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Everything posted by Tigervx

  1. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] My teacher put a list of the banned books on our wall on monday, and some of the books are really weird. I mean, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are not some horrible evil Wica books which will make your kids believe in magic! They teach valuable lesson. One I found extremely strange is James and the Giant Peach... I don't see why the books are banned in the first place. Books are meant to spread information, so why ban them? We used books in our war against the British in the revolutionary war, it just really doesn't make sense to me. You can not give them to children, but why ban them entirely?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [color=teal] This is my first story, I got bored and typed it out. Constructive critisim is appreciated. [I] The year is 1240, the sight Kiev. The sights and sounds of battle where everywhere, and Alexei couldn?t help but feel sick. Bodies floated in the river like logs, both men and horse. Countless men screened the banks with alabasters and bows. Vladimir Domazhinori was a peasant from a nearby village. The great scourge of god, the Mongol Hordes, had come. The Russian empire was smashed down as they swept through the border provinces. They now moved on Kiev. A lowly bridge was all that stood between the Mongols and further domination in Europe. The Russian soldiers had taken men from the villages and hastily trained them to fire alabasters, larger more powerful versions of a crossbow. Vladimir was now being rushed to the bank with at least a hundred other conscripts to halt the endless horde and buy some time for reinforcements from Novgorod to come and try to drive the hordes back. The peasants where told to take the places of the dead men. Even with the huge shields the crossbow men where given, the Mongol?s mastery of the bow could not be matched. As they lined up, they where told to fire at will as the soldiers rushed to the bridge with their swords and spears brandished to keep the Mongols from smashing through the line. As Vladimir fired his first bolt, he felt relieved that the Mongol who was struck fell dead. He thought for an instant that these Mongols could be stopped, they are not endless so much as they die like every other man. But he was dismayed as more warriors came up with bows reinforcing the bank in strength five fold. Arrows rained down like a blanket that shielded the sky and the clouds. Vladimir raised his shield as several darts stuck into or smashed off the shield. A man next to him did not raise his shield in time, and was struck dead by a Mongol Arrow in the eye. Vladimir was horrified, he didn?t want to put his shield down, he was shaking with fear. The soldier next to him yelled over the sound of battle, ?What?s wrong!? Fire that against them!? Vladimir could only shake his head in cowardice. The soldier replied, ?Look, your either going to die cowering behind your shield, or your going to die killing your enemy. So fire that weapon on the Scourge of God and go down as a hero!? Vladimir finally mustered up the courage and fired off his alabaster, which struck a Mongol Heavy Horse collapse to the ground, crushing its rider. Vladimir watched the bridge, Mongol Cataphractes, huge elite armored horses, stampeded towards the bridge. The pikes broke on the huge mail coats of the horses, and the stampede threw men off the bridge as if it where a downpour. A horn sounded, the retreated had been ordered. Men ran left and right, fleeing from the wave of Mongol?s pouring off the bridge. As the men ran, horsemen cut them down and the Russians routed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vladimir lay in the camp exhausted and wounded. Only the timely arrival of Boyars and Rus Spearmen from Novgorod prevented the garrison from Kiev being annihilated. Vladimir none the less had been struck by a Mongol arrow in the shoulder, which was now bandaged. But even the reinforcements were not enough, and they were forced to retreat from Kiev. A soldier walked up to him, it was the same soldier at the bank. He sat next to his wounded shoulder. ?You did well today, many of the newcomers die in the first battles.? He said. ?What?s your name?? Vladimir dazedly said, ?Vladimir? Vladimir Domazhinori.? He looked at him and said, ?Vladimir, if you want to live, you?ll stick with me in the battlefield. I?ll teach you the ways of war, you can learn it from me or learn it from the blade of your enemy.? Vladimir?s look on his face was almost of hope, hope that he would survive, and he promised God, that if he survived this war, and if the Mongols would be stopped, that he would settle down on a small farm in a small village far away from these borders and never fight again. [/color][/I]
  3. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Teal] I was watching Saving Private Ryan at my friends house today, and I couldn't help but feel it more hollywood then history. I had seen it before, but I looked at it differently. 17 American troopers held off 70 Crack German Troops along with two Panzer Tanks and Two Tigers? I find that hard to believe. Furthermore, the German Infantry had been seasoned by their campgien in Europe and Russia, making them much more knowledgable of battle. The American's were not as well baptised under fire, many had not been deployed until Overlord. How could 17 fresh American troopers hold off 70 German Veterans, not to mention the 4 tanks. [/font][/color]
  4. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1] The ARC Troopers and remaining Clone Troopers set up possitions in the capital of Mechis III. Before the plan to launch the attack force to destroy the Driod ship and knock out all driod fighters had been able to be put into effect, the ship had begun to loose shields. As a result all of the ARC Troopers along with many Clone Troopers armed the Transports and Gunships and where sent down to the planet. The heavily armored transports had been saved though with almost no damage, their mission could still be pulled off if they sprang the attack at just the right moment. All five of the Cruisers were destroyed, but many fighters managed to flee to Mechis III when the rout began. When the Clone Force landed, they found the capital had already been occupied by seperatist driod legions. They were however unprepared and many were smashed by the gunship's keen cannoniers. The driods were taken by surprise and blasted back about 10 km. They had taken over a huge series of buildings seperate from the rest of the city. It was a huge circle with the greatest buildings in the planet inside of it. It was then cut off by a huge gapping abyss that lead into the sub levels of the city, connected to the other part of the city only by a series of bridges. The Clone Trooper Engineers of course blew them all to slow down the endless flow of Seperatist counter attack forces. The ARC Troopers had been set up on the outer edges of the small Republic buble, machine gun and heavy blaster emplacements where they could blast any Driod attacks. Unfortunately most if not all the strategists that were sent with the force of Clones had either been killed or MIA. Without leadership the Clones had no idea were to go from securing a well fortified possition and now waited for a new commander to take up the command. Just then, the comm crackles and all the soldiers in his tower shifted and took up the guns within. #16 took his heavy repeating blaster and was now very tense, the ever going skirmish had been going on for 16 hours and now it was heating up again. [B]Clone Spotter: [/b]Enemy Seperatist Driod movement, heading North East of perimeter, heavy weapons and gunships heading in for support. After the warning, he saw them. A huge battalion of driods. Some large and humaiod, others spiderlike and one was no more then a huge tank like box with heavy weapons placed all over it. The assortment of driods was more then enough to have overwhelmed the Replublic forces had they not blown the bridges. They where at a huge tactical disadvantage with them wide in the open, and the Republic forces hidden inside the towers and buildings. Then it began. Missles smashed through the windows and pounded the driods. The enemy answered with a wall of blaster bolts and cannon fodder. All the clones weapons sang, and in overhead the sound of gunships were heard as missles and cannons lanced out into Seperatist positions. [/color][/size]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal] The battle had began, Seperatist and Repblic ships clashed. The entire background of space was now engulfed in battle and destruction. All six ARC Trooper companies sent to Mechis III had been preparing for this moment, and now it had come. General Gurath, a human from the planet Fondor, came in through the door to the docking bays were six modified Republic Gunships sat. They were almost the same as the conventional design except it had been stripped of all weapons in order ot make room for heavy durasteel armor and extra shield generators. The mission was practically suicide, but they were not made to think, they were made to fight and win. General Gurath: ARC Troopers, our succes is the key to our mission. We all know what we have to do. We will use these specialized transports to enter the Trade Federation driod ship. We will be escorted by two squadrons led by wing leader Skywalker. Once we enter the docking bays we'll have to fight our way up to the bridge were we can disable most of their driod fighters. This mission is highly dangerous, but crucial to the defense of Mechis III. Now everyone, get on board your gunships we're ending this battle. [/color][/size]
  6. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1] Nothing lasts forever. Everything eventually comes to a close in ones life and lifetime. You must except that fact in order to overcome your bitterness. This guy doesn't sound any good either, he sounds boring to be honest >>. There are other fish in the sea. I have no doubt that you will find another boy friend (A better one at that >>) and that you will get over him. He doesn't sound like a guy I would like to go out (Of course, if I was a girl or gay), not going to a dance with you and not asking you out. He seems pretty boring like I said before. You just need to see in yourself whether you actually did like him or not, and whether you still do or don't. And if this doesn't help, go pimp slap him a couple of times to make yourself feel better ;) .[/color][/size]
  7. [QUOTE]Is it okay that I used some of Tigervx's post? Since they are clones and all I didn't think there would be much of a problem.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal] Personally, I have no problem with it. After all, clones aren't really that much alike =P. [/size][/color]
  8. [COLOR=Teal][SIZE=1] [b]Name:[/b] ARC Trooper # 16 Company #1 [b]Age:[/b] 21 (Average Clone Trooper Age) [b]Species:[/b] Cloned Human [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Allegiance:[/b] Republic [b]Weapons and Armor[/b] Blue ARC Trooper armor, heavy weapons specialist. Heavy repeating rifle and sometimes with a specialized Golan Missle Launcher. [b]Spacecraft:[/b] Is stationed on the Republic Cruiser [I]StarLance[/I]. [b]Biography:[/b] Unlike most Clone Troopers, ARC Troopers (Advance Recon Commandos) were designed for highly dangerous and behind enemy line missions. Few were trained since they had to be trained personally by Jango Fett, and ever since his untimely demise they have been used sparingly only on their Homeworl Kamino during an attack from Separatists. They were also activated on Muunilinst and Jabiim in attempts to end the war in swift victorys. These attacks did not end the war, though they did manage to get a number of powerful separatist allies out of the way. On all three campgiens, ARC Trooper #16 has played a part and has survived the battles. The ARC Troopers have once again been deployed in order to be garrisoned in the manufacturing planet of Mechis III to stop a separatist attack. [/color][/size]
  9. [SIZE=4][COLOR=teal][I] THE LORD OF THE RINGS THE WAR OF SAURON AND THE ELVES AND THE LAST ALLIANCE[/size][/color][/I] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/destinyofprelude/fotr_cap12.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] [I]Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of mordor where the Shadows lie. [center]Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrkatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul[/center] [/I] This RPG will deal with the War of Sauron and the Elves and the union of Men and Elves against the Dark Lord. There will be four chapters. Chapter 1: The Pillage of Minus Ithil and fleeing of Isidlur. Chapter 2: The Siege of Osgiliath and the great mustering. Chapter 3: The battle upon Dagorlad, the Battle plain. Chapter 4: Siege of Barad-Dur and the battle upon Orodruin I strongly advise you know alot about the Last Alliance, not just the movie part. You should read the appendixes of LOTR and learn upon it or read it in the Sillimarion, or both. The profile will go as followed. Name: Age: (Numenor men lived up to 250 years) Race: (Elves, Dwarves, Men, Orcs, ect.) Weapons: (Please keep the race specific weapons, no orcs with Lothlorien blades) Appereance: (Really speaks for itself >>) Biography: (No *Unknown* please, thats pretty much it.) Other: (Any other fact) Thats all for now. BUT NO WIZARDS. ABSOLUTELY NOT. First off, the Istari had not come to ME yet, for they came after to rally the free folk for the second rising of Sauron, and there where no other wizards. The Istari, the Grey, White, Brown, and Blue wizards where Maia, servents of the Valar. You cannot be either the Valar or Maiar. Gil-Galad, Elrond, Isildur, and every other character spoke of in the Last Alliance CAN be used, you may pick any that you which but please know the history (and end, if valid) of the character. Further more, no changing the story. If you are Gil-Galad or Isildur, you will die. If you are Sauron, you will be defeated. Thats that, no changing the story. Dwarves will be allowed since it does say the Dwarves of Khazad-Dum fought against Mordor. So thats all for now. I recommend you are moderately good at RPing, since I hope this to be a really good RPG. Thats all for now, update you guys later. [/size][/color]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] You guys are right on everything... BUT the question who took up the armies of Mordor after the Witch King fell. It was Gothmog captain of Minus morgol! [I]"He now was destroyed; but Gothmog the lieutenant of Morgul had flung them into the fray;" [/I] So =P. But everything else people got right so far as I know. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jokopoko [/i] [B][COLOR=TEAL][SIZE=1][B] [I]8. Who appeared with Gandalf over helms deep with over two thousand riders?[/I] Eomer, son of Eomund [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] NO! BAD! BAD MOVIE MOMENT. Sorry, but I hate when people think thats what happened in the book. Just to point out it was Erkanbrand, Marshal of the South, and technically brought 1000 Helmlings on foot, but then again, he could be referring to the movies, so I could be wrong. And also, technically, Goldberry is a water sprite I believe, though some believe that she is Yavanna with Tom bombadil being Aule the Smith. [/color][/size]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Me? I'd probably become Peter Jackson and have ALL the items and costumes form the LOTR (Armor, costumes, ect) To my house and move to britian =D. I'd also fix all the crap thats wrong with the movie (No damn Arwen at the Fords and more of Elrond's sons =P). [/size][/color]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] We now return to the Discovery channel. In this scene the carniverous HR Director is about to attack his pray, the downsized hamster. [/size][/color]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Sukishi sat in his chair, his Sakkat covering his face. He began to drift into drousyness, but was alerted to cold steel on his neck. Motoko: What have done this time? Sukishi tilted his Sakkat up to see Motoko holder her sword on his neck. He wasn't too nervous, he really hadn't done anything and he could defend himself against Motoko if needed. Sukishi: I haven't done ANYTHING. Motoko: And how should you explain those shouts and screams? Sukishi: Listne, I haven't done anything. I've been SLEEPING. And if I had, wouldn't they have stopped screaming and come up here to throw me out the window or something? She paused for a second, thinking about the situation as he began to wonder what was that shouting about? Motoko: Very well, but if I find your lying your last breath shall be this day. Sukishi: You know as well as I do we are evenly matched. Motoko: Only in a fools mind is there such thing. With thats she raced down the flight of stairs with her hand on her sword. Though he wasn't the victim this time, he wondered what was the shouting about and followed her. [/color][/size]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Umm.. Maybe we should wait for more people to sign up till we starts >> [/color][/size]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Radaghast [/i] [B][size=1][b]Apparently you have some of your facts mixed up, phattmasterdj. [spoiler]Saruman is dead. If you actually read the books, you would know that he was killed by Worm Tounge during the Scouring of the Shire.[/spoiler] Also, the 'magician' class/race you refer to would be correctly called 'The Istari'. The Istari, which both Gandalf and Saruman belong to, are order of the Maiar, who are the servants of the gods. I just really wanted to give a few facts to you guys to clarify your' little adventure.[/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Actually, there really shouldn't BE a Maiar class. The 5 Maiar, The Grey, The White, The Brown, and the Two Blues where sent to rally the free people against Sauron. That was their soul purpose for being in middle earth. With Sauron cast into the void, Gandalf (The only Istari left besides Radagast who choose to stay in Middle Earth due to his love for animals and nature) left saying "Sauron was my enemey, with him undone I must leave now." The Valar would not petty themselves to the wars of men and orcs, so I don't think they should be there. Also, the two Blue wizards wandered into the East with Saruman to seek the tribes of the Khand and Wain Riders, but never returned. Only Saruman knows of their fates, and well... You know about him >>. Tolkien says in one of his letters that the Blue Wizards went into the east and severly decreased the Easterling armies, had it not been for them, both in the War of Sauron and the Elves and the War of the Ring the Easterlings would have far outnumbered the free people. But... Its your RPG, so you can keep them if you want. I'm just saying >>... [/color][/size]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Yup, I'm joining. And if you tell anyone, that I'm joining, I will come to your house, and I will CUT you! Jk! Well... Actually I'm serious. --------------------------------------------- Name:Sukishi Kwong Age:16 Gender:Male Occupation: None (Member of Ninja Dojo) Personality: Though trained at his families Dojo in China, the Searing Blade school. Sukishi is pretty layed back at usually not serious. He is pretty much the oppisite of Motoko, though he does train when he has nothing better to do (Which is alot of the time). Short Bio:Sukisk was born to a Chinese Dojo, [I] The Searing Blade [/I], a Dojo teaching the arts of speed, precision, and stealth. He was raised in the Dojo since his parents owned it, and naturally excelled in most courses as he was decended from the teachers of the Dojo. Though he lacked discipline, his parents where proud of him in being excepted into a foregien exchange program with Japan. Unfortunately, Sukishi and his parents did not know how to house him, and almost abandoned the plan. But a couple days later, an old lady came into the Dojo, a tourist at that who was on a world tour. She became quick friends with the family and when hereing about their problem, told them she had a housing complex in Japan, she faxed a message to Hina House telling them about their new housemate, and so he set off the Japan, and is now one of the few male residents of Hina House. [/size][/color]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] I've been pondering about this subject and thought I'd like to know your points of view of it. If George Lucas decided to pick up a book plot and make it into a move, which one would it be? I personally would like to see the New Jedi Order become a movie plot, though it has like 20 books so I'd think that'd be kinda hard =P. I'd love to see all the Yuuzhan Vong battleships duke it out with the New Republic. Since most of the large scale battles are in space, and everyone likes those kind of battles =P. So what do you think? [/size][/color]
  18. [COLOR=limegreen] [I] Kwaz walked towards the broken down bar. He could hardly call it a bar, more like a converted outhouse by the looks of it. But as long as he could get a drink it would suffice. He lugged a huge backpack, which for most people would seem impossible to be carried by a human. Only a few actually knew that he didn't carry that much weight with the hover units under it. As he advanced on the bar, he could see traces of battle. A body here and there, shell casing littered the snow plain, and blood stains in the white powder. He stepped into the bar, and a few paid attention to his entrance for a moment before turning their backs again. He slammed his backpack on the ground next to a group of outlaws he was told to join with a couple humans and two other species.[/I] 'Hm, guess I'm late am I?" [I] The people in the group reacted differently, and the man that seemed the leader replied. [/I] "Not as late as some other lazy asses, sit down and we'll have to wait for the others. Mind telling me which one you are?" "Why, I'm the Royal Armory, if you can't tell from the backpack you're very drunk or very stupid."[/color]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]Oh snap. The RPG has started! I thought this was abandoned, well, sorry about being late, my cousins been over for Thnx Givin Break and we haven't been doing much but racing each other to death on Need for Speed Underground, so haven't been able to check this =P[/color][/size]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Okay, I'm in your same grade and going over the same stuff. My advice might be insane, but it works. First, go over your study guide, weld it in your brain. Second, Read the entire chapter in your book, or at least skim it over. Third, look over all your worksheets, you don't have to read them all, just look them over to refresh your memory on the subjects. Once you have done all these, the subjects should be glued into your head. And also look over the Periodic Table to get a good sense of it. [/color][/size]
  21. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1] I finally post again =O. I guess with the lack of schoolwork, I'm able to come back here. So yay. And my RPing skills might be rusty, so I won't be surprised if I get rejected =P ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name:Kwaz Sosac, AKA the Royal Armory Age: 21 Race: Human Gender: Male Occupation: Son of Hanun Family, Bounty Hunter Affiliation: Royal Family of Hanun Appearance: A slender tall young man with jet black hair. he wears a half cape with the suit of the Prince of the Hanun cluster. A rather dashing smile shines across his face with dark blue eyes. He carries a huge backpack on his back, it has been lined with weapons Weapons: Two SMG Tech-2009, foldout MG-89, a shoulder mount missile pod, hip mount mini-gun, number of small arms. Spacecraft: A small fighter ship known as the [I]Whirlwind[/I] It is a heavily modified version of the [I]HQ-47 Corsair[/I] which is the offical fighter of the Hanun Star Cluster. It has enhanced engines and weaponry. It's weaponry include a mini-gun turret, two missile pods, space mines and sonic busters (Bombs that create huge discharges of sonic energy.) Biography: Kwaz was born into the Hanun family, a wealthy and powerful family that had control of many star systems. It's power was greater then any star cluster, backed by a powerful fleet able to match Pirate and Space forces. When he was born, he didn't seem to like the royal life much. He frequently was brought to ordinary schools by his demand. He got along very well with the other children, but with the Royal Family he did not. At the age of 15, he decided to be an outlaw. His parents where first appauled, but they eventually allowed him to do what his heart desired. His parents gradually ignored him and forgot about him until when he was 18 years old, he lead the Hanun Space Armada and pushed back Pirate forces which where invading the space system. He was hailed a hero in his star cluster, but despite this he still wanted to be an Outlaw. Because of his great bravery in battle, his parents recongnized him as their son again. They reinstated money ties to him which they had broken three years ago, which allowed him to become a true Outlaw. With the new money, he bought a huge amount of weapons which he carried in his oversized backpack. Thus he was given his nickname, the Royal Armory. The dark space, so very cold and dark. Only glitters of light with planets along the way. Space seemed so empty to those who had no goals or drive, but I knew they where all fools. Those who did not have goals had no futures, nor would they ever have hope of one without drive. What some saw as darkness, I could saw as an unknown frontier. A place of lawlessness and power struggles, where chaos ruled and order took a back seat. Suddenly, he came out of the gate. A sudden jurk nearly tossed me out of his seat, and I was back in the darkness. As I began to set course for a nearby planet, my scanners detected something. As I watched, three small dots closed in on me. "Hmph, more pirates for my head. It's been three years, and they still try." After the battle over the Hanun cluster, I had known a hit would go up for my head from the pirates. They had been sending ships after me whenever he could, but they never seemed to get me. I jerked his ship up, and met the enemy head on. They were three grappler ships, all machine guns blazing. The [I]Whirlwind[/I] closed quickly dodged to the side and fired off a missile barrage. Two of the ships broke off in time, but the third didn't and was ingulfed in a huge explosion. One of them had managed to have gotten on top of me, but I managed to pull up my turret and blast the front the grappler to pieces. It floated there for a second crippled, before it exploded in flames. The third knew it was no match for me, and quickly fled. I didn't care, unneeded bloodshed was not my style. So I set course for the nearest planet and wondered what would happen there. [/color][/size]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Lord of the Rings, Return of the King, the final book. This is by far the best book out of all of them. Have any of you guys seen the trailer? its just freaking awsome Warning, Spoilers ahead =O [spoiler] I really hope the Twin of Elrond are in the movie. They're really cool, and if you go frame by frame in the trailer, you see at least two elves reforging Narsil. Now, why would they make two random Elven Smiths get screen time? Could they be the twin brothers and sons of Elrond? And if you freeze it at like 1:29, between the flash of the eye you see men of Gondor flee from Nazgul, but in the middle you see someone out of place, almost elf looking, one of the sons? Possible. And I don't think thats Aragon giving the speech to the Rohirrim, if you freeze it (once again) when they show the guy, he has the armor with the White Tree and Seven stars on this, a classic armor for the Gondorian Rangers. Too bad they're cutting the scouring of the Shire >>. Thats all I can say right now, I need to go to bed >> [/spoiler][/color][/size]
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] [I]Kuzak-Nul sat in the last of the great Spider Throne in the fortress of Nuk-Nazal. All other Spider cities, including the underground city of Nagnug-Arcrin, had been overrunned by the vicous Undead Scourge. This was the last line until the Nerubians where driven into the sea. The general of the Bow (Known as Tracer to men, elves, and other free people) had begun to lay seige to the city. The walls where tall though, and the Carrion beetles who had guarded this fortress from it's beganning ate away at the undead armies who drew near. At that moment a Nerubian warrior came throw the archway.[/I] Nerubian Warrior: My Lord, the Ghoul Fighters are massing outside our city. The General of the Bow has come himself and is rallying all his might to strike the last Nerubian hall. Kuzak-Nul: Let them come, all seiges on this hall have failed, none have scaled the wall to the sky so long as we stay and protect it. The Undead will be devoured by the Carrion and his army will wither. Fear not Spider Warrior, the defenses will hold. Nerubian Warrior: Yes my Lord, but they have brought rams of the length of a thousand men. Their unnatural monsters of blood hall them. Kuzak-Nul: The gate of Arkina will hold. It's rims and center rock. The undead will not breach it. [I] With that, he stepped out of the Hall of the Spiders and went to greet the coming host. [/I] --------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Because Nerubians are much larger then humans and Orcs, it should be said that their cities' walls are at least four times bigger then ordinary walls. [/color][/size]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Radaghast [/i] [B]Saruman was killed in the shire by his former servant, Wormtounge. And for Mitch's question about the thread, it can be about Tolkein's other works concerning Lord of the Rings, but this is a Lord of the Rings trivia....place. Q. What is the name of the new friend Pippin makes in Minas Tirith? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]A: Beregond, Man-at-arms future head of Lord Faramir's guard Q: By what type of arrow was Faramir poisoned? [/color][/size]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] A: QuickBeam Q: This is a REALLY hard one, but try to figure it out, I spend time researching this. Name four times Frodo's life was saved by Bilbo's Milthril Coat. [/color][/size]
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