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Everything posted by Boo

  1. [quote name='James][color=slategray']Er, Boo...I don't know if you're trying to be funny, but it isn't working. It's usually not a good idea to mock someone when they are actually upset about something of substance.[/color][/quote][size=1]You can very well read it as a metaphore, dear James. And I think it's so much more helpful to bring a metaphore or advice in an entertaining way than in a depressing "aww, you're so sad" way (if they aren't already attacking the person for something he never said), as what seems to be the case a lot. It's not like I would be of much help telling him about my traumatic childhood with my insane, near-suicidal, stalking father, either. Personally, I prefer the hamburger tale. I dare say that I didn't mock anyone in my post, a McDonald's employee at most for making such fragile burgers.[/size]
  2. [quote name='Minako][B']Has there ever been a time in your life where your world has fallen apart?[/B][/quote][size=1]I have never dealt with a situation when my whole world fell apart. [i]However[/i], I [i]did[/i] have a situations when my hamburger fell apart.[/size] [quote name='Minako][B']how did you deal with it?[/B][/quote][size=1]Well, there's not much you can do about it, really. But at that certain moment when you see all of the salad fall into all direction, the sauce pooring on the table and the hamburger bouncing all over the floor, you are [i]PISSED[/i]. That was a good burger, and it's just your luck that ruined it. Gravity hates you all the way from when they let you fall on your head as a newborn. But, after a moment of being really pissed, you must clear your mind and realize that this hamburger wasn't your only chance for a hamburger, and you should just make the effort to get yourself a new one. Sure, it will cost another cow it's buttcheek, but you will have the satisfaction of eating a good burger after all. Besides, you can always ask someone else to get you one, because you don't always have to face the world on your own. Apparently, "no man is an island".[/size]
  3. [size=1][b]The Revelation[/b] Today, DeadSeraphim discovered and revealed to the world my real identity. I am, in fact, Inside Out Guy. Part - and oldest - of the Inside Out Triplets. Even though I'm 598 seconds older than Inside Out Boy, my parents always prefered him, which caused me to turn into what they call "The Evil Twin", because well... Nobody likes Inside Out Lad, so he's just plain ignored. I highly suspect him of crawling out of that cave of his and take over the world with his tools (he's the most nerdy/technical of us three), though. [b]The Reason[/b] Anyway, back to the point. I am [b]Inside Out Guy[/b] and I am proud of it. I have hid my identity for so long, because I wanted to think over a plan to use my inside out powers to conquer the world and throw Inside Out Boy off his throne. I've been in one of the Dr. Phil shows before, but instead of him supporting my world domination act, he asked me if this wasn't a way to draw my parents' attention. NO, IT'S NOT. I'M EVIL AND BETTER THAN INSIDE OUT BOY AND I'LL PROVE IT. JUST YOU WAIT, BALD IDIOT. AND YOUR MUSTACHE IS STUPID. That's when I got mad and laid the studio to ashes. Yeah, so that's the reason why I hid my identity. [b]The Topic[/b] ... Ahem, anyway. I'm Inside Out Guy, but who are [i]you[/i], what are [i]your[/i] powers and why do [i]you[/i] hide your identity? We're one happy family here (except for DigitalBoy2007, no idea what he is), so don't be afraid of revealing your real identity here. And if you know someone else's secret identity, feel free to reveal theirs too. [b]Known Real Identities[/b] [list][*][b]Boo[/b] actually is [b]Inside Out Guy[/b]! [*][b]DigitalBoy2007[/b] actually is [b]Tical[/b]/[b]Conrad[/b] who actually is [b]Seaman[/b]! [*][b]DeadSeraphim[/b] actually is [b]Batman[/b] [i]and[/i] [b]Jennifer Lopez[/b]! [*][b]Desbreko[/b] actually is [b]Link[/b]! [*][b]Mr. Maul[/b] actually is [b]Robot Cheney[/b]! [/list][/size]
  4. [quote name='Sojiro47][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Impact]What about all those other kickass guys who [i]don't[/i] smoke in the movies? Are you trying to tell me, Boo, that even though the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles don't smoke, when a kid sees Indiana Jones light up, it becomes ok to smoke? Thats a 4:1 ratio against smoking, brought to you by the movies. That's got to be one [COLOR=black]BADASS [/COLOR] "1".[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote][size=1]Eh, Indiana Jones is kickass, TMNT are not kickass. So yes, 1 beats 4. Besides, nobody wants to steal a turtle mutant's style, while a lot more people would like to walk around like a nonchalant smoking Johnny Depp, for example. Nerdsy pretty much said what needed to be said about your silly post, anyway. [/size][quote name='Sojiro47][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Impact]Just because there is smoking in a movie does [COLOR=Black][b]not[/b][/COLOR] mean that the childern watching ar going to smoke. [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [size=1]No it doesn't, but you should at least consider the possibility. And please, for the sake of all that the pope considers to be holy, don't post with such a horrific font and colour.[/size]
  5. [quote name='Sojiro47][color=darkgreen] I [COLOR=Black][B]don't[/B][/COLOR'] think that people are going to smoke because it's in the movies, but rather because when they come home from the movies, their parents are doing it.[/color][/quote][size=1]I'm sorry, but if some kid sees a really kickass person on TV who he totally wants to be, because kids want to be people they see on TV, and that kickass person is smoking, I think you may consider the possibility that that kid might make the connection between "kickass person" and "smoking" rather quickly.[/size]
  6. [size=1]Perhaps we should consider starting off a new Graphics Worm each annually or something. One of the reasons would be that White made sure that he marked the current one with [b]2006[/b] at the start. :rolleyes: And well, we might as well make a fresh start if we get it hosted up somewhere else again. Just an idea.[/size]
  7. [size=1]Whee, an art thread. We're getting somewhere. Go you! :P - [b]Bliss[/b] - The colours are awesome and the stock is too. Though I think the stock and the text are placed too far from each other and kind of mess with the focus on the banner. Maybe replacing the text to somewhere else would fix this issue. - [b]Serenity[/b] - I'm not liking the red cross. - [b]Bloodlust[/b] - Rather cool. The text for "Bloodlust" looks really good on it, though the subline "is it a sin or a blessing" is really hard to read. The colour of the text is okay, but I'd prefer it in a more readable size. The stock looks great, though the grey in it doesn't come back in the banner, which is a pity. - [b]beautiful sin[/b] - Eh... I'm really not digging this. It looks sort of cheap. The background seems to be just texturized. And why is there still a black line of a piece of cloth left of the big head? - [b]heartache[/b] - Lovely, just lovely. The only things I don't like are the side borders, left and right. I'd love to see the original stock. The pretty swirly things in the background fit in really well, along with the text, though it's kind of hard to read. Great job! - [b]random[color=gray]burst[/color][/b] - Not really a big fan of this one. The background is really soft, though the sprite is pixely - which seems to clash. The black and white of the text doesn't see mto come back in the rest of the banner, so I would have prefered to see a black (and white) border instead of this... original... purple one. - [b]Sweet Sacrifice[/b] - Good use of colours on this one. The text is cool too, though the spacing in "Sweet" is rather much. There are odd pixely things through the banner, which I don't really like, but the overall feeling is good. - [b]Seduction[/b] - I love the text and the colours that you've used for this banner. Maybe the whole thing could've been a little less sharp? Because now it looks a bit sharper than I think it should. Maybe it's the result of a texture or whatever else you used on it. The overall thing is awesome, though.[/size]
  8. [quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray'] After a while of posting art with zero to two replies, it sort of just gets boring. No one wants to create a thread that will get nothing in reply, and no one here is probably passionate about art to not care. Forums are made for discussion.[/color][/quote][size=1]There is no discussion possible without a subject. So if everyone refuses to make threads because of the possibility to have no replies, there won't ever be any discussion going on and this forum will remain dead. You're not going to the vet whining about your pet dying if you didn't even bother feeding it, now are you? Please - everybody here - don't complaint about this forum being dead if you go to other forums/deviantArt to show off your art (and won't post it here). Don't be afraid of a little amount of replies. Besides, I've always learned that if you do good to others, they do good right back at you. In other words: Post in peoples threads, they feel as if they need to do the same very often.[/size]
  9. [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif][size=3][quote name='Treble']Also, as 2007DigitalBoy have mentioned, sometimes I feel that this place is more dominated by graphic art designs than the general art stuff, like drawing, painting, ceramics, photography, etc. For instance, there seems to be more topics on requesting avatars and banners than people posting their own artwork. Of course, I do not have anything against graphic art since I do love to look at graphic designs, and I look forward to learning more about it someday, but I would love to see more variety in art mediums.[/quote]There are really plenty of traditional art threads in the Art Studio. All of the graphics requests are all in the sub forum for requests. That they are dominating there is rather logical, as people request mainly graphics. Drawings are not really things you would request very often, while banners and avaters often change by the month. Eh one thing that might work to at least give the impression that the Art Studio is alive, is stop making art threads where you will post all of your art. Seperate threads don't immediatelly make the Art Studio all messy or anything. If anyone disagrees on this, you're just sabotaging the Art Studio. Another good point would of course be: just post your art, regardless of how many replies you get. What stops you from posting a new splashpage you made? Who cares if you get only two replies? The little amount of art posted here is at least as frightening as the amount of replies they get. Now people seem to always wait with posting until they have a whole load of art that they all post at once (if they post at all). [b][i]Nobody wants to comment on twenty banners[/i][/b]. By the way, I still really want to build up a spriting community to at least see how well it will do. In the past everyone just posted in that one spriting thread. There'd be new pages everyday, which is why a spriting forum was brought up. But as soon as people had to make threads to show off their art, it got a lot less attractive. Especially if they're new. They used to just be able to make a simple post with their recoloured Megaman, now they had to make... [i]a thread[/i]. *gasp* I'm straying from the subject. More frequent tournaments would be fun, but then we'd have to be more certain of an artist base here. Right now we aren't, as nobody shows their face, let stand their work, here anymore. I don't agree on the tutorial part, though. At least not how they were done last time, with each thread seperately. You'll want to combine them all in one thread, as new posts, not as links to other threads. A sticky thread even, please. Now they were just threads flying around with no particular order. The idea was nice though. Retribution, or any other staff member, can't do much about the current situation, except stimulating and suggesting slightly. It will mainly have to come from the artists themselves. Just post a thread with a piece of art once in a while, regardless of the replies. They'll come in time, once we have a larger artist community like we did in past years. *has to go now* Whee.[/size][/font]
  10. [quote name='Hylian']LOL. You know that Famous and infamous mean the exact same thing right? Kinda redundent >_>. And wow many of you have been here for a long time and I'm sure you all know each other pretty well ^_^.[/quote][size=1][b]Famous:[/b] Positive - for example: Johnny Depp. [b]Infamous:[/b] Negative - for example: [strike]George W. Bush[/strike] Osama Bin Laden.[/size]
  11. [size=1]Has one of you two even heard the full album yet? Because you're both talking in past tense when it comes to the good things of the band and you both keep repeating that they're U2, even though [b]What You've Done[/b] is nothing like the rest of the album. Pardon me for attacking the stuff you listen to, but I really can't see why anyone likes that and act all prejeduice about an album you don't even know yet. [/size]
  12. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm a pretty good fan of [B]Linkin Park [/B] - I grew up listening to them. I really like [B]Meteora [/B] and [B]Hybrid Theory[/B']. Just about everything I liked about those albums, though, you basically just said they took out. And that single sucks, which says something about the album, and plus all the things you said. They have become U2, it's DISGUSTING.[/COLOR][/quote][size=1]How did I never notice that you were Tical? It's so obviously you, the git. I'm really sick of people whining about the album based on that one single and expecting a band to stay at the same level of music for three albums straight. Boohoo, people improve while you don't. Besides, I didn't say they took things out. I said they don't overdo it as much as before. This album is a lot more clean and controled than what we've heard before of Linkin Park, and they got rid of the teeny angsty-emo lyrics. So yes when you consider that you prefer crap over music like I've noticed in other threads, this album probably isn't much good for you.[/size]
  13. [size=1][center][IMG]http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/1826/lpm2mnf9.png[/IMG] [ [url=http://www.linkinpark.com][b]LINKIN PARK OFFICAL SITE[/B][/url] ] [b]MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT TRACK LISTING:[/b][/center] [indent][list=1][*]Wake [*]Given Up [*]Leave Out All The Rest [*]Bleed It Out [*]Shadow Of The Day [*]What I've Done [*]Hands Held High [*]No More Sorrow [*]Valentine's Day [*]In Between [*]In Pieces [*]The Little Things Give You Away [/list][/indent] Minutes to Midnight is the new album by Linkin Park, that has been scheduled for release at the 15th of May, 2007. Which is in ten days. The date is drawing nearer and nearer. By this time however, the album has already leaked, which was the reason for me to start this thread. I got to hear the album and must say that I think it's really great. To start, it's more open than the past few albums. By revamping their style, they got rid of that silly underground attitude that made no sense anymore, as they were way too popular for that. It's an a lot more clean album. Some things you'll notice quickly is that Chester's voice doesn't get dubbed as much, Joe Hahn - Turntables, Samples, Beats - has a lot less influence in the songs, as well as the lack of rapping by Mike Shinoda. In fact, the song [b]In Between[/b] on Minutes to Midnight is [i]sung[/i] by Mike himself. How's that for a change? Don't be afraid, he still raps on some songs (for example [b]Hands Held High[/b], which sounds very Mike). There's a bunch of songs on the album like [b]Bleed It Out[/b] and [b]No More Sorrow[/b] that are really catchy and I'd even consider them more solid than what we've heard of Linkin Park before. There are also more calm songs on the album (for example [b]Shadow Of The Day[/b]), which are quite refreshing after two albums of mainly beat-driven raps and yelling (which I don't mind listening to, but I don't really need a third album filled like that in my list of CDs). Though the first song on the album ([b]Wake[/b] is an instrumental introduction of about 1,5 minutes): [b]Given Up[/b] is very comparable to their old sound and includes a very impressive 17 second shout by Chester. Some of the songs didn't really strike me at first, but they just needed to grow on me. If there'd be a song that I would skip in the album, it'd probably be [b]Valentine's Day[/b] which is just the least powerful one. Either that one or [b]In Pieces[/b] which has a really odd beat in it right from the beginning. Eh, I will stop about it now. :whoops: I say that this album is really worth looking forward to and I'm definatelly going to buy it when it comes out. [b]PS:[/b] There was already a thread, but it was dedicated to the first single and filled with silly speculations based solely on that single. I wanted to create a new - prettier - thread for the album itself.[/size]
  14. [QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]Not really in a tier- Sarcastic arguers: Dead and not too many others. Sometimes they have a point to make, most of time they just have something sarcastic or witty to say.[/color][/QUOTE][size=1]This group sounds like loads of fun. :) I think that group of arguers is going under an other name, but I can't really remember it from the top of my head.[/size] [quote name='DeathKnight][color=crimson']The name "Juuthena" probably doesn't ring too many bells amongst newer members ...[/color][/quote][size=1]Which is a capital crime.[/size] [size=1]Last February I spent a whole night crying that I already have been at OtakuBoards for five years. The next morning I woke up realizing that it could be a lot worse. I'd mention names, but I don't want DigitalBoy2007 to feel attacked. Oh, and ussually I'm the fad, when I'm not sharing my throne of popularity with James.[/size]
  15. [size=1]Boris. People never really prenounce it wrong, though often I have to repeat my name at least once for the other to recognize it. Eh... Every once in a while someone finds out that "Boris" rhymes with "clitoris", but it's so unoriginal that they don't use it more than once. The name people seem to have trouble with is my last name. It's the Dutch word for "writer": Schrijver. Somehow people always understand it wrong and think I said "Schrever", WHICH ISN'T EVEN A WORD. The stupid thing is, after it happened once I always say the "ij" part extra obvious. That's about it... Well, as far as things go that people from outside the Netherlands would be able to understand.[/size]
  16. [size=1]#1 "Your honour's mother!" [quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial]#1: "I say....[I]NO DEAL!!![/I']" [/FONT][/quote] Funnily enough, this whole week I'm to be seen in the dutch Deal or no Deal show. Sitting in the audience that is. I got money for it. :x[/size]
  17. [quote name='Cat14']In rock music I dislike Fall Out Boy. In most of their songs I can't even understand what they are saying and when I do understand a little of what they are saying it just doesn't make since when I put the song together.[/quote][size=1]It's obvious what they sing. [url=http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=4430048168587195627&q=dance+dance+real+lyrics]"Tits, tits"[/url], of course.[/size]
  18. [quote name='James']It began somewhat awkwardly - several members joined after the RPG commenced and several members were also kicked out within the first few pages.[/quote][size=1]I remember that they wouldn't even let me in the RP, but I had no clue about it so I didn't get why my posts disappeared the whole time. :whoops:[/size]
  19. Boo

    The Ultimate RPG

    [size=3]Ooo, awesome. The ultimate RP. Well, for starters, it'd not be a "RPGame", but a "RPStory" (or just a �RP�). I want to have the feeling that we, the players, are writing one awesome and intriguing story together. The term RPG sounds more as if you�re just in the story to spend your time, instead of that you�re in it so you can work on that awesome and intriguing story. Woosh. Okay, there�s a lot of different perfect RP�s in my book, but what I at least find important is that there�s not a low limit on sign-ups. All of the good writers get in. The bad ones don�t, unless they get some awesome training soon. What I�d ask for in the sign-ups would be mainly originality. No clich� characters, unless they�re [i]perfectly[/i] clich� and thereby add to the story. The more good players, the merrier. There�s no fun in having a small number of players in your RP, unless nobody else signs up and then you should just not close the sign-ups. The setting may vary a lot per RP. I don�t have a precise setting that would be the ultimate setting. Just as long as it�s not one of those school RP�s. I can�t stand school RP�s. I want the setting to be exciting and have great possibilities. It shouldn�t be exactly based on the real world of 2007 either. There should be some twist, at least. Maybe a small alteration like a big nuclear war that�s scorched the whole planet except for Australia. Who knows? What I do know for sure is that I absolutely adore epic situations and such. There should be a major climax somewhere in the RP. A climax that makes even the players themselves go �woooow�. This climax should come along with a story that makes the players [i]want[/i] to write and read posts. That they sit at their desks at school waiting for the bell to ring so that they can go home and check on the RP. Enthusiasm from both the starter and the participants is key to a great RP. Right now I�m thinking of creating a massive steam punk influenced RP that plays in the future of this world. Thus, it�s still based on a bit of realism. It�d involve settings that, after actually making up the story, reminded me a tiny bit of Final Fantasy VII. There would probably be no post order or anything in this story. At the same time I�m thinking over the possibilities of having the OtakuBoards community rewrite great plays like [i]Romeo and Juliet[/i]. Each participant would have their very own style of rewriting it (comedic, sci-fi, fantasy, present, etc. Anything [i]but[/i] the original style, which only the storyteller will use) and here counts the: �the most original get in�-rule. This would probably need a chapter system to work things out well. Or well, in this case it�d be an �Act� system. It�s not really an RP, but it does belong in the same line. As you can see, these ideas don�t look anything like each other, but both are incredibly appealing to me. The first one because it probably will have incredible clich�s, but it�d also involve anarchism and all sorts of mind games. The second idea because I think it�d be original and lot�s of fun to create it. Therefore it�s sort of hard to actually what the ultimate RP would look like, but I�ve got enough points that I�ll look at. I like stories of RPs when they run deep and are detailed. A story developing is one of the most awesome thing � if not [i]the[/i] most awesome thing � about writing, reading and such. Euh, and now I�m losing track of myself. Well, if I think of anything else to write, I�ll edit this post. Great idea to post this thread. It might prove very useful for future RPs.[/size]
  20. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]1. [B]White People[/B']. Some of yall are okay, but as a whole, I just can't stand white people. Our race is a bastard. I mean seriously, while a lot of us here on OB belong to the cool part of white people, that's only a tiny fragment of white people as a whole, especially in the US. White people as a whole need to get their act together.[/COLOR][/quote] [size=1]You're such an American civilian. :)[/size] [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]10. [B]White chocolate[/B']. It just isn't very good.[/COLOR][/quote][size=1]Shush, you fool. You don't know what you're talking about. You don't even like music. You have no right to speak about holy matters. At first the 'white' thing was laughable, but now it's become dead serious. [b]Conclusion:[/b] You are a discriminating being with awful taste. [i]Edit[/i]. And I bet you put back cartons of milk with only a bottom of milk left.[/size]
  21. [quote name='Gavin][SIZE=1']And here I thought you were cool Boo... ;)[/SIZE][/quote][size=1]Duh. I prefer blackjack, just for fun. I have too many people around me, who I don't want anything to do with, who play poker. A game of poker isn't horrible, but ruining it for everyone who's cool by hyping it this much, that's horrible. Your latest post I have to agree with, though. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Sandy Jim Morrison Smokers DeadSeraphim Hair dressers[/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE] Some very important ones that I left out. Thanks, Alan. Also, I'd like to add, inspired by "people who like good cooking": People who like smelly cheese and say 'the worse the cheese smells, the better it is!'. [/size]
  22. [size=1]Well, picking a study is a rather large pain. I picked the wrong study last year ("Digital Communication") and ended up dropping out halfway this year. The study was horrid, and at least half of the people in my year thought it was. But most of them just wanted to finish this year before dropping out, so they'd get their "[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propedeuse][b]propedeuse[/b][/url]". I know I didn't have enough stimulation to actually make it through the year so I didn't even try. Relationship wise... well... Perhaps it's best to sing a song regarding that issue. [i]Lights fade out and a pool of light appears on stage. The orchestra sets in.[/i] 'When I was seventeen it was a very good year.' Though maybe this year is a bit too well for me, because now I'm having trouble deciding which girl to actually go for. On one side there's a girl from Germany, who has a lot of the same taste and everything, but she lives waaay in the farthest corner of her darn country. On the other side there's the girl who lives nearby (well, about a half hour ride), thus the a bit more 'realistic' choice. Of course, I've never chosen for a 'realistic' choice before as I despise the term, but perhaps I should consider it once. Oh well, I always have a back up plan, because I'm [i]that cool[/i].[/size]
  23. [size=1]Hairstyle two is from [b]Pokémon[/b]. The character's name would be [b]Brock[/b]. And here I thought I wouldn't be able to guess anything in this event. 8D[/size]
  24. [quote name='Nerdsy][color=deeppink']Yeah, I also hate when people discriminate against the elderly.[/color][/quote][size=1]The thirteen to forty part was actually quoted from one of those people that I dislike. :rolleyes:[/size]
  25. [quote name='Raiyuu]You know what's even worse? When they [i]aren't[/i] a social retard. You know. Those guys that see every girl between thirteen and forty as a sex partner [i]and can actually get them[/i'].[/quote][size=1]Thank you very much. :( [color=#EDEDED]Just kidding, yee of little faith in me. >_>[/color][/size]
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