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Everything posted by Tigervx

  1. I belive in a form of destiny. Destiny is not one line, but many branching out of each other. You follow them with what choices you make in life.
  2. It is a good serious, not a bad plot, and all the gundams are orignal. In gundam wing, wing gundam=shining or burning gundam Altron=dragon gundam epyon=master gundam. I think the series is very good.
  3. I would like to start a thread where people write poems to honor the thousands of people that lost their lives on that horrorible day. If you don't feel comfortable about writing about 9/11, ill understand, it was emotionally hard on everyone, But i think it would be nice for some poems for the thousands of victims and heroes who, never made it out :( . Haiku Never forget them Brave red men trading lives united as one
  4. I was very sad, i made a Haiku to think of the fire fighters. Never Forget them Brave red men trading lives united as one
  5. I read it, its not that bad, its about how a Super Genious Boy that attempts to take Gold from Mystical Creatures.
  6. 1. Calvin and hobbes indespensible 2.calvin and hobbes essential 3. Theres treasure everywere 4. Lazy Sundays these are the books i have, they're so hilarious! and i like the space man spiff strips
  7. sounds nice, and when i get it, SEIG ZEON! im gonna kill so many GMs.
  8. three words, giant robot wars [color=blue]^Please don't do this type of stuff, it is against the rules and has no point besides boosting your post count^ Thank You[/color]
  9. This will be a sprite RPG 1) you will need a sprite like, lets say Flash, but thats just a example. You need a sprite youve recolored and made for this RPG 2) make a sort of blue print of your sprite pointing out the weapons and equipment 3) I will, i guess be a sort of Dungeon master to tell you where you are and will give u monsters to fight and stuff. But i will still have a character, hes not rigged in any way 4) this RPG will be based in between modern and future, so u can have blasters, but there are still guns. 5) i will also be the NPCs and town folks and all 6) in a battle between your party and the enemy, you will have to draw your attack, it really wont take much time if you have a sheet ready. 7) your attack at the beganing should be around 20-25, you can't be super man our whatever [IMG]http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/TigerVX/weaponry.gif[/IMG] This is my character, Dark Protoman
  10. Name: TigerVX Age: Unknown Height: 6.0 Race: Elf Class: Ninja Weapons (2 max): Katanax2 Armour/Clothes: ninja suit, mask, Description: No one has ever seen his face Bio/History: Not much known, only one person knows, and hes not talking
  11. I have a balance of :devil: and :angel: luck, your a very lucky person!
  12. KwoAl-SuSac? thats really weird name, hehe. that seems sorta jedish right?
  13. if they said jango fett was a crappy job? COME ON! he kicked jedi *** for god sakes! thats not a bad job!
  14. i put 12 manas of any color i use in my deck. i use a white/green deck and 12 plains and forest, not to mention some land enchantment cards. anyways, i love the game but no 1 i know plays anymore! DANGIT! but i hope this magic comeback is true
  15. monopoly! always arguing about the land! the cost! how much u owe! dangit!
  16. its not like 10 facts, there are MILLIONS, possibly billions of cases such as ghost and ect! you cannot say EVERY single case is a hoax! thats just insane!
  17. ok, heres my wish that i could have infinity wishes! i said ANY wish, hehe
  18. if u had ONE wish, what would u pick? im gonna tell mine later ANY WISH!
  19. it all depends on the site. not all DLs are the same
  20. what do u ppl want to know about ww2? the invasion of poland the blunder of the magonet line the battle of britian operation babarosa leshilia park ect ask me something! i want to show you how much a 11 year old can know!
  21. i forgot, i think i have some connections to help you soon though
  22. IM THE LARGEST WW2 JUNKY EVER! BUT EVERY1 AWNSERSED THE QUESTIONS! I HATE IT! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! give me some bonus questions plz, ill nail; em! and im only 11 :naughty:
  23. yours is hella better, u can be the first rich poet!
  24. name: Noc-Zeon age: 14 lightsaber color: orange race: Human class: elemantly skillz best jedi skill: elemental skills bio: He used to live on a top of its tech tree! so powerful the dark side was actually threatened by this planetery empre. He was the prince of this empire, then the jedis came and said he was worthy of becoming a jedi peace keeper. as soon as they left, hundred of sith warriors attacked this planet. the battle lasted one year, then the dark side killed every inhabitent of the world but one.....Noc-Zeon, now he wishes only to slay the dark side......
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