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Everything posted by Tigervx

  1. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]Lately I've been getting into 3D models and texturing, I'm actually apart of a fairly large mod team turning Rome: Total War into a Middle Earth mod. But anyways, I did this today for the pure fun of it, ever single texture is hand made (I know the metal parts look like crap, bear with me =P) except the White Tree, which I was too lazy to draw so I got a pic off google and pasted it on the shield ^^;;;. Anyways, here it is, constructive critism is encouraged I really want to know what I should improve on in my texturing. Also, I didn't edit the 3D model much. Just took a RTW model, gave the head of another RTW model to that model, edited the shield a bit, and made the sword from scracth. Anyways, here it is. [URL=http://img62.exs.cx/my.php?loc=img62&image=Gondorian.png][IMG]http://img62.exs.cx/img62/4859/Gondorian.th.png[/IMG][/URL][/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] "That Pikachu didn't commit suicide! You pushed him off! Why'd you do it!?" "That B***h was always stealing my spotlight! It was Squirtles time to shine baby!"[/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]A sad time indeed we live in. Within all the terrorism and war, we forget just how much power Nature holds. I mean 100,000 people so far? Thats more dead then almost any battle in the world. I learned about this the day after it happened skimming the newspaper, luckily I don't have any friends or family in that area. But the people in that area themselves, its really depressing thinking about it. And the fact is many scientist and doctors believe the death toll can go up well after the Tsunami since all the bodies cannot be cleaned up fast enough, and disease will begin to spread. The only real good thing coming out of this that now there will be a Tsunami warning system. Better late then never I guess... =/[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]A big fat man in a costume breaking into your house? he probably would've been shot by now if he exists =P. Man that would be a great episode of Cops. But I really did believe Santa existed till I was seven, when my parents finally broke the news to me that there was no fat man coming downt he chimeny. Plus I live in the Sacramento Valley, so theres never any snow. And if any kid ever even THOUGHT about the math involved in Santa, they'd figure out it's pretty much impossible unless he can either freeze time or has Neil Armstrong working for him.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] Project "OJ Jackson" Seems to be a stunning succes.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] I already heard about this, I really wasn't surprised on how, well, evil this crime was. I can't really find another word to describe it. I mean, murdering your wife and future child? What's wrong with you. Course, I already heard about it. I live in Sacramento so it was on the Local News =P. I do however think its rather strange how the media overhyped this so very much. I mean, there are murders just like this all over the US, but we don't hear about them. None the less, justice is serviced, and I don't have any complaints.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]As stated already in the thread, religious extremist are playing a deadly role in this conflict. We all know about the Muslim religious leaders urging their holy warrior to war, but the Jewish Rabbi's aren't innocent either. I remember during the pullout of the Gaza strip, Religious leaders of Israel urged soldiers to refuse the order and remain in the Gaza strip. Another problem is that this is no longer about religion, this is a blood feud. So many have died on both sides, its more about revenge now then anything else. I remember in one HBO documentary that documented a boy living in Palestine. He used to be a normal kid, but after his friend was shot in the head by an Israeli soldier (Course, he threw a grenade at them so he's not innocent), he joined a terror group and helped smuggle supplies to them. This is a huge problem, since the more people die, the more people who will want revenge for them. Seeing these problems, I can't actually find a way to resolve this. Even if everything is resorted to the way it should be, there will still be radical groups out there willing to carry on the holy war on both sides and terror will continue. And tension with Arabs and Jews will remain, the Jews were never really welcomed there in the first place (Their war f Independence started I think less then 48 hours after the country was declared.) People talk about solutions, but those could only work in a perfect war. There will always be groups angry with their dead families, angry with destroyed homes, willing to carry on a cause that should be resolved by these solutions. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]Maybe more debate threads? I mean, I know debates are very touchy and are only one step away from flame wars, but they're very good threads when they don't. When I look in here, alot of the threads are about personal issues and basically funny stuff, but what about politics? What about the modern world? I mean, threes no discussion about the War in Iraq, a very controversial topic. I think I remember when the War in Iraq started (I'm not sure if it was the WoI, so please don't quote me) the first couple threads got closed. I believe alot of people are afraid to post controversial threads because they know they'll develop into flame wars and get closed. Perhaps have a sticky of guidelines for a debt thread about hot issues?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]"Next, WHEN ANIMALS ATTACK" Sorry, couldn't think of a good one this time =P.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]You wanna declare a winner Juuthena? I think it's been three days =Þ[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] Bruce Willis' first action job wasn't exactly Die Hard...[/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]Hey, if Juuthena doesn't post a pic soon, can I post one since I'm in second place? =P[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [quote]I can sit in GTA, rob some random person and kill them the next minute...and can't feel an OUNCE of emotion. But there is just something about killing a president, that just sends a chill down my spine. I can rip a person in half in Mortal Combat, but I can't stomach to pull a head shot off of JFK. I can blow somebody apart in Solider of Fortune, but can't bear to fire a single round at Kennedy.[/quote] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]Your right, thats because they're fictional. As you said, they're not real, JFK was. If you were playing a WWII game, and you were about to shoot a German in the head. Then they showed you a brief description on the man. The man was from a real life battle, he had a family. A wife, a daughter, and a son. It tells about his whole life and how he died in WWII and never saw his family again. Knowing this was all true, would you really have no emotion then? Same thing goes for JFK. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] It doesn't kill history, its basically just like a WWII FPS on the Beachs of Normandy. HOWEVER. In those games, the person isn't real, the people aren't singled out of history, its not personal. In this game, it is. It seems absurd to make a contest out of such an event, it just seems a little too offensive to the family considering everything they went through. I doubt its that educational. Anyone who has watched the History / Discovery channel knows enough about the JFK assassination. But seriously, make a game were you are the assassin? You aren't shooting down a bunch of random Germans with a Thompson Machinegun, your killing the embodiement of a real person who really died. Come on.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] "After this unmistakable evidence, poodle actress "Wolfina" has been suspended in suspect of steriod abuse."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] The old days were nice, I remeber all the RPGs that used to spring up that weren't so serious. Just last night I remeber "The Adventures in Plushie Land" In which the evil "Mini-Flash" was at war with Queenie. That RPG died in only two pages, but I really enjoyed it. Just a shame it couldn't have lasted longer. But the Main Reason I don't post much anymore is because I've been gone so long I don't know who anyone is anymore!? Everyones changed their names, and theres no longer that ever so helpful note in the signature that tells us who they where before. So I just read most of the time now, and scan the Adventure Arena.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] "Today, we mourn the deaths of 150 people after a retirement home forgot to give their seniors their pills."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] [I]Julius Caeser strided through the streets of the most magnificent display of power in all the known world, Rome. From the corrupt senate he had finally been elected a Governer of the provinces near Gaul and Iberia. His Bodyguard's captain walked beside him. Varus: Congratulations again my Lord, but what shall you do with your new found power? As they climbed up upon the ramparts, Caeser looked out into the expanses and spoke. Caeser: Conquer the world Varus. I shall conquer those Barbaric Gauls and wretched Iberians. I shall overthrow the corrupt senate when the time comes. We Romans have a right to rule the world Varus, we sons of Mars. And with that, they departed... [/I] This will be an RPG that will be based around the Roman Expansion into Gaul and Iberia by Julius Caeser, and the eventually destruction of the Senate leading to the days of the emperors. Those who join this RPG should have a reasonable understanding of Roman history during the time of Julius Caeser. This in no means makes us constricted by history, however. For all I know, this RPG can lead to the Death of Julius Caeser by a Gallic Warlord. Heres the profiles I want. Name: (Should reflect the culture your from, please no "Bob the Legionare") Class: (Warlord, Axuillary, Legion, Centurion, you get the idea.) Faction: (Rome, Gaul, Iberia are the choices) Equipment: (If your roman, it should be standard issue, but otherwise you can have whatever a barbarian might of had.) Description: (Who you are, how old you are, your appearance, ect.) History: (What your history is) Other: (This is kinda self explanitory.) Also, you can be whoever you wish. You can be Caeser, Brutus, whoever you like. Now have fun. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal]Daala probably wasn't one of the best Imperial Adrimals, loosing three Star Destroyers in such a short period of time isn't the best kind of incidint you want on your resume. I personally like Pellaeon much better, one of my favorite imperial adrimals right after Thrawn. He really shows his stuff during the Yuuzhan Vong Wars, despite nearly loosing what the Remnent had left. He shows loyalty to his men and doesn't flinch in the face of fear. An all over very well rounded adrimal.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] Two Words. Melting Pot. America is probably the largest clash of cultures in the world. We have imigrants from every part of the globe in our country. People can't live peacefully, its a fact. In Canada, they're mostly all canadians, in Italy, they're mostly Italian. In Germany, they're mostly German. In the USA, we have Americans, Europeans, Japanese, Chinese, African, Mexican, Arabs, anything you can think of, we have it. Because of our clash or culture in our large nation, there is bound to be more conflict in our country then say Japan or England. [/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] I'll probably be doing something pointless, like watching TV or on the computer when I finally realize the world will end. Then I'll probably get a "HOLY FU-" out before whatever is ending the world kills me. But seriously, I doubt the world will end any time soon. The sun isn't set to fiss out for another, oh, 300 billion years I believe? If an astroid is coming, I mean, come on, we have enough nukes to destroy earth, I think we have enough for an astroid. And global warming probably won't take effect until way in the future when we'll all be gone. So don't sweat this stuff. And personally, I'd probably want to be asleep when the world ends. A peaceful death is much better thena terrifying one. :sleep: [/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] All men, whether they do it on purpoe or on instinct want to leave their mark. According to a study, the only animal that is aware of their own death is ourselves. All people know they'll die, because of this, they want to leave their imprint on society forever. People don't want to be forgotten after they died, Alexander the Great was not conquering for the sake of Conquering but to leave his image on the world as one of the great heros alongside Hercules and Achilles. People do not achieve to have a good life, they achieve to leave their imprint on the future generations. [/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] Should I be slightly disturbed that you labeled this topic with a grinning face...? Anyways, I can recall one incident with my bro. He had just picked me up from school and we had gotten some In-N-Out burger. Well, when we where driving home we this mut just leaped right infront of us. My bro floored the break, pratically lunging me out of my site (Remeber kids, wear a seat belt M'kay?) we couldn't see the dog, so we got out. We found the dog like half a foot away from the bumper. It was just completely frozen. We gave it some food (We felt REAL bad for him... Nearly killing him and all >>;;; ) and sent him off on his way, wow, real close call. I also remeber one time in elementry school when a dead squirrel died on one side of a fence. It was there for like two weeks, everyone went over to look. It was amazing for us... No one was really grossed out believe it or not. But well, when man is the ultimate predator there is no helping some things.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [COLOR=Teal][FONT=Arial] I really don't know how long I've been here... 1-3 years? I don't really know anymore. I don't usually have any time to post though. I'm still here, checkin out the adventure arena and Lounge now and then though. But wow, I hardly came here for like 4 months and when I checked back in there are all these new people. Kinda overwhelming, probably why I don't post much anymore (Might also be because I'm lazy :sleep: )[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] I've noticed that in most action shootout movies, theres almost always a big shootout in a warehouse of some sort with people on the railing just so they can get shot off with funny heroic theme style music going off in the background. Anyways, I really like the Chatue scene in the Matrix. Sure, the plot sucked for the entire movie. But the action was great! Neo just goin around beating super-natural ***, gotta love it. The scene in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon were that girl takes on like the entire tavern was pretty awsome too. That movie had alot of good fight scenes in it, I remember when it came out how everyone was talking about how awsome the fighting was in it. [/COLOR][/FONT]
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