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Everything posted by rotlung

  1. I'll admit I was at Hot Topic the other day and saw a One Piece t shirt that I would have bought if they had my size...
  2. [quote name='Nehszriah']Uh... am I the only one who did a total fan spazz at [spoiler]ALL OF SHANKS'S CREW IN THAT SPREAD?![/spoiler] It was such a huge YESDOWAAAAAANT that I'm surprised I didn't wake the dead. >>' Right now, I think Oda's just trying to transition into a decent wrap-up for the arc, so that everything is at least a little bit neater... kinda like how we had to have the Post-Enies Lobby arc. After all that went down in Enies Lobby, the after mini-arc, which didn't really feel like it fit with either the Enies Lobby or Thriller Bark arcs, didn't really seem all that exciting in comparison... unless you count Garp, Koby and Helmeppo showing up and Robin encouraging shippers. Which, I've been reading the [URL="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WMG/OnePiece"]Wild Mass Guessing page for One Piece[/URL] over on TVTropes and some of those theories are looking quite interesting/amusing. Lord help us all.[/quote] Yeah but that is what makes Oda so good. He makes the story feel complete. I liked how in both Enies Lobby and Thriller Bark arcs Oda made it feel like that chapter was complete with a couple elements left open to connect future storylines. (like the Ghost girl ending up in the same place as Zoro) This arc has been amazing. I think the only thing that could have made this war better is if CP9 had been invovled... Oh course they are AWOL and off doing thier own thing.... So the better question is where does Oda take us next? Luffy has to find his crew, Luffy has to recover from his injuries, get back the Thousand Sunny, and then head to Merman Island. So do u guys think Luffy will head blindly after his crewmates or go get the Thousand Sunny first?
  3. [quote name='Ace'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]So guys, how long has Jay from [I]Clerks[/I] been one of Shanks's pirates?[/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][center][IMG]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n72/Aceburner85/JayoftheRedHairs.jpg[/IMG][/center][/FONT][/quote] wow rofl.... I think the better question is Where is silent Bob? I totally missed that.... edit: I didn't read that chapter til after I saw the post...
  4. so i just caught Heroman and it wasn't terrible but i did catch the Stan Lee cameo. It is interesting to see what the Japanese think about us Americans and to see what sterotypes they have us.
  5. yeah it's a great series I like how everyone's paths seem to cross at the most unexpected times
  6. well there is 2 things I want to say about previous post before I list my fav deaths. First on in DBZ you knew that if any of the fighters failed they were going to die. Goku gladly died several times in order to save the earth or universe from whatever. The point when Killian died was shocking because it was unexpected. He was there as a support member not as a true fighter. He never expected to go toe to toe with Frieza or Vegta and he knew that. Second in some series (Naruto, One Piece, etc) there are expectations that people are going to die. It was one of those things that most of the deaths in Naruto were expected. You knew that one way or another either one fighter would die. It's not that I don't enjoy this Alpha vs Alpha but u know it won't be over til someone is dead. Now onto my sad deaths. Naruto [spoiler] Azuma's death while fighting the dude with the scythe (I forget his name....) was truely tragic. [/spoiler] [spoiler] Jiraya's death not only explained why he was who he was but also why he took an interest in Naruto. His death defined his character and showed his true nature[/spoiler] One Piece [spoiler] The death of the Going Merry was one of the first times an anime brought a tear to my eye. The fact that the ship took on a life of it's own and they didn't truely realize til she had to be burned and sent to the bottom of the sea.[/spoiler] [spoiler] This is a combo death that is going to happen in the One Piece serise (it just happened in the manga) so it won't happen for another few weeks. It's the death of Portegez D. Ace and Whitebeard. It happens during an epic battle with all 3 Marine Admirals, the entire marine force at Marine HQ vs the Whitebeard Pirates, combined with the pirates known well throughout the new world. Luffy is in the center of the whole mess. Heck even Shanks appears in the most recent Manga.... I personally can't wait to see this whole thing play out. [/spoiler] Those are my top one for sure.
  7. [quote name='HopefulOTaKu']Thanks I will try that :)[/quote] np glad i could help
  8. idk if ur interested but [URL]http://www.mangareader.net/[/URL] has a lot of doujin. As for the particular thing ur looking for u have to look for urself and find it. Granted it may not be a phycial copy but it will at least let u read it if it's there
  9. I think that Rune makes a good point in Shanks. I'd also like to point out that Reigh (Gol D Roger's first mate I think i misspelled his name...) was also able to fight on par with a Logian Admiral. He also has no devil fruit ability that we know of and is just as strong (and most like stronger in his prime) than the Admirals. I also think that Coby crying out like that it distracted several of the main players in the battle. By doing that i think that it let Luffy escape.
  10. I'm talking about the long ongoning series like Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece. I know that a few hardcore people will say they've been watching sense they came out but unlike those people most of us starting watching after they became popular. So when did u catch up to the current episode out in the series? (guess the best way to discribe that is to describe the episode for each) One Piece- I caught up just after they arrived at Shaparody Acapelligo Naruto- Shuppuden part of the series is where I caught this one just after team Kakashi reforms and is sent on thier first mission. Bleach- I caught up somewhere just before Ichigo started fighting the Panther hollow (I"m blanking out on this name) and he ran into Nell in her baby form.
  11. I have this feeling that Law (as well as Kid) is going to end up in a similar relationship that Shanks and Whitebread had. Both major pirates that are able to accomplish amazing things.
  12. do whatever makes u happy... My suggestion is don't expect perfection from ur first comic/ manga. Start with something simple and then expand it from there.
  13. I haven't been keeping up with it but Test no Baka has a few like that. I also have to mention Lova Hina for studying.
  14. [quote name='Ace'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]So [I]that's[/I] why Evander Holyfield can't Earthbend anymore....[/FONT][/quote] lfmao good one Ace
  15. [quote name='Magus'][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]While I still believe Hajime no Ippo is underrated, The New Challenger almost had me changing my opinion about the entire series. The fights were still great, but I just hated how they had Ippo to just stay where he was. They could've had him go after Ricardo, or at the very least give us a rematch with Miyata. They had him doing matches against nobody worth caring about. It was like after he won the title that was it. If that were the case I would've left it alone after he beat [spoiler]Sendo for the title.[/spoiler][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I liked the focus on other characters but this is Ippo's story is it not? Having Ippo not go after Ricardo or Miyata was like a swift blow to the face. I am aware that the manga is still going, but with how NC ended I don't even have any interest in this series anymore.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/quote] well like i said I just finished the first season so I haven't gotten through the OVAs and into the New Challenger. Going through my anime site I also forgot to mention Beck: Mongolien Chop Squad. Which is a great series of an up and coming rock band out of Japan. The Band itself reminds me of Rage against the Machine at times and Linkin Park at other times. I definatly think it qualifies as underrated. [quote name='rotlung']well like i said I just finished the first season so I haven't gotten through the OVAs and into the New Challenger. Going through my anime site I also forgot to mention Beck: Mongolien Chop Squad. Which is a great series of an up and coming rock band out of Japan. The Band itself reminds me of Rage against the Machine at times and Linkin Park at other times. I definatly think it qualifies as underrated.[/quote] Yeah i just finished New Challenger and see what u mean about them making Ippo stagnit as a fighter. The ending made want to punch the writers.... "Let's just relie on the Dempsy Roll forever..." He definetly need to be able to mixe up styles of boxing depending on his opponent and rather than "It's time for the DEMPSEY ROOOOLLLL!!!!" Hated the ending, they have enough material that another season having him go for the world championship and after Martinez would be awesome. [FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][SIZE="1"]Hey rotlung, I merged your two posts together. Please try to avoid double posting in the future, as it's kinda spammy. ~ [B]Sangome[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. [quote name='Nehszriah']Speculation time? Oh, you have my attention good sir. People with Devil's Fruit abilities, I've come to believe, become the fruit themselves once the fruit is consumed and the powers gained. I personally believe that once a Fruit user dies, their body becomes like the seed and a plant grows out of their body and a new copy of that Fruit is created for a new generation to consume and the ability isn't lost to the ages. However, I also think that because of this, a Fruit user's body basically is like a copy of the Fruit itself. Let's say that someone with a Devil's Fruit power was in fisticuffs thanks to some seastone bull or a no-powers duel or what have you with someone who had no ability other than natural human limits. The normal person goes all Mike Tyson on the dude with the powers and, on accident, ends up eating part of the other guy. Now the dude that was once normal has whatever power the other dude had and the other guy is just this heavy rock in water with no powers to show for it... and one less ear... if that makes any sense. Well, that's what I use it in a fan fiction, anyways, 'cause I needed to recycle Smoker and Doflamingo's abilities without making it clear whether I killed them off or not. >>'[/quote] I like you theroy. Would the plant grow where that person died? What would happen if someone with devil powers died in the sea from drowning?? where would the plant end up then? Another random thought just crossed my mind... With having your ship coated you can go to the bottom of the ocean wouldn't that be the perfect place for "Devil Fruit" island?
  17. /agree on the explaining [spoiler] Teach having 2 powers is insane!!!! They did say he was atypical (so in otherwords wierd) but that doesn't explain why.... I also had a scary thought about Geko Moria taking over Whitebread's corpse and him still being able to use the earthquake ability. [/spoiler] The main problem is we don't know that much about Devil Friut. Here is what I know: 1. You eat a devil fruit you can't swim 2. You eat a devil fruit and gain a power that falls into one of 3 major catagories: Paramician, Logian, or Zoan. (there could be more or fruit that fall into 2 of those group, The Phoinex guy is a good example) 3. Inanimate objects are able to eat Devil Fruits. Dr. Vega is the scienctist that figured out how to feed objects Devil Friuts. 4. You can't eat 2 Devil Fruits cause it will cause the "devils" to fight and destroy you. (This is a major point that has been explained to us in the past. Now needs redifined weather Blackbeard is going to die shortly due to having 2 devils or his Powers over come that or he is some messed up SoB and can just do it) 5. There can only be one of any given Devil Fruit If there is anything anyone can add to this that would be great. However there are a few things that have we have no idea about. 1 What happens to the devil fruit ability when someone dies? 2. Where is Devil Fruit grown? 3. Are the "Devils" beings or powers or just what r they in general? I've imagined that there is a Devil Fruit Island out there somewhere that the Devils return to... but that is strictly my imagination
  18. [quote name='Ace'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'm watching some of my favorite One Piece moments on Hulu now thanks to FUNimation's dub uploads. I'd never seen some of them in anime form before, and I gotta say, it's kind of impressive. You can tell the voice actors really put their hearts into the dub, and the final product is really impressive. Somehow, hearing the lines out loud just seems to make them carry more weight.[/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]I still hate fillers, though.[/FONT][/quote] where is hulu at in dubbing One Piece??? I personally have been watching the subs on animefreak.tv.com and they are quickly catching up to the manga.... ([spoiler] espisode 441 they are breaking out of the prison with Ivan-san still trying to resuce Ace. The battle feel so much more real when ur not reading them in the manga. Plus I'm looking forward to the huge battle at Marine HQ coming up[/spoiler]) other than One Piece i've been keeping up with Durarara!! [URL="http://www.animefreak.tv/watch/katanagatari-online"][COLOR=#810081]Katanagatari[/COLOR][/URL] and [URL="http://www.animefreak.tv/watch/dance-vampire-bund-online"][COLOR=#0000ff]Dance in the Vampire Bund[/COLOR][/URL]. all of which have been really good so far.
  19. Beck Mongolien Chop Squad Overall Opinion- I really like this series throughly enjoyed it Positives- Amazing character development, each character has differant quirks, style, aditude and presense. I love how the band forms and how they work through the hard times. There is healthy comflict in and out of the band. Even though they make mistakes they get through it. I also love how they have the urban legend factor. Negitives- it is a little predictable. You see things coming from a mile away. (my gf made me notice cause she kept saying "he's going to be in the band isn't he?") definatly should check this one out. It will appeal to the hardcore fans and new fans alike. Also some of the music is in English with is really nice.
  20. [quote name='Ace'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Holy crap, this may have been the best chapter in a while. [spoiler]Whitebeard speaks his last words and is finally confirmed to be dead after an epic curb-stomp throwdown with his former subordinate.[/spoiler] Truly the stuff of legends.[/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][spoiler]I love how we get to see that Teach is essentially the exact opposite of Luffy in almost every aspect with this chapter. Blackbeard has been scheming and plotting for over ten years to do the things he's just setting into motion now. Luffy graduated top of his class from the Indiana Jones School of Improvisation. Luffy is skinny, flexible and fast. Blackbeard values power over speed and has a gut the size of Mt. Everest. Blackbeard carefully chose his power, which pulls things towards him and leaves him very physically vulnerable. Luffy ate his devil fruit completely accidentally and it gave him the power to spread himself outwards and be impervious to blunt force.[/spoiler][/FONT][spoiler] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]And most importantly, Luffy will not hesitate to put his life on the line to save his friends and family and will even willingly accept death with a big, stupid grin. Blackbeard talks a big game about destiny and fate, but when the chips are down and he's got the strongest man in the world strangling him with one hand, he starts begging for mercy like the pitiful coward he really is. And then he calls in his entire crew to bring down his enemy for him. And then that fails too.[/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]I think they need to get Mr. 3 to coat Whitebeard's body in wax and immortalize it in front of Marine HQ for all eternity as a final middle finger to them all. it would be the perfect icing on their cake of fail. Their base is trashed, half their troops are dead, they've lost all control since the world has officially been thrown into political turmoil and to top it all off, NEWGATE IS STILL STANDING THERE LEERING AT THEM.[/FONT][/spoiler][/quote] yeah this has to be the most epic event to happen in the world of one piece sense the excution of Gol D. Roger himself. Definatly give the middle finger to Marine HQ and they would have to coat him in something better than wax... they need him enshrined in metal. Also I have to point out something and correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that transponder snail still broadcasting to the world while this transpires??? When Gol D Roger made a proclaimation like that it started the Great Pirate Era and now this this event being seen by everyone won't it create a second wave in the Great Pirate Era??? I can only imagin the impact of these events.
  21. Ok first off I'm in a boxing mood. I've been playing Punchout for the Wii and in between my frustrating losses I've been watching [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/hajime-no-ippo/"][COLOR=#0000ff]Hajime no Ippo[/COLOR][/URL]. I've noticed a lot of similarities between the two. I know Punchout has been around sense 1987, and the Hajime no Ippo came out in 2000 but I have this weird feeling that Ippo is based off of Little Mac. Other than the trainer and their hometowns they could be freaking twins.... I'm curious what you guys think of this. I also want to pose the ultimate question. Who wins in a boxing match Ippo or Mac? Personally I vote for Ippo
  22. I honestly have been watching 3 sports: Hockey, Curling and Snowboarding. The US donminates snowboarding (especailly halfpipe) we took the gold and bronze in mens halfpipe and silver and bronze in womens (which isn't half as entertaining). Jacobellis also epically failed by DQing in the semis of snowboard cross... Both US hockey teams have been kicking butt. The men are in the semis and I think the woman are too (u might have to check on that) Mens Gold medal match is going to be Canada vs US and the US is going to beat them again. And last curling... Man do we suck at curling... I watch the US mens lose 4 matches by missing a shot with last rock in the 10th end.... Canada is definatly going to take the gold in curling that bald guy leading team Canada is insanly good.
  23. [quote name='Magus']Agreed. I found Gungrave to be one of the best series when it came to characterization. Speaking of which, [B]Hajime no Ippo[/B] (Fighting Spirit) is a current anime that seems to be under the radar, yet I feel that it's better than the current big 3 shonen series. I'm not into the sports genre when it comes to anime, but when the story is told as good as it is here can't help but to be drawn in. (Although story is not what I look for.) What really struck at me was the characterization that's in this series. There are a lot of great characters in this series and they interact with each other really nicely. There are no villains, but there are some that'll give you that impression. The fighting is also handled nicely, although it can get a little over the top at times (but I have no issues with that.) Definately quite the underrated series considering all the other shonen series that seems to get people to overlook this one.[/quote] I have to totally agree with u on this. I just got through the first season[spoiler] where he starts fightign and eventually wins the featherwieght championship[/spoiler] Great charachter development and stories make this just a great series. I'm also a bit of a sucker when they mention old school boxers like Jack Dempsy, Mike Tyson, and the like. It interesting to see how he's taught thier techniques cause the coach doesn't say "ur learning to throw this punch" he says "go do 300 squat thrusts" I also like how there isn't a villian. Their are other people who are striving for the same thing Ippo is. Ippo actaully become good friends or at least respects the fighters he fights. Shows good sportsmanship and leaves u feeling good after watching it. (that and ur eye isn't swollen shut...)
  24. [quote name='Ace'][FONT=Comic Sans MS]It didn't gel with my [URL="http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WillingSuspensionOfDisbelief"][COLOR=blue]Willing Suspension of Disbelief.[/COLOR][/URL] The thing about the "it's the author's universe, don't question it" mentality is that it tends to let the author get away with a lot more than they should be allowed to. It's the same reasoning that lets Masashi Kishimoto pull a new Sharingan power out of thin air every time Sasuke starts breathing heavily, allows Tite Kubo to magically grant Ichigo five new powerups per fight and encourages Seth MacFarlane to turn [I]Family Guy[/I] into an unfunny propaganda-loaded political agenda machine. Not questioning bad writing just encourages more bad writing.[/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Not to say that you're not allowed to like this particular plot point, but you shouldn't do it just because Oda said so. I agree that he's an excellent writer and I enjoy most of what happens in [I]One Piece[/I], but he makes mistakes like every other human being and should be allowed to learn from them like anyone else.[/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS]As for Shiki, he's actually reserved for the Tenth Movie, so he probably won't make many more major contributions to the main story unless it happens in the Strong World prologue he's still writing.[/FONT][/quote] My point at it's Oda's universe was similar to why there is sound effects in space in the Star Wars movies. Lucas did it and no one really questioned it. Therefore it's accepted by the viewer. This is the similar point that magma fruit beats the fire fruit. In reality, Magma is hotter than fire. Magma also would smother a fire and when it cools would leave volcanic rock in it's place. So in relation to the story [spoiler] Ace is burned through and has his wounds cauterized by the magma. This then doesn't allow him to regenerate like he normally would. [/spoiler]
  25. wow I just got done reading it and am in utter shock.... [spoiler] I'm not going to argue about the magma vs fire thing its Oda universe and if he says it true u have to believe him. I feel like Luffy really needed to lose someone dear to him. I don't think that any of the background characters would have been able to have the affect that Ace would. Besides would u really like to see Luffy lose a crewmate??? Could u imagin Oda killing off Ussop? (i use him as the example cause I think he's the only one that could be expendable) Anyways, I have a sneaky supision that the golden lion guy is going to come out of the woodwork and save the day for everyone he can.... [/spoiler]
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