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About quailman25

  • Birthday 04/13/1989

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  1. Name- Lloyd Lee Age- 13 Specialty- any Pokemon. Description- Black hair, brown eyes, red t-shirt, grey jacket, jeans. Attitude- Friendly, heroic. scared of cute girls but gets along with them Team- Cyndiquil Chicorita Totodile Pichu Noctowl Primeape
  2. How about putting some games on here?
  3. 1. Lloyd Lee(me!) 2. Pure Heart 3.fresh: Diamon 4. in-training: Opimon 5. rookie: Lightmon 6. champion: Angeldramon 7. ultimate: AeroAngelmon 8. mega: Ancientdramon 9. black 13 year old. black curly hair. brown eyes. glasses. very shy with pretty girls
  4. I don't have any cards but i savin' to get them
  5. Where are me and Guilmon? Guilmon: Tell us or else! (showing his big pointy teeth)
  6. Can I be a character? Guilmon: Can I be his Digimon if so? Oy-Vey! (I'm not Jewish!)
  7. Thank you. I have enough characters for my first chapter.
  8. Thank you. Uhmm...RTT? Can I use Alphamon in the Tamer story? (Right now, I have 5 tamers including myself and my own character.) My character: Akira Li His Digimon: Agumon
  9. yes i need a pic. RTT, I will use yours.(need pic too) Now I need 5 more.
  10. I need a character(and his/her partner) for my Digimon story. :) :D :babble:
  11. I meant April 13, Sage
  12. It's next Saturday. I'll be 13. Thanx!! :D :) ;) My Favorite Digimon: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode
  13. I just want you to know that my birthday is coming soon. I need you, Cera, to throw a big Internet party for me. :D
  14. What happened on the episode when Jesse had that mask?
  15. yes Calumon Lover. Guilmon: Hi! I'm Lloyd's Digimon! Quiet, you.
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