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Everything posted by Boo

  1. Boo


    [url]http://apoco.250free.com/Startuhr2.png[/url] Oki heres my 4th WP ever. The minors i see: in scanlines; his foot aint scanlined, and the color of the scanlines switches weird. the char: Some parts shine through the char and some parts have wpe's (white pixel edges ^_^) bweh.... C&C please
  2. Tis' pretty nice m8. The test is nicely placed in the light and i like the quote. The picture seems a lil awkward but thats prolly me. Nice job name mate ;)
  3. [size=1][i]Imagine yourself lying in the grass on a small hill. Its pitch dark and the only light is the moon and teh stars up in the sky. Suddenly you see a falling star. And imagine that wishes [b]can[/b] come true when seeing a falling star. But then when your about to do a wish, you have to think. Its like thousands of wishes running through your head. And probably the most likely are wishes like loads of money or that you become a film star. Yet the star is gone before you came up with a good wish... [/i] Im sure it aint just me that has that. Like when you have 10 seconds to make a wish, you cant decide right then even though you already thought you knew it all along. My question to you is: What would you wish rigth then so imagine that you have 10 seconds or something so you dont have time to think long. And now dont gimme that BS like "World peace ^_____________^" or other stuff that are just impossible. Cause you people know as good as me that you'd never think of that right then except if your "Miss whatever-wherever-whenever" lol. Please give a little reason, why, with it too ^_~ I actually thought of a wish which i got to do soemthing for a living with either drawing or writing (or both combined ^^), because those are both hobby's of mine and i like to do it a lot. (and it has always been my dream to make a cool book =) )[/size]
  4. Yeah yeah i already cut back my Buddy list (though i still have it well hidden buhehe) but yesh some have [i]really[/i] big sigs like for instant Ticals (although hes banned oO) he has a huge buddy list but it would be less huge if he lined them up this way: Buddies: Double_B_Daigo, Spotg67, MillionKnives88, T man, Lone, Bebop, Shadow Misaki, Trigun_11, eino89, Chou Long Kai Saves a lot of space already @_@ or for instant people who do like 20 enters before they do their next piece of signature lol. [i]Something[/i] should happen alright but limits give trouble =/ [size=1]Higher people: the new look of OB rules lol (much better ^_~)[/size]
  5. The first.... well i litteraly seen the light lol. man thats so light its creapy :p well yesh darken it a little and its a damn spiffy layout (sneak peak) Second well... I dont like it that much =/... Its... Strange...
  6. Boo

    My First Banner

    now the pic is squeeshed >.< maybe take away a piece of the chin? =/ Well i tried to do a remake... The pics hard to resize though. Had to add some pixels and erase some cause they looked funny lol
  7. Boo

    My First Banner

    Ah, was the picture blue by itself? I thought you colored it or something Oo lol Forgot to say one thing though. Even though of the banners size, the picture is well placed. ^_^
  8. Oooooo very nice coloring job. If theres something i cant, its coloring. Either coloring with the pc or with the hand, its both something i never was good at. Very good job but one thing: Never ever draw me again while wearing my bunny suit >.> *secretely hands you a cookie* You'll get more of that if you promise never to do it again -__-
  9. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=445378[/IMG] [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=467872[/IMG] I mean... Look at the difference! I must say you have improved amazingly. With the first few i had something like: "Bweh, n00bish" (lol sorry but i did ^^;;) But later i got to like them better and better. like the Inuyusha one is much better than the Luigi one. Great job ^_~
  10. Ah psp, my part! lol Hmm... You pasted three pics next to eachother... Well it aint bad but not really good either... Try using other effects like changing the color of all and then go do some geometric (sp?) effects. Works fine for me ^^
  11. Yup text is pretty spiffy but you should resize it like 5 times as small and the used picture is not really high quality. But the bg with the text fits well ^_~
  12. Boo

    My First Banner

    Well ehm... its big lol. Nice quote you got there and the picture looks pretty cool too but... Change the fonts of the text and the size of the banner =/ btw: what program you use?
  13. Juujuubean or DW.... Juujuubean or DW... Well yesh eventually DW gets the most votes so i have to go for teh marshmellow queen ._. [b]Juujuubean![/B] (for those people which are pretty stupid and dont get that i mean Juuthena: I mean Juuthena >.>) Subby DW but ur too lubed (told ya i wouldnt make it to the top 7 and you would ;P)
  14. ....Sorry, but the pic in the bg sucks... -___- Dont use charcoal effects or whatever you used... If that were to change... The text is nice, and the small face is well placed...
  15. I never was good at painting ='( *goes to cry in a corner* Ehm yesh ehm... Very nice. The shading is very good and i especially like it on the wings. Something that reach far beyond my possibilities so now im going to kill you... ~Dah (lol)
  16. I always drew but the first anime drawing kinda stuff were DBZ drawings around 4th grade -_____________________- Oh no wait. I drew pokemon too 0__o Ehm yesh ehm... Round 5th grade i drew things from snakes to dragon thingies o.o I had a mistic creatures drawing book and "THE" how to draw manga book lol. Even though i never actually gained the power to draw manga >.> (i DO draw stuff thats kinda manga-ish but not really manga...)
  17. Boo


    I have astma... First time i got a real big attack was with a piyama (sp?) party at one of my friends birthdays. Didnt know i had Astma so it was damn scary to just not be able to breath. And my gym teacher is an arshole and he doesnt care a [b]f[/b] that some people have astma so they are less capable of easily breathing than others. And still i have to run 2.3 Kilometer. So ehm... Dayday. If i could decide bout it you really can have my astma I have medicines like inhaler. Emergancy one and a preventing one. Friend of mine has discs of some sort.
  18. Boo

    Latest Work

    Its not really what you call plain... its just that the banner is too small for that ammount of text ;)
  19. Well yes it looks like something in your body. The little tingeling in the back of your throught for example lol
  20. Okay this is supposed to be phoenix screaming cause of the pain and suffering in this world get it? :P V looky its a phoenix! V [IMG]http://apoco.250free.com/Phoenixproject.png[/IMG]
  21. Dragon warrior Juuthena DragonballZman Starlight Vicky Phantom ^Votes Picked from the list^
  22. Hmm.... I'd think it would more effective without the colored dagger one or when you largen her a little and put text somewhere at the right... Shippo one is very good. Simple yet brilliant. Im not really fond of the 2nd... What can i say? I like her more in the pic of your avater -_-
  23. Oh wait. His right hand is small and you can see his thumb while its supposed to be on the other side lol. Alexa's right, he looks depressed =/
  24. The WWBTMFTHOWFOB Contest, or Who Would Be The Most Fun To Hang Out With From OtakuBoards, is a contest of awesomeness or some junk like that of me and DW. We will first have you people nominate other people (you can't nominate yourself) for the voting. Then, once that evil Dragon Warrior returns from his trip on Friday, we will plot and wait 'til saturday to start voting. This gives plenty of time to nominate someone. Make sure you do! Then, when voting starts, more will be explained when that thread starts. To start nominating: [size=4][b]Very VERY important:[/B][/size] (maybe people will see it now) You can nominate only one person. Which is not yourself Just post the name and explain your choice. If you really WANT to post more, you have to chose one to nominate. You can only change it once, unless you want to vote me (j/k). So one nomination which you can change once. Please avoid the posts not related to the thread, or i'd be even more pleased to see as many as possible threads with nominations in it. Now ehm... Nominate! And to get it starting: [B]Dragon Warrior[/B] (coincidence huh? Well he forced me to nominate him so bwah lol J/K) Ehm yeah. He's ehm... darn funny... so we'd probably be laughing on the floor the whole time untill my last few brain cells pop out through my ear... and thats fun. ^_^
  25. This guy asks me to make hellalot digimon graphics so here i am showing it to you >.> first of all my latest for him in 2 versions. These are big graphics cause he requested big graphics and so he gets big graphics. You get that?! *cough* here they are: [url]http://apoco.250free.com/01.png[/url] and [url]http://apoco.250free.com/02.png[/url] then the banners: [img]http://apoco.250free.com/Takato.png[/img] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/BannerDigi.png[/img] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/henrybanner.png[/img] and then 3 kinds of rika... (the blue dots in renamon suck >.> but im too lazy to edit it and hes satisfied lol) [img]http://apoco.250free.com/Rikabanner.png[/img] [IMG]http://apoco.250free.com/Rikabanner2.png[/img] [url]http://apoco.250free.com/Rikared.png[/url] (its a bit weird cause it was pasted into a bigger sized window)
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