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Bent Metal

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About Bent Metal

  • Birthday 07/10/1986

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    tall dark and handsome
  • Occupation
    on benefit

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  1. I am a Utilitarian. Not only that, but I am strongly Utilitarian. Its all a numbers game for me. I run my life by numbers, and I tend to do my Philosophising the same way. And this has really singled me out in my Philosphy lectures. I think I must be the only Utilitarian in the room (or at least the most fixed in my ways) and I end up being the only one who is arguing in opposition to the rest of the lecture. If I didn't enjoy arguing so much I would probably keep quiet. Lol. As I have mentioned, for me it is all about the numbers. I guess you could probably call the way I look at things "The Maths of Philosophy", I mean it isnt just "Maximum happiness with minimum suffering" like is set out in Utilitarianism, but is moreso one giant equation with the answer being my position on the topic. Its difficult to explain, because I do this all in my head, but it definately has to do alot with numbers.
  2. I personally would have rather have seen Saddam spend a life of suffering in a horrible prison. I'm not entirely opposed to the death penalty, but I have the feeling that Saddam's execution was unavoidable. For two reasons, a) Any chance of his escape is nul once he is executed. There are millions who think he deserves to be in prison, but others worship this man, and believe that his imprisonment is a huge injustice. And these aren't just your everyday protestors. These are people who would go to any length to achieve their causes including the sacrifice of their own lives. His execution means there is no chance for him to be broken out of prison and freed. b) What he represents. Its not necessarily how much power he has or how he could influence his people in the future, but moreso the image he represents, his values and his legacy. It may not solve any problems in Iraq. But it offers small comfort to his victims, and closes a chapter on Iraqs history.
  3. I'm lucky enough to have a song written about me (well, not really but it has my name and basically describes me to a T.) It's Matchbox 20's hit single "Bent" and basically sums up my being, Can you help me I'm Bent I'm so scared that I never get put back together Keep breaking me in And this is how it will end With you and me bent.
  4. I totally agree, Shinji. Elemeno P have a great sound to them and their music is great. BTW, if you are considering other NZ music purichases here are a few of my picks Genre: Old School Rock Crowded House - Nineties rock band, with memorable songs such as Don't Dream It's Over, Weather With You and Four Season in One Day. Lead Singer / Guitarist Neil Finn was also in a band called Split Enz which also ROCK. Genre: Hip Hop Nesian Mystik - Funky New Zealand Hip Hop with a flavor which is totally unique to NZ. Anyone interested in hip-hop must consider buying this. Genre: Rap Scribe - Newcomer Scribe had a great 2003, securing the top song of the year in NZ, in a landside victory to the second placed Black Eyed Peas' Where is the Love. Several collaborations with good friend P-Money. In the way of rock there are too many great bands to single one out : Zed (they do the main song in Rob Schneiders "The Hot Chick, it's called Starlight & it plays in the closing credits), The Feelers and Pacifer (Jon Toogood, skinny white guy with huge voice) I Know thats not all of the great NZ music but instead is a snapshot of some of the good stuff.
  5. I play bass, and have played guitar (both lead and rythym). Generally I have found the bass to be easier but there are several things about bass that are harder than guitar. Most of them have been listed already but there is also one other thing that I would like to bring up. This is especially important if you plan to play in a band. You need to have a good ear for music to pick out the bass riffs, as they are easily drowned out by the drums and guitars. When playing in a band, spend a little time alone to master the riffs as well as playing with the band, just because you may not be able to recognise if you are getting it wrong. But any developed musician should easily be able to pick it out.
  6. Rebellion snuck back into the abandoned warehouse to sleep. His "room" wasn't much, just a small matress and a blanket, surrouned and covered by piles of clothes, food and various other things he had managed to steal. Occasionally the odd rat would scurry through the room but that did bother Rebellion, he had other things on his mind. Why can't I remember my past. I don't know who my family is, where I grew up, or which scool I went to. I have been forced to walk alone in this life. "Argggggggggggggggh!" he screams as he pieced his skin with a knife. He drew the knife up his arm carving various symbols into his flesh. He had no real idea what he was doing but he had a feeling that the symbols were letters of an ancient language he had studied prior to the amnesia. The symbols turned in to words which turned into a sentence that spanned the entire distance of his forearm. He then covered the bleeding wounds with a silver ink. The Shadow of Rebellion is Born. Suddenly the warehouse doors opened letting in the piercing sunlight. Rebellion was more accustomed to seeing in the darkness so it took him a while to adjust to the sunlight. He saw the silhoutte of person in the doorway. "Who's there? Go away! This is my home you are entering, if you take one step closer I will stab this knife into your chest" OOC: I have no idea who this character at the door is going to be so any of you can be that person or I will make it an NPC.
  7. Brad Deans sat atop the roof of the local mall in his usual shadowy form. He waits there quietly until the doors were shut and locked. He jumps down on to the mall awning, a good ten feet below. Why did I have to possess the dominant X gene. If that isn't bad enough look at my appearance. I am a blue freak of nature. I have no place in this world, except being a lowly thief, stealing from those above me just to survive. A mere parisite. He slides the mesh grating from the air vent and pulls his body through. Foot by foot he pulls his body through the tiny shaft. Finally he reaches another grating, which he pulls off. Noone there. He drops to the floor his clawlike padded feet cushioning the groundshock. He looks around. Although it is completely pitch black, his night vision (an effect of his mutation) picks up everything as if it was broad daylight. He is in a health store. He has no use for anything in this particular store so he hurries out. I have no meaning on this earth, no family, no friends, no home. Should I end my life now or let the world suffer the pain I feel? Brad walks around the empty mall plaza until he reaches the grocery store. He goes through the aisles picking ot various items of interest. Meats, fruits, biscuits, potato chips and shoving them into the bag he stole from the same mall less than a fornight ago. He exits the store and heads across the plaza to a newly opened clothing store. Then he hears something. Footsteps. He changes himself into his ghostly shadowy form and tucks himself into a corner. The patrolling security guard shines his torch across the plaza, but is unable to see his ghostly shadow in the corner. The security guard walks off. "I though I heard something. Meh. It must have just been some birds on the roof or summin'.", the security guard says to himself. Brad continues on into the store and pilfers various items of expensive clothing, some to wear and some to sell. Noticing the time he decides to call it a night and exits through the same vent he entered. And as quickly as he came, he disappeared again. Back to an abandoned warehouse he calls home. Noone cares for me, so I shall care for noone but myself. I am no longer Bradley Deans. He doesn't exist anymore. I am pain. I am suffering. I am my own law. I am... REBELLION! OOC: Sorry about the lateness of this post. My computer wasn't letting me submit anything.
  8. Name: Bradley Deans Alias: Rebellion Age: 19 Gender: Male Apperence: 6 ft tall, dark blue complexion with silver markings covering most of the body, shortish black hair with blue and silver hilites, red eyes. Wears clothes similar to the trademark Nightcrawlers stuff (trenchcoat and ministerial type clothes), long claw like hands and feet. Mutant Ability: Can change into a shadowy form in which he gains invulnerability, night vision, acrobatic skill. Originally from: Unknown Affiliation: None at present Known Family: none, although by his appearance he maybe distantly related to Mystique and Nightcrawler, but no proof has arisen. Personality: Lonewolf, picks his fights. He doesn't fight for good or for evil, just for himself. Uses his mutant ability to steal from shops at night. Bio: After suffering a knock to the head, Brad wakes up to find his skin turned a blue color and has no memory of past events. After he gets caught by authorities for stealing from a bank, he is sent to jail where he spends his time between tatooing his body with various designs and perfecting his mutant ability. He then uses his ability to break out of the jail. He is currently living in an abandoned warehouse, stealing money and food to support himself. He now goes by the alias Rebellion.
  9. Hollywood better get ready cos The Bent Metal is goin to be rippin it up in the upcoming future. Bent Metal has just received confirmation that he is going to be in a big movie with lots of big names. Unfortunately due to privacy Bent Metal can release many details about the film, but he can say it i'll be in theatres by 2005. YAY FOR BENT METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. No its not Gyarados. Think ruby / sapphire Hint: look at species names.
  11. The wish bringer is Jirachi Q: A tsunami, earthquake or tornado has just gone through your town. Which pokemon is likely to have been through the town recently?
  12. This is the list of most of the pokemon for my game I'm working on, Pokemon Silhouette / Pokemon Rainbow. At the moment I have about 129 pokemon plus the legendaries. If you have some ideas for new pokemon put them in my thread and if I like them I may PM you and ask if I can use them. Also if you have any Q's about my game feel free to ask them. 1. Blumage (Grass/Ground) 2. Mosstrich (Grass/Ground) 3. Feathorn (Grass/Flying) 4. Frydeg (Fire/Rock) 5. Smoldarus (Fire/Rock) 6. Infernace (Fire/Dragon) 7. Delphin (Water/Fighting) 8. Igluga (Water/Ice) 9. Vaporca (Water/Ice) 10.Squwhirl (Normal/Flying) 11.Choppermunk (Normal/Flying) 12.Crowster (Normal) 13.Clurkey (Normal) 14.Glowurm (Bug/Electric) 15.Flilyte (Bug/Electric) 16.Gearwig (Bug/Steel) 17.Telescorp (Bug/Glass) 18.Metallix (Steel) 19.Raydial (Water/Flying) 20.Balakuda (Water/Dark) 21.Haridge (Ground) 22.Harumble (Ground) 23.Pengeing (Ice) 24. Penguise (Ice) 25.Annox (Dark) 26.Sonnoir (Dark/Psychic) 27.Slumbra (Dark/Ghost) 28.Egris (Flying) 29.Eagust (Flying) 30.Pudroll (Poison) 31.Gooze (Poison) 32.Mistix (Ghost) 33.Foghost (Ghost) 34.Molectric (Electric) 35.Dynatomic (Electric) 36.Kismile (Normal/Flying) 37.Dovely (Normal/Flying) 38.Neupole (Electric) 39.Bekonicle (Glass/Poison) 40.Drachel (Dragon) 41.Drattle (Dragon) 42.Dravile (Dragon) 43.Bellophant (Normal) 44.Nechromancy (Steel/Ghost) 45.Screensabre (Electric) 46.Subspring (Water) 47.Lovenom (Poison) 48.Toxihart (Poison) 49.Broclily (Grass) 50.Alumineon (Steel) 51.Canyeon (Rock/Ground) 52.Aveon (Flying) 53.Bansheon (Ghost) 54.Polkoala (Normal) 55.Diamoon (Dark/Glass) 56.Cristaluna (Dark/Glass) 57.Buzsor (Bug/Steel) 58.Gyraffe (Psychic) 59.Hookum (Steel/Water) 60.Anchlure (Steel/Water) 61.Phoenite (Fire/Flying) 62.Falcano (Fire/Flying) 63.Parakite (Flying) 64.Parotchute (Flying) 65.Moltox (Fire/Poison) 66.Snowmonke (Ice) 67.Mandricle (Ice/Glass) 68.Yukirilla (Ice/Fighting) 69.Tyrex (Rock) 70.Leechild (Bug/Dark) 71.Ugleech (Bug/Dark) 72.Dulloor (Dragon/Dark) 73.Dullty (Dragon/Dark) 74.Dillarmor (Ground/Steel) 75.Armadoza (Ground/Steel) 76.Glyptodune (Ground/Steel) 77.Vambat (Dark/Flying) 78.Vampyro (Dark/Fire) 79.Piffip (Grass/Flying) 80.Macaia (Grass/Flying) 81.Fruican (Grass/Flying) 82.Pantomimic (Psychic) 83.Flamengo (Water/Fire) 84.Frostoad (Grass/Ice) 85.Delichik (Ice/Flying) 86.Meteorbit (Rock/Psychic) 87.Nebulith (Rock/Psychic) 88.Zebright (Normal) 89.Imotia (Normal) 90.Oman (Rock/Water) 91.Kabutette (Rock/Water) 92.Barnikelp (Rock/Grass) 93.Trylobyc (Rock/Bug) 94.Moreel (Water/Psychic) 95.Bubblebee (Water/Bug) 96.Dewasp (Water/Bug) 97.Plattyrpi (Water/Glass) 98.Axolotan (Water/Fire) 99.Sunewt (Water/Fire) 100.Tanphibian (Water/Fire) 101.Mammicth (Rock/Ice) 102.Enormamm (Rock/Ice) 103.Pepsicum (Fire/Grass) 104.Salsichili (Fire/Grass) 105.Mercutury (Steel/Fire) 106.Nuckel (Steel/Fighting) 107.Copaducta (Steel/Electric) 108.Trikard (Steel/Psychic) 109.Gameble (Steel/Psychic) 110.Bilikidd (Ground/Ice) 111.Bergoat (Ground/Ice) 112.Bloflask (Glass/Fire) 113.Clovase (Grass/Glass) 114.Spektaghoul (Ghost/Glass) 115.Tunadine (Water) 116.Mizupane (Water/Glass) 117.Takindigo (Water/Psychic) 118.Howulf (Dark) 119.Lupiror (Dark) 120.Foamodo (Water/Dragon) 121.Caulst (Poison) 122.Sulfight (Poison/Fighting) 123.Turfawn (Normal) 124.Veldoe (Normal) 125.Scrubuck (Normal) 126.Jestiboks (Psychic) Surprise 127.Neuric (Bug/Psychic) 128.Cactile (Dark/Grass) 129.Bangaroo (Fighting) I'll save my legendaries for my revised list when I have chosen a few new ones from you guys.
  13. [I] Posted by GinnyLyn [/I] KEHHO: kitten, glass, and paper TINA: Soft Toy, the Key and the Wedding Ring SEIFER: machine gun, fire extinguisher, and shoe KRAY: boat, bike, and jeans FRED: (already taken), photo, and wheel TRAVIS: book, pen, and show
  14. Excuse my lateness, but I have been busy this week. I have decided to do this via the thread rather than by PM. The object of this game is to select three items out of the dump and sell them to the second hand store across the road. The team which collectively makes the most money gets immunity. Cyanides since you have one member extra I have randomly chose Kray to sit this task out. Note: Plz post your three choices in the Survivor thread, not Pming me with it. Also item are on first come first serve basis and no two people can have the same items. The items are: boat bike glass book paper rubbish bin pen stapler shoe fire extinguisher soft toy machine gun clock photo wheel wedding ring key jeans luchbox kitten Please chose carefully because some things aren't as it seems. BENT METAL
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