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Everything posted by Tigervx

  1. yes, good thing so he couldnt create the blitz krieg and operation babarosa all over again!
  2. i am truely sorry for u guys that have the joy of the simpsons taken away, may god be with u brave souls......
  3. My lungs are a bee hive, brewing the honey of life My brain is a archive of experiance,curiosity, and knowledge My vains are ant tunnels, always bussy, always working, never stopping my heart is my power plant, fueling my body with power for the day ahead my soul is a wandering bird searching for awnsers to existance my surroundings are my insperation telling me to write this poem... not bad for a 11 year old huh?
  4. o, its still cool, to bad i missed it, ;(
  5. the holocast a "detail of history?" im a historian in the making and im appled! more then 10million jews died in thats Fing war and he has the nerve to say its a "detail of history?!" i bet he'll want to be called the fhuher next! and have a swasticka on his new france flag?
  6. DANGIT! I MUST C IT! NOOOOO! im so sad that i cant see it and ive heard so much, :( and to scary? COME ON! its some mechs fighting each other. ive seen a comedy scarrier! and u know how the press would be on it " its got sex in it!" "to scary for TV!" "super evil anime on US screens! beware parents!" DONT THEY THINK OF THE CHILDREN? WHAT IF WE WANT TO WATCH IT? HUH? DO THEY THINK A KID WILL FIND A FUTURISTIC MECH AND KILL EVERBODY? i mean, thats just dumb!
  7. spider man #1? for nothing? to bad i didnt go anywere that day.....
  8. thats seems weird, disturbing, and faintly familiar
  9. public chat rooms have some Sexual predators and just plain sick ppl! message boards r like chatrooms but 100000000000 times better with rules regulations restriction and moderators/admins to protect us from sickos!
  10. lol, good thing theres no anime haters in my school
  11. Tigervx


    ehhh, its ok, a bit predictible, but i never really like SM so thats just me
  12. ROFL! that was the funniest thing every!
  13. o, i didnt know there even was a holiday like that......
  14. hmmm, i would like to try as something from gundam or gundam wing
  15. well, i dont bring anything anime to my school. even though my bro likes anime but doesnt want to admit it, my friends like gundam and DBZ. maybe your schools, just weird (no offense)
  16. i thought adam said that if u have 100 post, u can have a custom 60x60 avatar?
  17. wait, is the custom thing ONLY for staff? if it is, then D***, i want to put up a custom avatar so badly!
  18. Tigervx


    I HAVE A CRUSH CARD! CHECK MY DECK! I LOOKED AT IT! i use Gia the fierce knight
  19. Gundam. It may only have 13 eps per series, but there are like 30 series.
  20. Tigervx


    [QUOTE]Crush card [/QUOTE] ???? no crush card ey? check my deck
  21. u are the shadow of the god of poetry! i must bask in your reflecting glory! reflecting glory!
  22. very nice. and if flash wants to get married to a big doll he customly made of tifa, fine, just get over it that he likes a animated piece of a game this is most likely to not come to life just to fall in love with him.
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