroll to DANCER, you see Faris wearing something HIGHLY feminine. Could anybody clear this up? Is he/she he or she?! Okay, this is a BIT off topic, but bleh...
  11. So, this game doesn't involve any spoilers about Matrix: Reloaded? (I want to see it myself ;) ) Goodies, I just saw the first Matrix the first time, so it's fresh in my memory - oh yes, and Last Flight of Osiris, too! I was waiting for somebody to make a game like this, so me iz in!!! :D Hmm, I should probably change my sex for a change... [b]Name:[/b] Rebecca O'Brien [b]Codename:[/b] Phoenix [b]Position:[/b] Pilot (I know, all of them are filled, but there's no others...) [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Height:[/b] (don't know the inch-system - we use meters here -, but let's just say short, as in 165 centimeters. ;) ) [b]Bio:[/b] When she lived in the Matrix she always felt that there was more in the world than what she sensed. By luck, she met Frost when she was fifteen, and on the run from her parents. She believed - wanted to believe - in everything Frost taught her, and didn't hesitate when he offered her the pill. In the real world she learned the art of steering a ship, thus becoming one of the pilots of Whistler. [b]Description:[/b] She has long, burning red hair and freckles. In Matrix she usually wears red leather-jacket, red leather-pants and a black "belly-shirt". She uses her cuteness and seeming innocense to control the men aboard Whistler. By nature she is very optimistic and mediating. She desperately hopes for a better tomorrow. [b]Time Awake:[/b] 4 years, 1 month (read the bio for details why) [b]Weapon preferences:[/b] (I know nothing about guns either, but...)She always wears a rapier-sword when possible, as guns she prefers small pistols. Heh, you just gotta love Phoenix! :) I'll stay to wait for the game to begin...
  12. Dawn broke five hours later. I stood in my tiny room, watching the sunrise from the window. Meg - the Moggy Girl from 7th Heaven Casino - let out little cute noises as she slept on my bed. Well, now I've experienced [i]that[/i] as well... It's wasn't bad, though... Meg: "Hmm... Uhh.. Oh? H-hi..." Me: "Morning, Meg. Did you sleep well." Meg: "Uuh, terrible headache... Who're you again?" Me: "Excuse me?! Don't you remember? Torean Trifle, from the casino!" Meg: "Oh yeah, the filthy rich man... Hey, why do you live in a place like this?" Me: "Umm... Because I want to. Well, it's time for you to go now. I've got business to attend." Meg: "Oh? Just shoving me off, are you?! What next, you want to [i]pay[/i] me? Well, you just listen, mister Triple or whatever, I'm NOT THAT KIND OF A GIRL!!!" The girl jumped off from the bed, grabbed her coat and left the room, banging the door on her way out. I sighed. Me: "Humans!" But then I remembered the meeting with Prime Council Gojo this afternoon. I had to go shopping somewhere. I couldn't go to the Central Administration Building looking like some kind of robber! I just thanked supreme powers that we had kept such close eye on the human life that I knew how to behave. I left the crappy motel and headed my way to the shopping district. I was hoping I could meet some of the other my kind on the way.
  13. offgame: Oh no, don't feel abandoned!!! I'm here!!! :D Just needed a weekend off... :bluesweat Well, I trust Mei and Domon are in for now. But it has come time to do the last task in this world. Read on! ******* ongame: [color=indigo] After a good night of sleep the six contestants left were summoned to the Prima Vista to hear their next challenge. Cid: "Well, first of all, I want to apologize my behaviour lately. I guess the cattitude just got me... he he... But now, as you see, there're only six of you left. After tonight, though, only five will remain, and those five will compete as individuals from now on. We have three more worlds to travel to, and in each of them, one of the five will leave the competition. At the last world, two of the remaining ones will compete for the title of The Most Final Fantastic Survivor. But now onto our final challenge here in Gaia: [u]The Conquer of Iifa Tree![/u] First, I want to say that teams Avalanche and Tantalus exist no more. For this race, you will compete as THREE PAIRS. Task is simple: to climb the Iifa Tree, fighting all the monster on the way and avoid the traps set to the track. Each pair will climb from different sides of that enormous tree, so you WON'T meet the other pairs in the way. Among the winning pair will be voted the new captain of the merged team. He - or she - will get to choose the name and the color of the team of individuals. Logically, among the two that come last, will be voted the one that leaves the competition, thus NOT making it to the merged team. Are the rules clear? Now, I will tell the pairs, which I've personally selected: -Auron will climb with Zidane -Cecil with Rinoa and -Zell with Sephiroth Well, I hope you all enjoy yourselves. I will wait at the top of the tree. Now, we're almost at the destination, so get ready, survivors! Aaaaaand... GO!!!"[/color]
  14. YEEES!!! That's it! :D Go ahead and ask! :)
  15. Blue truth: 48th time playing FF7?!?!?! What are you, fifty years old??? *shocked* But I've come to think that FF7 really IS the best game I've ever played. Lately I've been missing it, since I traded it few years backwards. It's just something in it... Maybe it's the details, maybe it's the mood, maybe it's the story and characters, or perhaps all the zillion things to do in it. When all these are combined, nothing can beat that! Sure, some games may get even with it, but like in the school grades (in my country), there's no better than full 10! Well, except 10+, but to get that you just have to lick some major behind. ;)
  16. Sorry, but Maduin and Bismarck are wrong. Sure, you can learn multiple elemental spells FROM them, but Bismarck's attack is only water-elemental and Maduin's is non-elemental. But Kjata and Tritoch are correct. Heh, this is a bit tricky, but I can reveal that none of the other two are from FF8 or games newer than that. And if you want to use web-surfing to help you, go to [url]www.ffonline.com[/url] - that's the place I got my question from! :)
  17. [size=1]offgame: There isn't any SpaceCowboy signed in for this game, so I wish that person wouldn't post here in any case. (though I don't know what he posted...) Oh well, it's time to get some flesh around these bones of a story, aye? ;) [/size] ********* ongame: As I walked towards the bright-lighted district I noticed that it wasn't just the nature suffering - some people were starved and begging for money or even just a piece of bread. Suddenly I was approached by a little boy wearing torn clothes. He had an eyepatch over his left eye. Kid: "Kind sir... Wouldn't you have a gilder to throw?" Me: "Sure. Here you go." That instant I was surrounded by all the beggars in the streets, and more were slowly approaching me. Beggar woman: "Please, sir... I have three babies to feed!" Beggar girl: "My mother is sick! Please, I need some money!" Blind beggar: "Please, I'm starving..." I thought my head was going to explode. Through the sunglasses I saw so much pain, so unconceavable... I felt the storm rising inside me. Me: "GET OFF!!!" A bolt of thunder hit the crowd. Some of them fled in terror, some just lay there, immobile. Me: "Oh Ether... What have I done?" I ran away. I didn't stop running until I reached the district where there was only happy, well-fed people walking, chatting and gambling in the casinos. I concentrated myself, and entered the wealthiest casino I could see. Portier: "Welcome to 7th Heaven Casino, sir! May I have your name?" Me: "Trifle. Torean Trifle." Portier: "Thank you, sir. You can change your money to game coins at the counter over there. Enjoy your stay!" After changing a good amount of money, I walked to the hall full of all kind of tables, slot-machines and golden decoration. Everywhere I saw people laughing and smiling, but their eyes told of greed and jealousy. Somehow I managed to blend myself in. Then a waiter girl wearing nothing but a red bikini with moogle-ears and a pair of purple wings attached to the back glued herself to my side. Moggy girl: "Hiya, mister! Can I be of any service?" Me: "Yes, infact you can. Can you show me the wealthiest players here? I'd like to challenge them." Moggy Girl: "Oh, a real money-man, are we? Well, there's the Prime Council Gojo himself playing over there. You know, the man next from the president?" Me: "Sure. Well, would you like to join me? I didn't catch your name..." Moggy Girl: "Just call me Meg, mister...?" Me: "Trifle. Torean Trifle. Now, let's go meet mister Gojo over there, shall we?" The Prime Council was a fat man wearing all white clothes. So I made quite a contrast to him, with my slim body and black coat. Me: "Excuse me, can we join in?" Gojo: "Why not - if you have the money and the luck to beat me!" Me: "You can count on that, mister Gojo. Now, what are we playing?" Gojo: "This is called "Royals". Only the richest people can play this, so high are the demanded bets." Me: "Sounds intriguing. I'll bet one million gilders." Meg: "Whoa, you go, Mr. Trifle!" Gojo: "I'm impressed. One million and one thousand from me - we are just beginning, are we?" After an hours play, the Prime Council had lost almost every game - the ones he won were because I let him -, so he was losing a great pile of gilders. Gojo: "Whoo boy, you're good, Mr. Trifle!" Me: "Just call me lucky. Meg dear, would you fetch Mr. Gojo here another drink." Meg: "Sure, sugar!" I glanced behind the girl pitifully - she was hypnotized from the amount of money being bet. Gojo: "So, how about one last round? I'm sure my luck will turn now!" The fat man had already drank quite a few drinks, so I decided it was time to make my move. Me: "Sure. By the way, you wouldn't happen to know anything about the minings at the Crescent Mountains, would you?" Gojo: "He he hee, that's top secret, mister, you ought to know. Why do you ask? Are you from there?" Me: "Well, not really, but I'm interested in some... investments. I do have your money to spent, don't I?" Gojo: "Ha haa! You sure do! You reallyare one tricky weasel, aren't you, Mr. Trifle?" Me: "Well, I suppose I am." Gojo: "Listen. Come to my office at the Central Administrative Building tomorrow afternoon, and I'll have a chat with you. Okay?" Me: "I'll be there. Now, let us play one last round." Gojo: "You bet you!"
  18. Yes, Valen got all four wrong. And just for a hint, Ginny, Magus Sisters isn't one of the four. ;) You must think more about the games in the past.
  19. [center][b][u]FINAL FANTASY INCARNATIONS[/u][/b] [i]We were born at the dawn of the world. Through myriad of eras, we lived in the nature, among its creatures. But then came the time when some of the creatures developed a higher consciousness. They became the race that now rules the earth: humans. They knew us as the Ancients. At first we lived side by side with them, but ultimately we knew our time was over. We transformed into spirits, but all the time, we existed in the ether, observing the actions of the humans. But we didn?t like what we saw, as we noticed that the humans were abusing nature and its resources, making it suffer. We heard the cries the earth let out then, and we hear them now. Every day the noise gets louder and louder. This made all of us get together, and we decided that life couldn?t continue this way ? we had to intervene, although in the past we decided not to. And thus happened that we left the ether behind and descended among the humans. Our own figures would have been too intimidating for the humans, so we changed our shape to look like them. As these incarnations we were meant to find the main sources causing pain to the world, and stop them.[/i] -Ramuh, keeper of the Chronicles of Ancients *****[/center] [size=1](Here is the list of the people who have signed up for this game: ) Sage - ancient: Ramuh - incarnation: Torean Trifle (job: gambler) Ohkami - Fenrir - Aiko (wizard) Draagul - Madeen - Rurori Asukion (paladin) DJ Professor DM - Typhoon/Chupon - Dragus Trosul (knight) The Harlequin - Diablos - Ciiahn (ninja) ShimmeringFeyd - Sylph - Calais Brose (mimic) DeathKnight - Alexander - Dohatri Kamrio (gunner) ZeroSaber - Leviathan - Trey Nemos (knight) JJRiddler - Cerberus - Josh Nicos (sage) aYokano - Anima - Ki Lee (dark knight) G/S/B Master - Bahamut - Zerano Encarta (dark knight) Gargoyle God - Phoenix - Gargoyle (thief) James - Atomos - Zara Slade (illusionist) Zero-Life - Ifrit - Strife (mystic knight) Zeh - Shiva - Aradia Larong (alchemist) Ultima Legacy - Tritoch - Ivan Nallast (mystic knight) *** As I said in the recruitment thread, more sign-ups are still accepted if you sent me a private message with the needed details. Let us start![/size] *** Slowly I opened my eyes. I saw nothing but a ceiling made of rottening boards. Just the thing I was supposed to. I lifted myself up from the bed, and tested my new body for the first time. Yes, two hands... two legs... one head... yep, a blad one. Just the way I had planned it to be. Slowly I took my first steps in this form. It all felt quite strange. I felt somehow... mortal. I walked across the small room - with no more furniture than the bed full of lice and a stool - to the only window. I looked out, and I instantly I became dazzled. All the noise, all the lights... all the life! This place was what the humans called The Core - city in the middle of the world. This was the largest structure the humans had ever built, and everything important considering humans was decided here, in the innermost districts. I remembered the reason why I was in this city - my mission. My, and all of my kind. Many had descended to this dark place like I had, each to a place where the figure they had chosen would fit the best. I, as a grim gambler, appeared here, in the middle of outer city slums, of course. From the window I could see the sparkling signs of huge casinos and hotels nearby. That was where I was going to start. People with influence came to that sort of places, and somebody of them must have some idea of this disease the humans are spreading to the Earth. I decided to take my chance with the humans, and walked out from the room. After all, the worst thing that could happen to me out there was to get killed and return to Ether as my original self - Ramuh, the Thundering Sage. *** [size=1](So, each of you will appear in different districts of the city, according to the position you have chosen to yourselves. As some of you have the same jobs, you can team up with that person immediately, but evrybody are sure to bump into each other sooner or later. Just remember that EVERYBODY must appear to the city of The Core, not anywhere else. If you want any kind of idea what The Core looks like, think Midgar from ff7, and enlarge it about ten times. ;) )[/size]
  20. Hmm, 16 sign-ups, not bad at all... ;) Though I'm surprised if even half of you come to the actual thread. I'm going to start the game now, but I'm still accepting sign-ups VIA PRIVATE MESSAGES. There's still numerous Ancients for any willing person to choose. I'll post a player list to the actual game-thread. See you there! :)
  21. "Lord of Dance", of course! Or Irish line dance or whatever you want to call it. ;) Hmm, lets see... Q: In FF-series, there's four summon-monsters with a multi-elemental attack/power (not non-elemental, but specific elements that all include to that attack). Name these four. :)
  22. offgame: Sorry man, but you're out now. I'm not going to throw people out and then take them back just because they had a change of plan all of a sudden. :therock: Who knows the next moment you're saying that "Whoops, I have to go again!" You understand, don't you. :( But to you others, give me some time to sort things out with this game (with Mei and Domon as well), and I'll get back to you asap. Okay? :)
  23. Heh, maybe I should give this a try too... I've heard of pythons coming out of the toilet, but THIS is too much..."
  24. This game will start tomorrow (I'm still waiting for somebody to sign up as Shiva and Ifrit ;) ). I think all of you can be in, because it doesn't matter if you post just once and leave the game, as nobody is in a major role at the beginning. The story will develope with the posts, I'm just giving the situation and scenery. I have good expectations on this... :)
  25. offgame: Mixing up teams would work if there was more contestants, but since the merging was going to take place when we have five contestants anyway, it would seem quite pointless. A big problem is how I can write Cloud of from the game all of a sudden. Minor one is that Mei and Domon haven't been posting for quite some time, so chances are that we'll have just four posters soon. I think I'm going for the merging, but how to do it so that it fits the story...? Let me think of something... Hmm, I think I got it. This might be a little crazy, but what the heck... :blush: Note that the real votes didn't go this way. ******** ongame: [color=indigo] Cloud, Zack, Zell and Rinoa sat down to hear the results. Cid: "I'll read the votes for your new captain now. First one: Cloud. Then: Cloud. Then: Zack. and lastly: Zack. So, we have a tie. But since Cloud is the previous captain, he can't decide. Uhh, maybe the rules should have been made more clear... Well, we'll see what the eviction-votes bring us. First vote: Zack. Second: Cloud. Third: Zack. Fourth: Cloud. What the...?! We have another tie, and with the same people!!! How can this be happening?!" Team Avalanche looks at Cid sheepishly. Zack: "You know what, I can go." Cloud: "Oh no, friend. You don't have to. Let me!" Zack: "But you enjoy this better than I. You told me that last ni..." Cloud: "HUSH!!! No, I should really be the one to go!" Zack: "But I can't do this to you! I..." Cid: "That's IT!!! Shut up both of you!!! You're both out of here!!!" Everybody looks frightenedly at Cid. Rinoa leans to Zell. Rinoa: "Umm, I think the cattitude hasn't left him yet..." Cloud: "What?" Zack: "What?" Cid: "You heard me!!! You both are evicted! Now get the !#"ยค%& out of here!!!" Then Hilda and Eiko rush to the room, and walk Cid to rest. Hilda: "I'm sorry, he has one of his moods again. But you better do as he says. The rest of you can head back to your ship." Zack and Cloud look at each other, then to the astonished Zell and Rinoa, and walk away from the room side by side. Zell: "Oh MAN!!! What do we do NOW???" Rinoa: "Well, let's hope Cid has some kind of solution to this..."[/color] ****** offgame: I sure do! ;) But I'll post the next event later.
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