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Everything posted by rotlung

  1. [B]Dance in the Vampire Bund- has definatly been interesting... I'm slowly disliking the vamps more and more. One thing is the story keeps u guessing but I've been a little turned off by it...[/B] I have to agreed with Shinmaru that [B]Durarara is the breakout of the season. The Headless Horseman is awesome and the characters are so interesting and the way that everyone crosses paths is interesting and unbelieveable. [/B] [B]Katanagatari[/B] looks like it's going to end up being solid but I have a feeling that with it released at a slower pace people are going to not like it as much.... I like the basic storyline and the characters are interesting but don't have a lot of depth yet... Seikon no Quasar has also impressed me. I thought it was going to be fanservice to no end and it turns out that other than an odd joke here and there about Him needing his breastmilk, it has good battle scenes and an interesting plot. If u haven't checked it out I definatly recommend it Ladies vs Butlers has just made me crack up. I almost want to take back my softcore comment but then they show boobs for no apperant reason... so my comment must stand... I did laugh at the when clumsy girl was cooking and got white stuff all over herself. Her next line was "it tatse sweet" rofl
  2. well during the whole epic fight [spoiler] at Marine HQ there are so many "new" or undevolped characters. Oars is a perfect example. I think it's a safe bet to say that he is from Oz's bloodline. Also the First Division Commander of the whitebeard pirates (the pheniox fuirt guy), admiral akainu, and golden leo shirki. All of these guys are top notch pirtates and I'm sure will be a part of future issues. [/spoiler] Right now there is just so much going on in the world at the same time I'm actually scared to think where the series will go from here. [spoiler] I don't know if they will go back to the crew on thier seperate islands. Follow Luffy to the "pirate summit" that Ace talked about way back in Alabasta. Or have the Golden Leo excute his "master plan" whenever that is. [/spoiler] As for the early chapters, I really saw how much the anime screwed things up in the first 5 chapters. The back story coming much later when they should have just opened with like they did in tha manga. [spoiler] Also when Zef cut off his own leg to eat it rather than starve blew my mind. [/spoiler] Plus the manga transitions better than the Anime cause the anime has all those fillers. (I do however have to admit some parts that I thought were in the manga weren't and was surprised. So One piece actually had some good filler...) The question I would like to ask is where do u think the series will go from here?
  3. i found this one on another forum randomly and just had to share [IMG]http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s112/_Nik-iCons/Motivational%20Posters/Motivation-2.jpg[/IMG]
  4. well like it or not I'm sure we'll see plenty of films like Avatar in the future. Hollywood is all about $$$$$ and Avatar will most likely break all the records that Titanic set. (i think the only one it hasn't offically broken was Domestic Gross of a movie) edit ok now it's offical [URL]http://movies.yahoo.com/news/usmovies.accesshollywood.com/avatar-officially-overtakes-titanic-global-box-office-record-with-185-billion[/URL]
  5. I just ran across FLCL today and couldn't help but put Haruko Haruhara here. [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/GURR831/cooly.jpg[/IMG] [B]Maho Minami[/B] from Beck also crossed my mind as very attractive. [IMG]http://animestocks.com/gallery_files/images/BECK/Minami Maho/minami-02_animestocks[com].jpg[/IMG]
  6. ok I'm just curious cause I notice how fast anime seem to come out vs manga which I've only just starting following (the only one i'm even caught up with is One Piece) and haven't seen them post a new one in over a week. It might be that the actually manga takes more time to draw than the anime (due to the fact that the artist/ writer has to think up storylines etc vs copy a storyboard and add a little bit) But like I said i don't know anything about translating or animating.
  7. Ok I've just recently started reading manga. I was wondering how long it takes to translate Mangas conpared to Anime. From what i understand it takes less than a week for anime to be translated and subbed. Manga on the other hand I have no idea. I know there is more time put into manga due to typesetting and other stuff.
  8. [quote name='James'][FONT=franklin gothic medium]Yeah, I get that, I just think it's a generally weak criticism. If you classify Avatar as having plagiarized, say...Pocahontas, you would really have to include a number of other successful (and often solid) films within that description.[/FONT] [FONT=franklin gothic medium]I think it's kind of sad when people reduce the film to these kind of simplistic and sarcastic comparisons. Films like Star Wars and even Kill Bill could be lumped into this group if one were to be cynical (actually George Lucas talked about this very subject only recently). At least those films have largely escaped it (although SW didn't in its day) due to nostalgia and, in part, because in those cases people prefer to examine the whole experience and the interplay of different elements (many of which are not strictly script-based) in an effort to be fair to those films.[/FONT] [FONT=franklin gothic medium]In any case, I did think the story was pretty average...but I was also constantly entertained by what was a really visceral, unprecedented experience. That definitely counts for something, especially if you look up "Pandora depression". :catgirl:[/FONT][/quote] Hate to be the one to break it to you but people group things. We group animals, people, minerals, movies books and pretty much everything. People generally group things that relate to each other. In the case that has been pointed out here Avatar has been grouped with Fern Gully, Pocahatas, Dances with Wolves and basically any other movie that points out the importance of nature by learning from the "locals". I point is just laugh off the similarities and enjoy the movie. I understand that you could make a lot of movies fit into that very general frame of a movie report but it's funny the way it was presented.
  9. Another series that has come out and I actually watched the first 2 episodes is Ladies vs Butlers. If u hate fanservice don't watch this show cause that is all this show is. If your looking for some softcore porn however it's right up ur alley. lol
  10. I'm in the construction field so I would love to have all the building materials delivered to a site, claps my hands and ta da there is a brand new house that I can sell for $100,000. Would make my life a hell of a lot easier.... I'm also down for just transmuting food, grain to bread and stuff like that. Take cooking out of the equation cause I'm bad at it
  11. [quote name='Gavin'][center][SIZE=1][IMG]http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/epic-fail-avatar-plot-fail.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/center] [SIZE=1]+1 for Matt Bateman[/SIZE] [/quote] ROFL ROFL ROFL
  12. [SIZE=1]Andrew W.K. is still making music???? I thought he fell off the earth with good reason.... The last thing I saw him doing was a commercail for cartoon network.... which is reallly sad..... I feel sorry for anyone that would suffer through anything he does.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]I mean he's the King Midas of crap. Everything he touch is terrible.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]The rest of the line up looks solid.[/SIZE]
  13. [B][COLOR=#4b0082]ok so I've been checking on the first episodes of these series as they have been coming out. Some were rather surprising and other left me scratchin my head...[/COLOR][/B] [B][/B] [B][COLOR=#4b0082]Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu- I thought I'd hate this show with a passon due to the fact that they had the little avatar (chibi) things running amuck. I found out that it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Could turn out to be a decent series.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=#4b0082]Dance in the Vampire Bund- I was really excited about this show. Vampires always will have a nice place in my sci fi heart. The only thing that made ask WTF was the whole game show thing that led to the vampires introducing themselves. It was kind of weird but to it's credit that little girl is scary powerful... [/COLOR][/B] Seikon no Quasar- I just finished watching the first episode of this and I was actaully impressed. The guy with the giant scythe is actually an alchemist (at least that is what I think they are called him) I'm still a little creeped out by the whole breatmilk thing they called Soma but if the action stays at the intesity and they aren't too hardcore on the fanservice I can forgive it. Durarara- I was really impressed by this first episode. Kid being shown around the city by a friend and he get to see everything including the headless rider. I have a good feeling that this is going to be the breakout show of the season. Katanagatari- This is the only show I haven't seen yet.... if anyone find a site that has up the first episode pls post it. It's my guess it isn't out yet...
  14. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE=1]That's my biggest problem though Lunox, it is style entirely over substance and yet people are putting it on the same kind of pedestal as Schindler's List in terms of being a moral epic, and there's just something terribly wrong and shallow about it. I certainly hope that Avatar's level of CGI quality does have an impact on the film industry in a positive way, but at 250+ million to create it, I imagine not many films are going to dedicate that much of their budget to it.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]I also agree with you somewhat about The Dark Knight. I didn't hate it, but I don't think it stands up well to repeated viewings in the same way Batman Begins does.[/SIZE] [/quote] Well when ur film grosses over $1 billion worldwide $250 million seems like a good investment..... Although i do agree not every movie is going to be willing to do that cause they won't see the return. I'm just waiting for the CGI version of Waterworld to happen...
  15. I must admit that after watcing Avatar I did think that it was inspired by Fern Gully. However, the public likes a story that is a little bit predicable. I personally find those type of stories easy to follow cause it has signs saying "we're going this way" Also I'd like to point at the last movie James Cameron released Titantic. From the beginning of the movie you knew Rose was going to survive cause she was there as an old lady.... If you went to see Titantic and did know the ship was going down then u didn't pay attention in history class. The point is both of the movies are less focused the ending and more on the journey and relationship of the characters. I have to say that I loved catching the line by Sigourney Weaver "I'd die to get samples of that place" Later she actually dies there.
  16. so i was flipping through the channels and came across a show that just had great storys and unforgetable characters. [URL="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c8/KNDLogo.gif"][IMG]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c8/KNDLogo.gif[/IMG][/URL]
  17. The common theme for this thread is people don't like are pointless episodes. Fillers suck. The "we're going to tell our whole life story" right before we fight rather than doing that well before the fight or after. Ongoing screaming of someone powering up for the better part of the episode. I have been trying to understand anime vs manga better lately by actually reading manga. It has only made wonder why anime screws up the storyline??? I've been blazing through One Piiece and the opening made so much more sense cause they did it in a better order. I'm also picking up small things like [spoiler] Zef red leg actually cut off his own leg to eat it. Instead of losing it while saving Sanji. [/spoiler] Plus the manga have no fillers and stick with the main storyline soooo much better... Now once I get over this left to right reading thing i'll love it... :P
  18. I find it funny how several of the list people put up were in ABC order lol.... Looking at ur music playlist??? Although I repect a lot of music I can really only see 2 bands battling for the title "my favorite band" Led Zepplin - I wish I could have seen them live.... But I've watch the old concerts and they had a way to tell a story. There music is a world apart. They created a type a mystic music that no one can duplicate. The Beatles - That quote before was fairly acturate. They did more and better than anyone else in a shorter period of time. They realsed something like 12 records in a 4 year span. Band today is lucky to release a record a year, not to mention oh almost everyone of those records had a number one hit or 5.....
  19. [quote name='goldenboy']what is the most disturbing thing you have seen in an anime? I think hansel and gretel from black lagoon were freeking weird. they're these little twins that were raised in as [spoiler]porn slaves. they get their kicks from putting nails in peoples heads, believing killing people would make them immortal. im not even sure which one is the boy and which is the girl, since they're both split personalitys who take turns wearing a wig. oh yeah, and they made out.[/spoiler][/quote] I agree that [spoiler]the twins were twisted. I personally thought they were Hermaphodites due to the scene at the end of that show where he/she lifts up her skirt to show Rock and he has this surprised expression. [/spoiler] Personally though the most twisted thing i've seen came from a comicbook called The Walking Dead. [spoiler] This one girl is captured by a rival colony and raped and beaten. When her friends come to help her escape she end up catching the head boss and torcuring him. She wakes him up with his junk nailed to a piece of wood he's kneeling on. She then rips his fingernails off one by one with a pair of pliers. She then proceeds to cut off his arm and cauterize the wound with a blow torch so he won't bleed out. Then just as she's drilling holes in his chest. Her final act before guys bodyguards start banging at the door is scooping out one of his eyes with a spoon. Oh and as an after thought she sliced off his junk as she makes her get away.[/spoiler]
  20. [quote name='Lunox'] [FONT=trebuchet ms]Also, I never get it when anime fans rag on America's "bad style." I mean, really, most anime has the blandest character designs ever. I feel like some people fawn over anime style just because it's pretty and "cool" or something, but usually the character designs are incredibly terrible and boring as hell. In comparison, The Fairly Oddparents rocked their **** well. As far as background art, the average Nickelodeon animated series would probably be on par with the average anime. U.S. fans have their pick of the best Japan has to offer, which is why anime might seen more sophisticated. Animation is expensive- I doubt the Japanese entertainment industry has more money than the U.S. one.[/FONT] [/quote] I was looking over the new season of anime that is coming out and I'm finally starting to see what your talking. Several of the shows have very generic looking characters with terrible storylines to back them up. (the one that made me ask WTF was one that a guy needed breatmilk for energy....) I understand differant artist have differant styles. I used to play Magic and learned a lot about art from that game. I also met a lot of artists at conventions, and tournoments. The thing was even though each artist had his or her on style they drew/painted realistic people and places that made the game look better. [URL]http://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=109752&type=card[/URL] This is one of my personal favorites and it look nothing like anime. Give me an animated series that is draw like that with a decent storyline and I'll watch it til the cows come home.
  21. [quote name='Zen'] [SIZE=1]You are insane if for one second you don't think that Venture Bros. is on par with Japanese Animation.[/SIZE][/quote] Yeah I was just running off a list and grouped them in there..... My bad.... Venture bros does have a unique style reminisant of the old adds from the 50s. The point I was making is the overall quality of cartoons made by american companies is ******. It's extremely rare to see a show like Avatar or Samuri Jack that has good stories and good animation. Most of the time u get things like Invader Zim, or the Fairly Odd parents where the artist literally takes a couple minutes to draw the scene and characters. It makes me feel like they are mass producing the badly draw cartoons and saying it's a style choice.
  22. I'v learned that the main character is always related to the most famous person in the series. Naruto- [spoiler]He's the son of the 4th Hokage, grandson to the 3rd hokage, and god child of Jarya [/spoiler] Luffy - [spoiler]Although not 100% confirmed I believe he's related to Gol D Roger. Not to mention Ace, Dragon and Garp.[/spoiler] Ichigo - [spoiler]They have revealed that his dad was a Shirigami and fairly important one... [/spoiler]
  23. I had a very interesting conversation with a native German about Inglorious Bastards. Needless to say we both agreed it was a great movie and he actually informed me that part of the movie was shot outside of the town he lives in. Oh and all you need to get people on the topic of this movie is 3 words The Bear Jew
  24. It's kind of sad to say but Family Guy, Futurama, The Cleveland show, American Dad, the SImpsons, Venture Bros., South Park, and Robot Chicken are the "american animation" we have today. I'll agree it's funny and once in a while show some wit and humor but I feel like they could do so much more rather than copy Star Wars... I personally feel the most recent animated series that is on par with Japenese anime is Avatar the last Airbender. The funny cartoons have really came down to poop and fart jokes for a long time. I personally don't watch any of them the way I watch anime. Also what really annoys me is the quality of "kids" cartoons. If u watch Disney or CN or Nickelodin you know what I mean. Cartoons that look like a 5 year old drew them and heck every once in a while they even show how easy it is to draw them.... It just makes me mad at how they turn in into a cookie cutter for cartoons..... ok rant done..... My picks for best animated series outside Japan Avatar [IMG]http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0WTefVLNT1LVRYAvZCjzbkF/SIG=14fnfpr70/EXP=1262388939/**http%3A//images1.fanpop.com/images/photos/1500000/Book-3-Complete-Box-Set-Cover-avatar-the-last-airbender-1521993-350-500.jpg[/IMG] Samuri Jack [IMG]http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0WTefd3NT1LVD0Bb6ijzbkF/SIG=13rfl6hrq/EXP=1262388983/**http%3A//www.comicartfans.com/Images/Category_4675/subcat_7810/Thumbs/Samuri%2520Jack%2520-%2520small.jpg[/IMG]
  25. rotlung

    Astro who?

    Astro Boy was definetly the first of it's kind asking the question "Can robots feel emotions?" I had old school comicbooks of him along with ghostbusters, speed racer and a few others. Anyway, Astro Boy led the way for MegaMan, Gundam Wing, Transformers, I Robot, and My life as a teenage robot (Nickelodian ripped off Astro Boy sooo bad...). Astro Boy was the first cartoon to really say "yeah kids are interested in science and robots." Definatly a landmark cartoon and the movie looks like it stuck to the roots of the show.
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