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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. Hehee... I remember that! It was when Sabin and Cyan ran to Gau in Veldt. As Cyan had the speak-style of an ancient knight, Gau thought it was funny and started calling SABIN Mr. Thou. Sabin got upset and shouted: "Hey, he's Mr. Thou, not me!" Hehee... :D I also thought that Relm calling Strago "old fuddy-duddy" was cute too. :)
  2. offgame: Okay, guys, we have a major problemo... Zeh has just informed me that he is going to leave OB for some time, so he won't be able to participate to this game anymore. THAT means that Avalanche now has only Mei and BB in it's team. So I need you (as yourself, not in character) to say what we should do about this issue. The options are: 1) To merge the teams now and have one six-person team where everybody play as individuals. 2)Continue to next challenge PRETENDING that Zeh/Cloud is still in 3)Something else? Please, help me!!! What is the best option? I want to bring this game through with honor! :faint:
  3. You're right, though it was when Kefka was APPROACHING the castle with his army. :) But your turn, anyway.
  4. I dare to disagree. Just because the game has a gay-couple, that doesn't mean it would suddenly become more sexual, not to mention lift up parental rating! Believe it or not, even gay-romance can be beautiful. :therock: And it wouldn't be pointless if they didn't MAKE it pointless! All ff-games have love-stories, and does anybody call THEM pointless? With two men or women it would be the same thing! As I said, it would bring a character much more personality. It wouldn't have to be the main point in the game, but just a little extra spice. C'mon people, why do you have to be so prejudiced? We're all human beings! :( Bleh, this just makes me sad...
  5. Sorry guys, but I think we've spent enough time with this challenge. I'm going to end this now. ********** ongame: [color=indigo]Finally Avalanche came running to Cid's audience room. The athmosphere was quite freezing there. Cait Cid: "At last!!! I don't want to spend another SECOND in this form! Do something, FAST!!! Tantalus, you go first!!!" Cait Cid hissed, and Auron step forward a little cautiously. Auron: "We have decided to mix the items in 1 Phoenix Pinion: 3 Dead Pepper: 5 Aquamarine -way. Here, drink this." Cait Cid took the potion roughly from Auron's hand. The whole crowd held their breaths as Cid drank it, and suddenly disappeared to a thick cloud of smoke. Cid: "*cough* AHHH!!" A crowned old man with grey beard and mustache stepped from the smoke smiling. Cid: "You did it! This feels so good!!! It's good to be back, you know. Sorry, Team Avalanche, but Tantalus here won. Anyhow, I'm not going to pull back that decision I made when I was... err, a little furious. Avalanche, you have to go through your second Council, where one of you will be voted off. Tantalus, my lovely wife will escort you to your prize." Hilda: "Follow me, please." Auron led his team after the lady. They walked to the airship-dock. Hilda: "Here's your prize!" Zidane: "Where? I don't see anything besides that huge shiny airship there... OH!" Hilda: "Yes indeed. Your team will now take possession of Hilda Garde 4, an improved version of Garland's airship Invincible. This should match the other team's airship." Tantalus: "Whoa..." ********** Back at the audience room. Cid turns to Eiko, Vivi and Garnet. Cid: "Thank you for your help, friends. You can go now." Eiko: "HUH? Won't you even say sorry for yelling at me???" Cid: "I apologize, dear. I will make this up to you... somehow." Eiko: "What about that rainbow-colored chocobo you promised?" Cid: "Eh, I didn't promise... *Eiko holds breath* Alright, alright!!! You'll get your rainbow-colored chocobo... if I ever find one..." Eiko: "Thankies, uncle Cid! You're the best!" *smooches Cid* Cid: "Heheh... But now, team Avalanche, it's time to vote."[/color] ******** offgame: NOTE TO AVALANCHE!!!: AJeh has informed me that he is no longer able to participate to this game, so Zack is automatically evicted. So please vote ONLY for the possible new captain. There's only three of you left now, so I expect to have a pm from ALL of you. AJeh, you can post your goodbyes if you want to.
  6. Oglops. Easy, man... My turn: In FF6, which was the first time you HEARD Kefka's manic laughter (not just read it ;) ). Name the place and the situation.
  7. Sorry DJ, but Ultros isn't a summon monster. Please use some other one. Ohkami, you should come up with a better name than just Sakura. I know you use it in every RPG you sign in. ;) And yes, just one occupation. Otherwise your post is fine. Anyhow, I'm not going to decide who will participate in this game just yet. I'll tell that only when the game is starting. So nobody's in for sure yet (except me, heh). I want this to be a good RPG with good posters, and those of you who already know they're not one, please don't sign in for this game.
  8. Well, since there's currently no rpg I would be interested to join myself, I had to make this. I'm the host of FF Survivor, but that just doesn't take enough of my time... ;) Unlike my previous FF-RPG (Final Fantasy Utopia, if anybody remembers), this isn't very big a game. I can do this with two other people, though only the member capacity is the limit. :) But now, here's what this is all about: [center][u][b]FINAL FANTASY INCARNATIONS[/b][/u] [i]We were born at the dawn of the world. Through myriad of eras, we lived in the nature, among its creatures. But then came the time when some of the creatures developed a higher consciousness. They became the race that now rules the earth: humans. They knew us as the Ancients. At first we lived side by side with them, but ultimately we knew our time was over. We transformed into spirits, but all the time, we existed in the ether, observing the actions of the humans. But we didn?t like what we saw, as we noticed that the humans were abusing nature and its resources, making it suffer. We heard the cries the earth let out then, and we hear them now. Every day the noise gets louder and louder. This made all of us get together, and we decided that life couldn?t continue this way ? we had to intervene, although in the past we decided not to. And thus happened that we left the ether behind and descended among the humans. Our own figures would have been too intimidating for the humans, so we changed our shape to look like them. As these incarnations we were meant to find the main sources causing pain to the world, and stop them.[/i] -Ramuh, keeper of the Chronicles of Ancients[/center] So, the game is about Ancient Forces (or Summons, or Aeons, or Eidolons, or Espers - whatever you want to call them) rushing to help as the world is falling apart. To do this they must take a human form. With that change they had to take a new personality, with occupation and everything. Here are the [u]Ancient Forces[/u] I've listed. (If none of these satisfy you (which I doubt), you can select another summon-monster which is not on the list, as long as it appears in a main stream-game (FF 4-10).) [center][strike]Ramuh, the Thundering Sage[/strike] Shiva, the Ice Queen Ifrit, the Fiery Fiend Leviathan, the Sea Serpent Carbuncle, the Fairy Dragon Siren, the Winged Temptress Titan, the Rock Giant Odin, the Knight of Doom Alexander, the Holy Machine Golem, the Enchanted Protector Bahamut, the Dragon King Madeen, the Lord of Beasts Phoenix, the Bird of New Life Starlet, the Celestial Goddess Diablos, the Infernal Messenger Pandemona, the Ruler of Winds Hades, the Deadly Conjurer Fenrir, the Nocturne Wolf Sylph, the Leeching Sprite Shoat, the Petrifying Boar Unicorn, the Steed of Health Yojimbo, the Battle Master Typhoon, the Demonic Destroyer Cerberus, the Three-headed Hellhound Seraphim, the Angelic Liberator[/center] And here's what you should do with them (I'll give an example with the Ancient of my choice): [u]Ancient Force: Ramuh[/u] Power: thunder Attack: Judgement Bolt [u]Incarnation: Torean Trifle[/u] Gender: male Supposed age: about 30 Trade: Gambler (Skill: Slot) Weapon: Cards Appereance: bald, pale-skinned man wearing round sunglasses and a long black coat with high collar. You really don't need anything else for your character. Here's some lists to HELP you choosing. [u]Trades (please don't use a job selected by other player. Special skill is in brackets):[/u] Wizard (Elemental magic, like fire), Healer/Medic (Curative magic, like cure), Illusionist (Enhancive magic, like haste), Witch (Curse magic, like poison), Sage (Blue magic/Enemy Skill) Thief (Steal), Gunner (Ammo), Fighter (Mad Rush) Soldier/Knight (Sword Skill), Paladin (Cover), Dark Knight (Darkside), Mystic Knight (Sword Magic), Alchemist (Mix Items), Popstar (Sing/Dance), Athlete (Jump), Artist (Sketch), Mechanic (Tools) Ninja (Throw), Prophet (Sense), Mimic (mime), Merchant (Bargain), etc. (Use your imagination. Just ask if you want to know more about any job.) [u]Weapon-types (one per character):[/u] Longsword Broadsword Saber Rapier Blade/Katana Dagger Knife Double-edge Club Racket Staff Rod Mace Scepter Wand Spear Trident Halberd Scythe Lance Harpoon Whip Flail/Nunchaku Fan Ribbon Gloves Claws Katals Hook Gun-arm Gunblade Pistol Rifle Machinegun Longbow Crossbow Pinwheel Flute Harp Horn Ocarina Bell Microphone Hammer Axe Boomerang Shuriken Ball Cards Dice Skittles Bomb Spellbook Doll Spoon Brush Talisman *** The Ancient Forces work like limit breaks/overdrives/trances - you can use your "true form" and it's attack when you're in trouble. The game takes place in a completely different world than in any of the original game, and the events are limited to a one huge city. But more about this later. Now I just want some players to play with me. :) And though this is quite plain recruitment-thread, it doesn't mean this game won't have quality in it. ;) Remember that the quality comes from the players, not the game itself. In case of any questions, just use this thread or send me a private message. Hope you all understood the idea of this game now...
  9. I personally adore the clothing in every one of the ff-games (of course to a certain extent). Some of them are more than a little odd, yes, but that's exactly why I like them so much! :D But I have to say that the Strangest Outfit Award goes to Rikku's ffx-2 version. I mean, she has a tiny piece of cloth as a skirt and two to cover her... err... bosom, AND a huge scarf around her neck! It's like she was only cold from her NECK and nowhere else! And those separate fluffy flamenco sleeve-thingies make the appereance even weirder... But yet she manages to look amazingly original! :D Can't go around it...
  10. offgame: Hmm, maybe the huge stuffed mog Cait Cid is riding on is the same Auron won at the Battle Square (he gave it to Eiko there, didn't he?) Oh, and Avalanche, don't forget about Vivi in your party! As this is now an immunity-challenge, I just wanted to inform that the team with better posts will win this, REGARDLESS of which formula it chooses. So, Avalanche, if you don't start posting now, then another eviction will be awaiting... Sorry, but that's just the idea of this game. :( Tantalus already has everything they need, but Avalanche has just the aquamarines Vivi gave them. Better hurry up!
  11. Tehee, I read from some tips that in FF7, if Cloud doesn't speak with Aeris OR Tifa more than it is obligatory, he will go out on a date with BARRET in Gold Saucer (instead of Aeris). :p But by all means, only few things make a character more interesting than a personal sexuality. I trust that in the future we WILL see such things, maybe even in FF-series, and not just for a laugh. ;) About what Ginny said about Japan and openess, I doubt that. Japan is as conservatist country as the US. Maybe it's just the fact that the game designers are a strange bunch of people... :smirk: Just wait for the future, homophobes! :toothy:
  12. offgame: Whee, I'm a Cait Sith! :D Sorry guys if I sounded a bit rude earlier... :( But like Gin said, I don't mind HOW you do it - just do it in an amusing way! :) In Chocobo Paradise's case you just approach Chocobo King and ask Dead Peppers from him. In Daguerreo you change ore to aquamarines using a certain machine. In Madain Sari you'll get the Phoenix Pinion from the moogles dwelling there. As simple as that. :) Oh, and Ginny, I meant that the merging will occur when there's four contestants left, not the final vote. ;) Only that I know have decided to make it earlier, when there's FIVE contestants left. Oh, and to speed up things, I've also decided to change the nature of this challenge. ;) Read on! ********** [color=indigo]ongame: The radio in both airships beeped. Rinoa answered the one in Ragnarok, and Cecil and Sephiroth to the one in Cargo Ship. voice on the radio: [i]"Do you copy, teams? This is a highly important message from regent Cid. Due to the fact that he has now been morphed into a Cait Sith, he is very pissed off, and has decided to take it on all of you. Thus, this challenge is now officially one that ends with one person evicted from the game. Thanks for your attention. Over and out!"[/i] Rinoa: "What? Oh no... I have to tell the others to hurry up!" ~~~~~~~~~~ Cecil: "No! We've have to cast haste on us or something, mate!" Sephiroth: "I wouldn't suggest you call me that again, paladin, or else the only thing remaining from you is your shiny armor." Cecil: "Eh, understood..."[/color] *********
  13. Umm... okay. Well, I'd still like to see a female correspondant to Sephiroth. I don't mean she should ACT or LOOK like him, but she should be something as... cool. :toothy: Well, you know how Sephy is: nearly every FF-fan adore him. Yes, Edea was great, but she didn't last as a villain for very long. And she was just possessed. So it doesn't count. (Besides, she was a NANNY in reality :rolleyes: ). But I hope we'll see a proper female ARCHvillain in the FF-series in the future. This reminded me that I forgot to mention LeBlanc from FFx-2 (been reading some walkthroughs and reviews ;) ). But it turned out to be that [spoiler]she isn't much of a opponent after all. After she gets whacked by the girlies in the game like five times, she stops being "the" villain.[/spoiler]
  14. Sandy


    Oh, no clubs!!! Last summer there was at least three digimon clubs going on at the same time, and each of them had about the same members. Although I went in when it first started, it soon became clear to me that the clubs were quite... well, stupid. Nobody did anything in them except listed members and nominated vice presidents and researchers of this-and-that. That's why they all went down by fall... Heh, of course i have some personal issues regarding the digimon clubs, but lets NOT get into it...
  15. offgame: Braidless, I TOLD where to find the items in the post, and the locations can also be found from the map I posted earlier. Why is this so hard? :( Okay, I'll have to think about turning this challenge into a evictio..na...ry? one, like Ginny suggested. That ought to insipire you... :devil: Just have to figure a way to do that... Oh well, just continue the challenge, and I'll let you know when the time comes. :) *starts to ponder why people are losing interest*
  16. offgame: Ginny, Ginny... No cheating! :smirk: Well, I guess you know what you're doing. Just remember that this isn't the actual FF9-game, so things work quite differently. ;) Hmm, the challenge has been on for two days, and either of the teams are making no progress what-so-ever... Should I be worried? :therock: Well, hurry up, will you! :)
  17. offgame: Ginny, you asked for pic of Madeen. Will this one do? ;)
  18. Me wanna change topic!!! Me's gonna!!! :D Remember that this thread is not for those afraid of spoilers, so I'm not going to use tags, okay? Ookay, I want to know what do you think about the FEMALE villains of the games? Well, FF6 didn't have any actual female villain characters (though you fight some female monsters, like Goddess and Chadarnook), but in FF7 we have the delightfully dedicated turk Elena, and the female general who destroyed Corel Village, was it Scarlet? Anyways, she was defeated with Heidegger the Warlord before the battle against Hojo. In FF8 we have the oh-so-gorgeous-yet-nasty Edea, and Adel, and Ultimecia... A line of witches, though Edea was the only "character"-one. We also shouldn't forget the little-talking minion of Seifer, Fuujin, who is almost glued to Raijin. In FF9 we find my favorite female villain, Beatrix. Like Edea, she switched sides during the game as well. Then we have the Jabba-queen Brahne, and Amarant's team-mate Lani. FF10 is a mystery for me on this behalf, but aren't some of the other summoners quite nasty? Well, I was just listing the facts here, but I really want to know what kind of female villain is the most working? A cold bi... er, witch like Edea, a mislead general like Beatrix, or maybe just a bad-*** like Fuujin and Lani? Tell me!
  19. offgame: Okay, guys. Do you want to continue drinking and babe-watching, or do you want to move on? :smirk: Okay, that's what I thought too... :D So, drinking and babe-watching it is! ... ... Okay, nah. :p *************** ongame: [color=indigo] Team Tantalus was enjoying itself in a bar, while Avalanche, lead by Zell, gazed the wonders of Theater District. But unfortunately, just as mood was lifting up, an assistant of Cid's came running to both teams. Assitant: "You must return to Prima Vista at once. Regent Cid has an important task for you!" ********** At the Prima Vista, the teams confronted the frog-shaped Cid again. Cid: "Look now, teams. Ribbit, this game can't continue if I'm in this form. Now, I've done some, quack, research. Since the potions didn't work last time - Zidane, quack, nows all about it -, I've done a little research, and found out that a working, ribbit, potion contains three ingredients. So, I'm giving YOU the task to [u]change Cid back![/u] This is a NON-eliminatory, quack, challenge, but the team that manages to change me back to HUMAN-form will receive a special prize, which may or may not help in future challenges, ribbit. Now, the three ingredients of the shape-shifting potion are: -1 Phoenix Pinion (you will find one in Madain Sari) -Dead Peppers (found in Chocobo Paradise) -Aquamarines (found in Daguerreo, change ore to aquamarines). You must mix them, quack, in a [b]1:3:5[/b] way, but the problem is that I don't know how many Dead Peppers or Aquamarines you need, ribbit. So, you should decide if you will mix them in [u]1 Phoenix Pinion:3 Dead Peppers:5 Aquamarines[/u]-method, or [u]1 Phoenix Pinion:3 Aquamarines:5 Dead Peppers[/u]-method. Quack. I've also summoned two of my friends here to help you. Vivi and Eiko, come in, ribbit!" Zidane: "Hey guys! Over here!" Vivi: "Hello, Zidane. It is nice to see you." Eiko: "Zidane!!! D'you miss me?" Zidane: "Errr..." Cid: "Now, you can choose either Eiko or Vivi to aid you. Eiko already has a Phoenix Pinion, so the team that chooses her can skip Madain Sari, and Vivi has five Aquamarines, which queen Garnet gave him, so his team can skip Daguerreo, ribbit. These two will also guide you to the two other places you need to go. Now take a pick, quack." Zidane leans to Auron. Zidane: "Choose Vivi, choose Vivi!" Eiko: "Can I make the pick? I want to go with my mushy-lushy monkey boy here!!" Zidane: "Gaah!!!" Cid: "So it is decided then, ribbit. Eiko will go with Tantalus, and Vivi with Avalanche. The team that first gathers all the ingredients, mixes them in a RIGHT formula and manages to change back to human - not an oglop, a moogle or a gimme cat, quack!, will get the special, ribbit, prize! Understood? Good! Survivors ready? GO, RIBBIT!!!" Eiko *waves at camera*: "Whee! I'm on Survivor!!! Look, aunt Hilda, I'm on telly!!! Whee! Garnet, I've got your BOYFRIEND here! Nanny-nanny-nah-nah!!!" Zidane: "Oh merciful death, come to me!"[/color] ************ offgame: Okay, as this is an non-eliminary challenge, I KNOW which formula is right, so it's based on luck. BUT I might change the real one if either of the teams impress me with your posts. So, time to amuse me, once again. ;)
  20. offgame: So be it. Sakuramon, you are now entitled to one last "goodbye"-post. Thanks for participation! :) Well, there's four-four situation now with the teams (but my intention isn't to follow that pattern! I'm IMPARTIAL, just remember that ;) ) But now let's get moving! ********** ongame: [color=purple] Tantalus head back to their airship with one team-member less. Several thoughts crossed through each of the members' heads. Auron: [i]I hope I won't let my team down... I will do my best, I swear![/i] Cecil: [i]That was goobbye for our only female member. Well, too bad...[/i] Zidane: [i]Phew, that was CLOSE! I must concentrate on the future...[/i] Sephiroth: [i]Who DARED to vote ME?! I've got to keep my eyes open...[/i] *************** Next morning, when the teams woke up, they saw that their airships had been transported to the field next to Midgar City. When they looked from the window, they saw Highwind missing. Instead, there was a huge, ancient looking ship docked near them. The teams rushed out from their ships. Rinoa: "What is that?" Zidane: "It can't be... It's Prima Vista, the theather-ship! This must only mean that WE'RE GOIG HOME!" Zell: "Oh no! Already?" Cloud: "I think the monkey-boy means HIS home, dopey." Zell: "Oh." Then Cid - still the tall pilot-guy - came out from the wooden airship. Cid: "Well, teams? What are you waiting for? We must get going! We have a brand new world to explore!" Auron: "But what about our ships?" Cid: "They'll follow us, don't worry! Now, everybody, hop aboard!" Once everybody were inside, Prima Vista lifted up majestetically. Then a wormhole appear into the pink morning sky, and the enormous theater-ship was sucked into it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Prima Vista popped out of the wormhole above a big city with hundreds of smaller airships going in and out of it. The teams waited for Cid to come from the control room. The door DID open, but out of it came a small frog wearing a crown and a red cape. Cid: "Survivors, welcome to, quack, Gaia, the world of Final Fantasy 9, quack. The city you see below us is Lindblum, my hometown, quack." Then the frog finally noticed the teams watching him in amazement. Cid: "What is it, quack? Wait a minute... Quack?" Slowly the frog looked down to its body. Cid: "Oh, not AGAIN?! Quack!!!" Rapidly it hopped back to the control room. After a while one of the assistants came to the teams. "You can now descend to explore Lindblum. Your airships will be waiting at the Lindblum Docks. Regent Cid will return to give you more instructions after a while, so don't go anywhere from the city, okay?"[/color] **************** offgame: Well, go explore! Oh, the world map is attached.
  21. offgame: Thanks, guys, I have now receive all votes, and we can move on... well, not exactly straight away, but just rea
  22. Hey, this is quite interesting... I've always fancied the mythical side of religions, so if I may, I would like to use this thread to get me some more info about the ANGELS(they fall into the same category as devils, right? :toothy: ). The Bible tells very little about the archangels and different types of angels, so I'd like you people who know more about them to tell me about them. Now here's what I'VE learned: The seven archangels according to tradition are: Michael, Gabriel, Rafael, Uriel, Uzziel, Hazdiel and Shamdiel. Are these right, because I don't think they are... The different types are: Seraphim, Ophanim, Cherubim, and what else? Please, I LUST to know! :D
  23. Oh, I see a war going on here... Damn, now I feel like left out... :p But I can understand both Cloricus's AND Harlequin/Ravenstorture/Raiha's point: Two-player-RPGs are a bit strange idea, because RPGs are meant as a group activity. And if people who know each other that well come HERE, in front of hundreds of other peoples, to do THAT, it seems a bit unfair. Like "We don't want to play with anybody else"-isolation-thingy. And Cloricus is right, it seems like you are just showing off. If you know each other personally, isn't it much more social to do that in home, facing each other? :smirk: BUT on the other hand, why should anybody be bothered what two people do in one thread. Who needs to go to that thread? Besides, you can always start a similar one with YOUR best buddy, aye? So, I see that there's no other solution to this issue than to just let it go! PS. I'm totally against bullying, and I sincerely hope that this "war against one person" is just one big joke, although it doesn't seem like that. :therock: If it's not, then I hope that the staff will intervene with that. *falls deep to his memories of elementary school-bullies* PPS. Didn't I just sound mature or what? :D
  24. offgame: Okay, here's what we'll do. Ginny's and Sakuramon's PM's were okay, but Zidane and Domon will have to send me another one. Please put CLEARLY who you want out AND who you want to be a captain. Also, I'm still waiting for Des's post... Sheesh, how can this be so hard... :rolleyes: So we continue waiting... :huh:
  25. Okay, I still have two more votes to wait (Desbreko's and Domon's), but I want to say something. First, AJeh, everybody in the team votes, regardless if they have participated in the contest or not. But it's good that you asked, cleared things up! :D Then Zidane, you need to straightforward now: do you want out or not? I can evict you straight away if you REALLY want to, and we don't need to go trough the other votes. Just tell me what to do. To everybody: Sorry if you felt discriminated about my judging, but I explained my decisions. This is only ONE contest out of many, so don't tangle into this one too much, okay? I just wanted us to move on... Well, I'll stay to wait for the rest of the votes. :D Stay with me, guys!
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