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Everything posted by Tigervx

  1. I know why Jim is so smart. He was the son of a super hacker, forgot the name, but thats all i know.
  2. Kwaz seemed very tense now that there is a new threat, or old, to the kingdom. He had recently been promoted from captain to general. Kwaz was very confused about this first, why him? he was only a soldier. The King explained that his bravery showed him that he was a leader to the end. Kwaz was now in command of 50 malises, he was no longer a small captain...
  3. As Dark Justice stepped inside the malis Armory, he yelled over the comm. Kwaz: THE ZAIBACH HAVE RETURNED! ALL MALIS PILOTS, COME WITH ME, ESCAFLOWNE IS FIGHTING, BUT WILL BE MASSACRED IF WE DONT HELP! NOW ALL OF YOU, GET IN YOU MALISES AND FIGHT! A alarm went off and all the pilots jumped into their malises. Almost all at once, they all came to life. He ordered them to follow him to the border. He only hoped he wasn't too late...
  4. hehe, i went 2 this site, and i found thoughs plus 90 more. Heres the funniest one in my terms 99. Create an army of animal crackers. Put them through basic training. Set up little checkpoints around the room. Tell your roommate that the camel spotted him/her in a restricted area and said not to do it again. Ask your roommate to apologize to the camel.
  5. I didn't really know about OB or the otaku at the time. I just searched for "gundam" and the absolute gundam page came up. After a while i was looking for a anime forums, and there it was. lol
  6. I think its cuz if you post your awnser, ppl can c it and copy it
  7. As Kwazs unit dwinded too 2 suits, he screamed Kwaz: NO BACKUP? NO ONE SEES THE BATTLE? His last comrade was struken down by a flamethrower. The wave of enemies seemed endless, he had no way of signaling for help. As Dark Justice only had melee purposes, while the enemy was ealisy able to destroy him from a distance. Kwaz made a finally plee. Kwaz: if anyone can here me! where under attack at the western north path! im the only one left, over 300 enemy malises over here! I need backup! the nemy will breach the perimater and into the land if we cant hold them off! need backup! Kwaz had no other choice, no one else was going to make it in time. He had no other choice. He charged the wave of glimmers with Dark Justice. The army, surprised, opened up. Dark Justice leaped over the flames and smashed threw one of the malises head down to the cockpit. He fought them as they where confused. Kwaz: FOR FREEDOM! He went seeming, suicidal fight. He knew, one way or another, he wouldn't live, fighting for the king.
  8. ]Kwaz and his border guards marched around, seeing nothing. He didn't know why they even kept the partol up since the evil had been destroyed. Then, out of nowhere, something hit one of his men. The malis was slammed into the ground and exploded like a firework. Kwaz: ALL FORCES! GET DOWN! Three of the malis responded, the forth was engulfed by a wave of flames. He adjusted Dark Justice's head, but saw nothing but a glimmer, no enemies. Suddenly, out of a glimmer came a streaking hand, ready to erase his life. He reacted by moving Dark justice and severing the hand. thoughts: somethings wrong here, i cant see them until i attack, its like they cant be seen until they need to exposed. It couldn't be the evil, they where vanquished years ago, or could it? He was only a boy at the time, but he recalled the Zaibach males where cloaked, but how could they still be alive? One of his men, a young 18 year old boy with a Bow Malis, fired at the glimmer and instantly punchered something. A cloak of some kind fell off, and it was clearly a malis. Kwaz: Damnit, it is the Zaibachs! But how many? By the time he said that, a wave of sparkles awnsered his question. Kwaz: hold them off men...
  9. Name: Kwaz Nimo Gender:male Age: 23 What country you are from:Fanelia Guymelef's name:Dark Justice Planet: earth A leader of a Males Squad, 5 in border patrol. He doesnt talk much about his private life, hes very secretive and mysterious.
  10. OOC: umm, boba, im Kwaz, and if im dying, why am i planting explosives?
  11. OOC: how come no one seems to realize i got blasted to pieces? dead or dying?
  12. [COLOR=teal]They seem to scream alot in DBZ. Its like "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" *three minutes later* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH* Have you ever noticed that? And in the Freize Saga, i also saw they used the same pictures over and over again, but SOMETIMES dif backgrounds. And i still dont get why they turn blond when they go SS. [/COLOR]
  13. Wow, that brings me back a while.Over here in the pacific coast, it got cancled like years ago. It was a nice anime, but i guess it didnt atract alot of people. I always wanted to see it all though.:(
  14. OOC: did u see my post? im dead or dying, i cant talk.
  15. Kwaz see the speed make its mad run and knock out the tank. Kwaz: damn! are they crazy? Kwaz turns on his Comm as he sees another pulse tank lock on to the speeder. Kwaz: Marth! get out of that speeder! Youll get blasted! Marth: repeat Kwaz, i aint getting a good signal, say something about a tank- It was too late, the pulse tank fire its particale cannon right into the side of the speeder. It limped and crashed over a hill, and all the natived cheered as many rush to kill the the men inside. Kwaz instantly got up and raked the natives, diverting their attention to him. They instantly blasted him to peices, he layed on the ditch where the Head Hunters where, knocked out or dead...
  16. Tigervx


    This may sound dorky, but i like to read star wars:faint: . I dont know why, but its got something i like.
  17. OOC: sorry boba, i just edited my post, so that part was taken out Jaster: Kwaz, how many natives are up there? Kwaz: Helmet scanner comfirms, 46? Jaster: There where only 15 last time! A huge hulk comes around a hill showing a Particale Cannon on a turret on the Top. Kwaz: crap, there bring a pulse tank up! A natives on the top of the tank start blasting the Head Hunters postion. Kwaz: got anything to knock it out?
  18. Tigervx


    ummm.... I just saw it, and the bey blade things where on fire, and when one hit another, it exploded and hit the owner........ Im so confused!
  19. Kwaz Alja looked in shock as he saw a heavy bunker right outside the drop ship with at least 15 men inside firing at random Kwaz: "How the hell did they get a E-Web?" the civilians started pounding the head hunters position with a imperial grade repeating blaster. Kwaz tries to chuck a single grenade he had at the bunker, but bounced and exploded outside the bunker. Kwaz: "Get down!" Kwaz tackles Jaster right before the E-Web rakes his head " whats going on, this aint no militia were fighting!" he start using his duel repeating blasters to hose down the bunker. Kwaz gets up and sees the bunker riddled with laser burns, no one left inside alive.
  20. Name: Kwaz Alja Age:22 Species: human Squad HeadHunters Weapons: Flame Thrower, Pulse cannon, Heavy blaster rifle, secondary repeating pistol, duel repeating lasers (mounted on jet pack) Description: Rarely takes his armor off, no one has ever seen him without his armor for at least 6 years. He has a Dark gray armor, with his T pure black. His nick name is the Shadow. Bio: Much is unknown, he doesnt really talk much. Military records hold little or nothing about him
  21. Turkey is one of my favorites, i love thanks giving :D . and it reminds me of my birthday *cough* 3 days away *cough* :gulp:
  22. Tigervx


    Sounds retarded, sorry, but it does. I mean, its like "My7 blade thingy will hit yours and yours will explode! hahaha!" it just sounds really idiotic.
  23. well, there is a series in the outlaw star galaxy. I forgot the name, something about highly trainded women in a secruity force or something, it was a trailer on my gundam 0083 DVD
  24. Tigervx

    War Movies

    Well, this isnt really a movie, but a Band Of Brothers. It portrade all the heroic actions that the 101st airborne division. It was historicly correct to the dirt they used. It showed how they held the line at bastone. They jumped into D-day dispite the heavy triple A and flak everywhere. And how they never gave up, never surrendered, even with a 150% chance of death. They fought on. :bash:
  25. well, i think id pick up something and throw it at him, and then take all the toys and knock him out with them :devil:
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