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Everything posted by Tigervx

  1. Tigervx


    [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] The tournament had begun, and he already ahd a duelist in his sights. Kwaz: You there! Duel now! Duelist: you got it, I'll put my rarest card up, my Jinzo up for grabs! Kwaz: Buster blade, duel time amueter. Kwaz drawed, pot of greed, buster blade, reborn the monster, spirit of the harp, and axe of despair. 'Perfect.' Kwaz: I go first! I play pot of greed to get seven cards! I then play spirit of the harpy in defense mode (800/2000) and then play two cards face down, and discard buster blade. Duelist: discarding your best card? Are you insane? Go! Go harpy lady's brotehr! And one card face down. Kwaz: Fool? You don't see! Go! REBORN THE MONSTER! Duelist: wha-! no! Kwaz: go! buster blade (2600/1000)! And since hes a special summon, that trap hole i persume is worthless. Duelist: no! Kwaz: Go! axe of depair! (3600/2000) Attack buster blade! Dragon vanquish strike! Your harpy brothers gone! taking 1800 LPs with it! Duelist: wha!? KWaz: Your move. Duelist dangit! play one monster face down! Kwaz: I just drew stop defense! go! Card: frog king 1000/8000 Duelist: no! Kwaz: buster blade! Dragon vanquish strike! taking all your LPs! Duelist: I didn't even et my jinzo out! Dangit, heres your puzzle card and my jinzo. Kwaz: thank you, now, i have other duels to attend to. Kwaz walked away. [/size][/color]
  2. Tigervx


    Name: Kwaz Mokus Age: 17 Height: 5'7 Hair: black and slick. Eyes: blye Signature Card: Buster Blade and sword hunter Millenium Item: None Rarest Card: Buster blade Side: you'll see soon enough. Clothes: grey hooded sweatshirt with black cargo pants
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] I got bored, alright? It is the year U.C. 84, the Delaz fleet rebellion was stomped out, but a new battle already arises. ?Space, will we ever see it all?? Captain Hanim said to himself aboard the Pegasus class ship Alabastor. He peered out of the window of the bridge to see the earth?s 27th orbital fleet. His fleet was at least 30 Salamis class cruisers, 10 Magellan class battleships, and another 10 Pegasus ships. Also, the 54th earth orbital fleet flanked them, making a total of nearly 110 ships. A Public class ship zoomed by the bridge, welding something on. ?What are they doing?? Hanim asked in curiosity. ?They?re welding on extra armor sir, just incase we are ambushed, it?s not like we?re carrying your average supplies? responded an ensign in the comm seat. True, for they were carrying reconstructions of the three most destructive machines ever created. They were transferring the Big Zam, Apsaras mobile armors, and GP02A Gundam Physalis. They were being sent to the newly formed Titans group to help them. They all had enough destructive power to level any Zeon resistance, which is what they were reconstructed for. Even though the Zeon Delaz fleet had been defeated, there were many other Zeon fleets out there. Suddenly, an ensign at the sensors station shouted, ?Sir! The Public class ships are leaving the sector!? Hanim was puzzled ?Why would they leave the sector?? ?Alright, launch the Gm scout team A!? ?They?re launching a scout team, confirmed three GMs heading this way. Should we begin?? asked a pilot of the lead Public class. ?Not yet, we have to wait until the order comes? said the pilot. ?They?re opening a channel!? A GM pilot popped up on the monitor. ?Attention Public class ships please explain your actions against the route to A Baoa Qu, please turn back.? ?Never! ZEON SHALL RISE AGAIN!? Hanim was shocked at what the pilot just said, ?Scout team! Get out of there!? But it was too late, two Zakus swooped in from out of nowhere. One fired out a bazooka and blasted the command GM into bits, while the other rushed the second GM and smashed the cockpit open with his heat hawk. The last Gm attempted to open fire, but another missile impacted on the chest, designating and exploding the suit. Suddenly, huge explosions erupted from ever end of the ships. Outside the window, the same thing was happening. Hanim cursed wildly, ?WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?? The ensign screamed, ?The Public classes must have been Zeon! They must have planted explo-? A explosion exploded right next to the bridge, starting a chain reaction destroying the entire bridge section of the ship. Edit: Sigh, I give up. I would have kept going if people actually LOOKED at my thread. But I'm not cut out to be a writer i guess. Someone just close the thread. [/size][/color]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] I just saw it, and now i want to make a banner :P. It's a great anime, and I'm going to watch it alot now. I didn't catch the names, but thats what the internet is for (Not really...) And my favorite seen was with the Puchiguso ^_^. I'm surprised your not making a RPG james *elbow.* [/size][/color]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Ya, the latest episode was actually surprising. I actually thought Espa would when, but then again, I'm EVIL! AHAHAHAHAHA! Anyways, the next part master of magiciens, I bet Yu Gi will get the [spoiler] Dark Magicien girl[/spoiler] for him :p. [/color][/size]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] OOC: Ummmm, boba, where waiting for you too post. It's all circling around you now, and you haven't posted yet... [/color][/size]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Kwaz saw the assassination attempt and the lead of security going after the assassin. "Looks like its time for me to join in." He jumped out of his star fighter and proceeded to the senators retreat. He pulled out his clone rifle and stuck a optic scope on it. He scanned the area, only seeing guards. He shrugged and put his rifle back, and aimed his wrist dart gun. He saw three senteries at the bedroom of Amidala after the attempt, and killed them all with darts in the neck. He started sneaking over the building, avoiding patrols, and having to "deal with" sentries here and there. When he reached the Senator's bedroom and tugged the bodies into under the porch, he heard ten guards coming down. He hid behind the corner. Guard1: What? Where are the men posted here? Guard2: Maybe they went to secure the rooftop after the attempt. Guard4: No, they where stationed here after the assassination attempt. Guard1: Then what happened to them? Kwaz: I did. Kwaz swung around the corner and fired his Geonosian sonic blaster at the guards. The sonic blaster was not as powerful as a laser blaster, but it had a wider radius in hitting an object. It was also handy because it was made up of sound, not light, handy against jedi. He fired three times, knocking all the guards back, some dead, some only unconcious. He then opened the senators door, only to be met by a blaster bolt. Kwaz: I guess whoever is in charge of security isn't as thick headed as thoughs guards. But none the less Senator, i do have a job to do here. He wipped around the corner into the door and blasted his flamethrower all around the room and jetpacked out. He did not care if he got his bounty or not, this was getting intresting anyways. He landed next to his starship, guards and speeders rushing over. He started off his starfighter and blasted off. [/color][/size]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] 'It's time...' Kwaz started coughing horribaly. The guard for his cell was intreged and got off his chair. Naboo Guard: You ok? But Kwaz had no answer, he just kept coughing. Just as the guard was about to pop up a comm channel, Kwaz coughed up a vibro blade with it's sharp blade covered in a rubbery substance. Naboo Gaurd: Wh-! Kwaz had thrown the blade strait into the guards heart. The guard stumbled a bit before stumbling onto the ground. Kwaz swiped his key card and got out of his cell. He then took his blaster and headed towards the armory. when he reached it, it was guarded by two Naboo officers. He swirled around and faced the guards. Guard 1: What th-! Kwaz had blasted both of the guards and had swiped one of their cards and opened the armory. He grinned, there lied his Mandalorian armor. Kwaz: And I thought their security couldn't get any worse. He stuck on his armor and all of his weapons. A alarm sounded off, 'They must have found the guard, no matter.' He stepped out of the armor with his clone rifle to be met by 5 officers, he immidediatly started blasting them. The officers had horrible aim and missed him as he run across the hall. as the last guard was left with a smoldering hole in his chest, Kwaz rushed to the Naboo Inpound. He rushed in, firing at some lone officers in the hall. He finally reaached the compound and blasted the two officers guarding it, one in the head and the other in the heart. He used one of their cards to open the lock to find his starship. Kwaz: This was easy, I thought they couldn't get any sloppyer then ever. He rushed to his ship and took off as twenty officers flooded the bay... [/color][/size]
  9. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] 'Hmm, sticky situation ain't it? What should i do now. No other choose it appears.' He pulled out three concussion grenades out of his belt and threw them every which way out of the cockpit. He could here screaming and shouting as the grenades exploded. He set his visor to Thermal so the smoke wouldn't invertfear. He could here blaster shots ringing out around, the smoke was so thick thoughs Naboo Officers couldn't see a thing. He pulled out his clone rifle and blasted out of his cockpit, blasting three officers. He turned around to fire again, leaving a smoldering hole in him. Then another bounty hunter, not a Naboo officer pulled a gun to his head. Abob: Thats enough. [/color][/size]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] As Kwaz's heavily modified Naboo N-1 star fighter jumped out of hyper space, he grinned as he saw a group of 9 starfighters break out of hyper space. Kwaz: Looks like it's time to introduce myself. He pushed in some quardinates and his superior engines blasted off, he flicked on his heavy sheilds and started firing upon the Naboo starfighters. His first salvo sprayed a Naboo N-1 starfighters, it's hull crippled and the ship quick exploded. He came in for another run, the N-1's where taking evasive action, most likely Senator Amidala was on one. He swooped in again and some starfighters started firing left and right, one helplessly spattered on his sheild lowering it to 95% as he blasted the sheilds of another Naboo fighter to shreds and quickly exploded. Kwaz: Now i don't want my bounty like this do I? He broke off of attack and headed flew off into hyper space.[/color][/size]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] As Kwaz sped away on his swoop, he saw a Clone Gunship raced by with several alien senaters in it. 'Strange.....' he saw Clone Troopers swarming the streets and searching for something. One pointed up at the swoop, and immedietly a volley of blaster fire proceeded. Kwaz desperately tried to manuvuer the craft, but a second wave of blaster bolts blew it to pieces. He managed to bust his jetpack to break his fall, but as he fell, a Clone Trooper raised his rifle and fired. Kwaz started to wake up, he realized that the Clone had fired a stun bolt. He had been stripped of his armor and weapons, and he was back in Palpatine's office. Palpatine: Well Kwaz, you couldn't kill the jedi, but I shall give you one more chance. If you succeed, you will live, if you do not, you will die. Kwaz said nothing, only looked up at Palpatine. Palpatine: You will assassinate senator Amidala when she returns to her home planet Naboo. Kwaz thought about it, he knew who Senator Amidala was. She lead the cause to not create a clone army, and she was always in the way of Plapatine's "Ideals." Kwaz: That, I can do. [/color][/size]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] As Kwaz paced down the hall, flanked on all sides by clone troopers, he saw all were armed and there were eight Clone troopers "escorting" him to Palpatine's office. As the door hissed open, Kwaz said to Palpatine. Kwaz: What do you want this time Palpatine? Palpatine: My dear friend I have a job for you, 10,000,000 credits. Kwaz: Pricey, what is it? Palpatine: I want you too "take care of" the jedi counsil. Kwaz: PALPATINE! Have you gone mad!? Palpatine: I thought a bounty hunter did not think of the target, only the profit. Kwaz: I am not every other bounty hunter, I cannot do this Supreme Chancellor. Palpatine: Then i am so sorry my old friend, i am charging you with treason to the Republic. All eight Clone troopers raised their rifles, but Kwaz had already pulled his twin pistols out and blasted all eight clone troopers. He then blasted the window open and jumped out onto a swoop and sped away. Palpatine: So Kwaz, you choose death? [/color][/size]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B][COLOR=green]Tigervx, post your sign up you must. Then join, you can.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Yes Master Yoda! Name: Kwaz Sosac Age: Unknown Species: Human Alliance:Bounty Hunter (Whoever pays more) Weapons: Twin blasters, clone Rifle, sonic blaster, and Mandalorian armor weapons. Biography: One of the last mandalorians after the battle between them and the Jedi. He now is a Bounty Hunter with superior fighting skills since he was trained from birth, as was the mandalorian custom. Appearance: Silver Mandalorian armor, two blaster pistols on each side and a scavenged Clone blaster rifle. Other: Has a respect for jedi, even though they killed his kin, it is unkown why. [/color][/size]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][size=1]As a general rule, we do not allow favorites topics because they tend to lead to simple responses *points above*. But I'll give this one a chance, and maybe some discussion can come out of it. 8th MS Team is my favorite Gundam series. It had some nice characters and an interesting story during those 13 episodes. The love story was well done. Or, at least it was a lot less sappy than most other Gundam romances. -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] 08th MS team was also my favorite because it was shoot 'em up blasting crap show like all the others. The show focused more on the horror of war. It had a much more advanced plot then the others if you look closely. They show the suffering and pain war can bring. It is not like most other gundams that is liek bad guys! The gundam's come and kill them all! It actually symbolizes the horrors of war. [/color][/size]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Can I join! Please! I really like starwars! PLEASE! Or is it too late? [/color][/size]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] No, it was infact, one year after the battle of the Libera. They where celebrating the first morning on Chrismas day, for the day the battle was waged. It even had a sign saying U.C. 197. Therefore, it was infact one year after [/color][/size]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Erm, you can probably just post in the Sony section. I doubt a Sonic section will have much, if any movement. It would seem that not many people talking about it, and it's not in high demand right now. [/color][/size]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] A date aye? Perhaps it might be [spoiler]Cho Chang?[/spoiler] Since Hermione [spoiler] Already likes Krum ^_-[/spoiler]. *Huge explosion comes from his basesment* My time machine! *Goes rushing threw the black smoke.* [/color] [/size]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]Yay! It's finally coming! ^_^ Oh gosh, it's been such a while, I guess I'll have to go back and read the other four books over again... While we're on Harry Potter, what's going to happen to Dumbledore in the thrid movie? Are they going to replace him?[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] They've hired the guy who plays Gandalf. Forgot his name, but it's offical, they're hiring him. All he needs is a deeper voice and a longer beard ^_^. Playing two wizards in the two greatest series of all time? Lucky ^_^. [/color][/size]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]That would be a bit interesting, it could be a place for specific Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon, Pokemon cards thread to go, and include other games like MTG and Harry Potter BUT that would make the forum a bit... random. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] *Gasp* You dare insult Magic as a lesser card game! *Throws apple at Circeus.* Anyways, a card forum would be a good idea. I play MTG and they're really isn't a place to talk about it. There is a Yu-Gi-Oh section, but thats for that Cardgame. I think it would be a good idea. And I have doubts that the digimon section will implode do to a new card section. [/color][/size]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] *Looks at thread. Gasps. Rampages to his room and sits in a chair gazing at his watch* *hours latter.* Owned! I've just discovered Harry Potter over summer break, now it's addictive! I wish they where longer, just so I could read more since i read the fourth one in three days ^_^. I've been keeping up my reading speed and vocabulary with Tolkien! I can't wait, I think she did it on purpose, for the cliffhanger sort of thing. But thats ok, cuz now I must invent a time machine to go into the future and by the new Harry Potter! *Starts tinkering with a broken down toaster.* [/color] [/size]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]I got this new game for PS2 called Zeon Vs. Federation, and it's pretty good. It's the best gundam game yet, and has a ton of mobile suits. It has a campainge mode that follows the story pretty well. You get new mobile suits over time, and better ones, and ones that have better thrusters and such. It is pretty good for my comment, and I like it. The missions aren't all just "Kill the enemy," but have actual objectives. Such as destroy supply roots, or protect a battleship, destroy a battleship, and protect your allies. But I found one thing I absolutly hate about the game. Gundam is so dang cheap! He can kill you in two shots, TWO! Well, thats what I think. What do you think? [/color][/size]
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] I saw it, and it was great. I really enjoyed it and want the DVD now. It was pretty cool, and better explosion effects then any of the other movies or series. The deployment of mobile suits also seems more complicated now. With the sleds and decoys, the funnels were so cool! [/color][/size]
  24. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] The [I]Firebolt[/I] Dropped out of Hyperspace. Kwaz could see Kamino. His skisprayBlast boat blasted off towards the planet. When he landed, he found no signs of any Yuuzhan Vong activity there. He came out of his ship and entered the city. Taun We: Master Jedi-- Kwaz: Kwaz Sosac. Taun We: Thank you, why, we haven't seen a Jedi here for nearly thirty years. Kwaz: May I speak to your Prime Minister? Taun We: Of course. They strode threw the halls. The Kaminoians must have advanced alot, the technology here was impressive. They finally entered a door where the Prime Minister of Kamino was sitting. Lama Su: Yes Taun We? Taun We: Master Jedi Kwaz Sosac has come to speak with you. Lama Su: Yes, of course. Kwaz: have you had any problems with a race of aliens that look like this? Kwaz pulled out a holo projector and he clicked a button. It immediatly made a Yuuzhan Vong warrior and a Slave warrior. Lama Su: Hmmm, I've never seen either of thoughs around Kamino. Kwaz: Well, Have you seen these in your orbit? Kwaz clicked another button, showing a array of Yuuzhan Vong War ships. Lama Su: Hm, not in our orbit. But we have seen them passing by. They appear to be headed to certain planets. Lama Su named every planet that has been taken over. Lama Su: And I think we've seen a large cluster heading for coruscant. Kwaz: Cor-Coruscant? Lama Su: Yes, but for some reason, they ignore us. I imagine that they think we have nothing to trade with them. Kwaz: Prime minister, these creatures aren't trading with planets, they are taking them over. Lama Su: Hm, well, we do keep a clone reserve army. But, we don't tell the republic. Kwaz: A reserve? How large? Lama Su: We have 20 star ships, 500 walkers, and 200,000 troops. Kwaz: The Republic was never informed. Lama Su: We aren't even in the senate, how could they know? Kwaz: I see your point. Prime Minister, may I stay at Kamino for a day? I don't know why, but somthing says I should. Lama Su: Of course, Taun We, find Master Jedi Kwaz Sosac a apartment to stay in for tonight. Taun We: this way please. [/size][/color]
  25. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1] Griolon: My Ancestors Axe will serve this new fellowship, just as my brother has. Legalos: Your brother served us well, Griolon son of Glion. I will expect nothing less from you. Griolon pulled his axes out of his belt, greatly crafted. It could obviously cleave a orc in two with one stroke. Griolon: And I expect nothing the less from myself. Elrond Striding over and stopped infront of Griolon. He started inspecting his gear, weapons, and getting approvel from Glion. He then came back to Griolon and spoke. Elrond: Master dwarf, your service in the fellowship shal be a great honor, Griolon son of Glion.[/size][/color]
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