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Everything posted by Tigervx

  1. Sorry, i think i was thinking of the aries from FF7, now i must run for my life
  2. Whats with the LOTR refrence? lol. ANd that pic ginny drew is good.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1] 1. There's multiple answers: They enter the same tunnel at 2:00 on opposite days, they enter at 2 AM or 2 PM or there are two one-way tracks. Those are probably all wrong, but I gave it a try. 2. He wrote that they get nothing. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] First one, CORRECT *throws at her a cookie Second one, incorrect *throws rock at her*
  5. What about, ummmm *thinks of something to make up* chibi gundam kawiaa, thingy....... um.......
  6. Riddle that will cause you to throw random objects at me! 1.Two trains enter the same tunnel at 2 o'clock. THey enter oppiste sides and its a one way track, how do they not hit each other? 2.A king want to seperate his kingdom equally between his two sons. What does he put in his will? Now, i must run from the rain of objects about to be hulred at me.
  7. :nervous: I dont see it! Bold, Italic, underland, http,@, img, Font, monospace text PHP, list, color, and quote. nope, no spell check. And it would be useful around the board.
  8. Well, he proved he CAN be evil. IN the Kiaba if Yugi had not stopped him. Remeber? so I say, he has the ability of going insane with power.
  9. MUST BURN CN TO THE GROUND. EVIL! DESTROY CN! THEY REPLACED EVERYTHING WITH TRANSFORMERS! DRAGON BALL! WHICH IS A OVERUSED SHOW! its good the first time. But they've shown it like 15 times, wtf? and the otehrs
  10. Sure they can take off mask, but he put the mask on cuz he got injuried, and its still a plot hole
  11. I found i plot hole haha. Cuz when ulube tried to capture the devil gundam and killed the kasue family and all, he was wearing a mask. But when they went down to earth to try to get it again, he wasn't! i found a plot hole.
  12. I think nukes are more weapons of intimidation then destruction. Think about it, one nuke, causes a war of more then 75% of the population is destroyed. Nobody, and i mean nobody, not even sadam is stupid enough to destroy the human race. Even if you do take over the worl, what good is it if you can't rule anybody? THEY'D ALL BE DEAD! So i think not many people are insane enough to kill the worlds population.
  13. I would tell you my secret, but then i would have to destroy everyone on the boards and we dont want that do we? Well, maybe i'll tell later when i plant that nuke, wait, did i say that out loud? [IMG]http://www.geekshelf.com/gallery/TigerVX/gundam/laser.gif[/IMG]
  14. It was a good movie, but i personally expected more from it. But the animation, it was great. My rating, 8/10 :p
  15. No, according to the rules: You can't advertise web site in post, only in sig
  16. Lets see, all the people who helped me with my spriting Final Flash, Warlock, DBZman, and Alexander But who did Alexander not help? He made the spriting tutorials for crying out loud! And of course, all the moderators and James and Justin :D
  17. The last episode was good, but i like all huge scale battles :devil: . And they they in a ton of gundams from other series. I say wind gundam, RX-78, GM, GP-02, and more. i guess they didn't have enough gundam fighters :naughty: . Anyways, F***ing CN! They are screwing us all! [IMG]http://www.geekshelf.com/gallery/TigerVX/gundam/laser.gif[/IMG]
  18. did you not space it on purpose? its hard to read
  19. *Blazing plushy hits TigerVX* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! GET IT OFF! AHHHHHH! But the rules are in Hyper shadow. wait, ummm, aren't i on fire?:flaming: O GOD! GET IT OFF! NOOOOOOOOO! but that page of rules really is proof.
  20. w00t! its on again at 5:30! maybe becausew its almost over, but who cares? ITS ON AGAIN! W00T! So anyone know exactly why?
  21. Zeon Pilot: ITS A GUNDAM! *ship blasts gundam with Beam Cannon* Zeon Pilot: ok, lets get lunch! -------------------------------------------- Trowa: ill have to destroy all of you Pilot: wew're not done yet soking our MSs in gasoline. (Well, they do explode too offen to be regular!)
  22. Dangit! I loved BoB, ro band of brothers. He wrote some good books. That really sucks. :(
  23. [QUOTE]Hmm. Pretty cool[/QUOTE] pretty cool? what do you mean? Anyways, it seems like more terrorist are taking action theses days. In india, more then 100 people are dead because of the anti election terrorist group, who think its a scam. I always wonder how they think of there motives. I mean, why would it be a scam?
  24. I think pegasus had the right motive, but the wrong way of doing it.
  25. I watch Iron Chef when I can, and i realized Iron Chef Italian isn't picking option by the challenger. What exactly DOES Iron Chef Italian do? :therock:
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