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About andrewan

  • Birthday 03/03/1985

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  1. Must share my swine flu close encounter story. I work at a private residential school and about two weeks ago the students were starting to get very sick. A few even hospitalized. I had to work right in the sick zone. A large number of staff got sick to varying degrees and finally one of the kids hspitalized came back as H1N1. Anyways, I take my usual 12 grams but one day all of a sudden I get really hot like a fever was starting so I loaded up a water bottle with the last of my c crystals I stored at work and I start taking 2 500mg tablets every half our. It was very strange, as though I could FEEL something trying to get hold. A couple of hot minutes, body slightly aching, you know the ache that when it begins you know the flu is going to sap you of all energy and make your bones ache. Well I start doubling my tablet intake every half hour. It would try to start up again....the heat, the threatening body ache then subside a little faster. Kind of like in waves and then headache began developing... (which I am not prone too) and which is a characteristic of swine. So the headache started close to home time and I went home and put a couple of heaping TBLSP in a glass and drank. Normally I would have been running back and forth to the bathroom with astronomical gas inbetween, but nothing happened at all except the headache lessened. Kept taking 1g to two 2g of c up til bed time which was early. Slept and woke up feeling as though I just got over something...not 100% but that feeling as though you've spent three days really sick and it's about the fifth day. Kept taking my usual 12g and extra tablets through out the day and it was over. I am POSITIVE I went through some mini swine with very little discomfort except the briefest spells and vitaming c pulled me through.
  2. [SIZE=3]Whether you are feeling all alone in the world or truly believe there are always more fish in the sea, these lovers will renew or reinfornce your faith in "love"... these are the most famous lovers in history. Do you know any others?[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]1. Romeo and Juliet[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]2. Cleopatra and Mark Antony[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]3. Lancelot and Guinevere[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]4. Layla and Majnun[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]5. Tristan and Iseult (Isolde)[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]6. Eloise and Abelard[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]7. Paris and Helena[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]8. Orpheus and Eurydike[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]9. Napoleon and Josephine[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]10. Cyrano and Roxane[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]11. Pyramus and Thisbe[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]12. Werther and Lotte[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]13. Odysseus and Penelope[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]14. Jane Eyre and Rochester[/SIZE]
  3. [LEFT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Hi Everybody, I was join forum some days ago but posting today due to time limitations. [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]hope to share ideas, make friends and contribute to this forum!! [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]learning new things, sharing informations helping others when ever possible.. I am an automobile engineering student. Looks like a great place to be. Hope to be in touch with many of you.[/SIZE][/FONT][/LEFT]
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