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- Birthday 12/13/1984
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yeah i'm actually just starting to rewatch this series. (that is how much i like it) I oringally watched the subbed versions on a fan subbing site and just recently noticed it on Netflixs so I started watching it all over again. The only thing I don't know is Netflixs had like 8 or 9 vols of Soul Eater. I only remember like 30 something episodes from the fan subbing site (which the conclusion was great) Is there another season I missed somewhere??? I'll have to further investigate.... Personally i hate Death the kid, I find him more annoying than Black Star.... This is why I love Maki who is the sole sensible one of the trio of meisters. As for the Weapons, Tsubaki is definatly really cool and interesting, Patty and Liz are twits and Soul is by far the coolest of the bunch.
I see a trend and i'm going to continue it. I too started watching Toonami, Adult Swim and the like. These were great stuff. Sailor Moon, DBZ, Gundam Wing, Cowboy Bebop and all the others still strike a chord with me today. However I can definately say that my tastes have changed. Granted I started watching somewhere around 14 (and I'm now 26) and didn't know most of what I was watching was edited. I can deal with the dubbing to the extent but I really opened my eyes when i saw a DBZ uncut. I was surprised how much they cut out of the series for the US tv. I basically have looked for anime that wasn't edited or pumped full of fillers where before I was perfectly happy with whatever I was watching. To be honest the main reason I've lost interest in Naruto and Bleach was due to they had a ton of fillers and didn't even try to hide that they were fillers. Currently the only long ongoing series that I'm still actively watching is One Piece (mainly due to very little filler and the filler that they do have is entwined into the story rather well) I've actually been on the hunt for new series that peak my interest. Some have been great and other are down right terrible but I at least give them an episode or 2 to hook me. My taste has definatly moved away from the mainstream and has actually moved more towards Manga. (when I intially tried to read right to left I has issues at first but it has gotten better) Mainly due to the story being just the story and not random filler or special crossover episodes (yes I'm talking to u One Piece just stick with the story)
I was catching up on Air Gear and then i saw this thread.... Had to post this one [color="#FF0000"][link removed][/color] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]Please don't post links to illegal manga viewing or anime streaming sites in the future; we don't need to be held liable for linking to illegal content. ~Sangome[/font][/color]
Manga One Piece Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
rotlung replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='JamesMay' timestamp='1293567499' post='703425'] im up to chapter 75 or so in this series. Honestly becoming bored with it. Gonna take a long break and see if it peaks my interest in the future [/quote] Actually with the events of Fishman Island they actaully keep refering back to Arlong Will. They have also mentioned how the Strawhats crushed Arlong"s Will and Hodi and company have a chip on their shoulder against the Strawhats. We've also seen several character pop up from earlier in the series that become allies for some reason or another. Everyone from Crocdile to Hachi from Arlong's crew. -
Due to work, the gf, and the dog I had to cut back on watching anime... I used to keep up with Bleach, Naruto and One Piece but I cut back to one due to well life. (when with One Piece still love that show to death) Anyway I'm trying to find where I left off in Naruto. I don't have time to just go through a bunch of episodes trying to figure it out. So I come here looking for help. The last few things that I remember happening the big fight with Sausake and Itachi just happened and Sauske found out the whole back story about his brother. Honestly even if someone could get me within a couple episode of that I'd be grateful. It would just save me time looking for it. Thanks in advance
FLCL is definatly random.... I was reminded of EL Kabong the way she swings around that bass guitar.... Oh and remember "iukulele no good" Elreka 7 is a good series but the show is about a group of surfers that travel around trying to mess with the goverment. The #1 way they mess with them is releasing a magizine with photos of scatally clad women.......
[quote name='Dragon Warrior' timestamp='1295888720' post='704210'] I don't mind boobs haha. It just seems ridiculous when every single character has large ones, 'cause it's just those creators being perverted it seems :P That's one reason why Hayao Miyazaki is so good... because he actually doesn't attempt to make characters ridiculously unreal. In fact, he makes a lot of his main characters plain looking. I've seen Cowboy Bebop and while I didn't mind Faye too much, I didn't get drawn in for some reason; which is weird, actually. It's space pirates and bounty hunters... I love that stuff. [/quote] Most likely the same reason u didn't like One Piece. One Piece is one of the few animes that each character evolves. Even the ones that aren't a major role, Coleby is an excellent example of this. Readers meet him in the first few chapters and see him as a pansy and coward. Later after he joins the Marines he does a 180 with his personality. I actually think he's going to end up becoming Luffy's Marine counterpart.... My point is though sometimes u have to watch/read more into a series before giving up on it. Granted I gave up on Bleach due to issues with filler episodes (i hate bleach filler episodes with a passion!!!!!) I understand the unreal characters and the series I mentioned above are very down to earth. With the exception of Hunter x Hunter I think none of them have the slapstick u see with most anime. (athough Cowboy Bebop might have a little now that I think about it....)
Cowboy Bebop may peak ur interest. Grant one of the characters is well endowed but she is most definatly not 16 either.... Hunter x Hunter is also a great option. Very interesting plot and with the exception of one slow part the series was fast paced and exceiting. Inital D is made from where Japan learned to drift. Very realistic anime (no stereotype here at all) The animation is also really good for the mid 90's. I loved the series and was all 3 seasons and the OVA movie. Hajime no Ippo is also a very realistic anime. About a boy who learns to box and how he and his teammates work through the ranks. Those are the anime I can think of that definatly fit ur model. I have a couple more in mind but idk if u could stand the boucing boobies....
Manga One Piece Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
rotlung replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Otaku Central
I also liked at the end of the latest chapter it's predicted that a man with a ripped straw hat will destroy fishman island. Granted Luffy could do something stupid and pop the bubble but I have a feeling it might be someone else with a straw hat (shanks maybe....) Also I like how they show the aftermath of Luffy's Haki and how he gauges opponents now. -
[quote name='Magus' timestamp='1294527823' post='703723'] If that's what you wanted you could've just came to me (need devil smilie). Seriously though, there was once a time where I never watched fansubs simply because I never liked the idea of watching anime in front of a computer (and I was a 56k user as well) and there was a chance that some good shows would pop up on Cartoon Network/Adult Swim (so much for that). Now that I have wireless and highspeed and that type of stuff, yeah, whatever. I'll take free any day of the week. However, I just recently started renting anime from Blockbuster now so yeah. [/quote] most people were turned off by watching "tv programing" on a small computer screen. I personally solved that problem with a HDMI to DVI cable I bought off Newegg.com for like $12. Now my 38" flatscreen is my computer screen. It suddenly makes sites like Hulu and Netflix so much better cause i can sit and watch them with friends and family. @Sangome What I'm talking about in with the translation thing has 3 major parts. 1. words like Nakama don't have good translation in english. Literally translated it means friend (which is what One Piece uses in Dubbing) The word extends to companion, shipmate, partner etc. The subbing site I watch explained this before one of the episodes and that they weren't going to translate Nakama cause it didn't have a good translation. 2 vulger and curse words. In dubbing they intend most anime to be for kids. They exclude and rewrite things so they can be marketed to US childern. I remember watching DBZ uncut when I was in High school and my jaw dropped how much they cursed and the gore that when along with that series. Sexual situtions also fall into this catagory. 3. The fan sub work hard on some translations. In one episode of Black Lagoon, there is a part where the bad guy starts speaking spanish (It was another launguge than Japenese, can't remember 100%) He has this whole speech that reminded me of Boondock Saints, and at the end of the video there was a message that thanked several people helping him correctly translate the Spanish part due to how fast it was spoken and it's complicity. Now i will grant some translations are off and just downright wrong. However other sites put a very hard effort in translating properly and teaching the veiwer about Japenese customs, sayings and word play (which always goes over my head...) Finally @ Tentacle If a website is able to create a demand like u described then I'm sure they are able to make plenty of money in ads on their site. It makes more sense to make everything digital and cut out the middle man and not have to produce actually DVD's. It cuts overhead and most likely makes the distributors as much money if not more thanks to the paid ads on all the fansites.
[quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1294743848' post='703794'] I dunno if this is going to be an all new story or a twist on the Silver Samurai story twisted... but I can't say it looks fantastic.The art looks cheesy... do they have to use every cliche Japanese scene at once? The character design could be worse... but it really doesn't look like Wolverine at all... without those claws I would be lost. On a second note... why is it always Wolverine that gets these spin off shows? there are plenty of other cool characters that havent had there stories reused so many times that they need to throw him into japan to make him interesting[/rant] [/quote] Wolverine is one the most in depth characters in the Marvel Universe. He also has the average Joe thing going for him. Other superhero can fly, teleport, conjure whatever kind of element and wolverine is grounded in the fact that he can only heal. Wolverine feels pain, and emotions more vividly then most superheroes and I think that sets him apart. It's also nice to have knives like his at ur disposal.
Here is my 2 cents on this subject.... First of,f I'm not one to go out and buy an anime series. Granted I will watch a box set on Netflix but that is about it. If it wasn't for fansubbing sites I wouldn't watch anime. I might see something I like on Cartoon Networrk and watch the series. My point is I enjoy watching fansubs and also believe they give a better translation then dubbing. I keep up with show I find interesting and get to watch them a day or so after they are released in Japan. I also get to see brand new series just released from Japan like IS: Infinate Stratos. It literally just was released on tv last week and I've watched the first episode a couple times. I couldn't ask for more. Also on the whole dvd sales.... I have a feeling it won't be long before almost everything is streamed over an internet connection. I already have sites like hulu (which has quite a impressive anime collection might I add) which have shown a site can be profitable and legal. It is just a matter of time before these fansubbing site simplely go legit. I think that is what the anime companies should be pushing for rather then dvd sales.... Companies need to be forward thinking in order to survive. If they don't they will go the way of the dinosaur.
Yeah just from the trailer I hate it. They have completely warped Wolverine for me.... I mean a mullet seriously.... I know Logan had a bad hairstyle but he never went that far... I think the idea of recreating marvel characters for the Japan audience was a great idea but something went wrong..... IDK maybe I'm just a fan of the old school Marvel cartoons here in the states and can't even begin to like this...
Manga One Piece Manga [Warning: Spoilers]
rotlung replied to Tatsubei Yagyu's topic in Otaku Central
I've enjoyed the "under the sea" chapters so far. We've gotten to see glimpses of everyone's new ablities and have been shown how they would have never made this far 2 years ago.... The end of the lastest chapter raises a few questions about Arlong and what became of his crew. I want to know where Jimbei and Hachi are.. (as well as their mermaid can't for the life of me remember her name.... I know it starts with a C... )