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Everything posted by Tigervx

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] *Sits in a corner silently ashamed.*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]Harry, your post is to vague... Medra. You are a very well voiced member and aren't afraid to speak your mind, but what you just said was just wrong. I understand that you're very mad. But using Nuclear weapons would cause a fallout so catastrophic the deathtoll would be huge. We have never used Nuclear weapons since the end of WW2 and using them now is wrong. If we were to use a nuke on that little country it would be wiped entirely off the face of the map! There are still inocennt civilans there. And we just use the Nuke tactic as a "who's got the bigger balls" contest. We did that with Russia in the 1950s. And did we luanch a nuke then? No. Luanching a Nuke would do us more harm than good. So I definetly sugguest you reconsider your statement. Sorry to sound disrespectful but you really should. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Your right Domon, if we "Nuke" the entire country to the ground, we will betray ourselves. The president said he wished to MINIMIZE civilain casaulties. We do not want to wipe out serveral million people. It would do more damage then what Sadam was EVER capable. I, out of most people respect you Medra, but I'm just saying your overreacting. A full scale nuclear war could be set out of that! Keep that in mind.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by solitaire [/i] [B]Good, I hope they all burn in hell. I want them to die. I'm not sad, I hope they hang him by his testicles. The UN, is crap. They really suck, its pathetic. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Your only fourteen, you don't know what your talking about. The UN is one of the few things holding together the world. Without it, the world might plung into WWIII you idiot. The UN are not crap, so be quite and don't talk about things you don't understand. I may only be twelve years old, but I know more about the political climate then you. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] To be honest, I don't like it at all. I mean, the UN weapons inspectors are doing a good job! Looking over the Missile destructions, and they say that Iraq is cooperating. So whats with Bush? When they start demolitioning missiles he yells "SEE!? LOOK! THEY'RE NOT DISARMING!" I mean, it's possible they hold weapons of mass destruction, but the UN weapons inspectors need more time. Hes making the USA look like Some fuastist state, attacking any country at will. We still NEED more proof. But he wants to go to war anyways. I'm sorry, but I don't like the idea of sending our boys out to die in a hail of gun fire for a war they don't believe in. It may not be a cheerful note to leave at the end of a post, sorry mods. But to be honest, its the truth. Most people don't believe in this war. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]1) What do you collect? Magic: The Gathering Game Cards 2) How much of the items do you have? dunno, got three card boxes full of them. 3) What is your favorite out of all the items? Hmmm, I like Sliver Queen. I don't know why, but I think Slivers are cool ^_^'' 4) How long have you been collecting it/them? Five years, I took a break in 1999, and just started back up this year. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]Arkis walked around the pool, he was increasingly bored. He had already earned 20 locater cards, and didn't want to get to the top just yet. Then he heard someone. Ryan: Hey! Arkis! Come over here for a second. Arkis: What do you want? Ryan: Well, umm, just to talk I guess? Arkis: About what? Ryan: Ummm... How many locater cards do you have? Arkis pulled out of his pocket 20 locater cards. Ryan: TWENTY!? How on earth have you gotten twenty on your first day? Arkis: Simple, prey on the predators. The top duelist have the most locater cards, though it's harder to take them down, the bounty is worth it. Now, is that it? Ryan: Ummm, well, wanna go over here and meet some of my friends? Arkis: Maybe another time. He then pulled a ball out of his pocket and hurled it into the ground. A huge puff of smoke consumed him, and as it cleared, he had vanished. Many people where taking about what happened. Joey: Show-Off.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] As Arkis walked pass some duelist outside on the starboard side of the ship, he yelled. Arkis: What do you want? A deep devilish voice came out from the shadows, a cloacked figures it's holder. ???: I've come for your rare Buster Blader, and your five locator cards. Arkis: I know, I sensed you stalking me all day, Rare Hunter. Rare Hunter: So be it, lets duel! Arkis swung out his dueling disk and draw his five cards. [I]Battle Oxe, Neo the Magical Swordsman, Axe of despair, Fissure and Buster Blader.[/I] Rare Hunter: I play graceful charity! Letting me draw three more cards, Soldier of Stone and Ancient Statue of the Aztecs in defnse mode! Arkis: First, I play Neo the magical swordsman! I then play axe of despair on him, raising his attack points to 2700. I then play one card face down and one in defense mode. Now Neo! Strike down the great Statue of the Aztects! The great warrior swung his axe and sword in unison and slashed the statue, shattering it into peices. Rare Hunter: Now, I play another monster in defense mode and play another Graceful Charity, allowing me to draw another three cards. And one card face down. Arkis drew, [I]The Nobleman of Crossout...[/I] Arkis: I play one magic card face down, and play fissure! Destroying your stone soldier! Go! Battle Oxe! Attack him Neo and Battle Ox- Rare Hunter: I play negate attack! It negates all attacks for one turn! [I]Fool he is! I hold all but one card of exodia! The head will be mine soon, but until then i must hold out![/I] I play an Exodia let and right hand in defnese mode! Arkis drew [I]fissure.[/I] Arkis: You loose Rare Hunter! Rare Hunter: Wah? But I will soon weild the unstoppable exodia! Arkis: No, for I play the Nobleman of Crossout on your Exodia right arm, all of thoughs cards are removed from the game. Rare Hunter: NO! Arkis: And I play fissure! Your left Arm is vanquished leaving you ripe for attack. Rare Hunter: YOU CAN'T DO THIS! Arkis: Battle Oxe and Neo the magical swordsman! TAKE DOWN HIS LIFEPOINTS! Rare Hunter: NO! MY 5 LOCATOR CARDS. He threw them at him, and chased away in the shadows. Arkis: Well, theres my ten. I better get something to eat. And with that, he headed for the cafeteria. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]As the strangers advanced, Arkis stood up. Arkis: Yes? Ryan: I just came over to say hello, I'm Ryan and Hes Shinji. Shinji: Hi. Arkis: A pleasure, my name is Arkis what is you want? Ryan: Well, you want to come with us? Arkis: No, but I do sense something in you. I won't join your little "Party." But in some duels, you will need help. You can acpect me to come, but don't count on it. Shinji: Wha-? But before he could finish his word, Arkis had slipped over the gaurd rail. Shinji and Ryan leaned over to see if he was ok, but he had vanished. Shinji: He was a strange person. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]OOC: I thought we where dueling by Battle City Rules, not Yu-Gi-Oh show rules. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Arkis stepped out of the bar after a refreshing Soft Drink. He looked around for prey. They all seemed weak, no one to really take on. Then what he caught his eye was a bug faced, horrible fashioned, beetle glases nerd. Arkis: Weeble UnderWood. The response came in a buggy, low, sort of annoying voice. Weeble: Someone say my name? Arkis: Ya, I'll duel you for your locator card. Weeble: Sure! I won the world tournament, so a chump like you should be no problem! Arkis: Well see. He pulled out his Simulation emmiter dueling disk. Kiaba certainly had enough time on his hands, with just a glance he could see at least hundreds of new upgrade, and most likely more when he started playing. Weeble laughed evily, what a [I]What a moron. Hmmm, Armed ninja, De-Spell, two De-Traps and a Sword Hunter.[/I] Arkis: I'll play three cards faced down, and Sword Hunter in attack mode! Weeble: Hmph! Novice, I play a Basic bug type in defense mode, and two cards face down. Arkis: Hmph, Novice you say? Not when I play Pot of greed, and draw two more cards. Then I play Gearfried the Iron knight, and one card face down. Now, Sword Hutner, attack Weebles bug! Weeble: nyah! You've activated my trap you idiot! Go! Vortex Trap! Then i use Horn of the Unicorn and Fire Power to beef up m- Arkis: Pay attention weeble, I use de-trap on your Vortex Trap, and De-Spell on your FirePower, leaving your bug a mear 1200, fine pray for my Sword hunter if you ask my. Weeble: WAH? No! My precious bug! You've lowered my life points too 2750! Arkis: thats not all, now that its my turn, you lost farely quickly. I draw, and play Axe of despair on my Sword hunter, and now I attack you with all! Weeble: WAH? I lost in three turns? HOW? Arkis: You and many other duelist lean upon your magic and traps to do your work, did you ever think someone would counter them? Just because it has never happened, doesn't mean it never will. Now, your locator card? Weeble slowly handed him his locator card, swaring something about the third time. He wished to seek other pray, but saw an intresting two on two duel, something you don't see ever day around the top deck on the side. Arkis: Eh, I've already got two locater cards, I guess I'll just watch that duel for now. With that, he walked off towards the top deck.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]Name: Arkis Tengu Age: 14 Description: Is part a sort of ninja, he wheres the customary black cloth and his entire deck is based on himself. He is mostly quite, but for the selected few who know him, he is quit kind to them. He stands up for his friends, but is not always willing into battles he does not need too. Nationality:Chinese. Deck Theme: Ninjas and Swordsmen Rare cards: Armed Ninjas x3, Buster Blader x1, SwordHunter x1.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt [/i] [B][color=red][b]Yes. Yes they would. 6 SAS, 6 GSG9, 6 SEALs, 6 whatever's would all be killed if they tried to fight hundreds of enemy troops.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Well duh, look at Somalia. In that, there where around, dunno, 10,000 rebels? They only killed 17 and wouneded 89 for the loss of like 1000. But think about it, they where SEALs and deltaforce operators, I don't plan on seeing it. It sounds ok... I'll probably download it.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Gundam deserves to be beaten with a stick... what a horrible bunch of no-good shows they are... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1] :O ... YOU WILL EAT THOUGHS WORDS! *Beep beep, looks at watch.* After Desert! But I mean, there is already a gundam forum. But Macross Robotech, Evangelion, and other shows like Nadesico all together might make a successful forum. Oh, and TN, i think Domons going to slaughter you and devour your remains in a blind rage of your mockery, good day ^_^.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] 1) Shiro Amada from 08th MS team 2) Look out for my friends, don't give up easialy, and doesn't judge a book by its cover. 3) Sorta, but he is like 7 years older then I am, lol. But he is something of what I might look like later.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] If it was WWII, and one Tank battle would decide the victory of the war. You are a tank crew, and you are about to go into the mother of all tank battles. Now, what tanks would you been in? It must be of WWII origans, and cannot be past that era. And I don't want this to be some dumb favorites thread, so EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWERS. Personally, I would go into a tank battle in the Russian made T-34. It was the first tank to use sloped armor, it had a large velocity gun, and it was rather fast with a top speed of 60 MPH. It was one of the more succesful tanks in the war. And by the way, if you say a Sherman M-4, I shall laugh at you like there is no tommorow.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anakin Solo [/i] [B]Ahhhh...the good ole' World War II magazine, love it. Subscribe to it....I do. :D Yes, the Red Arym held true to their promise, invading Japan after the surrender of Germany. :D My favorite part of WWII, would have to be the Pacific theatre though, love naval battles. =] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]Ah, the last war to pitch Battle ship against Battle ship, the sea war. Even though even then, the battleships held a more side role for the Aircraft carriers, for both sides knew they where the new age of naval battles.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] I'm the biggist WWII junky at my school. No one knows more then me, no one. I even have a subsciption to WWII magizine, and I watch the history channel constantly. It's very instresting, the first war with great tank battles, introduction of automatic rifles, jet aircraft, and it was right before the atomic bomb (Unless you count Hiroshima and Nagasaci, which was at the near end of WWII.) And did you know it might not have been the A-bomb that forced the Japanese to surrender? The Red army attacked the empire of Japan shortly after invading Berlin.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Name: Kazamod son of Thorin III Age: 98 Race: Dwarf Weapons: [IMG][/IMG] A great battle axe handed down to him from his father, Thorin III. He also weilds throwing Axes forged in The Iron Mountains and a Matock from Erober. Bio: Son of Thorin III, who is the Ruler of Erober (AKA The lonely mountain). At the age of 70, he was given rule over the Iron Hills, and was friends with Gimli son of Glion until he sailed off for the undying lands with the elves of Lotherian. At the age of 75, he and a band of 1000 Iron Hill's dwarves went out on another attempt to cleanse the Orcs off the face of Middle earth. They had astonishing victories against them, But the Orcs still live on. Description: A dwarf of 4'5, and a beard of 5 inches. He has a buckler attachted to his arm, throwing axes in a belt, a Matock on his back, and a Battle axe in his hands. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Wait, I just thought of something. Did Yu-Gi ever destroy Pegusas's Gorogens eyes in their duel? Because if he didn't, when he played Dark Magic Ritual face down and Feral imp in defense. If Gorogens eyes was out, it would turn it to stone. And when Relinquished destroyed it, it would have taken 700 LP from Yu-Gi. But I bet I just missed something :P.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Oh, I get it.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Wait, so he makes him deck out? I thought he was just going to use card destruction :P and somehow destroy the slime.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Do you people even know what animated means!? Oh well. I suggest animation shop, you can get a one month trail. But then it costs money if you want to keep it.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=teal]Mini-VX looked over the cliff to see one of the great towns of Plushdom, the great mining village of Nastla. It was the main source of gold to The Queen, and Mini-VX aimed to take it. It was heavily fortified, but his men were more then enough. Mini-VX: Alright, archers! Ignite arrows and fire! He had made all his men study, so they at least knew something and wheren't as stupid as they were. The arrows rained down on the village, fire engulfed houses. The stauch defenders scrambled to there stations, not thinking any of Mini-Flash's forces could be this deep in The Queens lines. Mini-VX: Fire seige weopans! The catapults and balistas pulled up in preparation for attack, and they fired the first volley. Snack trays came out of the seige weapons lit on fire, they exploded on inpact and the defenders scambled to retaliate. Mini-VX: Hmmm, I guess it [B]was[/B] a good idea to launch though snack trays. And with that, his men formed a box with there kite sheilds and marched forward at flaming arrows and snack trays continued to destroy the village. The defenders had dug in pretty well, this might take longer then expected. [/COLOR]
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Well, at the [URL=http://www.bobandgeorge.com/cgi/wbb/main.php]BnG forum[/URL] (Bob and George), they allow custom titles. Even though they have no sign for mods, people usually know who they are. But then, newbs dont, so I'm not sure how that works. But anyways, over there you gotta PM an admin or super mod for them to change your name, but then, they have a lot of admins. I'm just pointing this out.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  24. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Oh my god! 14 years old!? Well, there is always an alternative to abortion, which is adoption. If you live in california, you can leave a baby at the steps of a hospital if its under a month old or something like that. But then, you always have to face that letter or email one day from your lost child. But I'm really sorry for your friend, and I hope she gets threw this.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] The pasta buffet! But good enough, ask away.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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