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Cloud Strife

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Everything posted by Cloud Strife

  1. I'm currently watching Godannar, and Tenjou Tenge. Loving Godannar and really enjoying the fighting and comedy in TT. Recommend them both to all. :D
  2. [quote name='Guyver4']Godannar: from the series of the same name. Just one of my favorite mecha designs.[/quote] /agree Who wouldn't like a giant robot anime the is always making fun of giant robot anime. :D
  3. Metalocalypse: I love this show cause you can't help but laugh when they try to make some of the strangest things "Metal". Plus, since I already love heavy metal, the comedy just tops the cake. X-men: This cartoon was all I watched in the 90's for sure! I found a youtube channel where the dude has all the old marvel cartoons up, if you want to know the channel, hit me up via email or PM. Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Hey, if you don't like this show, then you have no real sense of humor. :D Robot Chicken: Seth Green. Nuff said. :P (Edited due to grammar Nazis. Cause we all know it's a sin to make a typo.)
  4. I hate it when you're watching a subbed anime and the person who subbed it doesn't know how to speak real english. "You die shall!" and other such mistakes are irritating.
  5. Here is a picture of his collection that's a few years old. You would need to add another whole dvd shelf, and fill the open spots. [URL]http://www.kimballstuff.com/share/VideoShelves-medium.jpg[/URL]
  6. What's up? New guy here. You can call me Cloud / Catastrophe / Colossus any and all work. I'm very opininated and love to have civil discussions about anything. I work hard as a construction worker and enjoy coming home and tossing in a good video game or movie. I like almost every anime I have ever seen, and I'm still watching. It's easy when your best friend literally has a wall of anime a literal 10 foot by 15 foot wall. Well, that's about it. Any questions? Ask. :D
  7. List of games I've played over 100 hours. Xenogears Final Fantasy 3,7,10 CoDMW Gears of War 2 Grand Theft Auto 4 Metal Gear Solid 3 World Of Warcraft (Does this game really count?) Aion Street Fighter 4 Halo 3 God of War Smackdown VS Raw 09 And many others, but these are the ones that come to mind right now. PS: Xenogears = One of the best RPGs of all time.
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