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About Fourth World
- Birthday 11/22/1987
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[quote name='chibi-master']That's what I was going for, yes. Actually it's just amusing to see someone get so riled up over some weird rock guy...:catgirl:[/quote] [B] That's it, make your petty jokes. Darkseid sees what you're really doing. Covering up that sickly, gnawing fear in your gut that was created the moment you heard his blessed name. There's no reason to run from it! Would you try to escape the night? He is just as inevitable, just as natural. Accept his will and bear the yoke of it freely and your death will be that much more bearable.[/B]
[quote name='chibi-master']Psh. My overlord is better than yours.:p[/quote] [B]That's a good joke.[/B] [B]Too bad Darkseid hates jokes.[/B]
[quote name='Nerdsy'][COLOR=deeppink]Given his track record with servants, I doubt he'll fare much better with replacements. There are only so many times a despot's lackies can fail before it becomes the despot's fault for not being able to hire competant employees.[/COLOR][/quote] [B]Since Darkseid took control of nearly the entire planet and broke down all space and time before his demise, I'd say his track record is actually pretty good. He just needs to keep his eyes open for minor glitches in his plan that set off-chain reactions causing his defeat.[/B] [quote name='Nerdsy'][COLOR=deeppink]This brings to mind that one time where Darkseid was simply going to kill Mister Miracle outright, but Mister Miracle talked him out of it by pointing out that if Darkseid killed everyone who didn't obey him or like him, he'd be all by himself. In other words, Darkseid is just lonely. It's pitiable, really. : ([/COLOR][/quote] [B]Darkseid is not "lonely". He aknowledges that he will at one point turn the entire universe into a dark mirror of his soul, cracked, burned and empty, and when he finally looks upon it as a mirror of himself he will finally know what fear is. Until that day, however, he needs as much pain and suffering as possible. It's his air, his driving force. What's the point of destroying everything if you can't see people suffer along the way?[/B] [quote name='Nerdsy'][COLOR=deeppink]Sorry, won't work.[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]What a great ultimate weapon. It'll enslave you unless you're touched by the speed force, can fingerpaint, or are Renee Montoya.[/COLOR][/quote] [SIZE=2][B]What's that? I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear you over the sound of the complete enslavement of three billion people in an instant. Even if you do manage to scrawl one of those abominable living God-language sigils on your face, you won't live long enough to see it work. You neighbors, your family, everyone you know will rend you limb from limb in his dark name. And they will love him for allowing them to do it.[/B][/SIZE]
The Most Awesome Non-Japanese Animated Works In Your Opinion
Fourth World replied to stararnold's topic in Noosphere
[SIZE=1][B]Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited, Batman Beyond. Okay, so maybe I'm biased.[/B][/SIZE] -
[quote name='Nerdsy'][COLOR=deeppink]Oh yeah, you mean that part where, after subjugating most of the world and completely ravaging nearly every metahuman organization on the planet for weeks, a powerless human prisoner with delusions of being a ninja broke out of his Darkseid's prison, waltzed into his throne room and just shot him? Yeah, that totally happens to the greats all the time.[/COLOR][/quote][COLOR=deeppink] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Black][B]That was not great lord Darkseid's fault. Rather, Simyan and Mokkarri were unable to contain the Batman for the mild-melding process which would have yielded and army of clones for Him. Darkseid was failed by his servants and will select more trustworthy ones after torturing those two pathetic scientists in his Flesh-Vats.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [/COLOR][quote name='Nerdsy'][COLOR=deeppink]By the way, how's it coming with killing the darned Mister Miracle? You know, that New God who's only special ability is he can pick a lock [I]really[/I] well? OH WAIT.[/COLOR][/quote] [B] He escaped Death. So has Darkseid, when he ripped himself free from the Source Wall. It's simply a matter of time before Scott Free realizes that there are no chains and locks to break when the whole room around him, the very air that he breaths is Darkseid. When he does, his only escape will be into the cold embrace of death, and he will discover that Darkseid owns that too. You seem quite interested in argument. Dissent. Perhaps when your soul ingests The Equation you will finally see the truth. [/B]
[SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] David Brumner [B]Supervillain Name:[/B] Scarab [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance: [/B]Tall, with a thin and toned build. A gymnast's or swimmer's body rather than a boxer's. His face is contoured with hard, almost ice-like features and his wavy brown hair is parted to the left, cut just above his shoulders. His round, rimless glasses hide his dark brown eyes, and he usually wears dark blues, browns and blacks. Suit pants, jackets and turtlenecks are all in his usual wardrobe. [B]Personality: [/B]Full of dry wit and sarcasm, David usually rubs people the wrong way on their first encounter. Since he's used to being surrounded by dumb students he natural arms himself with a "I'm-smarter-than-you" aura. Once someone gets to know him, however, they find him to be a caring and intensely loyal friend, if not still dry and sarcastic. [B]Powers: [/B]Relying on gadgets and technology more than anything, David himself is devoid of traditional "powers". Rather, everything he carries is utilizes reverse-engineering from an alien power-source, which I shall detail here later in a bio. [B]Equipment: [/B][U]BB Gun[/U] - A homage to the second Blue Beetle's primary weapon, the new BB Gun utilizes Reach technology to run indefinitely without recharging or a power source. Its standard ability is to blind opponents with a optic-frying burst of light, but it has many other settings including compressed air-blasts capable of knocking down a charging rhino, grappling gun, high-precision laser, electricity arcs and nausea-inducing subsonic waves. [U]Scarab Suit[/U] - Though David doesn't wear the actual Scarab as his armor, he has successfully transplanted some of it's functions into a costume of his own design. Its base is a metallic mesh capable of withstanding small-arms fire, with flexible metal plates positioned at "hard-points" on his body (such as the chest, shoulders, forearms, knees and shins) which provide additional protection. His goggles provide him with an HUD that links into a personal program encrypted into his suit's own computer, which provides him with several different visions (night, thermal, magnification) and protect him from the flash of his BB gun. There are also large casings on his back which explode outwards from his body on command to reveal hard-silicon wings, thin as paper and lighter than air. By activating a personal magnet which repels him from Earth's gravity, he is capable of using these wings to glide and fly at his direction with speeds approaching one hundred miles per hour. [B]I have to go to work, but more can come later. Is this enough for now?[/B] [/SIZE]
[quote name='Nerdsy'][COLOR=deeppink]How great can someone be if they can be destroyed by singing?[/COLOR][/quote] [B]Look, followers of Darkseid are always getting this crap, and you know what? A) Darkseid was already weakened by being shot with a GOD-KILLING BULLET. B) His defenses were not raised yet as he was busy with that whole process where he turns into a post-physical quasi-conceptual GOD. Let's see you do that on a good day. Plus, y'now, it was Superman singing. That guy can do anything. ... BUT ONE DAY HE TOO SHALL KNEEL.[/B]
New Members: Introduce Yourselves Here
Fourth World replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Sara'][FONT=helvetica]Who were you?[/FONT][/quote] Oh Lord, you probably didn't know me. I went by The Original, and I mostly used this site for RPing. I remember you, though. The other names I remember are Raiha, PyroMonkey, TansitNerve aaaaaaaand that's about it. -
[quote name='CaNz'] simplified code of the sith... does this make me good at math?[/quote] [B]Puny mortal. Those deluded Sith are too concerned with the idea of "self". They fail to recognize that there is no such thing as personal identity or individuality. Once they are taught that all living and nonliving things are merely extensions of the great Darkseid's will they will kneel and die for him just as any other being should. DARKSEID IS.[/B]
[B]loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly love=lies, life=death, self=dark side[/B]
Do not fret. When dread Darkseid reveals himself to our wretched world he shall bind all children in iron shackles where they shall dredge out his fire-pits for the rest of their short and pathetic lives, regardless of their previous behavior. Seriously though, you're just getting older and noticing stuff. We were brats too, we just don't remember it.
New Members: Introduce Yourselves Here
Fourth World replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
Hello. I've been a previous member of this site, but it was ages ago (or five years, minimum). I remembered this place and figured I'd try it out again. Who knows, maybe I'll stay this time. Though I was a raving anime fan when last I post here, I have since switched into an alarming obsession with American comic-books, specifically superhero ones. So, expect a lot of talk on that subject outta me. Also, I am a devout servant of the dread lord Darkseid. All is one in his terrible embrace.