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Everything posted by rotlung

  1. [quote name='Shinje' date='09 June 2010 - 08:28 PM' timestamp='1276129688' post='694973'] Which is understandable, given [spoiler] Sabo's need (at least in earlier years) to escape his father, who is determined to bring him back every time. A change of hair color and a new identity, it would also explain why Luffy doesn't click that Law is Sabo.[/spoiler] I like that one, as well as the [spoiler] Dofla-Sabo theory[/spoiler] Either of them could be the case, although I agree we porbably just haven't seen him yet. [/quote] Well the Kidd theroy doesn't fit his personallity..... Kidd is ruthless and uncaring. Law is much more methodical and seems to be on Sado's lvl of intellect. (Law a Doctor pirate after all)
  2. [quote name='gallowsCalibrator' date='09 June 2010 - 04:15 PM' timestamp='1276114503' post='694959'] [font="Comic Sans MS"]Well, either the flashback's over or it'll be over soon. [spoiler]Personally, I'm willing to bet that Sabo is still alive. Either Dragon somehow got involved and saved him or he snuck on the Noble's ship and stowed away until he could get back to a port and join a crew. If so, he'll probably reenter the series before too long and help Luffy reboot from his Critical Hero Error.[/spoiler][/font] [/quote] Thank god....... I finally understand the point of the backstory and it's to introduce Sado. (I agree that he is going to come back into the series to find Luffy ) I also just had a shocking thought. [spoiler] Could Sado be Law??? He's helped Luffy without hesitation and also has the same goal as him... Plus they both have very similar hats [/spoiler] I haven't figured out how to post images on this new site otherwise I put up pics of both [spoiler] Sado and Law [/spoiler] to help compare them
  3. [quote name='Ikillion' date='01 June 2010 - 10:59 PM' timestamp='1275447558' post='694202'] [font="Trebuchet MS"]$10 says that Sado is either the revolutionary that rescued Robin from that slave island, or is Doflamingo. The guy had a styliln' fro back in the day.[/font] [/quote] I don't think Sado is Doflamigo. However the appearance of Dragon at the end of that chapter is interesting (i'm bettin Ivan san also show up....)
  4. I had a real problem with maga due to right to left reading (still do for that matter) However when a friend showed me a site that let me view it on my comp I actually sat down and read through. BTW it was One Piece (my fav anime) I also noticed several things were differant from the very beginning of the series. I also found out that a few of the adventures were filler and it really opened my eyes to a lot that anime does.
  5. [quote name='Ace'] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]FUNimation's site and Hulu are my go-to places for previewing licensed anime. They both have good variety and it's completely free, other than about 15 seconds every 7 minutes for Hulu ads. Granted, they don't have every anime ever, so it's not a perfect system, but it's a step in the right direction. Not that FUNi has never stooped to the level of blaming the fanbase for their own blunders (see: One Piece Simulcast debacle), but for the most part they tend to at least try to get us interested in what they're peddling.[/FONT][/quote] Yeah Ace I can't wait til Hulu is the norm and everyone quit watching cable and dish tv.... I mean there isn't much on anyways...
  6. [quote name='Ace'][font="Comic Sans MS"]Nehs, if we did that the Naruto thread would cease to be any fun at all.[/font] [font="Comic Sans MS"]As for me, I don't mind the flashback so much. A couple steps down from the nonstop insanity of Marineford, but I'm not bored by it. At the very least, I think Sabo is kinda cool.[/font] [font="Comic Sans MS"]BUT SERIOUSLY HIPPO MAFIA.[/font][/quote] I agree with u Ace. After the crazy stuff that when on at Marineford this just seems so ho hum that it's lackluster. During the escape from Imperal Down and the Fight at Marineford I checked everyday to see if there was a new episode (I was a little nutty) and now I'll check a couple times a week if that.... Also, Hippo True Mafia for Life or (HTML for short) -- So I have to admit that this chapter was more interesting than the last couple. It actually makes Sado an important person and gives him ties to 2 of the greatest pirates ever. I wonder if they are going to try and save him or if they give up on him... I also wonder if Luffy will end up trying to find Sado to tell him Ace is dead... Flashback might be picking up a little
  7. agreed the most important part of the chapter is Crocodile forming the Hippo Mafia..... I love the pic in the front of the episodes like that
  8. another chapter of backstory down......yawn...
  9. Believe me I understand it's not the 90's anymore. My point for the story was that I thought the TV verision of DBZ was what happened in the series. I thought Nameks had green blood literal. Then I see the uncut and I'm suddenly like wow that is so much more realistic. I guess I never thought about the distributor but yeah it makes sense that it would be the same company. Also at the name change of the Thread..... wow that threw me for a loop :butthead:
  10. Yeah i guess ur right.... I"m just antsy cause i don't really want to be in the flashback.... I guess that all of them can find ways back but I have this feeling that each of them is going to grow stronger and more self reliant in the process of returning to the crew. That simple thought is more provacative and interesting to me atm. True new characters are being intoduced but the "lowlife bandits" they r living with don't seem like they could support an arc or anything like that. Maybe Ace's friend but I have this feeling he's going to die for some odd reason.
  11. A guy is hiking through the woods and ends up peeing on an electric fence. This releases a chemical reaction in his brain that allows him to use 20% of his brain (10% more than the average person) The kid is suddenly a super genius that starts inventing all kinds of amazing devices.
  12. So Nehszriah you think that the crew is just going to come together and find each other??? I'll grant that they have the vivi cards but... Zoro is in no condition to be traveling anywhere (although he's been resting for a few months now) He also look likes he is well inland. Nami is on a sky island. Unless that magicain guy teaches here some tricks she'll have trouble getting down Franky has had a liquid change on a frozen wasteland. I have a feel he's defintely going to need them to come get him. Robin is a slave working on a bridge that leads to nowhere. So she need them to get her. Sanji is in the best position cause the New Kama queen is coming home so he'll be easy to get back. Chopper might be able to take to one of those giant birds to give him a ride. Brooks has a cult at his disposal. Ussop may have a hard time dealing with the plants on his island but could come back. Now u see why I'm not interested in the backstory cause it doesn't affect anything that currently going on? Due to some backstory is Luffy going to quit being a pirate?? No (although that might be a interesting twist in his reasoning to go on) Is Luffy's personally going to change? yes (we didn't need a backstory to tell us how close they were)
  13. [quote name='stararnold']Fortunately, we have DVD/bu-ray rental places that contain Anime sections like Blockbuster Video. I just thought of another possible factor as to why Anime DVD sales in North America are dropping. There's the possibilty that there's still a large number of North America-based Otaku who live with the misconception that all dubbing of Anime for North American distribution involves the removal/altering of non-kid-friendly elements and Japanese culture references since such editing practice have been going on long, but yet, there are still North America-based companies that dub Anime for North American distribution without not only changing character/mecha names and cultural references, but also altering/deleting any non-kid-friendly elements. Maybe, if those Otaku aren't so paranoid about the companies, this dvd sales drop wouldn't have happened.[/quote] You bring up a good point. Most North American companies see anime as a cartoon and therefore relate it directly with kids. DBZ was one of the first anime I was introduced to. I find out after watching the entire Namik saga that they stuff on TV was cutting out all the "good fighting" (note I was 13 or 14 when I found this out) A friend showed me the uncut version he bought with blood, guts and cursing. I loved it. Now fast foward a few years and I start finding dub sites on the internet. They aren't cutting out the blood and gore. They aren't censoring what they say. It is great. Plus i get to watch show like One Piece that I never got to see every episode to on TV due to them changing the time on me every couple weeks.
  14. [quote name='Magus'][FONT=franklin gothic medium][COLOR=darkred]Wow, talk about an early chapter. I know the spoilers came out Sunday morning, but the chapter itself came out Sunday evening. (WHAT!?) I'm used to Fairy Tail coming out on Sunday's.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=franklin gothic medium][COLOR=darkred]Anyway, I called myself trying to read the chapter, but honestly, I really can't read One Piece's backstories because I just don't care for their childhood. I like Ace and all, but I'm definately skeptical about this one here because it definately seems like it's going to be on the long side. I'm hoping it's not though.[/COLOR][/FONT][/quote] agreed.... so far this backstory hasn't told us anything we don't already know. Ace was saving up to be a pirate with his friend (which they did eventually achieve) and Luffy is a terrible liar. What else is new??? I hate to knock backstories this bad but this whole thing isn't going to tell us anything new. I'd just much rather be finding the crew and getting back to the Thousand Sunny. (I mean how is Luffy seriously going to do that alone??? He's going to need some serious help)
  15. sounds interesting might have to check it out
  16. [quote name='Sabrina'] [FONT=Tahoma]If it's not on TV then you have to find another way to watch it. A huge percentage of anime never gets aired so naturally people aren't going to just pay for it up front to 'support' the industry. They're gonna want to see it first to determine if it's something they even want spend their money on. [/FONT][/quote] I totally agree with u. Before people go and see a movie they see previews of it. Also in the anime community there are several series that release OVAs (or whatever they are called now....) to finish telling the story when they stop the series on TV. The animators, writers and voice actors like to finish telling the story. I could see them using OVAs posted on a fansub site to get viewers there and get a site dedicated viewers.
  17. yeah never got into YuGiOh.... I see a lot of 1 of's giving you a lower percentage of drawing them. Is Regekai still legal??? cause I hear that card is reallly good and Jinzo is good too.
  18. as long as they can get big enough to be put in my sandwich color away
  19. Well the other reason I'm pro fansubbing (other than it's free) is they are posting the last episodes to series like Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, and showing the people in North America the lastest series coming out in Japan. I mean do seriously think Bandai or Funinmation is going to pick up something like K-On or Seikon No Qwaser (especially this one cause of all the nudity and boob references)??? The simple answer is no. The big name animes take long enough to be "edited" for the American viewers. Between voice acting and the touch up most of those series have to endure little series that are only a season or 2 long get the short end of the stick. Fansubbing sites allow us to see these series we would otherwise never get to see and right after they come out no less. I've seen plenty of Anime taken down from sub sites due to copyright infringement. (I"m actually looking for somewhere to watch Star Wars Clone Wars.... All sites I've been to have it down for copyright infringement)
  20. well I hate to tell you this but if fansubbing is hurting the anime industry (at least in the US) then so is NetFlicks, Redbox and all the other legitament companies that rent or stream it straight to ur TV. The major differance between those companies and the site that allow u to steam is 2 things. One the site cost nothing to the viewer. No monthly fee, no rental fee zip nada. The 2nd thing is that the sites have older anime that was never released on dvd in the US. So in otherword Netflicks doesn't have them. I also thnk your mistaking a downswing in the economy (which is across the board not just in US anime) for the entire market going under. They are most likely lacking in sales like everyone else and the companies are evalutating which branches they really need vs the ones they don't. The anime branches just happend to be the one that are getting the ax.
  21. Anything new in terms of a battle system or is it sticking with the same format??? I'm sick of these fighting games cause if u played Steet Fighter 2 and had one or 2 of them main characters down u can pick up just about any of these fighting games years later and own. I had a friend who was big time into SF2 and beat that and MK all over. He hadn't played either in 4 or 5 years comes in on whatever fighting game we are playing and demolishes us and walks away....
  22. Yeah i'm whishy washy on backstories... Some are awesome and help show real depth (Like Sanji's backstory with Zef) Others tell you how some people are a product of thier envoirment (Nico Robin's backstory definatly showed this and made a big sob story I didn't want to hear) I can't tell if I"m going to like or hate Luffy and Ace's backstory. In the chapter 1 they have Luffy's interactions with Shanks and his crew. After that, he just leaves to start his adventure as a pirate. There isn't a whole lot of story about how Luffy grew up or what role Ace played in him growing up.
  23. ok with the lastest chapter WTF?!?!? Why r we going back to Luffy's childhood??? I understand Luffy is greiving but why r they going back to when he first meets Ace??? Usually when they do flashbacks its to help the readers better understand the character.... I feel we all know Luffy pretty well and I don't see how this is relevent right now.... Maybe I'm just wanting to find the rest of the crew already. (random sidenote wouldn't the Queen of Queers run into Sanji when he gets home???)
  24. wow so several things interest me in the lastest chapter. 1. [spoiler] Boa Hancock is taking Luffy to Nyouna Island (which should be her homeland "Amazon Lily") [/spoiler] 2. [spoiler] Whitebeard's death has sent pirates into a frenzy to launch into the new world with the balance out of wack[/spoiler] 3. [spoiler] The World Goverment doesn't want the lvl 6 breakouts to be leaked[/spoiler] 4. [spoiler] Moria is going to die at the hands of the Kumas and Don Flamingo [/spoiler] 5. [spoiler] Blackbeard now has 4 new crewmates all from lvl 6 in Impel Down. Also there are missing lvl 6 criminals from Impel Down that are MIA[/spoiler] That is a lot of stuff in one chapter. I'm betting Oda is going to jump around following the differant storylines from that battle while Luffy is recovering.
  25. [quote name='Rune']I do believe you are thinking of Hidan. ~~~ As for myself, I don't really watch a lot of anime, however... Afro Samurai's "Kuma" Jinnosuke is the only one I can think of at the moment, just for the sheer novelty of a dual-sword-wielding bear of DOOM. He's also got some serious skills and, when he comes on, I know Afro's got a serious fight on his hands. Good stuff. ~~~ The following didn't make the cut due to technicalities :< The Dark Adonis, from Disgaea, makes an entrance here (although more in the game than in the anime). Always been a fan of him and his underappreciated ways make me chuckle. A shame I don't like his anime counterpart. I also have a certain fondness from Marik from Yu-Gi-Oh. Not for anything he's done as a character, himself, but that it's thanks to him that [B][U][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOf_ce1ak4w"]this[/URL][/U][/B] video came about. I can't help but smile (thinking of the video!) if I ever see him appear. Can't take 'im seriously at all anymore. Fear the tongue! 8D[/quote] Thanks i could never remember his name for some odd reason... I think the thing I look for in a true "bad guy" is a differant point of view (it can be crazy in Hiden's case or just differant perpective) I think the best example of a bad guy with a differant point of view is Magneto from X-Men. He believes that mutation is the next step in evolution and that mutants should dominate the world. (If anyone out there gets a chance to read The House of M great series all about what would have happened if Magneto had won against the X-Men)
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