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Everything posted by rotlung

  1. I actually looked through most of the trailers. I hate the fact that most of the series were based around fanservice.... Durarara- looked really solid. Street punk with a biker ghost sounds like a good original story with something other than cookie cutter chararters. I'll be checking this one out for sure Dance with a Vampire Burd- As much as i like Blood + I'm not 100% sold on this anime yet. It looks good but random naked loli running around kind of turned me off.... If there is a enough action and quality storyline I'll most likely end up watching it. Katanagatari- I liked the differant style in artwork. (and for the record I loved Samuri Jack) I feel this will be a refreshing differant look on anime. A far cry from what else is coming out. Seikon no Quasar- ok I liked and hated this one all at once. I like the action scene in the preview. The main character look terrifying and kick ***. However, the bouncing boobs, panty shots and something about him needing to drink breatmilk ?!?!?! WTF I'm half tempted to watch this to see what happens and I feel i'm going to be dissappointed. The rest of the seris either didn't appeal to me or were really really bad...
  2. [SIZE=3]I definatly like the cunning people. Most of the time they are also fairly intelligent even if they don't show it. Prime examples would be Shikamaru (Naruto), Nico Robin (One Piece), and Kurapica (Hunter X Hunter). All of them have an uncanny ablitity to see 10 moves ahead and plan out thier actions. [/SIZE] [SIZE=3]I'm also a sucker for the strong guy that is a brute force in battle and a big drinker when lounging around. Zoro (One Piece), Mugen (Samurai Champloo), Spike (Cowboy Bebop), and Sanosuke (Rurouni Kenshin). These people also tend to be the "right arm" of the main character or the guy that they would want in a fight.[/SIZE]
  3. 1 One piece- Every character that is added to the crew has an amazing history. From Skypia to Break in of Imperal Down awesome storylines unbelieveable characters. 2 Naruto/ Naruto Shippuden- once agian in depth characters all with thier own motivations to achieve goals and ultimately get stronger to help each other protect what is important them. 3 Hunter x Hunter- I'm rating this series really high because it made you stop and think about situtations that u normally wouldn't otherwise think about. Plus Gon is just a great main character. 4 Beck- This anime about the forming of a band in the Tokyo underground surpassed my expectations and delivered a story of rock legends and how they are made. 5 Air Master- Amazon chick with crazy flying kicks that is into street fighting. Do I need to say more? 6 Inital D- racing is always fun to watch. Add in the experience of a kid that just got his lience (even though he's been driving for years...) beating seasoned veterns of the downhill in his "hunk of junk". You can't help but root for the underdog. 7 Soul Eater- Once again love the characters Black Star, Soul, Mako, Death the kid and the rest are all fun to watch and see in action. 8 Black Lagoon- I swear they are just a delivery company.. with rockets a gunboat and a ton of additude 9 Cowboy Bebop- I'm sad to see this anime so far down on my list but one of the best to be sure. Spike, Fran, and Ed hunting down bad guys. Plus the music for the series was great. 10 Toradora- ok I got suckered into putting a romantic anime or "slice of life" on the list. This is definatly on of the best of it's kind. Honorable Mentions Bleach- I have so big problems with how they just added in certain Filler series.... and some of the filler series itself.... Claymore- loved the series but ended up getting cut from the list.. Air Gear- once again great series loved the concept of them but it just didn't make the cut. I still want the swallow..... Love Hina- came close but just couldn't get it on the list...
  4. Claymore is a really good series. Once you get over the hump of understanding the rest of the story fills in nicely. Plus Girls with giant freaking swords is always a plus. I'm currently watching Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. I'm extremely enjoying it and was pleastly surprised that the episodes are much more condenced. In the original Fullmetal, the brothers back story was 4 or 5 episodes long and in Brotherhood it was episode 2... The whole series keeps up this trend making the whole series much easier to follow. Merry Christmas ya'll
  5. wow you guys have some nutballs for friends lol... There is a point where u just need to tone it down and they have definatly crossed that line, jumped the fence and found grandma's house.
  6. yeah just recently joined the boards a few days ago.... Yeah the ending to Fullmetal really messed with my mind especailly where Ed ended up. I haven't had the chance to watch Brotherhood yet so I can't really compare the 2 so far....
  7. Old school anime for me is anything that used be on Toonami back in the day. Sailor Moon- definatly had a huge crush on Jupiter way back in the day. Thundercats- I fondly remember finding an old photo of me in a Thundercats shirt when I was like 4 or 5. I didn't remember anything about the series until I caught it on Toonami. I'm still a fan. DBZ- I remember when a friend of mine got an uncut verison when I was like 14 and we were so excited cause they cussed it. Ah those were the days. For this last one I wanted to put on here I honestly know very little about. I remember it well due to the fact my parents video taped a few episodes for me. Unfortantly the vhs tape got left in a box in the garage after we moved and was ruined by mold.... I still have fond memories of the series and would like to see all the episodes (which I haven't been able to find anywhere on the net :( and if anyone know where I can find them let me know) Galaxy Rangers- Goose was like a cross between Clint Eastwood and astronaut. (kind of the idea of the show....) Doc also had those little virus things that hacked into alien computers. I'm blanking out on the girl's name and the leader that had the crazy arm... It is a great series I remember from my childhood. Edit: so I just recently found the offical galaxy ranger website!!!! this is what I'm talking about [URL="http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9G_bDt_bDJLM5sAh0CjzbkF/SIG=12bphvejc/EXP=1261682175/**http%3A//www.anime.com/Galaxy_Rangers/images/circle01.jpg"][IMG]http://www.anime.com/Galaxy_Rangers/images/circle01.jpg[/IMG][/URL] this was released back with HeMan and Thundercats back in the day....
  8. both of those are great choices. It amazes me how I"m recalling these these scenes that both of you described. I remember both of them very well. come on people give me more!!!!!!!!
  9. The main reason Disney even picked up Naruto was the company's move to attract a male audience. It has been a growing trend from Disney that started in the 90's with Aladdin where Disney tried to target boys as thier veiwing audience. Disney has the princess thing down to a cookie cutter type recipe but they have found it hard to come up with movies and series that interest boys. They picked up Naruto in order to better target the young male audience. I personally have watched the first 4 or 5 episodes and other than the points already mentions (they don't kill things....) it was alright. The problem is when the series gets to the more violent parts. I don't see how Disney can possible show half of the battle that come later in the series. [spoiler]When Jirarya has his arm cut off and is eventually killed while fighting Pain. Or the battle between Itachi and Sauske which is a bloodbath. [/spoiler] I don't see Disney sticking with the series long enought for those to be shown on tv...
  10. Ok what I"m looking for is that moment or episode that stayed with you and why. It has to be something that deeply effected the characters so much that it moved you. Maybe an example is better than trying to explain it... One piece- [spoiler]The Burning of the Going Merry This was a truely a changing point in the series. It almost ripped the crew apart. Then brings them closer together than ever before. [/spoiler] I'm looking for things along those lines.
  11. I've been waiting for this... Dessert Punk General opinion: dislike [U]Strengths[/U] Smart and witty humor combined with gun battling action. The main character's battle tactics are amazing. He also is willing to sacrifice anything in order to achieve his goals. [U]Weaknesses[/U] Yeah did I mention willing to do ANYTHING..... He will do anything for money and has no sense of morals. In most anime the main character is treated like a pervert, in this one he just is one. Only 2 things modivate him, women and money... and he'll do anything to get both of them.
  12. [LEFT][URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/wiki/File:Hinata-Shipp%C5%ABden.jpg"][IMG]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/thumb/f/f7/Hinata-Shipp%C5%ABden.jpg/180px-Hinata-Shipp%C5%ABden.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Hinata Hygua has always been one of my favorites do to her shy nature and overcoming that nature to mature into a woman. I also really like how she filled out...:luv:[/LEFT] [center][URL="http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/b/b6/Namibounty.jpg"][IMG]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/b/b6/Namibounty.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [LEFT]I also have to put Nami on here. Her strong personality, instincts and intellect make her everything someone could possible want. Too bad for her the whole crew is full of idiots that overlook her sex appeal. (with Sanji being the exception of course)[/LEFT]
  13. I'm totally blanking out on his name but the guy from Naruto that Shikamaru killed (or imprisoned w/e) with the big scythe. He was bad amoung bad guys. [URL="http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0WTbx.rpTpLJjMAABCjzbkF/SIG=12ivoifso/EXP=1262221099/**http%3A//i165.photobucket.com/albums/u60/Kyo-Bloodeath/Hidan.jpg"][IMG]http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u60/Kyo-Bloodeath/Hidan.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  14. I'm stunned no one has mentioned Gundam Wing..... Would definatly be Deathscythe after being equipped for space.
  15. I have to agree with most of the major points that have been made. The thing I'd like to harp on is fillers.... I understand the need for fillers and the public just has to see the anime regardless if the Manga has been finished or not. This is why Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood was made.... I hate however when they throw in fillers at the worse possible time. Most recently in Bleach with the Zanpacto rebellion, how do u go from the middle of a huge battle with all of the Captains to filler episodes??? I can understand trying to work in fillers in between real episodes like Bleach did with the Boruto (misspelled?) even though I hated that part of the series.... One Piece they at least did a decent job at working in filler episodes. I just became frustrated with the people that are putting these series together. Do they have any sense of chronoligy??? @ people talking about the guys landing in sexual positions with girls. Yeah definatly overused and is a definate staple in some series (Lova Hina, and Kampfer are the 2 that pop in my head) Naked girls can be something that draws in viewers and as someone's quote reminded Rule #34....
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