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Everything posted by NaptimeHero

  1. Well im relatively new here at OB, but i can agree that when im on it does feel empty...also since im one of those 17 year olds that have a infinite amount of free time ill gladly help out in anyway i can actually i have a few ideas :p one idea that came to me recently is that someobody (or ill do it) should take the graphic worms and make 'em wrap around a shirt all spirally like and then we could distribute them and i think that'd be great advertising. another idea is that we simply have somebody (or me again) make a iron-on of OB's logo and then just put em on a shirt we have laying around. :catgirl: comfort and advertising.
  2. I dunno if you could call it practical but if i could create small little creatures made completely out of neon colored lights...that would be amazing...it would be even more amazing if i could alter their appearance, behaviors and abilities. Now if i had to go with something more practical I would probably agree with Jax, being a fully capable physic would be cool too
  3. well after reading the whole topic i have a bit to agree and disagree with... first, I'm one of those types that will watch a series online and if i like it enough ill follow through on my responsibility to purchase it afterwords (or when it comes out in the states) second, im one of those people that attempt to draw/write and even if i made it big i wouldnt really mind if anything of mine was pirated...just from my point of view I'd rather have a few people appreciating it for free than a million or so buying it and not really enjoying it, but that's just me... also, the whole legal thing...its against the law most anywhere you go so really if you download the stuff, no matter what you're still committing piracy. So I guess its up to the people themselves whether its ethical or not. :animestun
  4. well honestly im a bit to lazy to look back and see if this has been brought up before...but have you ever seen a scene of anime that made you cry? i have...Fate/Stay Night was probably the worst for me...just the ending in general...
  5. if i had to pilot anything i'd have to say it'd be eva 04 :smirk: [IMG]http://www.xybertoys.com/catalog/images/eva_04_gallery.jpg[/IMG]
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