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Everything posted by Tigervx

  1. well, i mean, isnt it a little crazy to think were the ONLY life in the entire universe? i mean, there has to be at least one other planet with life on it, its just impossible.
  2. Name: ALexander age:20 Gender:male Bio:Nephew of Vincent Appearance: black hair, looks like vincent Weapon: Buster Sniper rifle, .50 caliber high velocitiy sniper rifle Limit Break: sniper's rage- fires 10 shells from his rifle PLZ TELL ME ITS NOT TO LATE TO SIGN UP! PLZ TELL ME ITS NOT TO LATE!
  3. There is a online gundam game that looks good thats coming.:demon:
  4. Name: Zeonic Gender:male Age: 15 Color: silver Type: ( if this isnt valid, tell me) Ice Mage type
  5. well, i mean, should the media be giving out that plan about nuking enemies? what if they thought of it as a threat and nuked us? shouldnt they keep that a secret?:nervous:
  6. My favorite pilot is Shiro Amada. He is a very good leader. He thinks more about human life then winning.
  7. I want to no some websites that have at least 10mbs of free space, always up, and are still letting ppl join. thnx u for your info!:cool:
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