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Everything posted by rotlung

  1. I think Jimber will be a starw hat friend and not a crewmate. The same can be said for the Hancock and company as well as Rayleigh and Shanky. Now that the whole crew is almost back together it should be very interesting... they just need to pick up Brooks, Zoro Sanji and Luffy.
  2. yeah but she is a Vivi sort of character where her own battle skills are too low.... Plus she doesn't really have any skills that benifit the crew.... Literally she's a waitress...
  3. I'll agree that I would definatly like to see Camie in future chapters as well as Hachi. Both will be great guides through Fishman Island. I could totally see her learning Fishman Karate from Jimbei lol which would be awesome
  4. I like Zoro new look he realy didn' change much other than losin an eye. Also I am wondering how that happened??? Sill want to know how Luffy got that scar too..... Franky finally got rid of that Elvis hair thank god. I'm not sure if I like or hate his new look. Cause he is here to PUMP U UP!!! Luffy"s Haki is awesome. I expected him to do more ass kicking than that to the fake Luffy but Luffy was told to have a low profile by Hancock... Also looks like no fo the Amazon women are joining the crew
  5. Air Gear- Boy flies with Motorized skates One Piece- Luffy adventuring with wild friends DBZ- No Vegeta. It's over 9000!!!! 0-+Air Master- Girl street fighter kicks butt Hunter x Hunter- Gon searching for his father
  6. [quote name='Phenom' date='26 August 2010 - 10:05 AM' timestamp='1282831544' post='699876'] [b]IGPX[/b] was another one I felt was underrated. Racing and Mecha, two genre's I'm not a fan of and made one interesting package. (If you've ever wondered why I can't stand the friendship theme/speech it's because of this series lol) The fights can get pretty exciting especially with some of the well known teams. The main character, Takashi/Takeshi, while decent/good in the 1st season, he can really turn you off in the 2nd season. But I suppose for people that like seeing folk go through some type of conflict (within themself and taking it out on those around them) then I think you'll like him. But for the most part it has a great cast of characters, tells a nice story and has great action. [/quote] I ddin't know IGPX was an anime the first time I saw it was on CN and I loved both seasons of it. It focused not only on the racing but on the teams crew and pilots and how they ajusted to fame, reconition and the pressure they were under to preform.
  7. [quote name='Phenom' date='30 September 2010 - 11:36 PM' timestamp='1285904183' post='700827'] Uh, yeah, Sanji is an idiot lol. Can't say I'm really digging Nami's long hair. Not saying I don't like long hair, it's just Nami don't look right with it to me. If she's going with that look I'd rather see her have it in a ponytail. I'm digging Robin's look as well as Usopp. Boy, who would've ever thought that he'd come back buff diesel? Chopper on the otherhand, I think I just became even more less of a fan of his. (I was not much of a fan of his to begin with) I just don't see how he can really be that naive. I understand that people can change, but come on, Robin being that short and you can't tell...? Seriously? Brook, Brook, Brook, heh, no comment lol. Luffy on the otherhand, well, I don't really have much to say there either. Like I said, I'm really looking forward to seeing how everyone will reunite as well as seeing what everyone can do. I don't like Franky's design at all though. [/quote] Well they really haven't shown Franky or Zoro yet... All we've seen of them is the cover picture... for all we know franky might have differant modes (like chopper's zoan ablities) that make him look differant.
  8. Franky and Zoro were kind of void in the chapter... Granted I'm sure Franky has upgraded him self and the single shot we have a Zoro so far is the cover shot of him with a scar over his eye. I'm curious what happens when the Imposters mess with Luffy. Is he going to just kick their butt or use some crazy new ability on them to shrug them off
  9. Ussopp is back and bad ass indeed. I also love how Nami grew her hair out. It gives her more womanly charm Sanji has definatly grown out of the childish good looks and actaully look like a man. (the goatee is a nice touch) Chopper is as dumb as ever..... Robin seems to be running and evading someone... nothing too new there... Luffy ah... yes Luffy is offically the most bad ass person ever and the huge scar he has on his chest is interesting. Plus his new attitude made me just smile
  10. in another forum that I go to a guy said that October 3rd is when it is to be released. However we internet people in the US usually get a leaked copy a little before that he estimated that leaked copy will be available to us september 23. idk if those dates are right but that is the info I've heard and thought I'd pass it along
  11. so does anyone have an offical date when we r getting One Piece back??? the wait is driving me mad
  12. I see them getting a new crewmate from fishman island though.... it may or may not be Jimbei but I just have a feeling. Honestly though the whole world of One Piece is in a rebuilding stage. The marines r rebuilding their HQ, most of the pirates r either rebuilding crews and the strawhats r training... I'd imagain the time off was all for recreation.... Oda is going to change everything we know about our beloved crew.... they will still have personality quirks but each one will have a differant build, mindset and ablities. I wonder if any of Mihawk"s fashion sense wears off on Zoro? or Nami is suddenly sporting a robe and slippers like the other weatheria grandpa's? I'm still trying to imagin Ussop as a buff kick ass sniper.... There r so many possiblities that Oda could use and go with it blows my mind..... I can't wait....
  13. If there is a 2 year time skip i definatly believe Oda will have flashbacks to everyone's training. Each of them will suddenly be able to do things that they weren't able to before and they kind have to show where they learned how to do it. Also Jimbi mentioned about meeting Luffy and company at FIshman Island after they reunite. Foreshadowing him to become a crewmate???
  14. [quote name='jomz' date='26 August 2010 - 07:57 PM' timestamp='1282867066' post='699902'] So there will be a time skip. (guess I lost my bet that there might not be one. ) At least it ain't a five or ten year time skip. So the series will be taking a break, huh? Oh, well... That's not too bad, but still makes me feel a bit down on the matter. In any case, I am also excited to know what the "powered-up" crew will look like. this is going to be awesome! [/quote] I have a feeling that all the characters will be revamped. New looks for each of them, as well as new weapons, skills and techniquies. I have a odd picture of Ussop all buff and manly wielding guns instead of that pos slingshot.
  15. [quote name='Beretta' date='26 August 2010 - 09:39 AM' timestamp='1282829974' post='699872'] Hmm... So we won't be reading One Piece for an entire month and when we do get more One Piece it'll be a two year time skip. I am anticipating that return. I know I should've expected it here as well since it is shonen, but I never thought there would be training in One Piece. I don't know why... Characters seemed to have went so far without any sort of training, so I figured they'd learn everything on the fly lol. And even then, most shonen's do training for either a rescue or some tournament, so yeah... [/quote] I'm going to miss One Piece for a whole month.... well it isn't guaranteed that it will be a 2 year skip... I'd actually like to see the training of each member of the strawhat crew... They were lucky to have made it this far without any real training... I lost count of how many times i thought Ussop should have died.... Anyway it was foreshadowed quite a bit but idk right now it just fits in the storyline well. It also makes me curious what each member is going to learn. Nami is going to learn about navigation and weather Luffy is learning to control Haki. Copper is researching new medicines and I have a feeling will invent a new rumble ball Zoro is being trained by Hawkeye.. Ussop is getting stronger and going to hone his sniper skills. (maybe with something other than his slingshot) Sanji is learning the 99 recipes from New Kama Kempo and fighting his way to get them. Franky is researching the most brillant plans for battleships and personal weapons ever created.. Brook is singing to a bunch of people (idk what his training will improve) Robin is heading to meet with Dragon... (also don't know what she'll learn from him)
  16. I'll agree with u guys on Air Gear. I have heard that a second season was made of it and the second season badically did a faceplant... Haven't seen it though so I can't really judge. A couple other "off Beat animes" Hunter x Hunter- it follows Gon in being tested to become a hunter. The story basicalyy follows him and his friends Great series awesome characters. Air Master- a Former gymnist become a street fighter and she is really good at. She gains the nickname Air Master due to her aireal acrobatics. If u guys are into sappy love dramas Toradora- a guy and girl meet in high school and end up falling for one another Loverly Complex- short guy and a tall girl try to do everything but be together but they end up getting together in the end.
  17. I could honestly see Jinbei as a Strawhat. In the lastest chapter guess what's happening.... Training.... Sanji and Chopper just started their personal training to better themselves and better the crew. I have a feeling this is going to happen to everyone here shortly
  18. The last chapter is very interesting. Luffy apperantly did something that is news worthy and everyone knows about it. Heck even dragon has took notice. I wonder what he did???
  19. [quote name='jomz' date='05 July 2010 - 12:32 AM' timestamp='1278304357' post='696535'] Hey look! Oda did not forget about the strawhat crew! I almost forgot about them... [/quote] nope he didn't and I think it is definatly about time for the Strawhats to get back together. I'm also curious why the Dark King showed up to find Luffy.... Is he going to teach him how to use his King's Presence (the thing that knocked everyone out in the arena when he first got to the female islang) Also it looks like the some of the strawhats r heading back while we have no clue how others r getting back
  20. rotlung


    I just finished watching the first episode of HOTD (Highschool of the Dead) . First off I'm a huge zombie fan so this anime was right up my alley. I can't say there is a lot of depth with the chararters yet. However I really liked the weapons used so far to fight off the zombies. Baseball bats, wooden swords and broom handles are pretty good weapons as long as they don't break. The other main thing is they are in a good location for this outbreak. A school has food, things that can be used as weapons, and is fenced in. As long as they are able to kill off the few hundred students that are enrolled there, it is the perfect place to defend against the zombies. This seems like it will be an excieting series
  21. [quote name='jomz' date='28 June 2010 - 09:37 PM' timestamp='1277775471' post='696128'] Yeah... now he's doubting whether he really is suited to be the Pirate King. Hmm... Who will slap some sense in him? [/quote] Looks like Jenbui (I spelled his name wrong )
  22. So i think I was wrong about this whole flashback..... It basically wanted to show the training Luffy had as a kid. Then show how he always thought of Sabo and Ace as being stronger than him. This is either going to have him go into some crazy training or he's just going to start second guessing himself.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZeT24T5CtU&feature=related yeah a simple "I love you" will always take the cake for me
  24. I actually have to admitt to being on of the extreme fans from time to time. Usually if I get to talking about anime IRL I keep it casual and try not to look like a dork. However if I'm in a comic shop or someplace similar I tend to express my likes and dislikes of a given series. One Piece is my best example because I like and have enjoyed almost every adventure in the series (mainly didn't like a couple flashbacks and some of the filler episodes). I admit that I will talk very highly of the show but that doesn't mean I tell people u have to watch this......No show is perfect. Also @ Shinmaru... I was definatly one of those DBZ fans that grew out of it. I still won't bash it that much. The other day I did catch a episode of DBZ kai and "HIS POWER LVL IS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  25. [quote name='jomz' date='19 June 2010 - 12:49 AM' timestamp='1276922988' post='695582'] Sado? I thought the kid's name is Sabo? Anyway, here are my thoughts on the matter... Although these are under a few assumptions: 1. [spoiler]Sabo either dies, or as far as Luffy knows, is dead.[/spoiler] 2. [spoiler]His death had a great impact on them then, due to them being brothers and all...[/spoiler] Now, from what I am seeing, I think the importance of this arc is Oda is strengthening Luffy's ideals on his view of his nakama, as well as how heavy of a burden [spoiler] Ace's death [/spoiler] is on him. As I have said, if [spoiler]Sabo died in this arc or did as far as Luffy knows[/spoiler], then imagine how hard it would be on Luffy if [spoiler]his only remaining "Brother" died as well, while protecting him... Sure, we know Ace and Luffy were close, but if he lost "another brother" then, that has got to be a much, much heavier blow to him, right?[/spoiler] [/quote] Idk..... Losing a brother when ur weak and helpless would have a completely differant effect vs losing a brother you did everything u possible could to protect. I once again stress the importance of this whole flashback was to introduce Sabo. That mean he's coming back in my mind hands down. It doesn't matter if it is as a character we already know or as himself. I have a feeling Sabo will be important in the New World
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