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Everything posted by goldmaster23

  1. Ok, I haven't played Crystal, but the Unowns may have hidden Power of ANY type and the power of 50, 60 or 70. Considering Unown's are the only pkmn that learn hidden Power Naturally, I think we should actually respect them, and make a team with our name! ^_~
  2. As alreadly stated, the GS ball can be found only in the Japanese version of Crystal, You're supposed to recieve all 16 badges and then hook up with a friend, etc. The GS ball is supposed to stand for Gold Silver Ball, Considering these are the colours of the 2 games. And the pokemon is the time traveller, Celebi. What else? If you want to know, Celebi and Mew have the exact same Max Stats with: HP:403 Att/Def/Spc/Spd: 298. Hope it sums it up! ^_~
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]I've been playing my Pokemon Gold copy for about 2 years now, and I agree it gets boring, though I can always seem to find something to do on it when I play it from time to time.... :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with you, but I always find new ways to raise my monsters! ^_~
  4. Every 512 steps makes a happiness level go up. I tried it with my eevee when I was Unown hunting. I think it went up 2 happiness levels. ^_~
  5. Ok, half the stuff I've been hearing is true... Cloning can actually happen, but we just need the right Technology to create it. Just think of this: Starmie/Staryu: Starfish Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree: Caterpillar, Caccoon, Butterfly... Get my point? 3/4 of the pokemon are based on living creatures. ^_~
  6. Ok, these are the nicknames I have came up with: Sunflora: Sunlight Suicune: Mystic Miltank: Milky... And the list goes on... ^_~
  7. I'd also get rid of Meowth. Meowth may be the orignal, but he's finding his way to go out of Team Rocket. Who wouldn't want a cat that dosen't battle? Arbok is becoming one of My fav's... He has a Glare attack which makes the opponent Paralyzed and that's a 50% of your opponent's pokemon not hitting. Woobuffet can be useful... Espically with it's Mirror Coat and Counter... Jessie Dosen't know that yet. Weezing... Sludge Attack (I can hear it now) That does make the opponent poisoned... And remember, James Was planning to teach it Hyper Beam... Victreebell: It screams like a girl (no offense to any girls out there ;) ), but... It must be a male, because it eats Humans... I'd say Meowth... Or atleast evolve it ;) ^_~
  8. Congrats Paul... Here's another one: Every 512 steps. ^_~
  9. Well... Considering I'm like a noctowl (Noctornal) I'm planning to start a dark team (with the expansions of pokemon that comes out @ night. (With the adding of Shuckle [Being my favourite.]) Shuckle Starmie Umbreon Tyranitar Murkrow Misdrevus How's that? I have the perfect moveset for Shuckle as well! ^_^
  10. It hasn't messed up my game, it's doing quite good, actually. ^_~
  11. No team is unbeatable. That's what I learnt. ^_~
  12. We had plenty of the eeveelutions, moonstone, sunstone, and other ways as well. ^_~
  13. It's 20, actually. I have 2 pidgeots at the moment, one @ lv.50 and the other at lv.55 ^_~
  14. Nope, the red gyarados is always 10 stats behind, a normal Gyarados could beat it. Mine is shuckle or Crobat, I can't go without either one in a team... ^_~
  15. The only way is by gameshark... My mew is at lv.10 at the moment, and I'm raising it! ^_~
  16. :laugh: That is funny! If I could suggest one, a White Charizard, or a golden politoed would be nice. ^_~
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