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Everything posted by Tigervx
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] I personally like all of them, but the first one is really good. Dod is better then CS. Well, thats what I think at least :P. More realistic.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal]Mini-VX saw Mini-Zeh's unit take off from the stables, and his personal horse too. Wait a minute? A second person on the horse? Mini-VX: Probably mini-Keisha, must have feed her unit to the dogs again... Alright men, prepare to depart! His unit lined up in one straight line, if it was one thing his unit was good at, it was the battle itself. He then charged them out of the stable and behind mini-Zeh, for he was supposes to flow his unit and give support. He then saw a light on one of his men?s horses. Mini-VX: Hey! What have you brought!? Plushie1: Oh, just a lantern, it is dark you know. Mini-VX: We need the element of surprise! Plushie1: Then what do I do with it? Mini-VX: Get rid of it! Plushie1: Oh fine. He dropped the lantern to the grass field, where it light on fire and soon consumed a portion of the field and spreading fast. Mini-VX: Lets not talk about this... [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arikel [/i] [B]Ok, I got one... Who owns the largest collection of malibu stacey dolls in springfield? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Its wailin smithers. Now answer my questions mortals! Its something you can't find in little episode summaries! You have to be a true simpsons fan to have recorded the episode and watch it! And you have to know what he wanted and what he recieved, EXACTLY what he got and wanted.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal]Mini-VX: ok ok men, shutup already, if you get prepared before the battle, and we win the battle... I'll show you this. Its not suppost to be out yet, but who cares? Anyways, get ready and win that battle and I'll show you the LOTR TT DVD! Solider: Yaaaaaaa! They rush off and feed there horses with proper food, put the sattle on the right way, get all armor and equipment on in about 5 minutes and mount horses. Mini-VX: I didn't think that would even work... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal]Vx paced down the halls towards the stables to prepare his unit of Cavalary. On his way he saw one of the snack trays with a pink sticker on it with the words: Words: Property of [strike] the Queen's [/strike]Mini-Flash! Bwahahahahahahah! Mini-Vx: -_-'' How can our snack trays be better when all he did was steal them from the Queen's Palace? He remebered [I]That[/I] mission much too well... Mini-VX: Pizza Delivery Queen's Soldier: We didn't order a pizza... Oh well, get a snack tray over here. Mini-Zeh Bwahahahahahahah! Now we will grab the tray and run off! Queen's Soldier: What? Mini-VX: uhhh... Mini-Zeh: YOINK! We did that 138 times... As he coninued down into the hall, he couldn't help but think that everhting looked like what Barad-Dur would look like. When he reached the stables, he saw Flash's own horse, [I]Shadowfax[/I]. Mini-Vx: Oh come on now, this is getting ridiculous. His men where never really good at preparing with cavalry, actually, they wheren't smart or cunning, just good at fighting. But as for preparation, they couldn't put an arrow in a quiver without lighting a building on fire. He saw a Plushie soldier jumping up and down, attempting to grab his spear jabbed into a wall, another attempting to feed a steak to a horse, and a last one attempting to mount on a horse, but failed misserably and started a rampage. He didn't care though, he stopped caring after the twenty ninth time. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal]Mini-VX: Ah geez, i forgot about the meeting with all this battle, but you can take over corporal, right? Plushie I: Yes sir. Mini-VX: Good, now how can I get to the Castle in 15 minutes... Any ideas? The Corporal points to the catapults... Mini-VX: oh goodey... After Mini-VX had been launched, and painfully hit the castle wall with an unashuring *Crunch* he walked into the castle for Mini-Flashe's meeting. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=teal]As the army that Mini-Flash assigned him with, he looked over the cliff to see a town garrisoned with Queen legionares and Archers of the Queen. He looked at his army, with about the same amount of numbers, but seige weapons. Catapults, balistas, and Trebuchets with Cows in them... Mini-VX: WAIT A MINUTE! Whats a cow doing in a catapult!? Plushie Soldier I: Well, you said get some stuff to launch at the town, and we found cows so meh. Mini-VX: LIKE ROCKS YOU FOOLS! Not cows! Get rocks! Plushie Soldier II: ok... Mini-VX: well, ARCHERS! IGNITE ARROWS! The archers just stand there while in the background the three plushie soldiers trying to lift rocks stumble one, another one trips over a rock. Mini-VX: What part of that did you not understand!? Plushie Archer I: Ignite... Plushie Archer II: Arrows... Plushie Archer III: Archers... Balista plushie crew I: Well... Mini-VX: Your not even an ARCHER! Balista plushie crew: Well you didn't say what part did you not understand, ARCHERS? Did ya? Mini-Vx simply slapped his head. Mini-VX: just atttack, just attack you idiots... And the seige began. [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by blackgatomon [/i] [B]Did anyone else see the mistake on today's episode of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ahem, if you'll notice the little kid in Serenity's room's is looking at the laptop to find out what's happening in the deul. When Joey plays the card that makes Weevil's Insect Queen attack his own Insect Soldier of the Sky, the LP for Weevil((according to the laptop)) go down from 5450 to 3250, like it's supposed to. Then, before Serenity and said kid start to talk, the LP's turn to 0 for a split second. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]I Noticed that, and I also noticed that when The Insect Queen first eats the Cockroach Knight, it eats the Legul again, but in the next sense it eats the cockroach knight.a[/SIZE] a[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]Name: Mini-VX Alleigance: You need more evil Mini-Flash (leiutentant) Weapon: A tiny sword made out of plastic and a sheild also made out of plastic. Magic: Counter Spell! Description: Knight helmet at hand, Shoulder blades with a tiny breast plate and sword and sheild. Gaunlets cover his hands and cleaves cover his feet, all his armor in Black. Bio:He is a very good warrior (For a Plushie anyways) and did not become a evil minion of flash unwillingly. He was a Black Plushie night, an outcast of the Queen's royal guard. He was one of his first followers, and he shall smite his enemies with his sword of!...... PLastic, well not really, but you get the point, right? [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] I remeber making this thread a long time ago, like when I was new. But new faces and new opinoins have made me make this thread once more, just for the heck of it. What was your response to Aeris death? Where you surprised? Did you know it was coming? Did you think she should of died a more painful death? Do you think she never deserved it. Or did you yell in horrible outrage of all the levels lost :P[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B]Knowing CN they'll probably put the un-edited versions on aldut swim. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] They wont, you know gundam 0083? THey put the edited version on Adult swim. What make syou think they'll do that for Zeta? Huh?[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]All i can think of is the young Jedi Knight book series covers, I would scan them but my scanner is broken. Sorry I can't be of more help.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitth'raw'nuruodo [/i] [B]Do you have to see the Gundam series preceding Zeta to understand it? Because my friend says Zeta is really good, sadly, I have only seen the first episodes of Mobile Suit Gundam. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Yes, you won't understand the Zeon factor. You won't understand the Titans, and you wont understand the rivalry between Char and Amuro.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B] Its Zeta Gundam! What more can I say? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] What more can you say is that the horrible butchered dub is all we have... Weeeeeeeeee! Must get prepared! *Starts filing gundam action figures in Time order, Zeon Federation, power, numbers mass produced, and how cool they are!* Zeta! yay! Too bad they had to show Char's counterattack already :P.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] At the Pow Wow indian Casino, what did "The Great Gabbo" Demand for his act, and what did he get?[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]They where the fattest city in the world. But i don't know how many pounds.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]Globex Corporation. Lemme think of a question. Edit: What was "Lisa Juniors" real name?[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]The owner of the zoo is Larry Kidkill. It's the episode where Apu and Manjula let him put their 8 kids into a zoo show. In the Cape Fear episode (the one where the Simpsons are put in a witness relocation program to avoid Sideshow Bob and are renamed The Thompsons), what was Homer's first choice for his new name? [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]Darnit, one of the episodes I've never seen. Is that the one with Max Power, cuz I never saw that one. :P.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][size=1]"Hail to the Chimp", I think. Who owns the Springfield Zoo? -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] I think you killed the thread with your too hard question. I've seen every single episdoe, and i can't think of anyone but the rich texan :P.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]Tell me about it Cyko, the only [i]decent[/i] models from EW are the 1/100 High Grade quality or the 1/100 Master Grade or Perfect Grade and i could only get the MG or PG online and i don't have a credit card... But why get a perfect grade? They're extremly pricey. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Ya, i had a Serpent 1/144. It was pretty cool until it fell apart like an hour after I finished it -_-''[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]Do they really ive you bad luck? Have you ever had one and rejected it? Or have you taken no chance and sent them too people. I just got one, and i had to send it to twenty people. Something about 7 year bad luck, the cupid arrow letter something something. I didn't send it, do they really give bad luck?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] They are, but they are from art work books and MS books, so they are free for public use, i asked the web master. [/color][/size] [COLOR=green] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/destinyofprelude/images/Mecha/ms-09.jpg[/IMG] Mech: MS-09 Dom Origin: Mobile Suit Gundam Concept: A mobile suit introduced later in the war, it was much fast then a Zaku. After testing the Skirt system in combat by mounting it onto a Zaku II, the test data was finished and the Dom was born. The reason for this was the fact of its new ?Skirt? system. Its large legs are actually designed for hovering, giving it a great advantage in any fight. It was a superior mobile suit, and was thought to replace the Zaku. But the Zaku was still in service fighting along side them at the battle of A Baoa Qu. It was basically designed to replace the Zaku II for its speed and agility, it was a good concept, but it was basically another grunt. But it was good none the less, so I?ll only mark it down by one point from the Zaku. 5/10 Style: Well, this is certainly different. It may look sort of like a Zaku, but if you look closely, almost nothing was taken from the Zaku. The head looks basically like a box, but for some reason, it fits very well onto the body. It then has this weird Chest plate thing on the upper body, which really has no real significance. Then the customary plating over the middle of the suit, in almost ever mobile suit in all the series. Now the skirt, something very different. Its large feet have a strange appearance, but still fit on the suit somehow (or I?ve just been watching WAY too much gundam). It looks pretty good, but the head just looks kinda plain, so I gotta give it an eight for that. 7/10 Combat Ability: Combat ability for this suit is superb. Its normal armament is one Bazooka, but it can also be equipped with a machine gun. Its speed and agility make a perfect combo and was highly effective in combat. The three first prototypes given to the ?Black Tri Stars? almost destroyed the gundam, but undoubtedly where defeated. The later Rick Dom, used for space combat, was a modified Dom. By using free space as fuel storage and more boosters, it became easy to use in space. It was also armed with a heat rod, used much like a heat hawk, but as a sword. This is a very capable mobile suit, the agility and speed of the suit make it a great mobile suit. This is a very capable mobile suit in battle, and was greatly used in operation StarDust. 10/10 [/color] Final Thoughts: This mobile suit is a great combat weapon, it looks bulky, but boy is it fast. Its is yet another grunt of the Zeon army, and I think the score I gave it was fair. It style and concept took a hit, but I came right back with the combat ability. 22/30 Other Pictures: [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/comics/destinyofprelude/images/Mecha/ms-09-heatsaber.jpg]Heat Saber[/URL] [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/comics/destinyofprelude/images/Mecha/ms-09-giantbazooka.jpg]Bazooka[/URL] [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/comics/destinyofprelude/images/Mecha/ms-06rd-4.jpg]Zaku test[/URL]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] THIS WILL MAKE ME THE WINNER OF THE GUNDAM AWARD! NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAH! Erm, anyways, this will be Mobile Suit gundam mecha reviews. I got the idea from Shard at BnG, and now, THEY WILL MAKE THE GUNDAM AWARD MINE! MUAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA![/color][/size] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/comics/destinyofprelude/images/Mecha/ms-06f.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=green] Mecha: MS-06F Zaku II Origin: Mobile Suit Gundam Concept: The second mobile suit made by the Zeon. It was designed for ground and space all purpose combat. It was the most mass produced mobile suit in the entire One Year War. It was based on the original MS-05B Zaku I, which was the first mobile suit ever created. In other words, it was the ?grunt? of the Zeon war machine. Though it was later outclassed by more effective mobile suits such as the MS-09 Dom, these mobile suits fought to the bitter end at the last battle of A Baoa Qu. 7/10 Style: This mobile suit has a very muscular style. Unlike the Federation Gm, thin and weak looking, the Zaku has a very bulked appearance. Its classic ?Cyclops? was portrayed in ever other mobile suit in the Principality of Zeon. Its spiked soldier was later added on as the pilots of the Zakus complained that they needed more hand to hand combat capability. 6/10 Combat Ability: Even though it was one of the first mobile suits to be mass produced, it was fully capable of combat throughout the war. Thought looking bulky, it was quite maneuverable throughout the war. It also could take at least 10 machine gun blast before going down, while a GM could go down in 3.Its main armaments where a 120mm machine gun with a drum magazine with a Heat Hawk and Crackers (grenades). Some also had Magellan top cannons, which where mainly early mobile artillery and hand held Bazookas. Some later had Cannons mounted on their back boosters, they also sometimes had 3 tube missile pods on each heel. Throughout all the Gundam series, the Zaku preformed magnificently, and I commend it on that. 9/10 Final Thoughts: I like this mobile suit, well, I always liked this mobile suit :p. It was one of the pioneers of MS technology and was very well combat able, despite the fact the gundam destroyed at least 100 -_-??. 22/30 More Pictures: [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/comics/destinyofprelude/images/Mecha/ms-06k.jpg]Zaku Cannon[/URL] [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/comics/destinyofprelude/images/Mecha/ms-06-zakubazooka.jpg]Zaku Bazooka[/URL] [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/comics/destinyofprelude/images/Mecha/ms-06-missilepod.jpg]Missile pod[/URL] [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/comics/destinyofprelude/images/Mecha/ms-06-machinegun.jpg]Zaku Machine gun[/URL] [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/comics/destinyofprelude/images/Mecha/ms-06-heathawk.jpg]Heat Hawk[/URL] [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/comics/destinyofprelude/images/Mecha/ms-06-cracker.jpg]Cracker (Grenade)[/URL] [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]They should all destroy themselves. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] They should, shouldn't they? But their influence is too strong. Soon, they will take over the world. Nothing will stop them, nukes, lasers, even traditional anime will be stompped out! Soon, the only thing stnading in the way of each others ambisions will be themselves. I say will let them bee and make them all fight to the death so we can slaughters the surviviors. *Gets pumpled by everyone on the board who are digi/ pokemon fans.* [/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hittokiri Zero [/i] [B]hey man my adivce dont post gundam fanfics here i wrote up 2 and got minimal feedback. -_-'. Everyone here seems to go for those silly digimon fanfics =X. Anyway, it's a good start but you should decide now whetehr your gonna focus on the characters or the battles, from what i've seen you should focus more on the battles cuz i havent seen much character development as of yet =P. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Ya, I was going to in the next chapter, but there is minimal feedback :p. Not many gundam fans on the Otaku :(. But anyways, I do just see a buncha digimon fanfics around here. Eh, oh well. Maybe when people see the light of gundam! *Runs away from rotten fruit bombardment from digimon fans.* [/size][/color]