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Everything posted by Tigervx

  1. Tigervx

    Siege on Carentan

    Right when 2nd platoon sees the signal, a horrible noise cracks out of a building. A MG 42. Arkis: Damnit! They've got a damn MG! I'm going up! Daniel: Are you crazy? Arkis didn't hear him, he started dashing up. Daniel cursed wildly at him to come back. Arkis heard the kraut operators yelling something. They switched their tripod postion and started to fire at him. He zig zagged and avoided the bullets, and fired a grenade mounted on his rifle into the window, taking out the machine gun. Daniel: lucky bastard. He waved for them to move up, and they started up. About three fourths the way there, a crack came out of the city. A bullet sliced right threw Arkis's shoulder. He fell down in pain as 1st platoon opens up on the window with the sniper. Daniel: Damnit! 2nd platoon rushes over behind the building. Daniel: MEDIC! OOC: hey, someones gotta get hurt.
  2. Tigervx

    Siege on Carentan

    Arkis overhearing the new plan walks oer to the 2nd platoon. Arkis: alright, you heard him, get your guns ready, get your gear, and get ready to start off left. The men of 2nd platoon nod and start to load their weapons and take some grenade from the racks. Arkis pulls out his M1 Carbine, he loads a 20 bullet clip into the paratrooper rifle.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]well, [URL=http://www.creaturecology.com]Creaturecology[/URL] is not technically a pet site, but I think it's close, and very interesting to use. [/B][/QUOTE] Anyone have an account on that site? I can't save my creatures cuz i need to send them threw a Email. PM if you are.
  4. Coulnd't kiaba jut of switched it into defnse mode, and draw a card with 1800 attack points or more to wipe Yu-Gi's Keltic Gaurdian? It seems easier then risking your life.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt [/i] [B][color=red][b]Yes, but Easy was told to hold Bastogne. Have you seen Band of Brothers? If you have, you would know what I mean. Easy was the best, and toughest company in the 101st. Now about the RPG, you only have 2 pinapple grens. I said that if you read what I had posted first. Also, Allied troops didn't take german grenades. They were bigger, heavier, and didn't fit in their gear. All you need to put in weapons if your rifle. Remember, you can't go around carring 40 clips. There is a limit to what you can carry. When going into battle, each soldier had maybe 10 clips max and 2 for a pistol. So, NO german nades, and Tigervx, LostProphet, and Orien_Xel, please update your gun section. and LostPropet, we don't need another sniper. Snipers were not that common, as they were elite units. So please pick a different gun. [/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Whats wrong with the M1 carbine? And I've seen BOB. But you must know that all soldiers, even german, deserve respect.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]My guess would be because the Newbie Lounge at point counted posts. Then it was made not to count them. So with the deletion of the Newbie Lounge, the people who posted there lost those posts that they put in there. Not that it matters.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ya, thats most likely. I remeber that the post used to count, but now they don't. I lost like 30 post, but it doesn't matter, I mean, in the end, does it matter if your a Otaku or a member?
  7. Name: Arkis Kwong Platoon: 2nd Rank: Sargent Gun: M1 Carbine paratrooper rifle, 45. Browning automatic pistol, stolen German grenade (forgot the name:( ) and five pinapples. [QUOTE]we need about 4-5 guys for each platoon. Remember, Easy Company was the best damned paratroopers out there. Act like it.[/QUOTE] yes, but the entire 101 airborn division, or screaming eagles were the toughest of the them all. In the battle of the bulge, Bastoine. They held their ground, one divison against at least 6 panzer divisons, and yet they did not surrender, but fought on. I know my WWII history :naughty:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nekoshi chan [/i] [B]=^^= lmao some of this might keep me content for a while... more GW stuff! *It's GW Therapy Time* Shrink: So, Heero, what's your greatest fear? Heero: .... *whispers* clowns. Shrink: I see... *Trowa comes in, Heero freaks out, starts crying hysterically, and throws himself out the window... Trowa shrugs and sits down...* Next episode... :P The Shrink disucsses Trowa's Childhood (here's a preveiw): Trowa: ......................... =^^= [/B][/QUOTE] Next episode! Shrink: So Wufie, why exactly do you talk to your gundam? Wufie: We will fight all evil and hand out justice! Shrink writes on pad: Delusional ------------------------------------------------- Shrink: So, Heero, what can you say about operation Meteor? Heero: kill! kill them all! Blow self up! aahahahahhaahhah! Shrink Writes: total psycho
  9. They blew their gundams up. In the end they said weapons known as mobile suits were never seen again. So its juat a rumor, not real.
  10. Tigervx

    Boston Public

    Good show, i can't watch it now though. The most shocking episode for me was the last one about the sex affair with the teacher and the student. I mean who would of thought that otehr guy (forogt his name) would get fired?:eek:
  11. Wufie: Nataku! We will fight all are enemies and defeat them! Nataku:.................. Wufie: hmmmmmmmm..... *later* Wufie: Nataku! We will rid the world of evil and give justice! *pushes button* *clank, tail comes up with sign on it* Sign: Right Wufie! Saw this at the end of a GW manga with little cartoons and spoofs of G gundam and GW.
  12. Hmmm, i don't play Yu-Gi-Oh, but i'd say this was a new theme for a deck. Jinzo is a annoying card. I remeber that when i was watching a game, when it died he used call of the haunted and monster reborn lol. Anyways, it doesn't seem to bad, but again, i play magic not Yu-Gi-Oh.
  13. OOC: sorry, hard to post on weekends. Kwaz: wait! Wait a second! Kwaz jumping around, eating a piece of toast and putting on his watch at the same time. Bremma: Take it easy Kwaz, we still have have 50 minutes. Kwaz: Oh, ok. Kwaz puts done the piece of toast, sticks on his watch, and starts eating again. After Bremma ate some food she had gotten, they still had 30 minutes till they had to start training. Kwaz: Soo, whats on your mind?
  14. As Bremma leaped into the pool, a wave of water flew everywhere. She laughed playfully and swam next to Kwaz. Kwaz noticed that parts of her body were exposed, he blushed. Kwaz: ummmm, maybe you aren't dressed for this. He blushed as she swam next to him. Bremma: It's alright, you said it's just water. 'Come on! Go for it! She does like you!' 'This is too much pressure! Bail out!' 'No! GO for it!' As his mind conflicted, he crumbled to the pressure. Kwaz: Ummm, I'm gonna go back to the room, hehe, ummm, bye. He rushed out in a hurry, 'So much pressure!.'
  15. Kwaz: Well, its ok, i mean, im not dressed for it either. He is wearing his shorts inside the pool. Kwaz: It's just water. Bremma: Ummm, i don't really feel like it hehe. 'Why the heck am i asking her? Shes not intrested in me! Just stop asking and realize you won't be more then friends.' He felt his heart brake as he thought she thought she wasn't attracted to him, but hid it well. Kwaz: ummm, ok then, you can do whatever now. Kwaz swam off, heart broken because he thought his roommate Bremma, who he thought was very attractive, didn't like him, although she secretly does.
  16. As Bremma awakes at 8:07 A.M., she sees that Kwaz left a note. It read Note: Sorry about looking at you the night before last night, anways, I've gone to the gym. Bremma reads the note, she guesses she will visit the gym and talk to Kwaz. She wanders around the halls for a bit until she reaches the gym door. When she enters, she sees Kwaz running on a track. He appeared to be running for quite some time. Bremma: aren't you gonna take a break soon? Kwaz: in a bit. In 15 minutes he ran towards the pulls and took off his top, revealing a well built body, Bremma blushed. He then jumped into the pool and sighed with relief. Kwaz: so what did you want to talk about?
  17. As he walked down and up the halls, pondering about all that had happened. His thoughts were scattered in a thousand different places in his mind. Suddenly, his stomach groaned. He hadn't eaten a thing since his shuttle returned. He at last stepped into the mess hall, none inside. He repliacted himself a turkey sandwhich. He walked up and down the halls again. He impossibly tired. He came across his room, but remeber Bremma was inside. He couldn't og in after all that had happened, he started to wander again around the halls.
  18. Come on, think about it. If they are really "Gangsta" they will join a gang. They will get involved in a mafia war between the Yakuza and the Scicilian mafia. They will get gunned down by Yakuza enforcers of Scicilian hitmen. And you? You will be a famous author. So what do you think is the better life? :p
  19. As Bremma and Kwaz start to finish their sparing activity, a chill goes down Kwaz's spine as he rembers the humiliating acident back in the room. Kwaz: Erm, I'm hungrey now, you already ate, ummm, you can go back to the room i guess, ummm, hehe, bye. He runs out of the room, horrible embarrsed about everything that has happened. 'Oh why did I look at her? Coulnd't i have found something else to do? It's not like I like her or anything!' The thought somehow opened a door 'No, it coulndn't be, I mean, im not ready yet, i don't think.' He shakes the idea out of his mind as he runs across the hall. 'I mean, i don't think shes ready, of course, I've only known her for one day!' He paced down and up the hall, pondering about everything that had happened that day so far.
  20. As bremma lunged at Kwaz with her Quarter Staff, he parried it with his Katana, sending her towards a wall. She turned her body and made a clear sending, bouncing off the wall, she stood in a defensive position. Kwaz dashed towards her has he swung his katana at her left leg. She easily blocked the blow, but then she also clanged the Katana on the floor. Kwaz leaped in the air and grabbed a 'Battle Mace?' He threw the weapon back on the rack, to hard for sparing. He grabbed a spear this time, satisfied with the new weapon. He was then met by a quarter staff, splitting the spear in two 'This isn't working.' He relinquished another weapon, an Axe and spilt the staff in two. He threw the weapon away and took a scimitar from the rack. On the opposite side, Bremma grabed another Quarter staff, but with spikes attached to it. They both leaped in the air, ready to strike.
  21. After Bremma had left the room, he started walking threw the halls, horribly embarrsed at the incident. He wondered why he was so zoned out. He felt his stomach rumble for food, but he coulnd't eat while Bremma was inside the mess hall. He came upon a room with various melee weapons on racks, and many towers and ladders. It was a melee combat room. He thought this would get the incident off his mind for a bit. He picked up a katana and started jumping and fencing at an invisible enemy.
  22. That seems like a good idea. You could look up a rule before you RP or something, and everything would be there.
  23. Kwaz: Well, my Great Grand father fought in World War two and brought some "Antiques" back from Germany. And sparing would be nice some time. As he was talking, Bremma noticed that one bag was full of WWII items, a cantine, backpack, and other items. Kwaz took what Bremma didn't get a good glimse of and slipped it under his bed as well.[FONT=arial]Hope no one finds this old M1 Gariand rifle, but its the only thing that goes with my bayonet![/FONT] He then took a Japanse sword out of the case. Kwaz: He also saw duty in the island hopping campaign until he was wounded and transfered to Europe. He placed the sword ontop of his shelf with a stand beside his bayonet. Then he stuck a old watch on his table and a new clock beside it. Kwaz: i know your wondering whats with all the old items, its for good luck. Bremma was just sitting under her covers, listening [FONT=arial]Shut up, shes going to sleep you idiot![/FONT] His mind told him. He started taking out other more common items and placing them around his side of the room.
  24. OOC: Kwaz, lol, its ok. As he looked around the room, he noticed two beds, two tables, two closets, a bathroom, and two book shelves. It was about the size of a hotel room. He asumed that they were suppost to make the room more lively. Kwaz: hmmm, i guess i will have the side that is the one you don't pick. Bremma, sitting on the right side of the room said Bremma: Umm, this side is fine. Kwaz: then i shall have the left side. He then opened his two bags and took out what appeared to be a sharp knife with a hole on the bottem of a nub. Bremma: Whats that thing? Kwaz: You don't know to much about World War II do you? It's a bayonet, it's a knife attached to rifles in melee combat. Bremma: oh. Bremma pulled a plushie of some sort of her bag and placed it on the pillow of her bed.
  25. Wait, don't posts in the Newbie lounge not count O.o?
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