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Everything posted by Tigervx

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by boogeta [/i] [B]I like :love: allenby she is hot :blush: [/B][/QUOTE] thats what i was going to say. Her personality ain't bad either :naughty:
  2. OOC: sorry for the late entry Kwaz steps out of his shuttle, [FONT=arial]So late........so very late........have they started without me? No, they couldn't have, or could they?[/FONT] A shiver goes down his spine at the thought. He looks around but finds nothing intresting going on. He asumes that hes not too late. He reads the paper with his room number and partner. As he read his the list, he saw the name Bremma.[FONT=arial]That must be my room mate[/FONT] He thought about what kind of person she was, what did she like? If items would be hurled at him when he entered the room. He chuckled and the last thought, but still wondered about the other. But one problem, he doesn't know where hes going. He comes into a garden, he sees two girls. Kwaz: hello, my name is Kwaz Sosac, do you know where this room number is?
  3. Do we really need a male instructor? lol
  4. This sounds interesting Name:Kwaz Sosac Age: 15 Sex:Male Height:5'9 Weight:100 lb Planet:Saturn Appearance: BLack hair, Asain, average asain person basicly Bio: He was born in a military family. Very disciplne and was always top of his class Uniform color: gray :p Personality: Depends, but mainly cheerful and pleasent to be around when they aren't doing anything like classes.
  5. But in my flash movie thread, we were trading flash movies. And promoting discusion. Not just "that was funny"
  6. I'm The Harlequin ? I don't think i know that person, AND THEY DIDN'T HAVE EVIL! THERE! I WILL DEVOUR YOUR SOUL!
  7. I don't know, but i remeber the first episode. It was about how the giant, ummm, so long, forgot the name of the race. Was attacking a city. THe humans deployed their airplane/mecha things and fought. They then warped on the moon, and other stuff. And i remeber people eating a gaint fish. What?
  8. Same here, its ok to be crazy on the interent, hehe
  9. NEver saw your other poems. I'm talking about how you fight with socks and other stuff like that.
  10. Nice poem. It doesn't even show the crazyness you are acustom two lo. Very good
  11. lol, i think someone should make a Yu Gi Oh RPG inside the virtual thing. I would, but im cursed. Whenever i make a RPG, it becomes a evil demon and destroys half of the otaku :devil: Can someone make one plz?
  12. you could of sold thoughs, even though its horribly common. And now the otaku Admisterative building is on fire...I hope James and Adma s can make it out.
  13. Ya, but thats a ritual with 2300 attack power
  14. A sandwhich? jk. BUt what about a dragon capture jar? i mean, its a jar.
  15. *cough* multiply in show *cough* i mean, in the real thing, it makes a new ONE MONSTER each turn. BUt in the show, it makes you invincible!
  16. THe Dark energy in the first duel. Ya i know it real, but in the show, it tripled the attack for of saigi the dark clown! If you use that on a 900, it would be a 2700. Thats very powerful indeed.
  17. Rember? I remember when robot tech was new, that was a good show. Anyways, ya, it was kinda weird how everything exploded though...
  18. I think we can show flash movies, i remeber someone did that with mario. [URL=http://megaman.retrofaction.com/wilyshow.swf]wily's happy fun time evil show[/URL] It is hecka funny, if this is against the rules, close it to heck!:devil:
  19. Kwaz is half awake, not knowning or seeing anything, just knowing hes moving. Xanko sees Kwaz being dragged up the hill, some natives start to shout Native: Stop your attack or we will kill your man! Xanko sees the natives stop firing, he can see Kwaz is still alive, bloody and beaten though. He has a blaster stuck to his head, with three other rifles pointing at him. Many more natives come up. One native grins as they all know that In the Mandilorian Cred, that you never let a fellow Mandilorian behind.
  20. hmmm, maybe you should take out your white magical hat. Its only 1000/700, and half of your monsters don't need tributes. But you might need more tribs for BEWD
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ya)\/(I-YuGI [/i] [B]LEAVE the FLAMES out!! [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not flaming. Flaming is like: YOU **** HES NOT GOING TO TURN ON YUGI YOU ****ER! YOU ARE SO STUPID THAT YOU COULD NOT EVEN SEE THAT! YOU ARE SO G** YOU ****!
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]Man, who the heck do you think you are? You don't order me around or tell me to do anything of that sort. You tell me not to cuss and you just turn right around and do it yourself. Don't tell me how to do anything, because you're nothing but a hypocrite. [/B][/QUOTE] So true, its like saying don't kill to someone, and then murder him! if you tell people not to cus, and do it yourself, what kind of person are you? :mad:
  23. To be honest, it just kinda poofed in my head. It was when i was watching the rock *gets hit by a rotten fruit* eww, anways, I thought it was a intresting name, AND WOULD STRIKE FEAR IN MY ENEMIES *gets hit by a Pinapple* ow...... I was wrong about the second one. ANd from then on, i've used this name for everything. [email]TigerVX@hotmail.com[/email] TigerVX geekshelf, TigerVX W3, TigerVX AIm. And more stuff. ANd thats the story of my name, i must now lookout for my enemies, AND DEVOUR THERE SOULS :devil:
  24. Kwaz finally wakes up, he feels weak. He can't feel one leg, and his left arm hurts like hell. He sees no one around Kwaz: Oh, just great, just F***ing great, they left me behind THree blaster bolts fly past him. He quickly turns his head to see 12 Death Watchers Kwaz: Damn you He is knocked unconsiouss...
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