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Everything posted by Tigervx
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] ENt eh? I thought about that but saw there were no dwarves. So I was a dwarf. I would of been cool to be an Ent, hehe[/color][/size]
[SIZE=1] [COLOR=teal]I could even beat Yugi. Fissures, Trap Holes, De-spells, and De-Traps devistate his deck. Not to mention his deck doesn't do Tributes well. I mean, Lajin and two other cards face down, he puts a monster in defense. Kill it and play Neo. He plays anotehr in D. I Sacrifice to bring something like two Tri Hornedor crap out and blast it. He plays another in Defense and one card face down. I play another lajin and kill his D and attack his LP with tri horned and he uses trap. I'll use reverse trap. Yes yes, it seems hard to get a hand like that. But thoughs are his stratigies when he can't play any of his cards with 5 stars or higher when he needs tributes.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]OOC: That was no poke! You smacked me with that darn bag again! -------------------------------------------- Glion, ThorinIII, and Griolon son of Gioln swooped down into Rivendell on three of the Iron Hill's best Gyrophones. They soared threw the sky and pointed down in the front gates of the elvish city. The Gryphons swooped down and landed down besdie the front gate. They quickly rushed off the Gyrhpons as elvish gamekeepers hurried them into a ranch. Glion: Elrond, where are the others? Elrond: They have not yet arrived Glion. Glion: I see, I have grave news Elrond. Elrond: What do you mean? Griolon: The orcs of Moria are creating Uruk Hia! We have seen smoke bellowing from the peaks! And they fear not the Balrog. I imagine Saruman has already taken hold of Moria! On your command, a host of dwarves will cleave every orc neck in thoughs mines! Elrond: This is grave news indeed, I will see if the dwarves should lay seige to Moria when the counsel is held. [/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Should we start the RPG soon? It appears noones joining, and we have enough people. And I really wanna RP! But it's up to you Juuthena in the end. Anyways, are we gonna start soon? Because I really wanna start! Since no one else is joining.[/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Kwaz: Damnit, I guess I'll have to go to Myrkr myself, but I just can't help wondering, what is Abob doing? Kwaz was back at the Jedi temple and was in the docking bay. He quickly hopped into the [FONT=times new roman] Firebolt [/font] and blasted off. He turned on his Hyper drive that he installed customly into his Ski spray blast boat and set the coordinates for Myrkr. As it left the atmosphere, he jumped into Hyper Space. Kwaz: Hmmm, maybe I should make a visit to though Cloners... On Kamino. We might need them latter in this war, but I hope it will never have to come to that. Master Skywalker, do I have authorization to Visit Kamino? Luke: Yes, but warn them of the invasion. But at the same time, don't order any clones. Kwaz: Yes Master. He punched in the new coordinates and his ship jerked, and was off into the direction of Kamiaos. [/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]Hmm.. I just saw the Two Towers for the third time, and what I still don't understand is, who was that last army that came with Gandalf from the east? I mean, at first I thought they were the riders of Rohan, (the ones who were exiled), but then I began to wonder how they got so... big. o_o; Who were they, anyhow? *hides behind desk and dodges tomatoes*[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] *throws tomatoe at desk* Erm, sorry, just couldn't control myself ^_^''. But yes, they were the riders of Eomer that were exiled, and I have no idea how they got so big. But in the book, Gandalf had the help of the "Hurons," which are Ents. And the elves never came in the book either, or I missed a page or something. But yes, they were the riders. But in the book, I think it would have been better for Ents to come and help. But then it would be over 3 hours ^_^'' I'm so darn picky.[/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Hmm, I really enjoy both. THe book has all the details and is very interesting, but then the movies can make a larger visual for when you read. The bad part is I'm still 100 pages away from return of the king -_-''. But then, I should finish the two tower before next year, right? Anyways, I'd say that the movie and book are evenly matched. Since most of the smarter fans will rather then ramble about whats missing, enjoy whats there.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Favorite LOTR TT quote [spoiler] Pippin: We should go south, because the closer you are to danger, the farther you are from harm. Treebeerd (yes, in the book it is beerd, not beard) Hmm, that doesn't make sense. [/spoiler] [/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal] Hmmmm, you seem to have a serious problem. Don't get me wrong, i could be misunderstanding you or something. But you appear to have some sort of anger problem. I mean, your making different accounts left and right, just to say that the admins were wrong and the clock is off? To be honest, I really think you could spend your time more productively. So you should just give up this Vendeta and just do something else.[/color][/size]
[SIZE=1] [COLOR=teal]Name: - Griolon son of Gloin Age: - 124 Race: - (Orc?) Dwarf Weapons: - Mattock, axe, and throwing axes. Description: - Stout dwarf, 3'9. Beard is 1'5 and has orange hair. Wears a coatmail from the Iron Mountains and other great armors from the Hills south of Erober. Bio: - Griolon son of Gloin is the brother of Gimli, son of Gloin. His father assumed DainII's position of King Under the Mountain after his death in the great War of the Ring. His brother Gimli, left Middle Earth's shores forever to the Undying Lands with the elves of Lotherian. He later assumed leadership of the great Iron Hills after they became more populated and his father could not govern both hills. After Saurons downfall, four of the seven dwarven rings where found. But the three other where devoured by dragons. Griolon bears one of the four, as does his father Gloin. The other have been given to Dain III and the last was again, devoured by a cold drake. Later, he created an alliance of the Iron hills and Erober with Mirkwood to remake the great friendship that was once of Dwarves and Elves. [/color] [/size]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]Well, i doubt they're is a sequel. But I've heard they have been creating a MMORPG (Massive multiplayer online Role Playing Game) which will cost $10 a month. MMORPGs are great fun but cost money. But then, I don't excactly how great or bad the next Final Fantasy MMORPGs is. But i don't think they'll be making another RPG for final fantasy beside MMORPGs.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emma [/i] [B]So, the thread is closed simply because it is a flame bait. That has nothing to do as a "spam". Then, every single discusssion can be labelled as a flame bait in some way. This is just a question concerning this board, so I don't think PM is appropiate here as other may be interested in the situation, too. Well, if you want PM, please close this thread as that means you don't think this can turn into a discussion. I don't think it is "personal" enough for just a private message. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, it would most likely one big spam pit. [QUOTE]OMG! G WING SUCKS SO MUCH IT IS GAY [/QUOTE] [QUOTE]WING ZERO IS SO STUPID, THEY ALL SUCK![/QUOTE] Thats what you usually find in such threads, get the point?
It looks so cool! I gotta see the ent's and the defnse of the Rohanian fortress. The first movie was awsome, and the second has more battles and now the fellowship is all split up. I have already read the books, but i wanna see the movie too. In other news, MEMBER! OH YA!:beer:
Just wondering, the two pieces of Exodia that Joey managed to snatch right when weeble threw them off the boat, do they have to do with anything else in the story?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gouf [/i] [B]You are right i play magic too. and that was my frist idea i gave up on it beacuse it is to hard to make animation for the sorrecy. Some of those are just impossilbe [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, you could make spells and stuff. But sometimes the lights might blind people and stuff. And also might hurt peoples eyes or give them segres...
Burn him at the cross! Then throw him into a hole and, erm, burn him again! Then make a machine that can reburn things and burn him! Joke from penny arcade :p . But try it anyways, hehe.
I'm the one who asked for the fanfiction, and its working out just fine. It's not like its more then one page a day. So it's not of great need to expand quite yet.
:eek: My god! Hes right! The infinate possibilities! Just think if you where plaything everquest online in a Digital world! I don't play everquest, and i'm not sure if a digital world is possible, but sure sounds cool.
Well, I don't play Yu gi oh anymore, but I play magic. Can you imagine a fairy pixie with a monstrous growth on it? Or a Icatian Phalanx against Iron Claw Orcs? *trails off into a list of stuff from magic*
Yes, the [FONT=courier new]Hobbit[/FONT] , the book of all time. The one that started it all! Well, thats pretty much it hehe, now i can't get enough of the stuff:alcohol:
Wiat, isn't Orist the cleaver of Goblins inside Thorins tomb? Name:Minus Argoth Age:113 Race:Dwarf Weapons: Mattock Forged in the Iron mountains, Axe forged in Erebor, and his father's Maul. Bio:Also son of Gilmi, only 5 years younger then his brother Alex. He has a family of one wife and two dwarven boys. Minus is a second in the chain of royalty in the great Lonely Mountain. His father Gilmi left with his great elf frined Legolas and the elves of Lorthian to the Immortal lands. He jounries a long side Alex, his sons are not every concerned about the kindgoms but still aid Fili and Kili in their spots appointed in Erebor and Iron hills. Description: Minus is about 4'6 built strong and with a long gray beard reaching his chest, for he has grown it for nearly 100 years. Minus wears a heavy chain mail built in the forges of the Iron Hills, and a mithril mail he found in Moria that was handed down to him by Dain II, who had gotten it by his father after slaying the foul Orc AZOG. He has no horse, but plans to seek one if they ever venture into rohan.
As Kwaz finally regained consciousness, he suddenly remebered how he was unconsciousness in the first place. He quickly jumped too his feet, cursing wilding ("Trying to do mind tricks on me? I'm a force master! That son of a *****!") he was heading to master Skywalker's office when he thought about what he was doing. 'Do I really want to get though too exiled?' He quickly spun to the firebolt (his modified skispray blast boat) and hopped in. He quickly picked up the fresh plasma trail that was left behind by Laliath and Abob and quickly set off.
The web comic penny arcade. No, i cant post the link for obvious reasons. Anyways, its very funny and has many game reviews. I like the site alot. Whats your opinion?
As Bremma layed on his shoulder, he couldn't help but feel warm and fuzzy. 'And love...' Then a bell rang. he looked around to see it was dinner time. He looked at Bremma with a smile and said. Kwaz: should we get something to eat? OOC: sorry about short post.
As Abob passed Kwaz in the hall, he stared at Abob, and he stopped. Abob: Yes? Kwaz: They've taken another planet. Abob: Which one!? Kwaz: Not a big one, but Myrkr, the Imps and the Republic tried to defend it, but the they're crates got to the ground too fast. Abob: What are they doing there? Kwaz: Thats what Luke wants us too find out. He just made his mind up to send us to Myrkr right after you talked to him. We need to see what the Yuuzhan Vong are up to. Kwaz and Abob quickly rushed down to the hanger.