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About Killermon

  • Birthday 12/06/1988

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  • Biography
    I am.... ?
  • Occupation
    I was fired from theOtaku's chatroom staff :|

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  1. Well just to say, I am a Operator in theOtaku.com's Chatroom... And I like Message Boards more than Chatrooms but I also like Chatrooms...
  2. I personaly like Pan from DBZ but shes not the hottest. I think Rikku from FFX looked good (Yes FF is a anime)
  3. I seen it. Its no 3 of my fave animes. I Suggest it if you havnt seen it! :D
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Merchant [/i] [B] Actually, ten-shin-han(tien) Only defeats Goku in One tournament only, by the end of DB Goku was much more stronger than him. Also Chiaotzu is not new at figthing, he started just little time after Tien under Master Suru teachings, Master Roshi´s rival. So he is not new at figting at all, he is more experienced than many of the Z warriors the only thing is that hes not strong as them. [/B][/QUOTE] Techincally I belive noticing that Chiaotzu asked Tien to train him... its been awhile since I watched those eps I gotta refresh my mind once in awhile.
  5. Well since Chiaotzu (CORRECT SPELLING) is my fave character I'll give you the low down on him and Tien. Tien- Back at the begining of DBZ Tien was much much more powerful than Goku, Tien has beat Goku 2 times in tournments. Chiaotzu- Is new at fighting so he is not very strong... So stop making fun of him! They do come back in the Buu Saga. They only stopped putting them in the series because of Saiyians and stuff they didnt take out Krillin and Piccolo because they have a better history than, Tien and Chiaotzu, so there fore they stayed in the series. That should do it! :)
  6. Sakura Diaries is more of a normal Hentai not a soft hentai... and i heard its pretty good my friend has the whole series and he told me its hentai and from the parts hes told me about it dont sound too much soft hentai...
  7. I found out Big O is probaly older than most of you guys...
  8. Otaku - 1. (N) Next Door Neighbor's House 2. (N) Geek Theres enough info...
  9. 1)Star Gate SG1, Funny and alot of action 2)Star Wars, Neat Weapons 3)Star Trek, I never understood it...
  10. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Forget me... I am goin to go back and stick with the Chatroom... In there I dont feel like n00bie... I am looked up to in there... Oh well...
  11. Admins, James, Ban me.... cause i am breaking alot of rules because of this... ok?
  12. Ah... the history... hrmm.... I dont feel like posting mine cause its boring... All i will say is me and Sephiroth were registered near the same date... :(
  13. I want my old friends from here to reply... not ppl i dont know... And i am not a n00bie... i been here since Feb. 2001 i have this account cause this place was hacked long ago for all you ppl who wernt there.... ok?
  14. Well i was pissed when i wrote the topic so leave me alone... :bawl: I want to talk to my old friends.... thats all and i dun wanna send 100 fricking PM so i am leaving this place! EVERYONE TREATS ME LIKE A N00BIE! NEED ME I AM IN THE CHATROOM AND YOU PERSON WHO REPLIED YOU CAN COME IN THE CHATROOM AND GET YOUR BUTT KICKED RIGHT OUT! I AM SO PISSED! :flaming:
  15. Is it just me or when i make a topic i get like 0 - 3 posts and i never had a topic that had more than 10 ppl reply :\ So forget me making Topics ever again... :( :bawl:
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