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Everything posted by Sandy

  1. I'm coming, I'm COMING!!! Geez, one takes 1 day off the net, and such hullaballoo is on already... :therock: ... :smirk: Well, this is actually good, since now we can delete one player that isn't interested in this game. So, I'm going to start the game, and the ten first people to arrive at Highwind will be in, and the last... won't. Sorry, but I had to kick out several characters out of the last game because the players weren't posting, so this tests how much you guys want to be in. So, the game begins at the Adventure Arena! (hint: [spoiler]HEAD THERE![/spoiler])
  2. I think she meant Lenne. Asuka, I can answer you: NOBODY KNOWS! I wish I did, but... :( But what I DO know is that all the dress spheres (or jobs) have been revealed, and they are: Gunner (Yuna's initial) Thief (Rikku's initial) Warrior (Paine's initial) White Mage Black Mage Magic/Dark Gunner (uses enemy skills) Songstress (like Lenne) Item Shooter Gambler Samurai Dark Knight Berserker Trainer Mascot (Yuna wears Moogle-suit, Rikku wears Cait Sith-suit and Paine wears Tonberry-suit :D ) Flora Fleur (Yuna's special) Machina Muzzle (Rikku's special) Zankio (Paine's special)
  3. offgame: Sorry guys, but this is over now. I'll post one last post (happening after the Trinity has been defeated), and this game will be then officially over (so please, don't nobody try to save it anymore). Well, see you in some other game! :D *********** ongame: The dust had begun to settle. At a hilltop, Haku was looking down at the valley that had been the scenery for the battle between the Masters and the possessed Trinity. Haku petted Chip the Choromon tenderly. Haku: "It's finally over. The virus is now destroyed, and this world can start to heal it's wounds." Everything had gone with speed since Haku met the other Masters. They had held a meeting of all the twelve Masters - for the first time ever. Then Dantu, Furora, Keio and Nadoka had gone to activate the chambers, while Ryouka, Yami, Yugi, Kima and Kensuke had gone to look for the Trinity. Haku, Mina and Ojji had come here, to this very valley, which was in the middle of the four chambers. The prophecies said that the final battle would happen here, at the "crossing of the four forces". It had happened so quickly... Suddenly the three mighty digimon had arrived, and four beams of light rushed to them, trapping them to this valley. Then the digimons from all the twelve categories - reptilian, animal, mechanical, marine, dark, vegetation, insectoid, bird, mythical, magical, warrior and elemental - had risen against the Trinity, and finally the virus had loosened it's hold on them. The four lights had captured the dark cloud, and finally it had scattered to oblivion. Now everything was supposed to be right again. Keio: "Hey Haku. Are you alright?" Haku: "I guess... It's just that... though the victory was fast, it wasn't easy... So many digimons perished." Keio: "I know... But Kyu, Platine and Steel and all the others will stay in our memories and hearts forever." The boy looked at the girl uneasily. Keio: "They are bringing the sources of the Trinity are being brought up here now, by the way." Haku looked at Biyomon, Betamon and Gotsumon, who looked gloomy and exhausted. He walked to them. Haku: "I... We know you couldn't control yourself... We don't hold you responsible..." Biyomon: "Hah, look who's speaking! But now we understand you, Haku. The virus was... overwhelming. The twisted mind that created it must have been truly evil." The birds comrades nodded grimly. Haku nodded as well. Now all the masters were coming back from the battle. Few of them were enjoying the victory, some of them wiped tears from their eyes, but mostly their faces were emotionless. When everybody were gathered, Dantu spoke. Dantu: "The prophecy has now been fulfilled. It's amazing how this all seemed so... meant to be. But now it's time to leave this behind, and start to build a new world, which we Masters can REALLY protect. The twelve of us have got lots of work to do, but together we will make it. Through this battle we have gained a bond between us that nothing can break. Let this be called the fight for friendship!"
  4. Whee, thanks for the support, guys! :blush: I should probably go and write more of the story, so that it won't vanish into oblivion... To me, this thread is kinda absurd... Like Solo said, why can't we discuss about the stories within the story thread? Well, maybe this can be sort of a "merchandise-thread", where people could check out what digimon-story is worth reading. :huh:
  5. Wow, nine players... One more and we're ready to go! I just hope the last one would be a female, so that the male characters wouldn't be overdominant (if that is even a word... :rolleyes: ) BTW, male persons, remember that you can play a character of the opposite sex (just take example of Gin ;) ). And we don't have any villain-characters yet - maybe because they all died in the games, but that shouldn't bother you! :huh: *crosses fingers* Hope somebody plays Edea... :D ([spoiler]she's FF8-Cid's ex-wife, in case you didn't know ;)[/spoiler])
  6. Feh, that last guy got what s/he deserved... :toothy: But anyways, to your story, Solo: this is the very first Sci-fi-digimon-fanfic I've read, but I got to say: I'm impressed! This is certainly something different... Some might say it's not very digimon-ish anymore, but I don't mind. I'm only disturbed by the fact that you HIDE things too much: I want to know who Aidan is!:bawl: Heh, well... But the plot is proceeding nicely. I'm not usually very found of fanfics telling what happened to the kids in this-and-this season, but you've managed to avoid the cliches! :D Do keep going! *thumbs up*
  7. Don't worry, Zid, apparently this WON'T start until later this week. And Ginny, don't YOU worry: I pulled the OB Survivor 1 to end, so that's what I'm going to do this one as well. ;) I've got plenty of constests figured out, plus some extra features, like the "Captain-system": both teams will have a captain elected democratically. The captain is in charge of everything the team does, AND in case of a tie-situation in the voting-off, HIS/HERS vote will decide. The captain will be re-elected in each COUNCIL, so s/he will stay if the team wins the contest. Well, nobody understood anything, but anyways... :bluesweat
  8. Omigosh! This came as a total surprise (at least to me): some fans of Final Fantasy 6 are doing a prequel to the game! It will be set 1000 years before the original game, so it's about War of the Magi. It is made by some group called Fierce Legends Software. The game is totally unofficial, though Squaresoft has been announced to approve it, if it's [i]free[/i] - and it will be! Final Fantasy VI: Forgotten Story will be a free PC-game which can apparently be downloaded from various sites when the time comes. Well, I suck at explaining things, so read for yourself! Here's a few links I found: [url=http://fls.squareultima.com/]The official site[/url] [url=http://ffwa.org/news/21-01-2003.html]An interview of one of the developers[/url] Omigosh omigosh.... :D
  9. Bleh, I didn't ever get the idea of the rank points anyway. They just bounced up and down, and they were of no use. *murmurs* Stupid rank points...
  10. Sandy


    Neh, I don't think the prizes are a real problem. C'mon, who joins a messageboard rpg to win anything? I gave Rain, the winner of the OB Survivor a banner (which was far from a good one), and she was perfectly satisfied with it. (Weren't you, Rain? ;) ) It's the game itself that appeals - at least here. And as for the contests within the game, I found it fun to do, althought in some cases the rules were a bit unclear. But anyways I managed to pull it through to the end. And now, as I said, another Unofficial OB Survivor is starting at the recruitment section. (Funnily I get a feeling that nobody's listening to me... :therock: )
  11. Haku looked at the pink beast terrified. Haku: "I... I... I'm sorry..." Kyuukimon: "You really think I want your apology?! You've caused this to the world, and I want an explanation WHY?!" Haku: "Alright... I should start from the beginning: For as long as I can remember, I have been surrounded by doctors and psychiatrists. My parents made me go through hundreds of tests and researches. The specialists wondered how a child as sickly as I could still be alive. For all my life I've been trapped inside my house, unable to go out to play with other children. Finally my loneliness drove me to the Internet to search friends. For the first time ever I felt that I could be like a normal human being. I made a few acquintances, but none of them last. Until one day I received an e-mail from a nickname "Mage". He seemed like an interesting person, and he really wanted me to be his friend. "Mage" sent me photos of his life: birthday-parties, family reunions, get-togethers of friends - none of which I had never had. All this time my hatred towards the doctors and my parents grew. Finally it grew so big that I wanted to make them pay - as horribly as possible. Then i received another e-mail. It was from someone called "Digital God". It said it was my destiny to become a Master of Digital Monsters. First I was astonished, but then "Mage" said that this was my chace of getting my revenge. He sent me an especially large attachment and I - fool - opened it. In that instant it possessed me: the M.A.G.E-virus. Some twisted mind - a human or a digimon, I don't know - had created it to destory the Digital World, and maybe the whole Earth as well. And I fell for it in my weakness." Haku began sobbing, and Keio wrapped her amrs around the boy. Haku: "Then I entered the Digital World via the Portal of "Digital God". I met Chip, and later Platine and Steel. But I was already corrupted, and I built my base to the Thunder Plateau, and began to terrorize this world in my wrath. Now the virus has left me, but it now possesses the three mighty Trinity Digimons. "Digital God" meant them to be the mega forms of my three partners - Chip, Platine and Steel - but instead of them I used Biyomon, Betamon and Gotsumon. Because of that I couldn't control them, and M.A.G.E. left me, taking a great risk. If the Trinity hadn't been so close to the castle, the virus wouldn't have caught them as it's host, and it would have vanished. But it happened otherwise, and now a new threat is dangering this world - and it's all my fault!" Haku started to cry bitterly, and even Kyuukimon's hating face melted to plain unemotionless stare.
  12. I appreciate your great input to this game, Gin! :D Don't forget that I'm going to play ALL the Cids, as the challenges occur in different worlds of the FF-games. The two tribes will have an own Airship, which they use as their base. I have yet to decide which ships I'll take, but the gameflow is figuring itself out in my head constantly. ;) Oh, and Zidane and Draagul, welcome to the game! We now have... eh, 5 players. :bluesweat PS. To the future joiners, please try to avoid the situation where all the characters are from just few games, like FF9 and FF10. Remember that there has been awesome characters throughout the history of the series. ;)
  13. Well, we have three sign-ups now, so we'll have to wait for some time. I think ten players could be a good minimum.
  14. Okay, here are episodes 17-20. Currently I'm writing episode 21, so pretty soon there's going to be a break in the posting. This story has now max. of three readers I know of, so if anybody else wants this to continue, you should inform me. I hate doing work for nothing. ;) ************* [FONT=century gothic] EPISODE SEVENTEEN: SAVAGE CHILD OF EARTH It all seemed to happen in a matter of seconds. Rosso reached for his devices, but he couldn?t find the link. He saw Treehumon crouching to capture him, and he called for his protector. [i]?Oh, sweet Mother of Earth, don?t let this end this way!? Child, You Have The Power Already! I Will Always Be With You![/i] A green sphere of light appeared between him and the daemon, and he reached for it. It was another link! He put it in the D.A.D. he was holding on his other hand, and said the magical words. ?Power of Earth is my Guardian!? The stem of the mushroom on his legs was pulled aside as he transformed. He felt he was growing, and soon he was the size of a grown-up man. His muscles grew, as well as his hair. He got a purple mane, and his legs changed to a green lion paws. Two small horns grew to his forehead. Lastly he was suddenly holding a spear and a wooden shield, and the transformation was complete. He was now: ?Dionymon, the human avatar of Earth!? Dionymon lifted his shield to cover him from Treehumon?s claws, then stung his spear to the daemon?s shoulder, making it retreat just enough for him to start his mighty attack. [i]?Wardance!?[/i] Dionymon shouted, and began to spin wildly with his spear slashing and shield covering. It really was like a dance, fierce and lethal, yet beautiful and gracious. Laissana and Ari looked at Rosso?s avatar?s attack. Minervamon landed behind them with Frogmon and Searchmon. ?We have to help him, quack! That monster killed the general!? Frogmon growled. ?Yez! Letz go!? Searchmon said furiously. ?Wait! You will get yourselves killed...? the angelic avatar opposed. ?So be it, quack! Thank you for showing us the truth, human?, Frogmon said, and then hopped with his comrade to face their former leader. Ari turned to Minervamon with helpless look on his face. ?Sometimes you just have to fight with more than words. Power of Stars is my Guide! Somnimon, the human avatar of Stars!? ?Hey! Don?t think you can go without me!? Laissana shouted. ?Power of...? Minervamon grabbed the girl?s shoulder. ?It?s no use, look!? she said, and pointed to the glade. Dionymon was in complete trance, and didn?t even notice Frogmon and Searchmon when they came to aid him. Then his spear clashed towards Treehumon?s claws and got stuck. The two avatars ? holy and demonic ? stared at each other?s eyes for a moment. Then Dionymon somersaulted still holding onto his spear, and kicked the daemon. He got his spear free, and then he threw it towards the backing monster. It hit hard, and just as Somnimon glided to the opening, Treehumon lost its powers and divided into a shattered link and... ?Raremon!? Somnimon exclaimed surprised. ?Could this be the same we met a week ago?? Dionymon just shrugged, but then two smaller figures ran past him. The remains of Booglem Militia were still raving mad. ?Now we get our revenge, quack! [i]Leaf Wheel Cutter![/i]? ?You traitor! [i]Jamming Hertz![/i]? Raremon tried to escape, but he was too slow. Minervamon dashed from the mushroom-woods, but she was too late. ?No!? was all she could shout before Raremon scattered to data. At another glade not so far away, the Eye of Perfection flashed furiously, and then closed itself. EPISODE EIGHTEEN: TEMPTATIONS AND CONTEMPLATIONS The incalculable sun was setting when the four Chosen left the Booglem area behind, and appeared to completely new scenery. ?Dammit! I hate snow!? Rosso shouted as he saw the endless glacier opening in front of him. There was no vegetation to be seen anywhere. ?This is odd... We?re on a glacier, and it?s only chilly when it should be lethally cold!? Ari noticed. ?Well, I?m freezing for just the thought of it!? Rosso complained. ?Oh, stop whining, Tiny! You?re such a baby!? Laissana laughed, making Rosso blush burning red. As they continued onwards, the wind rose and it begun snowing. Soon the breeze turned into a blizzard, and the kids had to struggle to get forward. And quickly the storm was so thick that they couldn?t see out of one feet range. ?I?ve had it! This is completely impossible!? Rosso shouted through the wind. ?I?m heading back!? Laissana, who was nearest to him, saw him turning back, and ran after him. ?Stop, you dimwit! You?re going to get lost in this storm! We must stick together!? she opposed. ?Why can?t we stay together somewhere less stormy, huh? I?m... AAAHH!!!? The spot where he and Laissana had stood began to crack, and then it collapsed, sucking them to an icy darkness. Little later Ari stopped and looked back. ?Hey! Where are the others? Eirica, stop! Rosso and Laissana have disappeared!? But the girl was too much in her own thoughts that she couldn?t hear him. Ari tried to run to her, but soon lost sight of her. ?Eirica! Where are you?! EIRICA!!!? [i]?So much killing! Nothing but revenge and hatred ? just like in Earth! Why does war have to be the nature of things? Why, o God? Why is world so bad??[/i] The tears dried in Eirica?s cheeks because of the harsh wind as gloomy thoughts filled her mind. All light seemed to have faded away, all hope of ever gaining peace to the world ? both digital and material. Eirica was plainly devastated, and too tired to advance anymore, so she fell to the snow, and lost her consciousness. ?Eirica! Oh, no use...? Ari sunk deeper into depression. It was impossible to find the others in this snowstorm. For all he knew, he could just be wandering in circles in this cursed glacier! Ari fell down to his knees. Then he saw a shadow approaching from the storm. First he thought it was one of his friends, but then he noticed that the figure was far too tall to be any of the Chosen. Then the boy began to see the comer more clearly. It was a female digimon, wearing purple- and golden gown, a mask resembling the face of a cat, and a long scarf fluttering behind her. She had long pink hair, and cat?s tail of same color. She was also carrying a beautiful rod. ?Follow me, Chosen. You?re safe now?, the appereance said loudly, yet softly. Ari, thinking that nobody with such gracious looks could be evil, decided to do as she said. Rosso and Laissana woke up in a cavern of glass-bright ice. Everywhere they looked glittered and gleamed. ?Whoa! This is SO cool!? Rosso gasped, and touched the nearest wall. ?Yes, beautiful but dangerous?, Laissana added, pointing at the sharp icicles hanging from the ceiling. ?One should keep his mouth shutter if one was to survive here.? ?O-oh okay... I?m quiet as a mouse ? no, even quieter!? ?Err, didn?t I just say [i]shut up?![/i]? Laissana snapped, making one small icicle drop near to her. Rosso couldn?t help smiling. Laissana took the lead, and Rosso walked a few steps behind her. ?Laissana? Do you think we can find our way out of here?? ?Of course! Don?t even think otherwise!? The two Chosen continued forward. The cave soon narrowed to an icy tunnel. The kids had to lean to the walls to prevent from slipping. Then the tunnel ended ? to a bottomless underground abyss. Ari followed the beautiful digimon to another realm, away from the glacier. They entered an area that looked like something taken from Aladdin. The digimon took him to a much smaller version of Taj Mahal. The interior of the palace was made only from mirrors. ?Welcome to my humble home, Chosen. I should probably introduce myself: I am Temptremon, the avatar of Spirit.? This made alarms ring in the young man?s head. ?What is your name in reality, then? I mean your human name?? he asked carefully. ?Oh, don?t you worry about that, Chosen. Just follow me.? With a slightest of touches to Ari?s cheek Temptremon took control of the whole body and mind of the boy. She led the mesmerized Chosen of Star upstairs, where she put the boy into sleep. Ari fell unconscious to a massive bed, among feather-soft pillows. ?Oh great! How are we supposed to get across [i]that[/i]?? Rosso cried. For the first time in her life Laissana had no answer. She just stared to the dark depths. Then she heard a scratching sound behind her. She turned around, and saw half a dozen of digimons made from blocks of ice surrounding them. ?Halt, humans!? one of them shouted. This caused Rosso to almost slip from the cliff. Few of the icy digimons were holding chains made of diamond. ?Oh no, you don?t!? Laissana shouted, and reached for her D.A.D. and Nemesimon?s link statue. But as she was connecting them, one of the diamond-chains hit her, and she fell straight to the dark pit behind her. She heard Rosso?s horrified scream, and saw the faces of the digimons drawing away. As she fell she begged her dark protector to save her, like he had done when she had arrived to this world. [i]?This can?t be it! I still have so much to give!? Pull Yourself Together, Successor! This Is No Time For Weakness! You Have Served Me Well, So I Shall Save You Once Again...[/i] Suddenly the purple D.A.D. and the link Laissana had dropped returned to her hands. But then a third object appeared as well ? a second link statue! Rapidly the girl pushed the gift from her God to the amplifier, and went through a metamorphosis. ?Power of Chaos is my Ally!? She felt her hands turning to wings, her feet to talons, and face to get covered by an iron-mask. The joy of her surviving escorted her voice as she shouted her new name. ?Erinymon, the beast avatar of Chaos!? The ominous bird darted up the abyss. The digimons had captured the devastated Rosso, and were dragging him away. ?I wouldn?t suggest you?d do that, chill-asses!? she warned. ?L-Laissana?? Rosso gasped. EPISODE NINETEEN: GOOD DEEDS, BAD INTENTIONS Eirica woke up to a smell of something burning. She lifted her head and saw a small camp fire. It lit the little dome-like room she was in. The regular pattern on the wall revealed that she was inside an igloo. ?Hey, you?re AWAKE!? a chirpy voice behind her screamed. She gasped and bounced up. In front of her was a blue-and-white bird digimon, looking somewhat like a penguin. Then Eirica remembered the manners she had gained from her upbringing and stopped staring. ?Err, hi. This must be your home, right?? ?Yes it IS! Isn?t it NICE?!? the bird shouted. ?Yes, indeed... Oh, I haven?t introduced myself, I?m Eirica, one of-? ?The CHOSEN, yes I KNOW! I?m Penguinmon, in CASE you didn?t KNOW, and I found you all FROZEN outside my igloo, and DECIDED to bring you IN!? ?Yes, I?m grateful of that, but could you be just a wee bit quieter?? ?OF COURSE! Now WHAT can I DO for you?! You PROBABLY want something to eat, RIGHT?!? Eirica forced herself to listen to Penguinmon?s loud voice with a sigh, and nodded sheepishly. Outside the igloo a dark figure leaned closer to the doorway to hear the voices inside. ?So, you LIKE the FISH?!? Penguinmon asked enthusiastic. He had caught it by ice-fishing. ?Yes, this is very yummy, thank you?, Eirica responded. In reality the fish had no taste at all ? except the mild digital aroma- , but Eirica was really hungry, since she hadn?t eaten anything since they left Booglem Forest and its berries behind. This got her to think about her friends. ?Penguinmon, you didn?t see any other humans out there?? ?No, NOBODY besides YOU and the guy SPYING us outside the IGLOO!? Eirica heard an amazed gasp through the icy wall. ?Hey? Who?s there?? she asked frightened. A shadow covered the doorway, and a head with dark hair and a red bandana came from it. ?Hi, Eirica?, a sheepish voice said. ?Kang?!? At the same time in a completely different place Ari woke in a cloud-soft bed. He saw thousands reflections of him in the room. It took him a while to remember where he was: in Temptremon?s mirror palace! Suddenly one of the mirrors opened, and the digimon with astonishing grace stepped in. ?So, my love-slave woke up, didn?t he?? Temptremon smirked. ?Your [i]what[/i]? Now wait a minute...? But before Ari knew it, Temptremon was lying next to him on the bed, stroking his chest. Ari realized that he was wearing only a silk-sheet. ?Do you believe in love beyond such things as matter and energy?? the silky, smooth voice whispered in Ari?s ear. ?My clothes! What have you done to my clothes?!? Ari shouted in panic. This was way too much for him. He ? a fifteen years old teenager ? was being seduced by a gorgeous female digimon. ?Hush now, dearest... You have gone through so much... you must rest now...? ?Rest... yes; I should probably do that...? Temptremon petted his golden locks, and he was soon fast asleep. ?You just sleep, Chosen... In no time you will give me your heart and soul, and it will require a lot from you.? Temptremon?s deep-purple eyes gleamed once, and then she left the chamber. Back at Penguinmon?s igloo Kang and Eirica exchanged their experiences since when they had parted. Finally Eirica looked deep into the eyes of the Chinese boy. ?Kang, why did you leave us then? You do realize that Perfection can only be beaten with co-operation and common trust?? ?Yeah, yeah...? Then Kang looked around him, and changed the subject. ?Hey, where did Penguinmon go?? ?Oh, Kang! You didn?t answer my...? Suddenly a huge bony boomerang came through the dome. Eirica let out a scream, and the two Chosen crawled rapidly out of the broken igloo. Outside they saw Penguinmon, and a much taller figure resembling greatly a yeti next to him. ?What is going on?? Eirica asked horrified. ?Oh, NOTHING, human!? Penguinmon screamed. ?THERE, does THIS annoy you?! GOOD! Now my mate Mojyamon here will CRUSH you like the BUGS you are!? ?No! Penguinmon...? ?It?s no use, Eirica!? Kang shouted, and pulled the girl further away from the two digimons. ?[i]Bone Boomerang![/i]? Mojyamon roared, and hurled his weapons at the kids. Kang pushed Eirica to the snow as the boomerang passed them only few inches above their heads. ?That?s enough!? Kang snapped, and took out his red D.A.D and Arunamon?s link statue. ?Power of Moon is my Mentor!? he shouted as he placed the link into the amplifier, and soon his human figure was replaced by a fierce beast. Arunamon leaped towards Mojyamon, and made him stumble to the ground. Eirica closed her eyes in terror. But then she felt something grabbing to her. Penguinmon! ?What are you doing?? she screamed as the small bird digimon started dragging her away from the fighting twosome. ?What do you THINK I?m DOING?! I?m getting RID of you, HUMAN!? Then Eirica saw the hole in the ice ? the same one Penguinmon had used to catch the fish she had eaten. ?B-but... Why are you doing this to me now? Why not sooner?? she asked, trying to win time. ?Because I KNEW that FRIEND of yours was NEARBY! Besides I was WAITING my mate to come to FINISH you!? ?What a horrible creature you are!? Eirica gasped shocked. The hole in the ice was very near now. ?NO! You?re the HORRIBLE one! Because of YOU our world is COLLAPSING! How DARE you come here to MOCK us, pretending that NOTHING happened?!? Just then Arunamon leaped on Penguinmon, pushing the creature to the freezing water. ?Are you okay?? the beast asked Eirica. ?I guess... But where?s...?? The question died in her lips; Mojyamon had been dispatched into data-particles. [i]?When is this killing going to stop?!?[/i] the Irish girl thought in agony. ?Climb on my back, we?ll travel faster that way?, Arunamon urged. Eirica glanced on Penguinmon, who was splashing the water in the hole furiously. ?So you ESCAPE! COWARDS! I will REVENGE on behalf of ALL the digimons you?ve KILLED! Just you WAIT!? But before he finished his curse, the two Chosen had already left. EPISODE TWENTY: WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND Rosso and the digimons surrounding him behold the purple bird of ruination astounded. ?Is it really you, Laissana?? the boy repeated. ?No, it's Celine Dion! Duh, [i]of course[/i] it?s me!? the avatar snapped. Then she turned to the digimons. ?Hey, didn?t I tell you frost-brains to unchain him?? Quickly the digimons untied the diamond-chains, but when they were quietly withdrawing, Erinymon attacked. [i]?Horror Shriek!?[/i] Instantly the digimons froze to statues. ?Now don?t try to sneak away before you tell exactly who you are, and what you want from us!? ?No need to torture my Icemon-lackeys, Chosen. I sent them.? Erinymon and Rosso turned to face the speaker standing on the other side of the gulf. ?Sorcerimon?!? Rosso exclaimed incredulously. The white mage floated over the bottomless canyon. ?Yes, Rosso. It?s me, and this is my realm. I thought you were some Mojyamon-intruders, so I sent the Icemons here to catch you. By the way, you can now change back to yourself, as the danger is over?, Sorcerimon said to Erinymon. ?Yeah and how am I supposed to know if the danger is over or not? For all I know you could toss us to that abyss behind you the very moment I return to my human self!? ?Yes, that?s very sharp of you, but Rosso here can assure that...? The boy stared at the wizard furiously. ?No, I can?t assure anything! You abandoned me at the tower in Glaerie, and I almost got killed!? ?This seems to be troublesome... Well, I did say I owed you one, right?? ?Actually, you didn?t.? Now Laissana got to her own human-self, and pushed herself between the digimon and Rosso. ?Now look! Let?s just both go to our own directions, and leave this issue be, okay?? Laissana couldn?t believe that she would ever act as a mediator, but apparently everything was possible in this world. Sorcerimon smirked mysteriously. ?Your solution would suit me perfectly, but I reckon you don?t know how to get up from here, do you?? The humans looked at each other sheepishly, and finally Laissana replied in a very quiet voice. ?Well... No we don?t.? ?In that case I would be honored to have you as my guests. It?s been a bit quiet here since I returned ? you know, no kidnapping daemons or anything.? ?Speaking of which, how do we know you?re not on [i]their[/i] side?? Rosso asked suspiciously. Sorcerimon stopped and sighed. ?If that was true, would Coronamon had abducted me and imprisoned me to her tower?? ?Well, I guess not.? ?Fine then. Follow me, Chosen!? Sorcerimon and Icemons escorted Rosso and Laissana through the ice caverns, until they reached a huge grotto with one huge pillar of ice connecting the floor and the roof in the middle of it. ?Welcome to Icenheart!? Sorcerimon announced. An entire city was carved into the stalagmite. At least half a dozen different digimons did their daily chores near it. Rosso jerked at Sorcerimon?s cloak to draw his attention. ?Excuse me, but could you tell me the names of these digimons; our digidex was left to one of the other Chosen.? ?With pleasure, Rosso. Those big ones with cat-like ears and coal-eyes are called Frigimons, and the moles with drill-horn are Drimogemons. Those small blue birds over there are Penguinmons, and those few tusk-toothed beasts covered in white fur are Ikkakumons.? ?Bleh, how very [i]not[/i] interesting!? Laissana groaned. ?Now, if you may, I will escort you to my private caves?, Sorcerimon said, ignoring the girl?s grumpiness. At Sorcerimon?s caves the two Chosen finally got something to eat and drink ? though everything in the meal was cold. ?Have you really built this city all by yourself?? Rosso asked politely when the three of them were sitting around a large table made of pure ice. ?From the scratch?, the wizard replied, not even trying to hide his pride. ?I brought these digimons down here from the rough glacier up there. This is the haven of all those who suffered from the tyranny of IceDevimon.? ?Who?s he?? Laissana asked, this time with real interest. She had always been a sucker for all devilish. ?Oh, he was just a twisted virus-type digimon. I finally started a mutiny against him, and he was defeated. But Icenheart still stays, as nobody here really wants to go back up. Their life is now here.? ?So, you?ve some kind of savior then?? Rosso asked. ?Well, I can be called that, if you like.? At that moment a skating digimon wearing blue-and-white uniform dashed in. ?Now what is it, Rinkmon?? Sorcerimon asked irritated. ?Sir, it?s the holes! One of them is approaching this very city!? ?What?! This can?t be... I have eyes everywhere, and there was no sign of such hole when I left here earlier!? ?Yes, but... This one?s new! It appeared just a while ago. And now it?s growing towards our city!? Rosso stood up. ?Then we need to get these digimons out of here, right? Well, what are we waiting for?? ?Hold on! We should avoid panic?, Sorcerimon said worried. But it was too late; Laissana had gone pale, and it was obvious she was close to having a nervous breakdown. ?One of those freaking holes is coming here?! I almost got sucked into one already, and that is something I never want to experience again!? Unfortunately an Icemon guarding the entrance heard her scream, and before anybody could do anything, the word had spread from Icemon to Frigimon, from Ikkakumon to Drimogemon, and suddenly all the exits from the grotto were filled with hysteric digimons. ?Well, you certainly sped up things!? Rosso snapped to Laissana as they rushed out of the caves and into the plains surrounding the pillar. ?Oh, shut it! This girl is out of here! Power of Chaos is my ally!? Laissana took Erinymon?s figure, and spread her wings. ?No, wait for me!? Rosso yelped, and jumped onto the birds back before she rose up. Rosso glanced to Sorcerimon, who just stood quietly, looking at Icenheart?s mighty figure. ?He has done that city all by himself, and now it?s getting wiped away?, Rosso said sadly. ?Oh, who cares? Would you please try not to rip my hairs off?? Rosso realized he had been squeezing Erinymon?s pink locks hard. He altered his position, and glanced back at Sorcerimon. But to his astonishment, the icy wizard was gone. Apparently he had abandoned his own people, just like he had done to Rosso back at Coronamon?s tower. Suddenly Rosso had no compassion for Sorcerimon anymore.[/FONT]
  15. "If both of them would be alive, they wouldn't let US Marines take down the statues..." *blinks* Excuse me, WHAT? Where did you get the idea that Osama Bin Laden has any connections to Saddam Hussein? They aren't supposed to even know each other, let alone be some kind of friends! Hussein is an Iraqi dictator, Bin Laden is one of the leaders of Taleban - there's no connection! (except that they are the two of world's most hated men from USA's point of view) I want to ease you by ensuring you that those two don't have any mutual conspiracies against your country - or else I'm a dancing elphant carrying an umbrella! This war is driving everybody crazy, and people start to see enemies and alliances everywhere - which is BAD! My advise is that one shouldn't worry about those things: there's nothing anybody in not-so-high-position can do! Things are already way too mixed up... :( And please don't talk about Hussein or Osama like you actually KNEW what they are like in person (meaning the talk about cowardice or stupidness). You can't possibly know it, so all those theories are worth nothing. Both sides of the war are sending so much carbage and propaganda that one is better of if one takes nothing for granted. Well, that was all I got say... :blush:
  16. Sandy


    Neh, we didn't have any spammer-problems in OB Survivor: Freakshow. Of course that depends on how you define spamming... Surely there were lots of wacky posting which wouldn't have gone through in normal thread, but it was pretty much the whole idea of the Survivor Freakshow: people were able to relax, without worrying so much on political correctiness or any of that kind of stuff. Besides, all the people that got annoying were voted out pretty soon. Name of the game, you know. But the purpose of this post was that "reality-roleplaying-games" CAN work without any special attention or guarding.
  17. I was kind of thinking the same about the avatars, Gin. And I KNEW you'd be among the first ones to join in! ;) Sakuramon, hope you got my reply on the pic-attachment. BTW, you can do like Ginny did: post the picture as an attachment, then copy the attachment-location with right-click and paste it to the reply, inside [img]-tags.
  18. Sandy


    I already DID an Otakuboards Survivor in the RPG-area at the end of last year. Now I've started a new one, with a Final Fantasy theme. So, if you're interested in both FF and Survivor, head to the recruitment-section! :D ~Sage the Survivor Master (guess who is applying to Finland's survivor this year? ;) )
  19. [color=red]Some of you may know that I was the leader of the first Unofficial Otakuboards Survivor (which was The Freakshow). The second one was lead by Bent Metal, but to my knowledge, the thread died away. So, (un)officially, this is the third OB survivor, and I, Sage, have taken the lead again.[/color] [color=orange]This time the competition combines Survivor to the Final Fantasy-series, so all of you who are interested in both of them, here's your chance![/color] [color=gold]OB Survivor works pretty much like the tv-show: we have certain amount of contestants, who compete in tribes, and are evicted one by one. As the theme is Final Fantasy now, all events will occur in the various worlds of the series.[/color] [color=green]Certain requirements have to be met before you can join as a player: -you must take this even somewhat seriously, this is not just a playground where you can spoil other's fun -you should know something about both Survivor and Final Fantasy-games, in order to keep you on track -you will play a character from any of the FF-games -NOTE: You CAN join even if you participated on the two other Survivors[/color] [color=blue]About the character: -he/she should be one of the main characters (not for example one of the soldiers in Junon in FF7) -both goodies and baddies will do, so you can play Cloud as well as Sephiroth -because the character's are already made up, you should act like your character, so choose one you think you know well enough -any (main) character from FF-games 1 to 10 will do, IF you know him/her well enough, have a proper picture of him/her, and he/she isn't named CID (because I'm playing Cid - yes, ALL of them :D )[/color] [color=purple]So, if you want to join, post in this thread: -character's name (last name optional) -from which FF-game the character is from -his/her bio (meaning the backgrounds + what did s/he do in the game) -A PROPER PICTURE![/color] [color=deeppink]So, that's pretty much it. I expect that this will be as much fun as the first one, so don't be afraid to join in: i know what I'm doing! ;) So, welcome to the Final Fantastic Survivor with your host Cid! The game will start asap.![/color] [img]http://www.fflegacy.com/ff7/images/cid.jpg[/img] [b]PS. if you have any questions, suggestions, ideas, you know where to reach me![/b]
  20. Bleh, leave the airships already!!! Isn't this like the cazillionth question about them?! :therock: Move on, please; I want to answer something! :D
  21. And on we go... BTW, now things are getting more clear, so read forward. [font=century gothic] EPISODE FOURTEEN: BEHOLD THE PERFECTION Rosso was still a bit shocked from the Sorcerimon's weird behavior as he climbed upstairs to the top-floor of the marble tower. Suddenly he heard a high shriek, and his steps became faster. Laissana was in trouble! "[i]Soul Cry![/i]" Soulmon attacked, and weeping shadows filled the room. Somnimon used his power and made the ghosts disappear. Nemesimon was kicking the numerous Bakemon off of her back. Eirica and Biyomon had retreated to the furthest corner of the small room. All this time the Eye of Perfection shone its mysterious, capturing light. "[i]Guardian Spirit![/i]" Wardenmon dashed to the room, releasing his spiritual dragon to bind the Bakemons. Soulmon was all alone against three avatars now. But then it began mumbling some strange words, and the Eye reacted. It sent out a flashing beam of light, which swallowed the ghost wearing a pointy-hat. It grew in size, and when the light faded, the Chosen had a whole new enemy against them. A ghastly digimon in a sinister-looking cape, holding a scythe in one hand and a pendulum in the other. "You see now how powerful my master is? It gave me strength to evolve!" Eirica, who was now holding the digidex, loaded the newcomer's data. "Phantomon, an ultimate-level ghost digimon, whose great ability is to twist time. Phantomon really rocks", the monotonic voice of the digidex said, making Eirica roll her green eyes to the way it presented things. "[i]Shadow Scythe![/i]" Phantomon's blade slashed Nemesimon and Wardenmon, making them return to Laissana and Rosso. Then it turned to Somnimon, but he was faster. "[i]Sphere of Destiny![/i]" he shouted, casting a shining bubble around Phantomon. It howled in agony, but as an ultimate-level digimon, it broke the sphere quite easily. "Oh no!" Eirica shouted, as Phantomon's scythe made Somnimon lose his powers as well. "Now you're all defeated! My omnipotent master, take them!" Phantomon said to the Eye. The ball glowed again, pulling the four children and Biyomon into an abyss of light. Eirica floated in multicolored light. She had a strange, empty feeling inside. She [i]knew[/i] she ought to be afraid, but she wasn't. She saw the others float nearby: the clever Ari, the annoying Laissana, the naive Rosso and the piteous Biyomon - somehow she couldn't make up anything else to describe her companions, even though deep inside she knew they were so much more. But at the same time, she couldn't care less. This insensibility was tearing her empathetic heart apart! Ari knew he should've been devastated, as they had lost, and now everything was doomed, but he simply wasn't. All his dreams were shattered but he couldn't do anything but watch the whirling colors - he didn't want to do anything else. It was probably the end of the world, and Ari realized it, but he felt nothing. He saw Eirica somewhere near him, the girl he had learned to worship in these few past days, and for the first time he could watch her without any emotions. And he knew his world had ended. Laissana spun around slowly. She knew she would be furious, raving angry, if only she could have been. But she couldn't do anything. Her stormy emotions, all the lust, the hate, the anger, the sarcasm, all of them were all gone, but there was no peace in her mind. There was nothing at all. Rosso saw the thousands of colors, he perceived them, but he couldn't [i]feel[/i] them. He just hanged there with the five primitive senses he got as a human being. But the sixth one was missing - the one that could be noticed only when it was gone. All his comrades in this journey were near him, and yet so far. But even further was Rosso's own soul. They were near to perfection, all four of the travelers from the other world. Suddenly they started to slide faster all in one direction. They could see it approaching: a hole on the chaotic dimension, a hole of [i]Nothingness[/i]. They just watched it as it came nearer and nearer. [i]You... Are... Mine... Now![/i] A voice spoke. The voice had no origin: it was everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Nobody could describe the possible source by the voice: it was neither masculine nor feminine; neither old nor young; neither low nor high. It was [i]perfect[/i]. "No they aren't!" This voice had an origin: it came outside the psychedelic whirl. It was clearly masculine, old and hoarse. It reflected a great wisdom. And the owner of the voice pulled them away from the hole. EPISODE FIFTEEN: THE WHOLE STORY, PLEASE! Eirica opened her eyes. The sun was shining above her. [i]"The sun!"[/i] she realized. [i]"I can see the sun! Does this mean... I'm safe?"[/i] "Yes, it does, princess of Light", a voice said. Eirica remembered that it was the same voice that she had heard the last before she had passed out. The voice that had saved them! And that hadn't been the first time she had heard the voice. She sat up and saw Sagemon looking at her, smiling. The old cat-digimon was sitting on a giant mushroom. "Finally. You were the last to wake up! Now, gather around. We have a lot to discuss over. Hurry now, before I lose it again!" he said smirking. Eirica saw Laissana, Rosso and Ari sitting next to her, and Alphamon fussing around them all, carrying cans of soda. The green rat handed one to Eirica as well, and even though she hadn't drank one in ages, she enjoyed every last drop of the sparkling liquid. Then she noticed something missing - or rather, some[i]one[/i]. "I'm sorry, but where's Biyomon?" Sagemon looked at her with deep-blue eyes filled with sympathy. "I wasn't able to save her. [i]It[/i] got her again. But not all hope is gone yet. You saved her from Its enchantment once; maybe you get a second chance." "But didn't you say nobody has returned from the holes?" Ari asked, confused. "No one has - before this. But let me start from the beginning: The history of Digital World isn't linear, like the history of your world. This world consists of so many levels that only few of this world's dwellers know them all. Every level has its own kind of Digital World - all quite similar to each other, but never the same. In one, for example, the different areas of the world are combined by "datastreams", which allow the dwellers to move from one area to another in a blink of an eye. Each world has its own rulers, too. Some rulers appear on several worlds, but most of them are individual. This Digital World has always gotten Seven rulers, who keep up the balance. They are the first beings in this level, so they are called the Ancients. "Umm, sorry to interrupt, but how old is this world, anyway?" Ari asked. "Oh, it cannot be counted in human years! As you have probably seen, even the days and nights go their own ways here. And if you haven't noticed, your clocks have stopped working ever since you got here. But now I'm slipping off of my story. Yes, the Ancients. Seven, they are. Seven who ruled this world, not even too long ago. Actually, they left so you could come." "What?!" came from four mouths in unison. "Yes. It was my suggestion, and they approved it. The Seven gave up their power and transformed themselves to spirits to be with you, to support you. Now you're probably wondering what are you able to do that the Seven most powerful digimons in this world weren't. The answer is: be [i]humane![/i] As simple as it sounds, that is something you humans have, but we digimons lack. Yes, most of us have emotions, and we can be empathic, change moods etcetera, but we still lack the seed of humanity, for we are basically pure energy. We aren't able to think as philosophically as you, all our inventions are unfinished, all because we are [i]made[/i]. You humans aren't; you have [i]developed[/i] into what you are now. This leads us to perfection. You are the first humans to reach that close, and you were still outside it. If I had been even few moments too late... I can't bear even to [i]think[/i] what would have happened to you! Digimons can survive It, but humans - humanity - are completely different. It would have destroyed the particle that makes you human, the particle which we don't have, but also the particle that is the [i]only[/i] weak spot in perfection. Perfection isn't good, yet it isn't evil either. It's both, and it's neither. It's Yin and Jang and neither of them. It's all there is and still nothing of it. It's something so great that no life form can understand it - except the life form that brought it here. You see, there perfection didn't exist before this. It was brought to [i]this[/i] world from all of them - don't know how, don't know why - but it's here now, and it's making this world inexistent. This is where we need you. By yourselves you are just humans with no other power to fight except your humanity. But as there is something that has caused perfection to appear, the Seven needed to give you their powers to help you defeat it. I suspect that the one is an extremely powerful digimon from another level." "Wait a second!" Laissana interrupted. "Why are you telling us this [i]now[/i]? It could have helped us if we've known why we are here from the beginning!" "I understand your anger, Miss Laissana, but the Seven asked me to explain this to you, and as you know, I experienced the emptiness not so long ago, and I needed to get things organized in my head before I could tell them to you. I tried the last time we met, but I failed to keep the curse out of my mind. Now I've told you the most important things you need to know..." "Wait!" Eirica shouted suddenly. "What about Biyomon? When she was that awful Coronamon she said she was the [i]true[/i] avatar of sun, a daemon-avatar. What did she mean?" "Yes, the daemons. The one behind this all has created its own avatars, just to destroy you with your own powers. But it made the error of using digimons instead of humans, because apparently it hates humans more than anything. On the other hand, it's understandable, as you people have caused us so much misery with your programs and data abuse. But you are the ones who created the Digital Worlds, so basically you have the right to use it for your own advantage. But this is all confusing you, so let's not discuss over this anymore." "You talked of the daemons in plural. Do you mean there are more of them?" Ari asked concerned. "Sure. At this point I know of seven, just like you, but the one behind this will probably make more if you defeat the present ones. That is why you must act hastily. I've mentioned earlier the center of holes. I think the one we're looking for hides in one of the centers. Others may include more Eyes of Perfection. Remember, the Eyes are [i]extremely dangerous[/i] for you! The perfection itself can catch you if you linger near them like you did last night." "Can they be destroyed, then?" Rosso asked. "Yes. They are devices of the perfection, so you must find a way to focus some humanity into the Eye, and it will nullify itself. Same goes with the holes too, but of course with a far bigger scale." "How can we actually focus our humanity?" Ari asked. "Well, you have... I mean, think... I mean... Oh bugger..." To these words, Sagemon collapsed down from the mushroom. Alphamon rushed to his master. "Masta! Are ye alrighty? Oh brother... 'T is really bad. We must go now. Good luck to y'all!" Alphamon waved his tiny hand as a goodbye, and then disappeared with his master. "Oh, poor old Sagemon... He's so wise! And yet he has to suffer from his wisdom..." Eirica said. Ari came to comfort him. Rosso glanced at Laissana. "You want manly comfort too?" he asked grinning naughtily. "Yes, right after you show me a [i]man[/i] who I can get it from, [i]Tiny[/i]!" she grinned back. "Ouch! Bull's-eye, darling!" Rosso replied and winked his eye. EPISODE SIXTEEN: TROUBLE WITH LOYALTY The four young humans left the glade, and entered the strangest forest they had seen this far: a forest of giant mushrooms. The mushrooms were as tall as trees, and a carpet of fungus covered the ground. "Eww! This is gross!" Laissana complained. "I thought you French loved to eat slimy things?" Ari smirked. "Yes, [i]eat[/i] them, not walk on them!" They continued forward, until they decided to make a camp to a small opening. "There's no way we can get these burning without Kang!" Rosso said. "He was the only one who knew how to make a fire." "I'm not even too sure if these fungi will burn..." Ari said. Laissana sighed, and sat under a huge toadstool. She was just about to fall into sleep when she heard strange buzzing right above her. She opened her eyes, looked up to the top of the mushroom, and... "Eek!!!" The purple-haired girl was faced with a big, metallic beetle. Eirica was grouching for some juicy berries growing among the mushrooms, when she heard Laissana scream. She was just about to turn around when she saw in front of her a yellow frog armed with shurikens. "Don't make a move, quack!" it shouted. The frog and the beetle drove the four kids to the center of the small glade. Then a third digimon appeared amongst the fungi. It was a chameleon wearing military helmet. "So, you dared to enter Booglem Forest? Boss expected that from you..." "Who are you?" Ari asked. He was afraid to use the digidex because it made such a noise, and the creatures might take it away from him. "My name is general Chameleomon, and these are my men, captain Frogmon and sergeant Searchmon. We are the Booglem Militia - and you're arrested!" the chameleon introduced. "So, a militia... Where are the rest of you?" Rosso asked cunningly. "What rest?" Chameleomon asked confused. "I kind of thought you would answer that way..." Rosso replied, and quickly took out his green amplifier, putting his link into it. "Power of Earth is my Source! Wardenmon, the beast avatar of Earth!" The fierce beast looked at turned his moose-head towards the astounded digimons. "So, are you still arresting us, little ones?" Wardenmon smirked. "Militia, attack him!" general Chameleomon ordered. "[i]Jamming Hertz![/i]" Searchmon shouted launching an electric pulse towards Wardenmon. "[i]Leaf Wheel Cutter![/i]" Frogmon quacked throwing its razor-sharp shurikens. "[i]Guardian Spirit![/i]" Wardenmon exclaimed, and captured his two opponents with his attack. "Apparently I have to do it myself!" Chameleomon sighed. "[i]Tongue Whip![/i]" But the general didn't stand a chance, and he was captured by Wardenmon's attack as well. Ari walked to the Militia. "So, start talking. Who's the "boss" you mentioned." "No need to answer, general. I'm here!" a deep, hollow voice grumbled behind them. Ari looked back, and saw a big, roughly human-shaped monster covered in moss entering the opening. It had long, red claws and it wore a wooden mask with two big horns in it. "I am Treehumon, the avatar of Earth!" the monster announced "Oh, not one of [i]those[/i] again!" Rosso sighed, rolling his eyes. "The lousy twit failed, but I am much stronger! [i]Bewitched Trees![/i]" Long roots rose rapidly from the ground, binding first Wardenmon, who lost its power changing back to Rosso, then the three other kids. The Booglem Militia was released from its spiritual prison. "Get them, my servants, and follow me! I must contact the master." The Chosen were tied to four long mushroom stems, and the Booglem Militia was left to guard them when Treehumon went to talk to its master. But Eirica noticed that the digimons were acting a bit unsure, so she decided to take a risk and talk them. "Psst, captain Frogmon!" she whispered to the digimon nearest to her. "What, quack?" "Why do you do this? Why do you serve that creature? Don't you know he's up to no good?" "What do you mean?" Frogmon asked, gaining curiosity. "Well, your boss's master is the one behind the holes of emptiness destroying this world." "You're lying! There are no holes around here - boss promised us!" "But there will be!" Then sergeant Searchmon interrupted their dialogue. "What are you whizpering here?" it asked suspiciously. Frogmon leaned to it, and told everything Eirica had said. "Are you zure? Zhe might be lying- zhe'z a human, remember?" "Yeah, quack, but what if she isn't lying?" "I'm not, honestly!" Eirica shouted quickly. "You're helping the destroyer of the Digital World, trust me! Just release us, and I will prove it to you!" "A-alright, but just you for now, quack. [i]Leaf Wheel Cutter![/i]" Frogmon's blade struck Eirica's ties, and she fell to the ground. This attracted Chameleomon's attention. "What are you doing, idiots! Boss specifically ordered us..." "Just listen to what she has to say, quack!" Frogmon advised. Eirica lead the three digimons to the direction the daemon avatar had just gone. She prayed the God she was right... and she was. They found Treehumon kneeling in front of a whirling ball of multicolored light - another Eye of Perfection! "Master, I have only four... I don't know where the rest of them are! Please forgive me, o perfect one!" The Militia looked shocked. They were working for their worst enemy the whole time! "He promised..." Chameleomon said. Unfortunately its boss heard this, and it saw them. "You! I told you to... What? You've released the prisoners?! Curse you! [i]Bewitched Trees![/i]" Eirica knew she had to act fast, so she took out her D.A.D. and the human avatar link. "Power of Sun is my Source! Minervamon, the human avatar of Sun!" Minervamon grabbed Frogmon and Searchmon into her arms, but Treehumon's magical roots captured the poor general Chameleomon. "Go, human!" the general shouted, before the daemon's claws struck it to a rain of data. Minervamon flew rapidly to the glade. "Frogmon, release my friends!" The leaf shurikens flew through the air, and cut Ari's and Laissana's binds, but missed Rosso's. At the same time Treehumon reached them. Ari and Laissana managed to run among the mushrooms, but Rosso was left struggling to the mushroom stem he was bound to. "Oh no!" Minervamon gasped as Treehumon prevented her to help the boy. The daemon's claws sliced the stem right below Rosso's feet, and the mushroom tumbled down. Rosso's ties broke, but his leg was caught under the trunk, and Treehumon had spotted him![/font]
  22. Err, nobody said anything about Sin's head... :smirk: The issue was the LOGO, and I said I saw Tidus's head in it, but now I see that I was wrong. :bluesweat
  23. I'm afraid that's not how these things work... :( Of course it's sad that something like that happens, but there's really no way for the staff to know if it's REALLY true. :huh: Well, Watinabe should just accept his brother's idiotism and find some other messageboard... and punish his lil'bro in a very serious way. :devil:
  24. WOW, Takuya! That's some plot twist! ;) Unfortunately it seems to me that this RPG is dying away, so I guess we shouldn't torture this anymore... Is it okay if I write an ending to "Fight For Friendship", and then the Master's would maybe continue their adventures in another game a little later? Well, I'll at least start the ending now...:( *************** Fuujinmon woke up in a dark space. This was at the border of the Digital Lands. Those pitiful Masters almost got her... The virus inside the queen of skies was enraged. [b]"The Trinity must gather now! Call your brothers!!!"[/b] The digimon had no other option to obey. She knew this would bring the entire university into chaos, but she was no longer in control of herself. The Biyomon inside was deeply sad. She hadn't known that the M.A.G.E.-virus had controlled Haku... and now there was nothing she could do. If only she and her brothers hadn't gone back to revenge... Fuujinmon knew the only weakness of the virus. If it was separated from a host for even half a minute, it would be destroyed, as it could only live through enslaved minds. The sick human-programmer that had created the virus had been the first one, and now the virus was controlling three of the most strongest digimon. It was scattered, but it's power was growing still. But now Fuujinmon felt the urge to get out of the dark dimension, and return to the digital one.
  25. Ginny: Hmm, wonder who you got Keio from... ;) Okay, since I've been fantasy-freak for about six years now, I've used hordes of names in my POTENTIAL stories, ie. stories/worlds/characters I've planned, but which have never got any further. I'm definately NOT going to list them here... well, except the all-time favorites, that for some reason linger on and on: A legend is Keenan - one of my first male heroes that adventured in the land called Behlheim with his princess-wife Chelda (this was my Eddings-period) Some newer ones are: Lucan Drett - male hero in several story-ideas, in most of them he's a red-head thief Neyra Brayne - heroine that's always either a redhead or blonde, a knight or a princess Marco/Iron Straffe - mysterious gunner in several of my science-fantasy-storyideas (term that mixes sci-fi and fantasy ;) ) Cyracis Cygne - or "Black Swan", a bad sorceress that resembles A LOT of Edea in Final Fantasy 8 Then even newer ones: I planned an RPG called Ominous (Quest) to be started for this very boards, but it wasn't THAT good an idea... Anyhow, it included three rival treasure hunter-groups that chased the 13 legendary artifacts. The leaders are/were: Akee Seabreeze of Starbuccaneers Jeth Claymore of Arcana Magii, and Seraphia Vesta of Visionnaires (BTW, if anybody is interested to work this idea more further, I'd be glad to hear from you ;) ) Few sidecharacters in the would have been: Serious Sid (mad clown-dude ;) ) Ajax Claymore (Jeth's father) Millenia Vesta (Seraphia's mother) Baba Mesmera (fortune-teller) Vicent Lucai (some undetermined guy in the story :rolleyes: ) Trust me; this isn't even a 0,5 percent of all the names I've come up with! And there's plenty to come in the future, since there are infinite number of ways to combine letters. ;)
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