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Everything posted by Boo

  1. Boo

    Link Banner

    well. Its pretty nice. But there are two things: 1. overrates the OB banner size 2. The pics aint cut out too well. BTW: Its in the wrong forum ;) this is request Art&Design is for posting up banners/drawings/wallpapers etc.
  2. Boo

    Dead tree

    Pretty nice but take away the black with the title on it. ;)
  3. its realy nice, but I think you use a little to much the Enter button ;P
  4. i must say that in the beginning i didnt realy like it but later I realy liked it (also the beginning causec at the end it made more sense) bravo ;)
  5. "What the?" Knuckles ran to Tails just to hear him mumble something. "Gam....door..... Back" "It cant be... Gamma 4?" Terra jumped through the window followed by Knuckles keeping his eyes on the robot. "He better give back the emeralds" Knuckles jumped up and then shot at the robot with his fists in its direction. "or he wont survive long" [I]Knuckles rammed into the robot, making it drop the Emeralds. Quickly Sonic, who came out of nowhere, grabbed them and gave them to Tails who just revived from the hit.[/I]
  6. Boo

    more banners

    Dunno... Just found them [I]somewhere[/i] I guesse. heh ^^;;
  7. Boo

    more banners

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Psyco [/i] [B][color=teal][size=1][b]Can't you do anything else besides putting pic's of anime girls on colored screens and fading[/b][/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I didnt fade ;) and yah i know they're the same, but I am just eperimenting
  8. [IMG]http://www.boomspeed.com/apoco/08.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.boomspeed.com/apoco/09.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.boomspeed.com/apoco/10.png[/IMG] here they are They are simmiliar to the GoldenParadise ones, but... yah.
  9. Its cool. Just change the Dreamcast part out of it so it keeps its theme ;)
  10. OOC: Lets get some action going on ;) [B]IC:[/B] "So. Where to begin?" Knuckles looked over at Terra while saying it. "I dont know. We'll just have to search for Emeralds, meaning we'll probably find the guy there too." "Yeah. I guesse you're right." [I]Suddenly they stopped.[/i] "Eh... Knuckles? Are you sensing what im sensing?" "I hope not..."
  11. I just wanted to say that Poilwrath doesnt evolve into Politoed, but Poliwhirl does ;P
  12. Just a random anime girl I guesse. Dunno if its actually someone...
  13. Boo

    Card game Forum?

    Ehm. Just a suggestion but first look through the forum page before you post a suggestion ;P Cause this must be the 4th time in one page heh. James would say sumfin like that not enough peeps want it so maybe if you make a thread in the Otaku Lounge, it might turn out bigger like the Spriting forum and become its own forum :)
  14. I was just about to post about it too... I guesse [i]someone[/i] putted sumfin in so its 'host free'. (meaning no one can use OB as a host ;))
  15. Boo


    Another one :rolleyes: oh well. ooo. The emperors new groove :p i have it on Video ^^;; Ill post my DT as soon as im back from ma dad
  16. Glad so many people like it ^^;; so... Thanks. It was a quite easy bannah acctually but i guesse it turned out pretty well. heh. Allthough I like my new banner, SPX made me, better ;P
  17. 12 :rolleyes: heh. And I dont know anything bout R/S so... Q: where u get Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos in R/B/Y? (I couldnt think of any goodies at the mom)
  18. OOC: Im soo lousy at Intro's >_> _________ [B]IC:[/B] 'Good to see you again.' [I]Tails turned around and saw Knuckles standing right behind him.[/I] 'How did you get here?!' 'If you watched out better, I wouldnt be here right now.' [I]Knuckles strechted his body and then closed his eyes.[/I] 'So... Wheres Sonic?' [I]Nobody answered. And about five seconds later he opened his mouth again.[/I] 'Oh well. Its a Law of the Universe that he will always run into me. So it was and I dont think it has changed very much.'
  19. I found this picture on a site and thought i'd use it and it acctually turned out better than I suspected. [B][U]I bring you: Golden Paradise[/U][/B] [IMG]http://www.boomspeed.com/apoco/07.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.boomspeed.com/apoco/dabanner.png[/IMG] (thanks to SPX for the txt on the banner)
  20. Thanks for opening it again ;)
  21. [i]Last edited by Mztik_Gohan10 on 08-28-2001 at 07:00 PM Last edited by Psyco on 03-25-2003 at 02:55 AM[/i] ok >_> Now im gonna kill people >_> Arent I long enough on these boards to make you atleast know that I never use rolleyes or :p in a serious thread?! :nope: to SA: [I]I[/I], not anyone on this forum, but [I]I[/I] ;)
  22. What if you guys look further than ur nose is long and search on his name. He has 68 posts all in this link ;) [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/search.php?action=showresults&searchid=19600&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending[/url]
  23. [size=1]It aint badder than Mitch's banner thats for sure :rolleyes: but the last sentence dont fit to real song ya no. If you're Psyco and you know it, and you really wanna show it, [i][b]blah blah blah blah blah blah[/b][/i], stab someone. you left the part where i put blah blah blah ;)[/size]
  24. add to BC's quesy: Nidoran, (female) Nidorina, nidoqueen
  25. yep. Im with the rest of the croud
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