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About neoswordmaster

  • Birthday 01/21/1991

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm just your average gamer.
  • Occupation
    College Student
  • Favorite Anime
    Kino's Journey
    FMA/FMA Brotherhood
    Cowboy Bebop
    Ouran High School Host Club
    Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann

    Just to name a random few.

neoswordmaster's Achievements

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  1. I walked into the theater expecting exactly one thing. Eye-candy. I did not expect the story to wow me, or the characters to be particulary good. I just paid some money to escape for a couple of hours into a visually pleasing world. With these expectations I enjoyed the movie. Otherwise, yeah, have to agree with you on some of those points.
  2. I'll probably say Oh Ten out of habit. That being said, it isn't wrong. But for the sake of the poll, I'll say Twenty Ten.
  3. A boatload of RPGs (FFIX, SMT:DDS, Bowser's Inside Story just to name a few). Seriously, I will have no life for a while. Other than that the Kino no Tabii light novel, and a digital camera.
  4. [quote name='Stephanie'][SIZE=1]You can't do parkour?! This is horrible. I'm so sorry.[/SIZE][/quote] Excuse me. Is that sarcasm? I meant more extreme feats of ability than you would see in a youtube video. I apologize for not being more clear.
  5. Not really a traditional superpower, but I would like enhanced physical abilities just so I can do parkour. But if I wanted to go out and fight crime, time powers would be my weapon of choice followed by telekinesis. Those are probably two of the more powerful abilities.
  6. [B][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v499/neoswordmaster/Iji.jpg[/IMG][/B] [B]Iji[/B] ([URL]http://www.remar.se/daniel/iji.php[/URL]) I absolutly love this game. For a free game, this is amazingly deep in terms of content. I'll start with the basics. The world has been attacked by aliens, blah blah blah, you're the only one who can combat them, yada yada yada, it's something you've heard quite a few times before. However, a plot twist about halfway through the game changes everything, but I won't spoil anything here. Not to mention, there is quite a bit of backstory of the aliens that you can discover by reading their logbooks. Enough about the story, now onto the gameplay. Iji is an adventure/platformer, with RPG elements. As you progress though the game you earn points which you can spend into a number of skills (strenght, health, enemy weaponry to name a few). While there are 8 main weapons in the game, you can combine two different weapons to form a more powerful one. Also included are a number of secret weapons, which I won't get too much into. Possibly the biggest part of the game is your ability to play as a pacifist. You can beat the game without actually killing anyone. By doing so, you greatly affect the story of the game. Again, I won't go into details, but it's worth trying to get through without killing anyone. The game even makes you feel quite guilty if you do shoot everything in sight. I've only begun to scratch the surface of the amount of content the game has to offer. While the main story can be completed in a few hours, the game has a ton of replay value. With multiple difficulties, a ton of secrets, and multiple endings, this game is well worth checking out.
  7. Even though I havn't dabbled much in 2D fighters, I think I might just check this out. The roster looks great, and I love who they picked for the final boss (not spoiling it for those who don't know.)
  8. Hello. I'm neoswordmaster, but you can call me neo. Well, as you can tell by my avatar, my favorite anime is Kino's Journey. I also like a few others like Cowboy Bebop and FMA. If you want to see what else I like, my anime planet account is listed below. [URL]http://www.anime-planet.com/users/neoswordmaster[/URL] I'm a rather agreeable person. I'm not afraid to voice my opinion, though. I hope I can become friends with you.
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